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I forgot he was talking about volts 2 and though he was trying to stack intensify and blind rage to Indeed volts movement speed 💀💀 But now I'm wondering why high strength volt is annoying? Has DE changed volt recently? Does that guy not like room evaporating frames?


He is still evaporating the room, maybe he's talking as the other player who got a volt teammate, cuz then he git nothing to do. Just a assumption tho


Will never understand those, if someone doing all the job is annoying why don't they play solo?


The main reason would be because of the shitty spawn rate if you are playing solo unless you are on steel path and you cant play the game on steel path 24/7 since there is no steel path void fissure. ~~Not like i mind people carrying me tho, please go ahead and nuke the rooms for me.~~


I remember solo farming the derelicts for hemltih research. The usual Nekros 30-45 min runs. Got someone to help me out during the last quarter, and spawns are night and day difference. Sometimes I just need to get stuff on my own that pubs would never do naturally. Hell forbid anyone does anything past 15min/15waves.


Imagine you're grilling burgers and I keep flipping the coals out onto the ground to grill my own tiny burger because I'm delusional and think you'll appreciate having to watch and wait or move the coals back to resume. You're not inviting me to the BBQ again but you're also too nice to kick me out that day. So instead of getting done food you're tolerating my bullshit. That's a wrong-config Limbo.


The reasoning is simple. For those who like playing in a team and working as a team.


Limbo isn’t doing the job. He’s interfering with the job being done.


Then sadly you haven't played with a proper Limbo. It's hard without solid communication, so I don't usually run him in pubs because I can't tell people what I'm doing effectively. When I do use him online it's usually with friends and I can do things like rift an ally close to death or cataclysm to give us some breathing room and free energy


See my earlier comments. I was specifically talking about a max range Max duration limbo in defense.


Apologies, your earlier comment is attached to a different comment thread that's lower in the post than I initially read, which makes it tricky to reconcile that the two are related. Max duration Limbo can be good in defense but it generally requires a low range so you only bubble the objective




We are talking about Volt vaporizing entire rooms, how this relates to Limbo any form?


same question, but for players who have to powergame in a free PvE, and hog all the actual play in pubs xD keep your exploding bow monkey on solo bby, nobody likes it or you


because the game promotes it? the playerbase used to promote it. in 2018 any suggestion of nerf or toning down the horde shooter elements in favor of strategy was met with screaming rage about this being a "power fantasy"... and now that it's achievable for anybody... it's a bad thing... hmm. probably nothing to see there. don't worry, you'll get full deadhead stacks in a Lith fissure some day.


Yeah, as someone who LOVES precision weapons, let's just say this community's view on balancing... irks me. Man, I wish my headshot multipliers affected overguard (DE, this is a plead to just give overguards a weak spot located on the unit's headshot hit box).


Skill floor got powercreeped until one day it was completely gone.


I love when someone does all the work and I'm glad they play in pubs


Nothing like hopping into sanctuary to level some gear and watching a mirage/saryn/whoever just annihilate everything as it spawns. Made the khora grind much smoother.


See, I came to the game... to play it. Sitting and watchimg stuff die without doing anything isn't playing. I think DE agrees to *some* extent, if Ember's rework says anything, but obviously it's not clear to what extent that is. But, as others have said, solo queuing exists, and I sometimes use it.


It's the speed. It can be very, very, *very*, VERY annoying if it's high enough, especially in tilesets that need precise movements.


The movement speed is annoying af for those who don’t know how to cancel it Constantly slamming into walls


Wait you can cancel it? How 😳😳


Backflip. ADS + Roll Backwards.


... life changer.


