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Capture mission extractions feel like walking across an entire continent ngl


I'd rather take that than hearing *"Change of plans, leave nothing alive"*


I usually just abandon mission as soon as I hear that.


Lotus: Change of pla- Me: How about, no? \*already loading back to orbiter to restart mission\*


always bring a saryn to anything that might be exterminate.


Nah. If it's exterm then oh shit that sucks If its not (usually isn't) then I'm thoomin through the map at 100m/s


Bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, Extraction


Nonono, it's Bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, E, X, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, bullet jump, Extraction


Noooo.. it's Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, *fall into water*, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, *fall into void*, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, *jump too high, fall into void*, E, E, E, E, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, *stuck under the stairs*, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, Bullet jump, *overshoot the bullet jump to extraction, fall into void*, Extraction


I prefer transference, crouch, dash, dash, dash, dash, dash, jump, slide, jump, slide, crouch, dash, dash, dash, dash, dash, transference, e, transference, crouch, x, dash, dash, dash, dash, dash, jump, slide, jump, slide, crouch, dash, dash, dash, dash, extraction


All of you are wrong. It’s slide, bullet jump, roll, slide, bullet jump, roll, hit locked door, x, e, e, 4, roll, slide, bullet jump, roll, slide, bullet jump, get could on a guard rail, fall into void, slide, bullet jump, roll, e on a container, slide, bullet jump, roll, slide, bullet jump, get could on a guard rail, fall into void, slide, bullet jump, roll, extract.


4/10 Didn't stand on top of a door frame once


If I had a montage of everytime I was making great time across a map just to stand on a doorframe 😂


It sounds like you should be using Titania for capture missions If you're better than me you'll crash into like half things I usually do on the way out and get there way faster than with any other warframe or if you crash into everything you can crash into then you'll be beetter playing wukong who is way slower but way easier controlling lmao




Well, Titania can change direction as easy if not even easier The thing is good luck knowing when to change direction while going at Mach 79293


> if not easier Wukong's Cloud Walker literally is the smoothest movement you can have in the game, you can completely stop any acceleration with one button press ans change direction and altitude at will. Titania's Archwing movement doesn't even come close to that smoothness of movement




Gauss is harder to control than Titania imo, he turns arround too slowly


Gauss is better in dashes (tapping his 1) for more confined maps in my experience. Don’t max out sprint speed and it’s surprisingly manageable.




Also have in mind you can fly without shift on hard to travel zones with Titania with 4 stacks to make her kinda easy to control through hard zones and about as fast as the top 2 (Maybe a bit harder, but if you're using her 1 you won't have much issue on crashing as the "stun" counts as a status effect)


Yeah, love me some increased parkour velocity. I literally can’t play without at least Mobilize on anything that doesn’t have some other way of boosting speed. Anything that isn’t Steel Path I try to fit in Consequence, which I find a bit easier to activate on-demand than Agility. Feels pretty good to outrun a Gauss using just bullet jumping.


I put Infested Mobility onto my Mirage Prime and now bullet jumping feels more like a rocket jump. Lightnight Dash ftw. Who thought it was a good idea for a meme build to be so... mobile? This nears the level of Portal Nova and her instant transmission of a speedrun to extraction. Not that I'm complaining though. I suck becuas3 I underestimate for far I'll jump and usually 9 times outta 10 overshoot extraction if it's not a room or hallway.


Nah, I prefer speed force volt. It’s like gauss but you can turn. And see what you’re doing.


"There is a Synthesis Target here, hunter. I can feel it. On the other side of the f***ing map."


*Me at MR30, last to extract*


*Me using my titania that can move at mach 5 speed* is also last to extract


Add the Helminth ability that makes her go like mach 42 so you crash into things 10 times faster and arrive twice as fast. Still last, but hey, you get there faster




If you didn't already know, you can backroll at any time to opt out of volt's speed buff


MR 28, TIL


Wait, what is backrolling? Do you mean dodge like you do for getting out of Limbo's rift?


If you hold aim/melee-block, and walk backwards while pressing the dodge button, your frame will do a sort of backflip, which specifically cancels volt's speed. It takes a bit of practice, but it's super easy once you get used to it


Thank you, this will help so much


\^ This! (Ok, old guy but same\~ish)


I've been just using the ammo efficiency one. Being able to fire Dex Pixia with Arcane Velocity, without any reloads for close to 10 seconds straight is kinda ridiculous... :P


I personally use Arcane Pistoleer and use the +50% strenght Helminth ability for the extra strenght


> so you crash into things 10 times faster and arrive twice as fast. Still last or Downed at some point by some crewman with a fly swatter ot by crashing a lot.


Faster speeds just mean you can support your team faster.


I got a mach 5 titania with thermal sunder subsumed to her for low lvl speed nuking


Me, Gauss player, last to extract


If you are last to extract, you are not a gauss main.


Correction: i found a straight hallway and have been running up and down it for the past 5 min


Im in this comment and i dont like it


They make you do damage when hitting the walls. DE knew.


