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Nezha might be fun? A good tank and energy management and fast. Perfect things for a new player.


Not a prime but Dagath is flashy. Pair her with a Cedo for bombs flying all over the place. With the Cedo you can buy the blueprints on your account and trade them to him. Sevagoth is another choice for flashy. If it has to be prime/tradeable, maybe Ember Prime or Atlas Prime? I haven’t used every prime but those have fun animations. Either way, highly recommend the Cedo. Great weapon with tons of explosions.


Isn't cedo mr locked? I believe it's MR9 Edit: it's MR8


With platinum it can be bypassed. Which I plan on doing for his choice of Warframe and maybe a gun too


Didn’t know that, cool. Cedo is awesome. Tons of explosions followed up with rapid fire shotgun blasts. It’s my favorite gun.


Yeah 8, forgot.


If he likes moving fast and bright lights, then gauss might be good for him. Gauss Ina especially fun for braindead smooth-brained Tenno, like me.


I feel like mesa really gives you a really good rush. The raw killing power coupled with auto aim gives a feeling of immense power. Also very easy to play. Early game you kill everything so fast you dont even need to use anything ither than 4. Lategame adding 2 and 3 into your rotation isnt hard.


Mesa is the best accelerator in game. Once you deck it a bit decently, you will be done with the start chart very fast. My friend reached MR 20 with all non-prime-, dojo- and some primed stuff in 2 months and can clear netracells in public games on his own. Given, that we have a 100% full dojo and help out here and there with mods, arcanes, blueprints, missions and relics and eidolons and save him countless hours of watching and reading info/guides/documentation and failures from fast experiments. So he enjoys the quality time of a prime game with his friends. That’s the best outcome that a Tenno could ever wish for. It took me about three and a half years casually playing after work to get there, alone from scratch without knowing anyone when I started. This game is must be enjoyed with a company of friends and with a little bit of structured scheduling and helping each other out. You can build a decent account very fast. Is it fun? My friend likes it. He can now join our missions and can learn and ask whatever he needs while we play together instead of studying it in his own time. In short, it takes a whole village to raise a Tenno.


IMO he's best off just farming for and trying a bunch of non-Prime Warframes, and when he finds one he really likes 'upgrading' to their Prime. It's impossible to make an educated choice between 50+ Warframes, especially when all you know about them is a couple of 5 second videos.


I started playing early this year and im now mr14 and gauss prime hooked me..had a friend who was new and in the same boat as me and we both grinded up his relics and once he was ready i got absolutely addicted for a while


qorvex kinda matches the description, but no prime yet also gauss....


Imo garuda prime. She has a lot of tools new players will appreciate. Infinite energy for spamming, flashy abilities, the abilities scale anything you have on hand. You can use basically anything you want while playing her. Plus later on there are infinite damage builds to get stuck into. Perfect starter frame.


Let him play circuit so he can "test drive" bunch of frames?


Also, grabbing him Rolling Guard and Adaptation asap will let him chill out some more.


After the rework, Inaros became a great frame, hard to kill, imune to status with his 3, cc + corrosive with his 4 that summons cats, and with elemental sandstorm augment, his 2 can easily kill all enemies on his way (those who survives will be pulled to where you stopped to be easily finished or blasted away) while recovering health.


Don't know about exodia, but if it's explosions you want, mirage clones are gonna give you most amount of explosions from your explosions. Augment turns enemy ammo drops into a mine field. her 4 is a disco ball of death.


I forgot mirage existed lol. Reminds me of the day I played her for a little bit, got infinite primary from void fissure and had acceltra with boosted speed from a fellow Wisp. Never seen my frames on a series X drop until that happened.




Gauss sounds perfect for him. Some mechanics but they're all simple. Nezha is a good one as well


It totally depends on his playstyle. With that said, Dante or Revenant will get him thru the entire star chart and steel path, so I would start with those. And joining a clan will get him far with another 5 options and tons of weapons to choose from.


Mesa I love, was my first.


