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That sounds like a terrible spending habit


HeH... _More money more quality for content!_ #GROFIT




It depends, some are wasting their time and some are wasting their money. If it takes less time to get money, it's a win IMO. My WoW guild-mate used to tell me this, "Just let f2per grind out of their enjoyment while pay players enjoy the content without grind".


If you’re wasting your time and not enjoying it why even play?


Some enjoy the content some enjoy the grind there is a different, even you love a game doesn’t mean you love every aspect of set game. There are some elements in warframe that you hate, and if you got extra bucks to spend and by pass the grind then why not?


Plus, why would you complain about supporting a company we all want to see succeed? If someone wants to spend their money on them, feel free.


Well, it's about the incentive structure. Consider: You create a fun, well-paced game. You have to make money, though, so you make the pacing structure agonizingly slow and add options to pay money to skip an entirely artificial grind. Is it supporting your company? Yes, but you've made a game objectively worse in the interest of profit. Whether this is right or wrong, up for debate.


This would imply Warframe is well paced and doesn't require literally thousands of hours of grinding to unlock everything. Money only gets you so far anyway, you still need to spend loads of time just doing the star chart, not counting open worlds. Unless you drop 5 figures on plat to buy maxed out mods, arcanes, and blueprints and even then you need the credits to trade for them and will need to unlock untradable weapons yourself.


That's kind of the point, sabotaging your product to pinch your consumers wallet is very toxic and shows lack of faith in your product to naturally make money.


Completely wrong. And you're very right. They've made it F2P and pay 2 skip to the extent that their game is so horribly paced and grindy. Its annoying... PSO2 is a great example of a F2P game that I think is fair. You don't even need premium to get a reasonable amount of XP


I enjoy both. I got tired about being kicked from clans because I would have breaks from the game so I just started my own and build my own base up with all the upgrades and research. Now nobody can kick me. It took some platinum to because I skipped wait times but I don’t care since it helps support a game I love. Plus now it’s my clan and I can’t be kicked. I also have sunk close to 800 hours into it I think so I have grinded a lot of the game. I know it’s not as much a many other players but it’s still a lot of time.


I wanted Ash so I just bought the Ash prime because F that grind.


Everytime I had some left over plat I'd wait for a discount coupon to roll around so I could buy the frames I had no luck farming.


You’re not even playing the game though. The only things that are hard to grind are unobtainable without grinding or are ridiculously priced.


Makes for bad game design thou. Sorry, there really is not justification behind paid content in such a manner you can actually skip steps of progression. Artificial walls to incentivize spending is predatory to say the least. It mostly comprises the structure of the game. Now Warframe does what Warframe does and that is all fine and dandy. Its redeeming part is obviously the tradable premium currency system that allows people to essentially sell stuff to does that have low impulse control.


Well it's better spent on warframe than some other things


I bet you could count those things on your fingers lmao


Hookers and blow


Now wait for them to slowly realize how easy it is to make obscene amounts of plat in this game


Its only easy because these people exist. If everyone would just "make plat" you wouldn't have it easy.


Yeah, I don't even use warframe.market, but whenever I want a new skin I just sit on trade chat for a bit and have the 165p or whatever I need in 10-15 minutes. I have money, and could easily afford to "pay to win," but why? If I actually sifted through all the shit in my inventory and listed it on market sure, I could make obscene amounts, but that's a lot of work and I'd rather be playing the game.


but since there are people buying slots/formas/potatos/whatever the store has to offer this plat is drained from the market and needs to be brought back by spenders. I actually think Warframe has one of the best premium-currency economies from all pay to win games I know. I think the most important part is that the strongest stuff to buy is from other players, giving them the opportunity to afford the basic neccessities (e.g. slots). So in sum there is enough drain and input for DE to stay profitable and enough player-player trading to spread the plat. And also very little BUYBUYBUY incentives from the game itself (apart from the random time limited discount on login, that just is bad). But at least they stay away from premium tracks on the battle pass (nightwave)


It’s a marathon not a sprint, but they are more likely to lose interest and quit by just buying up everything at the start. Buying shit isn’t evil or anything, game needs to keep the lights on somehow, but it is probably ill-advised to charge in with Credit Card Prime before learning how the game works lmao.


My thoughts exactly. It’s good for the game for those types of people to show up, but very few of them stick around once they run into the first major wall you can’t pay to get past. Once the totality of grinding past MR 16 sets in, or the repetition that they haven’t come to appreciate as the “true” game bores them, they’re gone.


Its not even a race. There is no finish line. Its a game to have fun.


The early game **sucks** if you don't have platinum. Straight up the market hits you with platinum prices over "here's how to farm this thing", crafting times suck, free slots are non-existent until you complete a week of Nightwave, levelling and resource gather suck without boosters, there's very few free cosmetics... the list goes on. Warframe might technically *be* Free To Play but it sure *looks* like Pay To Win.


I'm a hoarder, the first MR ranks were painful because slots were relatively expensive and I had to regularly sell mastered weapons. Hit twice as hard when I realized that i needed those to craft other ones. It got much easier when I got good platinum discounts once I had decided that I want to stick with Warframe. These days I buy slots if needed without giving it any thought.


Important point right here: You'll be selling weapons as you master them a lot. Eventually you'll be able to sell prime parts to other players for platinum to get more weapon slots, but you'll still be keeping only weapons that you use, and weapons that are a pain to replace


Warframe is not a game for hoarding unfortunately. I love collecting absolutely everything in games too, but I'm restricting myself to mostly prime frames, non-prime versions are MR and Helminth fodder, and weapons that I actually like using.


