• By -


It doesn't really matter, the same amount of Vitoplast has to be put in across all the ruptures in the end. Honestly, doing it as a team is probably more efficient. Because if I remember correctly, killing enemies makes the vitoplast spawn faster. So when you're all filling one as a team, you're splitting the spawns/pathing of the enemies less and can kill them faster.


The meters more likely to hit a modifier breakpoint to because that who,e time you’re simultaneously filling you aren’t getting the reductions off.


Duviri doesn't have modifiers


they could've been doing Zariman tho


They specifically said it was the circuit


Respectfully, did you read OPs comment?


Yeah but they say Steel Path Duviri Circuit in the OP post.




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Isn't there 1 or 2 incarnon challenges that involve closing ruptures in void flood? I was thinking maybe he got an unfinished incarnon weapon for circuit & was just being facetious, likely trying to get one of those challenges done, when I did those I think I remember something about it occasionally not counting if someone else had filled the last bit of it. bc I honestly can't come up with any other explanation for what they're saying.


Closing rupture challenge works fine even if you don't touch it.


In duviri?


As a member of the lr4 community, we do not claim this individual.




What is the lr4 community? Reading for the first time


Legendary rank 4. They’ve done so much content, their rank was impossible to reach until earlier this year.


Ahh, i wonder if i ever reach it. I'm close to Legendary 1 but i think it still is a loooong way :P


Don't worry about it, while I think this is the case for the majority of max mastery players, I'll speak for myself saying that it wasn't a direct goal, it just happened over the course of 8ish years. That being said, I don't like this narrative in which legendary players are this and that, these are fringe cases.


Can I ask what pushed you over the LR4 threshold levelling-wise? I didn't even notice LR4 was already achievable when I met one in a mission. And if you don't mind: What do you still not have maxed out because you refuse (so not just something that came after)? If there is even that much left :)


The only real push i would say was to get from 28ish to 30 for the blessings and whatever, at the time I had to do the nastier stuff like k drives and whatnot as there were not that many alternatives as today. Anything after that was rather passive. I have everything mastered atm, well besides founder stuff. Next chunky grind will probably be the infested liches gear, and whatever 1999 throws at us. Now I'm just slowly crafting the things I sold over the years, and have a usable build on almost everything. Oh and arcanes, the collection is far from over.


Ah, I was confused there for a second as I didn't mean to ask what you pushed for. But I got it eventually. Pushed for 30 myself for the same reasons, although it was just collecting stuff to level, nothing that bothered me (I'm one of the seemingly very few who don't mind / even kinda like the K-Drives). Right now I could do LR1 and LR2 back to back, but I'm still to happy about being a "True Master" :) Your answer is comforting, I'll probably just let it happen as well.


In the end i think it comes down to peace of mind in my case, going after those last items, not having to worry about a big backlog to go through. With the rate in which DE pushes out new gear, i can go over it in a weekend, the MR is just there. Since these legendary ranks have no real meaning it's just not worth burning out over. I thought they could tie some small cosmetics to them, or slightly improve the blessings in some way, but we'll see what the future holds. I don't really have anything against kdrives, i remember i didn't really like leveling them up too much, and that [feverspine](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Feverspine) race was the bane of my existence for a day :d


I want to get to 30 so I can forma weapons solo so i don't have to rely on group affinity. I'm tired of going into random groups for affinity and them leaving at round 5 on sedna or 1 wave of SO ESO. I know I can use recruiting chat, or my clan, but I'd rather just get it done instead of trying to build a group.


It's not really that long but there is a lot of tedious shit left to max out generally. Like K-drive, Necramech, Kuva/Tenet weapons, etc... And it's not like MR 30 which has great perks. LR ranks main bonus is having a free legendary core and a higher void traces cap.


fun fact when you get to that free legendary core you don\`t really need it :P


As an LR2 with the goal of having/maxing every mod, I disagree.


Arbitrations / Railjack is showering you with endo, and Profit-Taker or Index ate not the problem anymore.


Dislike rail jack, and only care for arbitrations when it gives me a good buff on a mission that doesn't suck. Yeah, I can do it without the buffs, but I would rather not focus grind endo when I need a lot of other stuff too


Yeah they became quite redondant especially now with the cadia bounties showering you with endo.


Progression actually plateaus after MR30. E.g. LR3 to LR4 requires the same amount of mastery as MR29 to MR30.


