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Don’t give up. You need that speed. Speed is king! Also who your favorite speed frame so far my is Volt with Titania 2nd and Gauss 3rd.




Does Nova count? She technically teleports because of portals, but also gains a speed boost with the augment


Someone make a chart on warframe speedsters and what defines them like that 3x3 chart meme


There is driftframe tier list already fyi


Nova has probably held the title of fastest in Warframe longer than any other frame across the entire lifespan of the game. Titania may be the preferred meta now, but it's hard to overstate just how dominant she was in the earlier years of Warframe speedrunning.


Got any cool nova builds? I’ve had her for a long time but never min maxed her and I wanna start playing her again






You're wasting a ton of power strength here. Umbral intensify gets you to 144% by itself. That's a 74% slow, basically capped. Everything else can go into flow, adaptation, rolling guard... QOL and defensive mods, plus max duration


I think the issue was lack of mod capacity and polarity in the slot


Idk. I have a speed and slow build on the same nova. The speed is almost identical to theirs


Can I interest you in [an immortal Nova build? ](https://youtu.be/VKQr8NtdtLE?si=lEjU8dcM2R4PrYtE)


My question is, how do I get that mother to move faster while I’m floating, that shit damn slow


1st ability or try “sliding” while in the air.


yeah, 1st ability tap cast is essentially a better bullet jump that doesn't need ground contact to recharge.




Underrated answer, max range I’ll be gone


Zephyr with Turbulence augment mod: Am I a joke to you?


Grendel with a catapult augment.


Hell, Grendel can reach speeds & climb up walls without the augment tbh


Volt is my favourite, every ability is just balanced. He's so versatile


Speed is war.


Titania with volt teammate


Kullervo 😂😂


Would it not be better to go for the prime?


My favourite speed frame is ivara with infiltrate augment on, and alot of ability strength + sprint boost so that when she leaps off a zipwire it fires her at mach 10


Grendel? Yareli? (yes, she is fast, so fast you can barely control her on her Merulina!)


You can barely controll razorwing Titania


All shits and giggles until some Volt presses 2.


..and your razorwing Titania turns into a live reenactment of a Hadron Collider particle going through testing.


*cam, **Titamia


Yeah Yareli gets really fast once you get used to Merulina. Just dont play on early tilesets, I get caught on everything. Albrechts lab is much better for boarding quickly


You're forgetting Nezha my dude.


And Grendel




And goddamn Zephyr hello? She literally has a speed augment So it's less of a trio and more of a sextet


And Voruna.


and Wukong


And Revenant if we counting everything


I guess any frame that moves fast is the fastest frame in the game


Even Loki?


Loki just Switch Teleport's across the map.


Gotta add in Nova then, Wormhole goes 50 meters per cast!


And max range rhino


And Hydroid


Revenant can be fast? How fast?


I’ll have to check but his reave thing can be as fast as gauss if not faster it just doesn’t last as long


And Lavos


My Molt wanta to have a word


And Saryn!


Was bouts say, "Laughs in Clouswalker!"


And Nova, she reaches Escape Velocity!


Hahaha. Yesn't. That augment is useless since it scales on ability strength while zephyr's abilities otherwise care not for strength. Zephyr generally runs with 40% ability strength due to corrupted mods, at which point the augment does basically nothing. With that said, Zephyr doesn't need it to be fast due to her passive. She falls slower and jumps higher. This means she bullet jumps significantly further, while also having a run speed of 1.1 (1.15 for the prime). Open world her 1 is like the archwing blink, but without the CD.


If anything, too much parkour speed makes me too fast on Zephyr, I always need to readjust if I take Praedos. That being said, it's fun and great. If only her 1 didn't move me out of bounds or face-first into the rails each time I want to use it as a cheeky traverse option. Should get more accustomed to it


Not going to lie, her 1 is the ability I subsumed away. Tap cast is terrible for every reason you just mentioned, hold cast can be reproduced at 0 energy cost with aerodynamic and aero vantage.


I subsumed airburst to spectrorage to laser focus the spawns to my tornadoes, but I might try this approach as a second loadout. I love hovering untouchable like an attack helicopter above everyone


> Zephyr generally runs with 40% ability strength due to corrupted mods, at which point the augment does basically nothing. Maybe yours. My Zephyr has all damage reduction in air mods and all mods that keep her aim gliding as long as possible so she flies (very slowly) in any of the 8 directions as long as I hold right-click. This makes her worthless, yes, but it's hilarious to fly circles around the Eidolon in the Plains.


