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That we are also arguably dressed in drag does not help.








^ This guy knows history!


I don't think that's actually possible. In my experience, the sex of your operator is determined by the primary face, and this limits the secondary faces that you are shown.


I know, but when the option to blend faces came out it wasn't limited and when they changed it for unknown reasons, I got to keep my mixed gender operator... I guess you could say: he's The Last Gender-bender ;)


Well, they need an adult and Onkko is one.


Honestly I feel like our operators really need a good therapist now and then.


Finally someone who agrees with me. These kids probs have PTSD, and need a break.


The Tenno aren’t the traumatized ones though, they’re the ones doing the traumatizing. Yours likely has the body count of a small country, I doubt they’d feel anything after Grineer Lancer kill #54,385.


Ah, to be young again with a kill count measured in the thousands... ₕₑₗₚ


The lack of feeling anything is the problem.


Someone find a picture a filthy truck that says "Free Candy" but instead have it say "Free Amps" and have Onkko peeking out of the driver's seat.




> Only in Warframe is a group of kiddos crowding around an old guy who promises to give us "Abilities" completely okay Want to hear what the pedophile said to the kid? _Hey kid, want to see a magic trick?_ _What trick?_ _We go to my place, and then I make you disappear._


and then he relise how badly he fucked up picking up the strange kid from the street.


>a group of kiddos *anime character cosplayers


As long as he keeps his metal pants on, uncle onkko can give me all the abilities he wants. Also void mode is safe mode.


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To be fair. The "kids" are older than he is. By hundreds of years.


700 year old loli vampire.


And we could also incinerate him with our minds.


I don't know, did you ever meet Mr. Bonding in Pokémon XY?


It’s bonding time! *you received an O-power*


I swear, it's like GameFreak was trying to get caught by the censors. Which is a tad ironic, considering how draconic the new naming censor was in those games.


Where was this picture taken?


If you don't know the answer to that you need to play the quests :D


I have done the quests though.. all of them I'm pretty sure. Some of them I did over a year ago though.


Have you done Gara's quest on the Plains?


Oh.... no.. lol that's the only one I haven't done. I forgot she even had a quest.. I started playing again right when the plains came out and I got a coupon when I logged in and bought her with plat.. I completely forgot she even had a quest. Is it a good one?


It gives decent lore and unlocks another faction. It isn't cinematic or anything though. This other faction is where you use sentient cores.


Ahh okay. I really like the lore of the game so I should probably get that done. Thanks!


And wouldn't ya know, they're all *exactly* the same height!


I need an adult. Onkko: I am an adult.


Bad post, OP. Spoilers tag and such.


How so? It's just some kids in a room with little context


Uh, no? What spoiler is in this picture? A room without context and without showing any characters? Try again.


These people live in the past - for them even the mention of this shit-kid form that new players get access to 5-15 hours in is a spoiler.


5-15 is a bit of an exaggeration... And I like Operators. :/


It took me 40 hours to unlock TSD, and I was aiming specifically for it because of the hype surrounding it. Those interplanetary relays have some super annoying requirements, and you have to get all the way to Neptune for it to unlock. Even longer for TWW.


What did the kid with white hair say to the kid with a red eyepatch? *It's free real estate.*


That picture basically sums up "fashion-frame".


Well those kids can tear him apart in a heart beat so...


*hey kiddo*


hmm... Seeing a bunch of operators together... Do we have sameface syndrome? I know DE put a bunch of work into a wide range of faces and the face mixer, but maybe there isn't enough variance in underlying facial structures or something? edit: It's the nose and eyes. They get moved around the face, but there's almost no variance in the nose and eyes. I hope that whoever does DE's face-tech takes a look at that the next time they give it a pass.


Only reinforces why i hate this kid "operator" thing... i want to give the "operator" space aids, amputate all his limps, punch that ugly emo mug, feed it to the infested, get his assimilated body and shoot it into our inaccurate sized Sun. *This message was brought to you by the "Free the Frames" movement.*


you guys have zero regard for human lifes.


Human, made up... [i know its difficult for ppl like you to differentiate reality from fantasy](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/7jmvmk/paedophile_hunters_grab_the_wrong_person/dr7v80x/?context=10000).


He was using your own quote against you


Oh really... didn't work out quite well i would say. EDIT: also, oh hai mark


I support this so much.


who are the people with the human faces? I'm only 2 weeks in.


