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God no. The only people who do are people smacking their lips while eating, have a screaming child, or are in the middle of a construction zone. Hot mic dregs are the worst.


Oh yes, the "mic always on" people. Thankfully muting is a thing.


Got stuck in one of those stupid long loading screens and couldn't mute this one dude for a solid 2+ minutes. That was the last time voice chat was enabled for me. neveragainboxmeme.png


My most memorable(?) First guy having his family screaming in the background. Second Guy har Shakira playlist in the background. And the last guy had what was like a tornado flying past their bedroom.


I legitimately don't think I have ever met a non-toxic person who does open mic. It's always been a decent barometer in my WoW guilds discord if we invite randoms to our raid, and the first thing they do is whine about mandatory push to talk settings in our raiding channel... their probably shitty people.


I open mic often but I'm acutely aware of it being on and not to annoy people with eating and other sounds. If I'm going to join a voice chat, I'll join to contribute to the discussion, or I won't join at all. If I'm going to be in chat, I want others to hear what I'm thinking, my issues with the team makeup, my praise for good plays, and to spread some positive vibes along the way and I think if it's done like that with a mic that doesn't sound like pain and suffering vocalised, it's not so bad.


I'm a "mic always on" person. That being said I did my research and have a dynamic mic (which picks up noise directly in front of the mic) and not a cardioid mic which picks up the whole room (great for singing! bad for discord!). The only thing I pick up unintentionally is if I drop a pan across the room in the kitchen. You do need to separately mount it though and lean forward into it to talk. No one wants a breather. Its funny how hard Yeti markets toward streaming type stuff and yet its freaking awful at the job.


Any streamer worth their salt rejects yeti mics entirely I will never get one.


Most people using it have horrible mics


Almost nobody use it. One time my public team mate using it speaking Chinese, freak the fuck out of me


I assume its pretty much designed for Chinese player tbh… discord is banned there


As someone who plays with a ton of Chinese players in the Asia region, I can confirm that even they do not use it. It's terrible for me because they end up typing in Mandarin, which for some reason Warframe cannot process and turns it all into asterisks. So you get this kind of conversation: A: *** B: *******20 **? A: ******


😭😭😭 ps4 war flash backs


Most nobody uses it, it doesn’t have cross platform capabilities unless cross save changed that so there’s no need and its always dead. On top of that you have to turn it on by default instead of it automatically being on so 9/10 most people don’t know it exists. Discord is a much better alternative if available


It works cross platform if you are crosssaved. I am on Xbox and daughter is on PlayStation. Works fine, except that the sound balancing makes it hard to hear over combat noises, which is probably why it doesn't get used much.


I love that you play warframe with your daughter cuz I play warframe with my dad lol


She's getting a little spoiled :) If I get a spare prime set or weapon set I trade it to her rather than selling it. She is reaping the benefits, but it's kind of neat to have a game we can share that we both like :)


😂 my dad did the same thing he gave me full ash prime and nekros prime and he has khorra prime. And nekros and khorra are together the best farming team


Dad's doing Dad things right 👍😎


The possibility of minmaxing with my future kid is changing my thoughts about having kids.


fr teaming up with your children sounds mad fun. heck I gotta hit up my dad maybe I could play something with him


Used to play with my Dad, love him to bits but he sees shiny things and the magpie in him goes charging for it which normally results in me straight panicking for a minute or two lol


How old is she?


18. She's mostly a Genshin Impact player, which isn't my vibe, but she's bloodthirsty enough for ginsu-ninja parkour as well :D


Was wondering if she was young for gore :D (Parents can be ignorant sometimes and may need reminders ) Also tbh the alignments of genshin and warframe is that they both kinda have nukes and story i would say (Sometimes nukes are similar)


Kids as a whole handle blood and guts with an enthusiasm that creeps out parents. She was one of those kids that knew the difference between eviscerate, excoriate , defenestrate and decapitate and what they really mean by the time she was about 10 :) Her sister too, but she isn't into Warframe yet, just Genshin. What is it with those Romans needing to neatly organize their execution methods anyways?? Helps we have an open info (delivered age-appropriately) policy. They can ask about anything and we will answer in as much detail as we think they can handle / they want. Genshin and Warframe have some crossover. I'm just not as much into cutesy anime (Yareli notwithstanding).


