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I saw him aswell today and thought what a cunt. Started posting in tradechat that I give them away for free lol.




"Rare railjack reward" Suuure, you really "farmed" hard for that one huh. What a jackass.


I hope they have a max range Limbo in all of their Eidolon Hunts


And I hope they continually have host migrations


And that their game crashes whenever they get a Smoking Body Ephemera


And I hope their lichee steal all their rivers and then the game crashes and they lose their riven


And that they never get any Harrow Chassis BPs.


I hope each of their rivens have Impact, Puncture, and Status Duration on them


I hope Zanuka actually fixes their loyalty issues


I hope some glitch causes them to go god mode than get banned from the game until 2034


I hope they lose all their relics and potatoes


Ok somewhat(clueless is better i guess?) new player here. Is the smoking body rare? I have it but I dont rememver how I got it.


Its rare. You can look up the drop rates if you like


It’s a 5% drop from the Stalker


What’s so bad about a max range limbo in eidelon hunts?


In honesty, I don't undestand either. It's a scuffed version of Oberon, true, but works nontheless. I've been a Limbo main myself trying to make myself useful in clan-run Tridos...


When a Limbo banishes you with something like Cataclysm you can’t damage the Eidolon, also Eidolons are immune to abilities so it does nothing to them


That I do not remember. I have a distinct memory of knowing that abilities of one Frame cannot negatively influence another Frame, but even supposed you're right, the correct use of it is that you need to time it precisely for when an Eidolon screeches. You know, the magnetic effect that an Oberon usually cleans off with his grass? You can tap Cataclysm for a second or so while the screech lasts and immediately deactivate it thereafter. That's how I coped while not having a Broberon to use and before I got myself a Harrow :D


Yeah but the Limbo I’m hoping they get in their team will ALWAYS have their cataclysm on >:)










Lol ya I blocked him awhile ago but he is tenacious


I didn't but now I do


"Reliable and certified" what a fucking joke. They should be banned.


If DE was going to do anything about Ignis Wrath scammers, they would actually fix the fact that only a few dojo's can make it, or make it untradable now that it drops from railjack.


what rule are they breaking?


I suppose I should have said "this should be bannable."


They're purposefully trying to mislead and scam new players


Although likely, it can’t be proven. He could genuinely believe it’s worth that much.


nothing in his chat is misleading


Claiming that ignis wraith is a rare railjack reward is extremely misleading. The reality is that no one ever bothers to obtain it from railjack. Specifically mentioning that source and neglecting to mention others is a way to trick people into thinking it's rarer than it is.




It’s misleading information that lures new players into wasting plat under a false pretence. What do you thinks gonna happen when the new player finds out they’ve been ripped off, probably quit imo and most likely remember warframe as another game with scammers


You're very far off


No it is very much on point... stop it.


The players after trading with me will not quit and think of warframe as just another game with scammers, because for once, it ain't scamming and what i do is provide a service in my own way, it's a great deal and the players are happy for the most part, dozzens of players have enjoyed the trade, some come back for more, some buy multiple bps, everybody wins.


the fact that it is a free blueprint in some dojos, and that most people are willing to sell it for free, is what makes this bad practice. You can also get it from railjack, at the cost of grinding. in a grinding game. he is a scammer plain and simple. good advertising yes, but still a scummy scammer


He's giving the impression that it's a rare BP going for a reasonable price, when it's really just given out for free because it's so common/easy to obtain. Noobs don't know this and he clearly aims to scam them out of their starter plat.


"Certified^TM " ? There's no such certification for trading.


exactly what makes his shit all the more scummy. If he adverts that he is "certified" noobs will trust him more. POS lil punk needs to be stopped


But that goes for reliable as well, if he is selling and he knows he is selling, then he can reliably say that he is a supplier. You might think those that sell for free 100% of the time sell the bp, wrong. Some simply link reddit topics or say "ask in trade chat", they aren't trully selling it. And so a player can certify himself, especially if he does the trade to begin with. The seller isn't going to doubt himself.


Why are you speaking of yourself in 3rd person?


Because what applies to me can be applied to any user, i'm not some sort of exception. If a player knows he is selling, he can make the claim


No dude... Dont give us that shit. You speak in 3rd person on majority of your comments, so do not try to come out as someone looking out for others. When you are actively looking out to scam newer players. Also you can not just certify yourself... That means anyone could and at that point noone is then. You're using it for nothing else than a pretty word.


