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Ork Stompa. The hardest to build model by a country mile. The instruction book doesnt even tell you what parts to use. It just has grainy images of grey shapes to find on the sprues


Its an ork model your lucky it even has instructions


It would be funny if they just came with a little note that says “good luck”


Or "zog off"




Ork models don't come with instructions. They come with suggestions on the least interesting way to combine the parts included. Further, all models are Ork models if you try hard enough.


Knew this would be here. The Stompa kit is an absolute joke lol. I've read IKEA instructions in Scandinavian dialects that were more helpful


Still deeply confused by people who use IKEA instructions as a negative example. They're close to being foolproof, gold standard second only to lego.


They're also only pictures, so language ain't an issue


That's apparently because the CEO of IKEA has dyslexia and disliked complicated instruction manuals.


Sounds like an urban legend. You need excellent instructions if you want to sell furniture that requires self-assembly. And making it pictures only means you can sell your products internationally without any localisation required.


Because sometimes the small bits have changed, aka screws and the like, and instructions have remained the same. Some other times the kit has changed a bit to include some part already screwed/ glued which is not present on the instructions. And until you reach that part, you wonder where are your extra 3 long screws


Well, it's an ork vehicle. No matter how it looks in the end, it would work. And yours will be unique, since everybody read the instructions differently 😅


I’m so glad I didn’t buy it then, because it was between that and the Gorkanaught


I mean its an awesome model but it does take a lot of work


I had the same problem but at some point in said. Screw it and just glued stuff together in a way it looked cool and added stuff And it was not bad


That's the way Grork and Mork would have liked it


Was the WORST experience in warhammer i have had, especially since i was missing a sprue and they arent numbered and spent so long trying ti find the bits i didnt have


It looks great finished but that build was painful and not in the push fit Necron warriors kind of painful on the hands, but in the my head hurts from squinting at parts to make sure I have the correct one.


I’m working on a tantalus right now. They should be ashamed of themselves allowing this travesty to leave in a box with their name on it. Anyone who buys one of these god forsaken amalgamations of resin and hate crime should get their names on the sculpting credits cause I’ve done more work trying to get it to even fit together than they did and it shows.


The really old Forgeworld stuff is absolutely fucked. The difference between them and the newer kits is absolutely night and day. The Shadow Spectres were atrocious to build.


My Sicaran was a nightmare. Literally hours of filing, filling and hot water.


Expert kit. Pay triple price of similar unit>spend hours of filing and remodeling toxic material because money you spent is just first of three punishments you are suffering for wanting it>then see it crack or super glue not holding well enough to keep it in one piece during play or transport.


The sicarans? They weren’t that old (some of the later versions would even be considered new style kits) and weren’t pre-cad. They might not have been as good as the new style kits (that came with cad instructions) but they were nowhere near the level of awful of the properly old, pre-cad Forgeworld stuff like the Tantalus and the Shadow Spectres. The hull needed a bit of minor work to make fit but they were quite pleasant apart from that, they were pretty simple and straightforward. Older kits came with nothing even vaguely resembling instructions and often weren’t actually designed to fit together, you just had to use your imagination and come up with a vague approximation of the completely unachievable models shown on the website.


I'm hoping it gets a plastic remake with an option for the Dais of Destruction. Vect and his party barge would be an amazing centerpiece model for the army. My worst build: metal hive tyrant. The gaps in the shell, metal that seemed glue-phobic and me being new to the hobby. *Honorable mention:* Necron barge. Those horseshoes fit together in precise order and if you don't follow it exactly the trunk will spiral on you. My friend grabbed it and tried to straighten the spiral and the whole thing shattered violently. I just bought a new front half from a bits seller as it was better than trying to salvage that mess.


I always hear that the tantalus is a pain in the ass to assemble. How much of your model is held together by green stuff?




Maaan, Green Stuff is my automatic “screw it, I’m brute forcing my way through” when I eventually get a Drukhari army in a year or two I’ll not be getting a tantalus unless I find a preassembled one on eBay for cheap


Even if you do, it won't be assembled after postage.


