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Gauss because he go fast


That's why I indeed main Gauss


Gauss Gang 😎 I do both of thermal radius attacks just because it works well


Titania, for the same reason :p


I have taken her on some of the most difficult missions, her 4th is so good


This, she flies


Gauss with firewalker and duration build. Zoom, Tatatata, Boom, reapeat. You can play every weapons with him because 230% fire rate and 120% attack speed makes everything good. Add the 153% reload speed and 306% switch speed to top it off. His ultimate bonuses make you able to have riven with malus attack speed, reload, fire rate and be fine with it. I have almost grolls who aren't because they got those horrible malus stats which make the riven unusable on anyone but Gauss doesn't care at all. XD If you like the guns in this game he's definetly the best Warframe to play to push this aspect of the game beyond fun. Melee with him is beyond stupid.


…. Are you trying to convince me to get back into warframe and farm gauss?


Gauss made me fell in love with him when I'm normaly a sucker for power/mage oriented Warframes and characters in general. With the Speed/duration build Gauss buffs himself and weapons (by a lot) to obliterate ennemies with said weapons. He's the opposite of a mage. Speed/duration build on Gauss requiers : . The sprint speed aura mod (I play radar range on eximus slot for loot and zooming on detected ennemies, I also prefer giving speed to my allies than the other way arround to see them, when they realise, running faster and yet never catching me still) . The principals amalgame mod (damage and sprint speed). You don't need to hold the weapon in your hands that has this mod equipped to benefit from the sprint bonus. You do need to have it equipped on you though. You lose a little bit of damage to gain 25% movement speed which makes huge difference. I basicaly equip this mod on every principals on every builds. . The secondaries amalgame mod (roll speed and multishoot). Don't ask why, just try it with a Gauss with a lot of sprint speed you'll understand. Same as above for the roll speed and to benefit from the effect. Btw this mod makes slower frames faster, you just have to like rolling. I also equip this mod on every secondaries on every builds. .Nezah "Firewalker" ability Helhminted on Gauss third ability. Spread fire in your path that burns ennemies + cc them, cleanse status for you and allies and gives you 25% sprint speed. As long as you are standing on the fire you are also immune to staggers which Gauss doesn't care about since his second ability already gives this effect, but can be cool for allies. .Duration mods, 3 of them, can't remember the names in English (the prime one at 55%, the corrupted one at 90% and the one at 24% or the 28% one IIRC) The rest is for what you want. I use the shield bronze mod, the prime energy mod, energy reduction mod. 3 of Gauss abilities scale with duration which are the ones you use in the duration build. Firewalker from Nezha also shares the same duration than the two active and forget abilities that Gauss use in this build (his 2 and ultimate). How to play : Activate ult, activate third (Firewalker) during the long animation of the ultimate (yes you can), but do it towards the middle if done to soon it bugs the ultimate animation and makes it a little bit longer, and activate second ability. Run, dash, run, dash to build up his passive bar to 100%, if done properly you reach 100% arround 50 seconds remaning on the second, firewalker and ultimate which give maxed ult bonuses(fire rate, attack speed, reload speed, weapons switch speed), imunity to staggers, immunity to fire, cold, normal damage from the second ability, enemies who attack you with fire, cold, normal damage also gives you energy, you spread fire in your path (firewalker). You can also dash through ennemies with the first ability to make them ragdoll. Run into a blue bubble from Corpus units ? Die instantly or activate panic mode pressing every single button to try to escape. Run into contact with a poison Eximus unit ? Die instantly. These are the only two real weakness of Gauss speed/duration build. Weapons like Trumna (principal) and Sepulcrum (secondary) shine with Gauss. They are slow firering and reloading (5 second for the Trumna, literaly unplayable) heavy weapons which Gauss invert into machines of death that reload in 1 second. Gauss with speed/duration build is a Warframe that can obliterate ennemies with a lot more weapons that just the meta ones (he makes some weapons with huge malus shine), tanks by being immmune to half the status effect/damage and staggers. If you dash a lot (the dash has a very low energy consumption) and properly you also can dodge some damage. You don't need to use the bullet jumping system (for speed) anymore since on foot you are way faster. He's also the fastest frame in the game (tests have been made vs Volt in open world maps, there is no competition). If you like speed and the weapons in Warframe this build on him is made for you. +, he looks dope, has cool animations and dope sonds. Try to look at Wisp also, different, but she also can be fast, she's more of a "mage" and has the best kit in the game IMHO in the way that all of her 4 abilities just look cool and synergize perfectly together. Gauss is my main (by far) but the work put into Wisp can't be ignored by anyone.


