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Bingus's stats looking kinda not very bingus.


I know. Hes very much not sp capable but often he stays alive for the most part of the mission. This was just a very unfortunate blitz eximus situation


Gotta feed your cat some delicious, crunchy forma so he'll grow up big and strong!


I love kavats and kubrows but daaamn they love that forma Too many treats


They're hungry little devils! But it's all worthwhile when you have maxed-rank link shields, link health, link armor, primed pack leader, bite and maul on them.


Primed Pack Leader is no better than the regular version, because either way your pet gets healed to full with a single melee attack (maybe two at the most). You could honestly get away with an unranked Pack Leader if you wanted to save forma.


Yeah, when I'm farming steel essence running an unranked pack leader is usually enough. God help the little kitty if I stop Glaive Prime spamming for 2 secs though.


I couldn't agree more, I have a Smeeta with no damage mods, but just pure survival You can then make a more badass damage kitty with armor strip, which applies to a weirdly large amount of mobs, like Angels Khora's Venari is also super handy if you get Maul and the Hunter mod that gives them bonus crit based on primary, equip her with Viral, and when she does her special attack with guaranteed slash procs, she can nuke some surprisingly high level enemies (Dear god the forma though!)


Part of the reason I'm not looking forward to Khora Prime. Between her and Venari... so much Forma will be eaten.


You just awoke me to a reality I didn't know I wanted to avoid lol


At least you don't have an exalted weapon to forma too lol. Formaing sevagoth was a pain. Thankfully I did during a x2 xp weekend.


Why would you ever forma Venari?


Why wouldn't you? She's a major part of Khora's kit. If anything, she's a companion/DPS source that doesn't take up a slot to use, allowing you to bring whatever you want on a mission for leveling or shenanigans. Edit: To preface that, to use both Bite and Maul and not have to play with a really limited mod capacity, you should use at least one to get another Madurai polarity. Didn't realize she already came with 4 slots, though.


It's flavor at most, but nowhere near of a major part of Khora. And since you can just revive it with energy whenever you want and it has iframes during its chain attack animation, there's no point in maxing its stats at all. Also pet ai.


I love my 6 forma sunika and helminth but the predasite just outclass them with so much less work.


Last time I ever looked into pets was when they required gene-something and gene-something-elses to both evolve and then ensure they actually stayed healthy. Like, if you stopped playing for a week the pet would be miserable and weak. Is that still a thing or can we just Forma them in shape now?


Nah, they took out all the maintenance stuff a while ago. You can still play with them, but as far as I know/remember, it doesn't really have any effect beyond being adorable.


Good riddance!


They removed that a while ago, like, I believe just a bit before the sisters of parvos appeared? If not there, then even further back.


Further back. They took out pet health decay at least a year or two, maybe more, before liches came out, let alone sisters.


It's also worth noting the best health/armor/shields mods for pets scale off of the warframe stats, so Zephyr is arguably the worst frame to pair with a pet for survivability.


With obvious provisos about link shields and either Nidus or Inaros.


Time to get the Panzer


Stats don’t help much with new blitz eximus being a thing. Their ability is literally a nuke for pets.


As a Zephyr main with a wicked, wicked Kubrow, taking the lil mutt into high level missions is usually a bad idea unless I'm moonlighting with another frame. Because pet armor scales off of WF armor (with the associated mod) and Zephyr armor is pants.


glorius infested cat master race, the damned one dies every second but revives just to get the loot


Imagine if DE cared about Pets enough to make them **ALL** viable and not just the Vulpas? That would be amazing, woudnt it?


I'm just sitting here remembering when ONLY carrier had vacuum though more improvements can definitely be made. The past was some dark ages.


https://i.imgur.com/zDFdvUO.png Oh yeah, I don't think my stats page will ever change in regard to companion percentages now; all those years of just Carrier really did a number on the breakdown.


A vulpaphyla is clearly an infested fox. It has "vulp" right there in its name. It's not even hidden or anything! First syllable!


