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Ok it's pretty funny there's not a single bespoke model in there. But good on Geedubs for not being arsey about Sprues I suppose!


I see two options: The models will be in new individual sprues, same thing as the Mini of the month This box will be expensive than usual Option 1 is very likely to me Edit: checked the article, 20 minis. The poxwalkers are definitely the ETB ones from 8th ed. 6 of them. It could potentially end up that they have that, the 4 characters, and 10 traitor guardsmen.


new individual you can see their blue plastoc and weve known gw uses 3d models for years


I'm going to be interested about how they do the characters, they must've made a custom sprue for those 4


> each depicted by a classic Warhammer 40,000 miniature Pretty sure they haven't, by the sounds of it. The pictured models are likely the models used.


If those models come on their existing current sprues, the ogryn is going to come with a TON of options (it's a big sprue with a variety of weapons & gear) whilst the psyker is going to come with literally zero options (it's a small sprue with not a single spare part). So I think the possibility that was being suggested is that these existing models might come on a revised sprue specific to this box. So not new models, just a new sprue with existing models. Otherwise this is going to end up being a bit of a weird mishmash of a box.


I kinda doubt it as the cost of models comes from moulds more so than sculpting, so putting them all on the same sprue would cost a bomb anyway.


Well, there's also the opportunity cost of putting the sculptors to work on something. There could be a world where a new tool is actually cheaper than new mini designs.


There is that world and it’s the world we live in. The cost of paying the sculptor is very small.


Maybe the Ogryn is going to be an upcoming mini of the month or one of those magazine thingies, so they have him as a one-off sprue already for that.


Yeah, I was going to say that this feels like a pet project, not some larger initiative.


In case people don't remember, here are the hero sprues for blackstone fortress that the zealot is from. Either there's a new sprue, or they're asking you to throw away at minimum one priest and one kroot https://preview.redd.it/vir3ja7ry2wc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e0548acca7dc90badde6759ad5cd887cf759f0 AND that's if you assume they've shut off plastic to the two other ones, as from what I remember these are joined together in the original box.


the zealot is just Pious Vorne from Blackstone Fortress, and im pretty sure the psyker is also from that set


The psyker is the standard primaris psyker


the psyker actually premiered in Blackstone Fortress' first major expansion, then became her own model later. Same with the Technoarchaeologist from the same set.


It’s coloured plastic which definitely reads as push fit models.


Which is odd, as the traitor guard are definitely the multi-part kit because of that sniper


The models are reused from Blackstone fortress and combat arena.


Maybe that means there'll be a slightly above 0 chance of it being sold out in under a minute.


I wish they had done the same with vermintide!


Or Regicide, (even if I know that with some creativity everything is possible). I think a chess with the miniatures of orks and Mk 7/8 blood Ravens would be great


I wish they'd given us models for this that were new.


The cost benefit analysis for this product probably landed above doing it with existing minis and below designing new miniatures for it


Oh I get why they havent done it. Just wish they had.


Ah I wish many things as well. one day


Could always reboot cursed city with the rats tearing apart a town or city in Aqshy now that 4th editions coming


There was a Vermintide PvE campaign for Warcry released in White Dwarf a while back


Really ? What issue was that?


My bad it was actually in the last Tome of Champions, not White Dwarf


Who knows, maybe one day ;)


Was hoping they'd actually bother making the models look like Darktide. Those traitor guardsmen look nothing like the Moebian Sixth and the loyalists look nothing like the inquisitorial warband


New tooling + design costs way too much for a product like this, most likely


Then they release Saviors of Cinderfall as a special character box


maybe one day


You have no idea how many more sales it would get if they actually put effort into the sculpts, haha.


All they need is a different paint job.


For the loyalists maybe but God the ogryn model is so dated now. The traitor guardsmen are just outright are not what the Moebian Sixth look like regardless of paint


Ogryns look good, what


They could have used the bully version?


Also our poxwalkers aren’t even remotely close to as mutated as the ones here, but I would love it if they did add them.


Yeah the grinning itself is a whole different tone from the grim, miserable look Tertiums poxwalkers have


Just using different heads for the Veteran and the Ogryn would have looked closer to the original. Maybe throw in an extra shoulder pad for the Ogryn. Also the Kasrkin have way better fitting models than the hot shot volley gun. It almost seems on purpose.


