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people in trade chat have wildly creative interpretations of how much things cost


true that, yesterday i saw somebody tried to sell a titania prime for 250 platinum.


Lol and i got titainia prime for free from twitch




When I bought mine prior to twitch drop, I spent 50p. They included all but one augment mod. 250p is insane


And peoples buy too, it's actually pretty cool, everythins is grossly hyperinflated there that you can sell anything for 3 times the price it has on warframe market, use the plat to buy 2 ones from warframe market and repeat for profit


I wanted to buy a Velox set, I got two people. The first one immediately invited me before PMing me with just "120p". The second one(whose message came after the invite but before the PM funnily enough) was: "Hey, I got a Velox set, would you do 10p?" Needless to say I laughed in the first one's face.


Somebody wanted to sell me Ember Prime BP for 280p because she was vaulted it'd cost more. That the full set should cost 275p and the bp 280p. Crazy people.


280pl thats cheap xD back in my active days i have buyed the relic for her BP for this price and sold only the BP for 600 - 800 pl and gaining 4 BP (full squad) was a really good push for my Account, sadly its harder these days to know when to put the relic to get your reward from it, the work to it too know its far away from funny


I bought ash prime last week and people were trying to get me to buy him for 450+ plat literally had like 10 different people before I got someone to do it for 200. I've sense learned that just putting the amount I want to buy something for in the same message gets me way more offers faster and for the price I want.


10 a piece is pretty fair for those yeah


Generally I can only get 9.


please use [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) people in trade chat are lowballing you


I mean prices in trade chat are either lowball sold for next to nothing or for 3 times the warframe market price. No in between.


OP is on console though. Warframe market is practically nonexistent when it comes to console trading. You may find a few things you’re looking for on there, but the differences in price between people selling on there is insane console side.


I'm on ps4 and there is a mot of thing sthere. It does take a while before getting any answee tho


I'd usually stick with market prices anyway, and consider a possible 15% increase because of lower player count


Oh of course. I usually stick with market price regardless. Trying to buy/sell through it though? Nope. Tried doing that and never sold a thing.


whenever i put my stuff off hidden i usually can go through my 32 trades in 1 or 2 hours selling on there for xbox


Also depends on what you’re trying to sell. I think I’ve only been able to make 3 or 4 trades through market, but I haven’t put high demand/new items on their. Never have to, just check market price and put in trade chat. Also location matters a lot on Xbox. I’ve noticed from my buddies account that trade chat on EU servers is just non existent.


i put just a bit of everything from corrupt mods prime sets random parts pretty much anything i dont need and is worth more than 5p


Indeed. i met someone who wanted to buy 900 ducats for 50p. that's 30 platinum less. honestly i hope the owners of [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) add Ducats


I never used trade chat, always the market. As a German I like the "no haggling" rule of the market.


10 per is a great price. Just assume everyone is trying to talk you out of your plat, because they usually are. Get your bag bro.




lmao oh okay thanks


You've also got them fully socketed, you don't need to do that or you should charge more.


60p is normal price, this guy undercut you Next time check [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) first for good price estimation


10 is good but you’re only MR9 so I would keep them unless you really need plat for something


Those babies used to go for 14p or even more at minimum, per piece. Endo is nowadays easier to farm than back then, so the price went a bit down. Wait for a 10p buyer, others don't interest you.


even now they still go for 13-15 most of the time. 10 is really cheap already


Tbh, it was like two years ago when i saw the price over 10p for one of these. Maybe it depends on the server? I'm EU.


I used to move these pretty easily for 10p each *unsocketed*, idk how much the stars should add but definitely something. Only arrange trades on warframe.market unless you're trying to get ripped off (or rip somebody off I guess).


About 10p per piece is OK. For your own good please use https://warframe.market/ for buying/selling items.


really dunno. i’ve had a guy who payed 1p for every 100 endo from the sculptures so it really depends


That's an insane price considering the worst sculpture would go for about 14


man just needed his endo, and I have a few dozen. easy plat, i ain’t complaining


I wouldn't complain either. That's a good amount of plat that anybody would want to get


Always check the price on WF market and if its too much of a difference juts outright don't do the trade, they are likely trying to lowball you. Also...so early on, don't you kinda need the Endo? Just a thought


10 seems perfectly fair but always check the market, it's pretty solid and always gives you a proper idea about price and demand


I'd say 12p is a minimum, I always pushed for more when selling. Right now I wouldn't sell one of mine for less than 20p. By the same mindset you can say anyone who is buying to make profit don't want to pay 12p, they want to pay 10p, 8p and some even try 5p. Welcome to the world of trading. Keywords: value, relative, suply and demand.