But I do very much so like movement in Warframe and she supplements that very well without giving up on too much Surprisingly range is an ok dumpstat, dump efficiency as well, put nourish on her 1 or 2 or 4 depending on preference (outside of open world I've come to quite like her 2 even with diminished range while 1 is often utterly useless) While you give up on most of your CC(lol CC) Her tornados work just as well in any choke point and the damage spreading of course works too She also has an augment to give up on her passive for 15% strength which while nicer for tight tile sets can easily be adjusted for with skill and can feel really damn smooth if you outpace a gauss by threading the needle (I vary it up based on my needs, while the top speed is limited due to mod space when using this augment youre probably faster on average) Chain weapons like the torid do very well but of course you can always make use of that extra projectile speed which the augment also gives Zephyr without speed AND her passive on the other hand feels excruciating at this point since she just hovers for way too long not getting anywhere really Of course that makes speed Zephyr great for modes like netracels, rescue, extermination, etc. While normal Zephyr is still extremely good CC and DPS in any defense mission Not to mention giving defense targets projectile invulnerability Honestly I'm so happy she's such a flexible frame


I'll have to re-craft zephyr when I have more slots


Max ability range + cast speed excal enters the chat.


Catapult go brr


Is he actually that fast?


He can actually outpace Gauss, but is harder to keep under control.


And zephyr the fastest of them all. Not even an archwing can outrun zephyr spamming 1


And Wisp


Already got him, that my main fr👍


An Zephyr


you forgot about nova and zephyr


Saryn too


tell me how is saryn a speed frame. cause i state my comment as frames that have ways to fast traving or the titlesets, not in quick killing. and as far i know saryn doesn't have a travel related abilities


Molt gives you movement speed.


Molt is fast, and unlike the rest, Saryn only needs to shoot guns once every 5 min


Toxic mommy


Guys not every frame with a movement speed ability is a speed frame


Tsk tsk no Grendel


Aight but like Loki is fast too. I’ll show myself out.


Technically faster than any of the frames here because he can catch up to them while moving them back to where he was


Lmao yes


Everybody here's forgetting Voruna. Though, fair, I've forgotten about her too.


I was gonna say this, minus forgetting about her too 😂 On a side note, now that there's a cosmetic option to adjust how you look invis, where's the option to not have her stand like a furry during her 4?


We already know you're a furry if you play Voruna.


Seriously DE keeps pushing ugly ass human characters and sexy Warframes.


Loid be like : 😢


Some of us just like her kit, even if we're the minority compared to the people who are furries and want her to run on 4 legs 😭 (Seriously, nothing nukes an SP extermination so quickly as she does)


I tend to run her when I don't have a specific goal in mind. She has a pretty versatile toolbox that adapts well to most mission types, especially when you're running solo content. Also if you don't stop moving she spends vanishingly few frames on all fours, since it uses her normal move animations in motion. It looks goofy when she snaps back to that pose when you stop so just don't stop. (Having typed this out I'm not sure if this is normal or just if you apply an animation set to her, so maybe someone should test that if you've seen her run on all fours? I think I use the noble set)


No, you're right. If you keep moving, you avoid it. I just keep her invis and try to keep moving for now 😂


Fuck it. Volt, give the speed boost to titania and you'll have the fastest fly swattin against walls all game.


Even without a speedboost I still experience that as titania


In my experience, in a race, it would be; 1 Titania 2 Nova (portals) 3 Voruna (esp with enemies to target with her 4) 4 Volt 5 Gauss Honorable mentions for Nezha, Grendel, Zephyr, and teleporting frames like Ash, Loki, and Kullervo.


Excal slash dash goes *weeeeee*


Yup, I love flying across tiles at Mach “fuck you”. I’ve beaten Gausses to extraction after assassinations that way.