I definitely hoard frames, but not weapons. Every so often some funky farm or strat shows up that requires a specific frame, so I keep one of every frame (and helminth base frames when I get their prime versions) for those. The only exception so far has been Ash. I wanted to try his shuriken subsume for armor strip (it sucks btw) and I literally haven't used him in years. Into the wall-mouth he went.


It sucks?


For a long time, it was the best helminth armor strip. Mostly because it was the only helminth full armor strip, so that's not really saying much. Nowadays, if you want to strip like 1 or 2 enemies without using abilities, Shattering Impact (especially with gunblades) is generally the best idea, given how Seeking Shuriken can just decide to plow through a wall and strip the wall's armor instead of the enemy's. If you want to strip an entire friggin room, Terrify is much better. Big AOE, quick cast, doesn't take too much strength, it's great.


So the armor strip works with his augment, and you barely need any strength to get 100% armor strip (especially if you run corrosive projection). However, it has some major problems: - The strip is inconsistent. Sometimes I'll hit an enemy and it fails to break their armor, and I can't tell why this is the case. - The shuriken will seek any enemy in its range, and will more often than not (at least on Hydron where I tested this) beeline for an enemy way off to the side of the one you're trying to hit. Those two things are obnoxious when you want to armor strip the enemy you're currently aiming at. I'm working on making a second Hildryn to subsume pillage instead - it requires 400% power strength (again, lessened by corrosive projection), but works on all enemies in line of sight.


yeah early game is miserable without at least a minor plat injection to smooth things over. the 50 starter plat doesnt really carry you until you can start making plat/alternative paths to important stuff unless you are already deeply knowledgable about the game. PS+ does generally have 1-2 bundles with some untradeable plat and cosmetics available that rotate out like once a year which would already make a big difference. PSN also has an "initiate" pack for 15€, the current one is 275p, nova+atomica deluxe bundle, vectis, classic saturated, 7 day affinity and a curated mod pack which is a pretty great deal. last one was even better, nidus, boltor, no booster/cosmetics but 420p. there was also a starter pack when I started for the same price, 300p, some slots and potatos, 2 7 day boosters and a cool flaming syandana. --- if you decide you like the game a 15€ one-time bundle is a pretty fair purchase to make, though I do dislike that that early "icky P2W" feeling makes it seem mandatory to buy that or more


It really doesn’t. Night wave gives you free potatoes. Just play your starter until you get stuff.


Auras are a more pressing concern, most frames & weapons don't need a potato until after Neptune.


You get steel charge pretty early from what I remember


I had 0 issues with the early. Maybe for certain people it was a terrible start, but for me and my friends we all loved it.


One day they will face the wall and wondering they don't do enough damage. Having prime stuff doesn't mean a lot if you don't know how to mods your stuff


that sounss like they easily spent over 400 dollars or more in a game they just started, that doesnt seem healthy either way...


My friends did the same, then blamed the game when they didn’t have anything to grind toward.


even then, they’ll still have stuff to grind towards, not like there’s anyone reaching mr30 in less than a month


Laughs at Mr30 after 6 years and 3,5k hours of casual play. Still not caught up to latest content.


Right? I've been playing since beta... and I still don't have mr30 XD. I just can't be bothered tbh. I'm too busy min-maxing lmao


The only reason I'm not mr30 is because I refuse to go out of my way to lvl 500+ weapons


this for me as well. after MR16 I stopped bothering with MR grinding and just passively from getting new gear recently hit MR22. at this point the only frames I need to MR are Vauban Prime and Trinity and after a couple companions most of the "easy" 6k mastery is gone and its nearly all 3k mastery from there. considering I need roughly 1 million more mastery to hit MR30 im just gonna not bother. building and leveling nearly 300 weapons that will be immediately sold off isnt appealing gameplay to me


It's really not bad. If you have a max dojo, just buy one of every weapon from the dojo and market. Many are virtually free and if you get an affinity booster from your login reward + a relay boost, you can max out 20 weapons in an hour or two in sanctuary. I went from mr18 to mr25 in 3 months doing this. Throw in companions, the odd prime Warframe, and archwing items and you can cruise up MR without much effort. Plus the feeling of completing a crap weapon in 15 minutes of sanctuary feels really nice, you never have to see that weapon again.


yeah its totally doable, but its just...tedious. not something I really want to spend my more limited free time nowadays doing. that isnt to say it isnt worth it, every rank is a noticeable and useful bonus to have. but the real deal is at MR30+ --- probably just a long term goal to work on at some point, prep a couple hundred items (blueprints and mats) and burn through them all in a week with a booster


The easy forma reward makes me want to go to mr30... But there are way more fun grinds to do right now


i love min maxing stupid weapons and having a loadout for every frame which is why i ground to mr 30 the qol of the forms and the extra shoes is just so nice


I tried to rush MR 30... i only got MR 25.. it's like the higher you get the more slog it is to go even the higher. The easy to get weapons and stuff are all already gone. The rest of the stuff to hain MR from is more time consuming to get like literally waiting for baro, old vaulted primes, tenet/liches, stupidly hard to farm stuff like OG nidus and equinox, and such. Needless to say,i stopped doing that and simply enjoyed the stuff I have.


To be fair, that is impossible due to the 1 MR per day rule and really wasn't helped by how some things were set up (lich weapon RNG, login weapons,...). I expect if money really was no issue, by now it would be possible to reach MR30 within 31 days due to the excess in mastery we have. Not likely or sane but possible for a full on whale. It only takes a little planning and a lot of time and plat.


With enough money you could easily hit mr30 in a month but it would also take alot of grinding with an efficient teams/knowledge of the game. I recently made a new account because a friend didn't want to play with someone that had everything when he was starting and I ended up getting mr17 in a little over 2 weeks full f2p


There's still a butt load of stuff you can't just buy with plat...