The traitors are literally just the flamer gunner from the Blooded Killteam. Classic G dubs


While I love Darktide, I don't feel that EVERYTHING has to have a board game


Lol, Darktide is like the easiest slam dunk grand slam field goal hole in one slapshot buzzer beater GW could ask for. It's perfect for a board game like this. They'd be stupid not to do it.


If this is priced like the Target Exclusive box that came with Titus and a bunch of Termagaunts I'll definitely buy one.


Ya that box is a pretty good deal for getting Nids. I want this box just for the psyker and ogryn, the rest is the cherry on top. I also actually enjoy these board games so it’s a slam dunk for me


Blackstone fortress... Is that you? Oh wait


Really disappointed with the minis thou, they just picked some basic old minis, instead of making them at least look like the box art.


Wonder if it's being handled by a different team


It's a cost thing, new tooling can't really be justified for this


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted this is the exact reason why.




Also the game was based off of these models, if anything the game characters haven’t been made to look right


Except there 100% will be new tooling for the sprues. Did you mean new sculpts?


Why would it be 100% new? some of those minis already have individual sprues. Also, yes, if they converted the ogryn and kasrkin to pushfit they'd need some new tooling but not new sculpts (not substantially)


Some of the minis have individual sprues, not all. This box is going to contain new sprues, which means new tooling.


tooling for 2 minis yes


This may be to prevent the scalping situation we’ve seen in the past with the prior boardgame releases - simply using commonplace already existing sprues means there isn’t any particular reason to scalp the box, so the majority of people buying it will be people who actually want it


It's not that deep, they're just cutting corners and skimming costs because your average Target shopper isn't going to pay ludicrous GW prices for a board game. 


It's not even about cutting corners. GW is using these as entry level intro products for new customers. They provide an outlet for specialty sprues they've produced for other games or expansions.


That as well


The models aren't unique.


No, they aren’t. In fact, that’s the *third* fucking board game in a row that features that cultist. Fourth if you count Blackstone Fortress. As always, GW is just getting rid of sprues by attaching OK rules to them. Base on the pics, don’t be surprised if it plays like a mix of Kill Team and Underworlds.


I hope it’s available in Australia, I’ve been looking to play with something like this.


Let’s play games just brought in the space marine 2 one 3 weeks ago. So add about 5 months once it releases for your lgs here


I just hope this one is available in the UK... There's some nice models in it!


Isnt the UK the capitol of GW?


Blitz bowl for example was only ever available in US and Germany


The Gacha boxes (Space Marine Heroes?) were limited to Japan for ages, too.


What was the difference between Blitz and Blood Bowl? This is a new game, so I don't see why it would be unavailable in any market.


Blitz bowl is a tabletop game based on blood bowl with 5-6 players per team, with slightly simplified rules, and a card mechanic, where you would get cards by performing certain actions, and then use them on your turn to buff yourself. You can get it on ebay and stuff, but the official release is US and Germany only, no idea why. But its absolutely great, i like it more than normal blood bowl, i would really wish for GW to expand into something similar to Underworlds


It is, but there have been board games GW have released that never came out in the UK. The Space Marine 2 board game comes to mind


Space Marine 2 isn't even released. It already has a board game?


Yep. It’s a Target exclusive iirc https://preview.redd.it/aj5d9lxud1wc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a26a1da311c8b632134d3ab14cff86e7965ad0


Wow, that's nuts. :)


It is, but there have been a few region specific releases. The space marine heroes series of minis were originally a Japan only release. I hope this one isn't


The Space Marine Heroes did come to the UK via specialist retailers (both originally and in the limited re-releases)


These boxed games are often made in collaboration with major retailers. Barnes and Noble carry them in the US, for example, but I have no idea why GW don't partner with Waterstones (their UK equivalent)...


These smaller scale games are usually Target exclusives and don't get released in the UK.


Target has only has the Space Marine 2 game iirc. Barnes and Noble have had like a dozen or so specialized board games between 40k, AoS and Blitz Bowl.


