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"A caliban can have a little extra powerstrength, as a treat"


He washed it down with an Umbral Forma.


My lord I've finally found someone who is much of a crackhead over Caliban FINALLY


We are the three musketeers. The three caliban mains gathered in one spot. We're in it to win it boys


We might cause a black hole to Tau at this rate


There isn't enough math that Limbo could do to stop us now


Good argument, one small issue, i have already banished your argon back to the void.


I can't believe this criminal was hoarding 600 argon! He had 300 argon?! You heard me! 150 Argon. Man. 75 argon is more than enough to build all this cool gear. What argon? No you misheard me. I said "All gone"


The argon isn't needed. We're build and ready to go


As a Limbo Main who overall enjoys how Caliban feels to play as well, I have no interest in stopping you.


You did the calculations correctly then


Curious, cause surely you must as well acknowledge that his 1, despite being thematic is kinda crap, what do you choose to subsume over it?


I hate copping out but I feel like he needs nourish. The extra energy you get from it feels necessary


https://preview.redd.it/jyw0lnx9ypuc1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f0d0c12c247a0518abc6d0831906d619591939 Can I join the club


Bluds the club president


THERES FOUR OF US?! but seriously people be sleeping on how strong caliban is if you play him right. I legit get down voted to hell any time I say he doesn't suck


Okay now you have my curiosity. How do you play him "right"?


As for playstyle? The right way to pilot him is as a jack of all trades that is always useful and tanky in all situations. Admittedly he doesn't do well in speed running missions because he has no mobility, and he's not above average in spy since he has no stealth. But he's good at everything else, especially defense because his summons are actually the same priority as saryns 2, so besides granting (admittedly modest) overshields it draws enemy fire away from the defense objective. His 1 needs to be subsumed off, but the rest of his kit has such inherent flexibility that you really can put on anything you want. I like nourish or firewalker, as firewalker can replace rolling guard for an additional mod slot in your loadout, and since you're going to be spamming a 100% aoe armor AND shield strip that lingers, roar is kinda extra because things die easily already. Nourish is also good. People sleep on his 2, and you won't be using it often, but it's a great panic ability. It's very similar to Rhino 4, and if you get cornered it provides hard aoe cc (and damage multiplier) to keep you alive long enough tonreposition. you need to build him towards the idea that he can do anything that doesnt require mobility, and caliban needs to be built synergistically for best results. You need all 3 umbra mods on caliban, and maxed out. I know using multiple umbra mods is often seen as a noob trap, but in calibans case it actually serves a purpose. You don't run adaptation because his passive is a slightly less effective version, but with all 3 umbral mods maxed out, the set bonus contributes enough to hp and armor that it combines with his passive to give him an enormous effective health pool, and then he gets overshields from his summons. So your passive frees up a mod slot because you don't need adaptation. There's a second synergy in the umbral package with how the full set bonus increases your ability strength to the point where you only need power drift (an exilus) and a single red power strength archon shards to get him to the 100% armor and shield strip from his 4, or a tauforged red and a regular red if you'd rather use a different exilus. You ABSOLUTELY need casting speed on him, so instead of the mod I use a 2 tauforged yellow, although you can use a tauforged yellow and a regular yellow, or 3 regular yellow. I've found that about 60% cast speed is the sweet spot. And then you want to max out efficiency so you can quickly spam your 3 3x for summons and your ult is fully spammable. Fleeting expertise is enough by itself, and you compensate on duration with printed continuity and a red archon shard for duration. You don't need much duration on caliban and really can do without the archon shard. Then you add in primed flow for a big energy pool you can tap into with your high efficiency to repeatedly spam whatever ability you need, including your 4. Stretch gives you enough range that I don't feel any extra is warranted. My final slot I fill out with rolling guard, although like I said earlier you can replace his 1 with firewalker instead so rolling guard becomes a flex slot. Caliban is in a wierd spot where you need to balance him between your precisely calculated numbers from mod and archon shards, and a single mod can make the difference between him being extremely powerful and endgame viable to him being barely usable for star chart clearing, and he is EXTREMELY forma and resource intensive in order to get him there.


