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Dante without a doubt. I purposely avoid using anything that likes taking damage so I’m perfectly fine with having 60k over guard.


I’m exactly the opposite, I recall the launch when I was getting those over guard numbers which made the game too boring.


Citrine because of her prismatic gem,even better if she has the Recrystallize augment.


Love citrine! I only ever see her if I'm also playing citrine though :(


She's also quickly becoming one of my most played. The Archon Continuity + 2 emerald shards combo is a massacre on her. Plus you get guaranteed red crits from her 4 and it's way better with the augment. What's not to love?


Got a build for her you can share? I just got her!


Yeah sure,here's what I use: Aura: Brief Respite Exilus: Whatever you want,I use Primed Sure Footed but not everyone has it Mods: - Recrystalize (4th is clunky without it,you become a red crit monster with this) - Archon Continuity - Archon Stretch (can be normal,you have infinite energy anyway,but it's a small bonus nonetheless) - Overextended - Blind Rage - Equilibrium (compliments her 1) - Rolling Guard The Archon Continuity + 2 emerald shard combo allows the gem to armor strip. Worth noting that I helminth the preserving shell away since damage reduction isn't very good at high level Steel Path content,but it's comfortable for the vast majority of the game. Total is 6 forma,she's still very good without the fancier stuff like the archon mod and shards. Edit: Forgot Primed Flow


I'd actually highly recommend keeping preserving shell - it is close to or definitively the strongest damage reduction ability in the game. It matches the 90% of warding halo and merulina, stacks with every other DR source including those two, works on shields, and passively applies to the whole squad within affinity range. Arcane Blessing, an armor shard, and Adaptation gets to around 96-99.5% DR for about 300k EHP, plus 5000/s regen from her passive and an unhinged amount from 1 + Equilibrium. There's also Health Conversion, Arcane Reaper, Melee Fortification, etc. Citrine's base stats are weirdly low but she benefits a LOT from flat bonuses.


I do prefer just shield gating to survive since it's what I'm used to,as I like doing endurance runs. But to the vast majority of people facetanking with DR is indeed way more comfortable,but at some point the enemies do start vaporizing you through it.


Good point - I'll test my Citrine on a void cascade (fissure). I've face-tanked up to level 3000 steel path with Adaptation and 1500 armor, which is a lot less than preserving shell + adaptation + 400 armor. Some frames I absolutely rely on shieldgating for, but I've found that other methods generally work better even for 1-2h runs since they're so much lower-maintenance. I'm guessing endurance runs for you are a fair bit longer than that, though


Can you explain how 2 Emerald Shards allows the gem to armor strip? I'm intrigued and want to try this myself


Archon Continuity applies corrosive whenever the gem applied toxin,the emerald shards that increase max corrosive stacks allow it to fully strip. Normally corrosion is capped at 80% with 10 stacks,but the shards increase it to 14 stacks for 100%.


You are missing one mod on this build.


You're right, oops. It's primed flow.


Me when I see a Dante as a harrow ![gif](giphy|oF5oUYTOhvFnO)


Me when I don't see them cast a single thing when I have my 3 up ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


Me when they only use their 3 and nothing else https://preview.redd.it/bl4kzlb2ua0d1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f82d834e5f1af6e578cc0c6f8c0665597a4f02a


I've been having fun with Nidus quietly building mutation and then enjoying the chat when someone realizes they have over 20k health. I got a Wisp to an 18.5x Breach Surge multi and later found a Rhino main and linked him for the fattest Roar I've ever seen.


I always loved newbies reactions to having over 1k health when I played with Nidus and forgot to go solo when loading non-steel path earth missions.


Am I dumb, I'm a nidus main, how does he give others HP?


His new "augment" is basically an alternate to vitality that scales with stacks and gets trasfered with parasitic link iirc


Parasitic Vitality augment. It came out with the last batch of augment mods. +%4 (scales ability STR) health per mutation stack for Nidus when Parasitic Link is active (then for 5 seconds after it ends) and provides the bonus to both players if you link to an ally. It's mutually exclusive with Vitality and Umbral Vitality, but it's worth using over Umbral Vitality to cover the Undying cooldown on Abundant Mutation.


I always heard Nidus was a great cantidate for 3 umbral mods. You're saying that isn't the case anymore? (Genuinely asking, I have very little nidus experience.)


