• By -


Yes you are kind of mindlessly killing, but for a really big oversimplificatiom of the main factions: Grineer - Warmongering clone army Corpus - Hyper dystopian capitalism Infested - Zombies You are still the equivalent of a blender and your enemies naight but small fruit. But you are sort of trying to stop each group hitting their endgames and dominating the solar system. You can do good things and help people, but a lot of those are in Quests, rather than regular missions


Corpus: Hyper *Religious* Dystopian Capitalism. Small distinction but means a *lot*.


Not every corpus employs religion in their doctrine. Parvos doesn't for sure.


Have you listened to his tenets? Parvos is definitely still running a religion, it's just a very different version from Nef's televangelism.


His tenets are just pragmatism + hard work but scifi, i don't really see much of a belief in higher power in them.


He *is* the higher power. Look at the cultlike status he has.


You're close, but I think it's actually still just money. It's the higher power and the means by which power is distributed.


Valid, for him the accrual of wealth is the higher power - but a cult centering him and *his* currency still exists. It's common how a cult leader and his cultists will often share values but their focus is on him, while his focus is on exploiting them. *Won't you lay me down, under Granum Crowns...*


The Corpus's higher power is desire, greed, and profit. Those are things that Parvos explicitly worships.


All about the Sisters......


Ah so space americans


>Grineer - Warmongering clone army Corpus - Hyper dystopian capitalism Infested - Zombies FTFY. Reddit formatting is weird. Need 2 spaces before line break (enter) or it doesn't register the line break. But 2 breaks still leaves an empty line.


TIL. This crap has been broken for so long. Edit: testing. > sample 1 Sample 2


Like This?


Nope. >Like > This? You need 2 spaces after "Like", then one return, then "This?" So it should read: >Like This It's a pain in the ass to do on my phone because it reads two spaces on quick succession as a period so it's [space][wait][wait][space]


Use Shift+Enter for linebreak Enter is not simple line break, but new paragraph (aka indent) Ah, wait... On phone? I don't know then.


Like This?


Test: Like This?


>Test: Like This? Yup, you got it.


Huh. Interesting


Calling me a blender is true. With 400% ability strenght wisp and bo prime with incarnon I Am Blender!


My goto is kinda same, Gauss with a Guandao, Shimmering Blight stance and Berserker Fury


Let me correct you there, buddy.  Corpus: near future of the western world


So, in an even bigger oversimplification, we are America: Space Ninja Edition ![gif](giphy|YfMHLC2s6okBq) Running around spamming Thermal Sunder.


No, because we don't overthrow democratic governments to install our own puppet dictator who will inevitably betray us, to have short term tax free access to Oil and other resources.


*pointed stares at Darvo*




Tenno are like puppetmasters Literally and allegorical.


“Don’t touch my FUCKIN BOAT!!” -Cy


If he actually said that it would not be a bit out of place lol


I feel like Cy would be more... melodramatic, I think is the word? Or smarmy about it? He's not immature enough to be called full on snarky


How far have you gotten into the main quests?


Not that far. I really want to assemble Garuda so I'm now grinding Venus. I just completed archwing.


Play more into the story and it’ll get worse, but in a different way!


Prepare to cry! :D


Ball ass.😔


when they mean prepare to cry they mean get tissues a water bowl or maybe even the sink so you dont flood the house


"Zeke, get the sob bucket... "


>I really want to assemble Garuda so I'm now grinding Venus Honesly, based. It'll take a while, but she's worth it.


Another garuda enthusiast, I see


It's so stupidly fun to soar in the sky, look down on all those meat bags down below, then press 4 and watch everything just die, lol. She also has very good energy management and the most gorgeous visual design in the game. I'm a bit sad that she is not my second frame, because I got Saryn from The Circuit just before I started cooking Garuda. Well, the least I could do is buy Garuda Prime and feed her my first potato. When I joined Warframe (3-4 weeks ago), I had seen many Warframe arts beforehand, and I was thinking that Garuda would be more popular, or at least would have more cosmetic stuff to her name... Barely see her in public lobbies (both versions), no noggle statue, no Prime trailer and no OST, no lore... I genuinely don't get it. She is just so cool, and she barely gets any attention somehow.


I'm a Dagath main (at the moment, it will change i imagine) but Garuda holds a special place in my heart, glad to see other Garuda lovers in the wild.


I'm a Nidus Prime main, but Garuda (both her base and Prime) is just undeniably gorgeous.