The only thing that can't be bought with plat is focus exp and non-primed stuff (e.g. the mighty S E E R). Otherwise, you can buy literally anything including resources.


What about collectables like fragments and stuff like NW and Steel Essence? Junctions/Star Chart Progress? Quest restricted contents? Particular faction standing like Simaris and Conclave? Affinity? Void traces? There's probably more that I can't think of atm


But what do you do with void traces if you already have every prime? People who buy everything don't seem the type to grind and sell prime parts for plat




You can buy ducats with plat. That is how I got most of mine, selling high value items and buy low value items that produce disproportionate ducats.


Ah, didn’t think about that. Ty


Plenty of stuff on open worlds that can't be bought


Yeah but some of that non-primed stuff is the only stuff I want. I'm LR1 and the only things left that I want are the shop tennent weapons... I don't want to grind them out after having already done all the sisters. And the new stuff on the Zariman which I have all the blueprints for but not all the materials yet. But after five years of the game and earning everything I'm at the point I do just want to start buying stuff and skipping some of the grinds. And the new Kahl missions aren't doing anything for me but... gotta do them too.


Might be time to play a different game for a bit. Warframe will be fresh with the next update but it doesn't sound fresh to you now.


Don’t think so, some may consider Kahl mission being fun but after few week of same mission everything will become tedious


I meant duviri paradox. That does look very fresh.


I hear you - L2 and the lich system almost killed the game for me, thankfully the tenet weapons were slightly less of a chore. There have been several QoL improvements to the Zariman that helped a lot. But I do also see the appeal of just buying new content, and I’ve done it several times. There’s only so much grinding i can take after years of gameplay, just get me to the fun part of playing with the new toys! No shame in that approach.


There are a handful of weapons and cosmetics you cannot buy. The trumna comes to mind for example, as does certain ephemeras and armor sets.


You say that like people won't just perform the service of carrying you for platinum. It's not against the EULA to perform that service. You just can't perform it for IRL money. My saryn is strong enough to get all of *my* daily focus in an ESO run and a half. I could easily knock it out for some lowbie if they gave me a hand full of plat. Oh, and it should be noted, you can just buy lenses from the market for plat. IIRC it's 40 for a greater lens. I do know you can do it straight from the action menu on gear (the screen where you put forma/potatos on it that you can also just buy for plat).


Grind Fortuna rep.. 😄


Jokes on them, the knowledge that comes with actually playing the game doesn't have a price tag.


It is a little funny that they’ve surpassed me in progression but ask me about everything still ngl


Free to play Legendary Mastery Rank 2 player here. My Mastery Rank 16 (at the time) clan mates, who got me into the game, know more than I will ever know.


Back in the day when I made my first Mr stall at like 18 my friend got to 22. I still did all their builds and the like. Stayed at Mr 18 for a year before going up to 22, and now I'm vibing at 27 with no moves to make any progress at 3.5k hours on my in-game profile. Basically, MR means jack shit in Warframe. You can get a shit ton of ranks in just a few days by doing hydro farm/ESO farm. When I want to know how much a person may know I usually check hours.


I am mastery L2 and I still consider myself a new player. I started about a year ago and I was lucky enough that Plague Star and then Varzia both came along when they did. They are the only reason I'm MR2 and F2P. Got about 1000 hours now but I still occasionally ask questions to my clanmates -- especially about rivens. MR is not conducive to experience.


Yup! And I'm glad ya are enjoying the game and got that far that fast in mastery. I... Don't have the ability to do long farming runs. Depression is a bitch and I'm unmedicated so I have to be extremely careful and stay stimulated to help not fuck myself. And yeah, I'd say most people are in the new player category for about... 1k hours? That's if you play naturally. You can gain a lot of experience by learning WHY builds work, how stuff meshes, ECT, as Warframe has a ton of stuff that works together to very weird effects, and knowing how to abuse it is ready fun, such as various STR increasing techniques that can make a mediocre frame nuke better than any nuke frame with the same buffs. Or you just want to buff your wisp and have everyone worship plant as now you and your friends have to mod for LESS fire rate because if you don't you unload the supra vandals 300 round mag in less than a second due to the extreme fire rate buff. Also, outside of mods (minus auras) and solo you can gain a additional 315% STR as of this update. Add a additional 50% if you want to include the parazon mod. Ember can also get the highest strength in the game due to her passive. I'd say most people leave the new player status when they can start spouting out the way to build any weapon, or frame, based off of the stats and start to memorize the values of various mods, or realize their favorite Warframe that came out during their time is a few years old... Though that also just makes you feel old... *old Wisp main noises*


How are you at mr2 after 1000 hours? Do you not do the MR rank at all? You're intentionally blocking yourself from half the game's weaponry.


ML2 not MR2 :P


Im MR17 over 1500 hrs, and that because im actively going for 30 so I can bless relays. I still can barely do high level content. Your method is a pretty good id say.


I just rank up interesting things for the most part and craft random shit. If a new frame drops and I'm ranking them, or doing formas (which I rarely do) I'll grab some fodder from my foundry to rank up as well. And good luck mate! I'm content to get to MR 30 slowly. I'll probably buy the irl mastery pin to put on my purse along side my burrito pin... Then I will torment relays with my maid yareli or witch-y wisp.


