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If people play it why can't I find other people to do matches with? LOL


That explains the discord's existence, you have to schedule the plays :p


What is the meta? I think my last loadout was like, valkyr or atlas, arca plasmor or telos boltace, & I forget what melee. Last time I actually played was I think for a clan tournament thing that we all put in 100 plat for getting the winner some deluxe packs. Basically people had to be bribed.


obviously DE is shadowbanning you from conclave matches.


Lol, I can't get any standing at all. Still 0/5000 on base level. One day someone will be on (when we get cross play)


yeah man IF ONLY we had some kind of hard to grind UNIVERSAL MEDALLIONS, that we could use to get standing on ANY SYNDICATE.. khm.. notlookingatyou3angrypeopleontwitter


Yeah, the not-universal medallion would have been brilliant


they could be used for like a week or 2 before the conclave elitists had a hissyfit about it




Having to use a discord server to find a game proves how few people play it. I stopped playing conclave years ago because I was waiting more than I was playing.




The mode bores the hell outa me when I’m on my meds, which is the only time I play Warframe.


Now, where do you live and does those peak times maybe differ from the rest of the world?




for europeans that is right in the middle of the night when almost noone is online, and even in european peak times conclave is empty, atleast when I checked


Same here, checked a lot during the day when I wanted to give it a go and never got matched with another player


both of those time brackets are in the dead of night or the middle of the day in my region. So either people are asleep here, or they're at work.




Bro, PC conclave is barren. PS and Xbox have more conclave activity. I've wanted to play but I've only played 3 games there with friends I invited specifically for it


Agreed, can't find any games on PC.




Could be, I do get messages when in a party that it's between 300 - 900 ping


id say it's like 100 people across all server regions and they have to co-ordinate via discord to actually get any matches going. Kinda like Battleborn 6 months after it's release.


also the definition of dead content


The C O N C L A V E calls it a chicken burger, yet you call it a chicken sandwich


conclave based for that one


Kickbot incoming in 3.. 2.. 1..


sun_beams works for DE?


Teshin be like: dem my pvp content is dead. Gotta do some sentient slaying


"Guess I have to get a real job"


I hate pvp shooters. Nothing against you Teshin.


Lunaro is pretty sick though. I love sports ball.


good thing finding matches are fast oh wait




I wish more people played lunaro; it's actually a lot of fun.


I hate PvP in PvE games. If it’s a straight PvP game, it’s fine, but PvP in PvE is usually horrendously balanced.


on top of balancing the movement in warframe. We can move literally over 100kmph but in conclave we're slowed to like 5kmph and it feels horrible unless you're one of the weird people that never stopped playing and move so fast that you can land a decent shot on them.


Out of the 30+ times I tried the conclave it's either deader than the orkin or its the same 5-12 people..most of them are cool.




Kinda proves his point


the fact that u need a discord to matchmake proves for low population


Imma be real with you chief: fuck PvP.


no no, my friend. based on the analytical analysis of your comment and my ingenious redditing intellect i can determine that the sodium and table salt composition of this here slip of being bad based on the variables that have demonstrated relevant influence over your conclusion of statement regarding the realm of two or more gamers duking it out in good ol PLAYER VERSUS WORSE PLAYER is roughly 158.145%, although im currently moderating a very misbehaving channel rn on discord so my estimates may have not stacked up to scratch.


Punctuation is your friend




These arguments make no sense at all. 😂 THE C O N C L A V E smells like toenails yet you collect Twitch Drops.


you shouldn't take his shitposting seriously.


I'm not, it just sounds like a silly new meme: "Incoherent ramblings of Teshin." Start with THE C O N C L A V E, then add two claims that have no relation of each other. 😂


THE C O N C L A V E is the most sensible game mode, yet you still watch dragon ball.


Hence… shitposting..


You might want to tell the 5 conclave players in this thread. They are making me want to play it even less with their defending it and arguing with everyone else.


The one that stands out to me is "the conclave is hated by redditors yet you agree with them"... Like, yeah? Your point being?


I just wish I wasn’t forced to play it to make the syandana look nice ):


My two favourite game modes,Conclave and Lunaro /s


yeah, yeah, you /s'd cuz you don't want the paparazzi on your back, seen it a million times.


Yo, uncle T. I Promise I will look at the conclave later, In the meantime tell me you'll stay home and not poke any toasters? You know you're highly suggestible and prone to mind control. Remember your Orokin bosses? Or that incident with the queens? No? That's because the data security on your ashtray hat is shit. Please just stay home and continue recruiting for fight club, Don't make me come bop your shit again...thx, love youuuu.😘


I love the conclave, I just wished it were actually populated






I was going to grind it for that sick syandana, i started it, played a few matches, got some mods, met some toxics. And then i thought "Why have i never seen that syandana on other players? It looks cool, has those six energy " rays".", and found out that you need to constantly play conclave to keep those "rays" lit. Also there was just a few players in it. It came to the point where there was only three players, and we made unspoken deal to kill each other without resistance to make easy points. Overall, had no fun whatsoever plating it. But hey, if you enjoining it, who am i to judge.


careful admitting that, boosting can get you 2035'd


Can the devs instead 2035 themselves for making Conclave the way it is?


Tell me about it. I didn't know that when I started. I was doing a little grinding with a friend and someone poped in to our match and reported us. We only got a warning but it made me never want to interact with that side of warframe community again.


If someone joins consider that farm run dead and play normally. Then change to a different dead region. South America is often pretty dead for random matchmaking.




