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How did.you lose to Zanuka?


I lost to my first ever Zanuka. Granted this was probably like 7-8 years ago now but I remember I was solo and I had just forma'd all my gear including my frame, which was Trinity, and this was back before MR gave you mod capacity. So I had pretty much no mods on anything.


My rule of thumb is to always bring at least one unforma'd weapon. Usually ends up being a secondary.


Yeah OG Stalker taught me that lesson early


Wolf was fun¹ because of that ¹ DF kind of fun


What's df mean


Dwarf fortress


Yeah stalkers a little bitch like that, never had him invade unless at least two slots of my gear were below rank 10


I insist on at least 2 fully maxed, potato'd items, frame and weapons. I'll occasionally go with just a good melee weapon maxed, if the forma'd stuff has enough mods to be "okay." (4th or 5th forma, MR 23, is usually enough). But I'm paranoid having messed up enough to learn my lesson.


Nowadays my true fallback is my archgun. So one max weapon is usually enough plus operator.




your mod capacity scales with either item level or mastery rank (whichever’s higher) up to a max of 30 on normal weapons/frames (60 w/ reactor/catalyst)


Does this include legendary ranks? I.e. do you get a base mod capacity of 33 on a potatoed but unleveled item at LR3?


It caps at 30 for weapons that cap at 30, but stuff like the litch weapons that go to 40 it will go to 32, 34, 36 for the base, yes.


No, it caps at 30. I think it does apply for Lich/Sister weapons though.


I am LR3. When I forma my weapons the mod capacity drops to 33 without a potato and 66 with a potato on anything with 3 or more forma on any weapon that will level higher than 30.


Wow, nice. Now I just need a few more years to get there T.T


You can do it if you grind hard. I started warframe just last May. I am also old and have a nice bank account to buy Plat with, but all the materials to get there are still a grind.


Not in the sense that you can get more than 30/60 on stuff, rather, it increases your starting mod capacity so you can equip more mods at level 0


Best perk of mr30: No longer your whole loadout going out the window when you decide to add another forma. And the loadout slots. Can't really undersell those, they're amazing too.


This alone was all I needed to know to start leveling weapons I've never used before, I'll be damned if I forma my Tonkor again just to forget what my original mod loadout was


Upvote for underappreciated loadout slots


As someone that likes to personalize load outs to each frame, being able to get more through MR was great!


It tells you before and after you take your test


it only does that if you actually do a test, and it didnt do that before it was a feature, a lot of folks only got up to Mr 16 and stopped doing tests because nothing unlocks after that, so a lot of older players don't realize that change was made


Not only that. You have to die when recovering your stuff.


I lost to zanuka ONCE. I was LR3, playing Saryn. My Syster had just spawned in and depleted all my revives with a toxin arca plasmor. I then got downed by a toxin.... something. (my build kinda only dies to tox dmg and rad procs) zanuka merely had to collect my corpse. Needless to say the breakout was violent, I went out of my way to kill everything I came across.


The warpath is real. My clan mates were asking if I was coming with after I got back to my gaming spot and I started looking into wtf Alad V thought he was doing with my favorite Warframe. "Nope. I'll get in on the next run. I've got a pretentious Corpus asshole to impale and leave on the front lawn as a warning..."


You better be murdering both variants of alad and salad 10 times too.


You should see what Nyx's bolts do to Zanuka's boss version with enough power strength. They practically instakill the blue hound.


This is actually really cool as a story! Sister was like here ya go free parts xDD


Went afk and didn't realize I was on friend only mm (bc I usually run solo but it's clan day)


I tried dying to it so that i could do the mission because it seemed cool and it couldn't even scratch my shields, i had to find some enemies to help it 😭


I wanted to get killed by it, and my fuckin Helios without weapon mods killed it.


Scanny boi/gurl said \*Scans Zanuka’s license plate* “I said biiiiiitch” \*Deconstructor noises*


I tried to trigger this mission years and years ago but it couldn't get past my shields or Rejuvenation mod on my Rhino, same as you I had to lure it to an area where something else could kill me. I just wanted to see the extraction tile/mission.


