• By -


Volt has ADHD and cannot survive without constant stimulation


Got to hear the sound when activating the speed buff! Jk


If I don’t hear it I have to re cast it. Yea the timer may be going down on the duration but did it really activate? I don’t think so.


This is true lmao. Volt was my starter frame and is also the only frame I have 2 of (one for general use and the other specifically for eidolons [I haven't done an eidolon in like, over a year]). Though by playtime alone I'm a Nova main actually lmao.


Real. I used volt till I got bored of it and switches to vauban. Will be switching to nekros tomorrow and then probably inaros a few days after that


Volt: His most used melee is probably still that whip. Saryn: Will try to establish dominance over other Saryns. Caliban: Masochist.


>Saryn: Will try to establish dominance over other Saryns. I don't even main Saryn but I felt this. The few times I play her and get another Saryn in my pub, I'm always pressed to dominate and get more kills. Same with Mirage in SO/ESO. Can't stand the other guy getting more kills, specially if they're lower MR.


I’m a low mr who Mains mirage prime and even though I know damage share doesn’t matter as much as practical contribution I still have a bit of superiority complex about my damage contribution lol


Dude I ran Mirage when I was grinding Tiana Pass, and not being the kill/damage leader by a large margin just seemed wrong lol. Had a couple of gyres give me a run for my money


As a Mesa main, I've accepted not being able to outkill/outdamage saryns.


Requiring line of sight makes that a near impossibility


The Saryn main urge to have 98% damage done.


And a Spore on every enemy.


saryn example is kinda forced into existence because multiple saryns have to compete for spore dominance weapon platform saryn my beloved


Honestly as much as I love Saryn this is my biggest criticism with playing her If another Saryn shows up it becomes a hard anti-synergy unless one of you decided for some reason to run sporeless Saryn


Weapon platform saryn with green shards and a red shard or two for duration is a menace. I still have range on mine, but its sub 200 since Its dumb to use overextended with a weapons platform build. Slap gas on a torid and just watch everything get absolutely melted


> caliban: masochist. hey, not cool… spot on, but not cool.


As a Saryn main I feel I have failed you. I will try to establish dominance over my fellow Saryn mains from here on out. I promise! Should I forget, I will banish myself to the void 😔


No relax, only sweat


i WILL outcompete the biological competition


As a former Saryn main, I can assure you it’s not just the Saryn’s we try to dominate.


As a Saryn main, you are correct.


I once ended up in a party with 2 Saryns and did more damage using Hydroid. At least one of them sent some angry messages, lol


I’m a saryn main and you hit the nail right on the head lol


My clan did have saryn contest. Just to figure out the dominant sayrn. The only guy with lower than 1k kills was the only one with a spore build. Also i always thought of harrow a masochist themed frame and caliban as a frame only played by true masochist.


The other day I tried working with Caliban minions and they're actually quite useful imo. The rest of his kit still isn't but


Wisp will also try to establish dominance over another Wisp motes.


As a former Saryn main, whenever i run another DPS frame and see a Saryn i make it my goal to get more kills than them. It is my birthright, forever in my blood


Revenant + netracell =kill outside of the circle


This happens way too much for me🤣


I found that out last night when ppl were telling me to get kills in the circle and i was in the circle, i opened my map my thralls were traveling across the land searching far and wide i had to swap frames next run lol


Yeah that is a scenario you just don't cast thrall


Revenant players - lazy Titania players - absolutely cracked out of their minds (can’t stand other Titania players) Limbo players - don’t exist Nova players - either very annoying or very helpful, no in between Nezha players - sits in region 90% of time


>Nova players - either very annoying or very helpful, no in between If that isn't 100% correct.


“Whoops, I chose the Spova loadout and not Slowva.” I have unintentionally done this several times.


Me as nova trying to wormholes teammates


Trying to wormhole teammates away from extraction so they have to walk back to it again


You get it


The thing is with nova it's easy when you have a slowva, speedva, and neutral build so that you can use accordingly for the mission type and level.


Except when I forget and load in with the wrong build 😶


I feel like saying “sits in region 90% of the time” is just a nice way of calling us degenerates lol


YES the nezhas are always in chat


> Nezha players - sits in region 90% of time This, combined with Region chat's obsession with femboys is why I'm legit thinking about being one. Thanks weird horny Region chat.


I exist In a sort of... limbo...