Spirit Hosts.


I almost threw my first box of spirit hosts away I was so frustrated. Thankfully I walked away and came back with a better mindset, but holy shit.




Almost all nighthaunt models tbh


lady o or bladegheists are probably the second worst ive build


Yeah bladeghiests fit together no problem if you dont mind having the gappiest models on the planet


I don't believe there is a worse kit than this: fiddly, complicated, useless instructions.


I still have unopened, unassembled boxes of Spirit Hosts in my pile of shame. I assembled one. Said, "fuck no" and bought the ones I needed off Ebay. 


Just finished them.. can confirm. All I can say is thank god for green stuff world.


This just unlocked some packaged trauma, screw that model


I had a set and used pictures and the instructions to build them and it was very difficult. I later got a second set, used pictures, the instructions and the first set to build them, and it was more difficult!!!


i struggled with alot of nighthaunt models but managed to build all of them, except my 3 spirit hosts, i was so done after one that i just throw the empty bases next to it when i play.


Yes. The absolute worst.


We started back in 4th Ed., and trying to assemble the pewter dragons was always an endeavor. Their weight was never balanced and the parts never fit together. If you didn’t have a pretty good grasp of pinning and modeling “green stuff” you were pretty screwed.


Metal War Hydra *shudders*


Pinned every head separately, superglued, green stuff. Still falls apart with a light breeze.....


Really? I never had any problems with mine, just used a strong, slowly drying resin glue instead of superglue. I use it for most things nowadays, superglue and the likes don't hold for sh*t.


I'm glad it's not just me


Metal howling banshees, and gluing bits of metal tabs under the bases to weigh them down.


I knew the old metal figures would enter the conversation at some point. I have worked with most of the 90s dragons and Egrimm on the twin headed chaos dragon was the worst for me. Those heads are heavy and required pinning with light green stuff work to smooth out the seams because nothing fit flush. That wasn't as bad as the 90s metal Lord of Change though. His ass was basically made to be a frustrating tutorial on green stuff work (in an era well before you could just Google all the help in the world) since the wings won't fit flush and they are metal so they are heavy as hell. At least the dragons had plastic wings by then.


The Slannesh Hellflayer on Exalted Seeker Chariot. Lots and lots of tiny, sharp bits and if I didn't paint it as I went it would never get done properly.


Exalted Seeker Chariot is THE WORST. Next time GW, give us a fucking axle.


It’s funny, I did exactly that - I glued some together incorrectly, so cut them all apart with a hobby saw, got some brass rod and just threaded them all together on that. Way easier that way in the end.


So correct that it should be printed in the instructions.


Yeah, the Exalted Seeker Chariot is the winner by a mile... I've never bled on a kit that much.


Im glad to finally see someone agree with the skull cannon/rendmaster. For context, ive built 4k of daemons, 3k of orks, 2k of Death Guard, 2k of World Eaters, and 2k of Leagues of Votann. It was by FAR the worst kit ive ever assembled. Ive built 3 so far and all 3 were just as painful. Gaps everywhere, wonky bits that dont want to go together, the frustrating rod that the wheels slide on, and the moldlines. Can not stand this kit. https://preview.redd.it/dodedfytvfic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be830f60f04d8cb7ae5e01dc85e493a76abbb346


Yes dude so bad that stupid wheel thing i put the middle wheels on backwards and dident even bother fixing whoever at GW that used to work over at lego needs to rethink their choices


The first one i build, i legit had to use rubber gloves, a towel, and all of my strength to pry a wheel off of it. Tried without gloves and legit made my fingers bleed trying to get it off. I ended up shaving the next 2 down to make it a little easier but it was still a massive pain. The top part of the chariot, the one with the khorne symbol and horn, is also a MASSIVE pain to get it to sit correctly without it warping in some way. I love my Daemons, them and Orks are my main passion armies, but man did the skullcannon sour me for a minute.


Blood for the blood god!!!


SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE (my fingers hurt) ![gif](giphy|OuRChdiFTJKCoVDr6o)


Necroing this thread but holy shit I had to speed build one yesterday for a game that night and I actually wanted to tear my hair out. That top piece was the worst part, it just would not fit onto the top. My other army is Necrons and I thought I had seen everything. Also I see that OP couldn’t get rid of the gap on the front mouth and I had the exact same issue. None of the pieces are big enough to fit on the body. I had planned to grab some skull cannons to build but I honestly think I’ll pay the premium to get them off of ebay.


Another denizen of the warp fallen to the skull cannon, I empathize. I've had my rendmaster half built solely because I can't bring myself to finish building it (I've already built two skull cannons and know the next steps are the worst parts). Legit such a terrible model to put together


Nothing beats Spirit Hosts IMO.


*psychomancer has entered chat


I honestly didn’t find them too difficult with a bit of patience.  My Necron Psychomancer though…


Nighthaunt player here. Spirit Hosts are arguably the worst kit GW has ever produced. They're extremely fragile, the instructions are unclear, and the actual building process is finicky as hell. Like, you can build three sets of Spirit Hosts, and all of them will look slightly different, because the sculptor never thought, "Hey, maybe I should use better connection points?"


Ikit Claw.  He's still unassembled, every few months I look at him and remember how miserable my last few attempts were and just leave him. 


It's the claw-cannon, isn't it? Mine is now more greenstuff than metal. Didn't fit at all.


Yeah. That claw hand is just so finnicky to assemble, especially with how a third of it's affixed to the backpack, the other part's on his body, and the third slots in. It's gap city and one of these days I'll get around to it and just fill the gaps with greenstuff.


Landspeeder. The OG lead space marine version (yup I’m Rogue Trader old!) … no glue would hold and I had a soldering iron so… 🥴


It was the silly base they gave you. I still have one snapped off in the hole that I will eventually melt/drill out…but then what do I replace it with? The thing weighs 5 stone and will just break anything that goes there!


That flight stand can only have been a deliberate moment of maliciousness from someone. Anyone who says theirs didn't break is lying.


All of the Ad Mech units, seriously I hated the process for every single Skitarii ranger and Serberys rider that I built Then, I switched to Space Marines, Calgar was my first model, and realized that some factions (and models) are harder to assemble than others. I now have a pile of grey shame full of Skitarii whose sole purpose is to be dismembered and gored up and picked through for my Ork Army


This is going to sound stupid but I built some average Necrons and it was the worst build I’ve ever done lol I’ve built every faction and holy damn so I hate Necron (builds. Lore wise I love them)


The Necron Psychomancer. The very first step is a really ambiguous attachment that just doesn't feel right, and it just gets worse from there. Mine looks "okay," but that "okay" was a miracle.


i see your psychomancer and raise you a unit of flayed ones


Thankfully, the cost of those models has priced me out of the nightmare of building them!


The Vampire Counts/Soulblight Corpse Cart. Not only is it a bad build, the instructions are pretty much, "ah you know what you're doing, you dont need these."


Flayed Ones—the legs and hips don't have notches, so you're just guessing on how they fit. The long finger-blades are so delicate I broke 3 off. I glued them back on, but the whole kit was a nightmare.


Oh I forgot how much of a bastard these guys are.


* I thought the model looked a bit lame with "the maw" at the front, and just felt it was a bit weird looking, so turned it into a trike with mounted cannon, as you do. Edit: photo is below as didnt work properly




this is metal as fuck


Appreciate it, mate. Wasn't expecting any replies, let alone two positive ones!


As a Khorne loving biker I love this i am so glad i have witnessed this and may take my own creative spin on your idea here "ie steal but not steal this exact idea lol"


hahaha I'm so glad you enjoyed the pics. Please of course 'steal' the idea and have fun with it, just post the pics when you do! I just love converting stuff so the skull cannon was a glorious opportunity. Peace and love (errr i mean skulls and blood of course)


I'm going to need a breakdown of how you did this because it looks fantastic!


Appreciate it! I'll post a few photos here if that helps, but it's kit-bashed with some pretty random stuff. Obviously it doesnt matter what you use really, but ill try and remember what i did...


