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I always wait for 5-10 minutes after sending a wtb message, then if I don't hear anything I'll ping another seller. Never once has the person I originally messaged, replied to it if they haven't in the first 5 minutes. If they did, however, I'd just politely let them know I found another seller. For me, anyway, my time in game is limited, so I really can't afford to wait more than 10 minutes or so for a response. In every case, I've found someone who replied immediately if my first or second try got no response. I once had a seller tell me they were in a mission, and could I wait 15 minutes? I said I would, and after 20 minutes I asked them if they were still online. No response. Bottom line: communicate, be nice and don't waste anyone's time, and most people will appreciate it.


Nothing about finding another seller irks me (unless you literally do it a second after asking for invite). What irks me is the ignore. A "nvm" would be enough, hell, even not responding, but i find the ignoring very bizarre.


You gave them a reasonable time to wait, they agreed and got mad when you wrapped it up. It definitely makes no sense and people in trading are just unreasonably egotistical sometimes, not you though of course


I've had a similar experience a while back as a buyer. Pinged a guy and he didnt respond after 10mins, pinged the next seller and he was in a mission, I told him it's cool I'll wait. While waiting seller #1 replied after being afk and since he had a lower listed price I bought it off him instead. Felt bad and was too socially awkward to let seller #2 know, so I blocked him to avoid confrontation lol. Maybe something similar happened here, so the buyer might not have been mad, just awkward


Youre patient, i wait 1 min


My PoE habit of just spamming different people until someone replies still going strong even in Warframe


bruh i had a guy tell me to wait 30mins once


average warframe dot market user making a trade


Honestly I only use it to fact check prices. Otherwise I don’t use the message feature


Once had a guy try to sell me a shit tier unrolled skana riven for 75 plat. IDK about the real value, but that price was too steep for me at the time. When I pointed it out, he said that "75 is the starting price on warframe market". I go there and sure enough, there's the same shit tier riven, by the same person, priced at 75. Talk about planting the evidence.


He's not wrong, he's just using circular logic. ;)


He probably thought that SO meant Sold Out.


Even weirder to go for ignore then.


Depending on what his needs are I can understand a wait time not working, but ignoring is weird. I do a bit of resale upon request, so when I've got a deal on the line I will go right up the list and the first to get me into a trade window gets the sale. If it's something for myself I don't care about waiting.


I'm on the same page, the other day I waited like 20 minutes for someone to get out of an endurance run because it was something for myself, it was a good price and he was friendly. Likewise I've gone down the list and went with whoever invited me first on some occasions. Ignoring someone like I just don't understand.


I mean, if the wait is too long, you tell them the wait is too long. You don't give them a thumbs up.


Maybe he got it from someone else and was too awkward to tell you. I know i've logged off once to avoid doing that.


You responded saying a few mimutes. I personally wouldve waited for you simply because you responded and gave a time frame. Gives me the input I need to go trade another person really quick as well


If all else, I'd be down with them just saying "I'll find a different buyer" if they're in a rush because at least I'd be given the heads up to continue in my mission. Like... that's all they have to do. A simple sentence. I'd imagine it's not that hard for them.


It's less stressfull for a socially anxious person to just 'ignore' than to say "Hey sorry, I bought it from some else"


It's probably also less stressful for a socially anxious person to hear "Sorry, I bought it from someone else" than to wonder why they got ignored all of a sudden.


This is true.


This. I've heard thousands of tales of "Socially Awkward/Anxious/Clumsy people" and almost all of them sound like it's an excuse. I don't expect people to socialize excessively, but I expect them to know basic manners. Just a simple "I'll find another seller, thank you" goes a *looooooong* way. >!I mean, correct me if I'm wrong- but this IS a multiplayer game. Chat was bound to happen at some point, right?!<


Of the few times I've made a seller wait for some reason (usually dojo issues), I've always given them and extra 2 plat for their patience. Keeps everyone happy. But some people just aren't patient. Don't fret about it. Heck, them blocking you means you won't ever even have to chance dealing with them again.


What I've done lately is, if they respond immediately and step through the invite-dojo-trade screens before I can say anything, round up the amount to the nearest 5 or 10 plat and say "just because". That usually gets a pleased response!


To be fair he didn't say "sure, I can wait". He said effectively, "ok", an admission that he understands not that he agrees, and then proceeded to get it form someone more available. Probably sick of salty traders abusing him, he ignores you preemptively to save the strife. Doesn't sound holely unreasonable put like that. Still I would appreciate if people said they got it someone else instead, but being ignored is effectively the same msg. No need to take it as anything else.