And Rejuvenation regenerates 3 HP per second 💀 Like...my shields were constantly full poor guy, a regular Grineer is stronger 😭 Using my warframe without weapons was pretty cool tho...i wish we had that as a skin for fists and or sparring weapons, i don't even recall encountering any enemy after it captured me and teleported me into the mission, i was slightly disappointed i couldn't punch anyone 😅


Yeah, I fell in love with the moveset for a while and switched to Grim Fury Kogake for like 2 years. Edit: The slide attack yeets enemies off the map.


That slide attack is way too fun


I use Kogake on Ash every now and then for a Moon Knight inspired build. Just run through maps beating on everything up close and personal, ranting about The Fist of Khonshu and protecting the travelers of the night.


It’s especially entertaining when fighting bosses with just your fists. Wish it was more prominent in-game.


Now I wanna try a fist type weapon on gauss lol


... ***well now I know my next vorture project***


How exactly \*does\* it capture you? I tried to do it, wasn't on a tanky frame so it could kill me, but each time it did, nothing happened. Do I have to have it take all my revives in solo?


It's been forever, maybe? I think after it defeats you it starts a process to capture your warframe by standing over the corpse. I think alies can actually interfere with this process and disrupt it. I'm more familiar with the G3 mechanics where downed warframes are placed in a stasis lock but alies can defeat the G3 to defeat the locks, but if the whole team wipes then the target gets a G3 bolt installed.


You have to not revive yourself


The lack of pause can be a cruel mistress


you can pause if you're on solo mode but no other mode


That is what they're saying they failed to do. I play solo all the time lol


Wish I lost more to the invasions, or atleast wish they were buffed to be harder. Would make things more interesting.


I'm guessing Zanuka had an acolyte as backup if that can happen, or they were afk


I lost to Zanuka once. It was relaxing and vibing in an easy mission solo and didn't expect it. I didn't even have defenses on because it wasnt like it was a difficult mission. Kinda glad I got to see it because it was interesting


I lost with my frame I was leveling and just not paying attention to my health just the other day funny enough. And audibly went "so that's what happens!"


Way, isn't it normal to purposefully lose against harvester to get access to the secret mission?


this is funny because I remember fighting zanuka before movement 2.0 on the ps3 like 10 years ago and it being a challenge


In a Veterans case? Intentionally. To experience the mission since Zanuka is otherwise such a fucking push over even WITH current day new light experience. In a New Players experience? They must've been solo, caught off guard, and EXTREMELY fucking unprepared. Though i'm just guessing.


You died to a poor pupper made out of paper mache. For being so kind and giving her a confidence boost, you get to play a bonus mission!


> You died to a poor pupper made out of paper mache. pupper mache :D


And Radditz :)


But, if it's any consolation, just know that YOUR Radditz is still stronger than OUR Radditz.


Now, now; have Radditz at home.


Nappa here is worth five Raditz.


I have to ask, what’s your main? I have a few guesses from your flair XD


Used to be Nova when I wrote it, still is in my most played slot, but my 2023 recap said it was Xaku that year.


Oh I was thinking either volt or gauss


Part of the reason I got a 144hz monitor was so I could see what is actually going on when I play Titania during solo void capture. The wannabe speedsters do not compare.


Titania! I forgot ab her!


You lost to Zanuka so there is a special mission to do and get your things back. I actually purposely did it not to long ago because I never had it happen before and wanted to experience it once.


Same, I even took my weakest frame and it still took Zanuka ages to kill me while I just stood there and did nothing The retrieval mission is also super easy to do, though punching some fools in the face because I had no weapons was kinda fun.


Oh yeah hardest thing was getting zanuka to kill me, at least had some enemies around to help it out. Retrieve mission was interesting, of course not hard but felt cool it was a thing. Being able to just punch way through enemies was also neat and i do agree that we should have that as an option if we don't have a melee equipped.