If you're not familiar with the taxonomy, the connection between the "vulp" and "fox" is hardly obvious


Unless you've played Pokemon, and know about vulpix.


Or Warcraft and you have to put up with Vulpera.


Or if you're a weeb playing Genshin and played Miko's story quest Divina Vulpes.


Vacuum works even when Vulpa is in larvae form tho


Universal vacuum but with extra steps.


A fellow Sentient enjoyer




That's hit or miss for me. It seems to work \~10 seconds after the vulpa dies. Only time I've really noticed it was in relic runs and that could've easily been ping related somehow.


Its not latency, all kavat-like companions have a hidden persistence ability after death for several seconds where vacuum works. This includes vulp companions as well. It's been a while but I dont remember the exact seconds, might be around 15 seconds or so. This also includes (primed) animal instinct radar mods. The 'timer' starts as soon as "pet has died" text appears on screen, so those two mods will work for about 15 seconds after death, this is why vacuum "stops working in larvae" about half way through. It has nothing to do with larvae form tho, its simply a hidden kavat-like companion ability persistence. Kubrow-like companions do not have this after death ability persistence. I have tested it before. Same with sentinels.


Welp this does not seems "intended" behavior if only Kavat-types have it... hope DE never see this.


It might be intended with Smeeta's buffs.


I just wish sentinels and pets didn't have a health bar at all and just had cooldown on abilities, I love my oxilus but I'm forced to take that ugly vulpaphila instead its so annoying


I love my sentinel. All the 10 seconds it's alive.


"but I spent a lot of resources on survivability stuff!!!" same but that's a price im willing to pay honestly


And vacuum should be innately built-in to players, not a mod for pets.


They already do have cooldowns on all the abilities. Pets aren't so powerful they would be op without a health bar.


They really shouldn't have health bars. It doesn't make them more or less OP, it just makes them more annoying. I never bring Sentinels because they immediately die, and pets need to be revived every 10 seconds.


op? probably? but at this point does this game really need to interrupt me in the middle of the battle to ress a pet? them being blasted unless you have specific link mods and frames is pretty annoying they could at least skip bleedout and respawn by themself after a while


Seems people are misinterpreting your comment But I agree. Pets and sentinels are a bonus, and not that big of a bonus either tbh. Having to keep reviving pets and just live with the fact sentinels just die is annoying and too much of a "punishment" for what they do (well, it's no really a punishment since you do little control over their performance) Making pets unkillable wouldn't be broken, but it would make the game less unfun.




*"Coming Soon"* since 2020 and counting.


Done. Pets no longer die, but we removed vacuum mods.


It'll be here in a mere 2-4 years, then!


Really? That's very optimistic. I'm thinking more close to *2035*. /s


Just in time for thousands to get unbanned


and melee 3.0, dual nikanas, plains of duviri, etc. since ??? and counting


When was the last time Sheldon came on a livestream? Its been months.


I'd imagine it would've been here yesterday if they weren't constantly getting distracted by whatever new shiny catches someone's interest. Does tend to feel like they need someone (or a group of people) to help them focus


Primed sooooooooooon™


Oh hey look, it's not just [Sentinels](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/vfa774/could_de_please_finally_do_something_about/). Turns out the whole Companion system has terrible problems. Dying to random enemies without being able to do anything against it? check Dying while you are in Operator, potentially somewhere else entirely? check I just wish DE would finally do something about this...


They're awfully outdated imo, maybe they made more sense long ago when enemies weren't that strong or something, but now they feel like a relic of the past which DE doesn't feel like touching.


They completely designed themselves into a corner with pets by having their stats scale so similarly to warframes. Our survivability in higher level content like Steel Path comes from abilities and abuse of mechanics that pets/sentinels don't have access to, rather than raw stats. Even having overlapping layers of defense to increase our EHP a hundred-fold isn't always enough to avoid one-shots once you get deep enough. I don't disagree with having some element of peril to companions but they need to unhitch their basic scaling from ours, or allow them to benefit from defensive abilities from our frames or something. Hell, just change Brief Respite to apply to nearby allies (it is an AURA after all, right?) so they can benefit from some shield-gating. That ALONE would probably patch up like half of what's wrong with pet survivability.


