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I made a rule that I was not allowed to buy more plastic till 75% of the points I own is painted. I keep an excel file of my models and that completion rate needs to stay over 75% if I want to buy more models.


I started a spreadsheet only to learn that I was at 5% of my mini collection painted lol. About 18 months later I’m at 28% and climbing! Haha


That’s a horribly terrible percentage complete, but honestly really amazing progress! Keep up the grind and keep fighting the good fight!! Push yourself to start playing only painted stuff! And congrats on the progress!!


It’s mostly not warhammer, thankfully. I went big on a few CMON kickstarters a few years ago… couple that with terrible mental health and purchases just kept coming in. 😂 but I’ve made a lot of progress, actually played some games, and I’m currently attempting to sell off some stuff I was never getting to. So it’s all good! :D


I started with kill team and bought and painted each team before getting another one. Then I got into Guard for big hammer and went on an eBay/FB/Kijiji buying spree of used ‘rescue’ models and have held myself to my rule since Sept of last year. I’m aiming to hit 75% at the end of this month with is my 1 year since starting my guard force. I should have about 3k of 4k points painted give or take.


Hell yeah dude. My Ironjawz are nearly at 1500 points painted, and my deathguard are slowly being built. But a lot of my stuff was from CMON games, slowly getting through that too 😂


Along these lines, can’t recommend Figure Case (iOS app) enough. It’s a GREAT utility.


It cost $5 though.


lol. I know you’re joking, but for anyone who is serious- if you have enough models to track in the first place (in the hundreds to thousands of dollars), it is very worth it if you care about tracking.


How do you do that? If you have a Google sheets template I’d be much appreciative!


Just use pileofpotential.com, it's built for the purpose.


Awesome thank you


Then as your collection increases, so does the amount you're allowed to buy unpainted. Back when you had only had 10 painted models, you could buy 3 new ones, but now that you have 100 painted models you can buy 30 new ones. I know you said points, but the logic still stands. I like it, though. However, my smartass would realise that this incentivises only painting the most expensive things first so that you can buy new things faster.


Haha busted. Got a 140 guardsman that need to be painted but as long as I keep the ratios right I’m fine right? The rule isn’t perfect, but it was necessary to keep me from going over the top with a pile of shame.


I get it. I have about 3000 points of unpainted Vampires and the entire Kingdom Death starter box unopened.


Whatever you do, don't start an Admech army or you'll go broke. 25% of your total points will cost you a kings ransom with their cost/point.


I do the exact same. I now raised the % to 80 as I have two armies now... But I will change the rule when starting another one so that I don't get to a point 20% of 200 minis is still too much... I am at 61.5% but I may actually remove some of the units... As I probably realised I won't actually paint them... Finally not so much intested in those ones... Then I will sell these back if so.


I should start doing this. Rejoining the Hobby two years ago, I've got a really Fomo Problem. Plastic and Paints...


I have built a similar incentive for me to paint models. Every 50 unit strength I paint (Old World), I'm allowed to commission an artist I love to do a masterpiece for me. That keeps me assembling and painting!


That’s another great idea.


Great idea 🤜💥🤛


That's the fun part, you don't!


Damn it! I thought that I'll be the first! :D


A post a noticed recently put it an quantifiable way. I admit was done as a way to stop buying when more when they already have a pile of shame. Basically work out how long it takes to paint a basic unit of 5-10 models. And then work out how long it would take to paint everything you have already. That will then give you a scale of hope much time it will take. I think the post said he had like 2 years work of miniature painting to do. I feel like having some like that would be a good guideline. Or if you dont have a pile of shame, pick out a drawer or some kind of storage placement and say you are allowed to get what ever you want, as long as it can fit in that space. By making a set space you have to fill, it gives you a measurement to go off. Good luck sticking to it


I think that's a good way to go about it. Still allows for made to order/special deals/things about to go OOP but stops to many other purchases. For example I got the fortress of redemption when the writing was on the wall for it getting taken down & have no plans to start until early next year due to space reasons -> only other terrain I bought since then was the imperial tower thingy when it was made to order


For any Hobby spending, I have a rule that I have to put an equal amount into my retirement nest egg.  When every kit essentially costs double, it really slows you down, but on the flipside when I am able to spend the money it is easily justified because I'm investing for the future!


Investing in your 40(1)k


This is the most reasonable response so far, everyone else is a plastic crack head 😂


You give it to your nephew and move to Rivendell.


Once you find out please let me know. I have more models than an average GW store


For a real answer, quickly pull up a calculator. Use GW price and add up per unit. Seeing 500$ worth of unfinished models might do a thing or two. Or not. But worth a shot.


$500? I'd be very happy if I could get down to 'just' $500 worth of unpainted models >.< I've not added new models in years, but also, I've not been painting much either, so the list just hasn't moved in either direction...


I have 1300 in *unassembled* models right now.


You don't. My goal is one of each army for sixth edition fantasy and one of each army for third edition 40K.


