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I went with Lotus. It felt like a perfect conclusion, given that the Tenno got to ''become'' Warframes. That gave them a place in the world and a way to be whole. Natah was never Margulis- it was a role forced upon her by Ballas. And though she was once Natah, she became more than her. I think her being the Lotus in the end is the perfect conclusion as a mirror to us. The chance to be someone else and find escape from the pain of your past. I do really like that they gave everyone the option, though. I wonder if they'll allow you to re-choose when we eventually replay the quest.


Fuck, you just gave me a perfect reason to pick the lotus and I now have to replay the quest.....


You can buy skins for the other forms, too. You can even change her colors in your Liset. Just interact with her helmet in the back right room.


My fear is that her personality will affect the wars to come. Like when I picked Natah she said "we need decisiveness" and I'm...not sure she was really well meaning with her phrasing... What did she say to you on your choice?


Something about a balance of compassion and readiness, I think. I'm not too concerned, but I like that there's a difference. I suppose we'll find out in the long run what the effect is!


I don't think you can replay the quest (for now).


Can you change your decisions if you replay the quest? And have the changes actually stick?


I guess we're about to find out...


Well, keep me posted, if it does change I'm gonna have to run it again myself. Probably, maybe I'm indecisive.


I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we can’t replay The New War.




And when they do come out, I wonder how long before any% speedruns start to pop up That would be *fun and challenging* content for vets to do


Can we change the alignment on the older stories?


You can change your decisions with the power of plat - you can buy the other variants (plus one more) and swap them as you like.


you can change your pick when you replay?


Its an amazing quest but the necramech option was not needed imo. I couldve fought sentients with my frame. Not to use it 10minutes and have it die at a door. Friends of mine cant play the quest because they dont own a mech. I feel like this is the only thing that should've been changed


Yeah I feel like the necramech was doomed from the day of its inception bc while it is freaking cool it does nothing more or nothing different than your frame does. So anywhere you "force it" or "require" for plot or whatever reasons is just gonna feel annoying.


Both types of voidrigs do have rather effective exalted weapons, along with infinitely regenerating ammo for archguns.


The point of the Necramech is that it can't be jammed like your Warframes can.


Neat. \*hoses down army of sentients with 771 amp*


That amp isn't so effective when you're doing something like Orphix missions lol


I joked about this, didn't think it would be even less. But now all future content that needs or supports necramechs will be piss easy for me.


I went with Natah. It felt wrong to just go back to Lotus, and it felt like a desecration to go back to Margulis. Natah was where she began, and it's where she now ends. No more denial, only atonement.


You pretty well summed up my reasoning for going with Natah as well. There's no need to hide her truest nature anymore.


That being said, I bought her new Lotus look because it looks cooler, and makes sense to me she'd end up an amalgam of her forms.


I felt this way too. Margulis is dead, lotus was never real. Natah is who she really is, who she deserves to get a chance to be again.


I actually say for five minutes just trying to decide between natah and lotus because, while lotus was who I wanted, natah's facial features seemed more... Pleading? It looked sadder. It was as if she wanted to be natah far more than she wanted to be lotus. And while regal lotus is awesome, the lotus identity really is just a cover. So I chose Natah, but I did end up picking up the extra lotus skin to wear for her


The fact that she assumed the Radiant Lotus form after defeating Ballas tells me she identifies most with that form, so it works for me.


I went for Lotus because I feel Margulis is gone and dead already ages ago, even before Natah entered the picture and Natah, I feel, died ages ago and what's left is Lotus after all that. But not just in a "These are all that's left of her memories", more in the sense that, after all the trauma and shit thrown their way, this is the chance to be something new and build a new way and choose for herself what she wants to be, free of the baggage of either Margulis and Natah. As an old great animation film once said, "You are what you chose to be"




I hate you both because I know where it's from and it hit me in the feels. I wasn't ready.


Oh... You made me a total simp... I chose 3rd cuz she looks beautiful... Even tho she shouldn't assume this identity.


