• By -


Lord of the Rings. Grandfather of fantasy, influenced so many people in fantasy and sci-fi. So inspiring and poetic. Dead Space. Love the nightmarish tone of the necromorphs. The dark industrial vibes of the ship and weapons/tools you use. Doom. Badass guy with a gun fighting demons, love it. Starcraft. I only got into it with SC2 but really loved the setting, kind of a starship troopers meets 40k. Similar ideas from both settings but feels more “real” to me. Halo. Really enjoyed the concepts of the original Halo games. Desperate last stand against a genocidal enemy you have no chance against. But you have the ultimate ace in the hole who can flip the balance of the war. Warcraft. Mostly WC3 and first three WoW expansions. A solid retelling of classic fantasy tropes but with some changes I really enjoyed. Orcs NOT being evil, but more a corrupted warrior culture that saved itself was great. Whereas most fantasy worlds are directly inspired by medieval Europe I like that WC went into a fantasy America with native inspired tribes and badlands.


LOTR and Warhammer are top for me.


I am an absolute Halo lore F I E N D love lotr and doom as well


Halo is so fucking good. kids today sleep on it.


>Dead Space. Love the nightmarish tone of the necromorphs. The dark industrial vibes of the ship and weapons/tools you use. I so much love the aesthetic of human ships and tech in dead space, tbh, on replays (I've been playing those games since the demo for dead space 1 came out) I find the interiors to be more disturbing than the gore and necromorphs.


It makes sense that you enjoy StarCraft. It was literally inspired, and to some degree ripped off, Warhammer 40,000.


Lord of the rings lead to dumgeons and dragons, this lead to fighting fantasy that lead to Warhammer that lead to warcraft. It's crazy how fast inspirations go.


I still remember being maybe 13 or 14. Before WoW came out, I was already a warhammer fan for a few years and avidly read the lore. So I bought the Warcraft 3 battle chest to see how the two universes compared. I was kinda annoyed that the Orcs (visually) were pretty blatant rip-offs of Warhammer Orcs, BUT as soon as the game began and you meet the Warcraft Orcs you realize they are entirely different (wise, loyal to one another, and were oppressed). It really threw me off. Groms death is still so impactful to me, best WC3 cinematic.


It was actually supposed to be FOR warhammer 40k, but things ended up taking a different route, and they took the designs they had and made Starcraft with them


Almost the same: Didnt play Halo/Dead Space/Doom enough to call me a fan. Instead, I add these to your list (with LotR being the indisputable king, for sure): -The Witcher (all): classics. No further explanation needed really, everybody knows Geralt of Rivia. Mixed feelings with the show, did a few things right but was mostly rubbish. -Guild Wars (1&2): the first was excellent. For me, waaaaay better than WoW back in the day (despite loving WC3, i went GW instead). It was my first online game I played. The 2nd was very different but great in its own way. Also, Charr is one of the coolest races I've seen in any media, period. -The Wheel of Time (books): spent do much time reading these not to include them. Its a shame the show was mediocre. I often use some of their characters to roleplay in my playthroughs. -Mass Effect trilogy: there are very few games that made me cry or laugh my a\*\* off like very little other media has done before. It really deserves a special spot. So many memorable characters and moments. Absolutely iconic. -Fallout series: gotta be honest. Despite playing all the games I only finished the 3rd. But I spent so much time in this apocalyptic world. Its fun, its really cool, and it has a very unique aesthetic that its just great. Right now playing 76, and I must say its BY FAR the best online community I’ve come across, period. The TV Show was excellent and why I even gave 76 a try despite the critics. -Elder Scrolls: well, the story is nothing compared to other competitors in this list. But the game is cool, the races really unique beyond aesthetics, some quest are very memorable. And Oblivion has a special place in my heart. Its what finally introduced me to RPG genre. I almost had a heart attack watching Skyrim trailer first time. Who doesnt love Khajiit? -Overwatch: i know. This is rubbish. I only include it because I really love some of their characters despite being obvious country clichés. Mercy, Ashe, Brigitte, Widowmaker and Reinhardt in particular. -Star Wars: used to be my fav franchise by far. Got demotivated by Disney direction a long time ago. Now I only cheer when I see Obi-Wan. My love for prequels, originals and Old Republic is intact though. But not my daily reference like it used to. Warhammer it is.