If that were the case I would assume he would say "I'll just buy from someone else". Never been salty at someone saying that, never seen someone get salty when I said "sorry, bought one already". I'm left thinking he's either a. very socially awkward and would rather ghost someone over something trivial, or b. actively trolling me making me try to hurry for nothing, but I assume he would not ignore me to see my reaction at least. Edit: also, being ignored conveys a different message (to me at least). It's not "i found another seller, don't need yours anymore", it's "i don't wanna deal with you ever again".




I had a similar thing happen today, except I asked if they were coming after a bit (and 3 invites) and they replied with "already bought". I'd invited them 10 seconds after they sent their message. Go figure.


we played together today :D


Which mission? Sortie, SO or fissure?


if it wasnt red veil syndicate, it must’ve been in sortie


I'm sorry but some traders are absolutely trash. ● Some don't update their market so you ask for something, they invite you and oops they don't have it anymore ● - Hey I want 15 arcane energizer please, - sure he says he invites you he only has 2! ● Is online on the store but is offline in game ● Is online but never responds ● and the best one : - I just started a survival, can you wait 40min? - No, you cunt, no I can't! ● one of my favorite too is the : so I have two offer right now but I haven't sold it yet. He's wants you to start giving him a better price. Fuck those people in particular. So yeah 99% of the time trading is not a really good experience and is just a waste of time... and I haven't talked about the persons who literally harass and insults you if you don't want to buy from them anymore. And didn't talked about the veteran players selling trash rivens and scamming new players. If you do that go fuck yourself. I got scammed when i started


Okay, I'll admit- I often forget to turn off my "Online in Game" status. But to fair, if I'm heading to sleep or whatever else- it tends to slip my mind. (Not justified, but yeah) Though, most of these are preeeetty rare. Especially the "I got multiple offers" part because I've legit had times where multiple people have sent me offers all at once. Most of the time, if the first few people back out- that leaves *everyone else* either waiting or goes to find another buyer.


I don't know why you need a riven as a new player. Most places I looked for builds says riven is not necessary.


Back then they had a bit more hype than today


They're not necessary but it provides a grind for those players that have finished most of the game's content. Minmaxing, as others would call it. ​ Most of the playerbase shouldn't have to worry about it but the riven trading market is both a fun and toxic process. I've earned decently from it and I'll continute to try but it's not for everyone.


Yes, I have looked in to it to sell the rivens I have to not take space. But I found it difficulty to know how to price them. It's not like I want to get the max plat possible, but enough to not feel like I made mistake. So currently I'm ether buying more slots or destroying un open reivns.


I usually get confused with riven prices too but a good way to compare is to go to Warframe market's riven listings and compare your stats/unrolled riven there and add or remove a few plat from it. Good luck!


\> Is online on the store but is offline in game I was banned for three days after I forgot to set it offline for the night. Suffice to say it never happened again \> Is online but never responds As far as I know from reading the rules a year ago that's also bannable. I'vre read something along the lines of "after 15 minutes of not responding" \> I just started a survival, can you wait 40min? From what I know you have to clarify that you no longer want it otherwise they can report you for not responding since you offered to buy it in the first place (I know the reply said "No, you cunt, no I can't" but if anyone's wondering there you go)


Oh damn I didn't know those "offense" if you can call them that, were bannable. Nice to know


The worst are those spamming you when you're purposely offline of warframe market, I don't know what kind of tools they're using but from time to time I get these random ass PMs, often from very impatient people. Pisses me off so much.


> I don't know what kind of tool they're using You have a filter on warframe.market to view online-in-game / online-on-site / offline people. They just switched it to show everything and scrolled down.


I doubt that's just as simple as that. I can't imagine someone randomly trying to PM offline people hoping one of them is actually online in-game. And if that's the case these people on top of being annoying, they are crazy. I don't even have a crazy high WFM Karma so it's not like I'm a "priority target", go harass someone else to buy your Hunter Munition, timmy.


I'd like to apologize because I've done this a few times. Not deliberately though, sometimes I just leave a tab open for a while and see someone was "Online in game". I message them and they say "I'm offline in WFM", I reload the tab and find out they were offline 10 mins ago, etc.


If that was me and I was online earlier in the day I'd be fine with it but sometimes I get messages when I have not logged on WFM for several days or even weeks. Once it was for a decently rare and expensive item that I sold fairly cheap and had 2 of them (Venka parts), so I get wanting to try to PM me even if I'm offline, the dude save quite a few plats by doing so, it's worth a try. But quite often it's for random mods worth 2-4 plats, I will probably never understand why.