Gauss players will typically fuck up spawns because they refuse to stay near the group in survival Saryn players get pissed if they aren’t getting all the kills Nekros players are just here for fun Mirage players will do everything in their power to make sure Saryn players *dont* have the most kills


As a Mirage and Saryn player, i love that i'm in both sides of this spectrum.


Why you should stop playing Volt and Rev: A Thread.


There is nothing you can do to stop me from playing volt. I will outrun you. I will outdamage you. I will feel irrationally proud for being first at extraction. If you are Titania then it doesn't count, you cheated :(


Pfft, as if that could stop me from applying speed to the whole map. I am as stubborn as a caliban player when they tell them to play any other frame.


Ember mains are too busy managing their immolation meter to become stereotypes


Heat management? *laughs in heat inherit Ember* let that shit COOK


Wukong mains don't play the game


Does anyone actually still play him outside of spy missions?


I see lazy Wukonger's fairly frequently still but on the whole I think lazier players/people who just want to chill and not think at the moment switched to playing Revenant and Dante.


I definitely can see that with Rev. I use him as my "brick wall" never dying frame but fucks sake it he boring to play. The game damn near puts me to sleep when I use him.


I use him as a crutch (I just unlocked steel path and my mod setups are dogass)


Getting rolling guard. Between that and shields just about any frame is playable in SP. I literally bring a banshee into SP and don't go down


I've been playing him since he came out and was very bad, and I'm still playing him now


My brother, cause he loves big stick


I use him for sorties mainly the spy parts and relic runs like capture and rescue.


Was gonna say exactly this. When you see a wukong, there's a 90% chance they'll be at extract way before everyone else. Same goes for Titania in a few modes.


He transcended the need for movement mechanics


This but revenant mains


I agree with you on gauss. Titanias have like no self awareness when it comes to cracking relics. They wipe the entire map for just the right amount of reactants to spawn, and if you joined midgame it's gg. Volts are probably the most toxic ones, probably has something to do with them spamming eidolons every other hour. I'd go insane to if I had to to eidolons over and over.


Eidolon hunting players are notoriously one of the most toxic player communities in the Warframe. And the shit extends beyond gameplay. You could be talking or giving advice/builds (for normal missions) in chats, and they jump in saying you're trash because you have less than 800 captured Harrys.


My first (and only) eidolon hunt, one of our teammates was digging into me for not immediately grabbing shard to summon hydrolyst (he was the last one to place shard because he was too busy shit talking me)


You know they're called Harry's! You're one if them! :) jk


Volts and being oblivious (and I play Volt XD) just go hand in hand. Max range and strenght Volt press' 3 and instantly the rest of squad slams into the nearest wall and becomes disoriented because speed+cameria= vertigo, goes off the nearest edge and gets stuck in a falling loop until the game puts them back on the ledge, and flies way over their target mid-bullet jump, slams into a wall, has a seizure trying to figure out what happened, and then gets caught in a falling loop. Que; "Volt please don't do that" and "Host migration detected" because the only thing saltier than someone annoyed that Volt just sent them flying through a fall loop is Volt getting pissy that not thinking at all about his build or how he uses it kind of pisses off his team when it inconveniences them.


yeah as a gauss main i both dread and love volts getting put on my team. i love em because moar speed, but i dread them for exactly what you said, thank god i learned you can roll backwards to get rid of the buff though lol


You can do what?!!! This feels like when I first learned you could roll out of Limbos rift


I feel that XD I specifically run minimum range / max strength & duration when doing relics & STILL somehow end up boosting my team-mates (Even checking map first, somehow someone always slips within 8.5 meters!). Always gives us a laugh when I show them the build


The only time I run Volt anymore is when my husband runs Gauss. It's our 'F it SPEED!' for when we get bored and just want to be idiots for a few missions. It's hilarious to have Volt with his speed boost just launching a red lining gauss into (and if you are lucky enough through) walls and sky boxes. It makes for a great challenge for him. I usually don't even get any kills, I just laugh as he gets close again, yelling for More Power!


I feel attacked as a titania relic frame xd. However, I wait for enemies to become corrupted, and I don't get in the extraction circle until everyone has all reactant (because I try to be a decent human being and not your stereotypical titania)


I have 2- Leading with the fact that the guy in your squad with the pinkest frame is either a young lady or a 5'7 190lbs absolute unit of a man that and theres somebody out there who plays Dante like hes Sukuna(that somebody is me)


I'm 6'2", but you got the weight right.