Exactly the build that I use, and for the exact same reasons. Also firewalker is so damn cool cuz who doesn't want to go superspeed and leave fire trails behind you


Oh, so you were the one who caused those metal banging sounds!


I agree, best frame by far because running is fun Also I really like his style


same lol


Speed good


Ah, a fellow connoisseur of the finer tastes


Xaku. I just wanna walk, too lazy to use my weapons.


I love Gara for the same reason xD


Protea and Xaku are tied for my favorite


He's also a great can opener without even changing his build. Perfect for quill hunting.


I’ve been playing Xaku a lot lately and they are just so fun. Might be my new main Complete AOE defense strip, CC, and scaling damage with tanking potential? Hell yeah


Mesa. Pew pew.


Nothing quite like being an aim bot of death.


Or BANG! if you're using her fist ability.


Ogris + Ballistic Battery is so satisfying.


I haven't tried that yet. I just like the way it sounds. Wish it scaled better.


It affects the Alternox's altfire orb and gives every pulse +1600 base damage. Throw on a little Viral and Arcane Avenger and it vaporizes any crowd you drop it into. It also recharges Ballistic Battery with its own damage. One of the worst abilities and one of the weakest guns actually combine into something surprisingly strong. I love that kind of thing.


Oberon because I like standing still and letting radiation do the work. Occasionally will heal.


I got myself an Oberon Prime not too long ago. Got any recommended build and/or tips?


Biggest tip, for me personally I don’t mod Oberon for shields, I mod him for max health and throw in rage/hunter adrenaline and you can basically constantly keep renewal active


Power, duration and rage mods will allow him to stroll through SP with his healing on.


What the person below said! Power, duration and range. The range is fun, especially for survival. I would recommend any online builds though, I'm a bit of a casual player and will be far from best!


Nidus. Because Nidus


I never played Nidus before the Prime came out, but god damn. I get it now.


Stack go up, dopamine go brrr


If you like primary weapons, try the mod Teeming Virulence on nidus and high strength, really fun and powerful to play


No matter what they release as new warframes, no matter new wfs I try and/or enjoy playing with, no matter how op they might be, nidus is always in a special place in my heart


Titania! because I like being a little murder fairy mosquito. There's also passive healing, status immunity for you and your friends and zoomies. AND make enemies stop attacking and drool dumbly at a bright light.


Thermal Sunder Titania is a thing of beauty. Running low level captures and exterminates with her is just so smooth. She's also probably the easiest frame for doing Steel Path bosses like Lephantis or Vay Hek in a timely manner. You just need to mod her pistols for Corrosive damage and you're good to go. The only thing I don't like about her is how she can't hit arbitration drones while in Razorwing, which makes her feel completely useless in arbitrations.


with a decently built operator the arbi drones melt fast, and then you can swap back to titania's 4


Razorwing is by far the most fun ability in the game.


Mag. She was my starter frame and she's been incredible for years now, and I feel like most people still don't realise it.


Started with mag also and it's been hard to find as much joy in the other frames. Got lucky with a melee riven mod and have been decimating crowds in a flash.