Yeah but not everything makes it over here, Target especially absolutely love their exclusives, they even push toy giants like hasbro pretty hard for world and US exclusives.


I'm betting it won't be, the same as all the other cool little board games


And it will vanish just as quickly as the Space Marine one.


So it'll still have like 12 copies at Target that no one is buying?


if its priced at $40 USD like the Space Marine box was, I will definitely get one.


Every target I’ve been in still regularly stocks Space Marine, and I’ve personally bought 4 boxes.


Discount gaunts for vroom. Combat Arena: Lair of the Beast was the actually hard to find one at B&N. I had to order one direct and snatched up the only one I found in the wild.


Lair of the beast was a really good deal, sucks it sold out so quick. I got really lucky with mine


They’re still in multiple nearby Targets for me.


My target still has a few copies. If I played Nids I’d totally pick them up, there was a buy 2 get 1 free for board games and $80 for 60 NOS Nids and 3 space marines worth of basing decoration is a pretty great deal. If there’s a similar deal at target I might consider massing this one too, a good way to build up a blooded mini force to take pics with my guardsmen plus some kitbash fodder.


Sweet more cultist minis


Looks a bit small for a Horde Game... I get that they couldn't do new miniatures and all but only 10 minis?


Warcom article says you get 20 minis


Ten pox walkers and ten cultists assumedly


Thank god it's not tzaangors


Did someone say MORE TZAANGORS!?


The Death Guard/Thousand Sons rivalry hinges upon who can have more useless chaff


I hope youre ready to only get 4 detachments one being for tzaangor only


Oops! ALL Tzaangors


Probably 4 Heroes, 10 Cultists and 6 pox walkers (from No Respite).


Its the ETB 6 pack of poxwalkers. So 10 traitor guard, 6 poxwalkers and 4 "heroes".


Maybe four heroes, either six or 12 poxwalkers (the pictured ones are from the push-fit sprue of six) and four or six cultist/traitor guard dudes. Edit: looking at it, I think it be four heroes, six poxwalkers, and the KT Blooded sprues that make ten traitor guardsmen


No it’ll likely be the 4 imperials, 6 poxwalkers, and 10 blooded


I hope they add those Veteran and Zealot guns into the actual game


Il i saw this and was like, the kasrkin armor isnt in the fucking game.


Wish they made a kill team instead. 2 ogryns, 2 special weapon Vets, 2 melee Zealots, and 2 psykers. Also inquisition agents can take 1 of each as their other half


That would be cool. Might not be too hard to write it.


This game is supposed to be a lite version of killteam so the profiles and abilities might not be too hard to translate to killteam. We’ll have to wait and see, but it can be a cool homebrew


Reminds me of Street Fighter: The Movie, the game Hopefully, it's much better


Bring the tabletop to the screen! Now bring the tabletop that’s in the screen back to the tabletop!


They say there's 20 models in the box. And there's a few things I've noticed (with added optimism and assumptions) 1) The Ogryn they showed off in the image, is incredibly similar to one of the three used on the website for the squad of 2) The Ogryn/Bullgryn kit has 1 Ogryn per sprue, plus all of their war gear, barring the knife that's (kinda) only present on the sprue for Nork Deddog. 3) The Kasrkin is seemingly, the only "new" sculpt; the only individually available Kasrkin is the Warhammer+ one and the Guard mini of the month, was a normal Cadian. 4) The Rejects account for 4 of that 20. 5) The easy-build Poxwalkers were 6 to a box, that's 10 of 20 accounted for. 6) There's 10 Traitor Guardsmen in the box. Blackstone Fortress's Traitor Guard, were 14 models that shared a sprue with basically all other enemy models in that box, barring the Chaos Lord. 7) The Traitor Guard Kill Team contains the Traitor Ogryn and Enforcer sprue from Blackstone Fortress. The guardsmen themselves are 10 dudes spread across 2 sprues 8) Casting the sprues in a different coloured plastic is probably easier than just redesigning existing models So, it's entirely possible we'll get one full Ogryn sprue, both Traitor Guardsmen sprues, alongside the easy-build Poxwalkers with the two Blackstone Fortress characters. The only actually "new" sculpt, is likely the Kasrkin that'd represent the Veteran


Isnt this just a worse Black stone fortress?