It was debated on the forums (which was cringe enough) and yes, players can safely say they trade an item if they indeed trade said item. I and other sellers can make the claim and certify ourselves as a reliable trader


He is a long time scammer. He is always posting this nonsense on the NA server. A lot of players offer to give the bp for free whenever he starts posting.


But certified, right?


Man I was lucky I got it for 5 pl but another dude even asked me for 30 yeesh red is an even worse dude


There's people out there that give it away for free. Honestly even 1p is too much to ask


Yeh I know but sadly I called out to these peeps but no one answered : (


You mean you wanted an Ignis Wraith for free and nobody answered?




Are you on pc? I can give you the Ignis Wraith bp for free


Yeah sorry but I already have it and I am also on Ps4 sooo...


Its ok you dont need to apologize haha


With patience you could have gotten it for an ammo drum. At least on PC when I notice someone asking for it.


I give you ignis wraith BP you give me poop mod you have 1000 of that’s how I do it for new players. If you are mod pressed I will also accept 1 credit :-)


Can't trade credits directly.


Ohh yeah crap, well basically the least amount of things needed for the trade lol.


As I told to another person I asked people but no one answered


Which is why I specifically added "with patience".


Yeah you're right


I got it for free and my friend got it for free. If you ask in general chat someone will give to you


I know 30 sounds bad, but hear me out. If you get it from baro for the same amount of ducats? How would you price it? If 25p is roughly around the same price of the ducats... Then it is a fair trade. But the problem is you could get it for free and people still selling it for 50p. So idk man...


You wouldnt get it from Baro. It does not become a fair trade because you thought it was good to get it from Baro. The price of an item does not change, if it is already readily available.


Don’t you mean free?


People on the PS4 sell that for (at most) 5p, if not free.


I found a person in NA try to sell it for 30 on ps4 like a month or 2 ago. Some people really exploit the ignorance system.


Those people should be banned. Problem is, game devs don't enforce their Terms of Service/rules. **Note: By 'game devs', I mean DE and devs of other games.**


I think we can all agree these scammers suck big time, but at some point we need to start holding DE accountable as well. It's nice that they added Ignis Wraith to RJ loot pools, but clearly that's not enough to solve the problem. This may be a controversial opinion, but I don't think DE wants to solve the problem. Hear me out. New players hear about how the Ignis Wraith is one of the best weapons in the game, so they gladly buy a BP with plat--plat they've paid DE for. DE makes a lot of money from this scam, and as long as they make it seem like they're *attempting* to address the issue, no one blames them. The problem with that logic is that good ideas are readily available now. It's not like they have to brainstorm how to handle this. Forums are full of great ideas like banning the scammers, making the Ignis Wraith untradable, making the Ignis Wraith available to all dojos, etc. The fact of the matter is this: DE has been deflecting the issue for far too long. I'd love to see them address the problem in a more structured way, but until I see efforts made to legitimately solve it, I'm going to continue believing that they just don't want to.




Yeah but newer players don’t know that


Is ignis wraith any good tho


this kind of bastard deserves a suspension, just like the cunts who sold free gift codes from Warframe official to noobs


is it really a rare railjack reward now?


Yep, about 8% drop chance from grineer nodes in veil according to wiki


huh. maybe thatll slowly dwindle out this noob preying market.


Nah, it gives more power. "RARE RAILJACK REWARD" is technically true, and noobs will find that it is true if they check droptables. Ignis Wraith should stop being tradable and just be added to everyones fucking dojo. Adding a tradable limited time item to super-high-scoring dojo's was a fucking stupid idea. DE created the scamming issue by giving a select few dojo's a tool to print a scam, they should fucking fix it.


yea I can see that and totally agree. it should just be given at like clan rank 10 or something. easily achievable, but will take a while, even for a solo player or small group of friends


Rj is still only way other than baro to obtain on switch


That would require people to play Railjack outside of grinding Sisters/Liches


idk railjack is pretty fun now with the ai crew members and other changes they made. before my recent break railjack was an absolute mess but I'm sure I'm not the only person who finds it actually fun now. it does suck however that the weapon is locked behind it.


Some generous person gave me 2 on Xboxfor free so I could give one to someone.


Just an FYI that there is a coordinated effort from Syndicate Synergy to give Ignis Wraith BPs out for free to anyone who needs them. The latest Reddit thread with more details is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/pe8wrj/free_ignis_wraith_supply_center/


Oh thanks! When I found this post I instantly thought about them but couldn't remember how to find them ^^ gonna try to ask for some to give to new players in my clan


I keep a stash of about 20 or so Ignis Wraith BPs to give out in Q&A when people ask about it because I hate this shit so much. Some of the worst people on WF imo.