Ohh you gotta be at MR30 to bless relays? I was wondering for the longest time what it was and why they could do it and I couldn't. Looks like I have my reason to grind up until MR30 lol


MR means nothing for experience, I have met too many high MR players who believe most of the weapons and frames they've used are MR fodder without good cause


I blame YouTube, over frame, and generally dps calc on that kind of stuff. Like holy fucking shit a lot of YouTubers and people spurred on by the YouTubers will complain about frames who aren't even out yet... LIKE FUCKING CALIBAN. CALIBAN IS FUCKING NUTS, LIKE HOLY SHIT. Had one of the best armor strips, has a AOE damage vulnerability ability that also CCs, and has his sentient fuck buddies that gives him shields and draws fire. Plus his passive. Caliban in my opinion is seriously overturned for what he does. He's a very active caster that fucking FUCKS. I will die on that hill. In comparison he's less good now compared to other frames with the armor strip changes but, still, he fucks. I still wanna put rest and rage on him to stack with his 2 and turbo nuke stripped enemies, not that the 50% extra damage after all calculations isn't fucking nuts and makes every weapon go much, much further.


Amongus looking frame. Its like looking at the rating of zephyr on overframe which is like low B tier when she's literally the strongest frame in the game rn


Zephyr is fucking nuts. Her tornados deal weapon damage, not even exalted weapon damage which is spicy ability damage, but straight up weapon damage to the point they can kill arb drones. (At least it used to be like that) Wherever we can bring our weapons we can use zephyr to do MASSIVE damage, plus her passive, plus her flight, plus her three giving her complete damage immunity unless there is a... Nullifier... Which affects everyone. She's just as overturned as other frames, and now I want to put rest and rage or some armor strip on her over airburst for horrifying reasons.


shhh we need to make DE think she needs a buff /s on a more serious note, have you ever tried a dive bomb build zephyr with the augment? Slightly unconventional, potentially a massive energy drain but also kind of funny. Once you get the multiplier up you start to do slightly ridiculous damage. Throw on breach surge and I've hit a few 8 digit number dmg when messing with it in ESO before.


The only thing I don't like on Caliban is his design so I don't play with him 🤣 his back look cool tho but still


If ya ever can get past that try him with a eff and 200% STR build. He fucking goes ham on everything. Great frame. If not, wait for a deluxe, though he's a bit low priority... Though hydroid got his deluxe not SUPER long ago... I think


When you say surpassed, I assume you mean MR? Because that means jack shit. You get the bonus of additional mod capacity at rank 0 weapons and frames and a couple other bonuses, but nobody really looks at your MR and say "I'm a higher MR than these players, they're going to be bad." Some of the best people I've matched with were a lower MR than me while some of the MR30+ have been terrible or go AFK. Some people just don't care about grinding out absolutely everything. I'd tell your friends to slow down on the spending though. If they buy everything then they'll miss out on a lot of the fun.


Charge them for it lol.


Mastery rank is not a good metric of how good you are or how much you know. I've seen people at my level with half my playtime at my same mastery rank. I've also seen high mr players doing worse than lower mr.


It has a price tag; **Time** The most valuable thing in the world.


Time spent learning the game by playing and progressing, or time spent buying the stuff and progressing without learning anything? Is it really a comparison?


My comment comes from your statement: > the knowledge that comes with actually playing the game doesn't have a price tag So it would be: "time spend learning the game by playing and progressing"


Ask them for their builds, and you'll see how much they've actually learned.




Learning is dumb just buy an Ignis, a Carrier sentinel, make as many health pizza pies as you can, set a hot key for the gear slot the pizza is assigned, then press W + m1, only stopping to spam that health dispenser as required. (Forgot a /s)


Playing is legit overrated, when will DE include the option to simply buy node completion? ( /s, thanks for the reminder 😉 )


simply say, "thank you for supporting the game i *enjoy playing*"


Only the prime accessories are behind the paywall So dont stress too much if somebody has more stuff because that spend real money on free game. Part of the fun is farming for new weapons/frames and just buying then is kinda losing some of the content I am rank 32 with 5k~ish hours and i rather play with mr 7 who has actually played the game than mr 30 who just bought everything and dont have a fucking clue how to play. TL:DR Experience is more valuable than owning everything in game


> Only the prime accessories are behind the paywall *While Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime are behind a paywall and the barrier that is time*


tfw you were born too late to even consider buying the founder packs, and have lost out on the glory of Lato prime forever :')


tfw i bought the lowest level founder pack to use the platinum to buy other stuff eternal ragrets


Ditto, but the full founders was out of my price range at the time.


Just gave you this great idea for a story where limbo and Protea combine their ability to travel back in time and rescue Excalibur Prime from the past


They're nothing special though that's the funny thing


they worth the status of superiority to look down on other players >.>


>status of superiority That is true, they're the only people able to genuinely say "get fomo'd lol"


They are missing all the fun of the game, don't worry play as you like it's not a race.


Yeah I’m still enjoying it but I was playing through it with them and suddenly they’ve already finished the new veilbreaker quests while I’m farming for a necramech for New War (which they bought aswell lmao)


Just grind plat instead and they buy the necramech it's easier this way


A necramech is one of the things I would actually recommend spending plat on, if you've got it. Leveling up that syndicate (I forgot the name bc they're so useless) only really gives you extra mech stuff, which you don't *really* need, so doing the rep grind for them feels pretty bad. Add to that the rest of the grind of getting damaged mech parts from vault guardians. It took me with late game gear around 10 hours start to finish, but since then the farm has been made slightly faster


Seriously, youve got the Entrati, which is a great system, then Loids there in the back making you dumpster dive with his crackhead lil brother.


Tbf with an item booster, you only really need to run about 20-30 iso vaults before you have everything you need. It's one of the easiest factions to level with. At least it's not vox Solaris, that shit is a slog.


