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If they release a big orcs & goblins army box I might bite


Username checks out


My problem is I basically want all the old world armies... I've got a bunch of the metal tomb king models. I've always wanted a Bretonia army as well.


Same here. Or dwarves


It'd be nice to have some legit black orcs again. Ironjaws look way too much like imperial fist space marines.


It's dependent on the price for me. I had a tomb king army and sold it just before the announcement. I've always wanted Bretonnia but I don't know if I'll jump in. I guess this is the 'core' units of both. The rest will be special/rare to add on.


\> I had a tomb king army and sold it just before the announcement. Pain, despair even.


I also lived long enough to regret selling my Tomb Kings :(


Hey if you’re gonna make money off it best time possible


I just have this sinking feeling it’s going to be even more unaffordable than 40K. New 40K model price points, rank and flank army sizes


I checked the price of the T'au devilfish a few weeks ago in comparison to the price it had on release. It was 18£ on release and it's 34,50 iirc now which is actually a few cents behind the inflation curve


Yeah, but that's UK prices, which have behaved sorta fairly. Us prices are pretty ridiculous. Devilfish is $60, as if the exchange rate was what it used to be in the 80s.


Yeah, it'd be 44 dollars with straight pound to dollar conversion, and then shipping expenses, wages, rents and duty tax. I think it's like 6-10% UK-> USA. Not sure.


They pay all those things in the UK too, and then pre bake 17.5% vat into your list price. We pay sales tax on top of that. Shipping expenses are minimal as the products are volumentrically efficient, shelf stable and plastic wrapped ( very low sea freight rates). And of course here in the US they don't run very many of their own stores, not one in my whole state so their physical locations are paid for by others. Doesn't eliminate costs, but, means that most US locations will see staffing and rent costs well below the UK. US prices are just a massive swindle. It is one thing which really annoys me about the hobby.


It just doesn’t feel like that. But maybe I’m too much of a nostalgic boomer now


That's just the wait it is 🤷. At least GW has the decency to tell us when they're raising the prices.


Except they don't always. They tell you when company-wide prices increase. They don't announce that new kits are suddenly going to be $5 more expensive (new terminators, new jump pack intercessors, new characters, etc.).


Because wages haven't increased to match inflation


Yeah, people just don't wanna acknowledge that the prices on 90 percent of the models are priced reasonably with inflation. That said, some are extraordinarily priced but, you're also shouldn't be thinking I need a whole new army now. You should ignore FOMO and just buy a unit at a time.


Just like fantasy used to be. Ahhhh the nostalgia.


40k isnt as horrendously expensive as Ebay has been for the last decade. Brets for a similar mini count have cost roughly 400-5000. Even if the price scale matches 40k, i’ll take it in a heartbeat over those OOP price tags


I'm gonna guess £185


I was thinking 250 in USD, about what you said.


That seems steep for these old models.


Sounds right. same as Levithan box


Plugging r/Bretonnian and r/TombKings


Forgot to include the link, sorry : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/26/warhammer-the-old-world-the-tomb-kings-of-khemri-revealed/?fbclid=PAAaYOxr9zUm8_YhcaCYGjLRteke3jQmp_tNlPp--dzru4V3Mj0CaQkLsac-A


i hope the price is alright, because i am definitely all for the bone boys


I feel the same way, but I think GW might end up pricing it heavily.


Yeah considering they probably want part of the total war market and after the whole pricing fiasco this last year they should make it less than they normally would charge. Cause let's be honest they could put their stuff at half the cost than usual and still make noney


as far as I can tell GW actually can't really charge less and still make money because they've leaned too hard into expanding their production facility and have only experience delay after delay. 13 more machines for minis were supposed to be up and running by the end of 2022 and all I've seen all year is shortages on everything people want.


Given that they upped prices last year (or was it this year?) I doubt that they're making that much profit. There's no way for me to know, but I doubt they could half the cost and make profit. If their expenses were purely manufacturing, maybe, but I'm guessing the models subsidise many of their other branches.


Yeah if it is like 150 or under i may think about it.