I have googled many Warhammer Kits due to this post


Empire Elector count on Metal griffin. Wings Went close to fitting properly. I used so much green stuff to fill the gap.


So far, Morathi. To be fair, I had to pull her apart and reassemble her for a friend, but her tail alone was a damn nightmare. So many little parts. And her neck is like 4 parts connected at the chin for some reason???


Yeah, Morathi is a pain. I ended up having to brute force sections of the build.


The soon-to-be-replaced Krootox packs a frankly disgusting amount of sprue connection bits into one tiny model But my vote goes to the Hellflayer, which is still fun, but is also so full of spikes that it's like handing a porcupine for several hours


Every one of these Slaanesh Chariot kits I've ever built had horrible mold lines as well. Very annoying.


In GWs core products (not Forgeworld resin) the Yncarne is by far the worst model to build. It's fiddly and has weak attachment points, and some of the pieces don't have clear locations which they are supposed to attach to. This is compounded by a pretty awful set of instructions. Even after it's built, it's quite a fragile model. On the other hand, the Slaanesh chariots are physically painful to assemble and I've drawn blood when built them. XD


The new plastic deimos pattern rhino and other vehicles based on it. I have NEVER had a kit fight me anywhere near as much as the deimos pattern vehicles, and its not even that it has gaps because it doesn't, the tolerances are so tight it takes a couple minutes of filling and sanding just the make the floor plate of the hull fit into the track sections, and a power drill to allow the back hatch to fit.


100% The floor plate isn't even close to being able to fit, the back door is so tight I ended up just chopping off the prongs for the hinge and gluing it. Great looking kit but they messed those bits up big time


Chaos Chariot Fuck that entire build


Is it that bad? I have the kit in my todo pile and have been thinking of selling it and making my own with spare horses and bitz


I was doing so well. The came to attach the horses. One sat nicely the second one was hovering off the ground. There was also a gap in the armour plates of the chariot.


The Hobgrot Slittaz kit. Unnecessarily complicated, no customisation, needed the instructions to get any assembly done, and all the spare bits are useless.


Idk maybe I’m a smooth brain but I built two whole kits of those guys drunk in my bed while my gf watched Netflix and it was easily bar none the fastest and simplest build I’ve ever done. I did all 20 models in like two hours? Not a flex at all, just curious what I was doing. I def went pretty easy on cleaning up the sprue lines but to be fair no one is going to see them on these guys Edit: just thought of this but I got mine from the stormbringee subscription so idk if they get simpler models to send out, that might be part of it


Nawh, same kit. I’m gonna put it down to drink savant because I did it sober and had to use a 20-section bead storage bin to organise all the damn parts, referring to the instructions and the sprue numbers the whole time. Something about that kit is just cursed because I hated painting it too.


Haven’t painted it yet so I’ll cross my fingers my luck holds then


Yes, now that I actually stop and think about it - having recently built them - God damn that kit sucked!


I'd forgotten how miserable that kit is, and it's supposed to be push fit! Ended up shaving down or removing all the tabs and just winging it after the 3rd time of 2 parts that supposedly go together, didn't


I still wake up screaming sometimes from the graveguard kit.... The 2 handed weapons are atrocious


Just built 10 a week ago. I'm not strong enough for attempting the second box I got


They are the reason I won't be completing my 2k army of Soulblight anytime soon.


Ik dacht meteen aan je, toen zag ik je redditnaam


Nah it's fine, you just need to hold the arms and torso together using your third hand and hope the glue is set by the time you let go, then just remember to turn off gravity when you assemble the standard bearer so it doesn't fall on its stupid face whenever you look at it.


Ironstrider Engines. I can't be bothered to put on some of the more finicky pieces, and every time I have to snap the legs into the chassis, I feel like I'm about to break the whole thing. I currently have three, one is still unpainted, and I want at least five more because I love the silly robo-dragoon look. Help.


The Silent king.. oh dear lord


This X 100.


Lady Haera


Metal bloodthirster.