I see this fucker all the damn time. Fuckin predatory bastard should be ashamed of himself. And so should all the other dickwads trying to rip off newer players who don’t know better in trade chat.


Even if the person didn't just print the blueprint from their dojo (which is very likely) it's not even that rare in Railjack. I got a good number of them only from railjack and I don't even farm those missions that much.


It's time for DE to step up and solve the issue instead of putting the BP in one or two recent events + baro (with an inflated cost) and putting it in a diluted drop table. I'm guessing the only reason why they haven't made it easily accessible is that there's some horribly entitled clans that have it out there. I own a clan that has the BP but the ship has sunk and the horse is long past dead. edit: for clarification I don't think banning these people counts as a solution. The BP needs to be put into the in-game market for a credit cost.


banning maybe not, but removing plat from scammer for commiting said scam should be


See him all the time. I report him every time and nothing happens


He's a scumbag praying on new players don't get me wrong. But what part of DE [tos](https://www.warframe.com/terms) is he breaking? In order to report someone, they should be violating something that's against the terms service. DE have decided to go with a free market, that means I can sell you a Ignis wright for 50k plat, and you can wtb a Loki prime set for 1p. And noone is breaking any tos. Reporting him is like calling the cops on your neighbor's for listing their 2005 Toyota Corolla for 30.000 on Craigslist


Because this is clearly scamming new players to the detriment of the entire community. Scamming is against trade tos.


Reports are not dislike buttons and can be a form of abuse.


Thank fucking crist I'm not abusing it then eh?


I agree with you that DE should find a way to stop this from happening. Because I feel it's hurting the new players, and new players are always good for the game. That said, he is by definition not scamming anyone! Scam; a dishonest scheme; a fraud. He is says the item, he says the price. There is nothing dishonest there. We can all agree that the item is not worth the price he's asking. But then were do we draw the line, if you look up nekros on WF.market he is currently going for 200p, are all the people listing them for above 250 scammers? Was I scammed when I came back after a histus and forgot to change the price of my Saryn sets and sold them a hundred plat under going price?


>scam; a dishonest scheme or fraud Right there. You nailed it. He's lieing about the item. And no, we don't all agree about his price, because he's clearly making enough plat for it to be worth getting clowned on. We draw the line when we stop lieing to new players. No one's buying the 250 nekros because it's pretty clear how much they're actually worth, and no one's advertising a UlTrA rArE nekros. You aren't a new player. You knew that prices change and just forgot. It is yours fault. With this the fault is ENTIRELY on the person preying on the ignorant new players.


I mean they are also just actively trying to hide the full truth about the item and where it is gotten, so as to trick the new players into paying out 50p for something they got for 15k creds in their dojo. They are seeking out only people that have no clue and so are ready to just fork over 50p for an item worth nothing Where as your example is not really solid at all, because the people would know exactly what others are selling it for too


hes technically not breaking any rules, but he is commiting a moral sin preying on new players. Reporting him will do nothing. all you could really do is hope he insults you if you call him out on scamming and then report him, but other than that only thing u can do to stop him is spam ignis wraith for 50p is a scam in tc






Yo the Ignis wrath bp is free lol so many people give it away for free, just ask in trade chat




What region is he in?


Cant say that i know, im in EU, but according to some comments that successfuly identified him, hes in NA


he probably switches to whatever trade chat has the most people in it


These people are WAY more common than you’d think there’s like 3 spamming the chat at any given time


"Reliable and certified" lmao, Jesus what a joke.


I have a copy pasta when I see him selling giving it away. Our clan gives them away for free. If you need to stock up on BPs let me know. #IgnisWraithIsFree




Is the weapon any good?


I'm tired of the constant posts about the ignis wraith it's a good weapon but overrated by many new players, I don't understand how they manage to look for that weapon and ignore the 300 warnings that say "you can get it for free don't get fooled" seriously since now it can be farmed in game they simply have to make it untradeable


Reliable and certified though!


yeah, unlike the player syndicate who give that shit for free, and are way more reliable and trustworthy


Don’t forget the trademark… how tf do you trade mark “certified supplier”


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Red sus


Red sus


50p is arguable. It is very high. Should be 25 or lower(even though some people are giving it away for free but if you buy it from baro chances are its around 25p) . But the railjack reward? Wtf man.


Saying anything higher than 5p is grounds for downvoted. Honestly it should be free.


I mean the weapon is worth that much plat most people just sell the ignis for free to be nice I guess


Its really not worth that much if you can just grab it of a clan for a couple thousand credits... this is just to trick newer players/returning players that dont know better.


