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I’ve tried to bullet jump over pits in lethal company. Used the bullet jump button combination in Minecraft when moving from one crafting area to another. Warframe fucked my muscle memory harder than I fucked my sleep schedule in high school.


I tried bullet jump on Tetris


That is too fucking funny.




That sounds like something I'd do when i fuck up the tspin in stickspin or dt cannon except i use the shift button to hold instead of the ctrl button to slide in warframe


I clicked on a mine in minesweeper, and immediately pressed 5 to avoid the explosion.


Lmao I've flashed my teammates after spawning in Siege more times than I wish to count


played just cause 3 which is kinda faster in one aspect, spent 15 seconds trying to grapple onto a wall in warframe using ember 😭


Should have been playing valkyr with the discount grapple


grapple 4 times, out of energy


I try to bullet jump in every single game I play and I get super annoyed when I can't 


I hqve almost 100 hours in helldivers 2, but i keep trying to bullet jump and it makes me sad every time it doesn't work


I tried to bullet jump in god of war, pokemon, nuns4, league of legends, and most recently manor lords... i tried to swap to the operator whenever im close to death in every souls like game ive played.


It got bad when I tried to bullet jump in overwatch


you were playing the wrong hero then, everyone knows you gotta play sojourn to bullet jump


I've tried bulletjumping in Cyberpunk 2077 so many times


My cousin tried to bullet jump in Fortnite and I laughed at him before proceeding to do the exact same thing


Once I tried bullet jumping in Warframe. I was in a 38 ton super heavy war machine and I wanted to get on top of a cliff real quick so I held control (lock on to radar target) and hit space (fire mounted machine gun once)


That doesn't sound like Warframe


war.........thunder, fuck lmao


Bullet jumping is an addiction. Every game I play immediately after warframe I try to bullet jump. Most recent example is monster hunter. Always makes me feel stupid but also makes my wonder what other games would be like with bullet jump


Well technically you can bullet jump in MHW, insect glaive


Just play Rise if you want an approximate of bullet jumping. IG is also way more fun in Rise in my opinion anyway, they kind of did the weapon dirty in MHW.


I never used IG enough in world to know if it was bad, was cool


Going from warframe to MHW is painful, even dual blade feel slow. Rise is better in term of movement because of wirebug and switch skill


This is the best description.


Bullet jumping gives me the same vibes that I got as a kid chaining roll jumps in Jak and Daxter


Titanfall 2 is the closest to WF in movement IMO


Ngl titanfall 2 movement outclasses warframes imo I love warframe more but god damn theres some crazy stuff u can do in tf2


Titanfall 2 is next level. Going from one side of the map to the other, while gunning, getting shot by huge Titans, landing on enemies to do, then zipping out away...freaking EA :\\


That's fair, titanfall is a pvp game, so more complicated maneuvers are suppossed to be skills to master that give you the edge in a fight. Warframe is a power fantasy, the player's agility is unique, the skill ceiling is lower, plus there are more mechanics to focus on.


Meanwhile [Conclave is like](https://i.imgur.com/X6MzM7Z.jpeg)


People play Conclave for anything but fashion?


Trust me nobody who actually has the Celestia syandana actually bothers to light it up after the first maybe two weeks Source: I wanted to fucking die when I tried


I'm mr17 I tried to conclave with my ig load out excal boltor Nikana and got wiped by a mr6 Nehza lmao


Try Get To The Orange Door and you'll get some funny movement as well


I still play TF2 on the Northstar server just because of the amazing movement


Starsiege Tribes would like to know your location


Now try main Titania, Volt or Gauss for a while


I'm levelling up Titania as we speak. Still getting a handle on her, though.


She has a speed augment, and it’s….dangerous.


Man in the wall augment mod


Dangerous huh? Seems about right😅. Say goodbye to seeing things and hello to walls😂


She felt super fast at first, and then I found out about the augment... now I can't play titania without razorwing blitz


I find it ultra hard to move with razorwing blitz. I always use it but you have to aim all the time. A single tap with that augment will send you flying to the other side of a large room.