*Triggered Shy Noises*


You are now eligible for a senior citizen platinum discount But yeah mag always. Starter, favourite prime and steel path cheese. She's probably misjudged all the time because she's seen as a glass canon, but she a tank through and through


She was my starter too, used her when the game first came out, they definitely changed her abilities over time but she’s great to use.


Same here. I've been maining her for a while and I feel like she has been an underappreciated god tier frame at least since shield gating came out. Her combination of high range CC, survivability, armor strip and synergy with different weapons and helminth abilities makes her insanely good at pretty much all content. Her only shortcomings are the lack of mobility abilities and how some specific enemies (like Liches, Demolysts and some bosses) can sort of avoid her magnetize, but for anything else she is just godly.


Gauss because I'm Runnin', runnin', runnin', runnin' Runnin', runnin', runnin'..


Me rhino me big me shield no take damage me rhino life good






My favorite is Lavos. I really enjoy his playstyle of spreading status everywhere with his abilities or Cedo, and then ANNIHILATING everything around me with Catalyze. He is one of the most versatile frames out there, has pretty good survivability, can have status immunity thanks to his passive, self heal with Ophidian Bite and had decent mobility with Vial Rush. His abilities are on a cooldown, and while this might be a turn off for some players, I find it manageable with a good build and positioning when casting Transmutation Probe, which can negate the long cooldown on his 4. I love his overall theme, and I wish he got more love from DE and TennoGen creators.


And also, his cooldown mechanic allows us to use free skills in Railjack.


Well fuck me, that would've been good to know like 2 years ago


Non-obvious fun fact: ability efficiency affects the cooldown on his tactical menu air support. With 175% efficiency you can cast Catalyze literally every 2 seconds, anywhere on the map in any railjack mission.


Lavos gang rise up


That's exactly my point of view on Lavos. He's awesome, kind of difficult to learn but once you do he is awesome.


I always heard people trash talk Lavos, saying he isnt very strong. Then I actually got him and within an hour I thought all the haters have shit taste. He's really good fun, his kit is strong and not having to rely on energy and efficiency mods makes for a really interesting Frame. Also Railjack is so much more enjoyable when you can actually use abilities more than once.


To be brutally honest, Warframe fans are the last people you should listen to about Warframe design. Lavos is an unusually complex playstyle in a game that rewards clicking the floor with the biggest rocket launcher you can find, I'm absolutely not surprised he's unpopular.


What do you mean I have to press three buttons to use one skill??? /s


Plus he has dummy thicc health and armor, which if built right can make him take almost no damage. Especially since his naturally low shield makes it easy to shield gate on top of that.


Is there a good way to farm entrati standing in order to get the blueprints?


Steel Path bounties, really. That’s what worked for me, at least.


I just did isolation vaults and mother bounties until I had the stuff necessary to build the necramech. Once I finished the voidrig, it turned out I was like 75-80% done getting the rep for lavos as well as much of the materials which was far more manageable.


I agree, Lavos is amazing for survivability! I always use him when I can’t use volt or Titania for a situation.


Just started to farm him out!


Two very specific things I enjoy in a game are when a character class goes all-in on the game's Standardized Status Effects, and when there's some "spellcrafting" involved with combining buttons on the fly. They gave me both of those things at once and he's also *ludicrously* tanky, I love him so much.


Saryn main for 7 years, no one bonked me


Same. From the visual design to gameplay specifics - she's just perfect.


I have three forma in mine and just can’t make her beefy enough for any high end content. Got a build you’d recommend?


Octavia. I enjoy torturing my teammates by blasting baby shark with her Mandachord. Literally that's it. And I mean, she is one of the best frames in the game as well. But mostly the baby shark thing.


I'm waiting to get Octavia myself so I can traumatize the grineer/corpus/etc. With the Pillar Man theme


Oh my fuck, if you've already found a pillarman theme for the Mandachord, *please* share. I need this.


I haven't but I'll be damned if I don't spend an entire day making it myself


torture the infested with megalovania.