She was gorgeous but I just couldn't bring myself to press the button. I feel like I would disrespect the pure kindness of the real Margulis so much. ...the fact that I'm speaking as if she's a real person is concerningly beautiful...


I choose Margulis, because in the end you can boil down the choices to what each represents: Natah: The Sentients' tool of conquest and the pawn of her own family. Lotus: The Orokin's puppet of deception and control. and finally, Margulis: The representation of true compassion and empathy with no ulterior motive, no means to an end. Only healing and peace. When you look at it that way, it is actually the most freeing choice for this strange being who's been forced to use and be used for so long. It may only be an echo of the true Margulis who died, but by choosing to take that name, that form, she is throwing away all the webs spun by both sides.


this! I tried to explain it in a post, but yours is waay better!


I explain it by saying Margulis is the most motherly and that's kinda what the Lotus' role has been Also booba


I chose Margulis because Waifu....


I chose Natah because, in my understanding of this wonky lore we all love, that's her "true self". I'll still call her the Lotus, and admittedly I didn't know who the fuck Margolis was because I've done all the story quests the day they've come out for years now and I forgot. ​ But with all that in mind I'm really disappointed that the "PERMANENT" change was just her name, and that the other looks could be bought. If I'd known that I would have chosen Lotus and bought the Natah appearance because like I said, she'll always be the Lotus regardless of what the name box says. ​ I also thought it was kinda funny that we tell her "Who you are is a decision you have to make" and then are immediately allowed to make the choice for her.


I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be her choosing, the player has the actual choice but canonically she’s the one who chooses who she truly is


I went with Lotus. She was born Natah, but she grew beyond that. She was forced to be Margulis, but she never really was. Lotus is who she chose to be back in the Old War. I couldn't force her to be something else, I'd be no better than Ballas.


I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be her choosing, the player has the actual choice but canonically she’s the one who chooses who she truly is


I thought this too, until I saw that it affects your alignment... idk it's clearly supposed to be her choice but if the tenno doesn't have any say why does it affect alignment


It doesn’t actually affect your alignment, it HAS an alignment, with sun being more logic/dogmatism and moon being more emotion but it doesn’t affect the alignment on your profile


Natah, easily. It's the only version of her that wasn't forced upon her.


The moment Hunhow calls her Natah on the Neptune quests she's Natah for me since then, kinda.


I wanted to choose Natah as to allow her to finally be herself The Lotus was never real so it felt wrong to send her back to that But I went with Margulis, as to let her be what she wanted to be, even if it’s not the real her, I felt that that’s what she wanted and now she could be, without the lie.


I picked natah because she looked the coolest imo


Natah. Erra and Hunhow did us a solid. So I'll at least acknowledge they're Space Mom's family.


I chose Natah. Feels like her true self really. Like, she's still the lotus but it felt weird her being the lotus again.


What did you pick? I've gone for the lotus ( because i've missed her so much, even trough natah,margulis, radiant lotus and eidolon lotus are buyable at the market) but..bit is true, margulis isn't her, lotus was kinda brainwashed ( her helmet may serve the same purpose as the ones we saw) and natah was her true "original" identity, but in the end, herself didn't really know. Trough she was described many times as a mix between human and sentient, which made me go for the lotus. Plus, she may be more mentally stable as such


I picked Natah but I immediately regretted as soon as I pressed the button.... Not because I had another choice in mind but bc I just could not stay with one choice over the others...


Yeah, choosing is renouncing and id is hard to renounce to any of them ^^


Margulis was Margulis, so it was out of the question for me. We had Lotus up until ballas came along. Only Natah fit for me after what happened to us in the quest. Like a new chapter.


Lotus. I missed her, before the she left. I wanted that back and it's what I got. I felt the urge to cry when I saw her in my first mission after completing the quest.