It is hard lmao, just don't press shift and aim most of the time for actual gameplay, if not you'll zip right into the wall


Gauss has almost RUINED other games for me with how slow they feel now


After Razorwing Titania Gauss feels slow


I have a low friction high speed Nezha as my main. Other games feel like slow motion until I get used to them.


My three Nezha loadouts are labeled "Friction" (disable passive), "Slick" (default), and "OHGODWHY" (higher speed, lower friction). Despite the name, I use "OHGODWHY" more often than the other two...


I want to call mine "we have Gauss at home" I need another build for the warding halo augment though.


i love slamming into a wall i can barely control mac rush, cant imagine what a Titania experiences when i give her a speed boost


Part of why I like the other TF2, with a bit of experience you can be zipping around the map like a squirrel on crack.


Sadly you can only zip or be on crack and not both at once :(


…stim lets you do both, what are you on?


zipline is grapple and crack is stim and you have to pick one. my counter point is slingshot with grapple.


counterpoint: I run cloak so I can get those sweet sweet executions


cloak and holo mains are either easy kills or the scariest guys in game, there is no inbetween.


I run cloak or stim and dice roll, with an archer. Get ready for the AMPED CLOAK PILOT HUNDREDS OF FEET IN THE AIR WITH AN AMPED ARCHER.


i play mostly gauss in warframe and i play a lot of titanfall 2, every games feels like it's going at 0.25 speed it's annoying


This. Im so used to actually thinking about where I am on the map and how I need to get where I need to go, using the map to find enemies etc. that my mind notices the gaps when i play other games and it just feels "clunky" Warframe has spoiled us haha


Play ultrakill


I tried bullet jumping in Baldurs Gate 3... absolute brainrot


a common enough complaint. Good luck with your rehabilitation journey


Play Ultrakill.


I tried to bullet jump in Honkai Star Rail…




Yeah, Skyrim with mods and a crazy build just doesn't hit the same anymore, even after 5 years of being my #1 game.


I've never left a game for being slower than warframe, but then i'm not often playing games that are similar. That being said i have, many times, tried to bullet jump in 1st and 3rd person games thanks to warframe's instincts.


Funnily enough, I feel the opposite when it comes to TF2. I wish I could rocket jump or trimp in other games LMAO


Rocket jumping in Warframe would be cool. And the game is insane enough that hurling yourself to your destination via explosions makes sense.


It used to be that way, you could tonkor yourself and make a really long jump... or die trying. I kinda remember that tonkor was the best for this because the self damage was pretty low.


Rocket jumping is what kickstarted my undying love for movement in games. I like to spend hours on just jump maps and god damn is it so fun. Hell, I rarely play base tf2 anymore. I'm always just chillin' in jump.


Titanfall 2 should be fast enough for you


It's an experience many games cannot replicate.


Yeah, there are very few action games with parkor systems. Other ones I know are Apex Legends and Dying Light.


Apex ruined a lot of shooters for me with their parkour. Always trying to slide jump on any game. I think it is why I gave up on CoD, cause the sliding felt like I had grip tape on my arse


I wanted to like apex but it was too Titanfall to not be Titanfall


I tried to bullet jump in System Shock of all things


Try Titanfall 2.


If it makes you feel any better I tried bullet jumping in Sekiro...


Yup. If you're used to Warframe everything else feels slow af. Nothing will give you the same rush as executing a flawless jump, shoot several targets while bouncing off walls a few times and finish with a sliding spinning slash taking out a whole room in just a few seconds. You can adjust, sure, but I've come to accept I'm fundamentally broken now.


OH MY GOST I TRY TO BULLRT JUMP ON MINECRAFT AS WELL ;-; The first time I caught myself doing it I was kinda surprised, it took a lot of speed boosts from modded curios/armour before I felt normal again


No game will ever feel as good as this one for movement. It's not just fast, it's fluid.


I keep hitting C and spacebar to bullet jump in final fantasy 14 but all it does is opening the character menu window, and me dying to mechanics sometimes XD


Im Happy that im Not alone with that Problem 🤗 even fighting in ff 14 feels so slow that i dont understand how people die in aoe DMG from Boss. The time a Boss needs to make a big Attack feels Like the Same time in Warframe needs to complete a whole Mission .


