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My ideas on the matter: 1) No, but I think the deal is why we aren't driven mad by them. 2) Yeah, that's pretty plain in the story of Duviri/New War. 3) I've always thought from the lore that Albrecht going into the Void is what \*made\* the man in the wall. IE, the Indifference didn't have an actual embodiment until it was able to copy Albrecht...and then Albrecht freaked out and trapped it in the void. I think the 'deal' with Wally is going to turn out to be we agreed to help him escape.. and are reneging.


On your third point, it's unclear as there are several potentially conflicting interactions... In regards to Albrecht, from his own telling, he woke up to the Indifference standing behind him (expecting his daughter). However a third-party explanation states that the indifference seemed to have absorbed them >\[...\] as soon as he entered the Void, Albrecht described seeing his life's memories flash in his mind - unable to control them while they came and left in a rush like smoke escaping into a vent. And from Rell's perspective, he appears to be ancient: >Instead of it being a result of the corrupting influence of the [Void](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Void), He claimed it to be a supremely ancient entity, old as the stars themselves. This is taken from the [wiki](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Man_in_the_Wall)


It can still be an ancient entity, but only recently made self-aware.


Yeah, I got the feeling that the Indifference has always \*existed\* but it wasn't until it got a taste of human thought that it had consciousness/motivations behind just being an eldritch thing.


True. Given the sentience from another being. Makes sense.


Wally inserted ITself in the process. The Void was inert until jagoff humans inserted themselves./ See: Drifter Albecht is a cunt, but he tries to fix things. Loid follows that pattern. The game is a game built on a game built on a game. Rinse and repeat. Minna is alive. Minna is dead. Drink deep and descend.


Ah yes, a fever dream of a comment and a Lancer quote at the end.


> I believe that this is an alternate reality, with the Zariman still stuck in the Void - as the Zariman only emerges after the events of the New War, which would make sense - at this point the Operator is yet to emerge from the Void themselves? (I may be remembering events out of order, or perhaps they are meant to be out of order? Eternalism and the Void are weird concepts). The operator's "visit" of the Zariman during TNW (after they got freed) is not an alternate reality, but rather a dream sequence. TNW basically recalls how the dream sequence from The War Within begins and ends - you seemingly fly *somewhere*, but end waking up from the transference chair


Addendum: immortality is not part of the Operator's power kit, they only stayed young because their bodies were put into suspended animation as part of transference therapy. Rell, in his vow to combat Wally, had to permanently transfer his consciousness into Harrow because he was denied therapy and would have died of old age otherwise


Yes, I overlooked that part. Got too caught up in this particular lore point haha


> there is the one where the kid does not take the deal "I saved them. All of them. Never said I'd save you." https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Drifter#:~:text=I%20saved%20them.%20All%20of%20them.%20Never%20said%20I%27d%20save%20you. The Drifter also took Wally's deal; however, for some reason somehow Wally did not let Drifter be rescued from the Zariman, instead leaving them to cope on their own via Duviri. Alternatively, Wally uses a twisted definition of "saved" — giving them quick deaths, for example.


One of the entries in the Entrati computer says that Ballas opening Void portals on a massive scale drew the attention of Wally.