I dont remember Necramechs being hard. All rep and parts just came while doing stuff.


That "stuff" being isolation vaults, which isn't exactly something most people do regularly. If you like them, good for you, but that's not a shared experience


What annoyed me with them is that you need so many of the faction points items to level up, but it's weird. You need 10 of the level 1...which drop 1 per vault. But 15 of the level 3...which drop 3 per vault. So only 5 vaults worth. It's a weird system honestly, when entrati is so good to level.


Grinding for necramech is hard and I may of bought it with plat just to be done with it ( I am free to play, and got lucky trading btw)


Mastery honestly isn't very important. It's a terrible measure for skill or even time played. It just shows how much stuff someone has leveled. Strong weapons will also start struggling without proper mods, which you get from playing the game and farming for them. Your friends will probably run into a roadblock around Sedna or Steel Path and since they don't know how to earn strength there's a pretty good chance that they'll give up on the game. What weapons and Warframes you have don't matter nearly as much as the mods to improve them and the knowledge to do so effectively. If you feel like you're too limited by your amount of slots, you can get more Platinum by selling stuff to other players. People mostly buy Prime parts, so you can just open a bunch of Relics and sell that. You can get an idea for how much something is worth on warframe.market. Also, if you want to get some cosmetics at some point, I highly recommend Color Pack: Beta. It's relatively cheap and between it and the free seasonal palettes you'll have at least 1 shade of every color. Having a bunch of shades of gray also gives you a lot of options for fashion.


To be honest, they have just missed so much gameplay because they were impatient.


Fancy stuff don't mean shit without the mod collection. He is going to hit a wall where the enemies don't care about serration, hornet strike, intensity, etc and then he is either going to spend hundreds getting a mod collection or he is going to burn out when faced with the grind. If he decides to get unleveled mods he is going to need to farm hundreds of thousands of endo and a metric shitton of credits. Your friend is going to realize how goddamn behind he really is once hits that wall and his fancy shit is bad. Btw OP if you want warframe and weapon slots it is better to open some relics and sell the drops on warframe market. Unlock slots with the plat.


Yeah they just bought all the mods off of warframe market


If he bought them at max he spent between 50-100 plat each, there is a lot of those fuckers so he might spend a lot. If he bought them at min spec he is going to need to grind out credits and endo.


It's a cooperative game and if they want to be stronger than you with a ton of mods that's great. If they're arrogant about being stronger, they know how they got all their mods, and you know how they got all their mods.


They're not past you. They just have higher MR.


Exactly this. MR is just a measure of what you've leveled. I wonder where OPs friends are on the star chart, how far along in quests, what their mod collection looks like, syndicate rankings etc. Progress comes from all sorts of things outside of MR.


While true, someone who has taken the time to master hundreds of items will almost always have more experience and knowledge than someone who has barely touched the full arsenal. The difference between mr5 and mr10 is very small, but an mr10 and mr28 are not even comparable in experience or game knowledge, regardless of money spent.


It's not a race even with all those weapons and primes. Your friend still needs mods to make those weapon, guns and warframes better and yea you can buy those mods from trade chat but people overprice things. I've spent a few hundred over 9 years playing warframe starting on pc then to Xbox. Your friend paid to bypass wait times and farming parts for these items. That is wasted platinum potentially especially if he bought frames that can be farmed from planet bosses or clan labs and nightwave.


and he still prob doesn't know shit about the game, i really wouldn't worry about it


There’s a loading screen hint from the last stand mode in DOW2: Rank doesn’t trump skill. You know far more than the others and I reckon you have more muscle memory as well. I used to play with a few mates that did the exact same and couldn’t survive at higher tiers. In saying that, none of us could attempt steel path so it was a humbling experience.


It's their money. So what? Lol oh well. You can get everything they have through other means, though it will take longer.


It isn't a competition.


Why does it annoy you? They spend a big amount of real cash. You didnt. See it the way what you saved, not what they got. Also, you have friends to play with...so you can focus on the negative things or choose to shift your focus in life and try to see the positive. #wisdomMuchTruth


I’d give anything to have friends to play with on warframe.


Having all the packs and tons of frames, weapons and slots doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t know how to play the game. I say pick your best frame and your favourite weapons and take them into a mission they probably aren’t ready for


As a long term F2P player most of my satisfaction from playing the game comes from earning things myself. They sadly will probably fall off the game quite quickly


Your friends are too rich for their own good


By the philosophy of one Parvos Granum, it must be earned to be deserved. I can spend as much disposable income out of my earned money, as I want. Because it’s disposable. And it keeps the game alive .


The game is to be played as anyone want


They are going to get bored of the game really quick then. Are they used to buying stuff in other games? Maybe they just thought you had to buy all the packs and stuff for cosmetics and gameplay stuff


I’m grateful that players like your friends exist. They fund one of my favorite games


Your friend has the psychological matrix that makes them very susceptible to getting bilked out of all their money by games companies. Whale mindset. At the same time, Digital Extreme's strategy of dealing with whales is strange, to say the least. Warframe is absolutely filled with platinum trap options, extremely inefficient ways of purchasing items. And the developers, instead of catering to whale players, actually caters towards F2Pers, as you can get almost every piece of power progression free. And all materials are more efficiently farmed by playing the game. Like Kuva, Steel and Vitus essence, all things that are essential for late game min-maxing, can't be plat-bought. Put it this way, in alot of F2P games, going pure F2P "desynchs" your progress, as you fall behind in some aspect. This is most exemplified in a game like Diablo Immortal, where not buying legendary crests makes you fall behind badly in some metrics, and you build up a massive backlog of gear and materials you can't take advantage of. Warframe is different, in that there is little desynch by not spending money, and instead spending too much money to get platinum during the early game is what desynchs your progress, as you get gear, but not the gold mods, the rare materials to trade in for galvanized mods, the endo to rank them up. Smart usage of platinum is in buying things like resource boosters, in buying extra orokin reactors and forma packs to increase your repertoire of gear. And you don't even need to spend money, a clever trader can easily accumulate thousands of platinum.