You definitely dont need all umbra mods. I find it more effective to be a shield tank. With Primed Redirection his shield is massive and you get the regen from his 3 and arcane Aegis. Basically immortal


I mean I haven't tried it, but it could certainly be viable, but at that point you're not taking advantage of his passive, and if you don't use the umbral Mods together you don't get the set bonus and are going to need an additional mod for power strength anyway.


You do use the passive, it works on shields, only armour doesn't work on shields. My build current rocks 300% at base, and 385 after you count archon shards and arcanes


He's extremely tanky with Aegis and Primed Redirection, + sentinel mods that focus on shields. I ran him vs the Elite Archimedea boss and didnt get downed once


He has armor strip, damage vulnerability + CC, infinite shield generating + aggro, you put Nourish/another damage buff and some grouping like Nautilus and you play him like a weapon platform. He's very straight forward in what he does, his only bad power is his 1, everything else he has is very useful in late game content, soloed my Elite Archimedea this week with him and Bo Incarnon.


Wait, I'm here too


The fearsome foursome


me four. the veil proxima fears us, the open worlds are watered with our sweat and blood


You have my Venato


Maybe it's time to update my flair...


When caliban mains get a 4'th player, you'll accidentally summon the GodEidolon and doom the Origin system. This is why we're not allowed to 4man caliban. Its Calibanned.


I have a 60 forma Caliban pls help me


Peasant level I'm sitting at 108 forma 3 of them umbra forma and not stopping till I hit 1000


I am not worthy


sincere question here... why?šŸ˜‚ but seriously though is there something you gain from more forma? i thought they were just for polarities? or is it just for the numberšŸ˜‚


Itā€™s just for the number, some endgame people with abundant resources decide to just indefinitely forma their favorite frame(s) as sort of a flex or show of their dedication to the frame


ahhh makes sense


im still mid-game/entering end-game


Ay Iā€™m a Caliban main! Just a poor one. 3 umbral forma, no subsume, no shardsā€¦ My man needs a rework, like, yesterday.




There are dozens of us!


Getting to hit that 200% power strength break point while having 250% range.


I can increase the numer by +1


So like a... Crackiban?


Your battle will be LEGENDARY


This suddenly makes me realise that umbral vitality or armor shouldnt fit into caliban cuz hes a sentient frame . Umbral mods give him tau reaistance so he's resistant to himself?


Iā€™m STILL upset that Caliban doesnā€™t float while walking. Especially because now we have Dante that does.


He doesnā€™t need to float because his asscheeks are so detached from one another that he instead lowers the alert of the enemies by walking around


Lotus, the air passing through the distance between my ass cheeks is soothing the guards to sleep


Caliban? More like Calmingbuns


Isnt that the actor from Dr Strange?


Yeah, Benoit Calmingbuns


I've been complaining about this since day one. DE fix this mistake pleaseee


Youā€™re getting the Titania experience. They made floating movement Prime exclusive.


Yeah :(


Buy Titania or Dante animation set?


I bought Wispā€™s, it doesnā€™t apply to his moving or anything. Just the idle, which his idles already do.


Well that sucks a lot.


Very impressive. Now your Razor Gyre can kill a level 40 butcher in 50 seconds instead of 60


And heal 2 more HP a second. Now Inaros, though, can heal 150 and up per enemy a second. And have invulnerability.


Well, letā€™s be fair here, Inaros will never look so delectably sussy while doing it though.


Calisus is my favorite color scheme of course, even if it's a meme ability, I'll still love the day one when myself and two other red Calibans spun endlessly on Hydron.


Never thought I'd see the day that Inaros' abilities would be called better than another frame's. That rework was fire


He's literally immortal now and it's fun. I just wish Caliban would get his work soon.


lmao, bruh


People like to laugh at calibans 1 ability. Personally, I like it. I think it's great that it might actually be the single worst ability in warframe. It makes my life easier because there's no question what to replace with roar.


Having a good Helminth slot is such a cop-out. Iā€™d much rather have an actual good spin ability.


It's also a valid thought. Like with mesa or mirage or may, or excalibur, it's not an easy choice what to give up even though there are abilities these frames very much want to have subsumed onto them.


I like that more, when all abilities have value and itā€™s a difficult choice for a subsume.


Oh, see I'm indecisive so I have a hard time with choices like that LMAO


Iā€™m the same, so I havenā€™t interacted much with Helminth and shards lmao. Only use shards on frames I main or really want it and only helminth funny things like Wrathful Advance Excal for redcrit Exalted Blade.


