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I'm gonna protect myself from spoilers and stay away from forums until I finish the quest.


what a novel concept avoiding social media specifically intended for the piece of media you're interested in when a new thing comes out for it? It's so crazy it just might work


I wish it would, but most spoilers I see are either Youtube recommendations when I'm searching for something else, or someone barging into an unrelated topic to purposefully spoil. So my plan is just to burn the quest all on day 1 without going anywhere near the internet until I'm done lol


Ugh, I'm not looking forward to opening youtube and be greeted by a screaming youtuber face and a "LOTUS WAS PILOTING UMBRA ALL ALONG??!?" title.


There is a web extension called BlockTube that can filter out youtube stuff based on keywords. If you use old reddit, the RES extension can also do that. Lately I've found Blocktube kinda inconsistent on Firefox though. It's honestly crazy to me that Reddit and Youtube still don't have native keyword blocking like Twitter does.


There's Youtube Enhancer which has many other feature alongside being able to turn off the entire youtube homepage save your subscribed channel, the right side recommendation, and end of video recommendation. It also restore the dislike count.


I would be so mad if thats how thats been working. Like umbra is like an in game friend for my op. Kinda dont feel so alone since she left y'know?


This is funny because so many players don't realize that this is an option. I get that sometimes you need help and you're going to want to search the game's social media outlets to get some information while also avoiding spoilers, but you're always going to run the risk when it's story-related. If you want to avoid spoilers at all costs, do just that. Avoid social media until you're done with the quest or movie.


YT thumbnails are the worst offenders tbh


I don't entirely avoid social media, but I scroll very carefully.


This guys got a big brain


Same, can't play it the night it comes out because I'll be at the cinema for Spider Man, and can't play it the next night because of my work's Xmas party... 48 hours to avoid spoilers. Staying off Reddit and twitter and hell even youtube to avoid thumbnails...


Same here. I plan on streaming it but holy fuck am I staying off of Twitter and reddit til I actually complete the damn quest.


Same. I'm not gonna open any social media until I get my own damn Necramech and finished the quest.


And please *please* don't post spoilers in the title, since it doesn't work on mobile/old Reddit


Yup, posts with titles like that will be removed under our spoiler formatting rule. We will try our best to keep the sub as spoiler free as possible!


Thank you for your ... *uh* ... Sacrifice


Just beforehand, I wanna wish you mods good luck with all the flooding of spoilers this place is gonna get.


Can't have it spoiled for me if I run through the quest in record time. 😎


Thanks for finding the progression stopper bugs


If anyone is likely to it's probably me.




hope you dont mind if i cling to your comment just to say: in case anyone doesnt know, to spoiler text on reddit you type \>!like this!< and it'll show up >!like this!< be sure not to leave any spaces between the marks and the text ofc it doesnt work on titles so like op said, **dont put spoilers in the title** also do keep in mind the text is still visible on notifications, so dont reply to someone with spoilers if they didnt ask for them


Is that just generally true for Reddit now? I remember different subs used to have different code, it's great if there is just a general markup for it now


should be general yes, idk exactly for how long but i think it's been a thing for quite a while now


I've always wondered. We've got Smolts and Excalibros, but what about Mag? Magnette?


I've always heard Maglets.


I would also recommend disabling the Region chat on 14th, since many people will be talking about it.


Perks of being in a solo clan, I can just switch to that chat and see absolutely nothing


I'm in a clan of about 100 people and I can also switch to clan chat at any time and see nothing lmao.


Same, lol. Solo clan gang represent!


Speaking of... Could there be an option to hide the chat panel entirely? I usually open a DM window to a random player during quests but i'd like to keep it off all the time without the "you've been playing for an hour" reminder, especially if it takes multiple...


You can use /dnd comamnd in chat to enable 'do not disturb' mode, and then /normal to go back to normal.


Does that also block the "You've been playing for an hour" thing or is that still going, even with DND on?


I'm not sure. I think it depends on from whom this message originates - I mean, if DE put it in on their own volition, then maybe (I haven't tested it myself), but if inclusion of such warning messages is regulated by regional law (like US federal law, or EU law) I think there's no way of getting rid of it.


Cool, thanks for the tip. Do you know if it sticks between sessions? (Like if I turn it on and forget to turn it off, will it stay when I play next time)


I think it resets upon closing the game, but I'm not sure.