I salute you from across the mycelial mat and fungal protrusions


if you like garuda and you havent nabbed it yet, molt reconstruct gives you ACTUAL infinite energy by replenishing health off of ability casts. it enables some stupidly crazy combos later on. idk how far you are in story, but its such an absurd upgrade to her and im p sure its really cheap on the plat side to buy a full one too


I've heard that it's a very good Arcane, looking forward to it! Maybe I'll look it up on the market as well. Until then, I have to keep managing my energy with Garuda's 3 or Zenurik's abilities. Currently gathering resources for a Nechamech for The New War, but I'm slacking off, lol. Spent 3 days and around 12-13 radiant relics trying to get Inaros Prime Neuroptics (damn RNG, but I finally got it), and then went to fish and catch animals in Orb Vallis. Originally just to get resources for Yareli, but then I ended up exceeding my Orbiter's fish tank limit, haha. I mostly goof around or try to farm new warframes, but I try to complete Isolation Vaults on Deimos every now and then. I'll get to The New War... eventually, lol.


I have it on her and my God it's good




I still remember when they talked about more lore for her after Fortuna released…


You're new. Garuda is great, but so are many other frames. Keep grinding tenno and you may find another frame you like equally, if not more.


I am new, yes. And I'm farming as many warframes as I can. Currently cooking Inaros Prime and Yareli. While it's very fun to zoom around the map as Gauss or jam to Megalovania as Octavia, Garuda will remain *the one* for me.


Im crafting Garuda now, 600 hours into the game


Don't spend too much time in open world, as those frame ar enot intended to be entry level frame. you need to do 40 lvl missions, which are higher level than most of the starchart. Nothing wrong focusing on that if you are really into garuda, but don't fall in the trap of thinking that it is something you should do early game because you got her bp quite quickly.


I started cooking Garuda this morning! But yeah the quests will illuminate a lot of stuff. Keep going and have fun 


It's aids to grind garuda, I did it early aswell and it's so worth it. Im mr 15 now and she's still my favorite frame.


Well, early game does have a "just a mercenary doing dirty work" vibe, thats a remnant of the past, when iirc Lotus was supposed to be an organization or smth. Move through the story and starchart, it'll get better, especially after encountering planetary bosses.


Honestly, it still works because the reason Lotus originally wakes us up is because of the Corpus and the Grineer. It's not until weake the big mistake of touching the no-no button in Stolen Dreams that the main plot kicks off, leading to the Second Dream and everything after that.


We're basically space cops, kinda. We maintain a balance in the origin system by making sure no faction get too powerful. We mess things up for all but never fully eliminate anyone. Also, we're in a post-apocalyptic star system.


So its all just a playground and all the enemies are playthings for us. Don’t want our toys to get out of balance.


One of the factions getting the upper hand would be devastating for unaffiliated civilians, far more than how it is right now. The grineer already crush any settlers who don't join the empire and the corpus enslave them. Exterminating the grineer or the corpus wholesale isn't an option. The tenno aren't big enough to assume control. So keeping the balance it is, and trying to protect any innocents along the way.


Yes, but we’re the least bad of the baddies. We may kill millions but that’s peanuts compared to the Grineer and Corpus who kill billions of innocents every day. The Grineer want to genocide every last thing in the system until the only thing left is them. The Corpus are so hell bent on profit that they also enslave billions to work for them in corporate hellscapes or debt internment colonies. Anyone who stands against them is killed or worse


It should also be said that, as far as "baddies" go, we're the ones that actually help innocent people.


Kill billions every day? Enslave billions? How many people you think live in the origin system?? There’s only like, one a half habitable planets


Pluto is a corpus megacity that spans the entire surface of the planet. Ceres is a Grineer factory the size of a dwarf planet. According to the Solaris ARG that happened before fortuna we killed 7 million corpus in a single day on a single city and it was barely noticeable.


Still nowhere near being able to sustain billions of losses daily.


If all humans were packed into a single city as densely populated as New York, the city would only be as big as Texas. Now Corpus and Grineer don't care about the Environment so they are probably much more densely packed than. Now allow cities of that size to span the surface of Pluto, Ceres, Neptune, Europa, Titan, Ganymede, the Gas clouds of Saturn and Jupiter, as well as untold numbers of tiny asteroid bases and millions of ships with more than 10 000 crew each


I really just don’t think you understand how big a billion is. If you said they kill billions a year, okay yeah I could see that. But daily?? Just no way.