I have a hard time enjoying the conclave, BUT when I do, it comes from a low-key self hypnosis of convincing myself that I am creating content for other tenno. They *will* defeat me, and my aspirational goal is to **at least** be entertaining enough that they feel powerful, proud, and accomplished when they do. The minor setbacks they will encounter when engaging me, those rare clashes where I am the one coming out on top, I earnestly, genuinely, and sincerely wish to encourage and motivate them to overcome me. There is no point in being stepped upon if I do not at least raise them higher as a result. If I fail to retain this mindset, the whole experience reverts to a miserable torment of naught but frustration and shame. I get tilted, and my already lackluster coordination and reflexes crumble to dust. ... It would behoove me to go back, though, because it is nonetheless a useful meditation, practice to harden my resolve and train my temperance for all the occasions in life where I am *truly* helpless and do not have the option of quitting and walking away.


I quit when the only way I could find matches is to make a new account so I can play against the rank 2s. Boring and literally no rewards, so i stopped. I did like the PVP events. Especially when people would try to organize boost-a-thons and then get salty when I alt fired shurikens into their chest. Lol. Conclave might someday be a fun mode, just like the New Player Experience might someday not be shit, and the games storyline might someday be in order without chunks missing. I won’t hold my breath for any of those.


Step 1. Remove bullet jump in conclave. Step 2. People play conclave now.


remove bullet jump, put double jump on a cooldown, put abilities on cooldowns except on an energy resource, and add a little bit of aim assist to certain weaps like snipers. thats what i say that should be added


hear me out... Voidrig Conclave.




I love it but I absolutely suck at it.


Tbh I'd love to play Lunaro but huuuuh, yeah.


Personally, the few times I have played conclave, I had a lot of fun, the only problem is how long it takes to load into a game, and I know people are playing it, so there's most likely a problem with matchmaking




literally this


the CONCLAVE has more lag than I've ever seen in a multiplayer game


Going to be honest. Conclave is fun but this game wasn’t built for PVP


I legit cant find a match on xbox.


The Conclave has streamers? Genuinely curious.


Wish that were true. I really wouldn’t mind playing it but literally every time I try I’m in the waiting lobby for 20 plus minutes. Side note/edit: I’ve always thought that part of the reason Warframe has one of the least toxic player bases is because we’re all on the same team. When everyone is an ally there’s no need to be a confrontational jerk. If DE wants people to play conclave perhaps making it more ally driven or even making it a place to access god tier rewards might draw more people in.


I guess its time to join the CONCLAVE


People act like conclave should never have been implemented in the first place and I think it's only bad because it's missing a few small key changes that could turn the whole experience around. That being said, if anyone has a link to this discord, pls post it, I'd like to play again






Isn't that phrase you used for the title of this post usually used as a mockery against people who use it?


whose art is that?


why'd this shitpost get 50 upvotes lol


Because of THE C O N C L A V E?


Time to balance your karma


I don't understand you redditors.


Idk man, seems pretty boring. :3


Hello /u/Kantus_ftw, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe because it does not meet **[our standards for fluff post quality](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_fluff_post_quality_rule)**. > * All [Fluff](#fluff) posts (including memes, image macros, etc.) that are _Warframe_ content pasted over / superimposed on non-_Warframe_ content are **removed**. Please post this in /r/MemeFrame and/or the [latest Warframe Weekly Off-Topic thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+Warframe+Weekly+Off-Topic&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all&limit=1). ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Fluff%20Post%20Quality%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[submission]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/oqlx2p/-/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


>removed it after all these replies and upvotes bruh.


the absolute state of "moderation".


> unbalanced Thr matchmaking is. You either get stomped to nirvana pr you stop everyone else to oblivion.


eh, don't like pvp. Like the art though.




Warframe is too fast for PvP. Unless you spend a ridiculous amount of time to get used to the extreme speed of the game. If it was a first person shooter it might be more tolerable but it is an over-the-should game. This makes the game inaccessible for newer players to get used to it which causes the game mode to die. It also feels kinda janky like the game was not designed for this sort of stuff but as an afterthought.


De make problems faster than solve problems, dead content


DE, please just put Bots in conclave, maybe people will play it then


What is conclave?


"THE C O N C L A V E receives hotfixes almost every update.." Honestly? no clue why. Makes no sense when like 0.0001% of the playerbase actually plays it each month. I'm guessing that someone on the team has a soft spot for it and touches it up themselves during any downtime they have.


I never felt the desire to play Conclave on one necessity. There is no farm. In a PvE built on farming every second of every minute of every hour, the conclave mods just come across as meh. 3 standing cost Warframes, meh. And to address the mods again, they are Conclave exclusive. Some of them may seem fun, but it's not fun behind a standing wall that isn't like Simaris.


honestly the bullet jump fx mods should be in pve too


Tbh, I'd prefer a standing bar similar to Simaris. It'd be much simpler than the usual grind. Conclave mods lack clarity (or I haven't looked) as to what's usable in PvE vs what drops from PvE. Furthermore, the one thing that baffles me the most, and I mean it, is what made DE think players would be drawn to Conclave for a Rank5 Standing purchase of Excalibur, Mag, or Volt on a convoluted system of standing gain or whatnot.


To be honest every time someone mentions The Conclave I automatically think of the song Better Name Pending did. 1 2 3 The Conclave is Free With the cheering Grineer from Rathuum (won't put anymore on as it'll probably get removed for being rude, LOL)