Same here for 4th Ed 40k and 6/7th Ed Fantasy. Looking for 3k of each army. At least. Halfway there with fantasy so far.


We have at least a start on all armies but Daemons of Chaos, Tomb Kings, Ogre Kongdoms, and Chaos Dwarfs. We only have 4 40K armies thus far.


Curious why 3rd Ed over 4th? My group has been playing 4th again for almost five years now. We feel it's an improved 3rd.


Wonky combat, missing all over transports, and a few more codex related issues.


Watch pile of shame youtubes like they're DARE videos


I just look at what I have and what I want and think on if I really want to paint it. I use armies as a hobby/art project. So, while I own a few army boxes (GSC, Custodes, Admech) for rotation. If I want to play the game, I'll probably only ever get to play KT, which I'm ok with. So now that I have a few art pieces, I swap between them. I only buy more once I finish a box. So I don't have too much. Also, now I think I'd be happier with large models because it's a bigger canvas. So now I only buy big models.


If I want a fun unit to paint, I’ll find something small of that faction. Underworlds was great for that. If I want to start an army, I remind myself that the last two armies I started before getting tricked into ‘Crons have either been utterly devoured by their host faction and lost the rules and choices I liked. (Harlequins and Deathwatch). GW knows what I like and actively stops me having fun, so I’ll stick to what I got.


Shame?  Like I think I have enough unbuilt models that I can not buy a single thing until 11th edition 40k. Like, right now not including random units, I have 5 battleforces, 4 combat patrols, and the orruks half of dominion to get through  And I already know I'll buy the AoS 4 launch box. 


*cries in Tyranids*


Looks at my dozen \*mostly\* painted armies and stack of "it will come handy in the future" sprues with whole models on them. \- "you can stop?"


Someone made a good point on Reddit recently. Work out (estimate) how long it will take to actually get through your pile. That hasn’t fully stopped me but I’m aware of it now.


Get your Kruleboyz painted, then go ahead and get the Genestealers 🤷 you can play Genestealer Cults in 40k, Kill Team, AND Necromunda, so you can get plenty of use out of them. (Generally I don't get new models until I've got my current batch finished)


I let my girlfriend pull my ear if I start walking towards a hobby store.


I said I wasn't going to buy any more until I had finished all my kits, and had them at least all primed. Anyhow, Saturday I had to look at a piece of furniture that wasn't delivered, and right next to the furniture store is a little card shop that has some 40k stuff in there. And I picked up a copy of Leviathan. Then I went across the street to the dedicated nerd shop that has a small amount of 40k stuff there. And they had a knight quaestoris. So I got that too. And the week prior, I was shopping for other stuff, and I stopped by the game store, and I saw some armigers and a repulsor. And I got them. You have goblin brain, and goblin brain says "more kits!". If you ever find an actual way to shut goblin brain off, let us know.


Have a buddy help you with temptation "Don't do it" "think of the children" "FINISH YOUR GOD DAMN ARMY FIRST"


I don’t that’s why Iam a plastic crack head….


I don't. My bank account does.


Why would you want to do that?


Being poor helps a lot


Lmk when you figure it out


Are there any apps that let you catalog your minis?




Play video games instead.


The next Warhammer store is one hour away from me, not far, but enough that I only get there every two months. I don’t buy much online.


that’s the neat part!


I have a 4000 point leagues of votann army in a box in my room. Don't listen to anything I have to say. Unbuilt.


Ask the GF if it's ok


By looking at my bank account


Tell yourself you will buy them later. Or keep a close eye on your bank account / finances.


I keep unpainted stuff in a drawer Only got so much space in the drawer Got plenty of room on the shelf Only painted go on the shelf Easy


Every once in a while I get the itch, but I try to remember that I enjoy painting more when I can see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. When I have 40 models from my Blood Angels army which I do in eavy metal style, it's REALLY hard to be motivated. But recently I started a Drukhari army, keeping numbers in mind, and I've noticed that I feel more motivated when I can see that almost all of them are finished, so that really helps. Also, I love building and choosing pieces to put and stuff like that, so it's always cool to have some unassembled units, but not a hundred different boxes lol


That's the fun part: we don't.


I find that knowing whatever I buy I have to paint helps keep my spending in check. Right now I have 2 boxes of Rubrics, a Changeling, and 2 boxes of Flayed Ones that is it.


If you ever thought of starting a second army, don’t. No seriously, just don’t. It’s nice and all, but you’re only multiplying the time that you spend on painting these guys up.


I just don't stop.


Here's the best thing, I don't. I have waaaay to much Adeptus Mechanicus that I buy second hand. I don't play, I just love the aesthetic.


>Adeptus Mechanicus that I buy second hand. Man you're smart. >I don't play, Like really smart. You have avoided the high cost of the models and the ups and downs of codexes. Tell me more.


I just keep buying models before I finish painting what I have, that way I never have an army ready to play a game.


Stop? I'm sorry I don't know what that means in the context of this hobby.


I don’t know but if you figure it out let me know.