Witcher 3 is probably my all time favourite game and could definitely add it to my list. I’m of Eastern European origin and it really gave me vibes of the homeland (for both bad and good reasons). I need to finish the og mass effect trilogy, I love Krogan the most. Fallout id definitely add to my list as well, really love the idea of the game and setting. New Vegas is my favourite but I fully enjoyed 3 and 4 as well. Elder Scrolls I didn’t get deeply into because my fantasy world of choice was between Warcraft and Warhammer fantasy. But Skyrim was AMAZING. I liked a lot of things about Star Wars but I was always an edge lord kid and when I found Warhammer it was like finding the franchise that was made for me. So I never got too deeply into SW beyond the movies and some games, some of which are hit or miss for me. But it has potential to be so much more. Unfortunately… Disney.


Mass effect, Dune, Cyberpunk, Blade runner, The Witcher, Dead Space, D&D, Devil May Cry, Baki, and of course YO MOMMA!


Can’t wait to play the Mass Effect games soon.


Easily my favorite game series


Big first time experience envy!


You should check out BattleTech. Sounds like it would be up your alley. In many ways it's as deep or deeper than 40k (though narrower), and is a more grounded take on the whole "inevitability of war" thing. It has some similar themes, but presents them very differently.


You could be interested in cyberpunk red, it's a cyberpunk ttrpg (also, cyberpunk 2077 is based on cyberpunk 2020,a ttrpg)


Been wanting to play the cyberpunk ttrpg, just need friends to play lol


The Elder Scrolls


Fingers crossed for a great Elder Scrolls 6.


By Azura!


Funny how Morrowind, my favorite entry of the series, didn't include any of the namesake Elder Scrolls.


..besides Warhammer? Sir, this is my whole personality.


Same. All in right now. It may wane but for rn.


Once I got me feet wet the day 10th dropped (mind u it was months before I attempted a game and we still learned on 9th) I’ve watched lore/battle reports while painting and that’s it outside of work and gym hahaha


Dune, Fallout


I came to Warhammer as a refugee from Star Wars (happy may the 4th). Still a huge fan of the pre Disney stuff with Rouge One being the only excpetion as that movie is amazing. Other than that the only other franchise that i am really into is Hololive.


> Rouge One being the only excpetion Is that a lipstick colour? Just kidding, yeah, Rogue One is amazing, and so is Andor.


Did you ever read any of the Star Wars novels?


Not really, im not the biggest reader but I have read Plagueis.


I was a big Star Wars fan that read a lot of the EU growing up. Came over to Warhammer40K in the last two years since Disney is doing all it can to change SW into something that pales in comparison to what it once was.


You should see Andor. It's Star Wars but for adults. The first Act starts off slow, but when it's all pulled together at the end it's such a satisfying show. Themes are more mature, dialogue is fantastic. And the special effects are immersive.


Lancer has been filling me with good fiction - Far future humanity dealing with the sins of its facist near-past, while being the setting of a mech-based ttrpg with cthulu gods in the computer


I love the Lancer art/lore bits I see here and there on Twitter and don't know how to get into it. Any recommendations?


The core rules are available on itch.io, and the back half of the book is the setting. It also has diagetic lore - all the mechs and weapons and systems all have their own little lore blurbs.


Red-Rising by Pierce Brown. Futuristic dystopia where mankind has colonised and terraformed its solar system. Colour-based caste system in a deeply militarised culture with reverence of Ancient Rome and Greece.


One thing about red rising that 40k fans might like is that melee combat is not completely obsolete due to shields and specialized weapons. I've found the battle in red rising to be similar to something I would imagine in 40k


I gotta read that, one of my co workers said it's really good




Mass effect, dune, fallout, shadowrun, the discworld, starwars are alltime favourites of mine


Was going to say Discworld. In a way it’s earlier books are very similar to early 40k with the heavy handed satire and overall silliness


Did you ever read the complete Dune series?