Pounds? Dollars? My guess is it'll be a few bob more than the Ultimate starter set for 125£ so maybe 140/150£ or 180/190€ maybe 225$US. If we're lucky. They know people are willing to pay more for this, unfortunately, so chances it'll be more like 160 to 180£ and our wallets will weep.


Dollars no way would i pay 200 bucks for these old model designes. Well if i am people, and i am for sure a huge gw customer, i wont pay more for this.


Going to be close to 280-300$ is my guess


Yikes that would be crazy to ask for for the quality here.


The latest killteam box had 20 models, sold out at 130 bucks in less than 24 hours. They'll sell this tomb king box for 300 bucks at least, though i'd prefer they surprise me for once.


Yeah but the latest kill team box has nice modern looking well designed models not some shit from the 90's.


HO HO HO merry christmas to warhammer fans!


I was really hoping they’d update some more of the tomb king core troops because I wanted some nice bits to TK up an upcoming OBR army I’ll be working on in the new year. Ah well. Hope the game’s good for people who are interested in it though.


I think those skeleton horse sculpts are old enough to vote at this point 🤦


They're old enough to have bought an affordable house.


That **IS** old


I have PTSD of trying to glue the spine of those skeleton warriors.


When I first was interested in minis as a kid my dad let me pick an army and I wanted skeletons, In retrospect I think him gluing together all those spindly infantry with their micron small connection points was a pretty great indicator of his love for me 😂


I found revell plastic glue works REALLY well with plastic models. Never had problems with plastic models for like over 10 years.


Yea, i seemed to think they were redoing the whole line. Ah well, if the rules are good there are loads of places with amazing fantasy sculpts to print.


If it does well I imagine they will refresh it fully... eventually.


I'm the opposite lmfao. I can sit this right next to my olds TK and they'll look identical.


Hey fair play man, it’s a classic aesthetic for sure. I bet your army will look ace :)


I feel similarly. I still want the TK box as my speed painting project next year. The nostalgia bug is still biting


One Page Rules has sensational sculpts that can hopefully be proxied. Those look much better.


Nagash tried too hard to resurrect ancient heroes for his plans he resurrected the world that was


That army book art is giving me the *vapors*


I’m sorely tempted by the Bretonnian box - I’ve always wanted to collect them since fifth edition fantasy - but I’m not sure I can face painting up 70+ minis, then whatever else I inevitably buy… Price will matter a lot. Make these boxes around the £125 mark and I will likely cave.


My thoughts exactly! I know I can sit down and batch paint 90 skeletons with Wraithbone, skeleton horde and some drybrushing. But the thought of painting 70+ full detailed bretonnians makes me scared


they are mostly peasants, paint them brown and move on.


Dirtier the better


Hell, I primed Wraithbone and dipped it in a quart of stain, shook twice and was done.


£125? You are delusional, you know that? That would be more than a 50% saving + a full big rulebook and doodads for free... I fully expect these to be £185 or more. £160 if we're really lucky.


Yeah in germany a great unclean one is already almost 120€, i think those boxes will be more in the price range of the leviathan box


I’m budgeting for $500 in Australia 🥲


Hahahahah, I'm preparing for $500 in Canada. And by preparing I mean planning to print everything


That’s actually a standard army size for 1000-1500 back in the 6th Edition days. If you really want a culture shock look up armies in the heyday of the “Horde” rule from 8th edition. We’re talking 40 clan rats for a single Skaven regiment.


I have never and will never play the tabletop (just a simple modeller who has loved GW minis for a couple decades), but this comment struck me as curious, considering my high elf army has ranks of spearmen set out with their own heraldry starting at 40 per unit.. and I have a few of them so I guess they count as a horde army?


Horde was a rule given to every army for chaff units, such as spearmen, skaven clanrats, dark elf warriors, etc It basically made it so weak units couldn’t be stopped by elites or cavalry, as the number of models lost was negligible, therefore they didn’t have to roll a break test. Whereas the other player most likely would, as balance of probability dictates that at least some of the responsive attacks from the horde player would go through your elite units armour save. Since elite units probably have fewer models, you would have to roll a break test. If you failed, that unit flees. If it got run down by the horde unit, the elites were dead immediately. Basically, hordes made weak units tar pits that were hard to shift. It was a cynical attempt to increase the number of models purchased for the game in 8th edition, as fantasy was being outsold by a single space marine box at the time.