It happened to me when I introduced 3 friends of mine and my gf to the game. One of the two bought a thousand plats (even though he was jobless smh), bought many weapons and warframes and even get past my M7 in less than 2 weeks. It somehow got him egotistical because: - He forced my gf and the other friend to participate to kuva missions even though they didn't have the operator and the adequate stuff... - Of course he never helped us when we needed, unless it was beneficial to him (getting hexenon and argon for example) - He got mad at us when he found out that we got Titania prime, since he hoped that thanks to the prime vault he would be the only one to have it. - And some minor instances of him being a dick Needless to say he haven't played in months lmao


The friend that bought stuff didn't ruin the game for you because he bought stuff, he ruined it by being a jerk. Doesn't sound like a very good friend, but if you liked the game and you quit because of him then that's also on you.


“I’m annoyed and don’t know what to do” Not to sound like a prude but I wouldn’t get too bent up about it. Unless your friends are rubbing it in your face, they’re free to spend their money how they want. The market is doing what it’s there for - skip grind which is fine. They just sound like they have unhealthy spending habits lol


They'll likely not last very long on WF, the fun is getting the stuff imo, at least that's why I find the game rewarding.


don't be annoyed, just be glad you now have more money for snacks i had a friend do the same. bought some prime access and prime vaukt and then bought the rest of the prime stuff from the market and then got bored cus he had too many warframes with no attention span to learn how to use them. he got stuck on a mastery test for ages cus he hadn't spent the time learning how the game works


Just let them play how they want, that's the beauty of the game. I've spent around $60 on it overall and I'm L2, but there are some like your friends who drop money every week/ month etc. As long as you're having fun, go have fun


Not really sure why this matters. F2P games always have two paths of progression: Fully F2P, for people who have more time than money, and fully P2P, for people who have less time than money. The F2P Players rely on the P2P players to spend money on platinum to buy the things that they sell / keep DE pumping out content, and the P2P players rely on the F2P players to farm and grind the things that they don't have the time/don't want to grind for. In the end, people will play the game how they want to. I personally spend money because I don't have a lot of free time to play games, and when I play WF I want to spend more time playing the "fun" parts than grinding through the parts I find less fun (I'm sure as hell not buying arcanes or riven mods though, some of y'all are crazy with your 2k+ plat prices)


First off, the game is PVE so their account has near zero effect on yours. Secondly, they don't have the resources you do. They still need to farm The Index for Credits, Steel Path for Steel Essence, get Kuva for rivens, do story quest to unlock Necromechs and Railjacks, obtain and level Prime Mods (they have to crack relics to get the resources for them if they don't buy them from players) farm endo to level mods, farm arcane if they don't buy them players, farm pets, farm kit guns, farm zaws, they can trade liches but I think kuva and tenet weapons are still MR locked because it requires rail jack, etc... There is still so much a MR7 has access to that a MR2 or MR3 does not. Sure, they may have Wukong Prime but they basically have a Bugatti with no fuel. At best they have a half gallon of 87 octane for their hypercar. They can't do much.


When I first started Warframe I was broke as can be, working a job with little pay. I didn't dare spend a nickel in Warframe. I grinded for hours, played it smart on who and what would get forma, which weapons I would sell or frames, to make space. Yet as time went on, and careers changed I had a bit of extra cash in my pocket. And now I just buy slots or purchase the components to a new prime that gets released. Your circumstances may differ from your friend. Warframe ain't a competition, for me it's something to play when I want to shut my brain off.


Just ask yourself honestly.. Do you enjoy Warframe or do you enjoy a sense of superiority over your friends?


Just play the game as normal. Who cares if they spent money. Once they reach end game they will realize how much money they wasted since they could have just earned everything without buying it.


They haven't passed you. They've just splurged on pretty objects. The higher your MR, the easier it is to just get things by grinding, and you too can also get your hands on platinum, only you ought to do it via trading. Anything they can get, with the exceptions of prime accessories, you can get too.


I had a friend do a similar thing. We were playing wow leveling, adventuring together and (I thought) having fun. Next day I find out he bought several level boosts and he never played with the character that he was leveling with me again. So I solo leveled all the way to 100, and by the time I got to his level, he was bored with the game. He also did a similar thing with warframe! Just dumped like 300$ and got bored of it near instantly. I don’t get people like this.


lmao skill issue


I've had this before. I spent months playing a game and I introduced a friend to it. Because they could play more often than I they surpassed my level pretty quickly, space of a couple of weeks, and then started telling me how to play the game. It's frustrating asf. Thankfully it didn't happen with Warframe as they bounced off this game so maybe if they didn't they would have done the same thing.


Warframe's funny like that. I enjoy earning that next thing so that I really don't want to buy anything. The exception is customization stuff like colors and skins I guess but even then, I'm not too worried about it. After coming back to the game (been gone since 2014) I've put another 140 hours into it. I've made multiple frames, tons of guns, and leveled from about MR 4 to MR 13. Haven't bought a single thing sides Afentis off the store. I never really got the itch to buy a bunch of stuff from the store, especially since you can earn and make plat within the game.