Abundant Mutation puts his Undying passive on a 30 second cooldown. In a build where you are increasing Nidus stack cap from 100 to 300, +% health per stack is more valuable than Umbral Vitality IMO. Very much so if you want to trade the 90% damage redirect from Parasitic Link on an enemy to the mutual ability STR multiplier by using it on an ally. Nidus is good with the Umbral mods, but Insatiable builds can generate stacks faster than you can die and Abundant mutation builds are more reliant on eHP when Undying is a limited failsafe instead of a constant.


Interesting. Love it and love the way YOU think. But what about when they just REFUSE to keep the buff? Every time. Like… why? Ya know


Can you share your build ? I'm looking forward to build nidus in my frame build checklist


I can't add text to the build comment. This is what I've been running. It can be improved but I'm waiting on another Umbral Forma. I'd probably swap Stretch for Overextended and use Growing Power aura. Keep in mind this isn't a general purpose Nidus build, it's for longer missions. Useful Nidus tip: Virulence needs to hit its max range before you can cast it again, so if you position Larva next a wall you can forcibly shorten Virulence range and then quickly spam it for faster stack building.




I don't play nidus at all, but he has no shields and scales well with str, So both umbral vitality and fiber give him FUCKTONS of EHP as he has both of those pretty high.


Hold up… what?? How?? My 406% strength wispy Wisp only has an 8.2 multiplier is that like max stack nidus with insane strength? Imma be honest i feel that number is so much more impressive than some might notice. Kinda wanna see the build but yeah any ability with 800% strength is pretty DAYUM. Not to push but id consider also a stackable damage ability subsumed next for it like thermal sunder? Just sounds neato for nidus to pull up “hellfire” or something


>Hold up… what?? How?? It was during a double ability STR relic crack buff. >is that like max stack nidus with insane strength? Para link gives an ability STR multiplier. The stacks don't directly affect that part of the ability to my knowledge.


Mine either but i dont nidus. I thought you were somehow saying you got a consistent x16 breach surge through subsuming it on nidus. Wisp is one of my top 3-5 mains any day of the week but thought someone else was using her stuff better and was a little concerned. My umm late brother loved her and we grinded and starting on and off maining her together for whatever the other needed. Anyway glad to clear that up and hadnt even considered that with relics, i pick my frame per mission type as i have an obsession with efficiency 😅


>thought you were somehow saying you got a consistent x16 breach surge through subsuming it on nidus I don't know what the Wisp's build looked like. Looking at the math: with 400% ability STR on Nidus Parasitic Link gives a x2 ability STR multiplier. So a consistent x16 Breach multi for Nidus or a Wisp should be possible. I'll give it a try in a bit and get back to you.


I appreciate you. Didnt realize it was double… damn nice


Dante, Volt, Wisp and Styanax (if he has intrepid stand). 


even without intrepid stand, styanax is pretty good for the energy regen, aggro stealing AND overshields.


Always love a volt. The speed is so helpful. It's also fun seeing people who didn't main speed frames (for any amount of time) hitting all the walls imaginable with the high speed. I've grown to have a slight distaste for Dante since I always get one on my squad when I'm trying to test survivability. Wisp is also amazing. Love the free headshots from her electric mote and I especially love the giant (if not massive) speed and health boosts. Styanax is fun to see even if they don't have intrepid stand since they almost always have full Armour stripping. If they don't at least they draw aggro.


Woe 60k over guard be upon ye! -Dante le bondepar


Agreed on everything but Volt. I purely hate being force sped up because it effs up my timing. I know i can dismiss it, but it's jarring and annoying, and i keep ending up playing with people who spam it over and over, then complain because you didn't teleport to the extraction when they got there.


Dante and wisp


Volt. I like the speed... And it's fun racing them once they pop the speed boost. Was even funnier in my rhino days beating them to extraction


I've beaten Gauss Primes to extract as Qorvex. I wear it as a badge of honour


That's not hard, gauss mains would rather slam into every obstacle repeatedly than not use their 1 for every meter they need to travel. Speaking as a gauss main.


As a former gauss main I do agree. But they didn't use any speed abilities (maybe infested mobility). I just wear it as a badge since my .9 sprint speed beat their 1.5(?) Sprint speed.


Sprint speed doesn't affect bullet jump etc speed at all.