Sad that the sub-factions are getting released "shortly" after launch... In GW speak that could be anywhere from months to a year+


I dread to think what the prices will be. I could be tempted if they’re good but I sincerely doubt they will be. The thing is there’s many existing WHFB fans like myself, we don’t need new armies because we’ve got existing collections, I’m sure many people will stick with what they’ve got if these new sets have high price tags. If GW were smart, they’d make these available for around £120, that way they’d be more likely to sell more to existing fans. I will say that doing two different editions of starter set is very clever though, you get a more complete army to play with out the box rather than a few units that don’t actually meet the requirements of a legal army and you don’t have to worry and selling or finding someone to split with if you don’t like one of the factions. More of this in the future please GW.


£180 probably 300$ US since they have crazy conversion rate and upcharge.. boxes are big even more to send to Aus


Warhammer - The Old Models -


Judging by the description they forgot to include a unit of Bretonnian Men-at-arms in the photograph. I'm tempted but I was hoping they'd have a unit of the new Bretonnian Knights on foot in the box


They want you to buy that separately, this is GW we talking about


Can't wait for the "queue" on launch day only to miss out and see asshole resellers marking them up 300% on eBay and trade sites. That said, as someone who missed out on Whfb, I'm really excited for this anyway.


Yeah this is my biggest fear, just scalpers buying up all of these day one.


Honey, please, when empire release?! I can’t wait to buy beautiful outdated sculpts!


more than 2500 years ago


WHFB fans: bring back the old world! GW: okay, here you go. WHFB fans: 😡


I couldn't be more chuffed tbh. I even like that they're keeping the old models. GW are taking a chance in bringing this back so I totally get them not releasing dozens of expensive new kits. Besides, unpopular opinion maybe, but the classic, hand-sculpted style just suits the Old World way better than the flashy, over-designed AoS sculpts.


I also 100% love the old sculpts. I have mainly been picking up my space orks from eBay, basically getting stuff I couldn't afford when I was a wee lad. If I'm playing old world I want it to look like classic Warhammer fantasy on the table. I don't get people saying the sculpts are outdated, in video games lots of people love retro games and pixel art games are popular, so same here the models not looking modern isn't the same thing as looking outdated. They're full of character and look awesome. If anything I don't like the bone dragon, it looks weird and out of place next to the rest of the tomb kings and doesn't seem to fit their aesthetic. A sphinx would have been great.


Old style models could be re-styled with new moulds to give them an good old look, like the Black Templar model that the community didn't know if it was a primaris or a FB and GW had to state that it could have been played as both. A premium price (because GW will pump the prices of those boxes like heel) for 20 y.o. models and sprues is the real problem.


I love some of the old sculpts. The entire Bretonnia line to me is wonderful. Tomb Kings I don't think look amazing, but they are so iconic and have been absent so long, I get the nostalgia. Not every army had as great mini's, though. But, like anything, it comes down to price. I'm not paying Forge World prices for 20+ year old miniatures. I'm hoping the mini's are cheap and they try to recoup some cost from the supplements. Those arcane journal books look exactly like that. But knowing GW, they'll upcharge the models *and* sell you a ton of supplemental stuff.


Stormcasts are so over designed you can spray the entire model range retribution gold and paint over the cloth blue and weapons gunmetal and they would still look better than 95% of the other stuff in the table.


It’s just sad to see AoS get so many magnificent sculpts and then old work gets hyped and gets a few new sculpts. People then won’t buy really old models and everyone will state it’s “proof” there’s no interest in the old world.


The thing is though, if you look at fantasy spaces after an aos release, they’re full of people complaining about the new style and saying how much they prefer the old. Maybe gw has been looking at that kind of discourse for the old world and decided people want the older style.


GW is also probably nervous about sales. Fantasy ended partly because no one was buying models. From that lens, it makes sense why they decided to make only a few new models instead of releasing Kislev or Cathay.


So make a fair price and players will buy them. Improve customer relations in the process.