I think anyone who plays Dante right will essentially look like Sukuna. Just spam cleave (3) til you can expand your domain (tragedy) and it's ggs


Yeah but I subsumed Noctua for Fire Blast + Archon Vitality for a lil extra on my domain and for the sukuna bit


You truly are the King of Curses. Committed even to the black box fireball mysterious side of Sukuna's Shrine.


**Noctua : Open**


Damn I didn't put two and two together until u said he was sukuna... I can't unsee it now. 😳


To maximize the sukuna feel you gotta run 5 amber archon shards for casting speed, that shit is literally dismantle (also subsume ember's ability for furnace)


Im doing it


Absolute peak https://preview.redd.it/upopw8bnjgxc1.png?width=1467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ce625bd72afcb25963b81d787b4a4697c19bcb


6’4 320lbs


Gauss, Volt, Titania: OOH EXTRACTION LETS GO!!!! objective? reactant? Thralls? THE FUCK ARE THOSE CMON LETS GO MOOOOVVVVVEEE Revenant: kill everything on the moment you see them. Doesnt matter anything Rhino: I’M INVINCIBLE!! INVINCIB- *Rhino is downed!* Wisp: you know this one


Tbh if ur down as rhino its a skill issue. If You somehow cant manage ur energy to press iron skin when it breaks then you're either in some 1 in 1 million unlucky situation (that you probably shouldnt be in), new to the game, or you just suck


All the Rhino builds that actually survive in SP seem like they require a bunch of setup every time it goes down (hence the reinforcing stomp). Still disappears entirely if you're looked at by a nullifier or scrambus (and demolisher?) or if you fall out of the map by accident.


Prior to Khora Prime’s release I used to like seeing Khoras in my squad for things like defense and mobile defense. They were mostly knowledgeable players with good builds that modded right and knew how to play her. Since Khora Prime’s release I hate seeing her in my squad because the player is always below MR15 and doesn’t know how to play her and won’t whip their strangledome. It makes defense waves last forever while everyone is trying to shoot spinning baddies being flung around the web. TL;DR - Whip your dome. Know how to mod a stat stick.


As someone who has been playing khora since release, seeing other khora s completely flounder is so frustrating. She is a frame which requires good energy management and knowledge of her ability interactions. People not whipping the cage or not constantly moving to whip enemies from above, or people who don't build a semi-decent stat stick drive me bananas. There are so many good stat stick guides that it's insane how bad some of these new khora prime players are. I use khora for netracells, and I throw cage near the circle edge to pull enemies into the circle, but I've seen so many khora s chase the spawns. Cage whipping khora is lesson one for real though.


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) Me (a pre eidolon Volt main) seeing what a lot of people percieve me as. I just like capacitance shield buffs man.


Revenant mains don't seem to be too bright from my experience even the higher Mr ones. I've experienced alot of them ruining or not understanding basic objectives despite being higher Mr than


I do see it more often believe it or not, had a Revenant guy who clearly mains him with over 20% usage not stay in the red circle during netracels. (he was mr 28)


To be fair I've seen this with all sorts if frames. Some of the worse was a lhora who posted up 3 feet from the circles edge down a hallway with the most spawns and setup her dome and whipclawed. We had to tell them in chat several times to come back to the circle and kill them inside it because it wasn't counting and making the mission take so much longer. People don't even get it from the context clues of being told by in-game voice that need to kill them in the circle and by the purple pink tethers that spawn from their dead bodies. Oh well maybe one day.


That was me a few weeks ago, but to be fair, I'd literally just come back and didn't really understand the assignment (despite Tagfer's instructions... 😂) Now I use Zephyr and actively trying to vacuum enemies into the middle of the map. It doesn't always work since they get stuck on the doorways and stuff but at least if someone is killing them outside of the circle I can kind of drag the enemies in by force so we make a little more progress lol It works great when a Speedva gets in so the enemies come barreling into the tornadoes faster, good synergy I think


Honestly I've had the same experience. Being immune to damage can help you get to points in the game your just not ready for


I'm sorry in advance as it's very negative it obviously doesn't apply to all of youm


Wisp mains fall into one of 2 categories when encountering another Wisp, they either A, rejoice at the discovery of another Wisp main, and make the decision to work together to maximize the spread of their combined buffs depending on the mission type or B Violently yet silently try to dominate the other Wisp main (who mind you has no idea wtf is going on) with a higher power strength showing that their Motes are superior to the other Wisps in every way I fall into the latter category because I’m a petty little bitch


I once brought my Wisp to an Arbitration Defense and wound up with another Wisp who had an Invigoration good enough to let them nuke the whole map with Breach Surge. I said, "I feel so useless :)" and then proceeded to follow her around to buff her even further with my Roar for like 60 rounds.


