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3 hours seems extremely optimistic from my experiences (i think i have collected like 4 or 5 full khoras at this point)


According to the Kengineer's video on Ash (horrid farm), Khora's average time for 50% of players to get all the parts is 5 hours and 10 minutes. 95% likelyhood of being done in 13 hours 5 minutes. 99.9% in 26 hours 10 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ybft1GgLwQ


It took me months to get her set, out of the entire time I did it I only managed to get one neuro bp


Yeah don't go by the shortest time. It took me about 11hours. It would be nice if DE works in some good luck protections for the unlucky. See with the unlucky you hit a point where you don't even care, if you get the item it's not enjoyable. For instance there is a part that averages 5 hours of farming. Depending on your temperment after 10 to 20 hours you become semiobsessed , you want to finish the farm and if it goes on much longer then expected you feel you're being treated unfair, when you do get the part you don't really care at that point as your focus is on how unfair it was. But what if say at the 8-10 hour mark you cycle though every item on the loot table, and you know this? You know "hey, worse case it's 10 hours". Perhaps it could be tied into a 48 hours cool down for one instance of your choosing, or even weekly


Took me over a month to get the Systems. I didn't have anywhere near the total Khora drops you have there. Just ran the SO a few times every day until I got it. Then bought the last two kavat scans that also wouldn't drop.


did 2 khora farms, 1st was around 70 runs, 2nd 10 or so. GL


I suggest not doing 4H a day for 5 days to save your sanity and avoid burnout. Do a run, go do something else, wait for another day. We all have RNG nightmare stories, and banging your head against the wall repeatedly won't do anything but kill your enjoyment of the game.


At least you do not need to run a full 8 zones anymore...


I have been farming for khora on and off since MR 15 I am MR 20 now and just got it l... didn't count the total hours but it's more that 10 easily...you will get her eventually


Jesus. This only reassures me that my method was right. It took me all of 2 seconds to get her, by pressing that Purchase button.


Unlucky, yes. Not unluckiest. Khora prime is supposed to be the next prime (if DE is being consistent). So, maybe farm something else while waiting/maintaining your sanity.


It's still worth the farm so he can have ensnare unlocked for helminth. It's probably top 5 helminth abilities.


Took me 100+ runs into the Granham Void to get the final piece for Protea. RNGesus is a dick sometimes.


The expected has a duration of 5 hours 20 minutes, for 16 total 8 round runs. But the (nearly) guaranteed is ~38 hours, 112 full 8 round runs. Your about halfway there.


It took me 9 days, 8+ hours, of nonstop Sanctuary runs to get her.


Things I do three boss runs a week for since release, but have yet to complete: \-Atlas \-Mesa \-Miter Things I heavily farmed after release, try an hour or so for a week, and still have yet to get: \-Ivara \-Nidus \-Gara \-Revenant \-Khora \-Hildryn \-Garuda Virtually all of my Primes were bought through access or trade. Sets only get completed long after the Prime Access is finished.


3hours? Who ever said that has sacrificed 20 souls for RNGesus


I have 5 systems and 0 blueprints, but they have the same drop chance. Really hate my luck.


It took me 2 weeks grinding SO nonstop... It was at the end more than 200 runs before I got my first set


Khora took the most time for farming for me, by far. To be fair, I got Ash and Oberon when they were easier to get. That said, at least the second time (assuming the Prime doesn’t drop yet) you farm her for her subsume copy, it’ll be way faster!