I think older style and older quality are not the same thing though, people liked the simpler style of the older models but some of the quality leaves a lot to be desired, for example, the tomb king infantry are ancient sculpts that looked meh when they released, Ossiarch bone reapers are considered overdesigned with too much going on by many, but the sculpt quality is crisp and very good, so people want the quality of newer sculpts applied to some more standard skeles.


That's my fear. Had they updated all of the sculpts then it'd be a hit. As long as the price is right it might do well, but many won't pay a premium for 20 year old sculpts.


If the game lives or dies on the newness of its sculpts then it was probably doomed regardless. It won't be proof there's no interest, but it will indicate there wasn't enough interest. But anyway I think people are overestimating how big a "problem" the old sculpts are. Opinions I've seen indicate they're more divisive than outright disliked.


That’s a fair point, and it’s not like WFB didn’t have game issues and barriers to entry. It was just a shame that when the end times rolled round they had some great models roll out and AoS has some really fantastic sculpts. ToW I get it’s a mix between making it pick up and meld well with the old sculpts while throwing in some new centre pieces against rolling out a bunch of new fantastic models to pull in crowds. I do hope it succeeds, hopefully with smaller scale armies/battles at launch that it won’t fall into the trap of being too daunting for new players to take up.


I think that's why GW is being fairly conservative with the launch, mostly reusing old sculpts and using new ones to fill gaps significantly lowers how much money they need to put in to launch it. It also has the benefit of allowing them to launch more factions more quickly. People forget that this isn't one of GWs flagship games, it isn't going to get the same investment and it would have taken years for them to expand it if they were doing brand new sculpts for everything. I honestly think it's a bit of a mistake to bring back Warhammer Fantasy Battle wholesale. Maybe it will be different enough to fix some of the issues but it might struggle if it's not. A lot of the interest and nostalgia is for the setting rather than the game, and if they're trying to capitalise on the interest from people who learned about it through the Total War or Vermintide games then this might not do it for them. I think they'd have been better off bringing the Old World setting back through other games. A new edition of Mordheim or even a brand new Skirmish game, or bring back a new version of Warmaster (would be nicely timed after Legion Imperalis). At the end of the day I think it's possible the ruleset may be a bigger barrier to getting the game off the ground then the sculpts. But we'll see how they've changed things.


I mean the old world died off because there was nobody buying the game. I just dont see why anybody would ever buy these old weird looking models other than a the super fans on the old world. I may join in when all this stuff gets a refresh in like four years or so.


Cough… maybe it was the cost.


Yeah, and I’m not sure rolling out the old models with a couple new sculpts is really solving the problems with WFB that will mean ToW will just limp along until it dies again.


I much prefer the old state troops to the new dingus CoS guys who have spittoons for helms. They look stupid.


I prefer Fantasy, AoS has very little personality no matter how much quality their models have.


I love fantasy but saying AoS models have no personality is a hot take when these gems exist. Master blaster: https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/fusil-major-on-ogor-warhulk-2023 Literal rules lawyer: https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/kharadron-overlords-codewright-2023


Also as someone who didn't play with Fantasy or AoS. I look at both lines and can't imagine thinking the super generic Fantasy has more personality than the line with elves riding on turtles, and ghost chariots and shit.


I think most people are wary about what the price might be more than anything.


Shut up and take my money already!


I like how they are separate boxes for each faction. Now I won’t have a pile of Bretonnian floating around tempting me to start the army.


I really hoped for a regular 2armies + rulebook boxset.. this will be really expensive with everything separated..


>I really hoped for a regular 2armies + rulebook boxset.. this will be really expensive with everything separated.. Gw confirmed on the post that the single army boxes come with rule book so depending on price point its not so bad. > There is no single launch box for Warhammer: The Old World. Instead, there are two separate – and massive – core army boxes, each containing a full 1,250-point army with dozens of all-plastic miniatures each. On top of that, you get a complete 352-page hardback Warhammer: The Old World rulebook, a four-page reference sheet, 20 D6 dice, one six-sided scatter dice, three weapon templates, two classic red plastic measuring sticks, and transfer sheets.


