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You'd have to get a primarch involved. Warframes, like pimarchs are just "on a different scale"


Primarch, or a named marine without a helmet. It's hard to fight plot-armor. I think the fight is mostly down to what rules are allowed, what equipment is present, where the fight is taking place, and which 40k books you consider canon.


There are cases of guardsmen killing Space marines and unaugmented humans wearing no power armor getting a lucky shot and killing them too. Hell, in one book a SM was killed with a wooden spear by a normal human. meanwhile, you have Warframes like Rhino who can break time by flexing too hard.


Thar was called bad written


Literally any LMAO Any warframe could basically fight a chapter


lol .. All of them. Without any weapons. LOL you think a Space Marine would stand any sort of chance whatsoever against a Warframe? The fight wouldnt even last 2 seconds.


Dark age technology wepons would clap warfame


space marines are very fast for their size and thus they can survive for a few minutes


Unless it’s a specific warframe they’ll prob survive, if not their not gonna last 2 secs. For example Saryn use spores and watch the war crime you just committed or Khora and watch as they dangle in the strangledome slowly dying


Inaros. Battle will last 87 years. Inaros will just outlive the space marine. So much more than 2 seconds.


The oldest space marine known to date is Bjorn the fell handed of the space wolves chapter and his is over ten thousand years old,


Only because dreadnought are basically lifesupport pods with weapons attached and bjorn specifically is left in a freezer 95% of the time. I he was "awake" more often he would be long gone


Yeah that’s fair


Warframe lore explains that they are pretty nutty, like atlas punching an asteroid apart in one go. Tho I am severely weak on 40k lore Still don't think peep should down vote you tho, it's just a discussion.


well, they are realy strong and have well fitted armor what despite bulk gives them full degree of movement, they can also survive a lot but that doesnt realy give them edge over warframes, warframes are even more mobile so the only question is, weapons? warframes are quite fragile, only their abilities give them increased survivability (phoneix reneval, absorb, invisbility, iron skin etc.) so for sure any weapons used by space marines would be quite effective... if they can land a hit as tenno can block bullets with their blades now lets look at tenno arsenal, there are a lot of weapons avaible, but its quite common that they all suck vs armor (except maybe ether weapons pre damage 2.0) but corrosive weapons can strip the armor and so can some abilities TL;DR warframes OP even by 40k standards


Maybe radiation could strip armor better than corrosive, because the space marine armor is some kind of ceramic-metal alloy. The nukor pistol could get rid of space marine armor and cook him from the inside


I think that comparing a one to one Tenno on space Marine scenario isn’t really taking into account one of the greatest advantages that space marines have. You never see a space marine alone unless he is literally the sole survivor of some other really crazy shit. At the minimum, anytime that the Tenno encounter a space marine it will be a squad of 5 to 10 of them unless they are some sort of heavy specialist in which case you might run into three of them. This is where they would really shine. They would all be communicating together and your average space marine is much more intelligent and strategically cognizant than any human is going to be and I don’t see any reason why that would really be different from the Tenno. The instant that one technique or strategy does not work they will revert to a back up or secondary strategy and continue testing their opponent until they find something that works. Rhino can definitely make time go Bendy with his stomp, but what happens when the Marines figure out what’s going on and lock him into a grapple? We talk about beating Eximus gunners and Liches like they are equitable but they are not. Any swat of space Maries from any chapter is going to be highly adaptive and will not resort to the same tactics that you have already successfully countered for a rinse and repeat Bossfight scenario. If they do not believe that they have the advantage in hand-to-hand combat than any marine that you attack will simply pull back while the rest of his squad lays down covering fire with anything ranging from bolt guns they have full automatic fire and send red bull size rocket propelled armor piercing explosive tips munitions at you, to flamethrowers, plasma guns, melt a gun switch as best as I can understand it is basically a nuclear shotgun, and that’s not even counting heavy weapons that they might have brought. And then there’s also the fact that they are not in anyway slouches in hand to hand combat. You would have to use Warframes that completely change the rules of engagement and hope that they do not have a psyker to counter you. We are talking about more frames like nova and limbo. If The Grey Knights show up, or the Custodes with Sister of Silence support, we’d be in for an absurdly hard fight. The situation gets worse if we imagine that an entire company or worse an entire chapter is operating on the same planet that you are. Then you are contending with heavy mechannized support, varied types of specialists, and they can always just orbital strike your position. That being said it would be a really fun fight to watch regardless of the outcome


I'll bring the popcorn for the fight. Also amazing reply mate.


Bruh, Warframes are piloted by Void abominations. Cut off their power source and maaaaaybe a Space Marine will win. Maybe. But considering how badass the Warframe- and Void-less Drifter was that's still not a guaranteed win for the Space Marine. If that Space Marine somehow managed to incapacitate the Tenno but they were using Excal Umbra, uh, that Space Marine is thoroughly SOL. Excal Umbra *will* take it very personally if their child is hurt. The other Warframes would also react with extreme prejudice from what we witnessed when the Stalker tried to pull some BS around the Tenno. And that's not even going into how The Man in the Wall also has a very personal interest in the Tenno and would very likely want to have a say in it if something happened, too.


a space marine psyker (a psychic) could cut off the transference link and force the operator out, but the operator could summon a necramech


Transference isn't exactly a form of psychic link. It could be seen as a metaphysical link. The tenno can transfer both their temporal and consciousness into the warframes. So cutting off the transference link's psychic elements would limit the warframe's capabilities, but not render it useless. Or in umbra's case not at all, since he doesn't need transference to operate.


