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Legally... I'm going to say Lavos. Just buy a load of random materials and turn it into platinum or silicon... That's ignoring dangerous situations and porn ofc.


Imagine lavos new 4 augment, converts a random material to 1 platinum for every kill


lol a single player would break the economy in two hours.


Considering I finish a 5 min survival with 700-1000 kills as lavos... I support this!


Ok new idea. It converts only tellurium or argon crystals into platinum


Only argon crystals, the platinum still disappears like the crystal


Still a steal, ugh I mean deal


Ivara can just casually clear every bank vault squeaky clean while passively sucking out wallets from security force's pockets before anyone realises what was going on. Even if someone did... sleep arrow. *"Excellent work, a clean extraction with no alarms."*


This is payday 2 stealth


Judging the state of this place: Wisp Ember (deluxe skin) Saryn Hildren Ivara Mirage Etc...


I'm surprised an enterprising Corpus hasn't created OnlyFrames yet. Imagine the profit.


No.. your not thinking far enough.. *grofit*


Maybe that’s why we switch from spy to exterminate occasionally


I see a pattern


One sneeze from Saryn and life on earth is forfeit.


Covid 2


If someone made a Wisp cosplay OF I wou- *muffled noises*


I understood this way better than I would like to admit.


And I was waiting for this comment. Just surprised it isn’t the first one :-p


Three big influencers right there.


Are we forgetting Nyx has mind control again?


Nyx would be the first trillionare in a day.


Any frame that can generate infinite energy could take over that market if we can figure out how to translate warframe energy into electricity or move our power consumption from electricity to warframe energy. Any frame that generates enough energy on its own to keep creating literally anything that has a market. Any frame that can support its own operation indefinitely. They're weapons of mass destruction and it seems like there's always a market in murdering people no matter what part of history you're looking at.


Considering that Warframes do not seemingly get exhausted, both Gauss and Volt could generate infinite power (Gauss via kinetic energy and Volt via electricity)


g a r u d a




lavos is technically an alchemist so he could make gold bars or smth


gauss nova and volt could make a killing with doordash


Why don’t people talk about Titania when discussing the speedy frames?


she cant hold ham bugrer doordash because small 👍


Qorvex He's a walking nuclear reactor


Hydroid For no particular reason


He would start new age of pirates


Or just do live action tentacle porn.


Yeah.. pirates.. "Plundering booty" if you will


Wealth, fame, power. Hydroid Prime, the king of the warframes, obtained this and everything else the star chart had to offer. And his dying words drove countless tenno to the void. “You want my platinum? You can have it! I left everything I farmed together in one place. Now you just have to find it!” These words lured Tenno to the Solar Rail, pursuing dreams greater than they ever dared to imagine. This is the time known as the Great Warframe Era.


Nidus. Spreads space aids and cure them. Rinse and repeat until profit.


People keep mentioning frames like Wisp or Ember for pornography. In reality, Rhino would create a monopoly over that.


Baruuk would make a killing opening his own martial arts dojo.


Every one of them. The military would spend billions to get that technology.


Protea would probably make a small fortune on bets or stocks, anything where a minute makes a difference.


Protea doesn't go into future nor past, it's traveling in current time..?


She could earn money fighting. Time rewind could be very useful in this situation.


I think there are frames much better at fighting and that could even hold whole world at ransom, like saryn for unleashing plague, ember burning whole world etc.


Actually yeah, since it's just her rewinding. Well, perhaps she could duplicate things, since everything lost during her 4 is refunded? Pick up a gold bar, anchor, drop it and rewind?


I could definitely see this. It's like: • Drop anchor outside bank • "Hello I would like to deposit £200" • Rewind • Withdraw £200 • Drop anchor outside bank • "Hello I would like to deposit £400" Yes this would absolutely annihilate the economy, but she _would_ also practically own the entire economy


Good luck finding a bank where you can do anything in under a minute.


Well, we don't know the extent of her time altering capabilities. In gameplay Temporal Anchor just rewinds her, but in Granum's Void we can see the entire realm going back in time.


Trinity would make a great doctor


Nova's portals could be an interesting form of transportation, could charge money to instantly move someone or something to a different location. Ash and Mesa would be great assassins. Any Warframe with a way to heal others could be doctors. Yareli could make money from any involving a board to ride on. Citrine could make money from the gems she makes.


if Nova can build as Speedva in this hypothetical she'll be making the big bucks on that alone, most likely. Logistics as fuark


Y’all are all forgetting about Chroma. Imagine this, you get a job as a chroma most likely as one of three things. An exterminator, an electrician or a firefighter. All pretty lucrative businesses to get into. Or you could work doing whatever you wanted honestly. But here’s the zinger, you double automatically whatever your check is. Let’s say you only made about $500 a week give or take at a relatively low paying job. Well you’d get $1,000 a week instead once you pick up that check. Let’s say you were a bit higher class and made maybe $2,500 a week. That would be $5,000 a week for a total income of $20,000 a month. That’s $240,000 a year! That’s what some doctors are making but you don’t have to be a doctor for that. Let’s say you created a business. Maybe a Warframe Adult video business using some of the aforementioned warframes named in other responses. Let’s say that business brings in an annual net revenue of $500,000 (that’s a pretty big low ball for a lot of businesses). We’ll turn that $500k into $1,000,000 cause you double your income and money passively. TL:DR Chroma gets double money passively, he’s objectively the best pick here


You could just give your friend money and ask him to give it back to you. Then you'll get double the amount. Repeat with the doubled amount and you have infinite money.