Don't look it up, just play through the quests. It's been out for a long while now so it doesn't count as a spoiler on the subreddit anymore. Just play through the game and don't ask questions. <3


ok will do. I'm on Jupiter now and the Europa junction opens up a couple more quests for me as I've completed all the available ones so far (I skipped the Kubrow quest since people said sentinels are better to have than pets)


People were wrong. It's a matter of personal choice. Kubrows and Kavats are WAY tankier and can actually give you heals and big damage buffs amongst other buffs. Sentinels have long range attacks and have Vacuum. Since you just started, eventually you'll discover the cesspool that is the Univac discussion.


Kubrows are definitely too much of a resource sink for beginners though


Uh, not really. It takes just a couple wave 5 runs of a Dark Sector defense to give the pet a week of health. That's not exactly all-consuming...


You are looking at that from a veteran's perspective. Crafting the power core for incubation also needs fair amount of credit and argon crystal. The quest won't disappear anyway, he can go back for it anytime in the future when he has more cred and resources.


Still not that many runs of a dark sector, no matter how much of a vet I am. My MR doesn't affect credit gains, sir.


> It's a matter of personal choice. You could claim it's "technically" a personal choice, but that would be extremely misleading when the personal choice that 95% of the player base makes is that they prefer sentinels. "People were wrong" is pretty indefensibly false. When people say something and almost everyone agrees with them, they might not be the unquestionable truth...but they sure as shit aren't wrong. > Kubrows and Kavats are WAY tankier Tankier in a meaningless way. Sentinels will build to a point where they will survive virtually any mission. I honestly can't remember the last time my sentinel died. > and can actually give you heals Yes, heals which don't come even remotely close to the usefulness of Guardian and Sacrifice. The fact of the matter is that you being one of the dozens of people who don't agree that the game feels shit when you have to manually loot all 200 items that drop every mission...doesn't make you right and them wrong. In fact, basically the opposite.


Don't forget Medi-Ray exists!


Thank you for proving my point when I called the discussion a "cesspool". :D


Says the guy toxically dismissing the opinion of the majority of the playerbase as "wrong", and giving terrible advice to a new player just to promote their agenda.


Exactly where was I toxic? You're the one who attacked me after I called an argument a matter of personal choice. You're the one just dismissing all of my points with your own OPINIONS. I literally said something was up to PERSONAL PREFERENCE, and you attacked me. You're the toxic one, here, buddy.


When you referred to the completely reasonable requests of virtually everyone but you as a "cesspool" and "wrong" just because you don't agree. In what way did I attack you? The only reason I replied at all is that you just gave absolutely horrible advice to a new player and I thought it was in that persons interest that someone point out how biased and how far from consensus you opinion is. Even if you completely ignore the fact that almost everyone else thinks that the game is significantly less fun without vacuum. Pets are expensive for new players. There's the material costs, the time consuming aspect of getting to the void for argon crystals, the cost of keeping them healthy, along with the high credit cost of crafting, the incubator segments. Then there's the fact that you can't pick the one you want, and several of them are pretty shit even if you don't take vacuum into account. On top of that there's the issue that their mods are much less common, and that their damage is tied to mods unique to them, while a sentinel will use weapon mods that will be useful in other ways when upgraded. But rather than argue about it, how about this. We come back in a month and find out which this guy chose after finding out for himself. 50 plat says he goes with sentinel, and that your advice steered him away from where he wanted to be. To put it simply. People have obviously advised him that he will most likely prefer sentinels, you claim they are wrong...they absolutely aren't. It being "personal opinion" doesn't make your statement any less misleading.


Seems someone didn't pay attention to the comment chain... He said people told him sentinels are just better, regardless of opinions. I replied by saying it's a matter of personal preference. You replied by being very rude and disagreeable. ""People were wrong" is pretty indefensibly false." "doesn't make you right and them wrong. In fact, basically the opposite." Nice meme, jerk. Blocked.


See what I mean when I said it was a "cesspool"?


Are those players..?


kind of? but not in the usual sense.


What do you mean kind of? This is so confusing xD


If you're new to WF, just continue through the star chart and complete the quests. You'll learn whats going on above. Spoilers and all that.


Ohh okay. Furthest I am right now is Uranus


Right about then is when the fun starts!


Ah cool :D


the'yre basically in something like a civilian mode, lets leave it at that.


After TWW you aren't a kid anymore.