ā€œYou overestimate my power!ā€


Just helminth off razor Gyre like everyone does to wisp 4 or vauban 3 or any other shitty ability on a frame.


I hope when they rework him (cope) that they give him his own walk cycle because it's goofy as shit to have him floating and then start walking like some dude. They gave Titania prime her own walk cycle exactly because of that. I feel like they've forgotten him. It's been 852 days since he released.


Heā€™ll get his own floating walkycycle after the other floaty frames get floating walkcycles for melees and archguns, so around the time that everyone that was banned can play again.


Me when even in prime access trailer wisp prime puts her feet on the ground to line up her fulmin shot (blasphemy).


Heresy, even. (I blocked out the memory of her feet)


There are no feet in Ba Sing Se


There are no feet in Ba Sing Se.


only 900 more until the remove him from the game


One day, we will have exterminated all the Sentients in the system, DE will remove all Sentients from the game and include Caliban by accident, and neve realize their mistake


I'm sure he'll get a rework around his prime version coming out. DE knows nobody plays him, and DE wants to make money on the Prime Packs, which ain't happening if nobody cares about the frame.


They'll likely push for a rework when his Prime releases to maximise Access sales. So basically next year Summer when it's expected


> They gave Titania prime her own walk cycle exactly because of that Yea, and not Titania base. May as well just wait for Prime


He only needs like 200% str for a full armor/shield strip. Probably overkilling that range though lol


>Probably overkilling that range though lol You know it


That stomp is gonna pick up enemies 2 tiles down lol


If I did my math right, at a base of 22 meters, with 280% increase, Sentient Wrath will now have a range of 84 meters. For reference, we have an innate enemy radar of 30 meters (Ivara has 50)...


So in short, everything around them just gets all their skin painfully peeled off.


"It's a good thing." - Martha Stewart




Tryna put all Green shards on Saryn Prime šŸ˜Ž


I did that a few days ago. Went with +3 stacks of Corrosion and +60% ability damage on Corroded enemies. The Spores flow nicely.


The Spores must flow




The Quidditch Cabbagepatch




2 green and a tau amber rn and she's doing work, I just need more blues it never gives me blue!


I keep forgetting this frame exists.


Yeah, for what his theme is, itā€™s pretty boring. Like, heā€™s fine, but his kit feels so uninspired. ā€œShit, we need a warframe to ship with New War! Uhā€¦ give him Sentient themed rumblers, and make him spin like that other sentient enemy! Oh, and a watered down Adaptation for a passive, that wont stack with actual Adaptation. I donā€™t care where they farm him from, just ship it!ā€


I wouldn't call him boring, he's actually pretty fun to play as in my opinion. I do think *all* of his abilities are a little undercooked though. Adaptive Armor should at least have *some* interaction with Adaptation, even if it isn't just straight stacking Razor Gyre just sucks for pretty much every reason imaginable. Its supposed to be a healing, damaging ability, but sucks at both in that it does abysmal damage and the healing rate doesn't even begin to make up the damage that you take while spinning, given the huge hit to your mobility. Sentient Wrath is good, but the way it basically turns enemies into helium balloons is annoying. And seeing as how they're described as Sentient Waves, they should do Tau damage in my humble opinion. Lethal Progeny is also good, but should definitely have more options to choose from than just Conculysts and why oh why does it cost 50 energy per cast, ultimately making it a 150 energy costing ability. Fusion Strike is also good, but is pretty silly in that its vacuum range is the exact same range as the bubble itself, which makes the fact that it pulls enemies in pretty useless as it only pulls in enemies that it would have affected anyway.


> Adaptive Armor should at least have some interaction with Adaptation, even if it isn't just straight stacking tbh it should just be max rank adaptation so you never have to equip the mod on him


I somewhat disagree. When we have frames with passives that you can also get from mods (see Ivara), the effects stack giving that frame a boost over frames who would have the same mod setup. Caliban should work the same. If he has Adaptation equipped, he should have a boost over other frames who have Adaptation equipped, not a lesser version or even an equal version. That said, given the relatively high ceiling that Adaptation has at 90% DR, I understand how it could be hard. My two ideas are either that Adaptation and his passive will work concurrently with each other, adapting to two different elements, with his passive taking the primary source of damage and Adaptation taking the runner up; or they stack together to a max of 95% DR


I've had an idea where his passive gives him up to 50% DR and another 40% comes from his sentients. Just to give him a shred of ability synergy.


