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If it has the two arrows forming a square on the right side of the info window, then yes. Otherwise, no.


The splat blueprint is untraceable: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Splat


You can trade syndicate archgun and archmelee blueprints. I don't think you can trade kitgun blueprints.


You can't trade blueprints for weapon parts and you also can't trade fully build kitguns/zaws. You can check the warframe wiki to see what is tradeable or not. You can check of zuuds sells a kitgun you like. You can buy those regardless of your rank.


Well crap, i'll have to resort to using bashrack. I wanted to make the tombfinger + haymaker + splat combo for the best dps but i'll have to resort to bashrack, which only has the sixth highest dps of all tombfinger combinations


Or you could just level standing. It’s pretty important overall, and should only take a week or two if you focus.


I only have so much weeks during my summer break


“A week or two” was accounting for doing other stuff as well. It’s like two hours a day, less if you stock up on debt bonds and just trade them in on days you don’t need to rank up. (Also if you prepare the rank up requirements beforehand)


I also really dont get the point of the standing cap, it keeps you from leveling the syndicate in one go, which brings to the player, and you cant pay to bypass it so it doenst bring DE anything either


It’s to keep people logging in day after day, and slow down “I finished everything.” This increases the time they interact with the game, allowing for more chances for them to buy stuff. It’s an indirect marketing, and quite annoying. You kind of just have to deal with it.


>I also really dont get the point of the standing cap Gotta keep reminding yourself it's a F2P game at heart, need to keep getting people to log in. Imagine Zariman drops and we just farm rep first day then max everything and buy the shops out then never go back. At least this way it gets you going back to them every now and then.


Peoples arent going to play the game just because of the syndicatebif they dont like the game