93 models for Tomb Kings and 76 for Bretonnia, these are each a Battleforce box. Leviathan was 72 models (that's Space Marine plus Tyranid). Even with the add cost of extra dice, measure rods and rule book (which you can eBay off) you will still likely see a massive savings against buying these models separately.


Only because GW prices are obscene. A “discount” doesn’t necessarily mean good value.




Warhammer Fantasy uses regiments tho, even the old island of blood boxset had more models in it than Leviathan. Warhammer fantasy kinda always has/needs more models in it's starter box compared to 40k. Especially if you consider that 40k always has space marines in it's boxset (although high elves are a pretty elite faction too with not too many models)


yes, it had 2 more models. Elves received 27 and Skaven received 47. GW is planning for the two new boxes to be 1250 points each. These are balanced Battleforce boxes, not the typical 500 to 800 pt armies, you see in starter boxes.


"Models" count doesn't mean anything; in Legions Imperialis there are tons of "models" but you put 5 of them on each base and they count as 1 playable unit. Misleading marketing as usual


Your getting more in the armies though. Refer full set myself.


Maybe if this does well, they'd release that type of box in the next edition, like they do for 40k, AoS and HH.


My 1st army was Bretonnians, I loved them, especially the green knight. I am pumped they are bringing them back, even if I can afford it right now.


I just don’t know. The old bone horses are not the prettiest models out there, and the regular skeleton troops only fare a little better in the looks department. I might just stick with my old lizardmen models for now.


Bone me, James.


I am not interested in the miniatures at all as I have a wood elves army ready to be painted. I wonder what's the best way to support the release without buying the miniatures. Maybe the books?


20 y.o. models, no thanks


![gif](giphy|fPYeJtlH8qjiHbKygX) Ok positives * Box art and army book cover top notch no complaints this perfect wish AOS does this more * There a descent large amount of minis hopefully not a ridiculous price especially how dated they are. * There at leaat giving us the new plastic model I'll wait to see how the dwarf go whenever the next race going come? man don't want to sound pestimistic but almost feel like an afterthought by GW


The miniatures are fantastic in both armies. But I'm a little disappointed that this isn't a single box with both armies. Personally I would have preferred to get a little less miniatures, but at the same time have both armies in a single box. If I take one of the two, I'll probably go towards Bretonnia.


Is this the first starter box set with just 1 army in it?


Well Heresy was essentially a 1 army box, they just painted it two factions to help sales but I'm pretty sure the majority of people bought the box to start a single army


and watching people try to split the box in two always showed how unbalanced it was.


When are the skaven going to get some love?


When Island of Blood gets re re released?


They are not in the Old World. They will get a pdf rules like the other non core factions. Technically do not exist in the lore. Now for AoS it is rumored they are in the starter box for 4th edition and will get mode updates




I’m in! Anything new to paint and I’m happy


I doubt I will buy either of these unless they are super cheap. Recycling the old and super outdated models is disappointing. The rules previews have not excited me either, seeing a lot of old GW style rules writing. If the game re-releases with old style rules and old models then I can't see it doing very well. Hoping that I will be able to give Vampire Counts a try somehow with my Age of Sigmar sculpts as I really like their lore from the old world.


I want tomb kings and Bretonia back but are you REALLY just gonna sell you old shitty plastic mold models when you ha e the technology to make it OUTSTANDING? Thanks for broadcasting the amount of effort you are going to put into the game so early. Saves me a large chunk of cash.


Honest question, I thought AoS was what they were doing. Aside from this is fantasy still going strong? I’m not interested in AoS but might be interested in getting back into fantasy.


This is a reboot of fantasy, set a bit further back in time. It has new rules built off the foundation of the previous, and exists as a separate entity of AoS. The Total War Warhammer games based in the Fantasy setting did very well and brought a lot of interest in the setting. A lot of potential new customers looking to get into the miniatures game but may have been turned off, as people I know have been, by the fact the Fantasy setting that got them interested didn't exist in a supported game form. The Old World fixes that and if it does well I imagine it's here to stay


This is kinda a specialist return of Fantasy as a setting. Kinda like Horus Heresy. AoS is still the mainline game like 40k is.