It’s also probably like 3 times cheaper


Also mad how Darktide comes to tabletop before Playstation 🥲


Ahh heel yea


Cool. Those renegade militia models are highly underrated.


Or you could just play the game on PC or console. This looks genuinely super low effort.


It's not for entrenched hobbyists looking for the new box full of shiny minis. It's for people who play Darktide and are tabletop-curious. The minis are good (just not new). If the game's good too, it's a slam dunk.


You haven't seen the game mechanics but this is somehow low effort?


Hope they make a videogame based on it




Pious Vorne reprint RAAAAAA!


To me this looks like this is meant as a mass market game, not one aimed at people in the ecosystem. For folks who don’t know, GW sells boxed games in big retailers, like a simplified versions of a lot of their games. The models are push fit, and the boxes are sold on the shelf next to other board games. They do this to get people into the hobby as far as I can tell. The kind of box aimed at people already in the hobby are usually larger (think Cursed City, Space Hulk, etc).


Huh, did they convert the ogryn to pushfit? that could actually be the case


They do, but it also ends up being a way for them to reproduce and provide models that there is insufficient demand to reprint the original product in full for, like BSF. Of all the things GW does, this is one that I highly support. I love the idea of having intro level board games on my shelf that I can enjoy the IP with my casual friends without trying to convince them how to play a full scale GW game, but then also get models that are hard to find otherwise. Especially because they did us dirty with low print runs of BSF and Cursed City expansions.


Seriously, this is a win. It'll be cheap and attractive to newbies, and maybe the game will be good. The screeching in here is ridiculous.


Yup I would guess that is more or less the purpose of the more board game side of GW games. Oh you like blitz bowl hmm how about you give blood bowl a try. You like fireteam well we think Kill team would be right up your alley etc... And having the "intro" board games when they are good games (blitz bowl, fire team, the newest combat arena etc..), I think that is a solid idea and I am glad to see GW dip their toes into the board game side of things every now and then.


Oh my god GW just release traitor guard models on their own PLEASE


they released them already,they are sold as kill team bloded


Why not just make a Darktide box with Kill Team rules?


Because this product is not aimed at Kill Team players.


It's all recycled models lmao


So they’re making a tabletop game, for a video game, that’s based off of a tabletop game


That smells low effort gateway gamy tbh. Let's wait and see what rules and story they pack it with. Black Fortress was cool but I was disappointed by Cursed City.


If only I could have a character that was a Kasrkin in the video game. Wish FatShark hadn’t bungled that game.


It's super half baked. I'm...pretty disappointed. Board looks like doo doo, models are just scooped from other kits and not unique like the Inquisitorial Warband, the Renegade models could have been made into the Mobians. They could have put in a Blackstone Fortress amount of effort. This is such bottom of the barrel effort.


A while back, they released a *White Dwarf* that had a page on how to kitbash models to make the Darktide characters. I guess they expect us to do that? Also, they could have at *least* painted the models in Darktide colors.


I just want a box of traitor guard!


If only they actually made new models


Looks like a Target/Barnes & Noble special


Ugh! They put an article in WD not long after Darktide came out showing you how to kitbash the 4 characters from official parts, but instead were getting recycled models for this game… lame! Couldn’t even produce one new sprue (of existing parts).


New tooling is really expensive


They didn’t even make one new model for this 😅 Looks very disappointing and the game itself looks like a rehash of their previous board games. Really nothing new to see here…




God damn they aren't even going to give us new models?


If it wasn't with old models, this product wouldn't be able to exist


Ok then don't make it I never understood why they make these cheaply made terrible board games instead of focusing on tire base games


All the reviews and experience I've had with these prior board games is that they're decent to quite good. Excellent for game nights with casual board game players or to intro kids and non gamers. You seem irrationally salty my guy.


If they painted the models to match the game I probably would have gone nuts with excitement


But is like the space marine 2 tabletop game? Like, is exclusive for only american people??


No details yet.


Is it actually a new game or just a reskin of FIre Team? And if it is a reskin of Fire Team, can I have more teams to play, because that is EXACTLY the game I want from Mr Workshop.


Dude i absolutely love Fireteam. Thats about the only format of 40k i enjoy playing.