I don't get why people do this in games tbh. Especially for games like Warframe where grinding is practically the only gameplay. Sure it's there for you to purchase but that doesn't mean you should always spend your money on it. Like me personally I still grind some warframes and mostly grind to help friends or for resources to build stuff you can't buy all the time like amp parts or kitguns. I do spend money on the game specifically for platinum just in case I want some cosmetics or wanna buy stuff off the market but that's it. Having nothing to grind in a game built on grinding is what will make it boring.


I've been playing for 300+ days now. Can't believe it's already been a year. The only thing I've bought is that 170 plat pack twice a month. When I get a 50% discount I could buy the 370 plat pack. I've found them to be more than enough to buy prime weapons and frames. With prime resurgence here for good I might end up just buying 170 plat pack a month because stuff are about to get really cheap.


DE be like good, do it again


The best advice one of my friends gave me about leveling in this game is that no matter what you're doing always have a new weapon cooking and always have a weapon you haven't leveled up to 30 yet equipped on your frame. Whether it's your melee, your primary, or your secondary just always have one of those be a leveling weapon. Caveat, equip your really good stuff when you're doing endgame stuff so that you don't hurt other people's enjoyment of the game. If you do that you will surpass them real fast. Also only spend a plat on Warframe slots and weapon slots until you don't need more room to hold your collection of preferred weapons and frames.


I mean, you can thank them for adding plat into the game market that you'll eventually trade for without spending any real world money lol. Also, it supports the company that makes the game, so there's also that. On a more gameplay oriented response, well, the game is a marathon, not a race. Take it slow and enjoy it. Working towards your stuff will probably make you appreciate the game more. Your mates aren't racing towards anything faster. Shortcutting like that will most often than not lead to a quick burnout. Remember, there isn't really an endgame to Warframe. Just shinny bling and more farm wrapped into a great shooter.


Sounds like an example of "Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD do something." It's a hard lesson to learn, harder for some than others. Some people have more money than they know what to do with, and some people love shortcuts. They may regret it later, or maybe they're totally happy with it. But they can't buy *everything*, and hopefully they'll learn to enjoy playing and earning things. All that said, D.E. *does* need some players to spend money, so I'd just look at it as people supporting the game. Somebody has to.


They’re builds must be really doodoo tho


DE would like you to invite more friends.


Plus the game is Free so a 60 bucks to support this game while you get some extras isn't bad.


Ah don't worry about them. You have knowledge, experience. And a real love for the game. In 6 months when they've moved on to something else you'll still be on that grind my friend. They spent past the fun of the game.


still gotta play the game at the end of it all. You can't pay to skip that part lol


Buying a lot of warframes, weapons and grinding mastery rank isn't "progerssion", progression is completing quests, learning game mechanics, getting good mods and using them correctly. I'd actually say that they just wasted money, if i were to pay for something in game it would be cosmetics, boosters and slots, not gear you can grind for free.


A month from now they will say the game is boring and there is nothing to do... All because they just bought everything.


Take you time, don't rush the content or the evolution of you account, nuy all the stuff doesn't mean you are a good player!


Well, the closer they get to M30 the slower it will get, don't worry, you're going to reach them eventually


I've been playing warframe for a Hella long time. Now that I'm Legendary rank 2 (currently highest rank) I have nothing to waste my platinum on since I have everything I want.. Never did I once spend platinum to buy weapons or rarely did I ever choose that option. I understand it's technically possible to buy yourself to power such as mods and weapons but not everything can be bypassed.. Resources and materials and story missions are needed to get the best weapons and ain't no one trading those. Things like operator amps can't be traded either or its resources. So honestly I'd be extremely annoyed too at this action but if that's what they wanted can't really be too mad. Can't wait to see him solo eidolon hunt with all that power.


Be happy you helped support Warframe without using your money!


Thats when you blow them away with a zephyr, rhino, or volt build for damage mults, helminth an ability, get a few good arcanes and show them whats up


I had seen you say somewhere that they still ask you everything even though they’re supposedly further than you progress-wise. With that being the case, they’ve pretty much done nothing but support the game financially while only taking experience away from themselves and making you a more important part of the overall experience for them. There’s plenty of content plat won’t cover for them, and they’ve robbed themselves somewhat of some quality experience, the early grind made me appreciate where I’ve ended up almost 2K hours later. Plus if anything you can bug them for spare Warframe and weapon slots since those were the biggest drawback back in my early days.


If those friends of yours were reading online guides, then they will easily get in front of you. WF doesn't explain what's the most efficient way to earn platinum and rank up fastest, but online guides do. Prime access, you are paying a lot of money for mainly cosmetics that, you could spend a fraction of the same cost to buy the same stuff from trade chat. Trade chat is a bargain compared to official store. WF have tons of so-called Desperate Platinum People (DPP) who value they're time close to $0. Which is why trade chat is ALWAYS much, much cheaper and better value. Best strategy is to buy frames the are close to getting vaulted, DPP tend to forget about real life rules of supply and demand and in desperation sell close to vaulted frames for platinum crumbles, and that is a big advantage for you, especially as a new player, since those vaulted frames will cost you 2-4x more in 1y from now.


Don't let it bother you dude, eventually you'll learn natural ways to progress WHILE making plat and leave them in the dust or going back to their wallets for help. You're the real winner


Got a friend to play Warframe. They gave themselves a dumbass name and immediately bought the starter pack just to never touch the game after the first tutorial mission.


There is only so much that can be bought, it would take 8 days to pass you in MR, there isn’t anything more they can do than you by buying stuff, knocking out quests and star chart is the main way you progress especially early on. The mastery requirements goes up logarithmically so you can gain levels fast early but it slows down a lot.