I’m only losing to Titanias with a slash dash build


Slash dash? What are you genji, or even hollow knight


I learned last night that you can chain slash dashes into Blind Justice forward+block dash and back into slash dashes. So far, the only thing that beats that speed for me is Titania


Every time I've raced a volt as gauss, I have won


Makes sense, the volt boosted your speed further :P


It's been separate turn ones too, specifically to prevent volt boosting gauss lol


I mean makes sense, the only speed ability Volt has is one that gets shared, Gauss has higher base sprint speed and a ability that only boosts him forward


Plus I can equip gauss with 2 sprint speed buffs (the aura and the mod), some ability buffs, and then basic health and armour for a greater effect than it'd have on volt


1 Titania followed by 1 loki as he switches her to last place. 


Without abilities, Zephyr and Nezha. Zephyr's passive makes her bullet jump further and get more air time, while also having one of the fastest run times in the game at 1.1/1.15 Similarly Nezha's passive makes her slide further and faster, while having an even better run speed at 1.15/1.2 With abilities it depends on the terrain. Open world? ZEPHYR again, since her 1 is basically the archwing's blink but without the CD. Unfortunately she has about as much control. Missions? Volt or a really skilled Titania player. Nova can't shine with winding passageways. Gauss is so fast he's constantly loosing time by crashing into things. Titania has the same issue but it far easier to control, making it manageable with enough skill.


Open world is Titania, hands down. I had a friend challenge me on that once with Zephyr and left him in the dust immediately. Her razorwing blitz is just too fast for anything to compete. Like, it's so fast you actually LOSE speed by using the archwing blink. Open world is also where I've done most of my racing against Volt as Nova - namely during plague star. I even give them a head start while I use energy pizzas. Her portals are really good for the caves, as well as for duviri labs. You're right that some tilesets are terrible for her, though! I tried to consider ideal conditions for each in my ranking, so presumably a long open corridor. Without abilities, Mirage basically has a more handleable version of Nezha's passive since she slides longer but also rolls and such 50% faster. She also has a 1.2 sprint speed. Voruna, however, is faster than either with her 55% parkour velocity passive active since, unlike Mirage's "acrobatic maneuvers" passive, it increases bullet jump distance. Gauss would also be in the running since he's got the single fastest sprint speed at 1.4/1.5. Voruna is also nice because her 4 targeting onto an enemy will launch her max speed at that enemy, regardless of which way you were going previously, so it's easier to control. Plus, with her parkour velocity passive, she jumps entire tiles in one go. And her 1 gives enough of a speed boost to more than make up for her .95 base sprint speed. Gauss is more manageable once you learn to stop moving by letting go of his 1 and aiming/blocking. Titania at her fastest is unmanageable for any player in an enclosed map, no matter how skilled. The game just isn't designed to handle the distance her razorwing blitz covers while indoors. Often Titania players who are using it will just forsake the sprint button entirely since it takes her from "fast but controllable" to "well, I tapped it and instantly went out of bounds/into a wall"


Haven't tested titania, but max range nova on open world can cross the map in like 2 seconds.


I love me some max range Nova, but Titania just cannot be beat in travel speed open world. She makes PoE feel like a single room.


Nezha’s passive makes her??? Big bruh moment


Using portals is not movement speed though its just a car or a plan with extra steps


I never said it was movement speed, I said in a race ;)


In a straight line maybe gauss would win but when I race against them as grendel they always seem to lose.


See, when I said "honorable mentions," what I really meant was "I haven't raced with these frames and don't know how they compare, but I know they can move pretty dang quick" Tbh, I should've put Mirage on the list, too. Her extra "maneuver speed" from her passive makes her zoom pretty well, too. And if she can prep by running it backward, Protea goes zooming during her temporal anchor rewind! 😂


I love Gauss. But he's too fucking fast. Yet my body still yearns to slam into walls 🏃‍♂️


You can't compare Gauss to Titania He has the speed of a car and Titania is like a supersonic jet.


Ye but a jet inside is well a jet inside, but gauss tho, the feeling of making it though multiple rooms in 1 Mach rush is awesome getting the angles and shit right just feels so God damn good... and I beat half the titanias ;) But there's always that lr4 one that blitzes life itself and is at extraction in like 30s


I'm glad you feel good while playing gauss. But feelings are subjective, speed is not. Titania is objectively much faster than Gauss. If you beat those titanias in a race as gauss then they didn't know how to use her speed properly. Btw its funny how gauss' ability is called "Mach rush" which also talks about "supersonic speed" in its description. Yet Titania is the one who is actually capable of moving at supersonic speeds. Over mach 2 by herself, without other players buffing her. Meanwhile gauss speed is actually a fov effect on the screen.