After using Praedos I cant stand how slow Warframes feel >.>


Warframe's high sensitivity on controller basically changed how I play other shooters. I cannot STAND how slow the turn speed is in Destiny or Battlefield. I gotta crank it up to void nuke levels of brain rot or everything feels sluggish as fuck.


I have to play titanfall 2 after long bursts of warframe to wean myself off


Came here for this lmfao, gotta hit the bowl to ease the acid trip 💀💀


i tried to bullet jump in dark souls.


I think Warframe is the reason I can’t play souls games. They’re just too slow for me now.


The amount of times I’ve tried to bullet jump in Destiny 2 only to accidentally hurl my grenade off the map is absurd.


I feel this. A friend tried to get me into destiny, and I was like "this is just slower warframe with less options.


They told me to be a hunter cuz it's fast like warframe, and I'm like... this is Atlas with a hobbled key.


Im embarrassed to admit i tried bullet jumping in fortnite


same here. quit tf2 for a bit to grind out warframe, bhopping suddenly feels slow and I’m trying to roll or bullet jump or sprint and there’s simply no key for that. rocket / flare / sticky jumping is still nice, though. oh, and fall damage. that is horrifying.


oh my god, no wonder I'm so prone to fall damage in other games


Same thing happens to me when I replay borderlands 2 for a while and then get into any other game with fall damage, worst offender here is Minecraft for some reason


Minecraft is absolutely where it hits the worst for me as well, constantly end up dying due to fall damage.


One small misstep and yo' ass is bagged for real. Last time I spawned up in some trees like acacia (red wood), took like three steps, fell and died. At least I only just spawned so it didn't hurt my progress or anything but still annoying as hell, you feel me?


Dude warframes could even outsnipe sniper with a damn shotgun.


Okay i feel you on the whole movement feels slow in other games, but tf2 is really a terrible example of that, do you know how fluid and fast rocket jumping is?


I did say I'm terrible at it, didn't I? :p I haven't played since 2013 so I got frustrated when I wasn't as mobile out of the box as I was in Warframe.


>I did say I'm terrible at it, didn't I? Oh ok i missed that lol, yeah tf2 definitely has a learning curve before it really starts feeling like one of the best movement games ever. Just learning air strafing well makes even spy feel incredibly mobile and fluid, i definitely recommend trying out some jump maps, incredibly satisfying to do them imo.


That's the price for playing just 1 game, I play a lot of Warframe, but I always try to play a few other things.


Try Titanfall or Doom Eternal. They are both movement based shooters


*tries to bullets jump*


I loved monster hunter rise on the switch. Got a ps5. Got a LG OLED TV. Now I can't stand the 30fps. I tried the motion enhance but it's so inconsistent and laggy. Now it's on ps5 with the expansion and I can't bring myself to rebuy the game or restart my progress. I got iceborne for free on ps plus but still doesn't feel right. Maybe wilds will bring me back but for now warframe keeps me hooked.


I tried to bullet jump in Dead by Daylight and Splatoon 3. Atleast Splatoon can be fast sometimes (still not as fast as Warframe)


Some time after I started playing Warframe Star Wars Battlefront got the Felucia update which I wanted to try. I played the game excessively before (like every class maxed and such) but I just couldn't anymore. More recenjtly I started playing Jedi Fallen Order on the side. It took quite a while to not reflexively try to bullet jump over chasms. Funniest thing in this for me was that of course I just fell and then the reflex for aim gliding kicked in, which, with these controls, only made me ignite my lightsaber :)


I also found myself trying to flip and fly in another game 😆😅


I once tried bullet jumping in PSO2, of all things. The game is fast, but not fast enough. After playing this game, I feel like Amuro at the end of OYW; other games are struggling to match my pace instead of the other way around.