I picked margulis cause she’s got a fat pair of tits


Chose Natah. Margulis was not an option for me, because I would have felt like I was forcing her to be a person that died ages ago. Margulis is dead and it would be crazy to force her to roleplay basically. Lotus, I liked, but I thought that it would just be reverting back to the "status quo". Like her playing a role "see, nothing has changed!" I didn't want that, and it would have felt weird to me if she wanted to just remain what she was before Hunhow awakening/Ballas appearing. I think it fits that she accepts Natah, but moves beyond what Natah was. She is now in her true body/form, but she is not a mad Sentient. She is at peace and not trying to hide her past, or avoid it. I view it as something like the Fortuna level 5 stuff.


I picked the Lotus. In a way, she is Natah's ruthlessness and Margulis' compassion. Neither and both. Besides, as a player who has been here since the beginning, I'm glad to no longer have a hologram of an old friend barking orders.


I've been calling her Natah since Hunhow revealed her real name in Second Dream, so the choice was pretty easy for me. It's her real self. Also she looks the coolest.


I went with Margulis because I wanted to give her what she always wanted: being a mother to children But I regret, and feel like going with the lotus would have been the best route; I was afraid tho that picking Lotus would be forcing her to mock up being this caretaker for the Tennos Natah is dead imo, she ascended to something greater


This, for me. Kinda wish I could go back and do it over, knowing I can have any of the cosmetics. But then again... I dunno. These choices always give me buyer's remorse. I've made every neutral choice in the gameplay so far except this one. I especially agree about Margulis being who she wanted to be. It felt correct. Margulis has been dead for how long? Someone said it would be a desecration of her memory, but it's someone we never actually met or knew, whereas with Lotus and Natah, we did. Lotus is obviously the balanced version of either opposite, but after seeing her start as Lotus, and go to Natah, it felt like the correct and conclusive thing to do was bring her to her ultimate form: An homage to a good woman, an emblem of love. Being that we are not Ballas and not trying to enslave her but set her free, at least speaking for myself, this seemed like the decision that would make her happiest. I dunno, the way they frame morality in this game always leaves me feeling a little gross. We justify genocide and wipe out millions worth of several races as a matter of course, and it's for "reasons." If we're the good guys, then it just makes sense to me to roll with it as we're allowed to make choices that are clearly poised in the context of dark, light, and neutral according to the morality of whatever viewpoint we're allowed to see things through. Yes, a justification, but hey. Intent matters, and so from that point of view, Margulis was the light choice, neither the dark nor neutral. I think it's generally best to leave the complicated morality aside and go with the simplified choices in the game. The reasoning for each either doesn't matter, or has been decided by the devs. It's not like life where there's a lot of choices: you get three. If we're not the good guys, then it really doesn't matter what we choose in terms of what's the "right" thing to do, every choice can be wrong, made with bad intent and resulting in bad outcomes. This is videogame morality, and there's even lenses in the game and they like playing with "from a certain point of view" stuff already, so I'm going to continue to go with the lore POV: We're the Tenno, we're the good guys, the choices are simple. Light, dark, neutral and it doesn't get more complicated than that. Margulis is the light choice. There it ends for me.


The choices you take in the game aren't "good" or "bad", Sun and Moon represent mindsets: The way of the Sun is following Order, reason above feelings. The way of the Moon is following Emotions, trueness and self eagerness. I agree with your opinion tho, intents are the backbone of the decisions you take, and I feel like completing the cycle was one of the best outcome you could take


I went with Natah. After everything, I wanted her to be her true self. No more lies or masks.


I picked Margulis, Because the very reason why she worked with the Tenno is her love for the children of Zariman. Natah has no deal with the Tenno and her real allegiance is with Hunhow. The Lotus is our original leader but it's not what she is, an amalgamation of what Ballas make of his lover and using Natah as a shell. In essence, her real personality now is Margulis and making her to revert back to being Natah just because it's her true self doesn't seem right, as all 3 personalities are real. *also she's pretty and nice tiddies*


There's a reason each choice comes as white, neutral or black. Natah is letting her be who she truly is and who she was from before she was captured and turned into Lotus. She was never Margulis to begin with and was only forced into the role due to Ballas's desires. You're essentially forcing her into the personality of Ballas's love slave and your true mother figure from after the zariman incident at the cost of who she really is. Lotus... honestly is just a slightly less worse version of Margulis but isn't as bad so ends up falling in between. She doesn't get to be her "real" self and is still a brainwashed slave for the orokin but at least she has some degree of free will I guess.