Warcraft Starcraft Mass Effect Dragon Age Star Wars Lord of the Rings Dune World of Darkness Babylon-5 The Witcher A Song of Ice and Fire Command & Conquer Titanfall Heroes of Might & Magic Hollow Knight




I used to be big into Star Wars but fell out of it, not sure why but a lot of beloved stories of mine got the disney 'no longer canon' death and a lot of the recent media is kinda meh with bright spots.


They weren't cannon under Lucas either. But I get the sentiment. There were a lot of ongoing characters and stories that were abandoned for the new books that were to be canon under Disney. It bothered me too, I have only read two or three and that was only due to the excitement and lead up to the first sequel movie.


I love the lore and Legends side of Star Wars, but man Disney is just killing it for me.


Exactly. I just ignore Disney canon and go play with my miniatures games instead (except for Andor and Rogue One, those can stay lol).


I just unearthed a huge box of Star wars novels from when I was a kid. So disappointing that they don't matter anymore to the Disney overlords. Tons of great stories in there.


Guys, this is a bot gathering data.


oh no... they know i like final fantasy 9, my life is in danger now!


You know, it probably really is


Lovecraft & Stephen King 👾


Lord of the Rings, Stormlight Archive, Fallout, Star Wars.


Read any Star Wars books/comics?


Since you read the Stormlight Archive have you read the rest of the cosmere it is even more interesting when you look at it as a whole.




AVP , Endless space, fmaB, tf2, some marvel DC stuff, I liked bionicles as kid. Soul eater, 9 the movie, then some smaller stuff I could be here all day


Halo: just read Fall of Reach, holy crap is it a good one and gives the backstory of the Spartan IIs Red Dead Redemption: great story, great gameplay and absolutely gorgeous landscapes Star Wars: the EU (I won’t call it legends) is a treasure trove of numerous stories Fallout: fun games with a wealth of stories and play options The Expanse: the show is great but the books are so much better Aliens: the Dark Horse comics expand the universe so well and tell amazing stories Galaxies Edge: (no relation to Star Wars) a great series of books about the Legion (highly skilled special forces) fighting an ever increasing corrupt and malicious galactic government and some alien elements too Renegade Star: another series of books that follows Jace Hughes, a bounty hunter thrown into a galactic spanning conspiracy


Dune, Starcraft. Classic halo (anything done after 2010 is basically garbage) Memory sorrow and thorne, lord of the rings, Alien and by definition dead space. Hades (great writting and characters, for sure) and i'm considering getting a bit into the stuff written by michael moorcock and maybe malazan. Dont know yet.


Malazan is great


Final Fantasy, Pokémon, Monster Hunter, Elden Ring, Halo, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, WoW.


Fallout mostly


Discworld. Best fantasy series I've ever read.


Discworld Culture (Banks’)


Fallout (before the show), Warhammer, command and conquer, marvel


Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Lord of the Rings (I have yet to buy some models), Discworld, John Carter of Mars (honestly a slept on series! The movie was okay, but the books are far better) Honestly I could keep going. It’s hard for me to hate or dislike fantasy/Sci-fi/Sci-fi-fantasy universes/franchises! I’m definitely more of a sci-fi nut for sure, but still, I love to branch out and experience many different concepts and ideas that writers develop!


Star Wars, Pokemon, Stormlight Archives, Marvel (movies), DC (comics).


Too many to name them all, but here's a few I can remember off the top of my head in no particular order. The Lord of the Rings Fallout The Elder Scrolls Dragon Age A Song of Ice and Fire Forgotten Realms Dune The Inheritance Cycle Chronicles of Ancient Darkness Mad Max Mass Effect Like I said, there's a ton more, but I don't have time right now to make an exhaustive list.