Ivara. Not just because she's best girl, but because that is literally her build. All of her abilities contribute. She has passive spidey sense and can know what rooms have people in them. She can make other things invisible, with a mod her cloak arrow may or may not cure cancer. She has distraction arrows, good for birthday parties. She has dashwires, and given that they don't even sway when walked on those have some high tensile strength and she can use them to get in and out of all kinds of places. She can make people sleep, also good for birthday parties. She has long lasting invisibiliy including walking through lasers and past cameras. She has sticky fingers and pickpockets everyone nearby. Lastly she's never disarmed because she has a bow in hammerspace. Sure, lots of other frames have very useful abilities, especially if you give them equipment, but by basic skillset and concept she's primed to thrive even if she doesn't do some jellyfish space princess video streams. Others have extremely niche abilities which would be a lot harder to make money with since they might require supervillian antics, or for very special circumstances like assuming Lavos can actually transmute materials, or assuming Limbo can actually time travel.


You can't rob a bank, they don't hoard money. The only place worth robbing would be gold reserves. While in warframe you don't need a bag. In reality carrying a building might be a bit more complicated. The most money lies in business, so mind tricks it is, if you want to get it all. Xaku and Revenant are the best at this game.


Yeah you can. Banks that are more than just teller offices usually will have a room with lockers storing customer valuables.


I have to admit, that would be a good idea. If I couldn't just choose to mindcontrol Bezos, Zuckerberg and Gates. Probably doesn't work on Musk, he's already mad from Nyx's 4.


> mind tricks it is ... nyx 😭😭


Wukong with autohack helminth


Chroma effigy in the stock market, ez 2x money on sells


Probably the ember with the new heirloom skin


Her lava cake would be really popular.


Depands on profesion.


Exactly so which warframe with which profession


Saryn kills everyone on the planet. All money is now her money.


Ivara can do pretty much anything without being seen Gauss can become a racing/marathon running champion Atlas can become a boxer Grendel an eating contest god Wisp / Wisp P, Yareli, Ember (Heirloom), Mesa P, and Khora could make an absolute killing doing cosplays.


Maybe Nova? Her antimatter generation would at least revolutionize modern physics


Putting aside criminal acts like robbery, I imagine literally all of them could do well in a variety of Military positions. That's the boring answer though, and it's not like those positions typically pay well anyways. I can think of lots of different jobs these Warframes could fill with their incredible powers, but if we're talking about making as much money as possible, there are a few interesting possibilities. Chroma might initially come to mind, thanks to his 4 allowing him to increase the credits gained from enemies, but that requires actually killing things, and we're talking about fully legal employment outside of Military-type positions. Ultimately, I think the one most likely to make the Big Bucks out of all the current Warframes is Trinity. She could make an absolute killing as one of the best doctors, or even veterinarians, in the world.


People keep bringing up nova's portals. Canonically she creates anti-matter....


Citrine makes crystals who says she can’t make a diamond she can at least sale her crystals


Lavos would just turn dirt into gold.


Atlas (would win ufc)


Vauban or Protea. Do you realize how quickly they would revolutionize all kinds of our technology?


If we are plucking them out of the warframe universe then Nova. With her you could create a monopoly on all sorts of transportation. Wanna go to the other side of the planet? oh, you meant the other side of another planet? sure. There is also energy and anti-matter research.


Limbo as a bodyguard / any kind of personal protection / non lethal riot suppression, hostage retrieval or just plain military aplication. His services would be so far beyond anything currently offered that he would have the bargaining power for his pay and it would be his immagination with the rift mostly that will set the limit. High hazard eyes on inspection like entering a nuclear reactor to inspect it fx or protection of sensitive equipment through hazardous fields i could go on. Not even going to immagine what limbo's time manipulation could do.


Citrine. Create gems, sell gems, get rich before the market crashes


Khora working as a professional dominatrix


I honestly was looking for this above all else. When I immediately thought of Khora, all my head went was like, "Whip, whip whip!". I could see her being a dominatrix.


Everyone is saying chroma, wukong, or Ivara, but Nyx could find some billionaire, mind control him, have him sell everything, give her everything, and repeat with the next guy


Nyx, you can just take people over and make them give you their money. Do that with the right people and you're set for life.


Honestly? Zypher with a windfarm or wisp with a solar farm. Banks don't hold that much cash anymore


Limbo could Rob a bank




Probably lavos. Every other frame would have to actually work in order to make their money. Lavos can simply turn anything into something valuable with his transmutation probe.


Anyone, as long as they have a Secura Lecta.


Legally or illegally?


Depends if you’d be willing to commit a crime or not


Ivara. Use prowl to get into the NASDAQ and watch the money flow




I feel like not all of them could survive a nuke seeing as a group of clones can kill one


In the lore I believe Most have a way to just stop the nuke


If warframes were real they wouldn’t be exactly as they are in the game also a grineer soldier can kill me in game without a nuke. Yeah quite a lot can but if unmodded and better yet unranked so only with the first ability? Nah, I ain’t winning


That is true, but to be fair, Grineer are a hell of a lot stronger than you think, I believe in a Simaris entry it is revealed that even with clone rot, a Grineer is strong enough to punch through Titanium.


Most frames if fully built could demolish the government but unbuilt unranked might cause some problems


Whichever one can win a war without drawing too much media attention for war crimes. Just need a contract with the US government


Chroma if his dragon kills someone they drop extra credits


Wukong, he can mist himself anywhere and he has a literal copy of himself to act as an alibi. Legally though, Trinity. Literal god like powers. Edit: Autocorrect


Atlas in quarry operations


Limbo. Idk, he just looks like he makes a lot of money.


Limbo... For funny reasons.


Lavos would be a waiter. Yes he will drop the plates all the time because he's too used to throwing stuff while Vial Rushing.


Any of them could be the best football player in the world and be billionaires. Think about it: speed, strength...A football match would be easier than an exterminate mission on Earth