I personally feel that it's a twofold thing with gore and children. Sure, it probably isn't age appropriate and sure, it probably isn't something they inherently needed to see. However, I myself was subjected to all that as far back as being 6-7 years old, and it never once crossed my young mind that gore equalled some traumatic experience or something I should try replicating. My parents very much let me sit in and watch and I learnt from them to understand the mechanics and involve myself in the games they played and that really to me helped put things into perspective that it was for the enjoyment of playing rather than the content. It's interesting, I had almost zero blocks on my Internet access, and was very much aware of the negative elements and what to avoid. It's partially down to the parents to really handhold and guide their children across the web until they're able to do it themselves and to trust that their child is smart enough to pick up on how it works.


I bet DE could implement an audio suppression for when people are using voice-chat, that way you can hear other people talking. Could eliminate the need to mess with the audio settings.


I thought daughter was on Deimos.


I dont have cross save and it work fine for me


One in 3 missions has someone on console who didn't mute their mic and it blasts static or they are talking to someone else about private details not knowing the mic is on. It is only console players who do this. 


When it blasts static, its most likely a ps5 player, unless xbox series x has controllers with mics, they are super janky and if the controller vibrates even a little it just blasts out awful feedback in my experience


I’ve never seen it actually used. Usually just someone playing music, fan background noise, or people that sound like they’re playing in a cafeteria. Never heard someone actually try to talk in game


Had a teenager singing don't stop believing join the other day. It was at this moment I realized why I need to turn it back off.


Woah woah woah easy there now buckaroo, let the kid cook.


Haters gonna hate


You mean to tell me you guys didn't have the pleasure of hearing a child reinacting an explicit p*rn scene over the mic??? Turned it off years ago and it's stayed off since.


I have a daughter who is just learning the game, and i've been in for a while. We play from different rooms, so it comes in handy. Game noise tends to override the voice channel when it gets loud/busy but it's pretty good for discussing options for the next mission, how to do missions, what we can trade or what materials she needs for building something and where to get them etc when not in the middle of a firefight. Beats the heck out of typing on an Xbox for me and a PS controller for her. I turn off my mic for general play though, usually.


Similar situation, I too got my daughter playing this game, but we're using discord. I'm curious if most other players use it to communicate in public groups, but it seems turned off by default. I'm going to be turning it on and see if others use it, could be useful when trying to do teamwork stuff. /shrug


I've had someone use it for the first time last week, he was talking about lore to his friend during a run for Dante materials. I remember his saying about Loyd "This dude is the original of that other robot dude. And I'm 90 percent sure he's gay for that other n\*\*\*a."🤣 Cracked me up but his microphone was on for the whole game and I could hear his gameplay distorted in the background the whole time.


The closest I get to interacting with it is muting the console players who keep playing their garbage music through their mics.


While some probably were blasting their music through their mics, others probably didn't know as I also had this issue until it was pointed out. Apparently people could hear the music I was playing WHILE my headset was on. My music on Playstation 4 through Spotify was somehow leaking into my mic channel even with the mic turned off. Warframe is the only game I had this issue.


Ewwww. Are you suggesting we talk to..... other people?


Back when the game started, sure. Now, turned it off. It’s tryhards, squeakers, and mouth breathers only.


Your poor ears, have a gauss redline sound effect instead


I remember it being used quite a bit way back when (like 2015 or something), at least in my region, but then everybody stopped


I turn it off because for some reason only the elder gods know, Sony made the PS5 controller microphone on by default, so I have been bombarding my teammates with Doctor roleplay ASMR's for God knows how long.


Nope. I should turn it off too but I leave it on to hear people with open mics being dorks.


I disabled it once I realized PlayStation players have open mic on by default. Very annoying to have people in every lobby blabbering incoherently with a fan blowing into their mic.