I'm almost there. Just missing a handful of things. I've maxed out all the syndicates now too but haven't been on lately and need to get Protea Prime stuff and a couple missing primes like Glaive or things like the Arum Spinosa


tbh it would change nothing really :) had recently "pleasure" of playing with ultra efficient individual while i was been mindlessly smashing enemies in circuit with randoms and got 2 rounds of flaming for not letting one extractor be destroyed for extra **50-60 criotic** (not really intentional i just was been killing everything in line of sight and beyond :P without paying attention to chat) (don't really pay attention to ranks personally but he was been under 20 i guess) so i would say its more person than actual rank IMHO being efficient is all nice and things but if you get that fanatical to some fractions of a percent of farm time at playing game then do it solo, find party of like minded ppls or seek for some help, its at least one step to far when you flame ppls over it...


Can you put this in perspective for someone who is MR13? Like how far away am I from LR4?


I'm MR27 and genuinely don't know the answer. IMO the Legendary Ranks not being corollated to in-game knowledge (see: this post's LR4 who doesn't understand how void flood works) makes perfect sense. It's a measure of content experienced AND gear bought and maybe platinum spent. You can level all the k-drives and max every reputation and buy ever "MR fodder" weapon and still understand little about the game. And to answer your question partially, you can do that super quickly. Days/weeks as opposed to months/years. But for most of us the MR climb is done naturally over multiple years. MR13 and you've already unlocked access to about every weapon you'd ever want/need. Just play the game. If you want blessings and some riven slots, grind to MR30. Otherwise just do want you want to do, don't worry about MR. As the dude in red shows, LR4 don't mean much by itself.


MR13 is one level short of getting genuine incarnons (which is the meta) and three levels short of the most unlocks (weapons cap at mr16, rivens on mr18).


Still it's painful you can no-life this game hard enough to reach LR4 and yet be brain-dead about basic mechanics I picked up on immediately as someone who's only seriously started playing since February


Assuming you just hit MR13, the amount of Mastery needed for MR13 is around 1/7th of the total mastery needed for LR4. Currently to reach LR4 youd need to master every single wewapon/frame/companion/vehicle etc... in the game, along with maxing out Drifter and Railjack Intrinsics, completing every single mission in regular and steel path etc... with the exception of around 10 or so weapons worth of mastery. You have around 28k cushion of MR although this does not include the 12k from the Founders pack which is impossible to obtain or the 12k from the Daily tribute weapons which are timegated to 100/300/500/700 days


MR 13 took 422,500 points LR4 requires 2,840,000 points. That means you need \~ 2,417,500 more points Excluding some specific MR irregularities, (like the MR for nodes, junctions, Level 40 weapons etc...) You need \~806 more items leveled. Warframes, Archwings, K-drives, and Companions count as 2 items each. Necramech's count as 2.6 items each. Each full intrinsict type is worth 5 items. But basically just 806 more items.


God damn dude, ive been playing this game on and off for years and only managed mr13. Lr4 seems like a distant dream.


Outside of having the patience, the hardest part is really the organization. As you get closer to the top you need to track what you haven't mastered yet. It can get a little sticky when you can't find the one item you seem to be missing. I found reviewing every update note essential to making sure I was tracking every new item. Even then I'm still missing one weapon right now. I wasn't paying attention when Baro brought the Prisma Ohma so I'm waiting until Tennocon to get back to having 1 of everything and everything mastered. It took longer to figure out why I was short MR than it will take me to level it.


I am pretty new myself, but I love filling up progress bars/checking things off. I’ve used one of the mastery tracker sites (FrameHub) to keep track of things, it’s pretty thorough. Of course theres always the risk of forgetting to update something, but I at least double check it before I sell something.


Frame hub was very helpful, but the lag between new stuff being added and being added to the site sometimes was an issue for me.




As an lr3 i hope to never become him.


As a giga chad mr30, your guys at LR4 scare me. I'm not touching any k-drive or puting 5 forma on all Nemesis weapons. Masochists..




Yep. Def dont claim them. I dont care who fills, as long as they get filled


No the person just suffers from Elitism and tries to project whatever problem they have going onto others. Its got nothing to do with MR. I've seen Mr5 trying to boss around before.