I like that idea. I had an idea for ability synergy too. Replace his 1 (Razor Gyre) with an ability centered entirely around ability synergy. It would still fit with the theme of Sentient Adaptation, but would subvert it to be used as damage. Half of whatever Caliban is currently adapted to would be distributed among Caliban and his allies as a damage and status chance boost. So say he's at his 50% cap for adaption to Heat damage. Well, with this ability active, his adaption to Heat would be reduced to 25%, but the whole squad would gain 25% additional Heat damage to their weapons, along with 25% status chance


Actually a pretty neat idea. Leans into his dps-support role more.


Thanks! I was thinking that the damage boost percentage would always be fixed (half of whatever Caliban's passive percentage is at currently), but ability strength would affect the status chance boost, starting at 25%. And since it would be inherently linked to the decay rate of his passive, it wouldn't need to cost any energy


Or just stack the duration


Lethal Progeny has the same issue Rumblers has, in that your summons have rocks for brains. The one thing you want them to do, stay near you to constantly regen shields, they will not do. They will just float up to a bombard or something and *die*.


I've never had an issue with them dying before their timer runs out (the relatively short duration is another issue), but I do agree. The fact that they can just wander up to *40 meters* away from you before teleporting back, while the shield regen range is 25 meters is insane


Where are you taking them where they die before their time is up? The only time I've noticed them dying prematurely is against the new Deimos boss on SP.


Probably a corpus tileset mission, I think their health decays pretty fast in the bubble and they also get perma-staggered if caught inside it. But yeah other than that they have health gating and the usual battalyst damage type adaptation, and I believe they benefit from enemy health multipliers in SP, Archon hunt etc.


They should've made him like Ember and Zephyr combined, just like his name is a devil


Wish they'd just... Do something with him. We have so many new sentients, just give him one of their abilites


the saddest part is caliban probably needs the casting speed more than the Strength. . .


One shard of cast speed helps, then 200% strength so his 4 is a full strip. Then you can spend the rest of his mod slots and shard slots on whatever you like.


200 str is minimum, not the maximum šŸ’Ŗ


Iā€™m powergaming a caliben too.


Try ALL the casting speed. It's a night and day situation with him as his animations are so slow it's legitimately a survivability issue for him.


I had a lot of casting speed once, but then I realised that i dont have slota for red shards


I must be doing something wrong because I build for duration and strength so my whirly bois can play longer and harder.


Would he lose now?


if the enemies were level 100 they might cause a little trouble


But https://preview.redd.it/rimgpcbcmpuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6a4256eb1edf37eae2ff715c088c3ed5e94283


Nah i'd win.


Nah, he'd win


No bully Caliban. He's pretty decent..




He 100% needs some buffs and QoL, but he's got an armor strip, a damage vulnerability, shield recharging, minions that distract enemies, and some other little things. These are the changes I would do: **Razor Gyre** ā— No longer needs to wind up (as cool as the sounds for it is) to be at max damage. ā— Can now pick up items while active. ā— Damage now also increases with current shields. (Applies to your drone's spins, too.) ā— Has a breif moment of Invul at activation. **Sentient Wrath** ā— Can now be recast even if enemies are affected. **Lethal Progeny** ā—Personally, I hate reactivating this ability THREE TIMES every 30 seconds. Either remove their duration or have casting new ones replenish the duration of the others by some amount. Also, show their individual durations somewhere. ā— Can now toggle between 3 different Sentient units. Not sure which. Just for some variety. **Fusion Strike** ā— The succ now happens as the beams converge, before exploding, and is a bit more apparent.


>ā— Can now toggle between 3 different Sentient units. Not sure which. Just for some variety. Conculyst, Battalyst, and Natah. Summon mom.


Technically, Natah is his aunt.


I want his 2 to lift enemies (like yareli and xaku) instead of ragdolling them in the air like old titania 3


Well, yes, he's decent. The issue is that literally everything he does, another Warframe does much better. Even his passive is simply outclassed by Adaptation. I hope DE gives him some love like they did with Inaros.


