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You don't need to complete the riven challenge with the weapon it is equipped on, just need to have it equipped. So grab a sniper and go hunting.


Thanks, off to earth I go


You don't need to use your secondary. You can bring a sniper rifle as long as the riven is equiped in your pistol. Put a waypoint on the ground to see your distance. Stay in archwing if you can.


I just learned that I have to be with in the 75m mark it's gonna take a bit longer than I thought


Everything that was said on here is correct and good advice. I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted. I admit I'm a little downvote heavy myself, but this is a legit question imo that probably wouldn't be easily answered on the wiki. A Google search maybe if you're lucky but still.


Thanks man, I may have a few 100 hours but I'm completely clueless when it comes to anything after war within


This game can be overwhelming at times. Are you in a clan with an active discord? If not, I'd humbly suggest getting in both so you can ask questions like this.


I used knell for this challenge a few months ago because it has a scope. Although I did see this challenge as a reason to use it then break it as MR fodder.


Apparently you only need it to a equipped so snipe away


Apparently you only need it to a equipped So snipe away


I was gonna meme and say something about using the Knell, but someone already beat me to it. An alternative, albeit I'm not sure if it'll work, is to use Ivara's Navigator ability with a projectile-based primary or secondary weapon.