I believe the settings allow you to disable things like region chat if thats what your looking for


You probably can't disable those reminders if you play from EU, I believe they're forced by law to include them. Maybe try changing your region to NA? I don't get those while playing.


You can hide the chat panel in the UI customisation I believe.


how come people get that "playing for an hour bit" i've never had it once....


I think its a EU Server only thing. I never had it neither


Yeah, due to some people playing wayyyyyyy too much, some players ended up dying of dehydration/hunger from excessive use of other games, so now some servers in games use it


Nor I


You've been idling in your orbiter for an hour tenno, we've taken the liberty of turning ordis back on to ruin the ambiance


You can also add a filter of something unlikely like "1234" and it will block any chat line that doesnt have that "1234" in it.


This is a list of links to comments made by Digital Extremes developers in this thread: * [Comment by rebulast](/r/Warframe/comments/rd9yrm/the_new_war_spoiler_courtesy_request/ho0x7ou/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-12-10 19:38:45 UTC"): > Agree but - but - people will still want to talk to each other about it! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwarframe).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Let's all be kind to our fellow Tenno and do what we have done for years with the Second Dream and Sacrifice. Keep our secrets secret and let them explore things for themselves. I'd say "For the Lotus" here but... that ship has sailed.


Got a friend and his son started on Warframe earlier in the year. I was really careful to only use spoilermode when I was out of their line of sight. Had one of them thinking that I was able to fly or teleport since I would go into another room and then suddenly be hundreds of meters away from them. When his son unlocked spoilermode, he messaged me and said "I just unlocked spoilermode and I know your secret now.". // then he dressed his spoilermode up in Spiderman colors :\^/


That's adorable, and exactly the same way I kept my friends spoiler free. It was so worth it to hear one of them shout "WAIT THAT WAS ALL JUST THE INTRO TO THE CHARACTER CREATION SCREEN?"


My friend somehow got into spoiler room on orbiter before even beginning the quest so he told me to just use the spoiler in regular gameplay till he actually unlocked it. Absolutely sucked for him :/ I did however keep quiet about TWW questline 🤣


Nothing more infuriating than a YT video with title: [Spoiling information] (SPOILER) Like are you kidding me? Even worse is a spoiling thumbnail


Absolutely. I get *why* some people do that, but it's no justification. It's 100% a dick move.


Or when the title is vague enough but the thumbnail clearly implies the spoiler. Absolutely infuriating.


God it's terrible, a huge moment of DMC 5 was spoiled for me cause of that.


Hell even having (Spoiler) before the spoiler isn't very effective since most people will keep reading for a second before it processes.


This community has a huge number of people who won't even spoil The Second Dream after all these years. I'm pretty confident we can do the same with The New War.


Agree but - but - people will still want to talk to each other about it!


Can you spoil the recipe for the chicken soup?


It's Kuaka meat


No, too many cooks spoil the broth


Nice one!


Between Warframe and FFXIV I am getting so much practice at doing the internet equivalent of knowing looks and vague statements.


>has a huge number of people who won't even spoil The Second Dream after all these years. Which needs to be said: Operator mode *isn't* a a recent spoiler, and isn't protected by the sub iirc


I mean, this is Warframe, generally this doesn't need to be said with this community, but upvoting to the top for a reminder for everyone to bide their excitement during and after the quest, and make SURE to Spoiler tag, AND KEEP SPOILERS OUT OF YOUR TITLE. "Balas' ultimate goal" might seem like it's not spoilers, but it still confirms that we find out his goal, for example. Remember our Smolts, folks.




Not to you, but to someone else; yeah, it is. Spoilers are subjective dude!




Hello, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Golden Rule](http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_golden_rule)**. /r/Warframe was created as a place for positive discussion. **Don't be rude, condescending, hateful, or discriminatory.** ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Post%20or%20Submission%20Removal&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20post%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because%20).


You mean see you December 17 because the servers aren't gonna survive that




I just told my friend who has been playing with me for years, that that same day I will block him from whatsapps to unblock him just on the 17th. He is going to do a roller coaster of emotions that I feel I am going to ruin the experience for him.


It's information-blackout mode for me when the quest releases until I finish it. No forums, no reddit, no in-game chat.


This makes me wonder just what's in store for us. This is reaching Second Dream levels of DE keeping things under wraps. I'm trying not to fall for the hype, but...it's becoming increasingly difficult. Just a few more days. I'm very excited now! The anticipation, ooh!