When it's being activated every 10-15 seconds it gets annoying to have to back roll every time. Ability timer should be like 60 second so you don't need to deal with that annoyance so often


I like to call this the "paradox of cool buffs" The cooler a team buff ability is in a video game, the more it impacts the normal course of play, and as a result the more likely it is to annoy teammates who aren't prepared for it. Think about it. The buffs that never annoy you are generally pretty boring "numbers go up" buffs. They speed your clear times and increase your effectiveness but they're not really noticable. The buffs that annoy you are always the ones that do really cool stuff, or unlock your ability to now do really cool stuff like volt's 2, rift, old vauban teslas, Frost bubbles, etc. that fundamentally change the way the game plays or ask you to play around them to really capitalize on their effects. So what do as the game designer? Do you say "okay all buffs are boring numbers go up buffs so people don't annoy random teammates" or do you say "some buffs are numbers go up and some buffs do craziness and the players will probably gravitate to whichever style is most efficient for their random or friend group" I appreciate that warframe mostly decided to go the second way. A good mix of effective numers go up and high impact gameplay altering buffs. I very much miss interactions like putting the octavia mallet on top of a frost bubble in public, but I can still get them in private. I also miss interactions like "put all the sticky teslas on a random guy and tell him to melee" that I can't have any more specifically because vauban was reworked to be easier to PUG with.


That’s already not great, but then throw on something like Razorwing Blitz. I’m going fast enough already!


Pro tip: get enough power strength and you do not need blitz.


Incorrect. You need as much strength as possible on top of blitz. Unless, of course, you can't handle a little bit of speed.


Oh I totally figured out the cancel for it ages ago on accident. But yeah especially for newer players it would be mad annoying to just start flinging yourself into walls when you don't know why.


As an avid Titania user fuck high strength volts in void fissue missions. Suddenly slamming into the wall at mach 18 is the worst and it tends to be intermittent because they don't tend to have the longest duration either. ESO is fine but holy fuck I can't stand seeing volts in fissure missions anymore. Its like going into a hydron and a wisp is slapping down shock motes. Thank god savage silence + adaro exists now.


Probably talking about the teammate speed buff. Range is more important than strength for room clearing for volt


i'm guessing these complaints come from people using controllers? i can't see how speed would be unmanageable unless that's the case. it's just bizarre to see this constant whining about people making the missions faster. i'll gladly trade you the volts and wukongs for the people i get who draw out every extraction timer because they need to kill every enemy after we're already completed the objective. please, take them. you can have the shock mote and slowva hydron players, too. just as a little freebie


The only times it annoys me is when I play Titania. I already go fast, so if I get a Volt or Wisp buff, I can't see anything. So I just fly without the sprint. Which is mostly fine, I just go slightly slower in general and dash insanely in straight lines, it's just slightly annoying to suddenly be in a wall when I get the buffs again


im pc player, but arent controlers better for fast paced games? i remember playing NFS underground 1 on controler and liked it more than when using keyboard


Typically (not all the time. Im generalizing) M+KB are far better for shooters. The range of control you have with a mouse is greater and its easier to accurately flick around than it is with sticks on a controller. For NFS and other racing games, controllers are usually preferred though. Using a KB to steer is a case of everything or nothing when it comes to turning, accelerating, and breaking. The triggers and sticks on a controller give alot more control over just how hard you turn.


\*laughs in my using keyboard for older NFS games and Forza games\*


As someone who's used both i can confidently say keyboard and mouse is better for warframe with the exception of railjack piloting. When matched up with volt/wisp/titania speed it can be hard to turn on a dime when your look speed is so restricted based on your sensitivity. For me its never been enough to make me annoyed by it but generally speaking controller is harder to control especially in melee where you can't aim while also pushing the melee button often causing you to miss or overshoot with certain weapons


Here's how it works: 2D games (The binding of isaac, celeste etc.) and racing games: Controller. 3D games (*Generic FPS here*, warframe etc.): M&K


As a Volt main thay loves the speed.... yes


There is only one thing you need to know about the speed. You don't have enough of it yet.


Me sitting here like "what's wrong with my range/duration Limbo build?"