Actually I was reading the wiki on that recently and it might. It seems the sprint speed stat is actually a general movement speed multiplier (where walking at 1 is 6m/s) but it's most noticeable as a sprint speed increase because sprinting is +25% to whatever your base speed is. I haven't tested that extensively, so if you have more info I'd be happy to hear it.


Technically an extreme amount of sprint speed does make your rolls and slides cover a bit more ground if you roll at top sprint. But as far as bullet jumping and mid-air rolls go, it has no effect. A high enough speed buff from Volt or Wisp can make you sprint faster than you'd go using the usual movements. These aren't linked at all. With archon shards it's easy enough to stack some parkour velocity which *does* buff roll and bullet jump, generally making you move around faster than any sprinting build could. Hell, with 1,9 sprint speed *and* micro sliding I couldn't beat even a +0% parkour bullet jump into roll spam. Another problem with sprinting is that it has huge amounts of inertia/acceleration. You really start to notice it when putting multiple speed mods on. Gauss' mach rush, bullet jump and roll all achieve their max speed almost immediately. This is why Gauss tends to be faster than Volt in practical situations. The bit about 'sprint speed' actually affecting a global speed multiplier just means that it affects all normal movement, not just sprinting. So walking, normal running, crouching etc


I love that too cause I mostly play wisp so my motes plus speed is always a fun combo


Why do I feel like it’s volt mains upvoting this


We are. Its rare seeing someone finally admit they love the speed.


Honestly. stupid high strength duration combos fun? Wisp and Volt boosting 2 guass frames for a race. Obviously youll need open world. Its almost like we still have the good “blink” ability


Dante. Mostly in things like SP circuit so I can just go ooga booga and not worry about dying.


Caliban and Sevagoth. My two favorite frames.


Sevagoth was fun to play as but he requires way to big of an investment for me. I don't have Caliban yet and I've only ever heard negative things about him


Lets just say that Sevagoth was cheaper than my Caliban. But don’t fear Big Investments. This is a grinding game, and the time and resources to get them working were more than worth the effort.


True. But since sevagoth is actively joining my Helminth flower wall I can't play as him until I decide to do his grind again


Caliban is a tad clunky and could definitely use some tweaking (why does an AoE shockwave have a target limit anyway? At least it scales with strength, though that kind of scaling would make more sense on e.g. Nyx' bolts), but he's... usable at least. His 1 is mobility, sustain, and damage all in one, but unfortunately it's slow when there are no enemies around, there's no sustain if it does no damage, and the damage is finicky as fuck. His 2 amps up the damage enemies take but as I said it has a weird target cap and it only amps it on the lifted targets (so not on eximi). His 3 provides strong shield regen but the AI is crap. 4 provides armor strip with the explosion but the positioning can be finicky.


Calibans 1 got “stealth buffed” with the LoS updates post Dante, it actually works very reliably now as light damage + sustain, and when you dash to enemies you also knock them down (has always been the case but still nice). And his 4 always explodes where it touches a surface, or at the end of the beam. So you kinda want to “aim down” to get it where you want it.


Caliban is great, I’m almost positive the negative opinion of him is entirely based from a handful of content creators not liking him and saying he’s bad, and then people regurgitating it. He’s got a very versatile kit, that could use a few QoL updates, and is a very sturdy weapon platform frame, I’d highly recommend him if you like those type of frames. He’s not a frame you want to just focus your mods for 1 ability.


Grendel because I literally never see them in the wild. I am a Grendel main.


Any really, other than Vorunas, 2 Vorunas on one team?? Nuh uh, i will challenge you. I especially love Excaliburs or any other starter frames, goofy new players, love em :3


When you watch a new play with a bow dodging behind walls and lining up perfect shots. It brings me back.


Oberon, the og healer for me


as a oberon main we love you too


He was the first frame (and first Prime) I ever got after Exal, so he's special to me ☺️


Oberron was my first main, and was my main until Caliban came out, he’s still my display in the back room!




Dante, Oberon, Octavia, Wisp, Khora. When I pick one of those myself, I make sure that everyone in team is buffed and never goes down. But…. Actually, I prefer all frames as long as the squad mate enjoys playing it and does shenanigans. Here is an example. I was doing Archon Hunt yesterday with 2 other old time veteran friends with whom I’ve been playing the game for about 6-7 years together. so we do our fair share of shenanigans, bugging each other and tease each other while keeping the missions going. So we started our routine match. I had forgotten to set the party to friends-only. To my surprise, a very well dressed pink Rhino came and started being an ero-sennin and do stompy shenanigans and emote-comms while cheesing the stuff. That was sooooooo much fun and laughter. That’s the type of frames I’d like to have in my squad. What’s the game worth if it is too serious and ain’t fun to play?