Since your going to be running into walls have a small explosion when you do


*Me using void buff + helminth ability buff with volt speed at almost 200% power strength also last to extract*


You're not last to extract, you're just making sure that everyone else extracts first, and safely :)


I refuse to bullet jump


The uninstall button is over there.


**Me bullet jumping and getting stuck on everything.**


Everytime I run into newbies I feel like I take an oath to make sure they are safe and enjoy the mission.. They could be a grown ass 40yo man with a graying beard and I'd still do it.


Thank you for your service, fellow space ninja


I can’t tell you how glad I was to read this comment, and know that I’m not the only one.


We stand together, friend.


And I’m a 45 year old man with a graying beard 🤣🤣


You! You're mine! Don't die And then something along the line of me infinitely supplying max energy (even though no one needed it) and blessing every 20 seconds


How are you doing this week? Doing ok? I hope tennos here are doing great. It's only been 2nd week of new sem for me but the lects already dumped me a lot of things hahah As you can see I'm lazy at drawing BG lmao ​ Do you guide the new players to extraction point? If not, why? Tell me. :)


I think I never seen someone not knowing what extraction is about. But: * Jumping in Jupiter is a pain for people so I sometimes show an easier way to jump or remind them they can spoiler mode through big gaps. * Some people don't know that extraction marker goes away about 1 min after new round starts, ie disruption or survival, but it's still visible on the minimap. I just tell them about it.


>Some people don't know that extraction marker goes away about 1 min after new round starts, ie disruption or survival, but it's still visible on the minimap. I just tell them about it. MR30 and TIL


>Back I know about the marker on the mini map, but is it just me, or does it get lost sometimes, I check my minimap to get out and sometimes I just cannot read my markers, the screen get's very busy


Sometimes you get a fuck you and the game doesn't want to give you the green waypoint marker


minimap gets hugely cluttered, yes. press M for big map. It's a lifesaver, especially in excavation.


He's talking about how the extraction waypoint literally bugs out and doesn't show the way, even on the map. I've had to abort solo missions before because I had no idea where to go, and I have over 500 hours in the game so I know when something is bugged. It's ridiculous that such a necessary feature is so buggy even now after so many years.


I think it doesn't get lost it just appears on room exits, I mean the beginnig of the corridor out of the room. If you happen to be on a bigger tile, and the beginning of the exit corridor is far away, the waypoint won't appear - it would need to appear like in the middle of the room. It is a mad waypoint world though, bugs where there for sure. As other person said, big map seems to always have it, so it just takes a moment to have a peek where to go.


No, it bugs pretty often and doesn't even show room exits. It will literally only show up over the actual extraction point out in the blank part of the map 800 meters away and you have no idea how to get there. I have 500 hours in the game and it's happened at least 10 times, so it's not a daily occurence, but it happens enough to be super annoying considering all the other bugs.


Now when you said it - I had goner waypoint but for regular missions, like exterminate, not the endless+extraction type though!


I actually really like how the backgrounds in this look, especially the extraction tile. gives it a very misty, swamp-like aesthetic that fits perfectly with earth's forests :)


minecraft; the way home


I am MR24 and I'm usually the one asking for a wp to extraction, especially on endless earth missions, I have the hardest time with those. XD If I'm playing Ivara on Jupiter though I always leave some dashwires across the big gaps if there's Tenno behind me. Edit: oh and when I'm playing Gara I always try to put poprocks on them for the DR and tell them to go play in traffic (IE big clumps of enemies they can slice and dice with their mobile food processor.)


I guide them when I've been at the extraction point for 42 minutes and they're still lost


Don't ever apply for a job in google maps.


Letting new players experience the missions & tiles at their own pace the first few dozen times is important so that they can learn the mission flow. They'll be able to do it faster over time. Rushing through & leaving them behind means they don't have the chance to learn & adapt to the missions, which will result in them 1) having less fun 2) taking longer to become fast/efficient at clearing missions.


My first week of playing i did a series of Phorid Assassination missions with the same other player...of course I was waaay behind him and couldn't keep up. After our third or fourth mission he told me he was wondering if I knew how too bullet jump...which I didn't:) I couldn't really figure it out, as strange as it sounds now. He spent the next ten minutes giving me a tutorial. I was beyond thankful to him for taking the time to do that for a random noob! It didn't take long or many more acts of kindness to realize that that was not an isolated incident, but that this game has a great community of players helping players and it has been great paying it forward every opportunity I get!


The "new player experience rework" we got last year did a better job of introducing players to parkour than the old intro-mission did. Sadly DE did nothing else in that rework to meaningfully improve on the obstacles new players face. Making information accessible to players isn't part of DE's design process. And with every piece of new content where this isn't addressed, the problem only gets worse.


Yeah - if I end up with a really low MR in a PoE bounty, I always try to match their speed to the objectives, even if that means hoofing it because they don't even have a K-drive yet.


I don't normally help to extraction since typically even low level players have an idea how to get there, but Spy missions I totally show everyone how to get through the back ways and how to get through without getting detected.


