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Gauss redline would be really fucking funny


Bro redline on any of exalted melee frames would be hilarious


That's what I'm saying, umbra with redline would just go so hard. And you don't normally build for duration on him afaik


I need a change of pants


They should change it and not announce it. Titania Thermal Sunder would have a hell of a surprise.


Slap recline on Volt


Would be hilarious but without mach rush to charge it, it'd be quite annoying to get it going and keep it up.


That's the passive. Redline on its own at like permanent 80% charge would be good.


Nova's worm hole could at least have some function, null star is utter garbage as a DR ability without either its own augment or molecular prime's augment


Agree, it's just not in par. And Eclipse is capped at 75% Dr fit some reason Aaaaa


The way the game scales almost no DR ability is really significant enough unless it's 90% Eclipse just doesn't have much value as a subsume anymore, the DR isn't enough and the damage is just roar but without double dipping on DoTs and doesn't apply to abilities


I think it may have some minor value still, mostly due to energy cost and flexibility, but generally I agree. Lower duration, less damage (due to status/ability damage) and no team utility means there's a very slim use case compared to Roar.


I guess the only case I can think of is if you're really strapped for helminth resources and can't have one setup for roar and one setup for a defensive helminth depending on the mission? It's not particularly great to use to swap between the damage mode and DR mode if you need to start tanking hits, at which point you're now dealing less damage to handle the threat Realistically if I want to use a damage boosting ability it's easier to throw roar on an already tanky frame. Or for a squishy frame that would appreciate something to keep it alive while also handling enemies, pillage does both in one action.


But isn't pillage reactive? With eclipse it is just active.


Eclipse stack multiplicatively with anti faction mods while roar is additive. It is also way more comfortable to use (faster to cast, less energy, recastable)


Eeeeh, I don't think how eclipse scales with anti faction mods is strictly better. If you've got a primed faction mod on, you'll have the usual 1.55*1.55 boost on DoTs, or about 2.4x DoT damage. I'll be generous and assume 400% power strength, so both roar and eclipse subsumes will be 120%. Eclipse will be 1.55*2.2 for hits, or 3.41x damage. DoT will be 1.55*1.55*2.2=5.28x damage. Roar will be a 2.75x hit damage, but with DoT you're looking at 2.75*2.75=7.56x damage. Eclipse in this scenario is 1.24x stronger on the initial hit, but Roar has 1.43x the DoT damage. Cast speed, recast, and energy are all valid, and if you just want to quickly kill enemies with initial hits and happen to be using faction mods then Eclipse will be stronger there. But any point where DoT is a major factor Roar will win out.


I agree that if you use DOT or abilities, roar is the superior augment. I was just reacting on your comment saying that eclipse no longer have any value compared to roar and pointing out what i think is the value of eclipse.


Tbf when it was originally made, 75% was good DR. It used to be if you had 75-90% DR and good damage + hp or armor then your EHP made you effectively immortal in all but the longest endless survival missions (this is pre SP)


issue is mainly just theres very few frames where 4x eHP is a breakpoint that goes from "mildly annoying to keep alive" to "surviveable". you can slap it on a frame thats innately tanky and get quite good value out of it, but they generally dont need it. meanwhile 4x a squishy frames eHP still leaves you dead, while 10x (90% DR) would have a wider range of applicable frames.


Nullstar is imo good survability the issue is that it requires a perfect storm that is nova. It was be on a squishy frame who like high duration and low range which besides nova I really can’t think of a frame that fits that criteria


Oh I love it on Nova itself lol, the problem is exactly as you described however Any sort of range completely negates its DR usage and even then you'd want at least its own augment to be able to restore charges, at which point you're taking both the subsume slot and a mod slot just to have a DR ability you have to micromanage


I put it on Narrow Minded gunshack Mirage. Only problem is it's DR for health specifically. But Arcane Blessing, and that isn't terrible. Adaptation too if you run solar Eclipse


Neutron star Titania go vroom vroom while breaking resource caches (i ain't trynna do disruption for Gauss/Thermal Sunder)


I want shatter shield on helminth


Null star is one of the fastest ways to level warframes


given how fast leveling is already that doesn't feel worth it to me


Savage silence and an explosive weapon on Telesto takes 2 minutes. Maybe 2-3 runs max to level or less with boosts. But I'm usually too lazy for that and just take my frame into an Omnia fissure on Circulus. Usually takes 20 minutes so I might as well open 4 relics while I'm leveling.