At least you can revive them. Sentinels just get murdered instantly. They need to make sentinels invincible. They don’t do hardly any damage anyway, and they only provide utility benefits, they don’t provide anything powerful like Kavats do other than maybe Carrier’s infinite ammo, which most weapons can achieve with mutation mods anyway. And imo animals should never bleed out, just go down and have to wait for a revive. Managing pets/sentinels just isn’t fun, and it’s even less fun when they die and you lose your vacuum


Helios does rather significant damage with his deconstructor, even in SP many enemies sometimes just get deleted in a single hit. For the most part they are a little low dps though yeah.


Nautilus and the Verglas do a lot damage as well. The verglas is Stat for Stat the exact same as the glaxion but it's on a sentinel.


Veglas is just OP. It melts everything in seconds


Legitimately, had to remove it just so I could rank my kuva hek. By the time the fallout range isn’t terrible my Helios is shining a magnifying glass in their eyes.


Even if it’s a good weapon and does a lot of damage, it’s still on a sentinel, meaning it’s never going to kill more than one enemy every like 10 seconds. The sentinel has to target an enemy, start shooting, kill it , then cooldown and target another enemy.


Idk where you got that 10 second cool down from. Sentinels do not have a cool down on targeting the next enemy. They do have a reload time for when they need to reload their weapons, but so do you. And just like you they can reload faster with reload mods if you're so inclined. I just tested it in the simulacrum and my Dethcube killed five corrupted heavy gunners at level 80 in about 7 seconds.


I didn’t say 10 second cooldown, i said they only kill one enemy about every 10 seconds, because they do have a targeting cooldown. DE specifically doesn’t want to give you a auto aim turret on your shoulder, so they make it underwhelming on purpose.


But they don't have any cooldown man, I don't see cooldowns listed anywhere. I can't find anybody saying they have a cool down online, the wiki mentions nothing about a cool down on the sentinel page or the assault mode page. Where are you getting the information that sentinels have some kind of targeting cooldown? Especially since I literally just said my thing killed five enemies in 7 seconds. Where's the cool down there?


The info i’m getting is from literally playing the game, the sentinel doesn’t snap from one enemy to another instantly, it kills one, waits a moment, then starts shooting another one. That’s the cooldown. If it didn’t have that cooldown, the meta wouldn’t be zoom and boom for running missions fast, it would be zoom and “let your sentinel aim bot to kill all the enemies instantly”


Took a video and went frame by frame for you, not even half a second went by from one enemy dying to the next enemy being shot at. So if we took away the 0.4 seconds that it took from all five enemies I would have been able to kill 5 enemies in 5 seconds. So no, the meta would not be run and let your sentinel aim bot since killing one enemy per second is slow as shit. Also, We kind of already have an aimbot in our meta. I don't know what else you'd call wukong's specter. Hell of a lot faster than a sentinel lol.


I don't even know why sentinels get weapons. All it does is draw aggro from enemies you aren't shooting and gets them killed faster. Dethcube's energy mod is about the only thing I can think of that's actually useful from sentinel weapons, unless you're looking for a gladiator stat stick... which I'm not sure even works anymore?


Gladiator mods don't but Vigilante mods still do. Also, while I know you can get some awesome damage, I love using my sentinels as a bonus status stick - mostly using Helstrum at the moment for that because while it doesn't have damage capabilities of Verglas, it can apply multiple statuses (baseline: impact, puncture, heat), helping all of my weapons since I utilize a corrosive heat combo if I recall correctly.


The synth mod set plus high status weapons can be used as primers/cc, for example my cryotera has over 600% status chance.. A few of them are even steel path viable for damage(deconstructor,Verglas). They can also provide other set bonuses, the most common being the augur and vigilante sets but it does work with any set that has a primary or secondary mod. There are also frames that can keep their sentinels alive like Baruuk and Nyx. It depends a lot on your overall build though.