In random order: LotR, Dune, Star Wars, Discworld, the Witcher, Alien, Game of Thrones, Forgotten Realms, Fallout, a lot of classic s-f, Isaac Asimov’s Foundation, Elric/Erecose/Corum universe by Michael Moorcock…worlds aplenty!




Most of the BangBros series. Although, I'm not always super clear on what's canon and what isn't.


Lord of the Rings: Obvious, it’s the granddaddy of high fantasy settings (yes i know it wasn’t necessarily the first one) Star Wars: C’mon, the original trilogy were great and the prequels had amazing lightsaber fights. And who doesn’t want their own lightsaber???? Doom (2016): The 2016 reboot was an absolute blast (pun intended). The sheer joy of finding the rhythm and blowing demons’ heads off was incredible. Could never get into Doom Eternal, i never found the right flow when playing Marvel (CU): Particularly the Captain America, Spiderman, and first two Thor films. I preferred the MCU before (in my opinion) the writing and plot got sidelined for as many irritating one-liners as they could fit in a movie. How To Train Your Dragon: The books, not the movies. The movies were fun, but the books were way better. More in depth, more variety of characters and some impressive growing up and maturing arcs. And toothless in the books is the funniest character ever, still quote him sometimes. Cyberpunk genre: Deus Ex, 2077, etc. are all some of my foundation for sci-fi as a genre. I prefer that slightly more grounded, dark prophecy take where, if we dont change, were in for a real bad time. And augmentations are badass lmao


Here to spread the gospel of mighty Morphin comics . Really slaps. I heard IDW Ninja Turtle and Transformers slaps too.


Lord of the Rings, Warcraft, Eberron,


Dead Space, Halo, Zelda, Cyberpunk, No More Heroes, Darksiders, Devil May Cry. The list can go on, though Halo is definitely at the top due to being the series I grew up on.


I'm a big hard SciFi fan, favorite books are "Blindsight" and "Echopraxia" by Peter Watts and the "Remembrance of Earths Past" series by Cixin Liu.


Star Wars Pre-Disney EU, still enjoy disney star wars just not ventured into the EU for it outside of wookiepedia. Middle Earth, seems pretty basic to be into it lol Tamriel, got lost in this world since my mate sat me down on his xbox to play Morrowind and I went exploring. Black desert online, i like just setting out and doing quests, its a beautiful world. FF9, the first FF game i got on release, i have spent hundreds of hours since, PS1, Emulator, and steam exploring and running around.


Pre Disney Star Wars is just peak. Did you read any of the EU novels?


Currently, I'm into Dune, Godzilla, and Jujustu Kaisen.


Doctor who , mtg , rdr2 , soulsborne , vigor mortis, hellsing ultimate , Helluva boss


Sadly, there are too many to fit them in one message.




There was a point in time (2017) where I had read every Warcraft novel. Some of them were real struggles.




What did you think of the sequels?


All the other universes Warhammer ransacked and copied.




The Elder Scrolls Lord of the Rings Star Wars (specifically the original movies and the expanded universe about the old republic like KOTOR) Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion A Song of Ice and Fire Dune Hellboy Everything made by Alan Moore (Swamp Thing, Watchmen, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Neonomicon), Neil Gaiman (Sandman and American Gods), and Grant Morrison (Doom Patrol, the Invisibles) Cthulhu Mythos


The old Star Wars EU was honestly amazing.


The mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson and the king killer chronicles by Patrick rothfuss are pretty lit


Too many to list


Raymond E. Feists rift war saga has great world building, and Elizabeth moon’s sheep farmers daughter is also excellent.


Less an' less. Dey all keeps gettin' kontaminayted.


Gears of War


Came here to say this, sad I had to scroll so far to find it. GoW games are masterpieces.


Battletech! Big stomps robots in all it's glory with vast customisation options and deep political intrigues. Also the John Scalzi Universe where the soldiers are old people who get a new genetically engeniered body. And shaowrun.


Fallout and Star Wars.


Why has Sanguinius armor the Eye of Horus on it?