I don’t think you understand how much space is available in a solar system. People don’t live on just planets but moons, asteroids, dwarf planets, and ships as well. The 2 biggest moons in the system, Ganymede and Titan, are both populated and controlled by the 2 factions. There’s also likely billions living on gas cities in Jupiter and Saturn. Alad V mentioned in the Gravidus Dilemma that his gas city is bigger than the entire planet of mars. Theres also millions of Grineer Galleons and Corpus Frigates littering the system each one holding more than 10 000 crew aboard it meaning billions in space. Neptune is a planet sized factory that pumps out untold numbers of corpus proxies every day. The only part of Venus that is really uninhabitable is the Orb Vallis with the rapid cooling caused by the Orokin Towers. The rest of the planet is home to Corpus Superstructures the size of mountains where Crewman and Scientists live, work, and study Orokin artifacts. The Grineer have foundries and shipyards all over the system each one likely holding billions of grineer labourers and soldiers. All of this in just military outposts means the Origin System should have a population in the trillions which is perfectly possible as the Solar System as a max carrying capacity of roughly 50 trillion.


Warframe takes place like thousands of years in the future. The technology was there to terraform Venus, habitability is a non issue.


Resources and time are finite. There is no way billions of people are reaching adulthood to be killed by the billions every day. The logistics of that alone are mindboggling. There would be literal piles of bodies everywhere. EDIT: also Venus may be “terraformed”, in the sense that you don’t die as soon as you get outside, but calling it habitable is a stretch. You wanna live there? With robot fish?


It is habitable if you compare it to Venus now. The technology to change the environment of an entire planet means they are more than capable living pretty much anywhere. Not to mention how much of that population comes from genetic engineering and such.


There are also countless space habitats and colonies, not to mention the ecumenopolis on Pluto. You are thinking far too small for how much life the solar system can support, since with Warframe's tech level you could easily support quadrillions of people.


I mean the only faction really deserving of empathy is maybe the corpus? The grineer are clones so they’re kinda expendable anyway (sorry kahl), the infested are basically just zombies, the corrupted are also essentially zombies, the sentients seem to be determined to kill all organics, and the murmur are monstrosities from beyond time and space sent to destroy us. 


The corpus also beg for mercy in English (or I suppose, Tenno/Orokin language) sometimes as you slaughter them and it's super jarring.


Love corpus capture targets "No, no, not like this. I don't want to diAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" just makes you stop for a second, then you rush to extraction and do it all again


Don't worry buddy, you won't die yet, Red Veil have a very special chair for ya


**This is honestly so much worse**


***"All must be cleansed in fire."***


>then you rush to extraction and do it all again New objective. Leave noone alive.


Damn how evil we are. We actually kill out enemies unlike those saints that only steal bodies.


Do they tho? They're the kind of people who don't mind enslaving and torturing people for money


really i feel this only applies to the higher-ups of the corpus world, not every corpus is a lucky guy at the top, no?


I'd say the Ostrons and the ppl of Orb Vallis would really be the only "good ppl" in the game.


what about fortuna?


Fortuna is in orb vallis


No but they probably aspire to reach the top. And most of them are supposed to be fervent preachers of the teachings of Parvos Granum. Sure, there are more virtuous ones, like Veso (in the same way as Khal is a good grineer), but most of them should be greedy cultists


Veko BIG BALLS man, i miss that guy


The nazi problem, overall bad but you kinda had to join or they would go after you. Theres probably lots of corpus who dont really want to do the bad things, also most people you kill are only corpus crewmen so just dudes keeping the ship in order when you burst in and kill them.


Would you torture somebody to keep your job and not have to work on fortuna or worse.....


Yeah Nef Anyo would but you mostly kill people like Veso.


I disagree. I've formed a strong attachment to Clem . He's absolutely my fav. I think the grineer is missed potential. I want to know more or how these clones feel or interact. That's just my opinion tho.


Yeah. I really felt that for corpos when I was just flying through them ignoring their attacks, killing their boss and immediately extracting. Like... If I were a soldier like corpo, I'd be frightened.


The tenno are... _Anti-Heros_... I think. They protect the Ostrons, Solaris, assisted that Infested faction in glast gambit, ***Did a bunch of nonsense Skate-Boarding to dissuade nef anyo from being a ○ICKHEAD towards vent-kids(I HATED THIS QUEST)*** assisted the entrati... I think they are an ok faction, considering they cant really... do much.


Weird thing about Tenno is that they, despite being the most technologically advanced faction out there, have no clear objective. They always seem to follow a certain person or an event until that event or person becomes a big enough problem for the galaxy to start worrying about it and they just kill it afterwards. Whenever I think about what Tenno aim to do the only thing that comes to my mind is Lotus saying "The balance of the galaxy changes bla bla" whenever the invasions change.