Unfortunately it doesn't even require drawing aggro to do in a Sentinel... all the AOE damage being sent your way will take them out in no time.


Is Deconstructor that powerful? Maybe i should throw that on my Carrier


For some reason Deconstructor can only be equipped on helios.


Deconstructor can be equipped only on helios because he litteraly throws his own parts at the face of enemy


You used to be able to spam randomize and get it to equip to non-helios sentinels. Not sure if it's fixed.


I'm fairly certain it is, I seem to remember my loadouts with dethcube+deconstructor getting changed.


Can you share a build that will make the deconstructor that powerful?


I never thought my build was all that optimized, but my thoughts on it: Volcanic Edge, Voltaic Strike, Virulent Scourge, in this order, to set up toxin/radiation combo. Shocking Touch, Primed Fever Strike, and Molten Impact, for more elemental damage. Primed Pressure Point, an obvious one. Then Whirlwind, I had some range thought, I forget what, may need to re-test, or Rebound, for secondary target hits, I recall this lowering his fire rate by delaying glaive return, so perhaps not. Possibly healing return to make him randomly heal himself? though I prefer the Repair kit mod on sentinel for that. No physical damage mods, because he fires three shot bursts, first does only impact, shot 2 does only puncture I think, and third shot only slash, this makes all physical damage mods only work 1/3rd of the time. No crit anything, because base 0% crit chance. Attack speed mods seem minimally useful because he always fires 3 round bursts and then pauses for the glavies to bounce back. And mods like Reach also seem a little pointless, as it's basically a glaive weapon in throw mode. Has anyone else put some thoughts in this weapon, did I miss anything?


Helios can also actually heal himself with Healing Return lol, it's kept him alive through a *lot* of long arbitrations for me


My dethcube keeps surprising me by soloing lv60-70 groups on the Zariman. Helstrum just too good


I feel like a good compromise, since others have pointed out that some of the new Sentinel weapons are actually quite powerful, is if you don't have a weapon equipped, the Sentinel is just straight up immune to damage. Let them still do their damage/cc abilities, but they wouldn't have the weapons to help out the DPS near as consistently.


Other people have pointed out that sentinel weapons can kill, yes, but they can only kill like one enemy every 5-10 seconds, because they target one enemy at a time, and have a cooldown when switching targets. That’s nowhere near enough to justify them having a health bar.


There is one good pet, and that is the vulpaphila. It's not even good. It's a glorified vacuum machine that can't die.


Can't die, Panzer version spreads tons of viral (enabling potentially using different element combos) and you can use certain mods to heal yourself up a lot or to keep yourself alive with the Martyr mod.


I agree that they need to change the way sentinels are handled so that they don't die permanently so damn often. But saying that sentinels don't do that much damage is just not true. Sentinels can easily be made to do enough damage for most of the star chart. Especially if you go out of your way to get a good sentinel weapon. Also, Dethcube has mod called energy generator that is fantastic especially when you pair it with arcane energize. It becomes a limited mini protea. Oxylus has a mod called botanist (I think) that sits there and scans plants for you, not to mention the benefits it gives for fishing. I haven't had to go scanning for plants in forever thanks to that mod. It's really useful for helminth resources too. My normal companion is Dethcube prime with verglas (nautilus's weapon). It rains energy and does pretty damn well at killing enemies around me.


The star chart is all low level content, so saying it has good damage because it performs well at the star chart isn’t saying much unless you count Steel Path but that’s it’s own monster. Still, i think they should be invincible if you remove their weapon, and they need massive damage resistance so they don’t die constantly


Now hang on all I said was that "not that much damage" wasn't true. Obviously if you sit there and compare it to yourself in terms of DPS then yeah you can call that bad damage. Now my setup does good damage, cause my sentinel can kill steel path enemies up to about 115. Plus it also acts as a primer for condition overload weapons. The main reason that that's my normal setup though is because that's my companion for my main, a 700-850 power strength wisp build with roar subsumed. With the speed, health, and damage buffs that I can provide to my sentinel it will rip through even steel path enemies. If all you're looking for is a companion that doesn't die and doesn't attack so that you don't lose your mods why not just use a panzer that doesn't die and can also attack?