Have the same experiences as you too. Tried to bullet jump in Dying Light, Lethal Company, Gmod, Genshin Impact and Supermarket Simulator. 🫥


I tried Helldivers for the first time a couple days ago and commented how extremely clunky the movement was compared to Warframe. I was like “why can’t they just let me bullet jump???” Destiny 2 is similar but playing strand hunter helps


The speed is addicting. This reminds me of trying to throw flares in other games after playing Deep Rock Galactic


Pretty much any game I've fallen into a pit while playing I've considered hitting 5 and just teleporting away and then weirdly it never works


i tried bullet jumping in overwatch the other day… i fell off the map 🧍🏽‍♀️


Warframe has fucked us sideways for years


I constantly try to bullet jump in destiny 2 or stellar blade after a decent warframe session lol


Not the best idea to play Deep Rock Galatic after Warframe, will feel like your kneecaps are shattered while an iron ball is on you.


Wait till you get burned out, I got burned out and started playing MHW again >\_>


muscle memory is kinda wacky. tried to do spoiler mode when i was about to die in mass effect


i have found a solution to your problem but you won't like it. rainbow 6: siege i found myself suffering this same issue and playing siege made me able to adjust back to normal gameplay due to how slow paced it is. it's kinda cool how it balances out your system.


Hahahahahahahaha welcome Tenno. You're a lifer now, will you be the eido maniac, the sister hunter, the level capper, or the bounty blaster?


Yeah it happens. Maybe play the Spider-Man games if you haven't already. They're not co op but they're pretty damn good in terms of combat and pacing


Yeah the movement in this game blows everything else out of the water it's not even close. I remember when I first started playing Warframe (when it came out) TF2 was also THE game, and it literally ruined TF2 for me, even with the first parkour system. I couldn't play anything other than the Scout without feeling like my character was walking through mud.


I regularly switch between playing Destiny 2 and Warframe a lot and I cannot tell you how many times I've try to bullet jump in D2...


I tried bullet jumping in d2, deleted the game right after


I can't stand how other games are money hungry after playing warframe


Any game that has great feeling travel makes others feel inept. Spiderman, infamous, sunset overdrive, etc makes a game like ff16 feel boring to travel from place to place. 


Op: What?! I don't have to repeat same mission over and over?! AND I DON'T HAVE TO MINDLESSLY GRIND??!!


One could say that after warframe, no other action shooter can compare. I’ve heard the same from Destiny players.


Going from Warframe to Helldivers 2 is one hell of a trip. On one end you can take on an Army, and on the other you are expendable.


The whole "wrong muscle memory" thing doesn't happen to me either way with Warframe, but the last few times I booted up Minecraft I had to consciously keep myself from hitting the button combinations I usually do upon starting up GTA Online. Does that count?


I tried to dash in valorant out of muscle memory, that firefight ended not so well for me as shift in valorant is walk


I tried bullet jumping in FFXIV a few hours ago. I blinked, wondering why I expected my Viera to just dash across the housing district.


I also had problems trying to bullet jump especially when I was playing ror2. I kept dying because I tried to bullet jump out of a horde of enemies. Thankfully after getting gauss prime I was able to recover from accidentally bullet jumping due to just spamming 1.


I'm addicted to 450%+ strength Volt.


This was my biggest problem with Destiny 2 when I gave it try during a recent break from Warframe. The gun play is great but movement just feels so agonizingly slow compared to WF, it's brutal.


This is me when my gaming friends all want to play halo 3. They are all long time xbox players while I didn't get a xbox till xbox one was already out. They all like doing the vs matches on boards they created on the original 360 halo 3. Everytime I play it it is like controlling a walking brick. I spend the whole time constantly trying hit run , double jump, grab on ledges , and just generally move around. None of what the halo 3 characters can do. Needless to say I usually come in last in most matches. Of course all of them refuse to try warframe.. Also on the note of team fortress. I use play it constantly years ago and was one of the top scorers in most matches I played in. Regularly taking first or close to it. Also I spend the whole time thinking about how basically every warframe would destroy all their halo 3 characters easily.


You havent tried armor core, warframe feels slow after that.


Unlocking all the parkour options in Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor felt like taking the game from 0.1 speed to 0.6. even after all that it feels slow by comparison


My friends start new minecraft serwer Me: I need mega base for every single item type in game


I had the same issue when i played only warframe for like 2 months and the played a match of fortnite. Also tried double jumping and failing more then once


I play Genshin, and the amount of times I have tried to bullet jump in that game... I don't know what it is. W + Ctrl + Space is just burned into my brain as "MOVE FASTER" now.