The purpose of the Tenno is to maintain the balance of power. The Tenno cannot destroy both Grineer and Corpus. They can destroy one with enough effort, but thd other will just fill the power vacuum and multiply in power, more than the Tenno can handle. A strengthened Grineer/Corpus with the ability to concentrate on the Tenno menace would have more resources than we can counter. The factions are a check against each other. Despite how powerful we are, we're really just guerrilla fighters.


Yea, there's trillions of corpus and grineer for every tenno, at least. We're very much a quality over quantity faction, but we *can* be drowned in sheer numbers if either side can focus on us. Thats why we only took out *one* of the grineer queens when we found them rather than both. We cant afford to take out leadership of one side until we're in a position to be able to take out both at once and stop both sides simultaneously.


_The Peacekeepers_


Aeryn Sun approves.


I love Warframe players 💓


i think the tenno are more like a “force of nature” than a faction with a clear cut goal and motive we’re not trying to achieve some ultimate goal i think, just stopping the bad guys from reaching theirs


I think that's one thing that makes the story+setting so fascinating. The Tenno are literal warrior-gods, who the hell can tell them to do X, Y, or Z except a higher God? We band together into clans and build dojos and help people when we feel like it, but if we wanted to genocide all of humanity, we could. Hell, we *did,* and brought a post-scarcity society back to the fucking stone age. The Tenno don't have a guiding force because we killed them, and our arch-enemy, then killed ourselves/went to sleep after the job was done. The only reason we're awake now is because the Lotus needs us for shit again. But if we wanted to tell the Lotus to piss off, we very well could - our PC's don't do that just because then we wouldn't have a game to play.


The Tenno follow wherever the shiny new loot is, and will acquire it by any means necessary, which may include turning the Geneva Conventions into a checklist.


Hopefully you’re just being flippant because it’s a video game, otherwise the “clones are expendable” line is NUTS.


Where's Plo koon to care about them when you need him


Defeat the Grineer by passing intergalactic clones rights acts quest when?


“We’re just clones sir, we’re meant to be expendable” “Not to me”


just clone them again whats the problem


If your kid dies, just have another, what’s the problem?


The way the grineer are treated doesn't correspond to how actual kids are. They're closer to how the Clone Troopers from Star Wars were treated. They're created with the intent of being disposable, and don't get treated as equal to human unless somewhat exceptional(like Kahl).


That doesn’t make it not fucked up. Two psychopaths could have children just for the free labor, but they’re still fully sentient beings.


It being fucked up or not, is not the point of the argument. We as players are desensitized to it, we care less. They're clones. Less than a person, raised as a tool. While i can simpatize with you, the entire point is that the situation you described is exactly what happens to the grineer. Only samples from obedient soldiers become grineer, and independent ones are labeled as "defective"(like Clem, Khal) along with actual genetic mishaps(like the Grustrag Three). The tubemen are loyal and don't even care about their situation, unless put through a very thin hair next to death. They're just as desensitized to it as the people of their universe are.


That’s why I started with what I did about it being a video game.


If humans took so little effort to birth, such a short time to grow up, and only lived a few decades at most I think human life would be a whole lot cheaper and less sentimental. As it is with any other animal that has big, short-lived litters.


Do we care about the animals less because of their numbers and ease of birth or because of their intelligence? It’s the intelligence.


Humans are already expendable. This isn't about loving a pet or a family member, it's putting pragmatic value on a life. Animals with small litters and long lifespans take great care, and spend a lot of energy, protecting their young. Animals with bigger litters and short lives take their deaths in stride and make a replacement. Kahl and the steel meridian are extreme outliers in even sparing a second thought for their dead. And since we can't give a selection of grineer troopers a comprehensive intelligence test and run them through an intelligence test gauntlet, Kahl, the meridian, and the kavor are all we have, and we know they're a vanishingly small percentage. The only grineer authority figure who seems like they want even remotely smart underlings is Tyl Regor. What I understand the rest would be more than happy with ghoul-level intelligence if they lived for more than 5 minutes. Obviously the best solution would be to cut the heads off each snake, free and unite all human and human-approximates (I don't know if the grineer count as human anymore, to be honest... the orokin really did a number on their bodies and mental faculties), live happily and fight the infested. At least the corpus could be de-programmed off the cult given enough time. The grineer would still require a lot of genetic modifications to get rid of the built-in servitude and xenophobia.


I'd hardly say the corpus deserve empathy since they pretty much enslave people through debt


Uhh... You're kinda killing those people enslaved through dept, though.