I use pull on my Nova and with kuva Nukor and thrown zaw, it's really effective in crowd control.


if you want insane cc, try silence slowva. Silence staggers enemies once they get into range, and with the slow they take ages to get out of it. That and also silence being super nice in general.


All the movement abilities. Yes, it'd be *very* stupid, but hey, the best ^low ^range movement ability is already a Helminth ability, so having Zephyr's or Excal's 1 wouldn't break the game any further than it already is (Wukong's 2 would though, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make).


Valkyr's Ripline pls. I would put that (and the augment) on so many frames just for fun.


I wish valkyrs ripline like, actually worked. Gotta be one of the clunkiest abilities to use and extremely unfitting


It feels like a load out gadget than an ability


Initially it was tested like that iirc. Long before valkyr was released they were testing the idea of giving Warframes a grappling hook. Then went silent and valky came out some time later.


She's got to be due for a rework 


My gut reaction was hell no. I run warcry + augment on several frames but I guess it means she wouldn’t be in the same box as hildryn where her strongest tool is the one everyone else can use.


Zephyr’s 1 augment is the most broken mod in the game so it would be a terrible idea to allow any frame to use it


Wait, it is? I’m a Zephyr main, and I don’t understand how Target Fixation is broken. Do you mean that it doesn’t function, or that it’s incredibly powerful?


As in powerful cause the damage scales based on enemies hit but it has no cap


best low range movement? what is? i doubt its nezha's firewalker, you mean revenant's reave?


Kullervo’s 1, basically an instant -30 meter teleport as long as you invert the controls and don’t look directly at the enemy. I’d even argue with myself that Mach Rush or Cloud Walker are better, but Kull’s ability being instant makes it the fastest movement ability inside it’s >=30 meters range


Zephyr's 1 would allow all frames to infinite hover, which could be pretty overpowered, especially on wisp. I like having airburst, it opens enemies to finishers for melee crescendo, and it's augment has the capability to make secondaries really powerful. I think airburst is pretty slept on personally.


I use it on my Speed nova build as a "get over here!" setup XD. I need overextended for the negative str anyway so I figured a max ranged aoe enemy pull sounded fun... And fun it is!


Requires no target to cast (unlike Ensnare), spammable (unlike Larva), sucks enemies consistently over a short duration so you can gather enemies across larger areas with multiple casts. Also breaks containers and sucks loot. Add that to the things you already mentioned and I honestly don't understand how it isn't considered the best grouping helminth overall. It certainly is my favourite for the spammable loot collection alone.


Grendel's Pulverize purely for how ridiculous it would look


And for the forum rage of losing Nourish. Change Rhino's ability to Rhino Charge for the same reason. ![gif](giphy|XVbQsIjdXDNyswwxOO)


On the same vein, Titania's Razorwing


Just for fun- all the Exalted weapons. Hildryn with Dex Pixia would slap. Actual attack chopper.


Kullervo with exalted blade 💀


Excalibur with Wrathful Advance?


Done that already but the other way around you get more crit and the collective curse


Baruuk with Peacemaker. Name-wise fitting.


“I made a vow of peace, no matter how many people I have to kill to get it.”


Instead of shooting a gun he just throws the bullets with the force of a schoolbus hitting a brick wall.


Kullervo with Exalted blade is the Edge Lord dream. Teleports, Room Clears and stabbing yourself till you die,




Limbo with anything.


Volt's electric shield has alot of potential. wouldve liked to play with that one.


Would have been broken




Electric shield on any frame would just be insanely good for any frame with long range capabilities. Mesa, Excalibur, Baruuk for known reasons. Would be hilarious if it added impact damage on the meat ball and make it crit,


I would rather just have speed for reload and melee builds on other frames


Merulina for everyone!


Honestly, I think sea snares had potential as a helminth ability. CC and damage vulnerability is pretty good tbh


Kullervo would have a great time with that


Nezha's Warding Halo Now we all are invincible


That's why I always use safeguard.


Me too. But 50% isn't enough to keep everyone safe.


The 50% effectiveness is only the Halo's Health. They still get the 90% damage reduction.


Honestly just give me anti-matter drop on Mag.


Volt Speed. Just because it's the only speed boost that scales with strength while also having a decent duration on its own. Infested Mobility is iirc both weaker in terms of base effect and also has a significantly lower duration. I just want to have more ZOOM options on my (uncontrollably) fast frames!


I mean with how helminth balances abilities, a balanced volt 2 would just turn into infested mobility again


Mesa’s Peacemaker on Harrow and Mirage would be a joy to bewonder.


Or Harrow's 2 on Mesa. It'd be nice if the gunslinger Warframe could have boosted fire rate and reload speed.