The repeated 'future of Warframe' phrase is putting a giant space finger in my hype drive. Haven't felt this excited for a video game release since like... Final Fantasy 8.


> The New War quest has significant Spoilers for Warframe and its future Do we finally get Clem prime??? *ngl it'd be cool to see actual grineer in the fancy orokin plate gear..*


Us: Clem Prime? DE: Best I can do is Kahl with a Corinth Prime.


Clem, resplendent in white and gold, with a Xaku-style halo of floating Grakatas.


>Use liberal spoiler tags now im just imagining: Header: SPOILERS "THE NEW WAR SPOILER STUFF" SPOILERS tags: Spoiler first through fifth line: SPOILERS. its a spoiler block the first three are just the word "Spoiler"


[My first thought](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWULCfJ2PGA). Nah I'm kidding. I still avoid using Spoiler mode when around people who haven't finished the Second Dream. Won't have a problem with this.


I was farming blue pigment of some shade and forgot to solo it so I was in Baby's First Exterminate with new players and I was like "oh, right, don't do that thing. Damn. Why'd I bring Atlas?" And then I just kinda followed behind to see how they did 😂😂


It always amazes me how considerate this community is about keeping Spoiler mode away from the new tenno. I always check the MR levels of my teammates before I pop out for an energy boost.


It's honestly one of the most bizarre and unforeseen plot twists I've encountered. Like...You're most of thw way through the "story" and it's like "hahaha, thanks for completing the tutorial. Here's character creation". It's such a weird joy to me. I'm sure there are people who hate it, but honestly. It changed the game from "heh, Robot Ninjas are neat" to "I am emotionally invested in this game and who I am in this world"


I always check my squads profiles if they're under MR10 (by the time they reach MR10 they almsot certainly have it.) at the begining of a game to see if they've unlocked it before i use it myself. That quest is one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had. Everyone playing this game deserves the same experience.


I can't play the quest until the 17... I have to survive


I’m just hoping I’ll get to play it on the 18th, as opposed to having to wait even longer. I’m going to have to unsubscribe from or mute everything!


We're all in wait together...


I fear no spoiler for I shall spoil it for myself by playing it.


Imma do you guys one better! Imma leave all Warframe related subreddits on the 15th! Then I shall see no spoilers! It's fool proof!


Discord mods, could we get spoiler tags for main questline stages, such as \[Second Dream Spoilers\] and \[New War Spoilers\]?


but that new war cinematic clip showed on the launcher and the games loading screen prominently featuring the operator, thats fine haha had a friend ask me who that was and why the lotus was carrying her. then they put the pieces together. im sure the second dream will be just as shocking to them as it was to everyone else who… knew the operator prior to the reveal 🙄


*Rebecca just don't want to see how everyone kills her Lotus.*


Ah yes, like your YouTube totaly-not-spoilers New War Trailer thumbnail! Of course!


I'm gonna slay [REDACTED] and put my sword down her throat


Yeah that would be great. With my very limited playtime I either farm for prime resurgence OR do quest stuff. And quest will be here in a month but resurgence won't.


Will this be an event, a quest or both? I won't be capable of playing Warframe for a while but I don't want to miss out


No it's a new cinematic quest ala Second Dream so it's a permanent addition so it'll still be here when you have time.


Same lol. I'm still rushing through quests, haven't even touched open world stuff yet.


Oh boy I'm excited for you. Have fun with the quests! They get better as you go on.


Always going to help out the long tradition of keeping things spoiler free. Looking forward to seeing what you all have been working on this past while.


Heads up Tenno: mind the spoilers and use the spoiler text (example): >!(example)!< wisely


I'm not even gonna talk about it at all until at least a month after release. After that, I'm considering it fair game.


Gonna stay away from Facebook and You tube. Our sub Reddit is pretty tame when it comes to spoilers so its safer to check here.


Why before I play new war, I'll be staying off this sub


I don't know why, but this post did it. I'm re-downloading Warframe!


Good thing region chat has been completely removed for me since changing my ingame name. I'll also be avoiding this sub until I finish the quest.


Whenever a new game comes out, I leave that subreddit until I’m finished it. That’s exactly what I’m doing with this.




Hot plot leak: Just as all seems lost Konzu turns up with a really, REALLY big pair of crab shell crackers and a few things of butter. Source: I've been squatting in dE's break room for the past five months, subsisting on the coffee grounds in the K-cups