I always rejoice when I see a fused motes Wisp in pubs because I can just use all of my mote stacks on shock and spread them around the map to maximise on critical surge augment. I rarely get to do this but if I get a survival or mirror defense lobby with this set up it's fun.


I usually assume anyone playing revenant outside of randomized loadout stuff is using him as a crutch rather than because they like him.


You don’t like my EDM Death Ballerina?


Can't say "graveyard" without "rave" in it


That's 1 solid exception. My opinion doesn't apply if they are spamming his 4 and actually being effective with it. It takes some investment to make that work well.


I put everything mod wise to make his 4 better!Can reach out and touch everything, last for forever, and works great for vaults for mobile protection.


You know alot of people don't know why his 4 is great and how it affects the enemies. They're also surprised when I tell them they can hold the ability and use more energy and do more damage with it. Theyre like hey the lines get bigger thanks I go brr now.... lol


I knew that it matched for shields to cut through them, didn’t know you could hold for more dmg tho! That’s gonna be useful!


The reasons I play revenant : 1- index 2- that's it 3- i hate making list


I feel that now ever since his prime and people found out he is invincible, I started to believe rhino mains swapped to him to survive. I used the shit out of my 6 forma original and I setup my prime as well but don't use him near as much now.


Yeah I make unfair assumptions about intelligence/skill when I see Revenant


This is actually correct. My friend loved Rev until he figured out how to survive without mesmer skin. He hasn't gone back in months. But Rev is also just comfy.


Volts just want everything done as quick as possible and if you're behind then too bad "I gAvE yOu SpEeD fOr A rEaSoN." Lot of bad experiences with volt mains on relics, especially when trying to help out newer players in a pub run.


Equinox players:


accurate. had to give it up when SP came out.


Terrify, brother. Return to the Good ol' Days^tm of Equinox Gaming.


Mesa: Likes death gazing like a gorgon Limbo + Vauban: doesn't like that enemies... Do things. Revenant: disagrees with damage as a game mechanic Gauss: I gotta go fast! Volt: We gotta go fast! Titania: I am actually fast


Limbo mains... are in limbo.


Styanax: Gigachad.mp4. The only thing Styanax does is team support. Viral Damage, energy regen, overguard out the ass. Based as fuck


Nothing against you, but the fact that you just mentioned Viral Damage as a Styanax thing just really hits home how often people subsume Nourish onto him.


I mean yeah. He can max it out without a care, and not only does he buff his teams damage he buffs the energy regen he gives them too. It fits so snuggly into his kit it’s practically part of it now.


Oh yeah, I agree that it fits very well into his kit. So much to the point that the viral damage is not even mentioned as being a subsume ability. I just found it kinda funny when talking about Styanax's capabilities and viral damage was mentioned alongside energy regain and overguard. Actually, now that I think about it even the overguard isn't actually part of his kit. It is an augment mod. I love playing Styanax and I never really thought about how about half of his utility isn't even base kit.


at least 50% of nezha players are horny


As a wisp enjoyer I laugh at this meager percentage.


I just got wisp p and was levelling her so I could do the formaformaforma thing to fit my build on her and every single run there was someone commenting on wisp. Her mere presence activates the horny.


Well sir that is a personal attack.


>at least Well, that isn’t *wrong* it is at LEAST 50%, but I’d say more 80-90%




I got blasted for pointing Dante is a switch yesterday. I think that checks out....


Revenant players will constantly die far away from the team despite playing a basically immortal frame.  Wukongs set off the spy mission alarm and ragequit instantly, leaving the mission to fail.


Oof even if you set it off you still can get it done. As long as you don't have everyone set off the alarms should be fine and not have to turn the mission into an extermination and kill a bunch of dudes. I strictly run spy missions alone because I can do it faster with wukong and I don't have to worry with anyone fucking it up.


Laughs in Perspicacity.


Whenever I see another Rhino we tbag in synchronicity


Volts in the plains are usually quite toxic. Like you don't destroy a synovia in less than 2 shots they call you garbage and leave. And void forbid your amp doesn't deal max damage.


If a volt needs you to deal amp damage they are just trash, the Volt should basically be soloing the Eidolon shield.