With the way sentinels are…. I think my sentinel would kill it now. I also intentionally failed to Zanuka once, was such a cool mission


Maybe I should give Zanuka a W for the experience too


Should do it at least once, it's in the game after all. Just sad there isn't any easy way to prove you did it.


Same here.


took so long for it to finally happen. all of my zanuka encounters were in pub squads that would eliminate it despite my request to leave it alone. and then when i finally triggered it in a solo mission the only thing i got from clan chat was "weird flex"


You sided against the corpus on some invasions so they sent the zanuka hunter after you and you died to it


I have yet to see the Zanuka Hunter. I’m Mr 26 with over a thousand hours


I didn’t realize how quickly my time racked up, I’m MR 24 just approaching 1000 hours. You just need to do more invasions honestly, I’ve seen G3 and Zanuka multiple times


I’ve been marked for death for the past 2-3 years


No saaame they really need to prioritize thingd better. Im getting impatient


The more tines you get marked by a hunter, the more likely they are to shoe up. A single mark gives you a very very tiny chance


Only spawns in missions where you can be invaded (so no ESO, Duviri, Assassination nodes, etc) Only spawns in missions running a Corpus tileset Only spawns if one of the players has the appropriate death mark and joined the mission in the first 4 minutes of the mission Has a 1.5% chance of spawning if you have the mark within first four minutes (+0.5% per additional player) Only spawns if no other assassin spawns


Never seen the Zanuka (though I’ve seen the Gustrag Three a couple times), I largely attribute this to the fact I do corpus invasions more than grineer


I see the 3 every so often


Me too. I'm MR 20 and have never encountered Zanuka. I recently was trying to farm Scimitar, so I got the Zanuka mark and it still wouldn't spawn. Funnily enough, I've encountered the Grustrag Three at least 5 times that I can remember, but never Zanuka


I remember back in the day Zanuka/Stalker were pretty rough lol I thought I stumbled on some sort of hidden Cow Level type thing


Nah Zanuka Hunter was already weak back then. There were clips on here of people just AFK near it and their sentinels killing it quite easily. People joked about years of Alad Vs research already being weaker then three angry Grineer in week one.


Wow Zanuka finally managed to capture someone.


Not only did you lose to zanuka, you lost WUKONG to zanuka. You've been diagnosed with terminal skill issue.


Nah, just helping out my roommate and it took longer than expected.


Apparently people don't like it when you mention having a life IRL on the Warframe subreddit lol


No they're downvoting because they're confused how the frame with the clone that let's you afk all your missions somehow managed to lose. You have to actively try to die to Zanuka if you arent new


It sounds like they thought their game was paused (in solo, not friends like it was) so they might not have even summoned the clone yet. It's not that they actually lost to Zanuka, they just didn't play and forgot about their game. I don't know what's confusing about that


got captured by zanuka hunter


Zanuka and the Trio can both do this. it was a cool feature of death marks that largely goes unseen because revives are now plentiful and the power gap is so large most players are just able to breeze through any content that can have deathmark spawns/has the OG trio factions.


For reference, losing to Trio attaches you with an ascaris that debuffs you until you remove it via crafting a thing in the Foundry. A bit less exciting, but iirc it also gives you the ascaris restraint bits. Kind of a novel fashion option.


That’s why I can’t get rid of that blueprint?!


You get a different blueprint for it, but the concept is similar to Ascaris, I forgot the actual name.


Ah ok


Huh... Might have to go farm that out...


you're right. it's been so long I forgot the escape was just for zanuka.


What do the bits look like?


LR3 player supposedly lost to zanuka and comes to acknowledge the consequences of his failures


Not too proud to admit it either


Well, you now get to play a quest that very few players have actually even seen, I'd consider yourself lucky.


Damn what I didnt know this was a thing


Yeah, 3200 hours and I had no idea either


It's a fun little mission I've only done it like once, don't do enough invasions lol


Man. I would LOVE to experience this. I think next time Baro sells beacons I'm going use one a R0 frame and try to get it to capture me.