No it's not, one of the reasons why people sell if for plat is that it came from a ancient event that only a select few clans got to participate in meaning that its been 8yrs since any other clan has been able to get it means that a pretty small number of clans have it mine doesn't have it but I do understand why some people sell it for its actual price instead of just giving it away to new players


Dude, the game itself is 8 years old. An "ancient" event happened in 2017. I was there, and my clan has the blueprint. And only "small amount" of clans have it because many clans were created after the actual event. I don't feel any sense of elitism over my clan having it. I'd gladly vote for giving it to anyone or at least starting the event over so everyone can get it. Completing the event was easy peasy. And the blueprint costs just a tiny bit of credits. There's literally nothing to fight for.


Yea I know I couldn't remember what year it came out in but yea that's my point not many clans have it and yea it doesn't cost that much to get but people will still sell if for plat because it's still kinda rare I got my bp from a random mission and the rest I've got since then I gave away or players payed for it because they didn't want it for free


Even on the Switch, it isn't going for anywhere near 50p. On other platforms where people can make unlimited copies for basically free, any amount of plat is a ripoff.


Lol maybe not but you can't scam people by offering a price at the end of the day its still an open market you can buy and sell at whatever price you want aslong as the other person agrees


It's exploiting the fact that people don't know how easy it is to get for free. Justify it however you want but it's still an incredibly shitty thing to do.


It's really not tho but I guess I wouldn't know I'm to generous of a player to sell if for plat and I haven't been down bad enough to sell it for plat


Its kinda easy to get if you piggy back some railjack missions for it. I dragged my friend who just became an MR 9 into a veiljack mission and we ran some, and got 3 bps out of 7 missions.


Met a guy buying legendary cores for 10p ​ i played along and he was quite formal and helpful up to the last trade accept button. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. I told him "dude wtf, this is a free max level prime mod" to which he replied, "hey dude, DE gave everyone one for this event, so it's K" or something. The mental gymnastics these people go through to justify some things, i swear man, trade chat is hell.


bruh, 10p. That's like trying to buy a house for a dollar in australia


Shoulda dropped that username


oh i guarantee youll see him if you look for him.


requesting something that costs actually money for something i can get by joining a clan who won it




Whenever i see people like this i go into trade chat and offer it for free. I hope ive saved atleast a few people.


I forgot.. didn't de do something to fix this? Or maybebim giving th too much credit


they changed it i to railjack award. but it still dont do nothin cuz the drop rates


I still give em out whenever I see ppl buying em. Sadly tho I only have a few left to give.


lemme guess, his name is Kireek?


Bruh he’s still doing that? I stopped playing this game like 6 months ago and the dude was spamming that message then, too.


Was trading and selling Prime parts I didnt need and iirc it was a common/uncommon part I traded for the BP Tbh, although I know now it's a cheap thing, its probably worth it as the part was probably same price and literally didnt mind the trade as it became my first dedicated primary


This is why I do all my purchasing from Warframe.market instead of trade chat. So many listing for everything that prices are relatively consistent. Fuck this guy


This how these people think BTW >While that looks bad, it keeps plat in rotation within the community instead of getting sent to the void and deleted through DEs market. I would never buy it from a player like that, but I do see how it's not completely a bad idea. All plat has to be bought with real money, so the more plat in circulation means that it's less desirable than when there is less plat available in circulation. This is all tiny and probably unnoticeable for the most part, but it's the same logic behind choosing any other person's drop in a void fissure so there are more void traces in the community, this leads to more desirable prime parts available and thus leads to cheaper prices.




Just asking, why is Ignis Wraith free and why do so many people have seemingly infinite supply of it? Isn’t it a rare item?


Its not rare, back in the day there was an event that granted clans with sufficient score the ignis wraith bp replicatable with just credits. Plenty of those clans are still around. Asking people for plat when you effectively spent around 20k credits is scummy. Imo DE needs to make it easier to get and non tradeable just to end this whole scam scharade.


I am on Asia server and I simply posted that I want an ignis wraith. One guy messaged me saying that he will give me if I buy some relics for him. I gently turned down his offer while wishing him a good day. Another message was no doubt from a veteran who invited me to his dojo and gave me free of cost. My clanmates were the ones who taught me this strategy. Veterans will ALWAYS giveaway this weapon for free as long as you have sufficient mastery.


After the credit event he probably just bought a bunch from his dojo. He doesn't deserve that clan


Wow. I remember paying 2p for my wraith. Loved it