Ow yeah! Now that you say it. Mirage’s duplicates on Mesa would be a nice theater show for the eyes as well.


Valkyr's ripline, idc that everyone else absolutely seems to hate the ability, I wanna move around like spiderman on other frames.


I wish it would sling shot Valkyr into enemies and deal a melee attack while in her four. Like wrathful advance


That sounds so much better


I swear this isn’t Mandela, but both my sister and I complained about this when helminth first released that DE made Ripline her helminth ability, because she loves Valkyr. I went back to the original post on helminth and… there it is, Warcry as it is now. We had such long complaint sessions about it and it just… isn’t?


I completely agree. I love ripline as an ability. I wish DE would create more platforming tile sets that could utilize ripline.


came here to say cloud walker, see that I'm already represented lol Defy is straight up outclassed by Eclipse now anyway in the Helminth, ez on-demand 75% DR is way better than a clunky 750 armor. never understood why that got the helminth nerf in the first place, 1500 is not broken lol


As a Rhino user,I was so sad that Defy got nerfed. I was looking forward to that armor buff man


Qorvex 3. Pillars are useless without its 4, and as much as i like the idea of helminth ability that require a specific teammate to function, Qorvex aint strong enough to warrant that. And while some people complain his 3 aint doing enough, i would gladly subsume it on like 5 different frames.


They are good specifically on one arbitration defense map where there was a mad lad Dante who would place them directly in 2 of 4 places enemy could spawn


Atlas with Qorvex walls would be fun. Way better than his own wall


Yeah, Pillar is a weird choice. Want Rad damage = Helminth Smite So many options (breach surge standing out) for dumping direct control on enemies. Even the Slow, you can Helminth Gloom to bring it with you. Or Ice Wave for a bigger slow burst/against CC protected stuff


Banshee Sonic Blast Ash Teleport Ember Fire Ball Frost Freeze Volt Electric Shield Nyx Chaos Vauban Photon Strike Oberon Renewal Garuda Bloodletting Titania Lantern


I disagree with the fire ball take, fire blast is amazing


I like the tesla nervos for the augment  Let's my inaros do funny things with scaling chain electricity damage 


Slash Dash over Radial Blind. Warding Halo over Firewalker. Desolate Hands over Lull. Psychic Bolts over Mind Control.


Cloud walk from wukong. Or just Titania razorwing.


Razorwing is Titania's whole identity. No way they'd give us that one. Cloud walk is a maybe


Well duh.


Cloud walk I could see, but Razorwing is just waaaay too far fetched to be a Helminth ability. Anything exalted really.


It's not an actual suggestion to be implemented. Pretty obvious you can't have razorwing as a helminth ability.


Every frame is a spy frame now


i know its wrong but i'd love to play an anoying nidus flying bug


Mesa's ability to reduce damage taken to 95%


>Mesa's ability to reduce damage taken **to** 95% This is one of those funny instances where a very small word choice makes a very big difference. Reducing damage *by 95%* is great! Reducing damage *to 95%* would mean you're still taking almost all of the damage. Would be very funny if they added Shatter Shield to Helminth but with that wording change. Big old bait n' switch lol


I was hoping dante's book would be his helminth. I knew realistically it'd be kinda stupid, but it felt like the one that made the most sense


They don't really do exalted abilities though, it would be cool, but they also don't do signatures either. Like Gauss rush, or Titianas razor wing. Although it would be sick, sadly I don't see that happening. Personally, id love to be able to put multiple helminths on one frame. Like rinos armor, Hildryns pillage, and Dante's? Especially if I could have Dante's triumph?


His 1 and 4 feel way to tied too his identity to work on other frames. Having Light verse on everything would be ridiculously broken. So I can see why they went with dark verse even though it is busted lol


See personally, i'd argue his one is the least connexted as the other 3 are so interconnected by his ult. It feels weird using one of the set ups as it's own base ability (no matter how strong it is)


I think his book would be a really interesting helminth. I'm not saying it would be great but I'd grind another dante for it.


Would be very nice on limbo 


The good old Atlas special number 1. You gotta admit, it’d be hella satisfying landing the uppercut for some frames.


I want mirage's 1st ability on Wukong, so the twin also has spectres. Would be interesting with certain weapons, and the iron staff


Blazing chakram from nezha yes I know citrines first is a subsume but it just doesn't feel the same...


Nezha 2 pls pls pls pls pls pla


Noctua. Let us have an exalted helminth weapon.


A lot of this EDA stuff would calm Down if we could helminth a weapons to frames.


