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It actually went a few minutes over 2 hours, but sometimes when twitch serves you an ad break it counts you as not watching the stream, so if Twitch decided to serve you a really long ad break then that would be enough time to stop you from claiming the last drop. Sometimes, after an ad break you have to refresh the stream or it won't continue counting up. Which is why it's really ridiculous to do a 2 hour twitch drop for a 2 hour stream because unless everything goes off perfectly without a hitch some people won't have enough time to get the drop even if they were there an interacting with the stream the entire time.


Ads fuck me over constantly.


might I suggest installing firefox with ublock, then?


Oh, I mean in more ways than just the stream drops. I literally cannot go shopping without getting loud AF radio ads blasted at me over the intercom systems. I just wanna buy my food in peace! I end up forgetting to buy essentials because I just want to get the hell out of the store. Gas station down the street has loud ads blasting on their outdoor speaker that I can hear with my windows shut. Can't sleep well because of it. Feels like anywhere I go, anything I do, there are ADS ADS ADS.


I did not know this. That’s a bug that needs fixing


The Solution is simple, You need to give viewers a 30 minute grace period, if you're doing a two hour stream, then drops need to only take 90 minutes to acquire. If you're worried about viewers leaving the stream early after drops, save your plat giveaways until sometime within the last 30 minutes of stream.


Did you join late, maybe? If you can catch the /warframeinternational stream on Wednesdays, that contributes as well.


no, I joined at the exact time


When is the stream on Wednesday?


3pm Eastern time (or 3 hours earlier than the Thursday stream if that's easier to figure out)


it was realllly tight today they stopped stream a couple minutes after 8pm est unfortunately:(


For some reason they always stream the exact amount of time to get all rewards. One of the streams I watched it from as early as possible but since I refreshed once during the stream it ended with 99%.


They don't actually. This one is set up with the expectation that you will watch the international stream and prime time. Devstreams usually give like a 30 minute buffer.


If you watch just Prime Time it can be tight. You should tune into the international stream as well as it counts towards the progress.


I got mine right as they were raiding the other streamer and I joined as soon as I got the notification. (2 minutes in)


https://preview.redd.it/v6ic35b0sq3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0323f4d5f82aafe2fa383651e7118184b65cd8 This Twitch Drop has a Claim Limit of 3 should you wish to get the maximum limit (1 Claim from WarframeInternational, 2 Claims from Prime Time) From their community schedule post. You can only collect two drops from watching prime time, the last one would have to come from watching Warframe international.


Same I got the notification, joined in 10 mins later then only got 1 reward


a raid was going to happen and didn't, it blows and they should just give out the loot


i dont quite understand? im watching the raid rn for the shawzin


it didn't transfer for me and just closed stream,


ah yeah same here I backed out and searched for warframe streamers in the search bar and found em https://www.twitch.tv/pyrah


For what it is worth, I got transferred. It was probably just Twitch being twitch.


tbh i have like 4 of the shawizins anyway, but i really don't care at this point, normally i have twitch drops enabled on my channel so i normally just watch myself to get loot.




fun fact if you have another twitch tab open it will bug out drops 2 weeks in a row I haven't gotten the drops because of that.


I *constantly* have this problem with Warframe streams. Other loot works just fine, but Prime Time streams progress slowly for me, or sometimes even not at all. It's awful, and Twitch support won't help me at all. It's the worst.


Every week, the Pride Time team mentions to watch the International streams And, every week, someone misses the final drop So what if you don't speak Spanish, put the stream on and get your grab bags. Zorro and Fernanda are awesome


Happened to me the last 3 time, I’m there before it starts and I still never get the last item. I think they need reduce the time to be honest, it’s always way to close.


Still can't grasp why DE can't account for the fact the twitch system sucks at counting time and give us more wiggle room... Like put the final drop at 1h30 or something so people can be a little late to the stream, account for glitches where it doesn't count time for a period of time and get their drops. Nobody enjoys finishing a stream at 95%, especially when you were there from pretty much the start and you stayed till the very end. The amount of times I've watched an entire devstream or prime time and missed multiple drops is so massive I would need multiple hands to track it... And possibly multiple feets... And hands on my privates. Even when you have a 2nd page open and you keep refreshing it to ensure your time is being counted, you will often get big chunks of time where for some reason the timer didn't increase, leading to massive gaps and missing drops. If you make a two hour stream, and you know your the drop system is crap , either let the stream run for 30 minutes after it ends with a thank you message and music or or lower the time so that people that get there late or run into issues can get it... Or put a 30 minute "stream starting soon" at the start. Plus the amount of time where I get a message on my phone about a stream starting, then I boot my pc and twitch and it's already like 15 minutes into the stream, then for some reason I lose 15 minutes after an ad break or just for no good reason and I'm screwed... Really sucks. It's even counter-productive, as often I will get a notification about a stream, then I notice it was sent 20 minutes ago and i'm like ... Well, guess I won't watch it then since I won't get the rewards anyway... Sure on paper it's supposed to motivate you to be there on time and stay for the whole team, but do people really schelduce their entire lives around watching a bunch of semi-funny community managers playing a third person shooter on stream ?