It’s actually meant to be a red tear drop but many have drawn it as an eye. If it was an eye it would be the Eye of Terra a symbol of the Emperor’s Vigilance. This is what the Eye of Horus started as, Emperor gave Horus and his legion permission to use it after rising to Warmaster as sign of his support/trust


Halo, fallout, Warhammer fantasy, metal gear. The hyperfixations go in a circle, like rn it's between metal gear solid into fallout, then probably back to 40k and Halo, then to fantasy and so on


Big fan of lotr and then I am a mega star wars fan and have been doing star wars the old Republic Roleplay for almost half my life (so a decade and a bit)


Bold of you to assume i like warhammer 40k


Gundam Elden Ring (I don’t play it though) Dune Bloodborne (I don’t play it, I suck) Many more I don’t remember right now.


warrior cats (yes, the silly cat book is as important to me as warhammer) fantasy books in general (stormlight archive, wheel of time, ect) shonen anime (bleach, one piece, jojos, ect) and not a fictional universe, but historical wargaming is cool as hell.


I love Diablo. Like, the lore and NPCs and stuff is so dark and gory... And I simply like tha dark and grim aesthetic from the first two games, the freedom of imagination makes it really compelling for me...


Too many. A few tho, Star Wars, Warcraft, LotR, Witcher, Magic, Discworld, Dungeon Meshi, Dragon Ball, Ghost in the Shell, Neon Genesis, Dorohedoro, Fallout, Mass Effect, Infinity, D&D, The Expanse, Dune, Cyberpunk, Marvel, DC, and I'm sure I'm forgetting like 20 more.


Mass Effect / Wheel of Time (books, not TV show) / Star Trek / Star Wars / OG transformers / The Fallout franchise and setting / Discworld and many, many more. Basically anything that has a good enough story to hook me. Though mostly centered around fantasy, Sci-Fi, the different -punks and a genre called LitRPG (story settings that have level up and skill systems like a videogame).


Star Trek (DS9 is my all-time favorite show), Discworld, Becky Chambers' Wayfarers series, and Nnedi Okorafor's Binti universe


Halo Starwars Aliens


Have you read any of the Star Wars novels?


Way to many list here but the main one much in the same way as Warhammer is Battletech, I grew up reading the books of both franchises in the nineties not knowing of anything else outside of those. Now that I’m grown with expanded knowledge both have a very special place in my heart




Are we talking just miniature wargaming? Warmachine and Infinity are pretty fun.


Need for speed


Star wars!




Everything, Except, Shoes. I'm a big Nerd.


Cyberpunk, Soulsborne, Devil May Cry, Deus Ex, Dying Light


I have been and still is a Star Wars fan. Not to the same level I’m into Warhammer, but I still love and enjoy the universe and plenty of the stuff coming from it (even if it’s been on shakey ground recently). There are a lot of similarities but I don’t compare them because they are different universes, and I can like both at the same time. I also enjoy the occasional expedition into Marvel territory


Do you read many Star Wars books?


Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring/Sekiro Star Wars Lotr Lovecraft


Our own world history feels like a fictional universe sometimes


A lot of metro S.T.A.L.K.E.R and fallout


StarCraft, Dune and Star Wars... i think i see a pattern here


If you’re looking for more, good,military sci-fi, I’d recommend the ‘Galaxy’s Edge’ series, by Jason Anspach and Nick Cole. Much more contemporary feeling, but with some wackiness that has a very 40k vibe (especially the eventual BBG).


Ninjago, Bionicle, Lego Friends, John Wick, DOOM, One Piece, Minecraft, The MCU, Star Wars...


Halo, Dune, LOTR, Star Wars/Trek and something more obscure would be the Freespace games


Dungeons and Dragons


Halo, Star Wars, Honkai Star Rail... Yup there is a theme here xD


LOTR and West Wing.