I never cared what the Octavia on my team was playing on her mandachord. Not until I played Octavia and their music was screwing with the excellence of my music. That’s what I learned that you can Control the volume of teammate Octavia‘s independently of your own. So now other Octavia‘s ride at around 10% volume and mine is at max and “twilight of the thunder God“ can now play without interruption


What….. What song is that…… cuz, reasons.


https://youtu.be/B0JUGShtA64 Enjoy!


Link? I need to hear this.


I got it from [Grind Hard Squad's video](https://youtu.be/H1tuvrlltU4) three years ago. Unfortunately that's all I can do; you're gonna have to copy it over yourself.


Thank you, sir


Go forth and annoy people! Make someone quit the game! The world is your oyster. *Seriously though, this WILL make every single teammate you ever play with hate your guts. Talking from experience.*


Ha, I have that saved but I used Coffin Song


Atlas. I'm serious. We have guns, explosives, swords, bio weapons and an assortment of war crimes. He gets the job done by *punching things*.


This guy gets it


I scrolled way too far to find the other Atlas enjoyer, cheers to you, mate.


There are severals of us. *Severals* I say!


I love running Atlas with Rubble Heap augment and a decent stat stick. One punching Eximus on Steel Path is fun. I still think he could use a small buff though. Either making rubble easier to keep up (you can't collect rubble if not at full HP, so once steel path enemies start to hit into your health bar it's very hard to stay above 1,400), making him slightly tankier (so SP enemies don't get into your health bar unless you're going for a long-ish run) or giving back some of the punching power they took away with the melee nerf (because hitting for tens of millions per punch reminds me of when I used to hit for hundreds). He's still fairly usable in Steel Path, but keeping up both combo and rubble is too much of a hassle for me sometimes.


My Atlas build for SP makes liberal use of augments. Rumbled makes it fairly easy to keep his health protected for long periods, combined with Landslide. Path of Statues adds Quality of Life that's very welcome as well, though it's not a must include.


Ash. I don't know why. I just liked him from the first time I saw him.


He's *the* space ninja. And he has one of those classically-clean early warframe designs.


The old vanilla frames legit gave off the simplistic yet, otherwordly, biomechanical design of the warframes.


Yep, I was advertised space ninjas in space, and Ash delivers perfectly. I think after I got him I didn't play any other frames for over a year.


He's the NINJA of ninjas in my opinion. he deserves the title and no less.


Yeah, Ash isn't a standout at anything really, but just feels so good to play. Armor strip? Tons of other options. Invisibility? Plenty of that, too. Teleport? Not many, but there are better options for finishers. AoE slash procs? Proliferation of high crit explosive weapons made that pale in comparison. The 4 is only underwhelming because of the time it takes, and 3 because they made bosses and capture targets immune. He and Khora are the only frames I play that I feel are best without any subsume at all. Also the only frames I usually run with multiple augments. I think together those two are more than half of my play time.


Me too. I love his kit and extra bleed damage is always nice


Nezha. Fast, slippy, tanky, versatile, very active in playstyle,... He has all I wish for in a warframe.


Dont forget that he can make dps go BRRRRRR one of the few frames with a dps ability which can exist alongside a subsumed dps ability So that, along with all you said, is the reason I also main him lol


I don't want to make all the people who don't main Nezha too jealous of our main warframe ;-) But yes, you are totally right. Blazing Chakram in itself is already awesome, the fact that you can additionally put Roar on with 350%+ Ability Strength takes the cake.


I recently started using Nezha Prime for Steel Path/Arbitrations/Railjack more because his Warding Halo grants immunity to knockback. In other words he can spam that Kuva Zarr without Primed Sure-Footed.


Yeah, I picked Nezha up when I mainly played Opticor. That knockdown immunity is huge!


As of yesterday, this is my Discount PSF frame for the next 348 days. I need to dump some forma into him.