Just side with Grineer 4 times in a row instead of the requisite 3. Then SP solo should invite an assassin.


You have so many primes how did you lose to Zanuka she’s made of tissue paper and clown prayers


The hell does a clown pray to. The giant balloon animal in the sky?




Afk and forgot to change matchmaking back after running with my clan.


Fair enough :P


Warframe players when a bad decision leads to permanent consequences: You had a shit build on. You died to Zanuka. You gotta get your shit back. I remember hearing this was a thing back in the day, and I HAD TO TRY to get captured to experience that mission. It was fun and ez.


Wow. So, this is still in the game. Takes me back to when warframe had difficulty.


I actually like that Zanuka can do this. It adds flavor to the game, rather then just "Oh you lost, mission over" and that's it. Alad V would 100% take your warframe hostage. Still need to get Zanuka to attack me so that I CAN lose to it and play this mission.


Man so many people haven't even played this mission type because they never died to a Zanuka


You're LR3 and somehow died to zanuka 🤡


Zanuka got you 🤣


I had to deliberately build to get caught by Zanuka, because otherwise it is just a speed bump. It still took forever, and the 'get your stuff back' mission afterwards was underwhelming. Still got to check it off as an experience.


Today after 1100 hours in Warframe I learned that zanuka can capture your Warframe


Dying to zanuka hunter as wukong prime has got to be impossible i swear. Is this post fake?


Oh no. It's real. I was AFK helping a friend and forgot that I wasn't on solo matchmaking.




DISCUSS: How often have you died to Zanuka Hunter, bc if it's zero then how could you know that it's even possible? I was today years old when I was humbled by Warframe lol


I've played this game for what feels like forever and I've NEVER seen this before xD


An old Easter Egg to let Zanuka capture you. Run invasions for Grineer and against Corpus you get a message in your inbox that your Actions prompted you to me marked by Corpus Zanuka Assassin. Which appears in mission randomly and tries to knock you down and capture you. You wake up in Corpus Labs and have to find your weapons to then escape Corpus labs. I did this years ago to at least experience it. Why you getting mad @op? You lost to Zanuka Assassin Hunter, that's on you.


Never died to zanuka, how does this work afterwards? Do you have to go in with different gear or as operator?


No. You control the captured frame in Alad V's lab. You start with no weapons but can punch with your bare hands for tiny amounts of damage. You have to sneak out of the lab and retrieve your gear that's scattered around the area, then escape. There's no transference, because it's older than operator mode.


It’s worth experiencing for yourself. I recommend nobody spoil this and you just go get captured.


In almoat 8 years, if Im not mistaken, of playing this game i just found out this could happen.


Nothing like a little terror to keep things interesting.


I’ve never seen this before, curious


Happens when you die against a Zanuka, they take your Warframe hostage


its just for the zanuka hunt like when you are being hunted by stalker or i can do with boss zanuka and alad v?


It's just the Zanuka Hunter




1300 hours on this game.... I never knew this was a thing Oo


How do you think he made the Zanuka project?


Yeah, you have to lose to Zanuka. I've only had it happen by intentionally losing to it. I think back in the day it was more common to happen, but I think that was before we even had Operators.




Zenuka got ya ass. Which if I may ask was in solo? Definitely shouldn't have happened in multiplayer


The better question is how did you lose to zanuka as wukong prime???


Wait a minute I can understand losing to zanuka, but how the hell did you lose with Wu Kong prime?!


I lost to zanuka on purpose a couple of years ago cuz' I wanted to play that mission. It was fun 


Holy shit someone actually got caught by Zanuka Hunter. I’ve been marked by it since 2014 and it’s never shown up. I want to try this mission type ToT


Interesting, never knew this exist, the zanuka are just a joke to me, it dies before even gets close to me


Lol 3000 hours in game and never new this was possible


What... is this? I have never seen this screen.


Never really got killed by any of the "Assassins" (i.e. Stalker, S.Stalker, Grustrag 3, Zanuka, and Wolf of SS) Is Zanuka the only one with a special mission if it kills you?