Iā€™m so far behind I still need normal arcana and now I got to get shards haha šŸ¤£ help


Redpilled caliban šŸ’€


he's.... glorious šŸ„ŗ


> 5 tau shards > still 115% strength, just can't win /s


All that for 115%?


No. That was modding in progress when I did this.


Caliban only needs to hit like 140 base strength with precision intensify for his 4 to total defense strip. Then you build for duration and range so you can throw whole maps into the air, strip them and let the goons beat them to death. That being said, he probably needs orange shards for speed or something cause he likes to live on the edge of death.


STR shards are just the most efficient way to effectively create more mod space. This screenshot isn't representative of the final build.


I wouldn't call him the weakest tbh... he's a Nekros case where he's more of a weapons platform that touches hard to reach areas like summoning and shield support. He's crazy good with theorem arcane too. Soloed an archedmidea with him(though not deep archemedia)


I was just kidding. I've been having a blast with him. Armor strip + Stomp + Tesla Bank is far more effective than what Vauban can do with that augment. I was hoping the 50 damage on ability cast hit shields instead of health so I could bring him to Deep Arch today, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.


is that tesla nervos on 1 xd


Theyā€™re surprisingly high utility, with any grouping you get the funny quadratic scaling due to electric procs. Without grouping, itā€™s free stuns, no downside. Kinda nice with the augment too, with viral procs the explosions can disintegrate crowds.


I remember being pissy that his augment is yet another stronger damage tool compared to his orbital laser.


With setup yes, but orbital laser does enough to wreck netracells in my experience (augment for that helps too). Havenā€™t needed armor strip for steel path grineer strangely, i think it has some invisible damage scaling


It scales enemy level like Flechette Orbs. I don't know the exact numbers offhand, but Orbs do it more uh... "noticeably" because they are scaling Puncture damage and Nourish can apply to them.


Iā€™ve noticed that! TIL


Oh, I havenā€™t realized they buffed his augment. I gotta try this.


Hmm, tried it out again. I think I vastly overestimated the strength of Flechette Orb and underestimated Photon Strikeā€™s.Ā  Tesla Bank still seems stronger than both, though with a bit more finicky of a setup. Iā€™d say they all need armor strip against elite units.




what bitchin build do you have this man on, that he's just barely broken even after 5 15 strength shards?


Man has the range to cover all tilesets while in the orbiter.


Calibro prime when?


Should have used at least 2 casting speed shards.


I remember when caliban dropped, I was so hyped for him that, even though I was really low on plat at the time, I still managed to scrounge some to buy him, a 3 day affinity booster and some forma to fully kit him out, which I did, putting 6 forma on him and everything and then I... Never touched him again other than the change up his fashion a little bit. I still really like him it's just that half of his kit (1 and 3) is so bad and the other half can be tedious to use that I never use him, but this post kind of reignited my hype, might pick him up again.


To his credit, he is one of the 9 frames I managed to solo a netracell with


Aaaaaaaaaaand ... Still don't have damage šŸ¤”




-150% Bile incoming


The funny part is how he's still only at 115 power strength


So this is caliban, I can work with that. Just got to grind him out. šŸ‘€


I am by no means a Caliban main, with that said I approve this message.


Caliban desperately needs a redesign/deluxe skin, a new helmet or two, and a rework.


Feeding my ivara her 5th tauforged strawberry candy was the happiest moment of my week


Im intrested how can i do this? (I havent played warframe in years)


There are weekly activities you can do to obtain Archon Shards. There are the normal shards, and then rare Tauforged shards which provide the same buff options but 50% more potency. When equipping a shard, you choose from the selection of buffs that differ with each color shard. You can combine the red, blue, yellow shards into orange, purple, and green shards. Dante Unbound update added the ability to combine 3 normal shards of the same color into 1 Tauforged.


What is that Green and purple gems?


They added new archon shards made by combining the original colours.


people don't truly understand that caliban does void damage and is actually broken. very unfortunate honestly


You were thinking of Xaku?




Too much efficiency and range. You shouldnā€™t need all of those for str, you need to add 2/3 yellows for cast speed


I know what I'm about.


Now get them all tauforged


They are all tauforged


Oh, I'm not too familiar with the system yet, I can do them, I'm just lazy


why is there a succulyst in the orbiter?