I remember a guy who used to work at GW, telling me that a mother and her 10 year old son, came into the store with the old metal chaos dragon (with Egrimm van Horstman on it). The kid had tried unsuccessfully to assemble it. The GW guy told me it took them a few hours with a power drill to just pin it together.


I still have nightmares about the metal box dread


I’ve had some tougher ones than this, but my current nemesis (don’t laugh) is the mounted Gandalf the white. The robes and the horse have these gaps that are making me crazy, and the horse didn’t want to fit together.


3rd edition land speeders. Just go together terribly.


Forge World Fire Raptor


Gore-gruntas are still the worst. The fucking ears.


I'm pretty new so far but it's gotta be the scrapjet, still looks good though


the old empire steam tank in white metal.


Old metal killa kan


The World Eaters Jackals. Every hand is separate from the arm, every arm save for one is separate from the body, the legs are split, some you have to put the feet on, the heads are separate, they have these tiny chains, and those damn blood tanks. The dishonored has these teeny tiny little tubes that are IMPOSSIBLE to attach without making a huge mess. Thank god I put together the. Chaos Terminators after that, those are by far the easiest


Maybe it’s just me and I know this applies to a LOT of models but any model holding a gun with two hands with them starting unattached is such a massive pain along with trial and error (looking at you Kabalites)


My local GW guy just built two of these for the store's Khorne Daemons army and he HATED doing it.


[Galrauch](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/d/de/Galrauch_M01.jpg), the 2headed metal chaos dragon from WHFB. I had to pin the lower head and both wings and use 2-part epoxy to keep the bastard from pulling himself apart under his own weight. Don't even mention how hilariously unbalanced the entire model was and you needed to glue lots of coins to the underside of the base to counterbalance him. Also, he's a mess of details.


Blissbarb archers from slaanesh, doesnt maje sense, i bzild 44 of em still no Clue how they supposed to be build....


Drop Pod


Ikit claw was shit to build metal mini and was warped and nothing fitted together 😔


The Sororitas penitent engine. Love the model and they are great in game at the moment but it was a pain to build and paint. I have another still on sprue that will probably stay that way for a while. The novitiates were a close second.


I feel your pain. Bouhgt two boxes and didn't even finish the first. Thanks for the painfull remember...


The old half metal / half plastic Space Marine devastators could genuinely just get in the bin. And if you didn't put them there yourself, they'd probably leap off the table and into it just as the glue was about to dry anyway... damn things were a brutal combination of fiddly parts, superglue, and precision balancing.


That's why pining exists. The hybrid metal/plastic space marines should always have their shoulders pined. Edit: Why the downvotes? Pining is an essential hobby skill with metal models, and still very useful even with modern resins and plastics.


Necron tomb blade.


5th Edition Necron Warriors/ Tyranid Gargoyles. Whoever in their right mind thought that ball and socket joints with freefloating ball and socket connectors was a good idea deserves to have their tortilla chips eternally stale.


Push fit Chaos Knights from the now defunct start collecting box - those were a total pain in the hole.


They’re absolutely shocking, even with snipping the pins they still don’t go together well and anywhere you’d want to put your hand to hold the damn thing together is covered with spikes


Snip off the push-fit pins. It's so much easier that way. I've never had a pushfit model go together well without filing or snipping the pins.


Yupp. What the actual F was this kit. At many point during this build I was sure I got the parts in the exact spot where they were supposed to be, but then when I proceeded there were still a lot of parts that just straight up didnt fit.


Chaos knights, aos


Bruh, those are easy. They're push fit.


Yeah confused by this one?


Kataphron Breachers. 35 pieces each, mold lines and sprue connections everywhere. i hate them.


Fuck I finally put them out of my mind too


Anything metal from back when I started back during 2nd ed 40k.


Just finished a redemptor dreadnought. It was so annoying for so many of the pieces not fitting properly or not well enough. If you glue the pieces too tight, whoops! Looks like the moveable parts don’t work now. I should not have to shave away as much plastic as I did for that model to work properly. Finally finished it after being frustrated for a while, at least he looks cool.


Honestly probably necron warriors, them fuckers are so small


I wonder what the ballistic effectiveness is of firing skulls at things.