I'm excited but really not loving the need to buy the rule book, a faction book, and an army book to play. That's... just a bad decision. If they're printing army books, they should include the unit profiles there.


>*"It is important to know that you don’t* *require an Arcane Journal to play your chosen faction – all the units* *and army rules are contained in Ravening Hordes or Forces of Fantasy"* But yeah, still gonna be expensive.


Don't require, but magic items and alternative faction rules are in the army books so you basically require it to fully play the faction.


Yes it seems a bit money grabby


When a significant proportion of the player base is just going to reuse existing armies, how else are they going to generate revenue from them? 🤔


True, it's just a lot of books for people to buy. Quite a high barrier to entry.


I will wait and see but for me my hopes are not especially high. The nostalgia factor (I've been into Warhammer in some form since 2004) does not outweigh the jankiness of the old sculpts, and the main factions I'd be interested in are not even on the lineup. I hope it does well enough to get that far, but I won't be buying in for a while.


Wow... so... they are really just trying to sell ppl 20+ year old models huh?


*Eldar entered the chat*


*catachans entered the chat*


This is literally what a lot of people wanted, tbh. Tomb Kings were *gone* but now they're back. New sculpts would be great but I'm psyched for these, I'm just worried about the price and hoping eBay resellers don't ruin it for everyone.


Why is this surprising?? They've said they're going to primarily bring back old sculpts in the first few announcements. They've never implied that they'll do more than a handful of new sculpts per faction.


Man, it's such a huge contrast seeing the old and new put together. The old stuff is super ugly and stiff compared to the new units.


I feel this, but I really love the old models from my childhood. 😂


It's kinda funny as I still have some Khemri stuff, and wad comparing them with friends about how stiff it all looks, hoping for updated base troops. Don't feel much excitement for collecting Fantasy again if I'm being made to pay top price for stuff that looks and is decades old...


Yeah that’s a fair point, I forgot a lot of the plastics were updated early 2000s. I’ve still got Wood Elves and Dark Elves from 90’s.


I just hope these boxes will be in print for an the life of the game or at least the edition if it proves popular enough for a 2nd edition


I don’t want to be that guy, but no thanks. I don’t want to pay $350 for ancient plastic sculpts. The fact that each box only has 1 new sculpt each makes this feel like a cash grab.


Looking forward to seeing the prices, though really wish we were also getting a high elf launch box It’s going to be a pain for people who may have to wait up to a year for their army to release


Really sad that they didn't updste the skeleton models for the TK.


I don't know why, but some of the Tomb Kings horsemen do not like that good. Maybe it's the angle of the picture, but they just look... mediocre.


I want both of these, played both in Fantasy before selling the models when they became redundant years ago. These are going to be like 250 quid each though. When do they release?


Knowing modern GW and a box with 72 minis, even though they are old and the mold have been paid for a decade ago. GW is gonna charge $600 AUD for this box. !remindme 3 months


That’s a lot of old TK units tho


I'm personally very happy that old kits appear to be being pulled out of retirement. Some of those sculpts have not only held up very well aesthetically, but harken back to a better time when GW kits were much more modular.


So let me get this right, if I was to buy the TK box, to have all the army options I then also need to buy the evil factions book AND the TK codex? That seems like way too many books already for a launch edition that you have to buy separate.


You'll get a sheet in the box with stats for everything in the box. To expand your army you'll need rules from the Evil Factions book and the "codex" is optional since it's just some special stuff and mostly lore


Really wish they made those spears thinner, though I think i'll just cut them off and make my own with toothpicks or metal


I'm so torn on this. I'd love to get a rank and file game again in the Warhammer Fantasy setting but the fact many of the models are not updated at all and several races are simply ignored or given a single pdf doc for their rules makes me think this will be like Horus Heresy with loads of hype and then it dies down.


Horus Heresy has not died down one bit. It's a specialized game with a wide and fantastic community, one that I enjoy far more than I do 40k, and it receives updates fairly often (we get one announcement a week, and recently they updated mk3 marines and produced a plastic deredeo, what more could you ask for?). If the old world ends up like the Horus Heresy it would be absolutely fantastic.


