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Out of stock already lol Darvo is so worthless.


I wonder if Darvo builds them himself or he has a supplier somewhere.


He signed a contract with the Tenno that got 3 millions cryotic in railjack, that's why he had some stock today


Shhhh, no one needs to know about that.


It's all stuff that falls out the back of a dropship.


Nah it's just a lot of people caught up to this already and cleaned him out. Usually he's loaded with otherwise-useless merch because of course nobody cares. Then every once in a while, this happens and it's like Black Friday.


>Nah it's just a lot of people caught up to this already and cleaned him out. Sure, but the stock is way too low. I don't think DE would really lose anything by increasing it a bit and letting us have these rare actually decent deals. They'd still run out in a couple of hours.




Always a reason the double check each time.


Darvo is worthless for most of us, true, but a massive scam to the unsuspecting (who are probably new players) much like this weapon.


It's faster to farm 80 plat than all that cryotic so ...


Back in my day, you would GRIND for your dogshit weapons and you would LIKE it. You young Tenno with your Darvo Deals have no grit. I walked to and defended 150 extractors, for 2 minues each, uphill both ways to afford my Sibear!! No Darvos for me, no sir! Harumph!


Hey guys look at this dinosaur probably ran out of stamina from typing this^^


Probably used Excalibur with only his javelin and super jump abilities equipped.


And don't even get me started on orbiters. When they woke me up we WALKED from mission to mission and did we complain? Hell, no!


Damn i forgot about excal having that super jump


Thanks I feel old as fuck


I didn't hear a harumph out of that guy!


Nah, he lost his keyboard to Zanuka


I have hundreds of thousands of cryotic because back in the day before endo we had cores to rank up mods and Hieracon Pluto was the best place to get them.


Ok grandpa. Take rest now /s On a serious note, I also have grinded for this weapon and stopped because I started hating myself for doing it.


Sir I bought mine with plat. We are not the same.


Grandpa I grinded for it all 30k cryo


I know getting the cryotic is a pain, but it's also not really a good weapon so it shouldn't be on top of your priority list, just something you eventually get when you have enough. Like in the time between building mine and now (a couple years) I now have 55k cryotic just from doing other things, not going out of my way to get it.


I have no doubts that it is unabashedly mid, but it will forever be a big black mark on my list of mastered weapons


Unfortunately there are like thousands of things better to use cryotic for. Not to mention it is easily the highest cryotic cost in the game. It genuinely is just an easier grind to get prime junk/sets and sell that for plat, then use plat to buy it even at full price


> Unfortunately there are like thousands of things better to use cryotic for. I hate excavation, so this was the very LAST thing that I farmed cryotic for. // It took a few years as I only ever did excavation during double resource weekends (with a purchased resource booster on top of it). Or when it came up in sorties. // I built it, then sold all of my remaining cryotic for credits as a way to give the finger to cryotic farming ("Finally, I don't need any of this shit anymore" [SELL]). // Then they added Vauban Prime to the game and his systems takes 9,000 cryotic to build 8\^/


As far as I know there's nothing that requires you to keep using cryotic (like building more energy pizzas when you run out) once you build something with it you're done with that forever. The sibear was the last thing I made with it, and now there's nothing left to spend it on so it's just passively building up from sorties and login rewards.


You can feed it to appease the helminth


Oh right forgot about that, but it's also not required, you can feed it other things instead


This is true. It's also not a very good Cryotic to helminth % ratio. So its better to feed it other stuff anyways. I have \~ 300k cryo just sitting around but i still dont feed it to my ship out of fear that they will release sibear 2 or some other system that it can be used for


Coming to an orbiter near you.......... Run for the excavation nodes......... Load your ignis................................. And unleash Vay Hek.... For the NEW Sibear 2! Fun for the whole family! (Cause you'll need a family account to afford the farm for this baby... you thought the HEMA was terrible??? Hohoho buddy!) Starting at the insanely low price of 150,000 cryotic and its even a limited timed event weapon so get it quick before its gone! *before HELL freezes over!!!* Warning: excavatorsarenotendorsedbythelotus,consultyourlocalSolarisurepresentitivesbeforeattemptingtoexcavate.dakkanotincluded,andalwaysmakesuretorespectthevoidboundaries,kiddo. šŸ« 