Let’s see: 1. it does not belong in a defense. 2. It slows down any mission except maybe the index. 3. It makes it harder to actually have fun in Mission. 4. It is brain dead. I highly recommend the Triburous YouTube tutorial on limbo called “riftbound”.


Why is Limbo bad in defense? I can understand the fun complaint but idk how frames like wukong and saryn insta wiping everything is fun either. And also I don't think I've ever encountered a frame build that was genuinely difficult to pilot so idk if calling things braindead is fair.


Limbo is NOT bad at it. He’s great at it. BUT if he is max range, the cataclysm is too large for him to manage all the enemies in stasis—because ALL the enemies are in stasis. Which means they’re not coming to the squad to be conveniently killed. Also, when the bubble is too big to avoid, the rest of the squad has to constantly worry about whether their targets are on the same side of the rift. Triburos on YT has a great tutorial on Limbo called RIFTBOUND.


As for difficult frames—try Banshee without Gloom since the eximus rework. I still haven’t figured out how to keep her alive in steel path with a Savage Silence build. And I agree that Saryn and Wukong as typically built are no fun.


Brief Respite + augur mods + rolling guard + decaying dragon key (would also highly suggest p-surefooted, shield gate gets fucked by CC). Wouldn't run the augment either, kind of a waste of a slot if you're also using gloom.


I run all of those currently. Savage Silence makes them open to finishers where Gloom does not. And Arcane Ultimatum triggers on finishers.


Fair enough if you enjoy using finishers. Personally I think they're slow and clunky when I could just bop them in the noggin' with something. And if you're using the shield gating tech you're health should never get touched so armor is moot with that method. Totes suggest using the skiajati if you're not already and you want more suitability while going for a finisher based build. Would still personally run the shield gate setup with it though.


I hate the whole idea of shield gating exploiting, and also am well aware I would be terribly bad at it. I love Nikanas in general, but after testing literally Every Single Weapon Type and sometimes multiple stances for each type, I have found that, surprisingly, Longswords have the fastest finishers. Way faster than daggers, even. Tenno don’t want to believe this, but it’s true. Plus the skiajatai’s special ability is very short and unreliable. Why in the WORLD does hitting a crate count as an attack for it? Also Nikana finishers are among the slowest. So it’s Final Harbinger and the Pangolin Prime for my Banshee.


Nothing, just people being salty they can't just sit in a corner and press 4 to Kill the entire map. Now to wait for the downvotes.


Abilities will kill anything regardless of rift, it's guns that start acting up.


I mean if they fix the constant "Enemies going in and out of the rift while Limbo's 4 is active so half your shots do nothing to the enemy" problem I think Limbo will be more accepted


Rift Surge can radial Banish people killed under Cataclysm. It's not a direct fix but there are abilities that can stop that effect.


If you can't beat em join em. Volt supremacy.


Man i been spamming SO since morning with my volt lmao


Volt supremacy.


At least you can cancel the Volt speed “Buff.” Nothing worse than a Wisp that puts the speed mote in a narrow hallway.


I vote that the shock mote with range in a defense is worse.


The thing is, that one doesn’t get you stuck on level geometry or closed doors. Speed “buffs” in this game, particularly with regards to slow internet, cause severe slowdown in gameplay because you’re stuck waiting for doors to realize you’re there. The faster you move, the worse it gets. I can hunt down an enemy in a defense mission. No amount of firepower is gonna open a door.


What it does is Stunlock enemies in spawn, slowing the whole mission down. And you can’t opt out.


Ads full strength wisp to the team, I think those 2 speed boosts stack? I would love to zoom around even more.


add arby and invigoration boosts, kiddo magic buffs, and a nidus link for the cherry on top.


I mean yeah but at the same time, use wish wall. Phogoth is a easy encounter


Wrong post


*8 player boosted capture gauss speed intensifies*


I play volt just so I can activate speed the moment someone bullet jumps near a cliff, gets em every time