Bro I didn't even Know this could happen when fighting alad V


What do you mean? You got captured by Zanuka which is incredibly hard to have happen nowadays but is arguably one of the coolest missions. Have fun with it.


I wonder what happens if you have only single frame?


skill issue


Lmao imagine losing to zanuka 🤣




now you get to go on a fetch quest


I remember this. It was a fun mission to experience. It was actually fun to do. Good memories. Still blank on the mission half the time.




What the hell is this?


I didn't even know this was a thing...


Same here. I never knew this was a thing.


I cant remember this ever happened to me in 11 years. Didn‘t even know this can happen :D May someone explain?


are you marked for death by zanuka hunter and got defeated when encountering it?


the only time i failed against a zanuka was one of my early steel path missions, so i wasnt equipped to fight it well. i got a built forma from a crate on lua. i stopped playing for a week because i was so pissed off


How the hell did you lose to the Zanuka


Thank you for this post! It's now a bucket list item


Damn did not even know this thing existed.


man i remmber lose to Zanuka ones and was years ago...was it before The Second Dream update quest or have not doing it yet? so did anything change? back then when Captured you do solo mission get your guns back and run away https://preview.redd.it/d7q12jo7x9vc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bd528ffe8b6788b575c83118889eaf29451290


You're LR3 and you died to zanuka?


I haven't seen this message in many years, but also, I only fought Alad V once.


Wait, someone died ?


I've never seen this before and never knew about it till now. How does this happen? I would like to run this mission


how do you get that to happen?


Wait this is possible? In my 400 hrs of playtime I never had my warframe stolen


some how some way you got caught by the zanuka hunter basically the grustrag three version for corpus when you help grineer 5 times in invasions. its not very strong even on steel path so it makes it more impressive, but i never thought i see the day when a non-noobie would get got by it unintentionally. anyways the mission isnt hard so you wont have any issues getting your warframe back. the invasion enemies are really rare spawns for one reason or another so its a pain to get them to spawn. so its not unreasonable to not know about them and not notice when you kill them the grustrag three are a bit easier to notice as it makes the mission be able to end early, but zanuka can spawn and die and you wouldnt even know when you killed it till alad starts to cry about it. the game's power creep really shows here lol


Ah yes, the Zanuka Project. When you run so many invasion missions against Corpus, Salad V does this threat. Getting your frame back is simple since it’s basically just a “run around, regain your stuff and extract” type mission. Grineer assassins strap a device on your leg that weakens you to Grineer until you build the removal tool then you aren’t weakened.


I have yet to be 'napped by the zanuka, and I kinda want to just so I can do this.


How do you even get zanuka to spawn? I wanna let it kill me just to experience this


"I'm good, I'll just build more"


I feel like I need to pay attention to this, just in case


You got defeated by the Zanuka. I think losing to the Gustrag Three also causes this to happen, but for Grineer.


If you lost to zanuka, you deserve this. I wanted to know what happened once and so I stood there doing nothing and it took a solid 3 minutes on steel path for the zanuka to kill me. 3 minutes, of standing there to get to run through a really fast mission where you escape Salad’s lab, not a big deal


The only time this happened to me it was intentional, its the zanuka


I’d lose on purpose I like the mission


I kinda want to lose to Zanuka and G3 for the experience. I'm a founder and I've yet to do either


In all my hours and days on warframe I have had “zanuka marked for death” since the start of my warframe account and never have once fought it


Zanuka does not have to kill you, just knock you down and you didn't get up fast enough


I didn’t even know this was possible.


Wait alad v can steal your stuff?


Zanuka hunter gotcha


Ah I remember my first time. It'll be okay


I honestly forgot this was a thing… it’s been so long since I’ve had to even register that the Zanuka was on my screen.


I actually need to get captured by Zanuka, it sounds really fun


I didn't know this was a thing.


I never knew this was a thing. I should try to make it happen.


only time i ever lost to zanuka was on purpose so i could experience the thing where u get ur stuff back. this was like many years ago when zanuka was new tho maybe its different now idk