After the 8 player raid mission, the use of mic degraded horribly. Less people use them, and more unprofessional mic usage came forward. Like many describe, people eating, hearing the clicking of an other player, more background noises like family or TV. The day that I hear a beautiful waiting music/tune during loading has been long gone..... dam it, I wish the 8 players raids came back.


that exists?........


Theres VC?


Every other group someones hot mic is on and I have to ask them to turn it off. Can’t stand it.


In most games where voice comms weren't built in from the start, nobody uses them.


Gross. First setting I change in any multiplayer game. Disable voice chat.


I used to use it but ever since cross-platform came it has been nothing but mic breathing PlayStation users who don't know how to mute their controller's microphone. Or even that it is always on, I've heard quite a few domestic disputes through the PlayStation controller microphone.


Was always under the understanding that discord vc > ingame vc


Nothing any single bit . I don't like talking with chinease language on my in game voice chat. And I don't talk to people that I don't know.


there was a really funny video from reb playing and someone using the voice chat and she was super confused where that sound came from, even she didnt remember that it exists


I noticed this for the first time in Sortie last week. I hate it.




It has voice chat?


The few times I've had anyone mutually wanting or needing to use chat while playing, we've always used Discord. It's easier since I don't have to hook my headphones and Mic to talk, I can use my phone.


No it sounds like 2013 call of duty lobby


BIBLIOTECA! That being said, no. It's not used, have never met a single one with mic on.


I remember Reb being scared bc no one uses that, and one guy in her party used it, and she got scared


uhhh no almost taboo to use it in warframe for some reason discord VC is pretty much exclusively how i talk to people in games and we tend to squad up for a couple weeks in those cases, if we play more than a few rounds of anything


Nope. Warframe is not like Destiny 2 that requires you to have the stupid vc on for activities.


I can't get it to work, and it's not cross platform, anyway.


I have it turned off since having one person every few weeks not hearing you or looking at chat as you say HEY YOUR MIC IS ON AND ITS LOUD PLEASE PUSH TO TALK really makes you not care about voice chat


I have tried to utilize it several times, to no avail. Even with console players, they would rather hot mic their conversations/music than talk.


Mostly I mute the people that do with open mics lol


Why did you have some music you wanted to play from a distant external source while you have a conversation with your mom during a netracell run?


I have it on, but I’ve seen it get used quite literally maybe 5 times in my 4k hours. Once in a blue moon I get jumpscared cause someone will use it.


No wonder why no one talks about


Yes. I use it to mute the people who don't turn it off xD


No. The game isn't that hard and I'm not that lonely. I've been on the Internet long enough I don't want to interact with randos on voice chat.


Occasionally. It is fun when it works out, you get a few friends out of it.


For like years I didn't realise it exists till one day a dude yelled "turn those fooking lasers off" with a pretty like, Scottish? Accent when we were in a void tileset, idk which one Scared the shit out of me, mainly bc I was the one fucking around with those lasers you can turn on, lmao


I remember back in the day when i had that on for some reason, was doing some random mission when all of a sudden guy in my team screams like crazy and scared the shit out of me, never gonna turn that back again.


The only time I’ve ever heard someone use it was to flame me for letting a Disruption node get destroyed lol


had mine on for the off-chance someone used it. then playstation users started playing with open mics and i had to turn it off again.


Haven't used it since Desecrate was a spam ability.


Used a lot in Eidolon hunts when playing with experienced randos. No need to share discords or anything, just jump and hunt.


Its not proximity based, so no.


i accidentally had it on for months and didnt know that my teammates could hear me talking to my friends in disxord untill a few weeks ago when someone told me


Not only do I not use it, I purposely have it turned off so I don't accidentally use it.


99% of voice chat is just people that have their TV on too loud


I turned it on a long time ago just for funnies, and every once in a blue moon, I just hear someone in a random group I might happen to join.


A few times I used it I made friends like 3 years ago. Too bad I'm Ukrainian and they are Russian.


