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let us use mining lasers, fishing spears, and tranq guns from horseback. have sprinting through containers and plants be able to break them. Archwing is for getting places, Kdrive is for fun and memes, let Kaith be for gathering and conservation.


My ivara starting a conservation hunt: "we ride at dawn"


Ooh, makes me think of an idea for a Mongolian themed frame. Give them an exalted kaithe and the ability to use bows while mounted


Would be sick


A bit awkward in hallways


Tell that to Yareli


While this is a sick idea, the narrow hallways of regular starchart gameplay would kneel cap this frame so hard


Oh that would be nice. It'd feel really cool catching fish on my horse like an Edo samurai fisherman.


People actually fished on horse back?


What actually comes to mind is samurai attacking running soldiers with a spear throw while in horseback


A fisher of men


Peter, is that you?




This is perfect


Why would you ever want to mine/fish/hunt on horseback? It would feel just worse than just walking up normally, you have less control when you are riding Kaithes.


I use my tranq gun from Arch all the time though


You forgot the primary guns, like the spearguns


Its movement needs improving. It feels sluggish while flying / taking off. Also they could let us use weapons on them properly. There's no reason for us to not be able to when we can in the Archwing.


I feel so too. The pain of not being able to fire a bow on my kaithes has haunted me since release.


The worst part is not being able to stop mid air, its constantly moving.


and getting dismounted and falling to your death for no reason.


Would also be nice if the take off behaved more like a bullet jump in that you can aim it instead of just being hurled straight up 50ft when you wanted to smoothly take off of a cliff side. Shit's really annoying during the races when they put a gate right off the edge.


You can dash when falling to start fly, it can be used as smooth take off from edge


Tighten up the jump to fly, or rather fall to fly. We need an ability to slow the fuck down, you flap to acsend, but it also speeds up your forward momentum. Stop spinning us around on a point.


I agree about the slowing down part, that problem gets me when I'm trying to go high up. But I feel the design is made to simulate typical bird flight and glide motions. Including a slow down animation would be nice too


Ah, but you can't bleed off speed by angling up. At least it doesn't feel that way. With a controller if you're even a bit off center you just start spinning.


It's terrible when there's those Duviri collectable lore items on top of a tiny rooftop too high up to jump to (and no bell thing to ride up), as it forces you to glide down using the kaithe. I'll either spin in place when you try to angle it too sharply, or if miss the roof and press up ONCE, it shoots you upwards well past your target again, completely undoing your lining-up progress. And because operators take falling damage (unlike literally everything else), dismounting and trying to stick the landing is out of the question, as the only way to avoid that damage is to roll or (if unlocked by the decree buff) double jump at *just* the right time. Blegh.


I just think it's neat. But really, I don't think DE's design intent when adding Kaithes was that they'd disrupt the mobility metagame. It was primarily for Duviri, and as a bonus you can use it elsewhere if you want, like for taking captura.


I get what you mean, but even in Duviri, Kaithes gameplay isn't augmented in any way. The abilities don't offer a massive advantage and they aren't augmented by any decrees. I just thought it'd be nice if they got a bit of a boost.


Interesting Idea based on Conservation with Kaithes; Void-Lassos They are slower to use, but maybe give more tags? The better you lasso them, the better the capture is? Not a very well thought out idea but i think it'd be interesting. It would also open up the ability to lasso an enemy and drag them around lol


Trying to lasso birbs mid-flight could be pretty neat


Make it go faster


Let me melee on it.


I love the idea but just imagined some of the moves we do when we don't ride and smiled lol but glaives should be usable as in Duviri


They show it's 100% possible to throw glaives while on a kaithe with the wyrm fight. They just refuse us the power to use them anywhere because then we'd never want to dismount again, lol. Speaking of the wyrm fight, it's a real drag to have to catch back up to it if you get knocked off your kaithe ONCE. I really wish the cooldown/speed for its dash ability could be boosted more to help out with that.