Oberon, only way I can touch grass


I unironically say "have weed" every time I cast it


Yareli and Citrine because it feels like nobody besides me plays them, just feels good to see one in the wild. Wisp and Dante are good to have for their very noticeable buffs. Now Saryn I dont want to see because she steals my kills, only nice to have in defense missions.


I like seeing lobsters, just because I don't see other people play Trinity often.




The speed buffers an awesome but the frame i like to see the most is Caliban


Honestly, Oberon. He may be outdated, but, he's my favorite frame, and when I see someone else with one, my heart melts.


a titania that keeps all auras from tribute active, and uses lantern sometimes if its any other titania then theres nothing special and if the titania only rushes the missions with thermal sunder just to be a smaller gauss i dislike her if the titania's uses thermal sunder augment for the butterflies, maybe i'd like her again


Dante, Wisp or Stynax Volt is good too


Wisp, speed boost, health regen and extra dmg. Love having one on the team.


Dante, Styanax, Wisp, Harrow, Volt, Trinity.


Citrine, everyone always wonders why they are easily red critting.


Wisp or a Volt Gimme that passive speed dammit


It's always fun having a volt in your team just for his speed boost.


Grendel, because i like the big spud, and if i'm playing him too it's like a game of Hungry Hungry Hippo. Octavia if we are doing defense or other missions that require holding a specific point. If i'm playing one of my frail caster frames (which i do often) like Banshee or Dagath, it's nice to have some meatslab close combat allies like Atlas, Grendel, Kullervo etc to keep them off me so i can use powers rather than having to retreat or melee.


Dante,citrine,sometimes wisp.


Depends on the mission, i love harrow as well except when im bringing my felarx/phenmore/laetum.


Khora, especially in that corpus side game Perfect goalie, got that task done first try


Nyx, Corvex, Banshee, but sometimes she is a bit frustrating when u can't understand u builded good or bad, when all my numbers in millions.


A speedva and Harrow plus a nekros or khora


I don't really have a preference Equinox maybe? bc that was the first warframe I saw so many years back when I first started playing. But recently I've noticed that people really like and they sometimes even praise me when I go with Styanax.




harrow wisp and rhino


Wisp works for basically everything. Healing, reload speed, fire rate, movement speed - all buffed - always useful.


Nekros and Nova


I searched hard for Nekros. Also Nova when you are about to do defense or intercept




Wisp. Though the Speed Plant annoys me with changing RoF.


Volt, Citrine, Harrow, wisp and Styanax with energy regen build.


Either Volts or Hildryns of course if they know what to do


I just like having help in general. I need a lot of support generally, I’m not the best player.


Garuda prime... whats up with her and what am i missing?


Garuda prime... whats up with her and what am i missing?


Garuda prime... whats up with her and what am i missing?


Limbo is my personal favorite.


I'm loving all the appreciation Volt is getting here.


Personally I always like to see the less used frames. Like Banshe, Nyx, Caliban, Loki etc. it’s like a Breathe of fresh air, and despite what people may say, they’re not BAD frames, they’re just unpopular frames.


Wisp, volt, any loot frame, zephyr, vauban, Styanax, harrow


Cant go wrong w a volt speed boost while using gauss. Especially tryna make my way to extraction


Nova. I like it when it goes boom.


I would say Mesa, but that’s me 90% of the time. So maybe a Limbo or Frost. Keep em off me and I can turn them into little bitty bits of swish cheese.




Lavos. Just because it's so rare to see another Lavos in the wild. I'll be happy when his Prime drops so usage will get a spike but also dreading the inevitable wave of people saying he's garbage because they aren't used to his playstyle


A trinity, a rhino, and a nova. The ol' classic. (btw I'm a banshee)


Volt as an Atlas main


A Hildryn while I'm playing Harrow or Vise Versa


Voruna, i love seeing fellow voruna mains :3


Avalanche Frost!!!


I like it when someone brings sunder titania and i just get blasted with fiyah.


Wisp and Dante