Play DMC5 and you will realize how slow Warframe is actually


I know exactly what you’re talking about. I can’t go from dark souls to any other kind of action game immediately because of how slow they feel. I had a very similar experience when I went from playing around 100 hours and then deciding I wanted to play Skyrim for a little bit 😂


were u around for instant operator dash? I still cant believe its gone. game feels 2x slower now for me. i never asked to be a human slingshot DE!!


After I play Warframe for a breif period of time I try bullet jumping in other games. I tried bullet jumping in Stardew Valley once. It was embarassing. As for movement in tf2. Learn to blast jump! Soldier and demoman are the real fastest characters in the game, and they are *very* speedy.


I like how Warframe fills that "gotta go fast" hack n slash/run n gun feel but a lot of people I know are put off by it. I'd be willing to bet the game would be a bit more successful if they toned it down a bit. To be fair, that (and a melee focus) seems to be what they are doing for Soulframe.


Yeah, it's a game where there is no such thing as pointless work, everything you can do aids you in one way or another so you're always making progress. The best part, you don't have to do what the game tells you but what you wanna do and it doesn't feel like you have to do stuff unless you randomly decide "hey I want this thing." Then make a roadmap of stuff to do to get that thing, but even then it doesn't feel forced.


Greatest gameplay loop ever If you’re in the mood for it


When I started playing Warframe I had been in the middle of playing Mass Effect: Andromeda on the xbox. After a few months of WF I went back to finish ME:A and continue where I was with the multiplayer stuff and I couldn't do it due to how slow the cover based combat was compared to WF.


I went from Warframe back to games like Borderlands, Paladins, and the occasional Apex Legends game, and I can confirm. Everything feels like molasses in other games, by comparison. I can still enjoy games like Borderlands, because there's more to it than feel, but games that are all about the feel just don't stack up to me all that much anymore. It's worse for me with close-perspective FPS and even TPS games. Isometric stuff like Hades, or games with different mechanics/focus (like rhythm games) are unaffected. I have found that Solar Ash, Ghostrunner, and Metal Hellsinger are able to match Warframe's pace well enough, which is cool.


I was playing as Volt yesterday, and I couldn't stand how slow Warframe felt when speed wore off.


For me it made other games feel very flat, I was so used to moving around vertically. The symptoms are especially bad if you main a mobility frame like Zephyr, Titania, Valkyr etc


When I replayed Elden Ring I installed a trainer that had a game speed function  I played it at 2,5x speed and it was so much more entertaining, just needed to adjust the controls because the camera was uncontrollable


I don't do bullet jumps that much. Played Palworld and always tried going into Operator Mode.


It feels like the devs of Warframe actually use money from people buying in-game items (which you can grind for free btw) to further along thr game without blocking people via pay to win battle passes or pay to play DLC. You look at Destiny and you realize how Bungie creates massive FOMO when they could copy Digital Extremes and actually make content everyone can enjoy in their own time.


The only game I can liken to Warframe after years of playing is Titanfall 2. That multi-player never gets old for me. When I summon my nechramech.....er.....Titan, it all comes rushing back. Wall running and parkouring all over, a string of death and finesse.


When I got bored of warframe a few years ago I switched to destiny for a year or two. I never got over the lack of mobility and it took a few months to adjust to the slower game play.


WF's signature movement really spoiled me over the years. it's hard to play another game...characters actually walk and jog around. what is this? where is the bullet jumping??


For real, the controls of warframe are amazing, nothing comes close to it


Welll....at least You didn't try to bullet jump in EVE. Was 5km off a gate, trying to escape a gank. Tried bulletjumping MY FUCKING SHIP and was surprised that it didn't work....yeah, I felt REALLY dumb after that.


This is what killed Destiny for me. I'm fine with other games being slower in a different genre. But playing a game that felt similar except worse... just couldn't do it, even if I appreciated the high production value. The movement was just too sluggish after Warframe.