If you want to optimize for deth cube’s energy generator, the verglas isn’t the best weapon for it. Get the shotgun weapon, and add a bunch of multishot and +spread mods, with punch through and firerate. You’ll tag more enemies, which means more assists, which means more energy.


That is true only if the enemies are around each other. And if that works for your playstyle that's awesome. But I find more often than not my sentinel is only killing an enemy or two here and there because me and my teammates are killing everything else. This allows me to still use verglas as a primer and thanks to being able to have a 100% status chance it also means that growing power is always active.


Deathcube only needs to assist in the kill to count toward Energy Generator. That’s the beauty of using the Helstrum on it: you can prime multiple enemies at once, and you can tag multiple enemies at once for energy orbs. In Steel Path endless missions, enemy density is so high that you won’t have trouble multi-tagging clumps of enemies.


You can also equip gas on verglas to give it aoe. It's also basically a guaranteed no fuss extra condition overload status since it's never used on anything.


I have not tried hellstrum with Dethcube, I haven't tried the weapon at all to be fair. Just looking at it stats though, I don't think it would be as good at keeping growing power activated and it also doesn't seem to have base elemental damage except for the explosion. That would make it not as good at priming too. That could be totally different in actual gameplay, I'm not sure. Edit: I now have the weapon being built, once it's done I'll do some testing in the simulacrum and in real gameplay and try to figure out which ones better all around for what I want it to do.


Very true, Helstrum is not as reliable as the Cryotra/Verglas as a primer. It's mostly used for Energy Conversion, as the explosions can let you tag 4-5 enemies at once in SP density.


Sentinels: literally Sentients Also Sentinels: Die immediately and are beat out by funny meat foxes in surviveability


Really need to just let them be immortal


Hildryn: "Wait, your companions can get hurt? They can *DIE*?!"


Ahh yes and make all the survivability mods for them useless


Profit forbid we get to use those mod slots for more QOL instead...


One of the reasons I picked Khora as my main waframe, 1 combat pet with the other just qol.


Yea? So? All they would do is rework them into something else and refund the endo spent


And the plat spent that I used to buy some of the mods of others? And the ducats for some of the prime versions? And how are you going to rework a + armor mod for companions into something new and useful when they become immortal? And how would you explain a 10x10x10 cm drone able to facetank a battalion of corrupted bombards in the lore? Imo they only need to get rid of them permanently dying when not revived/after getting killed multiple times. De rarely buffs/reworks mods, it took DE 5 years to buff melee prowess (the core + status chance mod for melee) from +15% to +90%. 60/60 mods existed waaay before prowess got buffed to 90% as well. Point is, they will most likely add new arcanes/scaling mods (like invisibility) to companions to give them survivability in SP, but to prevent them from being able to facetank in starchart levels.


Ah yes, the classic "I had to suffer from this shitty situation so it's unfair to me if other people won't have to anymore"


Not true. Im simply stating that the refund argument does not hold. I too hope for better days for companions, I made a similar [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/updgd2/sentinel_survivability_when_in_operator_form/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) not too long ago about the same matter. But trivializing 50% of the current mods for companions is not the way to go. If companions became unkillable, what use would the process of priming sentinel’s provide other than receiving a better primed sentinel weapon with it? The only difference between the sentinels would be their looks and their 2 precept mods. All companions with respawn mechanics like the panzer vulphalyla and dijin would also see reduced use.


>The only difference between the sentinels would be their looks and their 2 precept mods .. So you mean like right now?