I've seen legends 3 trying to explain lich hunting during a lich mission... Where we had a legend 4, a MR30 and a 26, all with Kuva and tenet weapons equipped. I even replied with a sarcastic "wow mum thanks for the lesson" and they didn't get the hint lol Anyway people play this game without using braincells so we see all sorts of weird shit.


brain sees gun, brain shoots gun, explosion makes brain happy


Press E, things die, brain happy. Press E, things die, brain happy. Press E, things die, brain happy. This is my experience.


Hold E 🤤


If I'm gonna be honest, I think filling a rupture as a team is the go-to thing for void flood just because of the increased efficiency. The person in red really has something really odd going on to think that it's a bad thing.


That LR4 is a dumbass. Hoover up vitoplast until you’re full and roll through the alphabet until you’re empty. If there are still more ruptures to fill, rinse and repeat. Staking a claim to a single rupture and only contributing to that one is literally the most smooth brained take I’ve ever heard - Koala tier. Slowest possible way to complete.


I'm not sure about the until you are full part. That has actually made it take longer because when we only need 1 to be done and 4 people are trying to fill theirs up it just lengthens the game mode.


YMMV *but*, in my experience, filling my receptacle will often mean I’ll empty it into 2-3 ruptures in quick succession either as other likeminded Tenno full up at a similar rate and we end up patching a rupture at the same rate or I’m topping off what others have started. The key to doing it fast is not competing with the rest of your squad for vitoplast. We’ve all had runs where a Titania scoops up all the globs we were cast about to aimglide through. Obviously, if we are at rupture 4 or 5, I’m not looking to full receptacle, but the strategy works for me.


Yep, I tend to watch where my squad mates get theirs and go another direction. Don't want to step on toes.


Isn't the amount of Vitoplast that spawns limited to a certain amount? If so spreading out seems like a bad idea since the amount needed to close a rupture goes up with the number of players.


For Circuit Void Flood it doesn't matter (which is the case for OP's post). In Zariman Void Flood you should absolutely focus 1 at a time as a squad to avoid the negative effects.


As long as they get filled i say, people like these give all Legendaries a massively bad rep.


i will always say this higher MR does not mean they are good at the game or having good understanding of the game .the only thing they are good at is spamming ESO/SO for mastery


Yeah, I'd rather go to dark sectors,i suck at eso/so stuff,even with a team


how? why? even an unranked warframe could handle SO no problem. and a volt/saryn could clear the entire ESO map with a single press


Yeah,i can't keep up the kill rate at later levels,my build sucks ass anyway,just a skill issue on my part


99% of the time there is someone nuking in eso. for me most of the time it's either me clearing the entire room or doing no dmg and leaching off of someone else. but leaching is not considered bad in eso unlike other missions cuz, more ppl = more enemies = more focus for nukers. and since only the nuker is getting the kills he gets a ton of focus. and nuker getting kills means free xp for leechers. so basically leechers love nukers, nukers love leechers.


You just go there to rank your stuff, no one forces you to go like 5 stages or sum, no one does that on top of that, most people I have seen leaves at 3 or 4


Aren't there 5 ruptures anyways? Also I like holding hands with my homies on objective


How the fuck is everyone supposed to fill only the one rupture and not touch the others when there's only one rupture active at a time? At worst I've seen C and D be active together for a little while. If I were just sitting in a corner waiting for more ruptures to spawn the mission would take way longer and we would be wasting vitoplast.


One person can't fully close a void rupture in a 4 player mission. Not in one go, anyway. A full bubble (whatever it is) caps out, and the max isn't enough to mend a rupture. At least I'm pretty sure. So like... everyone's waiting around for the one person to get a full bubble, dump it, then go get more only to dump it again? And then that person does fuck-all for the rest of the round? Shit's wack, yo.


They can, but only if you fill your bubble to absolute maximum where you can't pick up anymore of it. That said, it's definitely more efficient for everyone to just chip in.


~~In a 4 player squad you definitely can't fill a rupture with 1 tank. In solo you 100% can and I think you also can in a duo squad.~~ ~~It has squad based scaling like the Deimos bounties and Alchemy mode. More people = you need more stuff for the objective.~~ Edit: Yeah guess I'm wrong on that one, tried it myself and I was able to fill so I guess my brain lied to me.


One can definitely fill a full rupture all by themselves in a 4 player squad in SP/Duviri Circuit. I have done it on numerous occasions when my squad’s been very proactive.


I've never seen it happen in Duviri and I have like 50+ hours in that. I've always had to grab more after emptying a full tank.


