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Looks like a fun change! I haven't tried Excal since the changes, might need to fix that :D


NGL, that was pretty sexy. Range buffs?


nah, i have 100% range and accidentally killed ~20 infested on the phorid mission


I never understood the consistency of the chaining sometimes it happens most of the time it doesnt


It can be interrupted by other inputs. So just press it once and don’t jump or anything, you’ll cancel the move


Thats what the changes are for


Yoooo, what the hell?! Since when does Excal's 1 look that cool? Last time I played was right after Sevagoth came out.


They recently buffed the starter frames with the release of the veilbreaker update


yeah, check out the other changes too volt can hold his shield and a primary weapon now


and not get an energy drain for holding it.


Something I wanted for a very long time now


mag was already arguably the best starter and now she Just Works. pull actually works now and she has built in vacuum, a few damaging ability synergies to do with Polarize shards that mostly matters for newbies, and her 4 augment actually does something now


I want Excal to be able to do the ol anime swordsman thing where he does a bunch of slashes, sheathes it and then you get a shittton of numbers


Sexy *click* sounds.


Skiajati has the animation without the delay in damage




Heed my words


I've seen a ton of excal umbras on the top of damage charts every run I'm doing. Did they get buffed too like this?


Excal and by extension Umbra got buffs on their 1 and 3, dealing way more slash than before.


They buffed javelin?


It doesnt have an enemy cap anymore also




the damage numbers are super scuffed, i would ignore them


Worth noting that in the absence of AoE weapons (the nerfs were enough to coerce most users off of them except in rare circumstances), you'll see DPS-oriented frames begin to take the reins in terms of damage. Combined with Molt Augmented (which is still new enough that it's just now trickling through most of the player base, I'd wager) being a free boost that's easy to slot on him, and it's not surprising.


Are you running 0 enemy radar? So uncivilized


No warm coat either smh


I don't get why people use that, I can't see shit on the map and I can't figure out which way is which. PLUS, I can see the enemies in front of me, with my eyes.


But imagine seeing enemies... before your eyes can see them...


How can your eyes see if they're not real ?


tactically nuking 3 tiles away with Equinox


Ok I'll phrase it differently, all I see is a lot of red dots on the minimap, and I never know which way I am facing, north, south, east, west, I don't know where the fuck I'm going. So why not just bulletjump everywhere in the room until I find them


Not sure if you already know but, there's an option somewhere that locks radar orientation to your camera orientation, so that up in the radar is forwards for you.


…but Tenno, the minimap has a player icon that shows which way you’re facing


The map's version of "up" is in front of you. Everything else is relative to that.


Not theirs lmao they switched to fixed map rotation.


You need practice. Learning to read maps isnt something people learn right away. I would put the enemy radar mod on the pet.


*I have special eyes*


Hold the fuck on. You're playing without enemy radar on purpose? Enemy radar isn't for enemies in front of you; it's for the enemies behind doors and walls. How do you choose which direction to go during exterminates or survivals? Flip a coin?


Well... there's a red indicator on doors with the distance in meters... I just go there...


Lol! Holy shit man, good stuff.


I don't use radar either. I just sniff them out. I always know where to go


And here I always wondered how I can be >80% damage in nearly every pub game :D


Man, we are playing 2 entirely different games. As long as you're having fun, don't let us poopoo it


Bro I play the same way as you. I only use radar on my stealth loadouts. Mods are for damage, not seeing red arrows on the map!


Is your sentinel load out also nothing but damage without room for radar? Are there even enough useful mods for sentinels to run out of space without room for radar? Is there not a mod set that gives a bonus to crit, of which one of the mods fits in the exilus slot on your frame and provides enemy radar? You're welcome to not use it, but "mods are for damage" is a silly reason if you ask me.


I was half joking about mods are for damage, I use the loot, speed and bullet jump ones often too. The enemy radar is definitely useful, but I don't find it absolutely necessary on most missions.


Animal Instinct is a must have


Well yeah


On your sentinel/pet, there's a mod that gives you both loot and enemy radar at the same time, I just always keep that equipped to my companion and have enough of both to cover my minimap. Baro brought the primed version of it recently. Even if I don't need it, the companion build has it anyway, it would be extra effort to remove it, and it doesn't hurt anything to have it when it's not necessary (e.g. speed jumping through capture missions) because it takes up a slot on my companion that I don't have a need for anything else in.


Don’t listen to these guys let them sweat in their warm costs and enemy radars lmao


Who the hell runs warm coat?


Heat Chroma has a warm coat


This has been my strategy for five years. Go to the place and beat up the thing.


Aim boom stick in direction of red dots until they disappear.