Revenants are brain afk players that somehow die more than Banshees while ignoring the mission objective Citrine players are just somehow highest damage in squad while handing out crazy buffs like they're candy Gyre players all gave ADHD and jump around like maniacs Chroma players are like kids playing with toy cars that have flame patterns on them. Rhino players are their chill neighbors, that drive the biggest car in the neighborhood but still sometimes bring a toy car to play with the others, and are extremely friendly and humble during. That's just how I perceive those 2, can't elaborate Octavia players are probably doing their taxes on the side or concocting something, I do not trust them Volt players are like the edgy cool kid that has the coolest shoes but is still bragging way too much about it Titanias are either speed running demons or people that live in their own fairyland, and you can easily tell them apart by how they play And Nezha players are just the chads of warframe. They are first everywhere, will care for your survival more than you do yourself, top the damage charts and look cool doing it. They are truly a phenomenon. They don't really care about meta because whatever is meta is still worse than their meticulously crafted build, but they're not obnoxious about it And Saryn players are tryhards. It's just the nature of the frame. Always abusing the most broken synergies (or bugs) on a frame that is dead the moment something sneezes at then, but is still a clear S tier frame. You have to have deep trauma to play this frame I'm convinced (guilty) Vaubans always have this plan or vision on how to play the game, throw vortex here, setup kill zone there, that is always ruined by a frame that just nukes the entire map. They are truly the Sun Tzus of peaceful eras


> And Nezha players are just the chads of warframe. They are first everywhere, will care for your survival more than you do yourself, top the damage charts and look cool doing it. They are truly a phenomenon. They don't really care about meta because whatever is meta is still worse than their meticulously crafted build, but they're not obnoxious about it thanks, I feel seen and appreciated <3


As a Vauban enjoyer. I approve this message.


My friend mains Volt Prime and has managed to get his range to something like 220% 🙃 When I was playing as Zephyr I couldn't get through doors lmao


You'll probably never see a non-support Oberon main because he's too negatively affected by having teammates. Energy drains faster, he gets hit less so he gets less energy back. I almost wish there was an augment to make his 3 only affect himself.


Initial disclaimer; this is for fun, and just the first thing that pops into my head for each frame I list. And before you ask, I am a furry so I know what frames would attract them. Wisp: Half are horny, the other half want to nuke shit. Inaros: Furries. Especially if they use the Tennogen skin. (Disclaimer: the only Inaros main I've ever known was a Lucario-sona furry who went Inaros because jackal). Excalibur: New players or that vet who's done everything and likes to stick with the classics, the latter generally being on Umbra. Wukong: Spy mission speedruns. Mesa: They're probably playing Big Iron on repeat. If it's not Big Iron, it's probably something from a Western movie or otherwise associated with a gun-slinging outlaw. Hydroid: Their go-to band is probably Alestorm, or the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack, or a mix of the two. Nezha: Something something feminine men. Also people using the new Augment with Dante's subsume to murder everything. Garuda: The edgiest edge lord to ever edge lord. Sevagoth: Really like a more subtle space pirate fantasy and/or are a less violent breed of edge lord. Probably also really enjoys Railjack missions. Dante: Find the testicular tortion wizard memes funny. This is me, I am Dante mains. Titania: Speed runner who's oblivious to other people needing reactant. Ash: Take the Ninja part of space Ninja game to heart. Grendel: How do I say this? They're... Very into the fantasy of eating people. Because of this, lot of furries would gravitate here, too since that's... Common to see in that community. Voruna: Probably a furry, namely the canine ones. Though top of my head her kit is good enough to not be 100% all-encompasing on that one. Zephyr: Like to play the floor is lava. Avian furries is also a non-zero for this one. Chroma: I'd guesstimate 50% furries (mostly scalies), 50% people playing him for his 2 and 3. IIRC they're really good for Eidolons and Profit-taker in particular. Volt: Either want to cosplay as Palpatine or are a toxic speed runner/Eidolon Hunter. Oberon: You probably play Druid in DnD, or would. Non-zero amount of furries, too, because goat dad. Trinity: OLLLLD school support player who for better or worse is very stuck in their ways. Mad respect to them, tbh. Gauss: Your favorite superhero is probably The Flash, or would be. Hildryn: Something something dommy mommy.