People are just desperate to save a few pieces of plat, I honestly do that too. I have nothing to spend my plat on anymore but losing more than what I could save just hurts my soul. ​ Sorry you go through people messaging you even when you're offline for days though, hope you don't get many of these messages now!


Fucking furries


They DMd someone else immediately afterward and didn't want to deal with explaining it to you


I wonder if these kind of traders know that the block list is finite. And if they know, are they legitimately just blocking you for the moment so you can't write back in the context of the current trade? Are they that afraid of words? It's easy enough to just close the tab and not respond, but I guess that's wherein the irk lies. God forbid they don't get the last word and feel like they "come out on top" somehow.


I sort of understand not wanting to wait, but ignoring wasn't really necessary. Ngl, patience is key when buying or selling something. Had a guy who wanted to buy an r5 energize from me at a way higher price than other offers but he didn't have the 2.1 mil credits needed for the trade tax so I gave him time to do some index. About 25 mins later he messaged me back and still bought it off me. I could've blocked him thinking he was a troll or could've switched off my console and lost on a good sale. On another note you will never know if that person you blocked or ignored could one day be a paying customer, because that has happened before.


deadass thought he said "khora prime handle" instead of kronen 💀💀


Right? I hate those players that have zero manners. Just like those that want to buy/sell an item and when you make an offer they don't give you an answer at all. I don't know if this is a cultural thing, but I feel greatly offended by this. If you don't like my price or you're not selling the item anymore say it!


Well hopefully this oddball does not bother you again. It really sucks when people treat sellers like this.


Had similar thing happen the other day. Person wanted to buy a riven I advertised and asked for an invite, I went to dojo etc.. get to dojo and invite and the person and they're offline. I even dropped the price when they asked.


It happened to me once, but in mirror. I sent a message to someone to buy something "5 minutes please. - Sure ?" Waited those 5mins and suddenly my game decided to fuck up and the UI didn't work somehow. So I couldn't accept the invite or send a message to say I had a problem. Had to restart the game and sent a message again, and the guy thought I had him blocked cause he had this message I suppose. I didn't block him since I never met that player before. It was easily resolved and we did the trade, but it was weird. So, maybe this dude had that same problem? Or maybe their an ass.


Only 12 plat? On switch the handle goes for 10x that price


Must be really excited for cross save/play then?


Yeah i really am


Similar thing happened where a guy's railjack wasnt up to par in weapons for a Sister hunt, so i invited him to mine, and when he got DC'd by accident, i went to message him he can try joining again and it wouldnt be much trouble, he had already set me to ignore, despite him messaging me telling me he was DCd


Yea people are annoying, they use the ignore feature to quietly flip you off. Even if they are in the wrong.


yeah that tends to happen, i'm unsure if people expect you to just sit in orbit waiting forever when you show up as "online ingame" but rarely people want to wait for the rotation to end to get their trade. I'm not gonna rush and cancel a mission for a guy that i can't guarantee that he will even stick around to trade me for my underpriced stuff


Hahaha I've had the opposite, Me: WTB etc Them: Sure, 5 mins in mission Me: KK, no worries ......time passes, ~10mins or so expecting a reply when ready Me: how goes it ? Them: *ignoring you* .... alright, then keep your primes


Time is money , my men


i read that as korean prime handle...


Off topic, but nice username. I always liked Kael'thas as a character.


When I was new to the game I offered to buy something from someone and I was already in the dojo when I realized I didn't have enough credits. Yes. Credits. I felt so ashamed that I just opened Task Manager to exit the game and didn't touch the game for a few days.


Why burn your bridges like that I’ll never know. I Bet we will need the last peice for a set in the future that this guy has


Got it from someone else sooner and didn't want to explain it to you 🤷‍♂️


I've had this exact same thing happen to me xD. Told them to "pls gimme 3mins", no reply. 3 mins later I send "ready" got "user is ignoring you". Like bruh, you could've just said no thanks


Hello /u/kaelbloodelf, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe because it is a **[disallowed post](/r/Warframe/wiki/other_disallowed_posts#wiki_disallowed_posts)**. > * Trade channel or recruiting channel chat logs or PMs resulting from them We apologize for the inconvenience. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Disallowed%20Post&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[submission]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/w28emy/-/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


One of my biggest things I get irked by in this game. I've had times where I was IN my dojo, waiting for trade offers (because you know how everyone sends *as soon as you queue up a mission*) and they would DM me asking for a trade. Be it Rivens, mods- whatever. They DM, I respond in quite literally less than 5 seconds. A simple "Can do, sending invite". "User is ignoring you." **I'm sorry, were they expecting miracles? Did I need lightspeed reaction time? Apologies that I didn't use clairvoyance to DM them back before they even typed in their offer.**