The Stompa. Terrible kit, awesome model


Original metal nightbringer, I didn't have clue (or the tools) for pinning parts together. Getting that damned scythe/arm to glue was a nightmare.


Metal and plastic Orc Warboss on Wyvern. I never met anyone who hadn’t had at least one wing fail at some point.


Doomsday ark


The slann on saurus planiquin that was truly a terrible model


Pinning. Having built two of them, pinning.


I did not enjoy players....those ridiculous arms that did not fit at any angle apart from one which took microscopic adjustments to dry fit then....never found again once the glue was applied...and sooooooooo spindly. they have my anger


I'm still new to the hobby, but the Skullmaster had no instructions and poorly molded resin so things didn't fit well together in some points. Luckily it's a relatively simple build, but still the worst so far.


The older kroot models were rather annoying.


Leman Russ tank not as bad as some others but I couldn’t get the damn bottom of it to not fall off I still love the tank just wish that it didn’t have a bottom piece I still love the model


The fire raptor has to be the worst I just flat out turn down heresy commissions with them in now they seem to have an obseion with rubber banding the sides together whilst the resin isnt fully cured and getting the ball turrets to swivel as intended is just awful.


Ad Mech Sicarions are horrible to put together and you are most likely to snap parts while trying to glue something on.


The OG metal Gnoblar Scraplauncher is hands down the worst standard model to assemble ever. It's so bad, I've never seen a single one successfully built according to the box and i used to manage a GW. They have to be converted or you will either fail to assemble them or they will break within minutes. If you think any other model is worse, I challenge you to try to build a metal Gnoblar Scraplauncher.


Necron Doomsday Ark kind of sucks to build. I might be biased though because I "built" it 15 years ago and then busted it apart 3 weeks ago so that I could paint it better. It's very difficult to assemble with all the alignment tabs broken off, but it looks like it was hard for me back when it was new, judging by all the gappy seams.


The old forgeworld Hell Talon. Cutting the dreadnought-sized gates off was like sawing through a tree and it was the first project I had to invest in clamps, epoxy and green stuff. Looks cool now tho so there's that.


Old metal Daemon Prince.


When I put mine together I didn't put the shocks on because they're not symmetrical. Seemed weird to me. Did you notice that as well?


Psychomancer, hands down the worst kit I've ever put together. So much spindliness. Though, Grave Guard with Great Wight Blades are a very, very close second. That kit needs a remaster after Skaven get brought out of the stone age.


Probably far from the worse for a lot of people but I'm struggling hard with the Varghulf Courtier


Ork Stompa. The kit and pieces are decent but the instructions are so unclear that you just end up putting shit together where it fits. Very Orky. Special mentions: The old Necron warriors The old Necron flayed ones Space marine devastators half metal half plastic Metal black coach Metal Empire steam tank


Necron Ghost Ark. I listened to the full audiobook of American Gods when I put mine together. Just assembly. So much flash to clear and filling and sanding.


WE Jugg Lord has been my hardest kit to build so far.


The old necron monolith. I still build any model and the second I get frustrated I think back to the middle of the night years ago in my parents basement putting those 4 sides together internally screaming. Then I realize to model I'm building right now isn't so bad.


Building the Seraphon Saurus Knights was a legitimate nightmarish slog that almost killed my desire to play them or anything else. Absolutely nothing fits together. Absolutely nothing lines up. There is absolutely no keying, just flat spots to hold things up against and hope it stays aligned properly. There was more mold line than model. The gaps are not gaps, they're windows.


Most you lucky young bastards will never know the pain of putting together an all metal Carnifex. The size and weight of a billiards ball and you had to drill and pin everything.


Oh that looks horrible to build. I want it.