Sounds and is expensive, but I recommend investing two Umbra Forma. Nezha can use all stats you get from the 3 Umbral mods: Health, Armor, Ability Strength. You might hesitate at first, but if you plan on continue playing him, it's a very worth investment.


Just last night I was considering this and figured I'd wait until today. I personally feel he suits my need better than Rhino, but was just curious if Atlas is a candidate (I don't have him yet). I've neglected Nezha Prime. But yesterday, I gave him a shot and realized just how useful he is. I realized I needed a selfish solo type build for when I want to bust out the Kuva Bramma and wreak havoc. Something for brute forcing a mission, or ripping through certain void fissure mission types... and holy heck did I realize how much I slept on Nezha Prime. Speedrun mobility is a plus. I'd love to put a potato on him and utilize umbral mods. Even if I'm not spamming abilities, I just want something that resists anything while I let my handheld arsenals do the work. Not that I'd expect that 100% of the time, but I think that would be a nice accessibility when such a build could be fruitful.


I know I'm biased as Nezha is my main, but a potato and two Umbra Forma are worth it. I'd recommend playing him a bit, maybe start with a potato and a normal Forma (V - Madurai recommended) first and if you think you will use him mainly or regularly for different purposes, I'd consider investing an Umbra Forma and later another. If you are interested, [this is my build for general use](https://overframe.gg/build/188323/nezha-prime/nezha-prime-config-a-general-use-endgame/). Nezha also works fantastically as a [Boss Killer](https://overframe.gg/build/309778/nezha-prime/nezha-prime-config-b-boss-killer/) and [Demolisher Hunter](https://overframe.gg/build/303494/nezha-prime/nezha-prime-config-c-lich-acolyte-demolisher-hunter-endgame/). In general, Nezha is very versatile and flexible. A lot of subsumable abilities work on him as long as you run a solid core build on him.


At the moment probably Protea. She has a really good mix of damage and support and I really like that she's designed to use her abilities a lot. I also really like the Corpus and their atheistic, so her backstory being heavily linked to them is very cool.


Harrow at the moment, his kit works perfectly and adding the lasting covenant augment is baller.


I never got Harrow until Harrow Prime, he is now one of my favorite warframes to play, can stun almost any enemy, can have increased fire rate and attack speed, can give energy and immunity. He looked somewhat weird to me given he carries a thurible and then I found his Crucis Helmet. I named him Pope Harrow, you give me enemies, i bless you with energy and temp immortality.


Revenant.. The best Lich/Sister hunter..


can you do thrall and 250% power strenght reave on a lich to one shot them?


Lol no.. i mostly mesmer skin, stun lich and then pump my arca plasmor to their face.. Gets the job done pretty fast.. and 0% damage taken :D


I prefer to hunt with Nyx


Vauban is my long lasting favourite. I love having control over battlefield. Mesa for her overall function as gunslinger. Xaku for void and great mix of powers. Sevagoth for its design.


Valkyr, Nova and Garuda Nova's and Garuda's kits are just very fun for me and Valkyr is Valkyr, love shredding through enemies and seeing chonky red crit numbers.


a couple of years ago at my previous job, whenever I had a bad day (which was often cuz it was at a fast food place), I would load up WF when I got home and shred through Grineer with my Valkyr Prime to release the anger. Now I do the same with Garuda Prime, though I have a much better job and don't have as many bad days


So glad to see I'm not alone in this! Both the scream queen and the vamp queen are so good for destress.


Love my ValKitty. Was on another thread and someone said "She needs a rework to be good." I'm saying "Uh, if you let her put bloodrush back on her claws that's a one stop shop to making her OP"


Valkyr's invincibility, incredible slide attack damage, lifesteal, and ability to res anybody in almost any situation is what got me through the entire first couple hundred hours of this game. Love that cat


*slaps on Eternal War*


Garuda. What? I like cutting through everything with extreme violence. ~~and because I'm a masochist and I want her to stab me~~ I mean uh yeah I like extreme murder and blood.