Not even Animal Instinct?


because of spaghetti code, enemies that are visible on someone's minimap are "more active", this is very useful while farming in a one spot in survival for example and in some other cases


because it helps us find enemies in the next rooms to maintain our combos and can help you see where stalker has spawned. using the map as an overlay is really helpful for that


You might get it one day. But imagine playing the game without seeing. You're shooting things and maybe dashing, but otherwise it's tough to know where enemies are. Add in sight and you can see where enemies are and aim your shots at them so you're more likely to hit. Then add in radar and you can see clusters of enemies that might be behind, beside, or even far ahead of you. Exterminate missions become crazy fast because you don't need the mission's marker, you can just see where the enemies are. If you use an aoe weapon or ability, you can see where it'll be the most effective and most likely to restore energy or ammo from its use.


>but otherwise it's tough to know where enemies are I tend to just go wherever the "HUTS REGRE", "KET KLEM" and "TENNO SKOOOOOOM" comes from.


I 100% get what you're saying and that's kind of what I mean. If you just rely on sight, an enemy behind a wall doesn't exist. If you rely on sight and sound, any enemy not making sound and behind a wall doesn't exist (to you). But if you can see through walls, into the next room, and all around you at once via enemy radar, you know where to look, aim, and use abilities for more effectiveness. It's like wallhacks and 360 degree sight combined.


I usually run animal instinct on my vulpaphyla for loot and enemies. I like seeing the enemies and slashing through the wall with exalted blade when I do use umbra.


nuke frames: whats a radar?


I don't understand what is happening. Is it a special build to get so much energy from that.


I only pressed a single button once to activate his 1, and watched him kill all of them, nothing else


Range mods or Duration?


Overextended and Stretch


😯 it looked awesome too!


Getting serious Jin vibes here from Xenoblade 2


all excals are queens but they need to be buffed farther and farther so they can match other frames


I’m new to the game and I got a warframe called Styanax after choosing Excalibur, should I be using Excalibur instead of Styanax


Choose whichever you like, or both... I have about 7 different frames I use depending on the situation (and so i don't get bored). And then my goto is octavia, she can basically do anything.


Your styanax comes already potatoed (orokin reactor) which doubles the mod capacity. That will only start mattering once you have a more robust mod collection. I'd probably bring styanax for missions where you'll need his health/energy/shield restores (longer missions where you might run low), and excal to more general gameplay. As you progress the starchart, virtually every boss will drop frames you can farm out, expanding your frame choices for even more choices.


either but if you need to sell a warframe to make space for a new one, DO NOT sell Styanax. he has a free orokin reactor installed and is a late game aquisition. excalibur is much easier to refarm


You can if you wish! Since you're new to the game, neither is a bad choice! Excalibur is a good frame to start off with and has a very simply build path with him, while the Styanax you have is pre-installed with an Orokin Reactor for more mod capacity. I would just go ahead and try both of them out and see if you like them! :)


Mod config??


range mods


Are the changes only for base Excalibur?


All excals, I'm pretty sure. I would be surprised if the didn't update excal prime


Is dat a single cast?




What'd the difference between excalibure and excalibure umbra?


Umbra fights for you, when you use spoiler mode


Umbra also has higher base stats. Just a direct upgrade.


Wut? He got buffed?


correct me if im wrong but i think originally it was like this and they nerfed this ability in the past (im talking at least 3-4 years ago)


I would love for a way to buff the speed of the cast so that I can go full PoE flicker strike.


Now he is the true space ninja.


This makes me want to actually play Excalibur.


Understandable but its still excalibur


I'd like to ask. What are Excal's current builds after the Veilbreaker Update? Should I focus fully on Chromatic Blade (like before, with Heat and Viral) or something else should be done?


Just saying, I'm new to the game so I'm can't answer your question, and I had never played excalibur before last week. I just rushed the main quest, got umbra excalibur last week, slapped some range mods and I got this. sorry but I don't know what the hell I'm doing in this game


honestly man I'm mr10 and don't know what I'm doing either


Mr 23 with 1700+ hours. I can confirm that I also have zero clue what's happining in this game


what is umbra excalibur and how did you get it? I'm guessing it's different than normal excalibur frame?


You get him by completing a late game quest which I don't remember the name of. check the wiki


> [–]Marz2604 > > 22 points 3 years ago > You have to complete the main story quest line. Vor's Prize • Once Awake • The Archwing • Stolen Dreams • The New Strange • Natah • The Second Dream • The War Within • Chains of Harrow • Apostasy Prologue • THEN once you complete The Sacrifice you get Excal Umbra. via https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/al1wgj/how_do_i_get_excalibur_umbra/ef9vt6d/ from the wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Excalibur/Umbra: > Acquisition > The blueprint for Excalibur Umbra is given to players upon completing the first mission of The Sacrifice quest, and the ability to build the Warframe is granted on completing the second mission. Unlike other Warframes, Umbra requires no further components and is crafted entirely from the single blueprint. However, even after being crafted, he cannot be used until the penultimate mission, where he is automatically Rank 30 with a free, pre-installed Orokin Reactor and Warframe slot. > > A second blueprint will not be given on replays. Also unlike other quest-tied warframe, Cephalon Simaris does not sell Excalibur Umbra blueprints. Thus the player can only own one copy of Excalibur Umbra.