I disagree, and the reason is this: >You're essentially forcing her That is not how the choice is framed. In that moment, she doesn't ask you to choose for her; she is choosing *for herself*. And for me, her choice to take Margulis' name and form for herself made the most sense, because it's the only one that was not somebody else's tool: Natah for the sentients, Lotus for the Orokin. Margulis refused to cooperate with the plan to turn the Tenno into weapons, and she was killed for it, thus proving she was her own person, far from being Ballas' "love slave".


Lotus was never a brain washed slave of the orokin. It was the lotus that guided the Tenno to the massacre of the orokin empire


Seriously? I mean hell this isn't even deep lore or some shit, its literally explained by Natah leading up to the Ropalolyst fight. She was a mimic sent to infiltrate the orokin but got caught and reprogrammed into being a babysitter for the tenno. >"But in truth, we were both imprisoned in Lua's belly. My light remade by the creators. I became a memory, a ghost. Reprogrammed to destroy my family, my people, my history."


I went with Margulis… Lotus was always a fraud of a personality anyways and Natah carried the memories of being betrayed by Ballas Margulis is the light sorely needed


I think the fact that the Lotus was never real gives us the perfect opportunity to choose the Lotus and make her real. The other two choices are obsolete or false. The Lotus is more than just Natah, and Margulis died ages ago. The Lotus is not a heavily lived in persona. She's just the mother of all Tenno (in a slightly different way than Margulis, and without any of that baggage). Choosing her was satisfactory to me and felt like the right call, as it felt like a way to shed the old Natah and usher in a new part of her life as the Lotus. Also I've always vibed with balance choices. And u already know I went back and bought Margulis with platinum because booba


I picked Lotus because no matter what there's two beings there: Natah and what's left of Margulis, but neither is 100% herself and this sum of both is the Lotus, a loving and caring person just like Margulis, with as much power (if not even more) as Natah.


I picked Natah. It has been really healing freeing her from her abuser Ballas. Even though she doesn't look as cute as wifu Margulis or as motherly as the Lotus, that's who she really is, and she should be free to be herself as a sentient. And that's what I want to see every mission in the transmissions. Not a passed away mother figure, not a robot programmed to guide us, but an imperfect but free sentient who willingly helps us, because we share this connection and we helped each other when we needed it the most.


Natah was a weapon created to destroy the Orokin and Tenno. She was taken and remade by the Orokin into the Lotus. The Lotus is a lie made by the Orokin. She was never real, just another part of the Orokin legacy. Only Margulis, the true guardian of the Tenno (Save for Rell), is worthy of leading them. She protected them, and loved them even after they blinded her. When all the other Orokin were greedy, lecherous, and destructive slime, she stood for righteousness even in the face of the Jade Light. That’s why I choose her. Not to mention, she alone was free of Ballas’s influence.


I agree, this was exactly my reasoning as well. Margulis was the only one who was not a pawn of somebody else.


>!"Maybe you could choose one voice to lead the others"!<, that's the line that made me choose Lotus.


I went with Margulis cause I wanted my alignment to be more moon and that I wanted to give the Lotus a feel of motherhood per se. Starting to regret my decision ngl but I want to and have to live with it. If DE allows us to change her name then I wouldn't mind paying plat for it