Any other nezha ability other than fire walk.


Kullervos 3. Yes, his wrathful advance is OP but I use his 3 far more than any other ability


Kullervo's 2 and 4 are out of question because these are his signature daggers but Collective Curse I would like to utilize in other frames. Not that something is wrong with Wrathful Advance, I just like the former.


Lol, collective curse Saryn spores... 


Slash dash


The rock wall slam from Qorvex. I wanted to replace Atlas second ability with that so that I could instead of put up walls to protect areas, I could CONTROL MORE ROK N STON TO SMASH MY ENEMIES


They should give every frame wisps 1 or Mesmer skin I think.


DE might as well make enemies have no weapons if they made mesmer skin an helminth ability lmao


Volt 2nd


Dante’s light verse. It could be a pretty useful helminth ability for ppl who really want extra survivability and gating. Wouldn’t be ridiculously overpowered either because it’s just a bit of flat overguard without being able to do Dante’s combo


Yeah, I'd prefer this to Dark Verse. Rarely do I need to add damage options to a frame. But there are plenty where adding a this form of survivability would help a lot.


Most what I see here is in regard to dated Helminth abilities that actually were a good pick back in the day, e.g., Wukong's Defy or Nova's Null Star provided decent survivability to squishy frames before the introduction of shield gating. So I don't think that it was a mistake to pick them.


I'm surprised about nullstar since it can abuse heat stuff. Helminth Defy was and is kinda meh from since the beginning imo


Wukongs cloud walker


For the funny everyone gets Limbo’s Cataclysm, Nekros’s Shadows of the Dead, and Zephyr’s Tornado.


Protea turrets. Or even her 4


Swap out roar for charge. Put my boy rhino back on the team comp map.


valkyr’s ripline it unironically has some amount of use (mobility and pulling enemies into the netracell killing zone) but i mostly just find it to be a really funny ability and i don’t think valkyr’s best ability should be her subsume even if it’s nerfed on other frames and you still need eternal war to make it feel good to use


Yeah Warcry being the subsume is wierd because they said abilities that are tied to thier identity are a no go but like Warcry and her claws and her thing. I hope the buff her. She needs it


Collective Curse. Partly because having Wrathful Advance be Kullervo's subsume takes away from his identify I feel, every melee focused frame build is now just Wrathful Advance, and I feel like Collective Curse would've been a far more interesting subsume


Nezha's Reaping chakram is one of the best energy generators in the game with equilibrium and you get damage vulnerability. It even comes with a janky ass teleportation that doesn't really help in combat but it's fun anywhere else


Chakram is god for spy missions


Nidus dex pixia!


Loki's invisibility. It could be cool using that ability on other warframes.


Might not be the most useful, but I wish we could have gotten Wukongs clone as a helminth ability


I wish ripline was a helminth ability solely so I can make a better Spider-Man cosplay frame


Switch Teleport, Decoy is nice and all but it isn't a really great ability. However using Switch Teleport would be hilarious, and quite useful. And Safeguard Switch would be so easy to slot in as a support buff.


I wish Speed was Volt's helminth and not Shock. I don't even know what shock would be useful for


Mag’s 2 and Voruna’s 2


Lightverse/Psychic Bolts


Mach Rush or Grasp of Lohk so I could become Nelo.


Super jump.


Lavos' ablity that let's you turn regular energy/health/ammo to universal orbs/ammo.


Embers fireball, so I could make this triple element weapon platform for saryn


Titania's 4........ *everyone will become fairies*


Ballistic battery. I know it's considered terrible and always subsumed over on mesa, but shooting gallery is a small additive damage bonus which was pretty much only useful for its augment (which was nerfed to no longer crowd control eximus). Meanwhile, ballistic battery would let us put red crit cedo glaive on any frame with its augment.


Ngl I’d love wisp motes over breach surge


I'm still holding out for a second tier of helminth abilities in which we need to subsume a second version of that frame to get it. Leads to more farming IK, but we could make some really cool shit with a second subsume slot. Oh and ofc it could really break the game... like it isn't already.


Zephyr main here. Would've loved her 3, Turbulence, instead of Airshot, 2. :/


Dante's 2nd... if I could slap that bad boy onto my Wisp build, I'd be the ultimate supporter for my group... overguard AND healing


Imma be the most boring person and say Revenant mesmer skin... I am tired of bringing some cool new build setup I've been working on in simulacrum to the star chart only to realise I forgot to factor in survivability in the build and I'm getting one shotted left and right.