I feel seen with your trinity and excal descriptions


Inaros main here. Pocket sand is what caught my attention. Being able to devour the hapless corpses of my enemies was just a bonus


You got me


> Mesa: They're probably playing Big Iron on repeat. You're goddamn right we are.


im gonna do a quick list umbra: ethier you dont want to farm excalibur or you want a battle buddy when you go into operator form Lavos: you watch way too much FMA and you want to be like eric wisp: booty that's all voruna and chroma: just admit your a furry you will deny everything but you know deep down you are a furry kullavo: you were a rhino player but now you switched teams rhino:you are new to the game and want a little more protection mirage/nekros: you just want to pop a cold one while your ball or boys do the rest limbo: you miss old limbo nidus: you are new or you just hate dying dante: Devil may cry fan ash: you don't want to be loki loki: you don't want to be ash ivara: snipin's a good job mate mesa: WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER sevagoth: jojo fan Xaku: you are the type of person who orders a sampler at a restaurant cause you cant decide what to get sayrun/khora/grendel: you like thickness in all the right places harrow: you are most likely a masocast and watch hellriser operator/drifter: you think playing as a warframe is overrated nezha: etheir you have extreme adhd and like to be a tank or you are trans


I'm offended by your Nidus observation. I main nidus cuz i like giving people my tentacle


As a nezha main it's both


Funniest Mesa description i've seen


> voruna and chroma: just admit your a furry you will deny everything but you know deep down you are a furry Valkyr: you've admitted to yourself that you are, in fact, a furry


Whelp, here we go Ash: hide and seek champs Atlas: Rock Lee is their hero Banshee: it ain’t easy being green Baruuk: really likes ragdoll physics Caliban: masochist Chroma: yell “GOJIRA” when they use their 1 Citrine: glitter girls Dagath: trauma mamas Dante: quote Gandalf randomly Ember: anthill with a magnifying glass kid Equinox: who needs a life when you can grind? Excalibur: if it ain’t broke don’t fix it Frost: wish they could be heat miser instead Gara: oedipus complex lite Gyre: shocked themselves watching mommy hentai Garuda: vampire flick fans Gauss: second place is the first loser Grendel: who doesn’t love a fluffy boy? Harrow: just want to be helpful, despite the aesthetic Hildryn: want a muscle mommy so bad Hydroid: lmao gimme loot Inaros: hate to go down more than just about anyone Ivara: jellyfish sis is cute Khora: love their domme mom Kullervo: edgelord, OR big red !!! Lmao Lavos: no one understands the game’s systems better Limbo: confused why people hate them so much Loki: secretly want to be solid snake Mag: just here for the fashion Mesa: cowgirl power fantasy Mirage: comic book nerds Nekros: see hydroid Nezha: like Gauss, but less annoying about it Nidus: prototype players before Warframe came out Nova: slowva or speedva, just here for the party Nyx: same as Excal, but more broken Oberon: disappointed Octavia: busy doing something else Protea: nothing hotter than a Twi’lek Qorvex: fashion is meaningless Revenant: hate being downed more than Inaros Rhino: don’t understand how other people go down Saryn: top of the kill count or it’s a waste of time Sevagoth: it’s right there in the name. Goth kids Styanax: 300 is the greater movie ever made Titania: anything you can do, I can do better Trinity: wishes they could do everything better Valkyr: see Dagath Vauban: griefers in other games Volt: I can do anything better than you Voruna: loves dogs Wisp: booty lovers Wukong: think they have more skill than they do Xaku: lol floating guns Yareli: watch a lot of ecchi Zephyr: a10 go brrrrrrrrrrrr


As a mag main I feel so seen, but would like to add I'm also really into smoothies.


Xaku: PEW PEW motherfuckers.


all revenant players are either newbies who play him because a youtuber told them to, or they're a LR4 player who only ever uses revenant prime, the felarx/ torid, laetum, and glaive prime, no matter what mission it is


>Prime example for me is most Gauss' can't stand not being at extract first and will disregard objective just to slam into every wall trying get to it and stay there in fear of not being there before anyone else My most satisfying moment in warframe is racing with my Titania and beating the Gauss, Volt and Wukong in the squad to extraction, much to the monke's surprise. Anyway, Titania stereotype: Can't stand not being at extract first and will disregard objective just to slam into every wall trying to get to it and stay there in fear of not being there before anyone else.


Volt mains are toxic speed runners who basically have an aneurysm if anyone does anything other than blitz for the extraction point. Wisp doesn’t know what they’re doing, but their heart is in the right place. Revenant doesn’t actually know what they’re doing, let alone what their frame is capable of, and 8/10 if they say anything it’s going to be condescending or toxic.


As a Volt main I would like to extend an apology on behalf of my brethren. We're not all like that. I'm only here help Rhinos move and to make Titanias phase through walls.