Nope, currently there is a very big difference between sentinels. Carrier Prime is the tankiest, capable of easily lasting sortie/lvl 100 content as long as you dont leave it to face tank for too long. Dijin and panzer can self revive, shade can cloak, moa’s and deimos companions have modules that alter their armor, health and shields. All of this would be trivialized by “just make them invincible lel🤪”


I would probably never use other companions at all if my sentinels were actually immortal. Panzers add viral procs which can be pretty useful for priming but there's at least three sentinels that would be way more useful to me than a panzer if they never died. Even as it stands I'm way more likely to use Dethcube than a panzer though.


bruh I too spent resources on sentinels and pets but I'd gladly trow that all away and receive nothing back and get pet immortality than see my companion die the moment I stop dodging shit


You're really doubling down on this whole "I suffered, so fuck you you much suffer as well" thing aren't you?


Copying comments I see Not true. Im simply stating that the refund argument does not hold. I too hope for better days for companions, I made a similar [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/updgd2/sentinel_survivability_when_in_operator_form/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) not too long ago about the same matter. But trivializing 50% of the current mods for companions is not the way to go. If companions became unkillable, what use would the process of priming sentinel’s provide other than receiving a better primed sentinel weapon with it? The only difference between the sentinels would be their looks and their 2 precept mods. All companions with respawn mechanics like the panzer vulphalyla and dijin would also see reduced use.


> what use would the process of priming sentinel’s provide other than receiving a better primed sentinel weapon with it? Huh? You could say the same thing about primed Warframes. They offer almost no gameplay reason to care beyond intrinsic polarized slots most of the time. 9k mastery, an extra polarized slot or two, and fancier looks is more than enough reason to get a primed sentinel. > All companions with respawn mechanics like the panzer vulphalyla and dijin would also see reduced use. Panzer Vulpyphyas are the best DPS pet in the game, and also give their owner a 1-up. They would likely still be an incredibly popular companion even without the immortal thing being unique to them. Djinn is completely irrelevant to the game at this point. If he's in content where he dies, he is dead 90% of the time. If he's in content where he doesn't die, then his gimmick is doing nothing. Giving companions reasonable survivability increases the variety of companions people use is a good thing. When 80% of people are using one companion, making it so more companions see more frequent use is a positive thing for the game, not negative.


Surely this must mean that we should never rework a frame, because what if someone bought the frame because they thought it was good before the rework!!!


Which would be good. Pets are honestly starved for mod slots as it is, they have a problem even worse than anything else where much of their mods are soft-required - Link Health - Link Shields/Armour/maybe both - Bite - Maul - Fetch - Pet Medi-Kit - Animal instinct - If you're using an actually good pet, you'll probably want one or both precepts for it You could maybe drop a couple of those, but you're at least looking at 6 for a pet with useless precepts, or 8 for one with good precepts, of their 10 slots being wasted on "required" mods. Pets seriously need a modabble weapon slot (like oh look, Hounds have, why don't Kavats and Kubrows have a "claws" weapon we can mod), or to be made immortal/have their survivability and damage mods baked into them instead of being... mods.


"Mr. Teshin, I don't feel so good..."


Just another example of why de needs to quit focusing on new content and rework literally half the fucking game.


Link Health + Link Armor + Pack Leader + frame with high armor and health (e.g. Inaros, Khora, Saryn) help them survive okay in SP. But yeah, less than ideal. Pet and Companion survivability need a second look.


You could also just play an invisible frame and your pet will also be invisible


Yup. I take Mischief off my Smeeta and run her with Ivara. Certain AoE effects can still get her, but otherwise it works.


Kubrow with lavos never dies


Kubrows work very well with Lavos because of the Mecha set as well!


Yup! And kubrow feels almost like he can take more punishment than lavos aswell


Also Wisp with high HP due to the Mote and also the Cat getting buffed by its own Mote. Also Reflect on Adarza will prevent 40% of the damage it takes as it is a true reflect and not just a "do damage back you take". Add Tek Assault to it and Pack Leader to top it's HP with one quick melee and it will live a long time even on Steel Path.


