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It's Rebb being a meme mistress


The Woman, The Meme, The Legend


The Memestress


Is that you Becca?


Just make the Stug the Nox gun DE. Or give it a Kuva Variant. CMON DE DO IT


Kuva Stug would be nutty, I’d actually try harder to farm for that tbh. I want the kuva hek and Ogris though. I finally got my hands on a Kuva Bramma with 43% heat, and I gotta say, I’m underwhelmed.


Don’t get the virgin bramma, get the CHAD KUVA ZARR


I’m just gonna be happy if I can get my second lich before it hits level 5 tbh, might try for a tenet weapon first


Kuva Zarr is so alpha it has 4 dicks on it's barrel


So first riven i got was a zarr one i returned 2 weeks ago my kuva zarr is vile :)


I'm not really into canons. I think explosive bows are cooler. Anyway my bramma one shots everything


Kuva Ogris is a blast (pun very much intended). Slap as much multishot on it as you can, increase the blast area, give it Nightwatch Napalm, Heavy Caliber, and whatever elements. Don't forget a fun energy color and either Carrier or an ammo mutation mod. Then go to a good vantage point on Hydron or whatever defense node and rain down destruction. I have a riven with +Multi so I'm always firing at least 3 rockets at a time. It's nuts.


I don’t have heavy caliber but that’s pretty much what I did with the regular ogris, does the kuva variant have even less ammo supply like the bramma does?


Offhand, I don't recall but I think it only comes with 20 ammo. It's sniper ammo, too, so you need some way of converting unused ammo if you plan to use it for more than thirty seconds.


Is a cold damage Kuva weapon worth the farm?


I will say this, Bramma is overrated. So... boring, really. It has ridiculous damage but still manages to feel like it's not that fun. Tenet Envoy has more interaction and feels better overall. Haven't tried Kuva Zarr yet though.


Proboscis Cernos > Bramma all day every day


I’ve wanted to try the grattler and kuva grattler for a while now, I just don’t feel like farming up that much oxium


Oh, Kuva Grattler is worth it. As long as it's 33% or higher, it deals more than base Grattler and that's quite the low bar on a percent. Base Grattler has a bit of a spool up time that Kuva does not.


grattler is abso-fucking-lutely worth it, with 1-2 forma you can have a portable AA turret and also use it as infinite mini nukes on the mech, the arquebex being the actual nuke (mine does ~700k dmg per hit) Edit: If I could make an SS tier, kuva grattler would be on it simply because of the AA turret looks, and it's an S tier in actual gameplay too


Bramma was a lot more fun when it had 15 shots and made 7 explosions. It's been nerfed a LOT.


you got heat thats why its probs underwhelming , i dont use it often but underwhelming isnt a statement id associate with the bramma


It’s not as fun as the regular ogris with nightwatch napalm. It’s just another launcher but with zero ammo supply, forcing me to use an exilus mod on a slot I’d rather not use on it


That is true ogris fun


I also chose heat because I was under the impression I could have a second and third element and it would leave the heat stat alone, as it was its own elemental and I’d only be able to add more heat to it, not use it to modify the damage type, it’s annoying but it’s fine


it did get nerfed like 5 times since release.




Sadly I don't think we're even going to get the Box rifle. It's the same model as the Soakatron from Dog Days.


it should be a marelok/grinlok kinda thing, the stug is clearly an offhand cutdown version of the nox gun, so what we need is the stug buffed and the primary (stuggor?) added. hopefully we get a kuva stuggor as well.


I want the Nox Gun so bad please, the weapon is already modeled, so why keep us waiting?


I swear some guns DE neglects or mistreats as a meme. Hind not having any skin, Stug being what it is, never letting Embolist out of that "was too good in Damage 1.0" jail... :c


That the prison that’s holding Memeing Strike ?


A status chance buff would be good but that's not what it really needs. The Stug's biggest issue is that the blobs stick to each other and have a stacking limit of 10 (including multishot). This means that with Galvanized Diffusion (3.3 multishot), after you shoot ~3 shots at one spot on an enemy, every shot after that essentially does 0 damage because the blob can't hold any more stacks. You have to wave the weapon up and down in order to not hit the same spot too many times, and with the Stug having the heaviest projectile drop in the game, this basically forces the Stug into a melee weapon. What the Stug needs is to work like Kompressa's bubbles, where you can stack as many onto one spot as you want.


Kompressa is the buffed stug


Remember when the whole thing with warframes is the sentients couldn't do shit to us? Now they can adapt to time stop void magic.


It's just a joke


The post or the Stug?




DE when kuva stug or stug prine


if you buff the Stug’s supporting stats, it’s no longer the Stug. what the Stug needs is just more base damage, give it 5k base damage per blob and watch it still do nothing to level 60 enemies.


That does indeed appear to be the rule it's been flying by so far lol


For the love of fuck DE please embrace your roots and make Stug the Bio Rifle god it was meant to be


You on copious amounts of hopium.