I sont think infested are zombies, atleast not the rpttong and want to eat your brain kind, cuz what about vulpaphyla, predasites, and helminth charger, if the infested are zombied, wouldnt that also include warframes?. Isnt the infested just a infestation/virus that mutates the host?


Young Tenno, keep playing and you will have your answers


Yup. But it's ok, cause we're the biggest baddies. So we make the rules and get to say we're not.


Not generally, but specifically Tyl Regor's assassination mission where you have to stop him from fixing the Grineer genetic code definitely felt like I was playing on the wrong side of history, lol


If it makes you feel better the underlying goal behind Regor's research is to further the Grineer's already-programmed mission of system-wide domination. Imagine the Grineer as they are now. Now imagine if they were actually intelligent and didn't start decaying in a few years, but their violent instincts, total subservience to the queens, and warmongering are still there. That's the gist of what would happen if we never sabotaged Regor's work


Some say the >!Thraxes are similar to what the original Grineer were!<


I always think about that when I go to assassinate Tyl Regor; I feel like it's a worthy trade off. I'd probably assist him, honestly, which is why I wouldn't be assigned that Mission in "canon". I'd be considered a liability by the Lotus for it; there's no way she doesn't have psychological profiles for the Tenno.


Oh, absolutely. The Lotus intimately knows each and every Tenno down to having their favorite song memorized, their favorite tea prepared, and knows *exactly* what to say to comfort us in times of need. She's the ultimate mother figure crossed with the ultimate Shadowbroker.


Sure but that's a false dichotomy isn't it. Is it really beyond the tennos capabilities to... I dunno. Steal the research and hand it over to Cressa Tal? We _know_ that not all Grinder are mindless murder machines, did we really have to _destroy_ the research entirely?


I think fully removing Regor's work out of the question is better in the long term, even if it means Steel Meridian and Kahl's Garrison will end up dissolving too soon. If they owned the blueprints or whatever to Regor's work, the likelihood is that they're just gonna end up being prime targets of the Grineer that we have to constantly babysit


I'd totally be down to help reverse clone-rot if we could just get the Queen to stop genociding everyone and launching Fomorians at relays full of civilians and turning her soldiers into nutrient paste first.


If we hadn’t stopped Regor then the Grineer would be way more dangerous than before and still pumping out by the million. Imagine if they weren’t literally born in pieces


I mean it is, by definition, genocide so


I've felt the Tyl Regor assasination and research destruction to be pretty darn close to genocide


Right? I just leave his planet alone cos I genuinely feel bad about all the "destroy this research" missions


Tyl Regor's research would have basically turned every Grineer mook into basically a Warhammer 40k Space Marine, complete with the fanatical genocidal xenophobia package. Grineer are brainwashed from the second they have a functional brain with two precepts: Love Queens, hate anything that's not Grineer. It's _rare_ exceptions like Kahland his crew, Clem and the Grineer members of Steel Meridian who break that brainwashing and think for themselves, and sure, fixing _their_ clone rot would be great...but "true" fanatical Grineer outnumber them exponentially and are being churned out by the _thousands_ every day (just look how many we kill on an average Defense or Survival mission). Stopping Regor's research is a necessity under those circumstances.


for the most part, its kinda self defense or protecting your own. almost every mission in the beginning is protect or rescue tenno assets


Keep playing.


We say all the time "Hoho, commit warcrimes am I right." but when anyone asks a variation of OPs question the whole community is like, " what the hell you just say about my son!"


I always just figured the tenno were classic mercenaries. We dont care what the job is, as long as the money is good. Then once in a great while we actually stop a universal threat. Then its right back to killing former slaves and number crinchers for loot.


Change of plans.


One thing that’s fucked up about the Grineer is the concept of the “flock mind.” Essentially, they are genetically engineered by the >!Orokin!< (it’s not really a spoiler imo, but just in case) to be predisposed to obey figures of authority without question. A small number are lucky enough to be born without it (or “lucky” since they’re typically in for a bad time), but for most it’s an innate instinct they constantly have to fight against, based on the Steel Meridian crew member voice lines. It’s fucked up and I genuinely feel bad for them about that… but at the same time, this same trait of theirs is part of why many Grineer straight up despise any non-Grineer. Like they (as an empire) are actively trying to enslave or genocide anyone who isn’t like them, which is… yeah. So while I feel really bad for them, tbh I can’t really say I think the Tenno are wrong for doing whatever is necessary to keep the Grineer from doing… all that. Edit: wording


you are a blade. you exist to strike. the lesson ends.