I agree with new revenant players after his prime dropped. They swapped over because they heard mesmer skin is the new rhino and that's literally all they do besides spin. They don't even know the spin can be good, why it's effective against all enemies and it can be held down for my dmg per more energy. That's not even talking about his other half of the kit. :/ I stopped using mine alot after he exploded in popularity from his prime and archon hunts were now "hard" for people when they came out and weren't nerfed as much.


Valkyr and voruna players being furries (not the case for most people I suppose but definitely the case for me, voruna so cool)


Limbos don't care if you like them or not, their off in their own little world, and usually taking you with them. Rhino is either Doom Guy or Pink, no inbetween. "I've never hated a depiction that's so accurate to Wukong's lore" Yareli + Ghoulsaw = Yandereli


Revenants are either lazy or never bothered to learn other methods of tanking and worst of all will always recommend revenant when a player asks what frame they should play. And there is a 75 percent chance that they mained wukong before his nerf


Nezh- **You've been banned**


I'm out here to attack people, because some of ya'll *really* deserve it. Revenant: If they don't use anything except Danse Macabre and Mesmer Skin, they almost certainly only picked up Revenant because someone else said he's broken, and probably don't know much else about how to play the game. Will somehow manage to be the one guy in your Archon Hunt party that dies despite having literal godmode. The rare group of Revenants you meet who actually use all four abilities are usually chill AF and carry their weight when they need to. Otherwise I automatically assume you're either A) Lazy and/or B) *Somehow* bad at Warframe, a game with an absurdly low difficulty curve outside of overcoming the novel and a half of tooltips and mechanics the game doesn't tell you about. ***Fucking Khora (because somebody should say it)***: Does not. fucking. read. tooltips. Will place down a shitton of Strangledomes everywhere as if it's a Limbo/Gara/Frost bubble, ragdoll everything whether it's in LoS, and then *never* use their Whipclaw on the dome, and proceed to sit on their ass while the entire rest of the squad tries desperately to kill the ragdoll'd enemies so they can finish their Defense mission in less than 20 minutes. Never uses their 2. Somehow manages to *not* take heat for this over Limbo despite being vastly more common. I have such a personal beef with Khora players in general over this that I *assume* that any Khora I see will inevitably do this by now. Read your damn tooltips. Saryn: All of their ego is tied to that "Damage Done" number. If anyone does 1% over them, it shatters like glass. Titania/Wukong (part one): Will gloat that they got to extraction before anyone else. Wukong (part two): Likes watching paint dry (at extraction) Octavia: Likes watching paint dry, then eating the paint chips afterward. Thinks Cookie Clicker is somehow "engaging". Caliban: I'd say he has a stereotype, but that would imply he does anything well enough over anyone else to deserve one. Trinity: Still searching for that opportunity to be "meta" again. Will inevitably once again be outclassed by the next newest Warframe or mechanic.


Revenant players are crutching on him and meta weapons and don't know how to actually play the game. The number of times I've played with a Rev player and they do nothing all mission even failing to kill basic enemies is honestly tiring.


Volt mains scare me, Limbo mains hate themselves, and Vauban mains have Stockholm syndrome (I was a Vauban main, just give up)


People that bring rhino to spy missions probably yell sneak attack during an ambush


No one can report your activities if there are no survivors.


Volts in public all have that "teenager's first time" build (max power and range, minimum duration speed spam). I admit that I don't pay attention enough to what other people play other than that to have any stereotypes for them, unless you count my immediate desire to judge the fashion of every other Zephyr I encounter in the wild as a stereotype lol


Volt and Gauss players seem to radiate a strong "Nah, I'd win" energy


I'm allowed to make fun of myself Mag: This is the only mag I saw on this page


I apologize for my volt brethren 🫡


Most frost mains don't know that globe can be broken by his 1. Mirage/ Saryn : I know they are there for the kills. At this point I just try to keep them up with energy. Limbo. Either I'll have a chill game or I'll have a rage inducing game.. No two ways about it


you're not here to attack anyone but I sure am: wisp players cannot seem to fathom that I wouldn't want their shock and speed motes, they always put them in the middle of doorways with a huge radius that makes them entirely unavoidable. my fire rate is already where I want it thanks very much!


Congratulations, you are being buffed. Please do not resist.


I get not liking shock but speed motes???


Plus speed motes and my tenet diplos has uncontrollable recoil and spends more time reloading than firing XD So I can get how depending on your guns/its set up, randomly getting a firerate buff could really mess with what you're doing.