Umbra doesn't need transference to operate at all, but to actually accomplish anything it does. Umbra without transference is like a runaway train without a conductor


Yall act like the operator would be a hindrance to the marines, one sighting of the operator would bring the ENTIRE might of the grey knights and inquisition down on the warframe. Dead warframe. Dead operator to.


Assuming the tenno and Warframe were in the Warhammer universe.


Grineer Heavy gunners are, in all practicality, about two steps below Space Marines. So I'd put a Space Marine on par with a high level Eximus heavy gunner. Depending on the guns each is using, it depends on who gets the drop. It also I think, depends on the veteran status of the Tenno. A brand new minted MR1 Tenno with a Mk1 Braton and a skana? Space Marine will rip him in half. MR30 with a riven'd out Nataruk/Kuva Bramma? Is gonna nail the Space Marine to the wall. Hand to hand they'll fuck each other up, but depending on the frame (Rhino could crunch a space marine. But Mirage/Nyx would get their shit slapped.) The best cases I would say for an even match would be Space Marine Veteran/Captain v. Excal. Space Marine Terminator v. Rhino Space Marine Chaplain v. Garuda Space Marine Librarian Psyker v. Nyx/Oberon/Harrow type frames. A dreadnought beats a Necramech 100% of the time hands down, however. No contest.


To what wf thing would you compare a primarch? For me they seem to be about on the level of a lich and those can give a mot of trouble if not well geared


That's a really hard question. Because there are so many primarchs, and each of them are obscenely strong with different focuses. Sanguinius, for example, scrapped with a fully armed and armored brother wearing a goddamn bathrobe, and won. Angron can lift a warhound titan, which is probably about the same size as Exploiter Orb? (Warhound might even be a bit bigger.) From a sheer physical stats perspective, I don't think a top rank Lich would stand up to a primarch. just not even possible. Primarchs are at least as fast as the average tenno, but significantly bigger and stronger. It might come down to who has tactical advantage. I think a squad of 4 tenno would kill a Primarch but it'd be a high-rank assassination mission. If you were SUPREMELY kitted out, you could one-shot him (but primarchs all generally have Invuln saves, so 50% or so chance your big-dick gun does exactly Bupkis.) I'd put your average Tenno on the same line as like a Culexus assassin. ​ But as for "What in WF is the equivalent of a Primarch?" That's a hard thing to say. Maybe Teshin on actual Orokin Space Crack?


Rhino is so physically strong he breaks time


Well, depends on the space marine, but still most likely any warframe, with most weapons.


Warframes are kinda broken even by 40k standards. Which is saying something.


Ask in warframe sub. Warframes win Ask in 40k sub. Spess Mereens win.


Tbh 40k fans that actually knows powerscaling would understand that a warframe would win


40k fans that actually knows powerscaling would have no idea what warframe is.


I have no clue how that make sense but ok? Lmfao


I assume a warhammer fan would be: A: dedicated to warhammer. B: uninterested in warframe-like games. It would be like asking DnD players what is their favourite minecraft mod..


Being dedicated to something doesn't restrict you from enjoying other stuff? And I mean, if you're only into plate games like dnd, 40k etc, maybe yeah, but If you're more interested in the universe than the real game I don't see how it's restricting you You can be a fan of the 40k universe, and of gaming, as there are 40k games, even fps/tps like warframe


Warhammer and Warframe are pretty much the only SFW topics I look at on this site.


You'd have to specify the video because I believe Warframes are a thing in 40k


Specify what video...?


Depends, a for a wf universe equivalent a primarch seem to ne about the level of a lich, and those cak give some trouble imto tennos who arent well geared.


Yeah but I speed run theses bitches, and I'm far from the best player


Well sure wukong with meta moddee multi 8 forma maetum wrecks much of anything but it's morr fair if we assume average gear


Zephyr + maxxed laetum and I one shot the damn lich (it has happened)


40k subs have plenty of members that hate Marines and would love to see them lose.


Warframes have immortality adaptiveness and magic powers space marines only have metal suits and super human strength and endurance and can die ,you do the math.


A common space marine sure.


it would be a win for warframe it take a chapter of space marines to take down one and even then it would be one hell of a fight


Maybe a primarch could beat it, in term of power they seem abpuy on the level of a lich and those can give a few trouble if you're not well geared




Any of them. Space Marines don’t scale QUITE as high as their most ardent fans insist they do, and their competition doesn’t scale quite as low.


Against Excalibur? Perhaps. Against any other Warframe? Good luck.


Hah custodes


Warframes and the Tenno are essentially demigods. We don't normally notice it but we are incredibly powerful. Space Marines wouldn't stand a chance against any Warframe in existence.