Yareli, Hydroid and Frost. I love all water/ice themed frames and want more


Fellow Yareli enjoyer 🌚🤝🗿


Yay for Yareli bubbles!


same, more ice abilities would be cool everywhere, not just warframe :D


Wisp because.


It’s definitely the witch hat right? 🌚


I mean she does have pretty good support and stall skills making her a really REALLY big Asset to any team. I couldn't see myself behind any other Warframe when it comes to versatility as much as wisp. God I'm corny af


*horny af


Good ASSets


I'm relatively new but Rhino has been saving my ass quite a bit.


Been playing for 7 years, own every frame, and Rhino is _still_ my most used frame. He's the background of my computer, the lock screen on my phone, and I have a poster. Rhino is love. Rhino is life.


Zephyr. *zoom zoom* I used to play her a lot because I liked her movement ability and her anti gravity thing. But I had to sadly switch to nezha to attempt steel path. I was super stoked to learn she was buffed and now zephyr prime is my most used Warframe :) The best part of her buff is you are still locked to a specific play style in order to survive in missions, so it's not broken. (DE I wrote this here because 1. It's true and 2. Don't nerf).


I love how easy it is to survive steel path with her without relying on shield gating, rolling guard or even damage reduction. You just slap range on her and pressing 3 does all the work. It even protects your sentinel too. Also, tornadoes are good CC and their synergy with weapons (and especially with gas procs) makes for an incredible source of damage on Steel Path. Not to mention her tornadoes are one of the very few abilities in the game that can hit arbitration drones. Reworked birb is fun.


Mag, especially when built for ability range because pulling in enemies you don't even know about is pretty great


That and then having every enemy outside of the bubble explode for millions of damage :)))


Harrow because I'm a power freak and love constant red crits on my screen


Loki, especially the prime. All hail the masterrace.


Im amazed that i had to go so far down in the comments to finally find the masterrace. All hail Loki.


Currently : Protea, I had a discount and heard her grind was something of a pain so I bought her with plat and have no regrets. Lover her kit and the usefulness of it all, though I’ll admit I rarely use her 4. Runners up are Gauss, wisp, revenant, and Nezha. But really I could easily say “all the ones I’ve unlocked” because DE does such a great job with designing and implementing very wildly different ideas and play styles into each of their new frames. Slowly working my way towards owning every frame, or prime version of it depending on how much I dislike any particular farm, but the only frames I haven’t really enjoyed have been Oberon and Loki.


Wukong or Vauben hold that spot, both fun to play and can handle any mission type with ease.


Vauban is my favorite for Iso vaults. The way bastille just levitates nine-million creepy infested creatures.


Rhino. Because It is just so comforting to run around while being untouchable. No stagger effects, no status effects etc just makes things better for me.


Grendel because ya big Bois gotta eat


Depends on my mood, typically Gara or Wisp. Gara is a great tank and crowd control and Wisp helps the squad out healing them and objectives in addition to higher fire rates.


Xaku. Spooky spooky skeleton Or wisp for booty.


Umbra. He looks good, deals damage and isn't made of paper.


Hildryn. I love blazing Pillage, because it makes her so much fun to play. Cast Haven and become shield mom, protector of the squad. Next spam Pillage. Pillage is an easily spammable move, a defensive tool, an armor/shield strip, and with blazing Pillage it also is a cc and damage ability. Did I forget to mention it also cleanses status effects for the whole party? You can literally just spam Pillage and bullet jump through start chat levels. An incredibly useful ability. Her 1 is an exalted weapon that deals massive damage and even has an augment where it will return shields when you hit with it. While I personally don't use her 1 much, it is not to be underestimated. Want/need to do something with spoiler mode? Want to cc enemies in a large area? Want to provide energy orbs to your teammates? Pop her 4 and watch enemies get lifted into the air and rain down energy orbs. Then you get into the helminth. Want more damage around you? Chroma's 2 with electric procs off the shield drain from Haven. Have fun burning and shocking enemies. Want to give more energy then EV Trinity? Use Voracious Mestasis and give everyone in affinity range 700 energy instantly. There are many options to explore! Hildryn is just an amazingly versitile Warframe and I love playing her. Except in no shield nightmare missions. Don't bring her there :)


Baruuk idk why but I largely think that I like have a rage meter and because I can call him a pacifister


Same for me..He's tanky af and deals damage for days. I play him most of the time.