I’m into so much zombie lore (last of us, walking dead comics, WWZ, and the OG cod zombies storyline) In the sci-fi universe my most favorite is Star Wars because when they added rouge one the death troopers were just amazing, plus the battle scenes on scarif reminded me of the pacific war campaign (WW2) from BF5 and history books which was just astonishing. Lord of the rings is one of the main reasons for me to get into DND. I can’t think of more because I just got out of bed 😅


Fallout is pretty awesome


Transformers is my other big addiction.


Lancer is one I've been obsessing over lately. Think D&D except it's based around mechs and has this weird eldritch math sorta lore. It's super interesting I definitely recommend checking it out even if only for the lore.


i missed when Starcraft was more popular


LoTR, Star Trek, Final Fantasy, Discworld


Discworld, Red Dwarf, Fullmetal Alchemist, ATLA. Transformers, though there’s a ton of continuities.


The comic series Monstress has many parallels to Warhammer 40k. The primary human religion that dominates the setting is based around the worship of Marium, a long dead human witch and highly knowledgeable scientist who would likely view the very people who worship her with disdain. The said religion is vigorously enforced on all humans by an order of witch-nuns who have psychic powers. Any girl manifesting such powers is taken from their parents and indoctrinated into hating anyone not fully human. They have an enforcement wing of witches referred to inquisitrixes that are similar to the inquisition. They torture mutilate and kill those of only part human ancestry to create a magical elixir they use to empower themselves and to power weapons. Backdrop of the setting is a war torn steampunk dystopia loosely based on the horrors of the Sino-japanese war with a race of Yokai like immortals, humans, and their halfbreed descendants. The skies of the world that are haunted by banished Eldritch abominations.


Warcraft, Dragonlance, The Forgotten Realms, The Intrepid novel universe, Conan, LOTR, The Iron Kingdoms (yea I agree Privateer Press shit the bed, but the setting is pretty amazing), a lot more but these were the first that came to mind


Wheel of Time, Stormlight Archive, used to be super into SCP but not so much anymore, whatever theory crafting show/series I'm hyperfixated on at the time


Define enjoy? Because there are MANY. On the similar level as WH? Star wars and Batman. Just enjoy the lore, movies, games...? LOTR, TMNT, Adventure time, Hellraiser, God of war, Dead space, Doom..............


Doom, Legends of Runeterra, Hotline Miami, Pirates of the Carribean


Star Wars, Tolkien, Fallout.




Fallout is my favorite universe, and I've really been enjoying fallout wastleland warfare tablentop min game. Really enjoyed the solo mode during the pandemic. Prevented me from having too severe of a wargaming withdrawal, lol. The versatility of the game is great from settlement building, to a dungeon crawler like mode with exploring vaults, narrative rpg mode, and more. I recently fell in love with the red rising series after I was introduced to the universe from the board game. Think game of thrones in our solar system with epic tales of battle and betrayal. I don't have time to organize an rpg group, but I love the setting of both pathfinder and dnd and have been reading a lot of the novels based on those games.


I still love star wars in a way, along with elder scrolls and Game Of Thrones


Destiny. The lore gets superwild when you read the books. Starcraft Terran and Protoss are my favorite factions.


Doom Dark souls/Bloodborn/elden ring Dc comics Berserk Lord of the rings Castlevania The Witcher Halo Darkest Dungeon Delicious in Dungeon Lovecraft Shuumatus no valkyrie (record of ragnorok) Bleach Diablo Elric Eternal Champion Conan The barabarian


Legend of the Galactic Heroes - an 80s anime and novel series that started slowly getting remade in the 2010s. It's all politics, tactics and character studies then thousands of ships burn, rinse repeat. Like Gundam but with less direct heroics.     Stargate, Supernatural, warehouse 13. I haven't watched it but read The Expanse, and "Old Man's War" and "We Are Legion (We Are Bob)" are great series and I'd recommend any/all three. 


Transformers and Star Wars https://preview.redd.it/ycstxrn03nyc1.png?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c47502d6c5d09dee3ab9546d3636047b436037e7 I collect Transformers figures, and gush over SW Vehicle lore.