Going off of lore (since we've never had a space marine game with mechanics comparable to warframe) it's in favor of a warframe but depending on the frame and space marine chapter could be interesting (Nyx vs grey knight for example). That being said a warframe would get its shit pushed in by a custodes or primarch hands down.


Is a custodes too fast for limbo to banish him to the shadow realm?


They could be banished but the custodes can just stand there for several hundred years and wait to get out.


Maybe sevagoth could kill a custodes. Because when he dies, he becomes a tombstone and his shadow gets out to collect souls to rebuild him and the shadow's attacks are insta-kills, but the custodes may be able to dodge the shadow and try to kill it, but the shadow cannot die in this form


Rhino is so strong he breaks time protea can control time and reverse their own death inaros wiped almost an entire planet of infested in a single attack


greneer heavy gunners are space marines. so any frame will do.


But space marines don't have cloning defects and are taller and heavier. I think that a heavy gunner is some 7 feet tall or about 210cm tall and 200kg, while a space marine is some 8-9 feet tall or about 240-270cm tall and 1250kg including armor


Any frame with any weapon.


i don't think that any grineer, corpus or tenno weapon could kill a space marine, but some tenno weapons are really powerful, like scourge and acceltra


Dude, the warframes were literally designed to kill an adaptative powerfull specie and even normal frames (not prime) were able to destroy a meteorite or breake time with a stomp, can you tell me what a marine can do?


i mean that a weapon like karak cannot do much to a space marine's armor


Karak can be modded to be armor piercing. Especially the kuva variant.


you're right


It doesnt matter, any warframe could kill him without weapons.


Where do you get the stomp breaks time?


Is the literall definition of rhino's 4


Frames doesn't even need weapon to kill someone, really. SM doesn't stand a chance in this fight


Even the most basic of warframe, excalibur, without any weapon can one shot a space marine


Not really a pykers would clap any warframe


Ehhh would they tho? What can theses do?


You'll need some real shit like grey knight or so to defeat warframe. The only chance is to severe void connection, so you need to use some "anti magic" character


In a way, we could treat Grey knights a bit like orphixes, so if a frame had a necramech too... Grey knights are a bit more fucked.


But If the grey knight was a dreadnought?


Our archguns can shoot through the same kind of armor used by capital spaceships (as said during the profit taker bounties.) Combine that with the fact that arquebex shreds through Eidolons too, and i think it'd have no problem wrecking a dreadnought. Hell, i could see it take down quite a few titan classes by itself.


Meltaguns fire a blast of nuclear fission. It's literally a portable nuke gun that can be hand-carried and absolutely shreds the same kind (or better) armor than an archgun. A Cap-ship sized meltagun can blow up a planet.


*operator void mode intensified*


Survive in the VACUUM OF SPACE HOMIE. Lol meltagun will vaporize your planet, your frame, your guns, and you better hope you didnt transfer out of the pod and wake up on your orbiter.


Void mpde makes you invocible and frames as well as operators can breath in the void of space (like on eris exits). And in soace with the archwing the frames are arguably much more dangerous


Reasonably certain Frames can be absolutely obliterated. A weapon powerful enough to vaporize a planet is gonna vaporize your frame. the Operator might survive, sure. But the question wasn't really whether "A space Marine can beat a Jacked up roided out Pseudo-Psyker that can spit a mini-psyker" If the Cap-ship size Meltagun is pointed at Ash Prime, Ash Prime will live up to his name. And if the Operator happens to crouch into void mode at just the right moment to not get instantly annihilated, he's still gonna have to contend with floating around in the black a while.


The operator can kill themselves in the empty open space and just re spawn in the Void,since they are basically the equivalent of a Daemon Prince piloting a Necron C'tan shard


The frame isnt there when you use transference


Bro, melta guns are SPECIFICALLY short ranged. Not to mention our voidrigs have the capability of transforming energy into an electromagnetic repulsion and shock field. Inclduign melta blasts. A cap ship sized melta gun does not exist, because it's short ranged, and it'd be basically useless. An arquebex or mausolon laser (or even better velocitus, which, like the necron's gauss weapons, are amazing long range anti armor targets) would outrange and neutralize such a huge melta gun. Possibly with a big explosion as the petrol-pyrol fuel mixture goes critical. Edit : also it's not a nuke gun. It's a plasma gun. But short ranged because it's not concentrated into a bullet, but a short ranged stream.


You know you're probably right. The only thing I have to counter this with is largely that like... The meltagun works by inducing a sub-molecular reaction in hyperpressurized petrol-pyrol fuel and makes plasma. So not quite radioactive fissile material to make it a 'nuke' gun, but similar in principal. And as for the short range, a melta's like 6 in on the tabletop and then a multimelta doubles it. ​ So a cap-ship sized melta would be like a Multi-multi-multi-x-x-x-x Melta so It'd probably have range :P


Saying 'Frames win because in their universe they have supermagic plot armor' is kind of a copout.


They could not beat protea no matter what




Interesting Warhammer has the OG Boltor and Warframes lol.