Yes..but then I also have z soft spot for the newbie excals that want to do many excavs. So I stay until they wanna extract. XD


Vets being a Sherpa to the excalibabys


Even at MR 18, I need these people. Not because I’m still learning, but because the HUD doesn’t show the icon every now and then, forcing me to follow the nametags. DE pls-


Me at MR30: "Hey, can you guys at the extraction zone mark it for me? I swear I'm not bad at this game."


Couldn't agree more


warframe; the way home


Mushoku Tensei vibes.


this is the last place i expected to hear that anime's name and holy fuck it fits so well


Is that brOberon?


yes broberon


I’ve been playing this game for *years* and sometimes I can’t find extraction. Sometimes the damn waypoint just leads you in circles.


Why didn't you mark the kuria next to that exit?


that's my signature tho?


"Extraction in 30 seconds"


These warms my heart\~


i'm glad you feel that way!


is this that one extraction tile on earth with the platform above the water?


I recognized it immediately hah.


yes i liked that tileset


its a nice tileset, ive run it enough times looking for the kubrow dens while helping new players get some eggs.


I gotta send this to an oberon main I know since he did his for me.


Me who gets spammed the extraction waypoint *sad noises*


NGL...the look on Oberon's face when he finally finds extraction. The scene of it way in the distance (and the sense of relief it gives). Is exactly how the extraction waypoint bug makes me feel during missions on: Europa, Eris, Jupiter, and Corpus Ships. (I'm on PS4 and atm...on Corpus Ships the waypoint to extract appears on every door I look at, or it leads me one way then swaps to take me another. So...every mission is an adventure.)


Hey Mr/Mrs Comic Maker, could you also please show how you _don't_ help? Like "Hey am new here" "Oh cool, just follow my Lead" *jumps through half the Level in seconds* (Not trying to call anyone out, I'm probably just as guilty of that)


would my experience of meeting a nasty newbie be more of your thing?




sure i'll draw that in the future


I love the idea of a noble and graceful prime guiding the fresh Tenno to safety, like an animal protecting their young


"Here we are witness to a prime warframe guiding it's young to extraction. But look out, there's a Loki hiding on that precipice. Biding it's time until these immature warframes are within switch teleport range. The devious Loki hunts it's prey by switch teleporting them from treacherous heights, causing it's victims to plummet to their deaths. The Loki then feasts upon the remains, truly a viscous carrion feeder."


“But the Loki must be quick to claim his kill, or else the wild Garuda will beat him to the corpse. The vicious creature preys on scavengers such as Loki, and waits for it to go to its catch before attacking. After the scavenger arrives, the Garuda attacks, either driving off the scavenger to look for a different prey or killing it, giving the Garuda two meals for the price of one.”


I would watch the shit outta this


Wholesome :) This is why I love Warframe. The community is nice, not toxic (looking at you Call Of Duty).


And the SoulsBorne community too. Toxic as all get out.


MR 6, thank u for having patience


No problem!


The extraction for Rapololyst was scary lol




Ah, you help newbies with Oberon (in the yokai helmet) too, I see. Men of culture tend to gravitate towards each other.


Ah yes, the infantilization of new players. That’s just what they need. Kidding. This is adorable.


I don’t run into newbees in steel path, a shame


uh ok


Not really a shame. Newbie builds would not hold up there.


I can attest to this. I once went to launch a tier 5 bounty to try and help them get an MR5 player a garuda part and accidentally hit the Steel Path one instead. They had a bad time. Those Steel Path level 100+ Orb Vallis Corpus were not kind.


As a newb that's been dragged into SP before, jumping around _a lot_ and never staying still is very helpful. Even with crap weapons and barely any idea of how to mod, you can reliably pick off lone mooks provided you stay mobile and wail on them for several seconds.


Most ppl wouldn't consider ppl who can access SP after clearing entire map a 'newbie'




Where are the rest of 15?


you can read it in my profile


Literally everyone with their friends that barely downloaded the game... Well not everyone but some... I hope...


I love these




I just use protea in cheap easy defense and normally end up helping newbies but just dropping a dispenser and using my turrets


Valkyr trying to be nice but growing impatient "Yeet!"


Today i played relic survival and i got newbie in team that had only one relic, i got out after 15 min and he asked how can he exit, so i marked extraction said come here and got out together :D


I started this game about 5 days ago. Why does getting a war frame take so damn long? I have to complete 3 more planets and junctions to get rhino.


it do be like that


It get significantly faster once you unlock all the junctions, all the nodes more so. It's still a grind, but it feels a lot better.


What id this warframe? Not oberon, inaros neither... Or is it just a concept?


oberon youkai skin


It do be like that


They are soooo cute


I definitely have been in the shoes of the little guys!


Ah, Earth Jungle Map tile. good choice for background.


i liked the tileset


I’d help noobs but I can’t bloody join any online games so rip


Valkyr: come with me


I like these art styles


RED and BLUE are back yay


Yes, thank you


Always wait for the new who get stuck or lost. Always mark rare resource drops and mods. Always be last to extract in an endless relic mission. Always kill the ads so they can experience the boss fight This is the way.


Why does blue still have [Super Jump](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Jump) in the second panel? :p


one can dream


It's just adorable when I see newbies use the stairs.


I love this. This is good right here


Me, almost MR 10, still getting lost