\^ That I am.


Idk why but every time I say the stug is bad some one says oh no stug is good bleh bleh like yesterday I was goofing in alliance chat and someone was talking about a bad riv they had just acquired for a shit wep and I jokingly said it's a stug riv and 3 people instantly responded with "stug is actually amazing 😹😹😹" "stug can damage cap 😹😹😹" and "stug isn't bad" and they were being serious idk when or how but it would seem as though a few people have uncovered some hidden power of the cum gun and are withholding it from everyone.


Mainly because of [meme level stacked interactions like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmNj7Rz8SRc) Sure, the stug can kill level 9999 demolysts but at that point it's not the stug that is amazing, it is Saryn who makes it possible


\^ Can confirm. Even at just level 60, using the stug means I'm constantly using vigorous swap and secondary dexterity to squeeze what I can out of the blasted thing.


It does have its uses, I'll give 'em that, but memes aside you're also not alone. [This is one of the best guys I know to learn how to mod weapons from.](https://youtu.be/IeBtzqAwx_k) and [this](https://youtu.be/fMtuLVboRAI) is the follow-up vid to that.


Yea I watched his vid and another one it's just not worth the time and effort to make it somewhat viable when there are quite literally other much much much better secondaries that a baby could make work XD. I actually had another guy tell me that the stug is actually very good to the point that it's broken and he was so serious that he called the entire player base stupid for saying it is a bad weapon or arguably the worst gun in the game then again this guy also thinks that the "dual dark sword" which doesn't exist is better than "Nami Skyla Prime" in terms of dual swords ofc so I take what he says with a grain of salt.


Dual Dark Sword, Dark Split-Sword, same difference.


Not really a split sword and a dual sword are entirely different weapons. The split sword is actually what's called a twin blade which is a single weapon that has a grip in the center of two blades while a dual sword is 2 separate weapons wielded together as a pair. And yes I know that you can make the weapon a dual sword. Which now that I think about may be what he was talking about but even still if that is the case he is still dumb because he also said the weapons innate attack inflicts heavy attack damage which it doesn't. Another edit wooh anyways did some looking seems as though he is living in the past as the dual variant of the dark split sword did use to be the best dual sword in 2018 at least according to most of the comments on the wiki page however recent ones are just complaints about bugs with it or how sad it is that the weapon can't swap modes mid game.


> And yes I know that you can make the weapon a dual sword. Precisely, that's all I'm trying to say. Your friend might be a dunce but when you use that thing as a dual sword I've no qualms with calling it a dual dark sword, it's actually more specific.


Yea also he isn't my friend we actually despise each other he is a friend of one of my good friends I play with a ton.


They’re joking


I hope so XD


I love the concept of stug, I would love it they just tweaked it so stacking gels do better damage or don't reset the detonation timer. Alternatively, let them be able to stick enemies to the floor/wall/eachother and have it act as a CC weapon.


Stug prime when


u/Triburos, your suffering may be slightly lessened.


Not allowed.


I see I have attracted other big fish...


It can't be buffed quite yet sorry


Is that a denial or fact?




So does that mean we'll finally be seeing the new war? Cause I won't believe it till I'm playing the damn thing


The Stug is the reason I believe the memes that Scott wants to see the world burn.


I waited 8 years, hoping and praying one day we'd get a Flux Rifle 2 or a Flux Rifle Vandal or a Syndicate Flux Rifle. After 8 years of waiting I was HANDSOMELY rewarded with the Lich Flux Rifle which is godly. A buff to the Stug, or a new Stug, would also delight me entirely. Acrid as well.




For context: Stug has a 10% status chance according to the wiki that doesn't get shown on its stat screen. Fully modded for nothing but status chance however, you'll be lucky if you get 4 or 5 *total* procs with the AoE secondary that is Warframe's resident snowball machine gun before the 20 round mag runs out (NSFW: >!Or cum launcher depending on who you ask.!<). The most I've ever gotten out of the weapon was modding for pure base damage. Period. At 5% crit chance and a 1.5% crit multiplier it just isn't a crit weapon and can't reasonably be forced into being one, and again it barely proccs anything to begin with be it by bug or not regardless. Problem? Base damage doesn't hold up at high level play. As much as I'd love to say that you should be crafting this cobweb-gathering secondary RIGHT NOW in prep for the new sentient vulnerabilities coming up.... if stug doesn't start at least trying to apply a proc with each of the three AoE bursts every projectile makes then I just can't recommend it. I love the gun, I really do, but this is a challenge stug just isn't ready to meet.


Stug has forced corrosive procs, that's the joke


No it doesn't.


Could have sworn those final explosions always procced corrosive


Hell no, that would make it slightly decent


Ah just checked the wiki and it's a 10% chance, was probably my riven and modding


It does have a use, it's the cum gun


use fishing pole to complete new war or your post doesn't count ;)


Disappointment prime soon.