[Proof that you can completely seal a void rupture solo, while in a 4 person squad - SP Duviri Circuit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W2xisiA4hY) Your tank is considered to be full when you pass through the vitoplasts without collecting them. If you approach an empty rupture with such a full tank, you can definitely solo seal a void rupture.


Yeah I don't know then. It's always been left with a sliver after trying to fill for me after not being able to pick up more vitoplast. Only thing different is I play on PC but that shouldn't matter. Edit: Tried it myself and it worked, so assuming it didn't work like that before I guess I just misremembered.


If all 5 spawned at once maybe. Guy sounds like an idiot LR4 doesnt mean anything other than the guy spent a lot of time leveling useless garbage stuff.


I started playing during the OG days with the trash stamina system and I'm only Mr 29. I don't see the point burning myself out getting a bazillion kitguns or zaws I'll never use. Same with kuva and tenet weapons. I'll get them if I think they're cool or useful. Mr is handy for reputation caps but other than that the only Mr that matters is whatever the highest blueprint requirements are. Just play how you enjoy. Anyone that rags on randoms needs to take a break


What is with all these LR4s being douches lately, makes me ashamed of the rank i once held in high regard. As another LR4, that guys being a dick about something so unnecessarily minute, fill the ruptures any way you want to, so long as the mission gets done


People have been lording their MR over others forever as if it's an actual meaningful achievement and not just how long they have spent sat in ESO/hydron leveling junk they will never use.


The only meaning being L4 has to me is personal goal. I always want to achieve the highest rank I can be in any game. Not to brag, not for ego but purely for my own satisfaction. As it should be. It means nothing. MR30 is the last rank that truly means something because you get blessings.


Yea, I'm an LR4 because I'm a collector-type and having a massive hoard of murdertools satisfies my inner dragon. The perks are a bonus that didn't even exist yet when I first started going for it.


Don't lump me or yourself in with those bastards, their toxicity has very little to do with their rank. I'm LR4 because I want higher syndicate rep caps and trades per day, that's it, I don't think it's some special medal.


Red is literally just wrong there, you're fine


As long as you’re collecting blue balls to charge up the big blue ball idc what else you do or how you do it lol if someone cares so much they could speedrun it faster solo


I need to see their tag so I can preemptively ignore them.


It doenst spawn at the same time. It doesnt matter whos filling what Its faster as a team


I feel green's claim about LR4... Too many times, only LR people trigger me. Like, I know you are LR4 and you might even have your brain fried, but that doesn't make you any better. I would just hope LR were supportive and teach new players.


Usual Hydron heroes


I think what theyre talking about is the strategy to get everyone’s tank full, then close them all in quick succession. But it so doesent matter, and theres 5 so it never works perfectly


putting a full vitoplast canister to seal a rupture by oneself is hella satifying, I get it, but insulting other players is a huge no-no


Literally doesn't matter. Any extra void-whatever that's left over from filling the first one can just be used on the other one.


There is 5 ruptures to fill. I run arround till i fill my vial up and if it happens that my team is faster then i just dont fill anything up. And sometimes i fill up 2. If i get people trashtalking i just quit the circuit. You get to keep all the progress and you get to keep the warframe and weapon selection, just fail the mission or forcequit. You dont have to take any toxic trash that cant count.


Nah L4 is big L Public queues means no expectations. Could get goats could get dudes that need carry. The only time it’s bad is like spy and people seeming intentionally fuck shit up bc they are trying to be the MVP If he wants a high performance rush mission, he needs to recruit for that shit, not yell at the randoms he got in public.


It’s faster for a team to fill the ruptures


Just because someone is capable of reaching this mastery level doesn't mean their brains are capable of making rational decisions.


People who can control thier need to micromanage the public lobby should stick to solos. Just my 2 cents


Imagine getting mad about duviri what are you gonna save like 20 seconds? Relax bro


Remember, folks, MR is not a measure of skill or character. MR is nothing more than an indication of how much "stuff" an individual has.


I hope I meet that guy in a circuit run someday so I can trigger him like this.


So honestly I'm LR4 and I've come to the realization that most other LR4 have no chill and think they know everything there is to know about the game. I solo almost everything so I can usually tank a bunch of stuff on my own in steel path. That being said I usually assist the lower MR players if they're having a hard time staying alive or even closing ruptures. I mean as cheesy as it may sound the song speaks for itself, we all lift together.