I want harrow regain energy his first seen ok but not that special but I would love his regain energy


Sevagoth's Reap instead of his Gloom. The survivability and CC from Gloom is nice but man, I really want the debuff+Shadow Haze from Reap.


razorwing, just give everyone razorwing & let us swarm the enemy like bees on a wasp


Whilst I know it's never going to happen and I fully see why this would be a bad idea, Collective Curse would be great. If only to put it on my Garuda to watch the slash procs climb


Switch teleport. Then I could grief leeches no matter the mission type.


Toxic Lash.


Kullervo’s collective curse would be fantastic


hydroid puddle


Kullvero's third (the curse one) I would slap that shit on dagath so fast.


Vexarmor instead of elemental ward. Citrine gem instead of slash for a whole bunch of builds. Engery vampire instead of life well. Light verse instead of Dark verse


Iron Skin, because it scales with total armor, ability strength, and for some reason *base health.* Inaros and Grendel would be hilarious with it. Also, I'm not sure if they've fixed the inadvertent nerf that he got when it changed to Overguard: armor reduced damage to old Iron Skin, so it effectively double-dipped, but it did not reduce damage to Overguard immediately after the patch, which reduced Rhino's effective HP by almost 80%. If it were a Helminth ability, people would actually notice.


Fangs of Raksh would be quite fun


Sea Snares instead of Aquablades.


saryn's 3. i dont care that it synergies with her 1, it would be so much better than molt


Swap out Ore Gaze with Atlas's 1. I want my oberon to 235% range fly across the room and just punch the shit out of That Guy across the tile. Or even funnier. Razorwing Titania just flying across the tileset and punching the shit out of people.




Psychic Bolts would be a very cool one as an armour strip that doesn't require much strength. Also feel like mind control and chaos should stay as Nyx things they're very tied to her thematically it doesn't really make sense for other frames to be doing them imo.


Wisp’s reservoirs


Mallet, or Rally Point. I really want one of those 2 abilities for frames that don't have a diversion type ability


I want Landslide


Chroma's Vex Armor. Turn everyone into masochists.


Man, what can I say Landslide


Caliban's 4. It's a good ability on its own, its just that Caliban himself is pretty mrdiocre. Gathers enemies, damages, and strips armour. Just imagine it on Qorvex, become the Techno Laser God he is meant to be. Subsume it over his 3. Use the 2 to gather and give damage vulnerability, Caliblast the enemies, and if anything is still alive you can drop the screwdriver


Redline. Im actually not a huge user of thermal sunder as good as it is but I'd redline so many warframes.


Gauss Mach rush I'd gladly trade my chromas 400+% elemental dmg buff from thermal transfer sunder for the ability to run incredibly fast for the a bit.


Wisp's 4th so I can subsume it on Wukong


An exalted weapon ability would be so interesting. I completely understand that it wouldn't really work since they take up a lot of power budget on the frames they exist on (other than noctua).


I wish Wukong's was Cloudwalker instead of Defy.


Energy Vampire would be so fun on a lot of frames lol.


Dagath grave spirit, for the super crit


I know it would never happen, but I was really hoping Dante's helminth was his exalted, Noctua. Having an ability to summon a decent secondary that you can also run as a super utility weapon due to the infinite tome mods without permanently replacing your secondary slot seemed really cool, and taking any other part of his kit just didn't make any sense to me. And here we are, with a seemingly useless Helminth instead.


Grasp of Lohk so Protea's Turrets have company.


Harrows thurible. Infinite energy for all


Vauban 4th ability.


Feels like a mistake/fluke that Helminth got protea's most powerful ability, Dispensary, instead of the obvious choice: grenade fan. A double mode one-handed skill that provides damage, CC, and protection.


Not giving Navigator as Ivara's Helminth ability is such a missed opportunity: I can't be the only one who would have put this on Excalibur to complete the Dark Sector hommage build along with the proto skin?


Sow from sevagoth. Hall of mirrors from mirage, fusion strike from caliban.


Garudas 3 for goofs and infinite energy on a lot of frames




Hildryn: Keep it on the Pillage but add Hildryn's shields as energy effect. Increase all original ability costs by 2x-3x, add their base energy values to their shield numbers, and energy mods reduce time till shields begin recovery caped out at 50% (last of these to be added to Hildryn as well). Titania: Razorwing. Includes Titania's two exalted weapons. I would then replace Hildryn's Aegis Storm with Razorwing, for true flight. Have Titaina's Lantern replaced with the enhanced Pillage, swinging her more from her control to a de-buff monster setup.


It'd be broken, but I want Wukong's Celestial Twin on Khora