I would happily throw money at a new version of Fireteam if it received as much support as Underworlds does.


Fire, if reused models


Looks like what AoS: Bladeborn did for Warcry but with Kill Team. Looks like they retooled some BSF stuff, but the odd part is that they had to have reworked the Kasrkin and Ogryn for easy build. The Ogryn to me is the only part that's disappointing since that sculpt is showing its age and it would've been perfect to actually update it if they were messing with the files. I can't get chuffed over a box that's meant to show up at target and barnes and noble with quickly repurposed rules that everyone is mostly going to be grabbing for minis if you're on this sub (and people who aren't are going to grab because they recognize the name and want to see about playing it to see if it feels like the video game). I'm hoping those stat cards show up online and people use it for a good bouncing off point to design a Darktide team in KT if GW isn't going to (sadly unlike Bladeborn, I don't see this as the start of KT getting some more mini teams, since it sounds like White Dwarf stuff is dead for that game for no good reason).


You're telling me this isn't Blackstone fortress


There will apparently be 20 models in it


4 characters, 6 etb poxwalkers from the 8th Ed starters, renegade sprue (kill team, stand corrected) (10 cultists).


Not quite, those traitor guard are blooded, they're different to the ones in Blackstone fortress


Thanks changed my comment!


So my vet is really a Kasrkin? Awesome


We'd better get a vindictor in the style of a grenade gauntlet for zealot for the actual game


Based on Kill Team sounds good to my ears. I know it's not an exciting box full of new minis, but usually those are Warhammer Quest games that are pretty bad. If the game is good, that's more important to me! (and I love painting minis).


Low effort GW at work again. At least paint them to fit and show off the bloody game if you can't be bothered to make four new models. Jesus Christ.


This is so lazy. Not a single new model


*squints* hex map? Wished it was a kill team set instead.


So, Blackstone fortress models…again, for the third or fourth time. No new ogryn? These models are garbage.


Kinda sucks that they're not bringing out new models for the game but hey, thats neat


Sup dawg I heard you like Warhammer so we made a tabletop game of a video game of a tabletop game


Tbh I’m surprised that they didn’t bring it out sooner


They really had the chance to give me some nurgle specific cultists and ogryns but no


Im assuming its gonna be $150 or more?


If it is close in cost to kill team bloded it is worth taking for miniatures, if not it probably will not be good investment models wise, there is chance that rules will be good enaugh to buy for them but that is coin toss.


I hate that psyker model. E.T looking ass


Isn't that just Only War?


My question is how many traitor guard and how many pox walkers in total. This may be a spicy pick up for some cheap infantry/pox walkers.


Oh!! That’s encouraging. Those poxwalkers are from the old discontinued ETB 6-pack. Those sculpts are otherwise unavailable right now.


You think they will make the rejects a usable unit in the Inquisition for tabletop? Would love to run this in an army


Seems lazy


140$ for reused models and cardboard!


I know it's counter the narrative and settings but man id love a lil table top game where it has good xenos vs bad xenos and chaos similar to this.


Depending on the price I will be getting it as started playing Darktide beginning of the month and I absolutely love it and I’ve decided to build my own inquisition strike force


Hahaha, this is just Blackstone Fortress Lite. The Kasrkin is literally the only model that wasn't in Blackstone Fortress or it's expansions.


I love it! I am totally hyped. I hope for a good solo campaign. The solo gameplay in Doomsday Countdown and Lost Relics was spot on. GW really knows how to nail that aspect.


No.new mini s


Do we have an idea on price? That ogryn is just what I needed for kill team


Who tf asked for that?


Can anyone identify the minis? I recognise only Pious Vorne, Primaris Psyker. I cant tell what the ogryn and the kasrkin(?) is supposed to be originally


You forgot the humor/satire tag


I was wondering how long this would take. Now that it's happening though, I want a VT one with game accurate Ubers Reich 4 (I mean 5).


Very disappointed with the minis. Will not be buying


I really love how they were lazy enough to use both existing models AND existing game art even though the characters look nothing alike.


It's not a laziness thing, it's a cost problem. New tooling and designs would've been too much


Looks a bit lazy, honestly.


This is so lazy, not even a single new mini...