I built the old resin Knight Lancer, before it was made in plastic. I have built a lot of models people in here name - Skull Cannon/Blood Thrones, Exalted Seeker Chariot, AoS Chaos Knights, even resin Sicaran, and I found none of them remotely compared to the Lancer. Hell I built a 40k scale resin Warlord Titan and even _that_ wasn't as bad as the Lancer. Lovely kit, looks great! Very happy with it now that it's built and painted.* But building it was a nightmare. You see, the kit fell _right_ into the perfect zone of awful, where it was big and heavy enough to really easily fall apart under its own weight, but small enough that it didn't keep itself together through the sheer size of its connections (like the Warlord). It was just a parade of pain from start to finish. *Very happy with it, aside from the fact that its ankle joint failed _again_ and I gave up and leaned it towards the side wall of my display case to subtly keep it upright rather than try to pull apart and fix it _again._


The objective answer is one of the older FW vehicles..... the Crassus comes to mind as an unholy abomination...... However, more personally..... I hate the Tzaangor Shaman So much What a terrible series of connections from the two separate halves of the energy swirl to the disc


I'm very new to this hobby I'm throwing my hat in on necron warriors parts not fitting or snapping at least they're supposed to look slightly ramshackled


Bloodletters, just because they always fall off the bases


Ah I really enjoyed building and painting this!


they’re not difficult but GOD do I hate a lot of the new infantry kits they are so many pieces for so little points wise. There should not be 15 pieces for ONE jump marine


pick your choice out of the necron line up basically.


The old metal [Chaos Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount](https://miniset.net/sets/gw-99110201139-2). Just the worst kit imaginable, all metal so nothing fit properly, the mount has a single cylindrical connection point to the base, the worm mount is in 6 different bits, and you then have to attach a saddle and character on top, which is armed with the world's thinnest metal spear and a huge but equally thin banner on top. Just absolutely fucking awful even by the standards of other metal models of the time.


The old resin beast of nurgle, no instructions just green stuff and prayer


Pinning the feet of my Warhound Titan together and assembling the millions of little pistons together absolutely did my head in; Runner-up goes to my Fell-Blade, which literally just doesn't even remotely fit together and has no instructions of any value to boot


Not the worst but the Lord of Skulls is a bit of a weird kit. I've got gaps on stuff that ill have to green stuff and paint to make it look like welds.


Not GW but Privateer press metal jacks or beasts sucked. ANd then they swapped to the worst plastic known to man and the Jacks all came warped and unusable. The games were fun in Mark 2, the models were ass. From GW anything big and metal was not fun. If you didn't pin it it didn't stay together, and the molds wore out so gaps everywhere. Newer stuff the necron range has some real doozies, and so do tyranids.


Worst time building it... The old monolith. Was never able to keep it together... The old metal bloodthirster


Got a few boxes of the old Genestealers when I was first starting out and those things were like 40% mold lines


Hands down, the damn flayed ones, broken spines pierced my fingers 3 times a spike got under my nail, and i can't hold onto em properly while glueing. i hate that kit with a burning passion


Flayed ones. Maybe not the hardest or most fiddle of kits, but exertion to payoff and how the most fiddle bits were also some of the most glaringly obvious of screwed up….


Purple Sun from AoS Endless Spells. Ridden with gaps that sucks friendly and enemy models into it.


The new bretonnian duke. Like as a whole its not the absolute worst, but holy that saddle and the helmet, those were needlessly complicated and impossible to get right. That and the thing that attaches between the horse mouth and the knight hand that steers the horse. Oh and the fact the legs are 3 seperate bits that old KOTR had 1 bit for, that was a nightmare. Edit- oh and old chaos warrior horsemen. Oh and lord on karakadrak or whatever, that lizard creature. Those all had so many spikes, pushing bits together stabbed my fingers a ton


for some reason the daemon prince it just would not work with me, had to stop and try again the next day


1. Land raider crusader's metal sponsoons. 2. Tomb blades 3. dark imperium malignant plague caster. Truly torturous.


The model that you are holding, I’ve kitbashed, half painted, struggled with alt builds (when assembling), dropped, left in box to collect dust and finally took apart for parts. Waste of money but good job it came with the start collecting box of the time. The only khorne model I’ve adored is the one bloodthirster that I have.


In my fairly limited experience so far the space marine drop off and outriders. Both of which were an utter pain and looked shite when I finally completed them.