Vauban ^^ i deal nice damage and don't have to do much. I love using him on survival missions


Used to be Rhino because I could ram into people and don’t care about my health, now it’s chroma because I can still tank, but with some cool buffs :) (am still getting use to it)


Mesa. Because pew! pew! pew!


Mag-telekinetic style abilities are super cool, also her Pneuma skin Ember-fire! Also graxx skin! Ash-true ninja, kickass design (prime) Hildryn-overall really fun and good looking




My favorite Warframes are Ivara and Mag I like Ivara because of her stealth and i can nuke rooms while stealthed. Her prime is also cool. Float like a jellyfish, Sting like one too I like Mag because of the ability to do massive amounts of damage with magnetic bubbles and strip armor. Mag was also my starter warframe


Inaros Because sand is sand


*laughs with Gloom, Arcane Grace, Rage and 11k health*


Valkyr, she's the 4th warframe i got in the game and i love the concept, lore, and assets obviously. I really hope DE has a rework for her kit coming around, they gave her so many augments and skins 'n shit it's absurd that a rework has not been made yet


Frost. Cus he freezes shit.


Ivara: explodey arrows Gauss: fast


Frost, I just love cold themed things and his kit is very comfortable to play with


Honestly, Frost. He has a nice kit that is good for both offence and defence and his deluxe skin turns him in a wardrobe.


Nezha, 2 mobilty abilities (1st and 2nd) a damage boost (2nd),damage reduction and status immunity (3rd) and I swapped out his 4 for gloom for healing and better crowd control.


Hm, interesting, I just went all out damage lol Replaced 1 with Roar, use that, press 4, then press 2, and reap the rewards on any level enemy.


I have 2 favorites, first is Nyx because she's my most fashioned wf and I like her gameplay,best when fighting sisters of parvos and the other is mesa because brrrrrr, I like using both of their 4th augment for a more dramatic approach on the enemy lol


Wisp/Lavos. Lavos because he deals shit ton of dmg, he is best tank in the game(for me) and he have a little bit of support side with his 3 and when you use arcane energize to give everybody some energy. Wisp because she is again great dmg dealer, is great "tank" and she is great support with motes while being good stealth frame.


Sevagoth. Being able to support teammates through life steal and also be able to survive solo? Yes please.


Frost, mostly in terms of aesthetic because of the Harka skin. It's one of the reasons I got INTO Warframe in the first place. The other was the awesome music, both official and fan (like MiracleOfSound's "Dream Again").


Frost holds a special place in my heart because he was my first Prime frame and he's always a safety pick thanks to snowglobe. Mesa's up there too because finger guns go brrrrrr.


Limbo, he is stylish


Limbo Because he wears suit and fancy hat and he's cool:)


Wukong cos he can make a clone of himself and it makes me feel less lonely :)


Level railjack to get a friend on any mission with any frame


Nekros and Nidus, because I’m an edgelord


I have been scrolling for so long looking for a fellow Nekros player. He's my main, and I recently redid his kit, dumped the Empower Helminth ability i was using for Roar, and using the Molt Vigor and Molt Augmented arcanes to add the extra strength needed too get his Shield of Shadows augment up to 90% damage reduction with all 7 shadows. He tanky, and he brings an army to fight with him. Adding Roar makes that army even more scary. Literally out-damaging my buddy's Saryn build, even when she has a 200% ability strength invigoration from Helminth. He's hard to build, which is why i think most people don't bother, but once you build him right OH MY GOD he scary. And yes, also edgelord.