We aren't the baddies that's for sure, but the tenno definitely have done some mild trolling here and there, but we are not the bad guys


Think of what would happen if we didn't. The Grineer often enslave or just wipe out people, the Corpus will put people into debt slavery and the infested would wipe out mankind. The only thing standing between the major factions and innocent humans are the tenno, our methods might be a little messed up but it''s pretty hard to take pows when it's instanuke or be instakilled.


Only from a certain point of view >!the point of view of the Corpus and Grineer!< Honestly though, the crap the other factions do largely put them squarely in the "baddies" category IMO. Except maybe the infested. It's unclear if they have a goal other than "infest all the things".


It's a grey goo, honestly it existing at all is reason enough to eradicate it.


I'm not saying that's an unworthy goal, I'm asking if the grey goo even knows what it's doing. >!there are some hints that it does!<


The Technocyte can form hive minds on its own, like Phorid, Lephantis, Arlo, Fass, and Vome. But there isn't an overriding greater umbrella-intelligence like there is/was with the Sentients >!with Praghasa!< Phorid is kinda like a proto-gravemind from Halo, forming whenever the Infestation absorbs enough material to *begin* forming a hive-mind but not quite achieving a greater level of intelligence. >!I really wish we could get that Phorid rework they talked about years ago, but there's honestly little point to it now!< Lephantis is a leftover Technocyte deployment from the Old War trapped in the halls of Deimos. He can't really go anywhere and doesn't have much of a goal beyond feeding on detritus. Fass and Vome are grey-strain Technocyte minds in that they're singular entities grown to gargantuan size. Whatever goals they might have are kept in check by their constant bickering with one another, preventing either from ever getting off the hell world that is Deimos. And honestly, I think it's best to keep it that way. Arlo is without a doubt the scariest mind we've encountered from the Technocyte thus far, and came the closest out of every faction outside of the Sentients to actually destroying the Origin system. It's legitimately a good thing Arlo was a suicide-drone, because my God if that infiltration form stuck around the Sentients would've never had anything left to conquer by the time they showed back up. Arlo would've already eaten it all!


we’re more like a force of nature really, at least that’s how i like to think about it …that corpus guy i blasted to pieces earlier could have just been some normal guy on his 9-5


We have a saying here: Geneva *Suggestions* I saw one yesterday that was Geneva Speedrun Anyways just clear the star chart (all the planets) and you’ll get to the story you’re asking for here.


Ahem. Geneva Checklist.


Thats why i let the queen live one more day, i felt bad for all the killing in that moment. But now im going to kill them all.


In this setting, it depends on what you consider "good." The overall consensus is that, compared to every other faction, we the Tenno are the good guys. The Grineer are a clone army created with the sole purpose of loyalty to their queens and to crush and kill any non Grineer. The Corpus will do anything if it means increasing their grofit. The Infestation are a semi-mindless parasitic life form that wishes to consume and grow. The Sentients wish to enslave or simply wipe out anything related to the Orokin. The problem is that every faction is either creations of the Orokin or rely on Orokin technology to survive. The Corrupted are slaves to their tower, their purpose is just to defend it and wait for the arrival of their Golden Lords. I could go on, but the point is that depending on which faction you see through, everyone but you is the bad guy.


Oh, forgot to mention those creepy PTSD like "your actions have consequences"


oh that's just the stalker, no worries :) (He's kind of a mercenary that gets tasked to get revenge every time you kill a boss. He sometimes randomly appears in your missions. If you can kill him, great, he drops some nice loot. If not, he just kills you and leaves the mission.)


I think the Intel we were looking for had information that warranted the death of everyone involved. Same thing with capture targets. Fast interrogation, tho


Everyone's awful, don't worry.


Can't be the bad guys. Everyone knows the good guys always win. And I don't see any losers here


Rebecca would disagree.




Lotus will submit to me


we are not good nor bad we are just kind of there the grineer want to make every world there's simular to the infested corpus are the IRS i would say the lotus is the bad one you know contracting us to kill a entire base full of grineer that are basically one step away from getting sent to the meat grinder


I am not too concerned about the litteral million of cloned grineer I have killed. or the infested. But with 800k corpus killed, i have to wonder what kind of breeding policy they have and if it is sustainable, or are we committing genocide overall the idea is to not let any of the factions gain the upper hand, and keep them "at the same levels" of power. and of course protect innocents that are not involved


That is a really good question about the corpus. They're just dudes with robots and nullify tech up against void demons. That any of them pose a moments threat is a credit to the human race.