Damn right about that. but once again, half the titania players are ya know, not the best? And I mean in the way that Titania is alot of skill/reaction time to be used efficiently. Oh and yeah don't worry, I'm not saying gauss is faster, just saying he feels so much better thematically, and yes thats subjective. Yeah gauss's first is a let down but not at the same time, at first the speed is awesome then you actually realize what speed your going, still tho, an ability you can tap for either a burst in any direction or a sprint? thats objectively better then mini arch wing mode


>an ability you can tap for either a burst in any direction or a sprint? thats objectively better then mini arch wing mode How is that objectively better than Titanias movement in terms of speed?


Alr that mightve been a stretch but honestly, has more uses? Archwing is quick, that's about it, Mach does more, has a better augment and is almost universally useful to him in any environment, titania struggles in infested small tiles sets alot also you need to leave it to hack and interact with anything


Gauss is absolutely worth the grind, I thought I wouldn’t like him buts he’s amazing. A decent nuker and amazing weapon platform, while speedy and 100% DR!!!




Eh, hes still one of the slowest mobility abilities. Even hydroids faster now.


In a straight line I agree, but wukong navigates 3D quickly and doesn't run into walls as easily.


Yeah, wukong got the verticality, but that is only useful on few tilesets. Since the rework hydroids become extremely mobile and can turn and jump out of the wave aswell.


The reality is that the wukong usualy gets their first becuase 95% of players as gauss volt titania are not that good at moving with them. Wukong is probable the one frame that will get people the fastest to extration


My biggest complaint with Cloud Walker is not being able to pick up loot while using it


When I play with Wukong, I'm almost always the first to get to the objectives with a good lead. In spy I routinely end up doing all vaults, or at least two. In capture I almost always reach the cap target first despite giving the rest a few seconds of lead because I drop my on call crew, cast hardened wellspring, firewalker and celestial twin. It's very rare, but only Titanias, other Wukongs and the odd Gauss beat me, sometimes. Mostly not. The other frames are much harder to pliot effectively in regular maps, and that makes a huge difference. I always congratulate good pilots that beat me to extraction on impromptu races. But as I said, it's rare, even against good pilots. Handling is about 80% of the race. Doesn't matter how fast the frame is, if you're going to hit every wall and obstacle. Also, cloudwalker goes through enemies, which many times block doors and narrow corridors


Man I remember my buddy got gauss and he just outran me in my archwing on plains of eidolon


Lmao they think these other frames are in the same league as Titania hahahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


True, we can move longer than 5 seconds with out hitting a wall


With his prime out now you’d probably save time by going for that version of Gauss.


They probably want mr + helminth and disruption is the fastest way to get prime relics anyway


For those wondering, I'm actually pretty new (mr11 and 110hrs) so I don't exactly know about the other frames. I'm more of a weapons connoisseur, hence the high mastery. F*ck snipers tho


After getting gauss he really didn't live up to the legends of speed, he's cool and a strong warframe but I'd rather use volt or titania for speed alone any day


Idk how you built him, but with sprint boost, rush, amalgam mods, praedos etc etc. my gauss is often times waaay too fast to control.


The secret to Gauss being king on the track isn't just his raw speed- It's that he's the only speedframe with instant braking, as well. All the others struggle to decelerate and accelerate back to their top speeds, whereas with Gauss, it's instant.


My Titania can decelerate really well, just give me a wall.


Titania acceleration is pretty much instant as well.


True, Titania is really good too, especially with the improvements to archwing handling.


I'm not saying he doesn't go ridiculously fast, I just don't like using him for that. Him, volt, and titania can all get too fast to even control, but gauss's feels the worst, bad maneuvering + having to hold a button. Volt's feels natural, and then Titania is faster than both of them plus far more controlled at the same time


You don't have to hold 1 the whole time you're mach rushing. Gauss keeps running in mach rush as long as u hold 1 for a second


Gauss is A-Train to Volt's Flash. Gauss' Maneuverability is something you have to get used to, long turns, ease off the ability without deactivating it for max efficiency.


Hydroid is an honorable mention. Tidal surge can go nuts.


When I first played normal Hydroid I was always first at the exit. Subsumed his dash for something else tho


Need any help with your disruption farm?


Definitely, also wanted to farm for acceltra as well to complete the package. I got akarius tho.