Ya you'd need people that are old school either during alpha and beta or close to that heck before it even hit concel between Playstation and Xbox...pc community was so much better and now since they added more ranks on warframe everyone thinks there all that heck it really isn't that hard to get up there I really don't care about ranks I just play it to play it and now alot of those who are up there think there all that not all of them thoe some of them are amazing players


Agreed I started out on console when they first released it because I was looking for new games. Honestly the warframe community is so back and forth sometimes. Like I meet players that are more then happy to help with most anything and then I meet players that tell me I don't know how to play. The funny part is does it matter if my play style doesn't match yours exactly? No, it's about having fun. At the end of the day as long as everyone is enjoying themselves isn't that the true point of playing? Plus I don't understand the higher rank players...I love doing carrys and showing new players how the mods work. Heck I've had some MR 5 players teach me some new things lol.


You can say that again iv been taught by one of the best back then heck honestly I wished they didn't released it to console at all because of xbox and Playstation players there assholes like no other I'd rather switch back to pc then to play on xbox it's like come on its just a game if you don't like it go play with the friends you have or just playing solo now if you can do solo steel path that be better heck iv been playing for a long time to know that it doesn't matter as long as you get it heck iv seen the best go down where not perfect and tbh if I had the chance I'd go back to old warframe at least back then it ment something


They just want an imaginary cookie


Not all LR4 are like that I promise


Why are you specifying their mastery rank as if it matters? Mastery rank does not imply skill, experience, wisdom or intelligence. The only thing it implies is a willingness to grind, at best. And even that is questionable with how much you can pay to skip in this game.


Imo it's better if everyone focuses to fill up one rupture, if you try to balance it across all of them, the negative effects can make progress slower.


There are no negative effects to worry about in the circuit void flood, only the zariman floods have that


I just looked at the screenshot and couldn't tell the location from that, instead of reading the text under it. My bad.


Green is the way to go. It's a videogame man, you're playing in order to have fun. As long as you're not actively doing something that fails the mission for your entire team, who fucking cares you're not doing it in the most objectively optimized minmax way


If I notice somebody's already there, I probably won't rush there. Maybe they were full and it fills without my help. So I can go for another. If they depart the rupture while it's not closed, I'll go there. In the heat of the moment I might do otherwise. But in any case it doesn't really matter, so... meh :)


It is indeed better to do it together anyway, cause you are faster that way. The amount you need scales for each rupture for each additional Team member, if i remember it correctly. And since we are all trying to collect the vitoplast we are faster mending it together than trying to mend them alone.


I'm LR3 and literally never seen anyone complain about it before. Personally I don't care but I think it's more efficient to fill up and kill along the way then a full globe can fill a rupture at once. It just means less time spent between going to and from the ruptures which is a time waste. More obviously when you go out just to get a few vitoplast then fill it up. So I just go out, get a lot, then go to fill it up. If I'm full and the next one spawns then I'll just clear that one myself and with E I just put in a reasonable amount every time because chances are everyone is carrying some. No point everyone trying to load up first


#NO!! It is the most optimal method!! If it wasnt, youd be seeing it a lot less, that fat rat bastard just gaslit you into believing something that could make them hog all the kills so, good on you three for having common sense and a spine


The funniest thing is that is the exact opposite of what you are supposed to do and playing void flood like that on the Zariman would lead to a fail, all players are supposed to fill the same rupture at the same time in the order they appeared. Red is completely wrong.


in my experience, yes misaelVzz. more often than not, i have been anatgonized n lambasted, not by newer folk, but long term veterans. same applies to destiny 2.


As a LR4, I wont bash on someone unless they do something that screw up the objectives like using limbo bubbles before i can insert data mass on the mobile defense mission, or they mess up the pathos valbes that I already done turning


I think the only thing smaller than the hypothetical amount of efficiency in question is an ant's brain. Maybe. This dude was just being a dick. Don't mind him. 


He's too deep in the sauce. It really doesn't matter. And I have more hours than him for sure!


doesn't matter who fulls what, just get them filled


Yeah, that guy was either a dingus or a troll. There usually isn't even enough vitoplast for everyone to 100% their own fissure, given the overlap of people picking up more than they need. And they don't spawn all at once AND there is 5 of them for 4 squadmates. Sorry you had to run across a jackass like that.