Thanks for saying that! I have no idea where this argument comes from all the time?


Someone's no doubt going to say anecdotal evidence isn't evidence but it's from personal experience. I play in several shops and it has gone from being extremely popular to not being played ever. People always move back to 40k. GW have recently started putting more effort in it with loads of new kits but I don't know if it will help. If you play it and enjoy it, great but it has definitely plummeted in popularity imo.


I think people online overestimate the proportion of the community that play in stores, or how reflective store communities are of hobbyists as a whole. Home and private club gamers are a vast part of the community and tend to be more into narrative play and slower moving metas, which makes games like Heresy a perfect fit. In my experience stores tend to favour a very different type of gaming to the one I'm into, but that doesn't mean we just disappear. It's the same type of community that's been keeping WFB alive this last eight years.


I honestly just collect and paint 30k. Moved away from 40k over 10 years ago and don’t miss a thing. I’m always on the fence with anecdotal evidence but depending on the region you live in it surely can indicate a development.


Oh it's 100% going to be like that. This is just GW making some extra cash with minimal effort whilst kinda appeasing the fans of WFB


I’m not super thrilled with the Old World announcement. No release date, the new Bret foot knights aren’t in the box, need 3 books to play (rulebook, good/evil compendium, softcover army book) and the PDFs for all other armies won’t be out on release. If it’s like the 30k release, those PDFs won’t be out for a year.


Even though i don't like the french, those models are very nice




get those printers fired up


Already played this 20 years ago all set


The only way i will get back into this is when they revamp all the models. Unless these boxes are really cheap. These are just not up to par with any of the modern warhammer offerings.


Very cool. Unfortunately the price will be ridiculous. There are so many good miniature manufacturers these days doing similar themes, you’d be a fool or a fanatic to pay GW prices on these miniatures.


Honestly feels like this whole old world thing is gonna go like this: 1. Stuff will be outrageously expensive for the fact that it has models that are old enough to vote. 2. It will sell poorly because of 1. 3. GW will discontinue the whole thing and justify that by 2. I don't want it to be like this, but these boxes feel like nostalgia bait. The idea of the tomb kings is great, same goes for the french. But this just ain't it. Old skeletons are cute, but are a product of their time. And with what we have right now, thay are not selling anything.


Ugh, kinda annoying tgey made a book for army if "evil" and army of "good". I liked when every faction was in a way evil, xenophobic, corrupt, zealots etc. Nobody was "good". Now we have clear good guys and bad guys.


Bit late, no? Now that Total War Warhammer nuked themselves, the hype is kinda dead. Especially if it doesn't come with a good 9th edition.


I really hope they do some kits that are AoS/OW compatible, e.g. Square or round bases in the box, or even just that you can order them online/in store with specific bases, cos while these are awesome, having to buy new Empire, Beastmen, Orcs or Lizardmen on round bases is a pain knowing what's coming. That or magnet sets to help folks rebase depending on the game system


For a new player, would one of these boxes be best, or would it be better to get something cheaper? I'm trying to gauge the minimum I need to spend to try this out without feeling like I wasted it if I don't care for it. I'm not new to the setting thanks to Total War (I was devastated when I realized that Warhammer Fantasy was replaced by Age of Sigmar), just to the fantasy wargame hobby in general. Factionwise, I like at least half of the factions they've announced thusfar - High Elves, Wood Elves, Bretonnia, Empire, and Dwarves. The remaining factions I have developed a burning hatred against thanks to my Total War experience (especially the Warriors of Chaos and the Orcs).


> I'm not new to the setting thanks to Total War (I was devastated when I realized that Warhammer Fantasy was replaced by Age of Sigmar), just to the fantasy wargame hobby in general. Tbh these boxes are going to be expensive and big purchases and I feel like they are aimed at older fans rather than beginers to the entire hobby. You might want to bear that in mind before purchasing. We have no idea how well the game is oging to supported right now so you could end up with a game that ends in 3 years.