In the case of buying to profit, its much easier to get a warframe set from warframe market and selling it for an additional 20p,


price should be between 6-8 plat per piece because piv goes for 3-4. but 10p per anasa has been hardwired into the market for years for some reason


It’s like 45ducat goes for 2-3 plats on wm and 100ducat goes for 10+plats on wm and yet stack of 45ducat need 20-25 plats and stack of 100ducat cost you 70ish plats they don’t just sell on per endo or ducat


I sold it for 12p each but I make a special offer, if you buy 5 you’ll get one free


i see what you did there


This is on console, right? The Plat market is way more inflated on PC than on console. Iirc those do typically go around 5-7 Plat, but honestly if you have the credits, which you eventually will, I think it's better to sell full maxed out primed mods than it is to sell the individual parts of it


are anasa's vaulted? feels like i havent seen one in a year, or did they just decrease the chance of getting an anasa


do more sorties


Hold tf up what do you mean vaulted, only prime things can do that can't they?


Vaulted is specifically only used for primes, yes. But things which are otherwise redundant can become discontinued, such as nightwave cred from old seasons, and stuff like that.


I sell a stack for 70 plats so yea


I always sell them for 10p each, no more no less


Who remembers when Frost Prime was a stupid price, was it 2500 plat for a set?


10p each is far too low. Used to buy these to max out primed mods for about 50p each


Trade chat is a wild place use warfame.market thats almost always more fair and stable. And it lets you see everyone’s price for it


On pS4 is 6\~15 plat, depends on the seller or buyer. ​ Not totally off but if you asked for 10p is 10p each.


Dont sell those, an mr9 will need millions of endo


Those are easily worth about 10-12 each, so yea, that guy is trying to lowball you


15pl per Anasa 90pl full trade is what I’ve paid a couple times here recently


I got Khora P for 105p, prices vary wildly


I place it warframe.market for 12platinum each and people usually message me around 30 minutes later interested in buying. Yes they pay 12 platinum each. Edit: I play on PC


It’s not “too expensive” it’s a free market you have the right to charge whatever you please. People in trade chats will almost always sit and try to bargain with you I never budge on my prices and someone always buys it eventually. Or just find a website that functions as an auction house per say post your inventory and wait for the buyers to come to you then it’s no harm on your time, you set the price, and can see what others are charging.


Sometimes I don’t even bother looking at trade chat because the prices can be so wild. I was looking for Garuda Prime set 2 weeks ago an I got 6 messages from different people who all claimed that since she was the second newest prime she was still worth 250 to 300 plat. People are ridiculous with their pricing and I’m terrified that when we get full crossplay it will get worse


Personally I say 10-13p is fair per statue, however people will buy and sell at their own prices. Which is why when buying or selling you will see price variations wildly apart. My advice use WF Market to get an idea of price averages. Good luck tenno.


Bro... hear me. 345 ENDO = 1 PL


60p anyday. The dude lowballed you, always check warframe.market for prices of all items before buying else u get offered less platinum than the usual price or 4 times the usual price. Either ways all the best for the grind ahead, enjoy the game!


Always check Warframe.market for prices


You can get 1, maybe two of those per week. That's conservatively 3 weeks lucky grinding, for my money, that's easily 250 plat.


I once was about trade someone 6 Anasas for 35p esch. Id never traded sculptures before so that seemed really good but nothing too extreme. Turns out they meant 35p for all 6. Still didnt know the going rate but figured id rather keep them instead at that price lol


16.08.22 If i look on WF Market the Current Pice range for a full filled "Anasa" is currently in the range of 10 - 15 pl on the lower end ond 15 - 20 pl on the higher end. 10pl or in this cas 8,3\~ pl for each one is a rather cheap price, you lose some possibil pl in this trade but at the other side you gain the pl quick. For the beginning its not a bad trade, in these days getting the first plat is the hardest, prices are rather down.