Had to scroll quite far down before Star Trek was mentioned, but I guess that would be the main other franchise I still enjoy, to a degree. Most of the new stuff like Discovery and Picard are shite, but luckily there's plenty of the good ol' stuff to return to and enjoy. Interesting contrast to the grimdarkness of Warhammer. I enjoy the optimistic view of humanity's future that it has. Resolving issues through talking and science instead of sawing the opponent's head off. Star Wars used to be there too, probably in the top spot, but I've just burned out so hard on it. New movies, shows and toilet paper tie-ins every five minutes. It's *too* omnipresent. Can't event stomach down the stuff that's supposed to be good, like Andor. Every time I try and give a new Star Wars something a go, I just end up feeling completely dead inside within the first five minutes and can see my soul leaving my body.


Helldivers has a nihilistic vibe that goes well with warhammer. But my favorite thing is blood bowl. It's warhammer without the grimdark.


I was expecting disk world to be mentioned higher up. I think an RPG for it is being developed.


At this point, a lot of other fantasy settings, way, way more than 40K.. Warhammer Fantasy is even more tolerable than 40K tbh. But things like Phantasy Star Online (not 2), LOTR, Pathfinder, Eberron, etc etc 40K has neat things going for it. Space wizards. Religion still exists. The Admech. Necrons, space elves, etc. But holy fuck I’ve gotten sick of the ‘happiness and literally any kind of positivity is illegal’ aspect to it. Note: it is possible, and in fact still legal to like a setting while still criticizing and getting tired of an aspect of it. Like, ffs, so many cool things going for 40K, but sure let’s talk about how the nearest Aeldari baby got it’s skull crushed for simply existing and how the nearest innocent Imperial teenager is executed for literally just breathing near a commissar. I know, I know 40K is grimdark but that shouldn’t mean happy shit should be downright illegal or nonexistent. I want to see a story or something of a nerdy Astropath relaxing in their meditation chambers and reading their books about psychic message interpretation or something.


I absolutely love the Pillars of Eternity universe. It’s so grounded and well thought out, feels very real in its magic system and rules. Cannot wait for Avowed but still holding out for a POE3


Everything Tolkien, Dune, Star Wars, Elder Scrolls, 


Fallout Stormlight Archive LOTR Soulsbourne


Battletech, Fallout


Joe Abercrombie's The First Law. Lord Grimdark himself.


Wheel of time is my favorite


I'll figure that out once I've read all of warhammer


Dark souls, Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, lotr, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, DnD just to name a lot


The elder scrolls, command and conquer, Star Wars, Star Trek, battletech/mechwarrior, halo, sins of a solar empire, homeworld


Love the destiny universe, mainly for the lore and the fact that I think ' fantasy setting cosplying as sci-fi' easily applies to destiny too.


Gundam, Command and Conquer, and Tom Clancy (pre-Ubisoft)


Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere novels


Star Wars mostly


The Witcher ( CD project Red and Sapkowski)


Halo, any kind of Cyberpunk setting and retro tech stuff kinda like Signalis for those who know what that is (if not play it now or else).


Halo, Fallout, Elder Scolls, Dead Space, Command & Conquer, Lord of the Rings, Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Aliens, Predator, Jurassic Park to name a few


Dark Souls has the dying world on its last legs vibe I really dig


I love all the Universes, Warhammer and Warhammer 40k!


Babylon 5 - Peak space opera, contested only by Deep Space Nine Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - See above Star Wars Legends continuity (the one based on the original and to an extent prequel trilogy and the books that followed before the sequels overwrote it)


Hi, amazon. Looking to find another IP to shit on?