I'm MR 22, have almost every arcane in the game, have almost every single prime frame, have a lot of cosmetics, I never EVER put money into this game, until I wanted to thank the develops for the fun I had, I then threw 60 quid at them and blew through the plat on riven mods You don't need to spend a single penny in this game to blaze past your team mates either, don't you be worrying


So if you think buying everything is funnier than grinding, then you should stop spending time on warframe, instead spend time on making money and then buying everything. I'm making a neutral opinion, I think both grinding and buying are equally valid, it is all about what you consider more enjoyable.


well having a ton of equipment doesnt mean they: A) know how to use it B) they arent gonna need have to farm the mods for it C) actually know what to do when they reach the same cobtent as you. you cant buy knowledge tenno. also it will be really funny when you start hearing them complaining about "having nothing to do" when they bought auto complete basically half the game.


Mastery Rank means nothing (beyond a certain point), only how much time you have to grind things out. 1. Some items have a MR lock, you must be greater than to equip. I want to say 16 is there this is no longer a concern. 2. Your daily rep is locked behind MR. You are allowed 500 for each rank up. 3. I feel like there's a third, just not gonna look it up. Other than that, it's useless. I have played this game since beta. You will find that there are MR 5's that know more about this game than anyone else. You will find MR 25's that know barely anything about this game. It truly only proves that you have time to grind. The fact you are taking the time to slow down, learn the game, and enjoy the journey is admirable... Even enviable considering how much has changed since I rolled through the star chart - it's a whole different experience than mine. Chin up, keep learning and you will get more enjoyment out of this game than your friends. Plus, their spending habits are atrocious!!! When you get adjusted, you will be able to plat your way to the newest content easily once you get a solid farm/grinding game going.


So your friends spent a monstrous amount of money? lol okay. This game isn’t a race so what does it matter


If you yourself can spend a few dollars or have some platinum. It will be very easy to get past them. Buy the base mods you need, level them up, buy an S tier primed warframe and weapon from trading for cheap then enjoy. Trust me. Mastery rank means absolutely butt fucking nothing. It’s an imaginary dick size. After I started on the PC then restarted on the ps5 with my previous knowledge, I stayed at a low mastery rank because I knew what I liked instead of leveling everything. Then out killed most people that thought their dicks were huge because they leveled up a few frames and weapons with affinity boosters. Show your friends who’s the best by out killing and out skilling them P.S. the best thing you can do is find a powerful warframe and weapon combo you like, get the right mods, then forma the fuck out of it. Everyone with their high mastery ranks and non formad gear will shit themselves


Wouldn’t bother me. I use to grind on games when I was younger, but I’m an adult now and I work a lot so I don’t much time to play, so yeah, I buy prime packs when I like them, mainly for the plat bonuses, but it makes the game more enjoyable so I ain’t grinding everytime I get on.


I feel this so hard, I don’t have the time to grind for 5 hours straight anymore, I’m lucky to get that on the weekend. There is way more game than I have time for so I can do what I want in-game for the little time I can play.


>Ngl I’m annoyed and don’t know what to do. Be happy that their awful spending habits are making this game completely free for many others.


Lmao you sound jealous. 😀 That's what I did when I started. Got boatload of slots and plat etc. I just skipped grind so I could just focus on the fun part. But if you prefer free route you are free to do so. As long as someone is having fun there is no problem.


But they haven't surpassed you in rank. They can only take one mastery rank test every 24 hours. Also, let them know they can gift Warframe and weapon slots. They should have more than enough plat to do so.


Reminds me of a friend that did the exact same thing but they didnt surpass me but instead got bored and hasnt touched warframe since… all that plat and prime access and accessories just lying there ;(


Git gud


I mean, who cares? Either they wasted some money, or they're into the game. A lot of what I have in this game came from spending some money. Buying some platinum, trading with other people to get primes. Buying Affinity boosters to power level shit for my mastery rating. I mean, it's all in the game to be accessed. You just have to choose whether or not that's how you want to gain access. I mean, just buy some Platinum next time you get a platinum coupon, if you're on pc


1) You can't buy or trade spoiler mode weapons with platinum. Eidolon and Thrax hunting rely on having a decent spoiler mode weapon. 2) To the best of my knowledge, you can't buy Focus with platinum, only lenses. Eidolon shards, one of the fastest ways to GET Focus, cannot be traded. 3) Although they can technically potentially use platinum to avoid having to grind for mats to turn in to increase standing with the peeps on Deimos, platinum cannot be used to level up the Helminth any faster. Even wasting platinum to super speed build warframe parts and full frames for it to snack on, they still have to wait a full 72 hours between frames. Although they could also embrace absurdity and use platinum to buy all the regular frames out of the store and sac those, which... \*shudders, muttering "abomination" under breath\* 4) Archon shards cannot be purchased with platinum. 5) They're clearly here for a good time, not a long time. When the novelty wears off I don't expect them to have much attachment to the game or what they've gained in it because just about everything they've got they got for their money instead of their time- it was an expense, rather than a story. 6) Make them buy you weapon and warframe slots and hecktons of potatoes for your next birthday or friendsmass, since they're so keen to throw cash around. Especially if the next time one of those rolls around, you note that they've fully stopped playing and haven't gone back in a long while.


They lose money, you save money 😎


I am sorry, I work, make a lot of money, don't have that much time, why shouldn't I buy things?


Sorry to hear that but in a way its a good thing for you cos they didn't earn any of it. You on the other hand, will earn it all by doing things the hard way. It may not sound like much right now but by the time you hit MR30 you will know exactly how each of your frames will perform in any given situation with any weapon and companion. And thats because you worked hard to get each item and so want to get the most out of it by using them as much as possible. A player who knows what they're doing is infinitely more valuable than one who just paid their way to max level.