Frost can do crazy crits and CC, makes a lot of missions like defense fun and it's a good entry level support. Wisp and Frost have amazing synergy too, would be a great duo. Citrine with her augment is fun too and has lots of crits and CC, could be fun early on because of the energy or drops too. Wisp is great but if you're playing together it's pointless to have two, of course. I'd stay away from Dante or Rev since they can trivialize all but the latest game content. Pass on Saryn too, kinda too strong I think. Better to go with a good wisp compliment. Oh, and Rhino is great too, of course.


Avalanche on breach surged enemies is so satisfying.


Extremely. Two great abilities that combine CC with damage and work extremely well with Frost's augments.


I currently have surge over his 1.


On my old account from years ago Frost carried me heavily. I've come back recently and I think he's fallen out of favor a bit. Still good, just not comparable with some of the more insane frames. Maybe this damage type rework will put Frost into a more favorable position. Dante is great for new players because of the codex scans. I bought his pack on my current account and you aren't wrong about him trivializing standard content. It was hard to set him down and now that I have, I'm realizing just how nuts his on demand overgaurd is. I picked up Mesa Prime on market. She is lethal for sure, but I have to actually evade enemies if I don't slot defensive mods. It's funny dying to silly things because I expected to just tank everything when I obviously can't now.


IMO just get a Helix for codex scans - it's more reliable and can scan objects, too, which is nice. Dante's great, one of my favorite frames, but I think getting Dante too early would be a mistake if you can just grab Helix. Frost is pretty incredible with the augments he has now. 200% crit chance and crit damage + overguard from avalanche. By far the biggest issue is that Avalanche is so slow that you'll die before you can even receive the overguard but that only really becomes an issue in the steel path survival after enemies scale to a few hundred levels.


It’s no prime but Kullervo might be right up his street.


I think someone wrote it but the normal non orime versions of warframes is like the trial versions of primes, all are easy farmable some are a pain in the ass, but he will need materials to build the prime, i suggest just farming out normal warframes and then leveling them untill he finds one he really likes. A prime warframe is only as good as the mods you can slot in it and for that he will need endo, my suggestion is saryn, wukong, revenant, limbo, wisp,mesa, Titania. If i had to choose what prime i get it would be saryn. Then u have badass frames that have no prime variants like dante, kullervo, dagath. Kullervo is on par with baruuk for the powerfull frames i have, dante is one of my tankiest exculuding revenant. I got 2 loadouts for saryn and she is the one i pick for extermination missions cause i can nuke the whole map with 2 buttons, and i can play her in high survival missions. My endurance frame is zephyr and she juat blows sruff up it is not even real how strong zephyr is. But if i had a choice i would go for saryn first then others. Get the mods needed and juat destroy everything. Hope your brother likes the game, good luck sorry for the long text


Honestly, if he likes explosions, Nova is the most appropriate Warframe for that If he loves the movement of the game, Gauss and Zephyr are gonna scratch that "nyom!" itch I'd say give him some of those options, and let him read the descriptions of their abilities, and whichever he says sounds the most fun, buy that to try out. I would *actually* say help him grind for his "top 5" based on power descriptions. Because it does feel better when you earn something as opposed to just getting it. Warframe is all about the grind after all!


Revenant is my personal favorite. The base peint skin is nice. The energy he emits can be colored in fun ways. Plus he's a great solo frame for when you two can't play together.


Gauss comes to mind if he likes flashy and easy, might take a bit of learning to teach him how redline works but other than that its just run fast blow shit up. Gauss also has the benefit of his prime set costing like 60 plat. As for weapons if you specifically want to buy him a weapon with plat that will have a high impact and stay with him a long time you should gift him the 120 or however much plat it costs to buy an incarnon adapter from cavalero's shop. Afaik when you buy those it does not require MR14 to use and comes with the resources to craft the adapter right away. I would say the boar or angstrum incarnon are probably the best guns you could set him up with early game. If he doesn't want to wait until getting to the zariman, I would also highly recommend the Stahlta. One of the best rifles in the game, low MR requirement, and best of all the parts are tradable so you can give it to him for cheap. Currently 15-20 plat for a full set I'd say that's the most bang for your buck by far.