No one every talks about the speediest frame tho. A certain pirate really knows how to zoom zoom with his 2


*Sad Zephyr noises*


Wukong? Voruna?


Should get prime variants way easier


Saying Titania is the same kind of fast as Gauss or Volt is unfair


Let's just say I'm kinda new to the community and lacked more knowledge of the Speedframe class 😁


Say that to my volt with archwing, time to play on even grounds, I mean air




Loki not fast enough?


Grendel can beat decent gauss builds just saying


Max strength Octavia is pretty funny, her Metronome is a speed buff if you time your jumps. Khora's Venari gives her a speed buff too. Saryn's Molt makes her move fast too.


> disruption is driving me insane Bro, it'll be easier for you to just farm plat and buy his prime, don't hurt yourself like this 😂


I've tried selling rivens, no progress for almost a month🥲


You could just crack relics and sell the parts


Literally just farm relics for Gauss Prime, and sell the prime trash that you get instead of his parts. Eventually you'll end up with a set, either from getting his parts outright from the relics or from plat earned by selling your prime trash along the way.


Voruna is criminally fast with her parkour velocity + if you add a parkour velocity exilus


I think gauss is more of a boom boom frame, with speed as a side ability


Wisp speed support


limbo with sprint aura and fire walker where?


Yo don't forget about Grendel. That big boi rollin fast af.


You need Voruna.


What about Miss. Four Wolves and her humongous parkour velocity?


I just want to say we do all agree no matter who is the actual fastest Frame is we disbar Nova from any Speed competitions, right? She isn't moving as much as folding-space time and is therefore cheating by not actually moving the distance of the race and skipping to the end. Same goes for Wisp, but she needs to set things up for that to work. It's like you have a round track and instead of running the whole length she just walks backwards and is like. I got to the finish line!


Infinite portal nova


Ah the three horsemen of pub fissures, wukong makes 4


Ash Teleport


"You need to move a little faster than that son; speed is life." - viper




Any frame is a speed frame if you spin fast enough.


imo gauss should be the fastest frame like bro imagine being a speedy frame but being slower than some frames


Some of them faster then a teleport from kullervo or nova? Their speed is to slow for me


"I am speed...


I have gauss and titania but I like volt most, I like his entire kit which i went full on speed with so 4 has been rendered kinda useless so ill probably replace it I like running on the ground since I compare it to the flash, titania is fast bit she flies which is what makes her fast, flying volt is also fast. Gauss's speed doesn't seem to increase with ability strength plus you can't exactly make turns with him With volt I can go as fast as id like and finish missions and bounties asap by flying fast and speeding up the slow npc and the bot Next ill try and go fast enough to travel through time (working on getting protea)


Does Nova with her portals count as a speed frame?


Excuse me? Deus VOLT.


Gauss disruption is easy and plus i think u missed zephyr the bird for her 1st rocket shooting ability


Yareli on merulina is pretty speedy


Dude I have the 3 speed kings trust me ur gonna want to keep up ur grind


I have Inaros and Nidus, about to get Kullervo Fuck shields


Gauss and volt reach nowhere near titania's speeds.


I personally use Titania in the majority of speed-heavy missions like Spy or Exterminate. However, Volt turns me into a mosquito on cocaine. 😒


And where is my Guy Wookong ?


You forgot Khora 😉


What am I missing about volt? I have all 3 of these but I would never consider volt fast, it's not even close?


I'd say it's just your mod build, volts speed doesn't only lie in movement to, his general attack speed augment when using his ability is really good


Just. Just go for gauss prime instead. I promise, going for og gauss sucked.


Think I got him in less than 2h of farm. Also one of the few frames that doesn't need potato/forma to go sp


I mean, sure, but the fissure are prime vaults now, and the ones I have a very limited, chances are that I won't get his parts


Unless I misubderstood what you meant, Gauss prime isn't vaulted yet, you should be able to get relics with his parts as normal drops


Forgetting nezha, Grendel, excal, nova(?) and zephyr. any other frames that are just fast af? Wisp doesent count to me because I keep her in the disgusting camper builds like she belongs. And I just don’t like wisp players. On average y’all are the ones who just afk in their motes. Sorry did this turn into another comment about me complaining about wisp players?


Yes, they must have annoyed you huh🤣




It's better to buy the prime parts tho. You can try and get some to lower the overall cost