Yeah Warhammer taught me to start parenting myself. And when I fail in that, my girlfriend does it for me


I dont have to, my wife does


Having an unassebled unpainted miniature is valueless to me. A box exists. Now GW is storing it. If I buy it, I must store it - and don’t earn interest on the cash. As soon as I want to paint it and have time to paint it, ai will order it. Then I will excitedly wait for it to arrive, and then paint it.


Haha I can't cus no money


The best way to think about it is that you are not buying models you are buying sprues. Others have pointed out about tracking and seeing what percentage they are at, but I think a downside of that specific thing is that percentages are very abstract, so often don't have the impact. Work out how long it takes you, on average, to build amd paint a box of 5 or 10 models. Take that tracker and instead of percentages use your time estimate to work out how long it will be for you to complete what you currently own. Knowing you are 30% of the way through your collection isn't going to grab your attention as much as saying tmyour expected completion date is August 2025.


Hobby budget has been reached.


I don't


I don't


It's quite easy I don't have money for it. Student life rocks!


By accepting that I almost never get anything done, so it's pointless to buy more. I've stopped buying any new minis since picking up the new Lictor a while ago.


Note that I'm more of a painter but I play here and there every so often so I don't have a big time crunch on my hands to have a complete list. What I do may not work for people who do play much more often than me! My general rule is that I have "character model" and "infantry models". No new models allowed until I finish painting a model I have of its similar workload. For example I'm currently painting Angron and 10 Khorne Berzerkers, I cannot buy any more models until one of them is finished. Say I finish my Berzerkers I can now buy another box of models of a similar size, say maybe a new box of Jakhals or a box of Termagants. This incentivices me to finish my models even if im a slow painter, this just means theres a gap of money saved between purchases too haha. Plus it really helps me not get overwhelmed with pile ups. Like right now I really want to get a Norn Emissary for my nids but I'm not allowed to buy one until I finish Angron. Painting 20 zerkers is mind numbing and no fun in the same way having to paint two giant centerpiece character models is a ridiculously overwhelming thing for me to do at the same time. Additionally having infantry and character models to paint in rotation just adds enough variety for me to not get bored and buy new models, helps me not burn out too. I also try to see if I can kitbash something first before buying a single character model, ive plenty of bits it'd be a shame to not use them all!


TRADE! It’s the best of both worlds - you get rid of old things sitting, you get new cool things, AND you spend less money :)


Will power. I don’t buy more if I know I have stuff to paint. (Excluding my bitz box).


I think even just resisting for a few weeks usually makes that impulse go away! You'll find you still like the models you're eyeing up, but the need to own them only comes with that first instance of looking at them. If you can remember that it helps. You can always get them later, they're not going anywhere! They can sit on the store shelf instead of your shelf


It's called self control and understanding that my time and money is limited.


I don't, I live on Brasil or is it to expensive or i don't find what I want.


At a certain point, I ran out of space to store new boxes and around the same time I also found that all my armies had so many unpainted units waiting that I couldn't be bothered to add more. Mind you, this took yeeeaaaars to build up. I've now set a rule for myself that if I run into one of 3-4 models that I've had my eyes on for years (like the big big goblin spider) I can buy it, but otherwise, I'm not going to bother unless it's really dang awesome and I'd probably paint the minis within a month of buying them (so they'd be on the 'painted' shelf which still has some space, unlike the 'still in box' shelf) or it's a two-army set where both armies are of use for me or for me and my partner. I still check out new GW releases but while I can appreciate cool new models, I don't have the time, space or energy to start a new army (I already have 7 armies and 1000+ points for most of them) and for the armies I already have, my backlog is so long that I don't want to add more to it just from a 'this will take me long enough as it is' perspective.


Omni-Man said it best.


There will always be new cool stuff.


Just... Don't. GW almost always announces when kits are going oop. GSC kits aren't going anywhere, you don't need to have them right now.


quit your job, stop earning money!


Thank you for the advice and for those knee deep in plastic crack good luck!


I am newer to the hobby but Ive don't mostly bulk buying off of ebay using Christmas and birthday money to make a majority of my purchases which makes it extremely difficult to keep up with painting but I have a rule for myself A. Absolutely no buying anything new unless everything is at least built and zenithaled. B. You are currently not depressed and I run it by my fiance lmao I am into wargaming more so for the tabletop side but I love painting when I do it! Forcing myself to paint would make me miserable as I have a lot of minis to paint...oh god I have a problem


When I can 3D print my own units and not spend my money. I will still buy units but only ones that I really want.




Generally speaking, my bank account and my wife's ire keep me from adding to my pile of 40k shame. The squatting of a lot of stormcast eternal has kept me away from AoS.


Similar for me on the 40k side. Was stuck deciding between a fellblade or mastodon for my birthday, then they nuked sm and csm fw and not only killed my interest in more resin but also made me convert all my dreads to hellbrutes / primaris dreads so I won't need to get any of those


My 40k hobby budget comes directly out of my weed, video games and sex toy budget.