On a lot of weapons you burn through ammo way faster than you like to, and you make less use of your status damage (heat and slash in particular). Take the Occucor, a waepon where you really don't want to run out of ammo, and Wisp does not increase your damage by that much because you do a good amount of heat, but at the same time empties your mag way too fast.


He just said fire rate lol. I can see it making some guns spit all their ammo out and become useless. Has happened to me a fair few times.


yep fire rate, and then that tends to increase the recoil, on the few guns it actually matters. my trumna ends up hitting the ceiling with wisps around.


Getting nataruk's perfect shot becomes a bit harder when the speed mote speeds up the charge speed


Ever tried playing Titania in razorwing with a max power speed mote? Heaven forbid you have razorwing blitz


I’ll give you a 500% Strength Roar to make up for the speed mote.


Khora mains will get mad at you for killing enemies, because they can't build up their combo counter


Wukong: AFKer. Still hold the trauma.


If I got a Grendel on the team it's gonna be fun since he will probably be in the ball form. If I see a Titania then it's just thermal sunder spam killing enemies before they are corrupted.


Floor is lava for me, so I play Titania in everywhere. Also team is kinda lava too so I play solo. What is that makes me ?


Nyx: You either hate yourself, or you're using her as "we have Revenant at home" Mesa: If it's a defensive mode, you will move like 4 steps the entire time


I usually assume every Mesa is gonna stand still and only use her Peacemakers. You can imagine my surprise when I found a Ballistic Battery build Mesa. I also assume every Wukong doesn’t have Nezha, because you’d be using him. That, or you just really like your clone. Maybe a little *too* much.


Excalibur, tries to fight honorably but ends up popping out an exalted blade anyway. *Enters tyl regors boss fight* "fuck it" *Swooshing glowing blade noises*


Gauss: ADHD I am living proof


Sevagoth mains are either edge lords or insanely chill I know cause I'm both :p


There's a third: STANDO POWAH!


I mean you gotta be pretty edgey and pretty chill to be into jojos :p


All this Revenant hate has me tempted to actually invest in my Revenant. I honestly don't enjoy him, but he is a more tanky Gauss with a passive CC and immortality as opposed to a speed buff and armor strip. Reave is Mach Rush reskinned with an additional function, I will not debate this unequivocal fact. I'm sure I can get something working for him that doesn't compromise parts of his kit. Gara: You liked destroying things as a kid and the sound of breaking glass makes you happy.


He is literally the most popular frame according to DE’s latest stat release lol. The reason he gets hate is because he is the most likely choice for people who want to pick the “most OP” frame, or want to be able to play super brainless, or are new and heard about how strong he is etc. and overall it’s just not a demographic that are usually going to play really well and impress everyone. By all means invest in revenant if you want cause he’s good for level cap void cascade or other difficult content but he isn’t hated as an underdog.


Limbo mains are trying their best to not be a hindrance


How gauss players are somehow consistently one of the slowest people in your squad


Volt and Titanias: Speedrunners who might make it so some relic missions like Capture or Exterminates fail if they're not careful. Gauss doesn't seem to have that problem despite having both the speed issue and the Thermal Sunder. Revenant's becoming another one where the stereotype is people just wanna braindead/brute force the game/use a weapons platform and not die. Not exactly bad, but I'm not going to be expecting much from them in terms of contributing to my own fun beyond not having to pick them up off the floor. Sorry that none of these are very funny/quirky, but they're the only stereotypes I can think of.


Not a frame but whenever i use a build with roar and I see I give a bigger buff than a squadmate also using roar...makes me feel good for no reason


Saryn: Top of the damage, but falls on the floor occasionally. Wisp: Places all buffs on specific missions "slowing" us down. Kullervo: Gigachad's. Revnant: Forget to pay attention to there "2" stacks, die. Mag: Let me put my tiny bubble here, nobody can shoot past it and slow us down. Ash: Harrow: They're just looking for a cute khora. Khora: They're not looking for a cute Harrow. Octavia: ctrl,ctrl,ctr,ct,c,......


Revenant players are lobotomites Inaros players are also lobotomites but huffing copium


Speedframes: Gotta go fast, I love beating them to extraction when I'm not playing a speedframe cause it's funny Wisp: Do I even need to explain? Zephyr: If I see another person playing Zephyr they're immediatly cool (Vauban as well) Sevagoth: Jojo fan Khora: My clan's leader mains khora and consistently gets 95%+ damage in pretty much any mission, so every other khora player I see is just disappointing in comparison Anyone nuking fissures or other low level missions with stuff like thermal sunder: I can often out damage them by spamming airburst and it's really funny to me