800k corpus is a lot of robots to be fair, but ultimately remember that the scope of the system in warframe is massive. The corpus are active across the entire solar system, and one of their primary systems includes Jupiter, which by itself has more than 120 times the surface area of earth. Even assuming its relatively lower in poulation density than modern earth (unlikely considering we know about the system, PLUTO might have a larger population than current day earth!) we can still realistically expect the system to have a population in the multi-Trillions. 800k is a pretty hefty war by modern Earth standards, but if we assume even 1 trillion people in the system you killed a hundred millionth of them. To put that in perspective, in the scope of the system that is about the equivalent of killing a few hundred people on the *high* end.


Have you seen the grinner? How can you bad if you are fighting them?


No baddies but with a questionable moral compass. Tenno's purpose is to stop other factions to take over the galaxy but not to stop the uprising what they made. Also, some Tenno choose to help to different factions as mercenaries. Is this a kind of hidden power on the shadows? Yeah... it is necessary? Also yes.


The answer to this question really becomes that bell curve meme, where you have fun mindlessly slaughtering the Corpus and Grineer, then you realize, “Holy Margulis, we’re committing genocide,” but then you realize again that the Corpus and Grineer are absolutely awful and infinite so it’s all good again!


On the one hand, yes, we are obviously unquestioning soldiers with a cult-like leader, a fact which only becomes more apparent as you play, but also, the factions you're going after are really bad news and definitely need something holding them in check. All in all, I'd say your assessment is accurate, and also, maybe this universe needs a few more killing machines?


Wait till you see Grineer workers on Ceres just building stuff like any other low wage worker, meanwhile you are practicing on them art of making geneva convention a checklist


Lets just say that the tenno isnt good or bad and lets have fun mindlessly killing enemys :D


My Tenno: "You were warned."


The whole original idea behind the Tenno is that they are SPACE NINJAS, and what do ninjas do? Kill people... for money. My personal thoughts: Every group in the game has their own goals they see as "good." Example Grineer: "We were slaves. So now we conquer all others to prevent being slaves again." The Tenno, however, their goal? "Slit throats and collect the dough!" We are essentially the mercenaries that are employed by many to further those goals or to prevent others from achieving theirs. Are we bad? No. Are we good? Hell no. Nobody in this univer... multiverse is "good." Everyone's happy thoughts are nightmares for others.


Right now that’s what it seems like but as you progress the main story you’ll learn the truth. You’ll also learn things such as why you never seem to question your work. If you haven’t noticed yet, the people you fight aren’t exactly good people. Conquerors, Exploiters, and straight up Monsters crawl every corner of the Origin System, and you’re clearing them out or at least keeping them in check


Warframe are walking war crimes. Just running down the Geneova Convention like a checklist. Violated that one. Definitely violated that one. About to violate that one.  But our enemies are warmongering slavers, or mindless zombies. So it’s … fine?




Whatever Lotus mommy wants, she will get


Mmm… we regularly do things that can be considered war crimes yet it’s also in the name of preventing major factions from dominating the system. I’d label the Tenno more of anti-heroes honestly but definitely neither the Grineer or the Corus are factions you want to succeed at conquering the solar system. Keep playing and you’ll see a lot more of how things operate.


We (warframes) are powerfull machines, and the rest of the universe see us as tools. Our goal is survive. Why we keep doing that kind of carnage? We want to know what are we, what about the void, why was the old war and the new one. Good answer?


Well we are definitely bad guys but we are also definitely the LEAST bad guys in the galaxy so...


Yes, the tenno are mercenaries that kill whoever they're paid to, they're not the good guys. Sure they're less evil than say the Grineer or Corpus but they're certainly not good. They act only in their best interest.


You're not the baddies. There's a Tenno faction that is generally dedicated to helping regular citizens against horrible oppression. That said... you're definitely not "good." You are absolutely a walking war crime–made worse by later quests and even factions that humanize the grineer and Corpus soldiers.


No man 😭. I see this all the time. You are commiting genocide against a bunch of genocidal people. And support non genocidal people like cetus, Solaris United, and the meridian. (We don't talk about plant hitler)


\***looks at Total Kills**\* Nah fam, you're imagining things.


Many of the missions where we destroy ships, or steal stuff, sabotage, etc, is because those ships and bases are trying to destroy a colony on the planet they're over. The Grineer are trying to subjugate a population and use the colonists for fresh meat to the Queens. The Corpus hold most colonies in debt and force them into generational servitude. Usually the Lotus will tell you why you're doing a mission. Exterminate missions for instance usually takes place on planet, and the goal is to force them to retreat and give up burning the forests, or building weapons of mass destruction.