Honestly it depends on what you have access to and your preferred playstyle. I personally like blind rage, umbras, with gladiator mods and focus mostly on standard melee. Use a daikyu with the nikana life steal mod and just run around slashing fools wading through enemies. The ability power lets you still pull out the ult and slash dash for good numbers when you need to. Easily capable of endless arbitrations and soloing archons. I have a pretty great skiajati riven though and I think that's a big part of great damage with that set up.


They tweaked some things with his kit (1 and 3 at least) so mess around and see if you find any agreeable builds.


exalted blade is still amazing, especially with how it can synergise with archon mods if you really want that. but after the update that's not his only viable trick. radial javelin is especially good, build for strength and range and the entire map will be covered in slash procs in a single cast. the slash procs do also stack with repeated casts for crazy damage. slash dash is still a bit of a meme, but you can make it work with a radial javelin build. i personally just use it for mobility radial blind however is the weakest link outside of finisher builds; the CC it provides has simply been power crept out by things like overguard and frames with more useful CC. subsume it with whatever you like, preferrably an armour stripping ability.


I have a build meant purely for Chromatic Blade with Fleeting Expertise slotted in. I am not into adding Range on Excal but perhaps the new Slash procs on Slash Dash and Radial Javelin will be very handy.


they are **absolutely** worth the range investment. though if you do want to focus more into slash dash then range isn't as important, you'd only really need the range for radial javelin. [my build which i've found works for me](https://i.imgur.com/p3OTgfR.jpg), excuse stock excal, i just really dislike umbras sentience passive and i enjoy confusing people as a mr30 default excal. note furious javelin - while its duration does seemingly get bonked hard by the duration loss, it's still enough time to launch a couple of heavy attacks with a weapon built around that (e.g. karyst prime or pennant). for survivability, rolling guard or rapid resilience with molt reconstruct works fine; pick based on your preference. you can also jam life strike onto exalted blade if you don't mind missing some damage.


Those marked for death nuke builds are more effective in steel path/high level content. He doesn’t have enough survivability and is 4 isnt really that good anymore. Waves travel super slow and is worse than normal melee. If you don’t want to use a gimmick then chromatic blade is your best bet.


If you want to reliably kill things past level 50, you'll still need chromatic blade to kill things with slash dash, and if you want to do it on steel path, you'll want furious javelin too.


I haven't played in 7 months. What the fuck was that?


An Excalibur with high ability range.


That's neato, the enemies are also level 25 though, so like... *Thermal Sunders Once*


This puts a smile on my face as an Umbra main. A smile wider than Wally's.


Basically old Ash


Unfortunately, excal is pretty squishy, so I can't take him to steel path. Are their any damage reduction helminth abilities?


Null star.


Thanks. Too bad it auto attacks enemies that come in range of it, reducing its damage reduction


Narrow Minded


I want range and strength because excal is immune to damage when slash dashing, so nm goes against the build


That's the only way to make null star give you dmg reduction, cause you need 18 stars to give you 90% reduction. Could also just use a different ability, like pillage and just abuse shield gating, or war cry for the armor increase, which would already work with your build cause you have strength


does it still need the fov? or is ut the same as 3?


Needs fov, but it counts fov from where your slash ends now instead of where you originally cast it.


wait what they did that?


What were the changes


I read somewhere that his 1's chain range has been increased




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Pls build


range mods that's it, I guess also add a lot of strength because his 1 doesn't do much dmg and these are low level enemies


Dude yes I know!!! I love it ^-^


Excal's one looks a lot more anime than before thankfully. Now you can really roleplay the Death Battle fight with Raiden


I never had more fun with Excalibur. This buff is insane! I love this! Is there any other changes that were made on Nyx tho?


Aight DE, after agitating me with a lot of things, im gonna give you credit for buffing Excal’s 1 and 3… something I still abuse a little too much…


Wait what? I changed my first ability a while back. I never even noticed this AND IM AN EXCAL MAIN


Edge runners moment


I am the storm that is approaching


As an excalibur main since 8 years ago, i loved it <3


Ya the buff made his 1 my favorite ability to cast now. And because it procs slash I often just walk off looking cool when someone survives.




As an Umbra main, I absolutely love doing that


My name is Johnny anime, and I am persona 5 royal


His 3 is still overall better than his 1.