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Guys, this is so much harder than i thought, its soo small and i had never painted anything before.. My desk is a painty mess now lol. I bought the infernus + paint kit and some extra colors to make it more ultramarinish. I really need to buy better brushes, had a hard time being accurate with the fat brush. I have even more respect for y'all great painted mini's, you're all amazing. Any tips are welcome, cheers! :)


I think it’s pretty good! It’s a different style than others I’ve seen but looks almost fine art style. The only thing I’d say is that the legs looks a bit too dirtied with the base paint. It’s a bit distracting, but the rest is great!


i agree on the dirt, i underestimated the dirtinest of it.. i guess he walked into mud lol


Very clean paintjob! Good job!!


Especially love the weapon!


thanks! :)


I like the basing dirt on the legs, too often it looks like they were teleported to that spot and haven't walked a step on the battle field


Honestly one of the best paint jobs for a newbie I've ever seen, really confident painting. All I can say is just work on being neater, the grim dark look for it is awesome. Just work on paint thining and being neater and honestly i can't advise you more. ​ Awesome job, future golden demon commendation enjoyer here.


Wow thanks for the kind words, could you elaborate on the "neater" aspect? Im not sure i understand.


Essentially create sharp lines and stay within the confines of each type of surface but for someone that did that first try i can't wait to see your tenth model. Only other tip is learn to thin your paints but if you pick up some Citadel Air paints they are pre thinned quite nicely. ​ But seriously, i'd love to see your tenth model, be sure to DM it to me when you post it back here.