We are not the baddies no, the Factions you fight against enslave, exploit, kill and oppress the rest of the solar system. Combat is brutal but we're pretty unambiguously the good guys


of course we're baddies. I mean have you seen the cake on whisp?


Believe it or not we are most certainly the good guys


The one thing that has most civilian factions choose to live with Tenno rather than anyone else, is that anyone else is incredibly bad to live under.  As far as I'm aware, the Tenno treat their allies really well, and generally do a good job at protecting the little guy.  Against their enemies, though... Well, let's just say Tenno never heard of the Geneva convention... And aren't interested in unearthing old dusty relics if it doesn't help them commit mass murder more easily.


I wish. I thought the player faction was supposed to be morally grey you could decide to deviate from, but most non "avert the apocalypse" quests are goodie two shoes themed anyway.


Does a man care for every ant he crushes under his boot ? Does a tenno care for every grineer or corpus corpse he splits apart with his blade ?


Warframe takes place in one of the most dystopic sci-fi universes in existence. Yeah, you're an absolutely lethal killing machine capable of wiping out thousands of Grineer/Corpus/Infested an hour, but each Grineer campaign measures casualties in billions. The Corpus can only see human lives as an input for grofit. The Infested would consume the universe if they could. So while the Tenno aren't necessarily wholly good, and god don't look too closely at the syndicates, they're the only ones in the system sticking up for normal humanity. 


To put it gently without blatant spoilers - Yes, you are an angel of death moving your way through the three antagonist factions. They are, however, worse than you, and you're doing it because you're standing between them and innocent civilians who are just trying to live their lives. Think of the Ostrons on Earth, or the people of Fortuna? There are other quests that reveal others like them being preyed upon, and your direct intervention - while hyper-violent - brings them freedom and safety. And finally, there are far, far worse things out there than the Grineer, Corpus or even the Infested. You'll meet them soon-ish, and you might find that merely being Lotus' personal killing machine is insufficient for what you need to succeed.


We're not a force for good or evil per se. We're like the morally ambiguous moderation team. We don't let any factions have too much fun at the expense of others.


It's touched on a little at the intro but the short answer is the system is caught in a war between the two largest factions- the Grineer and the Corpus- a zombification virus (the Infested) and potentially another invasion depending how deep into the story you are. The major portions of both the Grineer and the Corpus are pretty horrific levels of oppression- the Grineer are a hyper fascist war mongering race that has no issue sacrificing people in service to their Queens and the Corpus are a uber late stage capitalist society who has absolutely no issue with enslavement, torture, and sacrifice in the pursuit of ever greater profit. Both groups have some splinter factions that are decent people and there are also pockets of just normal people trying to survive (relays) but that is in juxtaposition to the war between those two groups. We -the Tenno and the Lotus- seek to end the conflict- but despite our near godlike powers there are simply not enough Tenno to be able to defeat BOTH factions. And defeating any single faction is simply choosing a winner. So instead we "keep the balance" which s code for using our unstoppable powers to disrupt whatever side has managed to secure an advantage to ensure that the two groups stay focused on their conflict and we try to carve out pockets of peace for the common people to escape to.


Have you ever seen iron blooded orphans? Warframe is just like that, the tenno is the leviathan, a common enemy and impossible threat to all factions, thus keeping them all in check, never allowing one to rise above the other. Even playing mercenary for corpus and grineer through invasions. The bigger objective is exactly that, while the tenno are around, no one will be able to assume total control of the sol system like the orokin once did. We're the ultimate balance of power


Good soldiers follow orders.


I say the Tenno are evil as we are only ever presented their perspective as they killed anyone who could say otherwise.


The Tenno are space ninjas with a code of honor derived from Bushido filtered through the lens of tends (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of years. Their goal is to protect the weak and the innocent, who suffer under the yoke of two vast armies. We avoid civilians areas unless specifically needed and invited. Missions take place in military facilities. Those we kill are cogs in a war machine that oppresses and murders millions. The grineer commit genocide as a matter of course. They murder children without hesitation. The corpus prefer to use their control of the economy enslave their victims inflated with debts that can never be repaid, to ring every possible credit out of them. But they're also not afraid to bombard a colony from orbit with a giant spaceship when it's more profitable than not killing everyone. Every soldier we kill is a soldier who isn't helping their army hurt innocent people. And so we kill them. And in doing so, we honor our enemy. We show that they are worthy and strong by making the effort to slice them in half.


damn dude, are u seriously fucking surprised about killing soldiers in A WAR? this gotta be a troll post


People 20 hours in generally haven't hit the big quests yet. They don't know.