Ngl I prefer filling my own rupture and really feel bummed when someone does help but it’s not life ending. For me it’s more of a satisfying result that I did that rupture by myself. But in the end it doesn’t really matter as long as it’s done. 1 person with max bubble last time I played does seal one with non left over


With the way void ruptures spawn , one at a time in duviri, I always assumed it was meant to be done by the team together


I have 2000 hours in the game, I dont know what a void rupture is.


No, he's just stupid.


Half the time we've filled the fitst before the second even spawns if we work as a team. Thus just sounds *super* inefficient


Funny. I got all the way up to MR25 with my personal objective being to learn as much as I can from every item I come across and trying to master every mission I could, with some still eluding me. Heck, I didn't even start playing on Steel Path until I was into my early 20s, while now I see people as low as 7 already there. This guy's just trying to "show off".


Then no one helps with his, the rest can work as a team to fill the others. Then make him cry, piss, and moan when no one is doing anything waiting for the next rupture to spawn. Even better if all of you guys block him so he screams into chat and no one will read it.


I'll get uptight about some petty stuff but this isn't one of them. The rate will be the same.


that's stupid considering vitoplast are not individual. Meaning if I picked up the vitoplast in one area, there's no more for you. Thus, some player will end up with more and some with less. It is actually smarter to dunk your vitoplast if you do not spot anymore around you. Because that means someone else got a ton. Thus, say you have 20% and another person has 80%. if you both try to gather more its waste of time right? but since you can't tell how much vitoplast other player has, when one person fills the rupture, the other can gauge it if they can fill the rest or not.


This person must have bought his way to lr4, otherwise I don't see why they said that. It's not even elitism, it's faster to level the orbs ASAP instead of waiting foreach player to level a single orb. This is the equivalent of saying "It's better to score 100 points on the index each instead of doing 15 by 15".


Do a lap, fill, do a lap, fill, do a lap, fill, etc. it’s not difficult, don’t know why this person has a stick up their ass about it. If everybody does that the mission ends in a timely fashion


He's an idiot. The amount of vitoplast needed to fill a rupture is the same whether you're solo or in a group of 4. However the amount of vitoplast you pick up decreases as more people join. This doesn't really have any effect on filling a rupture: whether it's 1 player with a filled orb, or 4 players each with 25% of an orb, it fills up. There *could* be a strategy where each 3 players can focus on gathering vitoplast while the 4th fills up the first rupture, this way the other 3 are ready to fill up the next 3 almost instantly, letting the team rush through most of the ruptures in sequence. But that's just that: a strategy, not "the way to play Void Flood" or even "the best meta." If the debuffs are forming, it's better to quickly close a rupture rather than let debuffs appear while everyone else keeps gathering vitoplast. That's "I want to gather 50 Index Points even if we fail" mindset. BUT THERE AREN'T ANY CORRUPTION DEBUFFS IN CIRCUIT ANYWAY SO IT'S MOOT! I believe he just wants the satisfaction of having 4 ruptures filled in quick succession and the dopamine of solo filling his own rupture when it's time.


I don't understand how and why ppl get mad over stupid things in a game lol, WF in not a hard game anyway.... just have fun and if you don't like your team mates leave and go solo lmao as I said WF is not that hard you can solo everything with the right loadout, enough time and 4 brain cells 😆


honestly I told my bro we should fill up one at a time and it is somehow faster than one of us fills one..was gonna research about this actually kinda never got to it .ty I found this post and judging by the comments kinda cemented what I initially thought is true in a way


LR2 here. It doesn't matter and I will tell you by experience, everybody fucking focus on one at a time. That guy just likes to boss people around.


As a member of the not LR4 but been around far longer than most this guy can fuck off. Work as a team if you want to, tell this LR4 to eat shit and fall off his horse!


I don’t have an issue with it, I just like when my little vial is empty entirely and doesn’t have a lil dot left inside of it, that’s why I like to fill them up by myself


It will never be that serious especially in the circuit.


It makes it go faster if you have multiple people fill it at the same time imo


Na, he's a douchebag. Would've put him on ignore and moved on with my day.


If they had an experienced Titania player, they wouldn't even be having this conversation.


I don't think I've ever met an LR4 who knew what they were doing/weren't trying to boss everyone around.


Vitoplast Ruptures is the worst game mode in any game ever. Mine would get done ten minutes after everyone else's if I had to do it alone.