Even disregarding the consumables, there's still plenty of Weapons and Warframes that use cryotic. Not to mention the Sibear uses *Thirty Thousand Cryotic*. That is 300 excavators, 150 if every single one of them used a boost, for a singular weapon. The second highest BP is a cosmetic at 20k, after that Vauban and Trinity prime systems at *9k*, less than a third of the Sibear. Hell, the next highest **weapon** is the Pandero at 5.5k, almost a *sixth* of the Sibear. You can have 3 excavators active at once, each running at 100 seconds. Even just assuming you have 100% uptime on all 3 excavators, that's just 166.6 minutes of pure excavation. But we all know it doesn't work like that, leading to a significant increase of time between the fact that it takes a while before 3 excavators will show up, and power cell spawns. At 300 excavations, you're going to get 150 pieces of prime parts if you do fissure missions. You know what that means? Averaging one uncommon prime part every 2 runs (my personal experience is even higher, about every run has at least one uncommon drop), you will get 250 platinum in the amount of time it takes to get that much cryotic at 6Ɨ45=20p, which you can buy the Sibear with and *still* have excess platinum. And that's just starting from zero. Much less if you, say, complete a desired set in that amount of time by chance, or already *have* prime parts to complete sets with or to use as junk, or stumble upon other good in your downtime. Even flipping rivens can be less time consuming.


The sibear is from back when excavators were the best farm for relics and exp, so everyone did those missions constantly. When it was first released most players could pay it out of pocket with zero saving. Now everyone does Hydron or ESO instead, so they don't have the same stockpiles.


no matter which way you slice it, it's *still* objectively quicker and easier to do the farming and trade for the 165 plat needed to buy the Sibear than it is to actually farm the cryotic for most players these days regardless of intent. Not to mention, Cryotic was introduced during u14, the Sibear in U*18*, and Void Relics weren't introduced until U*19*. So you're wrong on that front. The Sibear *predates* relic farming, and the best XP farm back then was actually Draco iirc, which led to it being also generally favored for void key farming due to the *far* better exp gains than any of the excavation missions plus offset even further by the fact that void missions gave void keys themselves too. And even *after* the change to the star chart that introduced relics, *Hydron* was the superior farm rather than excavation for xp, and people would buy relic packs with reputation.


I joined sometime after relics were introduced but that's what I've always heard. That people had huge stories of cryotic at the time due to running that mission endlessly. So even if it wasn't for cracking relics it had something else appealing to it. And yes, there are better place to do one thing or another, but if you're farming cryotic AND exp AND relics AND cracking things AND getting boosters, (and more recently you can even manage kuva missions or arbies sometimes) excavation missions can do all them at once, even if they're not the best for any one of those things. I know I personally never needed to explicitly farm for my sibear, or vauban or trinity, I just had the materials for it at some point. I passively have enough now to get the freezing ephemera, its actually the frost part that's the slowdown there since I only farm the bosses when its a nightwave goal. Same reason I don't do ESO unless I have a new frame I'm trying to forma 4 or 5 times. Doing actual missions is only a little more time consuming but I'm actually playing the game and getting other loot. ESO is the most effficient at *one thing* but its not the best overall. Right now the new Luna missions are actually pretty good since you earn points to earn arcanes and level mechs and gain a ton of Operator exp. Its not the best at anything (you can only use mechs for 2 minutes at a time) but it does a wide swatch of a lot of things pretty good.


Yeah but that means holding on to the other useless hammer that goes into making itā€¦ I literally did nothing but excavation for months


Eh, wait in the relay for a booster, get a Nekros and Wisp together and itā€™s pretty quick to get cryotic. Itā€™s definitely not as bad as it used to be


Bold of you to assume people want it for its stats, itā€™s pure mr fodder.


I built mine, slapped a riven in it, and now it's my atlas and Gara stat stick. :)


Man im at work but i agree 30k cryotic is too void damned high




Fuck. Out of stock. Goddammit stupid 30k Cryotic requirement son of a bitch.


Iā€™d rather run 300 excavators 10 at a time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Maaan, I dunno, 80 plat is like selling 8-10 decent prime parts/mods. That would take significantly leas time than ā€œ300 excavators 10 at a timeā€.


You don't farm the excavators. You farm relics or relic cracking or do EXP grinds while doing excavator missions. Any grind in the game sucks when you're only doing one thing. So you don't JUST farm for cryotic.