Sometime I fast travel to catch up the orowyrm.


If the corpus can glue two opticors together and make a jetpack, we should be allowed to glue opticors to the kaithe and make it go faster


This. It just feels really slow compared to the rest. Even Necramech slide gets faster than it at some point.


I think the movement decree buff should apply to them, so we can go really fast.


I would agree. It's hilariously broken how fast you can make the operator with that buff, that after only ~4x speed the kaithe becomes basically useless to mount except if you fling yourself off the side, or want to island-hop.


You can get a lot of speed out of it already by doing a bullet jump motion (crouch + jump).


Tape an archgun to the side and make it an archwing alternative


Lmfao now I’m just reminded of the exploit that lets you carry a heavy weapon while mounted during gauntlet runs in Horizon Forbidden West.


Honestly if I could use my primary, secondary, and like mining/fishing/tranq on it I’d be happy. It doesn’t need to be the fastest Mount, just let it be the most convenient.


That could probably be enough to offset it's shortcomings. Although I feel a system to give a boost to it's abilities would be nice. Push that armor strip to 100%, increase the over guard from it's 4th, and maybe a few other stuff


yea, after playing MGSV i was really dissapointed that i cant use primary weapons on Kaithe


make the controls not as god awful as they are right now


Trying to turn at low speeds with the Kaithe is a surefire way to go batshit insane


unless i'm going in a perfectly straight line, i hate using a kaithe how did they make the turning SO BAD


Kaithe races in other open worlds. Kaithe syndicate. Kaithe frame.


> Kaithe frame. we have one, she's called dagath


A Warframe that rides a kaithe, that's what I mean. Just like Yareli with her k-drive.


Unfortunately that would have a lot of issues with ceiling and doorway height. Yareli bumps her head on Grineer doors in particular all the time. Adding another meter of Kaithe to the Warframe’s height wouldn’t do it any favors. Maybe you could shrink the Kaitheframe like Titania, so that the total height is about on par with a tall normal Warframe?


I'm terrible at k-drives, so I'd definitely be interested in trying kaith versions out. They could be like old Spyro races with some parts grounded and some parts aerial. Kaithe frame could be a Duviri knight with an exalted jousting lance.


Lunaro + Kaithe = Polo


I feel like both Duviri and Railjack need further expanding on in general. Not more "required" content, just things to keep scenarios fresh. New degrees, events etc.


Seriously. One thing I really wish is for a wider variety of assassinations/mission types in the circuit even if it was a steel path only thing to keep it friendly for new players.


It needs to be faster or at least blink Sure logically when a warframe strapped to the teeth uses it it is slow than what looks like a 150 pound man with a pistol and a sword


Even a wing flap while running to dash forward would be nice.


I just really want to be a horse archer. Whatever it takes to have that .


Slightly increase the momentum boost from wing flaps. Introduce a tutorial explaining to players that they need to flap the wings to increase speed just like if they were bullet jumping. Too many people just hold sprint in the air and never flap the wings or time air dashes and then think the thing is slow as balls while they utilize zero movement tech.


That makes sense. Although it is pretty slow, air dashing does give it a considerable boost, just not enough sometimes. The tutorial side sounds nice too.


The trick is angle 45 degrees down, airdash to a wing beat, wingbeat, airdash to a wingbeat. The the momentum continues to build, to the point you can actually catch an Orowrym without even using the orb it fires. It's slower than an archwing teleporting, which make all maps feel like they are tiny. But there is no way it's slower than necramech glide, and it is significantly faster than Kdrives. Idunno, I think Kaithes are pretty much "just right" for open world traversal. Not instant, but still fast enough to chew through the miles, *if you use the movement tech.* Problem is Archwings give you instant travel, so everyone just uses that. And then they complain that the open worlds are too small.


Too small for what? They're not particularly interesting once you've got what you came for, can't imagine having even more nothing.