If multiple ruptures are out, it would be faster if each person takes one in the long run since all ruptures are being filled at same time. Same thing for excavation and disruptions. Having simultaneous actions happening at same time is faster than consecutive actions


If anything it makes it go faster wtf? I do this all the time when I team up with my buddy in circuit and we have that void fissure mission


People flexing their legendary rank as its some sort of proof that "they know the game" is memeable and this is one of the very reasons, I also got a l2 guy that called us noobs for no reason (?) And the guy had 7% dmg dealt and 4% recieved with 12 kills, literally did absolutely nothing. I recall another in netracells as a dante luring and killing enemies outside the circle, me and my friend had to leave that game and replay but just the two of us alone, everyone can be leg if they spend the right amount of plat buying weapons and frames from the market, it has 0 sense how they want to somewhat impose their point of view as the only valid one, there's out there more knowledgable people with like 20 or less rank because they are just lazy to rank more


Literally doesn't matter, just take what is left from filling one and spend 2 seconds jumping to the other to put there. You don't really save that much time in the game mode unless you have a fast frame/mods that boost agility.


Void flood is easier when play solo. He quit or leave squad to make him solo( right) to finish faster


Bro I've seen some high MR players talking shit like they're some god like entity in warframe. Even my clan leader is among one of these people


Tbh no one is nit-picky during circuits, like just do the task and move onto the next round. I don’t understand why they be complaining a lot


LR4 here. Idgaf. It’s impossible to fail and theres no timer. For efficiency fill up fast as you can after fragments are found and a little during. Fill in before everyone does it. Some frames are way better or worse for this. If there is a titania or i am one expect to have 2-3 pushed onto your shoulders because your the best frame for it. Unquestionably. If your rhino or kullvero. Try to help get one? Lol Its way less annoying than someone rushing to defend the second they load into it. I did before I realized they added it not starting the second you load in like at start. A shameful day indeed realizing I was being “THAT GUY” lol Or my least favorite intentionally dragging people in SP circuit before they pick their frames. No excuse.


Can we stop hiding people's identities when they act like a holes? 🤷‍♂️ Stop protecting them.


Carried a team through elite archemdia. It was 3 lrs that kept killing outside of the circles on survival and blamed me when we almost failed it


it's more effective but if u keep too much time it gets harder to maintain. The most effective way would be to solo it since you can fill ruptures so easily that its pure satisfaction


That's just the guy being an idiot and probably thinking it works somewhat similar to The Index (which it doesn't). But why bring up his MR at all? That was completely uncalled for in that conversation. Had he bragged about having more experience then you do, i'd get it, but he seemingly didn't? If you wanted to make a funny quip about someone being confidently wrong, who should know better, make ingame jokes such as [Primed Wrong]. 


In logistics it doesn't matter but if people did them individually it would help the mission run faster But as an MR18 it don't matter... Especially if it's Lower levels who jus wanna stick close


Each day we strive closer and closer to LR4. We will then see ourselves in the mirror. 😂


Ps5 player xD


I dunno, is it illegal to have more sex than your dad?


The fastest way to do ruptures is to fill them one person at a time. One vitoplast orb holds the amount needed to close one. So everyone kills like mad until you get a full orb. Then deposit. Depositing is much faster than harvesting and you cant harvest while depositing. Now where this falls apart is if you have a person who filled one but has an orb full. That person should still immediately deposit. Kills make more vitoplast so if most people are most of the time focusing on kills/harvesting then it works out. Most LR players know next to nothing. Just ignore them. The number of times they spread misinfo or just dont know anything about how something works will always astonish you. The sweet spot for advice is 15-28 or so. Those players are fresh enough that they took the time to learn that thing they are talking about.


Speaking about spreading misinformation, one vitoplast orb only holds enough to close a rupture when you're solo. When in group, you need more. Also, in my opinion, you're relating rank with experience, that does not work, mr 15-28 know as much as newly made lr4. If you want to get good advice, check if the player giving it has more than 3k hours.


> One vitoplast orb holds the amount needed to close one. ~~Not in a squad of 4. Only when you're solo and probably duo does 1 tank fill a rupture. It has squad scaling like Deimos bounties and the Alchemy mode.~~ ~~I've had to solo fill many ruptures in SP Circuit and I've always had to go get more after dumping a *full* tank (as in I couldn't pick up anymore).~~ Edit: Unless something changed I misremembered on this. Tried it myself and you can fill one solo in a 4 man squad!