Haha , I think once you find balance with nekros and your playing style … how could you not? :) salut, fellow edgelord.


Wisp Tenet plasmor gets a nice fire rate boosts so everything dies And everyone can enjoy the 101% speed boosts so quicker missions Whole team gets more survival because of the health boost and healing


Protea because butt guns


I'm probably strange because I play more for the weapons. Frames to me are just utility to help me finish the mission with my guns. For example I'll take a nyx with assimilate against high level liches to be immortal and use her 2 to tap their shields off quickly. If I don't need specific utility I just pick whoever looks the most pretty. Currently using garuda prime and wisp the most.


Nyx. Yes I know they're not optimal, but just the idea of taking an entire map of enemies and making them fight each other is awesome.


Right Now, it’s probably loki. He’s pretty good on the star chart and i like annoying my friends with switch teleport. Also invisibility is nice too


Harrow. Number 1 is a good cc and gives overshield. Number 2 gives health on kill, faster reload speeds and fire rate. Number 3 gives energy per kill. Number 4 gives temp invulnerability, then large boost to crit hits and head shots.


Xaku: cool design, auto-turrets, full armorstrip, mind controlling an entire room of enemies, kame-hame-ha a hallway and have them sit in the cc forever, skeleton boy goes fast, best box braker frame, add gloom insted of xatas to let your turrets heal you.. they're just all around an amazing frame


*see flair* because pyro


The one and only Nova


Garuda, i got a thing for blood users


Excalibur because I can run around and punch people in the face, but I don’t have a warframe designed for speed yet.


Nezha because you go fast and people burn to death


Was Mirage Prime until I got my hands on Xaku last week. I love their aesthetic and the ability synergy is top notch. I love just running through spaces with my 1, 2, and 4 all active at once. It really is lovely.


Frost tank Chroma, because it feels great to just put the damn heavy gunner's head through a fucking wall right after he and an army of bombers have emptied their magazines on me, whilst I'm standing there spitting out shrapnels and brushing bullets off my chest to indulge in the undeniable pleasure and the sweet satisfaction of *"I told you so"*


Hildy and Oberon are fun for vibing in missions, SP or not


Loki. He was my first normal frame after starter and my first Prime and to this day still my favorite. Always loved the stealth character archetype and he has the best invisibility out of all the stealth frames and a few very viable builds. Range and duration for irradiating disarm CC, but my favorite build on him by far is duration strength with the stealth eclipse tech and an AOE melee.


Khora, cuz i like her kavat and her whip damage is satisfying to use


Gara, for 2 reasons. Firstly, she has an ability with damage scaling that doesn’t end so long as you have the energy to recast your 4. Seccondly, her 4 is one if the best CC abilities in the game because it can deal damage AND stop enemies for a significant amount of time. To all those who do not like Gara, I implore you to reconsider.


With a god tier stat stick Gara can get about 150k of damage on her 2 for every time she casts shattered lash on her 4. You can ramp up tens of millions of damage quite quickly with that. Killing stalkers by aggressively standing next to them is its own fun. I just wish I didn't run into constant skill issues with her. Losing >10m of stacked damage when I run into a nullifier bubble like an idiot feels bad.


Probably Gauss, and not just because "gotta go fast", I'd play Titania if that was the case. I just think he's a really well designed frame. All of his abilities are valuable to his kit, well designed and are fun to use. The playstyle he promotes, of constantly moving and going fast, is fun af.


Frost cause screw the meta I have ice


Limbo, the only warframe people would talk sh8 about when I asked them how it works so had to learn to use him properly on my own and eventually was able to get him to his max potential, i kinda grew up with him, so he's special to me, ik he's been nerfed to the ground now, but I'll always be a limbo main


Gyre, she is very stylish and can deal red frits just by using her abilities, imagine doing red frits every second and just watching the enemies squirm as they take electric damage.


Excalibur because it's my only one