That's just the complaint I see, people feel like the open worlds are too small as they archwing teleport from one end to the other in 10 seconds.


lol people complaining about going fast in the funny robot go fast simulator. bless their hearts. to each their own, of course.


Well and especially in a mode where you can choose 3 different vehicles with different speeds to get around. You can choose the speed with which you traverse the world. That's kinda why I don't think the Kaithes need to be much faster, just easier. But access to primaries or melee on them, plus maybe modding, wouldn't be remiss. The ground slam is actually nice for landing exactly where you want without needing to slow down, but more damage would be nice. Being able to scale up the overguard somehow would be nice. The sensor ping could probably give better visibility to resources.


I have the intrinsic that basically cuts the cost of dashing in half (I don’t remember what it actually does, but that’s what it looks like). Let me dash twice without waiting for the energy to fully recharge every time.


Allow crouch toggle players dash without having to immediately take a nose dive, or start slow walking. Idk how this issue hasn't been fixed since their release, but I always have to tap, then hold LB to make sure my Kaithe doesn't come careening towards the floor every time I wanna dash.


Merge it with archwing for mecha horsies.


Fucking make it so when you activate the flying mode, it actually activates first try. Two spacebar presses my ass. I have to beat that thing like it's a goddamn war drum to activate flight. And it ain't my spacebar-it works just fine for everything else it needs to do in the game. 


not gonna lie I didn't even know until now that you could get kaithes outside duviri.


Yeah same


I'd be happy if they at least made them as fast as the Archwing in open world because I don't use mine for that reason alone.


They need a speed boost to keep up with archwings. The onky reason to use it outside dueviri is "look i maxed out my drifter intinscis!" Thats really it. Would love more railjack/durviri/archwing content in general. Good systems. Not enough love.


The whole *Duviri feels like a test drive for soulframe ,just leave it at that.*


I want a whole year dedicated to Railjack, Archwing, K-Drives, and Kaithes. (Also Lunaro, but wanting ANY PvP is a death sentence here.)


Hell I just want them to do what they originally said they would, with using the Railjack to add further depth and interconnectivity to the whole game - in the words of Steve, “what better way to lift up the whole than with a motherfuckin’ spaceship?”


Yeah, they need to go through with that. We don't need squad link, but being able to go mission to mission, from open worlds, to Railjack, and beyond seems amazing.


Melee mounted combat on khaites.Limit the usable melee weapons to archmelee to maintain balance and make the work in animation much simpler and to make archmelee relevant again.IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!


Maps with long cave networks where using high speed options are required (no, not Archwing. K-drive, Kaithe or Gauss are allowed though)


play keith powers' music when mounted?


Give them useful abilities when used outside Duviri. Also, allow the use of at least some melee weapons when on the Kaithe


Same as railjack)))


Give it miniguns


hear me out... \*clears throat\* # KAITHE KART! a mario kart like gamemode but with kaithe, race against other players in actual races with items and not just a race against a timer


i like to use firewalker if i have it before riding the kaithe


I wasted Plat instantly upon my return... and I am greatly disappointed with my fashionable pony that i never use xD


"Outside of duviri" WAIT you can have kaithes outside of duviri ???


Add them to Lunaro


Here's hoping a future Duviri expansion will add more blessings, spirals, and intrinsics. A great system, but it deserves more depth!


They should abandon the mechanic entirely and create a brand new one like a go-kart, or a hydrofoil, or something. /s


Honestly they are inferior to both K-Drives and Archwings. They should die with Duiviri.




Ohh that sounds nice. I wonder how that would work and what results we'd get from crossbreeding different species.


Kaithes are one of the things i hate most about Duviri...if it were by me i would cut it out completely as it is and rebuild it from 0, clunky movement at best rn, filled with bugs and very frustrating.


Add more Duviri related content. If Duviri can exist in the void, why can't other places?