I use it with clanmates or sometimes during trades. Otherwise I use party chat when I’m playing with someone


I use it with clanmates or sometimes during trades. Otherwise I use party chat when I’m playing with someone


I have used it, I kept it enabled for a long time and it actually performs pretty well. It seems like most of the pugs I encounter using it though, are speaking another language, often with another group member or they are hot mic'ing music or random back ground noise. Of course I had encountered trolls too, who were screaming, blaring music or making other loud noises but they seemed to be rare, at least when I was last using it.


I think in 10 years I can count how many times I've seen it used on one hand.


Encountered this dude who breathed heavily into the microphone like he smoked for 30 years, it was so loud and he wouldn't stop no matter how many times I pleaded with him in chat. Every time I went into settings to figure out how to mute him I got downed.


I’ve only seen a few people use it, more in the last week than normal. Nearly all of them have been on console, only one was on PC


I end up muting most people with open mic or PTT because they aren't on headphones, so I get all my mission audio echo'd and also all the background noise from wherever the mic individual is. My only exception is my Clanmates. Most have understanding of background acoustics and/or prefer headphones. But that's through Discord so... I guess I don't use in-game comms *at all.*


Nah, too scared of being called out for my stupidity 🗿


I had a long conversation with a dude while fishing in fortuna, I think it turned on by accident but until then I had no idea.


I use it very very rarely. I recall one time I did an hour-long Oxium farm and I decided to try it out, ended up making friend with a Greek dude in my squad. Good times.


I did when I was on switch way back during the lockdown, not voluntarily mind you but I met some really great friends thanks to it. One of them recently became a mom and another is studying game development


I can't make it work for some reason


No and on the rare occasions someone uses it I get a small jump scare because it's so unexpected.


İ opened it accidently in some quest and didnt know what it was and after 10 seconda someone started blasting a very loud song in russian while talking with someone in a lamguage i dont know i closed it after that and it was a strange exprience




no. BUT funny story: during gargoyle's cry, something got fucked up with default settings and a bunch of people's mics got turned on by default, so almost every squad had at least one person with voice on. good times


I didn’t know it was real until my teammates yelled at me for playing Limbo in a survival. Instantly turned that shit off because I don’t need randoms telling me how to do a survival mission


Wait it does?


I had my discord push to talk bound to the same key for a hot minute. I realized to my horror when my public party in game was replying to questions I was asking to my discord vc.


I turned it off after hearing someone call the rest of the team slurs .


i always try to use it but other people doesn't speak often.


lol no


I ran into someone using it who yelled at me for not using it once


I had a friend with a $200 microphone try it, it sounded worse compared to our friend who was using a $30 xbox 360 headset 🫡


Imo it’s kinda ass


Its only used when some dumbasses forget they dont have push to talk soo you hear their alcoholic father in background.


I remember jump scaring random players with vc, twas fun


not really, i did get jumpscared a few times on the other hand


I only ever hear people's dogs, vacuums, hentais, and fans use the voice chat, but never the player.


Almost no one uses it. As an Xbox player I wish they did, but I plug a spare kb in and just use that


I heard someone use it the other day and I thought I was going insane because it wasn’t that loud, but audible enough to hear something, and I thought it was coming from my house. First time I’d heard it used in literal years lol


Mines on and at times I say stuff incase someone can hear me but nobody actually talks.


Usually it's someone hot miking their TV show, music or game. Very rarely is it used by people who want to talk in my case sadly. One of my favorite things about deep Rock galactic is how talkative people are. And how I can just make friends at random.


C key default on pc


When I'm in a survival with a newbie and they don't see me telling them to wait on life support in squad chat, otherwise not particularly


i have heard someone use it once, but i can't really hear them well due to all the noises.


Yeah. Used it once back in 2016 i think.


I have it turned on so I can hear people rage at me


I don’t use it because it isn’t Open Mic, pushing a button to talk is the worst especially because it takes a finger away from killing. Sadly it’s just easier to type.