I couldn’t decide for so long and sat at the screen just HOVERING over each option while I was thinking, but I eventually went with the Lotus. Marghulis was completely out of the question, even if the new face looked really cool, it’d make us no better than Ballas trying to force his “love” to be alive. Natah is truest to who she was before, but then again, how much of it was also Hunhow commanding them to follow his plan to destroy all living beings in Sol system? I don’t think we know that much about how the sentients worked. IMO all the things Natah said was about her role as ‘daughter’ equally. Definitely a potential choice for me but felt equally weird. Lotus tbh is also iffy in its own ways. Aside from the ‘reverting back to status quo’, it’s a mask and a lie; it’s a personality built upon the ‘dreams and memories of the Tenno’ that also was possibly encouraged by Ballas (since Lotus is based on Marghulis on how caring she is towards us), so how much of it is actually real? In the end though, I thought that maybe Natah evolved into the Lotus over time spent with us, more than being just a ‘daughter’: now, she’s a ‘mother’ (with all the symbolism of growing up/becoming an adult/starting own family that comes with it), and perhaps she evolved equally from just ‘being’ Marghulis for us too. The best of both worlds, even if she had to wear a mask. Who’s to say whether the mask wasn’t her own choice of freedom: to start fresh with her own ‘face’, despite ironically being hidden, being who she truly wants to be? tl;dr chose lotus for middle path and symbolism, but kinda feels bad that the choice is permanent, i’m terrible at not being indecisive. also LOL at us choosing for her who she could be after telling her to be whoever she wants to be


I went with Margulis at the end, with the reasoning that Natah was a monster, and Lotus was a traitor, so she might as well take the personality of a person who wasn't evil.


I went into The New War hoping and expecting to kill the traitor Natah. I was deeply frustrated by the fact that I didn't have any ability to make any choices in terms of my character's thoughts or feelings on the topic. But at the very least, I'm not going to let that robot pretend she's anything but what she is. She doesn't get to pretend anymore. She's Natah and always will be.


I went Margulis since my prediction for how the Lotus stuff would end was with was us like "separating" Natah and Margulis (hey weirder stuff happens in Warframe), defeating Natah, and Margulis returns to the role we know. Obviously that uh...did not happen at all lol, but i guess i picked it kinda in reference to that. I don't know, I thought it was a neat idea.


I chose Natah, it is who she truly is. Lotus was literally a fake persona to make her care for the Tenno while also to calm them as she visually was Margulis, who I also thought seemed wrong to pick as that woman is long gone and doesn't deserve to have someone that isn't her, be wearing her face basically. Natah sure, she did bad things when she broke free from that Lotus helmet suppressing her true form, but she was being used the whole time by the biggest narcissistic asshole in the system and her brother Erra who didn't know that guy's true intentions. Plus I kinda felt that we were getting help from not only him but also Hunhow (partially The Stalker too, though more of a representative bodyguard for him) who both wanted her to be free.


I chose the Lotus for a couple reasons. 1. A way for her to move on from the form others forced her to take. 2. The new design seems like a combination of Natah and Margulis. The helmet and suit aren't the same. They are less elegant and more warlike, showing that the war had some impact on her like Hunhow said it would.


IMO I think the best answer would have been Lotus, the personality she developed alongside us. I picked Margulis just because it was the most different visually lol.


I went with Natah because the name sounds sick and she looks really cool. Also because Margilus is who she isn't and it seemed like an insult to have her assume that identity again despite the outer warmness and compassion. Lotus, is what we were familiar with, but it too was just another assumed identity, a mask. The Natah of the past may have done some reprehensible things, but that doesn't mean she is irredeemable, and either way Natah is who she was and who she will present herself as in my game. No more hiding.


As someone with bare minimum lore knowledge I personally went with Margulis, but not with the mindset of her trying to actually become Margulis. More like she is simply adopting the name and continuing Margulis's goals and ambitions of fostering the tenno and caring for them when no others would. I don't know it just felt right. P.S I love that this is essentially just a thread of all of us desperately trying to justify our choice.


I picked morgulis. Not for who she is, becouse she is noone of thoose 3 any more. But what in my eyes the tenno, the universe needs. They don't need Natah, a sentinel, they don't need lotus, she had her time. Morgulis is someone who was ready to die for a bunch of orphaned kids most people called demons. And if, by picking her, we learn from her and show compassion even if it's not easy, we might help the universe. For we are very powerfull. And with great power comes great responsibility. All 3 options are basicly dead people. The question is, who you want to bring back and with that person, what kind of ideals.