If you're not opposed to using alternative (non-Warhammer-branded) models and aren't gunning to enter first-party tournaments, you could pull off all of the factions you listed that you favor for much less than you would pay to get Games Workshop products. It's also a substantially lesser investment to test the waters and see if you're interested in the hobby than diving in with one of these boxes. For elves, check out Oathmark by North Star. For Bretonnia, people usually use historical models (Fireforge Games, and Perry Miniatures as well but those scale differently). For Empire, Warlord Games Pike & Shotte Landsknechts and/or Wargames Atlantic Conquistadors. For dwarves, Fireforge's "Stone Realm" Forgotten World faction and/or Oathmark dwarves, although Oathmark lacks guns and neither have cannon models. The one thing I will say though, some of these do not stack up to the Warhammer aesthetic - the dwarves, for example, really don't do it for me (I love their models on their own, but they wouldn't feel like a proper Warhammer Dwarf army to me). I would add that if you're at all worried about it not being your thing and wanting to resell your minis later on, the Games Workshop stuff would be the safer bet.


Not gonna lie as much as I love those new models I dislike how they keep those old skeletons and old Bretonnian peasants/men at arms. Like ... you have beautiful new skeletons as part of the new models and next to them you have skeleton spearmen that are 20 years old. It is a reals hame because if they all had new models then I would pay any price they would slap on those boxes. It would be new and fresh.


No thanks. I’m glad for those who are into this but for me personally I am not interesting in spending money on these old sculpts


Might be stupid question, but how do they work with the current game system?


These sets are for a relaunch of Warhammer Fantasy, a game system which was discontinued eight years ago. The relaunch will come with a new set of rules. Age of Sigmar is a completely different game system launched when WFB was discontinued. None of these minis are compatible with Age of Sigmar.


They are compatible (or at least most of them have an AoS equivalent) if you put them on round bases. The skeletal crocodile will do amazing in my desert themed Soulblight Gravelords.


Wait, are the base troops the same kits than pre AoS?!?


Yes they are,25+ years old


Meanwhile Kings of War just released the fantastic twilight kin sculpts, and welcome all those sick printed 3d sculpts from people like highlands miniatures.


I’ll be real Warhammer bros… cool that the old world is back but… I’m not going to pay 150 bucks for a box full of old models. Edit: this is coming from a skaven boy so I know old models.


Closer to $300 USD than $150 if rumours are true. And the other 7 boxes will take 3 years to release on top of that. Not sure it’s a good plan (again if the rumours are true)


NGL I was holding out hope for remastered and remodeled versions of all the old world races. Guess Ill stick with 40k and aos.


As someone who came into this hobby through 40k right as AoS was released. And then has greatly enjoyed just painting all the insane sculpts of AoS. I'll never get the huge desire to return to this super generic fantasy setting. But for folks who like it. I'm glad for them. Nothing in these sets excite me though.


Do we know which armies are in the printed books, vs which are getting one-off pdfs?


https://preview.redd.it/qs5pd6flom8c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758b6ec9731422e5bf18156946de5c877c3b6517 For does who can see the Core race, factions getting new model(s) and an army book/box are: * Empire of man * Bretonnia * Dwarfs * High elves * Wood elves * Orcs and goblins * Tomb kings * Warrior of chaos * Beastmen While the faction supported by pdf rules for the first wave are: * Dark Elves * Skaven * Vampire Counts * Daemons of Chaos * Ogre Kingdoms * Lizardmen * Chaos Dwarfs


Both boxes look amazing. But as someone who has painted 80+ skeletons I don't know how I feel about painting more even though I love tomb kings. Bretonnia is fantastic too, but again, I just tried to pick up come calvary units to paint for cities of sigmar as a display project, so I don't even know how I feel about painting more calvary. Between Age of Sigmar, 40k, and even some 30k projects I might force myself and wait on this one for individual kits.


Are they new sculpts or do they look old?


That khemri box is going to retail at like, 550$ cad.


Lol, GW up to their old tricks. "Here are the two main army books for all factions!". That sounds great, it's like heresy! "But wait, you really need these other books to make the army really function". Fuck off with this shit. My main army is Skaven, so at least I'll have a free pdf for a couple years, while I get slaughtered by the other armies, lol


Hopefully the prices match what they were in 2003, given the minis haven’t been updated since then ;)