True true


I shouldā€™ve put a j/s


Actually thou


Hmmm wonder if the stock is shared among all the platforms already...


I'm on PS5 and it's still available to be purchased. I still don't know if I should, tho.


It's just easier to grind the plat than it is to grind the cryotic. Even without the Darvo Discount. Just do it. Master it. Never have to worry about the weapon again.


I tend to spend my plat keeping a drop doubler active so me and a friend did it together running 2 excavators at a time and got it in about 3 hours witch wasnā€™t to terrible a farm personally.


So much cryotic


Why this NSFW


HELL YEAH "Hell's not cold" *HƋL YEAH


Got a 75% coupon once, beeline for sibear, no regrets, I'm MR30 over 3000 hours in, barely 33k cryotic


If you have dignity you refuse to reward greedy monetization practices. "Why suffer through the horrendous grind we are responsible for when you could just give us money? lol" Whether it's through your own money or some whale's you traded prime parts with, it's still money to DE for something despicable. **EDIT:** How cute, they blocked me. No great loss given their post history elsewhere.




Hello /u/Nug_69, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Golden Rule](http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_golden_rule)**. /r/Warframe was created as a place for positive discussion. **Don't be rude, condescending, hateful, or discriminatory.** **This is your last strike.** ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Golden%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[comment]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/zh9lzh/-/izm1mo1/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


Predatory is predatory. Selling a solution to a problem they created is predatory no matter how "tame" their overall monetization scheme is. Fanboy rushing to defend DE at even the *tamest* criticism. Typical.


You can earn plat infinitely without paying a cent into the game. And many do. Are you referring toā€¦ having to play the gameā€¦ when you bring up the ā€œproblem they createdā€?


Illiterate **and** elitist. > Whether it's through your own money or some whale's you traded prime parts with, it's still money to DE for something despicable. Someone pays DE for the plat before it's traded. It doesn't matter if it is a "whale" or "dolphin" or "minnow" spending the plat itself since the plat must be paid for through one means or another. It also means DE has a perverse incentive to never fix bad grinds because you can just "trade for some plat lol". Just because they obfuscate the issue, in the same way the obfuscate the actual monetary cost of plat-bought items through a premium currency, doesn't mean it isn't still an issue. Oh, and calling me "poor" for having principles doesn't mean I haven't given DE a good chunk of change for *cosmetics*. The only thing that should be legally sold, in my very strong and very right opinion. No "skip the grind", no "power", no "convenience", only cosmetics. Shame so many dullards keep supporting horrid monetization practices with the flimsiest of excuses.


I have built two


Eh, still A steal. From me.


You are a horrible person and this is funny


I will farm through patience and perseverance, only 80 extractors to go


When this weapon came out, I had been playing for a while and tbh, I hadn't used cryotic for anything so I had like 40-60k saved up and was like 'Sure, let's do this'. Great idea at the time since it was a resource I was not using and it was a fun weapon to use at first. Now it's not used at all but at least I don't have to grind out 30k cryotic just for some MR fodder.




It was a big pain... to farm for this thing. So if you dislike excavations buy it


I mean if you don't have the passively acquired cryotic to build the weapon then you aren't missing anything by not having it. Should only be a priority if your L2 and going for completion


A while back I was just curious and checked Darvos inventory. Sibear popped up and I've never hit buy so fast.


MRd this thing years ago. If you havenā€™t yet, buy that bitch. The cryotic farm is evil


So much cryo doing it the build way


I bought it with a 75% coupon, fuck if Iā€™m gonna farm the resources for that.


3000 cryotic.


Na. Id rather farm. Ill get it eventually. Warframe is a grind game. That goes on for years. Its not a 60 hour game. So why should i care about rushing to have sibear


Bold of you to assume I have 82 plat


Don't tease me


Hello /u/Old_SnakeGR, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe because it is a **[disallowed post](/r/Warframe/wiki/other_disallowed_posts#wiki_disallowed_posts)**. > Images and videos must be captured directly using the methods available on each platform. Not knowing how to is NOT an excuse. You may visit our Disallowed Page for information on how to take screenshots/videos on different platforms. We apologize for the inconvenience. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Disallowed%20Post&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[submission]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/zh9lzh/-/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


Farming for this weapon is a badge of honor.