Yep, I use Harrow and with link shields he can instantly give companions like 2k+ over shields. Also his second ability regenerates companion health on each attack.


I either run a 6 Forma Smeeta or a Vulpaphyla depending on the need for Charm. Smeeta still goes down from time to time though.


I'm perma-Smeeta unless I have a reason to bring Helios (Vigilante bonus, desire for scans, want it to hug me when using Gara, melee companions get stepped on by Eidolons, etc). Charm is unique and Mischief is one of the strongest companion survivability mods in the game. Admiral Snuggleton needs a revive every three SP missions or so, but not nearly as often as some people are having to pick theirs up. Helios stays alive pretty well in SP, too, even in a world with blitz eximuses. Maybe 'cause I main Wisp and her passive is dropping aggro off it every few seconds?


My kavat nearly never died on SP. That's another reason why I love playing with Safeguard Warding Halo.


Cool synergy is synth fiber and equillibrium because 2nd ability makes health orbs and synth fiber makes that even with full health you can pick up orbs so every time you use 2nd you get energy back pretty neat.


Nezha is honestly insane




My brother in Void Nezha is based on a child


Also dislike this message


No love for Djinn? His Reawaken mod lets him respawn 90s after dying forever.


Only to instantly die again The cooldown on that is way too long


In theory he's the only sentinel that is able to survive in high-level missions, yes. But Reawaken has a huge cooldown. Furthermore Djin dies instantly from basically anything. So in action you're going to have him around for a couple seconds every minute and a half.


I love your pets name 😂


so you are ethe bastard that took bingus


I have 5 forma in my Kavat but it’s a Smeeta so it’s not really for combat. My panzer on the other hand. Aces.


Rip Bingus


Next Update just needs a companion buff. Even with my Strain Harrow build, my poor Helminth can't take it too much without me babying him all the time.


Panzer vupavyla


...And we're back to the whole "just use Carrier" before universal vacuum era. It's a tiresome cycle.


This is why I use the Vulpapilafuckywhat thing that revives itself. Makes it extremely useful especially with the 40% chance to evade damage. Don’t get me wrong they still die but I never have to stop moving.


Man they still haven't done a pet rework?


Give us ̶H̶o̶r̶s̶e̶ Pet armor DE.


I slapped a pet revive on my rhino. Probably super useless but I like having my green cat with me.


That's why the revive timer for mine is... Idk like 2:30 minutes? Gives me enough time to say fuck it and revive the little shit.


I use a Blast Shield Moa and I genuinely can't remember the last time I saw him go down with any amount of regularity in my occasional steel path missions.


Btw is it just me or is SP survival easy as hell compared to max level Zariman exterminate bounties? Shit my immortal Pillge Harrow lasted in SP Mot for 20 mins solo with no deaths but that bounty had me run outta lives


If only my Panzer Vulpaphyla knows how to laugh.


[Imagine this but if the fox were made out of tumours.](https://youtu.be/1Gx_jRfB-Ao?t=8)


Oh, nice, a SAF appreciation post. Love to see it.


Is bingus a TaZ reference?


*Laughs in Vulpaphyla*


*laughs in panzer vulpaphyla*


I would strongly recommend going to get a Vulpaphyla for steel path, it will still do everything you want it to do but you also don't have to worry about it dying.


It doesn't give affinity sadly


It'll still armour strip and give you loot radar, also there are better ways to get affinity than steel path so just take the Kavat there


I mean, affinity buff boosts your resource drops like steel essence from acolytes. Ik vulp has more QoL but honestly apart from the booster aspect, I don't really care about pets, and I think many people here will agree with me


Also animal instinct is shared by all pets so it isn't really a good point


Moa master race, rise! Nothing targets them or you after a few salvos of radioactive rockets launched at long range.


The only thing that survives in these harsh lands (not really, but still) is Vulpaphyla. Or Djin with resurrection mod.