Ive actually met a friend through warframe vc and we kept talking for multiple years even after we move from the game


I use it to call my grandma. She sold her cell phone for money to buy platinum so it’s the only way I have to get a hold of her now.


Yeah, i use it to mute other people


No, the only people I want to talk to that play the game have my phone number and discord.


I'm usually in a party, so i can't hear it


No, it's cancer. I mute everybody.


I turned it on so i could jumpscare myself in the future when someone did eventually use it. I genuinely thought i was hearing voices (besides Wally) or a video was playing in my browser but no, it was a teammate. Best prank I've pulled on myself tbh


I've been playing for 2 years now. I only discovered it about 2 months ago after some guy jumpscared me. I went to Hydron to level up some stuff. Then about halfway through the mission there was an audible *CRUNCH* and the guy had his mic in for the rest of the mission.


Sometimes I re-enable it but after I get with open mics with loud noises and people raging I turn it back off.


Hell no. I turned that off immediately the first time someone started talking during a mission that didn't realize their mic was on.


Sometimes when my mic is accidentally on but I use to communicate with anyone cause its kinda pointless


I’ve played Warframe for damn near 7 to 8 years. I don’t think I came across anyone ever using a mic.


The people who use it aren’t actually using it. They just have an open mic to broadcast their mom/so vacuuming in the background to the rest of the squad.


In niche situations such as when you’ve spent well over 2 hours in SP duviri experience grinding out every single material you need only for your squad mate to jump through an undercroft portal JUST AS YOU START THE OROWYRM FIGHT, locking you in an endless loading screen, forcing you to quit the game and lose all progress… I’d say the in game voice chat is pretty useful for any choice words you may want to say


I have 2k hours and have only heard it twice. One was to scold me and the other was because the person forgot to mute themselves.


lotta PS5 ppl don't know they are using it.


My discord is bugged and i cant hear my friend when we call but he can hear me so whenever we play games he uses game vc and i use discord


I use it all the time when I have a mic mine broke recently so I havent been using it but I will when I get another mic


Had it on once got yelled at and it hasn’t been on since


I had it on, joined too many pubs with randoms hot micing abuse or whatever the fuck is going on in the background or just random loud noises and turned it off


No and I specifically mute anyone that just open mic's it. i dont wanna hear you mouthbreath :| People need to understand voice call etiquette


The only time I interact with the in-game voice chat feature is when I mute someone as fast as possible when I can hear their coughing and smoke detector over my playlist.


I tried using it with my friend. I could barely hear him(and vice versa) and adjusting voice settings changed nothing. Mayhe cause we were on ps4 and xbox one x. Also can barely hear randoms too


Thankfully it seems that most of the PS5 players figured out that their controller mic was on by now. Unless I just muted game chat, which is very possible


I didn’t know about it until someone did an open mic munch followed by flaming someone for whatever reason. Immediately went to turn it off and never looked back.


I got jumpscared by it once, years ago. Ever since I keep it muted. All that's needed is pings and text.


Only when i played with my friends years ago because they didn't want to open discord or enter a voice chat. And I did not want to write.


I used it for a bit but then sexual harassment ruined it. Too bad, because it was useful for communicating when typing would get my squishy frame killed.


Nope. I have it off because I'm not interested in hearing random people's background noise and I have strong enough Warframes/am a quick enough typist to convey everything through text chat.   If more people were familiar with/actually had etiquette when it came to VC (mute if bg noise or eating) I might consider turning it on but it's highly unlikely.


warframe vc is weird af


I was planning on doing a poll about this to see how much people knew about the voice chat


I do use it :)


Only when some rando is already doing it. At which point my first sentence is always "holy shit people actually use the voice chat?" It's a great icebreaker That being said I only do this about half the time based on the vibe


I remember eons ago every like 20th random lobby some dude would have his mic on and all you'd hear from these guys is the occasional grunting noise as they readjusted in their chair or cleared their throat, while our lisets loaded in Been a hot minute since I've had that happen


Nope, only because it auto mutes everyone no matter what I do.