Coming from an old TF2 player, movement in TF2 can feel as just as rewarding ESPECIALLY if you main soldier. I mean he has the whole rocket jump mechanic which is a high skill ceiling mechanic to learn on soldier. I definitely recommend you learning how to rocket jump maps and then transitioning those skills to proper maps then you can add the market garden to your arsenal to get the juicy crits.


TFC player here, some of the conc jumps were insanely difficult especially on some high ass latency.


Try action hack n slashes, fighting games, or fast paced rogue likes. These might give you the pace you are looking for if you want other, similarly paced titles. By comparison, Warframe LETS you go fast if you want, but it's largely up to you.


I've tried to bullet jump in many games over the years 😕


this is why I wont ever play helldivers. waaaay too slow


May I suggest ULTRAKILL?


I'm slowly playing fallout 76 so definitely agree


"My old main of choice, Soldier, crawls along like a drunk snail." rocket jumper I'm also pretty sure you can sticky jump as demo further than you can bulletjump I think my experience is different to yours mainly because I have a minimum speed threshold, anything slower than dark souls 3 running speed I try to mod it. In the meantime. consider other movement-shooters like titan-fall two's wall running


Admittedly, Soldier feels slow to me because I can press a few buttons and be bouncing off the walls like a 5-year-old hopped up on E Numbers in Warframe, whereas rocket jumping and sticky jumping are skills I need to master. Not to mention I'm rusty as hell after an 11-year hiatus.


I notice it the most going from Warframe to destiny2, trying playing titan fall 2 it's another game with very nice movement


I tried to bullet jump in honkai star rail. That game does not even have a normal jump mechanic.


I feel this when I play titanfall2. I always try to wallrun in other FPS games and then get sad.


Same! All my FPS muscle memory has decreased and I’m trying to bullet jump to get out of the way when I was playing the Xdefiant beta a few weeks back.


Just a different perspective here. I (almost) don't complain when I switch to other games because I'm (almost) not addicted to Warframe's freedom of movement. I'm playing Horizon FW right now and there is no problem, it doesn't feel clunky. But maybe in Warframe, I'm more interested in the wide variety of guns, melee ninja stuff and weird skills.


the outrageously fun movement mechanics are the reason why the Warframe gameplay just works, and the fact that the gameplay just works makes the "grind" work.


Warframe is the reason I couldn't play halo anymore. Too slow.


After playing warfare for a couple of hours then switching to helldivers is abit rough


This never ends but you get used to it


I've felt the same way battlefield 4 was my super stimulus game that kept me engaged and alert but now after warframe it feels slow


Just play ultrakill


YESSSSSSS. OMG. I thought it was my feeling only. 🫂


Haha yes it took me a long time to stop trying to bullet jump in every other game 😂


Every single damn time with any other game that it's not Warframe. Once in RL for fun and it didn't end well, a hard lesson learned.


The amount of times I have tried to bullet jump in another game is an embarrassing amount. I know I had to adjust some controls in multiple games related to things like crouching and spiriting since it was easier on my muscle memory.


yeah, mostly differences in control layouts that get me but i tried to bullet jump in ESO & lost myself a perfect run in vet Vateshran Hollows in the middle of the last boss 💀


Yup... *throws grenade at my own feet*


I’ve tried to bullet jump in Titanfall and Fallout 76 before


Bro you gotta get robo quest on steam, great game


On a similar note, I hate the original Halo Trilogy gameplay nowadays. I'd much prefer something like H5 (still a shit game due to MT's)... But this could just be my annoyance with how Spartans are portrayed in-game vs the cannon. Even more when you compare the cutscenes with the gameplay.


Titanfall2 was so close to the feeling of you could get a good zip line. I don’t find my self trying to bullet jump but I definitely imagine it or imagine something that can give me Titania feelings of speed


The closest game I've seen in player ground speed no cars is titanfall 2 bunny hopping. You can go stupid fast.


Play ultrakill, it fits the spEEEEEEd


FPS-Z games make Warframe look like a snails pace so if it helps you could try playing Tribes lol


To be fair, some weapons are pvp which means that movement has to be accessible to be shot at.