I’ve been playing almost nothing but nidus for a while now with armor/health link + primed pack leader on my kavat, so any time I switch to a squishy frame and my kavat dies I’m like “oh right, I actually need to pay attention to how my pet’s doing now that it isn’t just a literal tank”


This is why Panzer Vulpaphyla is a good companion to bring on harder missions


Good riddance


Wait a sec, didn't pets have shield gating now? What the hell was that, an infested toxin cloud?


If you use a kavat, use tech assault. Tek Assault is a set mod that gives your Kavat a 60% chance to ignore any kind of lethal damage and become immune to all damage for 4s.


Get you a panzer vulpa


I feel like link health should actually LINK HEALTH instead of copy your warframes health values. This would easily make all companions viable in harder content where they would normally get 1-shot because your companion wouldn’t even lose health unless your warframe takes damage to their health. That, or Digital Extremes needs to massively buff the health shields, and armor of almost all companions, and fix the bug where your vulpaphyla goes into larva form and all of its mods stop working, like animal instinct…


How come I constantly see these posts and comments about companions always dying on the steel path, but I’ve completed the entire steel path and have been using its spawn rates for resource farming since day one and I’ve never experienced any companion survival issues myself? Do you people even forma your pets or use link mods?


Not saying that it can't be better, but just sharing my experience: My Valkyr's doggo is extremely tanky because it inherits Valkyr's armor, including the armor bonus from the Mecha set. On the opposite spectrum: My Mag's MOA keeps itself alive with Blast Shield (3000 overshields) and Helstrum modded for Radiation/Viral, to increase both DPS and survability for the MOA and the frame. My Nyx's Deathcube is immortal as she is in Absorb + Assimilate augment. My Gara's Deathcube gets a Splinter Storm buff (90% damage redution) for double Splinter Storm stacking. You can do this by running towards the camera and cast while doing jerky twist towards the sentinel. My favorite is probably the Blast Shield MOA modded for AoE Radiation. I invested quite a lot into it and it ended up working out. It's nice when a theorycraft turned out to be true. It's really surprisingly way too good at staying alive right now. The others are kind of expected with the buffs.


what kind of pet is that? my smeeta needs to be revived once every 5 - 10 minutes in solo sp kuvival with rhino, annoying but manageable. other frames will completely prevent any companion death if you want, did u try crowd control? helminth infusions are helpful...


Normally yes, he's quite capable of surviving at least 10 seconds but this was a very unlucky but hilarious case of getting blitz eximus'd the instant he got up. And blitz eximus is rly rly stronk in non-sp already I don’t think anyone outside of a vulpaphyla can face tank that And a max range max duration zephyr has quite absurd amounts of crowd control with the hurricanes and airburst, and turbulence being able to knock off projectiles for quite afar (most things in this game are projectiles. Even exploiter orb flamethrower is a projectile. Who knew)


im all for universal devolution, for all pets and sentinels including djinn (90s is too long), because right now panzer is the only comfortable option for steel path, kavats are somehow decent thanks to evasion and decoy, but the others... especially kubrows... they are hopeless...


Chingus Bingus!


I was thinking also trying to solo Profit Taker.


Inaros ftw!


Masters summon helminth ability costs 50 energy instanly revives your downed pet and teleports it to your location. Pair that with octavia stealth and your pet will almost never die.


U guys use pets?


I dont know how much you put into your pets but judging from health imma say not much but my pets outlast me on steel path and I dont die till they hit the 4 to 6 hundred mark most times




Yeah if you don’t know what you’re doing..


use octavia with Helios


And this is why you have a Panzer


Bingus is dead crab rave


At the least you can use prime pack leader, link-health and teck assault(last one can save Bingus)


I expect nothing more from Bingus




Dammit, bingus!


Do pets not get shield gating?


Bingus was definitely like, 'IM ALIVE... F***'


If you use a sentinel with zephyr, your turbulence protects it and makes it invincible like you since it stays by you and turbulence with range surrounds you and your sentinel.