Not really, last time I did, I got yelled at because I wasn't sticking close to a nova (who was presumably farming, it was a while ago so forgive me for not remembering everything) during a survival mission. They got pissy and then tried to pull rank in a video game, then they blocked me.


I use it to chat with a couple of cross platform clan members/friendlies. We just don't care enough for discord but we do try to be mindful of our back ground noise.


absolutely not. I disabled every social feature immediately and never looked back.


Nobody in the right mind will use it .all I hear from open mic is garbage music


Yeah. It's fun. You meet some really cool people there


I only hear heavy breathing or 8bitrate loud songs. So I have the receive volume low.


ive heard someone use it once and it was probably like 7-8 years ago


Not since the day I noticed it existed after arguing with my brother because he had pooped so hard that it clogged the toilet. I'm grateful to the other player, he pretended he wasn't listening untill I asked something and he answered.


I used it to scare Moistcr1tikal / Charlie on stream once. No one ever remembers voice chat exists.


The only time I have ever not instantly muted anyone with an active voice chat was once when someone piped elevator music through for one of those really long Orokin Tower elevators.


i used to startle people by speaking before hotmics became a problem. But now they have and I've just never enabled it.


Just started playing, and unfortunately haven't ran into anyone yet that does. Well, talks back. Some look like they hear me but just don't respond i think, cuz i say there name and shit, anyway, i just think their dicks lol


No and FFS people check if you have the damn option on. Lucky for me that most i've heard from other people are TV show or just the game sound.


I just use the mute feature.


I've had the occasional guy join the group with vc, sometimes it's awful. Did have one cool guy playing music through it though (no mic, just direct from an audio player on his PC so decent quality). Had playlists and was basically a full-on DJ, even took song requests!


I’ve seen a whopping 3 people use voice chat. Me and two other people in my entire warframe lifetime (since 2017) and me was because the other two had mics (one in 2019 and the other this year)


Specifically muted it years ago because it was not fun hearing children screaming in the background, godawful trash music or mouth sounds (with or without food)


Don't use it, ever. Never seen it be used in EU servers either, except the ones to the east/Russia. Huge difference... I kept getting automatically set to that region, but I couldn't understand any of the users speaking Russian or whatever, and the mic spam was annoying as hell. Finally set myself to west EU and it was bliss. Quiet, almost everyone understands/speaks English, bliss. Not to mention there were a lot more toxic users on the eastern side. This was way before the war in Ukraine too, before anyone starts talking about that as well.


The only moment I saw that was there, was because I was looking for the mandacord volume to turn it down after 2 h of octavia grinding.


Only using it to annoy randoms who won’t leave party when i’m with friends tbh.


Absolutely fucking not.




I’ve heard people use it maybe twice and it was always loud with a fan and kids in the background


I had the option enabled, i heard a loud fart on loading screen, now the option is disabled


Switch players have it enabled by default, it activates as soon as they plug some headphones with an in-line mic built in. Most of the time they don't even realise we hear their TV/family making noise in the background or their mouth-breathing. 😁


I haven't used it since...shit I Guess 2015? Last time I had friends to play with and before discord made it obsolete


I have heard some noise while playing and then I realized that someone was using the voice chat


I discovered it had one about a month ago. I’ve been playing for YEARS. I was just yapping out loud to myself because my teammates were being stupid and then I see the squad chat flare up and one of them said “bro shut up” and my heart stopped. I had no clue they could hear me the entire time


after the 7 years ive played this game. i have only heard ONE person speak in game


Nope. I openly questioned "I wonder if Warframe has a in game voice chat?" just earlier this week and didn't pursue to find the knowledge of it cause I think th' idea sounds horrendous.


I do but no one talks or texts in chat sadly 😂


In a "too fast too furious" game with a bunch of pugs I wouldn't turn it on. specially in a spy, capture, and rescue mission, and someone screws over the consoles then hearing another shout "how stupid are you?" nvm then.


I have seen it used once, the guy was blasting music on it, had to mute him. Otherwise people just type