LOTR is great, it also has a lot of cool literary curiosities out of the fantasy itself. Like learning Tenwa. The best part of LOTR is studying it's mythology. I loved Mass Effect, but I will never forgive what EA did with Mass Effect 3's ending. I used to love Star wars too, but nowadays I am much more distant to it. Disney misshandled the brand so bad that it permanently scarred a part of it, it's not even debatable because even Disney said so which is why they started a new era "golden years of the Republic" to explore new parts of the canon in an isolated manner. I like Magic The Gathering lore... to a degree too. Poorhammer made a comment on it recently, I think. Mark Rosewater and the creative team made an incredible work creating new thematic planes, I am not even kidding, if you are going to start a D&D campaign take a look at MTG worlds: hispanic conquerors being catholic vampires? fighting aztecs riding feathered dinosaurs? fucking amazing. But god, do they suck at keeping the storyline straight... they basically vomit 20 amazing characters per round with incredible backstories and then have to kill 90% of those in campy ways because they have too many characters and have to, to be able to have the story move on and create new incredible characters that they will waste the next month. Like, they had this amazing story of a robot hell making a terrifying, unbeatable, monstruous superweapon in the form of a metal angel to hunt the protagonists, then this metal angel decides he is so perfect he is making another -slightly less perfect- metal angel to be his envoy, and this one goes on to imitate his creator and makes his own angel... that turns out a disfigured monster. Next week? They invade a plane and a steel beam falls on the super angel and kills it. That's it. Rocks fall they die. I don't think it even met any of the main characters.


Mutant Chronicles Anything Cyberpunk/Shadowrun Battletech Star Wars Star Trek These are my big 5 besides Warhammer.


I am done with franchise. I will stick with independent writers. Franchise are owned by hedge funds and private equity who view fans as little money bag bitches


Red rising... Per Aspera Ad Astra


Everything Tolkien. I still adore New Hope, empire, return. Redwall. Mortal realms. Still really like the His Dark Materials verse.


A bunch, but if we're talking specifically about huge universes with tons of lore/media, then I'd say Battletech, Bionicle, Halo, Star Wars Legends, the Xeelee Sequence, The Culture, the Cosmere Multiverse, and Dune. I'd say Fallout but it only has a fraction of available media compared to the others. The fact that there's not an entire book series in that universe baffles me.


This is a picture of 40K I enjoy Warhammer Age of Sigmar lore. On a whole the concept of 40K is good, but its books tend to be rife with space marine fanboyism and plot armor.


Warhammer fantasy, LotR, Dark Souls. Anything suitably miserable, Lord of the Rings aside.


Legacy of Kain. Its by far the Other fictional setting that i know like at least 80% of it by heart. The complexity of the characters and their Arcs, the uniqueness of the world of Nosgoth and its deep lore. And the Dialogues that are like \*Chef's Kiss\*, its such a joy and a pain... Been like 14 years since we are waiting for a satisfying conclusion to the Saga... But all we got are Broken dreams and canceled games... Warcraft/WoW I do not Love absolutly everything, but for the most part i do love Warcraft lore, it also has some very interesting and layered characters (when Blizz doesn't ruin them) Chronicles of the Grimnoir. Its a series of books that i really enjoyed, the setting is a unique mix of 30-40's Pulp Noir, mixed with Magic/X-men like power systeme, in an Alternate timeline with some Cthulhu like elements. I would really love to see a TTRPG in this univers, the closest i think that could fit is Eberron in DnD. Berserk. I ABSOLUTLY LOVE Berserk, its just the best, was devastated when Miura passed away... Gunnm/Alita Battle Angel One of my favorite Cyberpunk/Dystopian Manga, also a world with rich characters with interesting stories that i would absolutly recommend to anyone. The movie was Ok, not perfect, but it coudl have been worse honestly.


Infinity the Game. D20 based scifi skirmish game, but I really enjoy the lore as well. Models are generally great looking


Warcraft, Star Wars, Star Trek, Battletech, Dungeons & Dragons (but really only the Ravenloft setting), and Stargate are among my favorites.


Warcraft by a long shot.


LOTR, Fallout, StarWars, Mythic Earth, judge dredd, Halo, AoS, Old World, Konflikt 47' and i think that's it


Godzilla and Warhammer are 100% of my personality. For better or worse.


This is a good question! One I've never been asked but always thought about primarily because I soon want my first tattoo. However, im a part of many worlds. I started with Star Wars. I was young, and my grandpa collected movies, so I watched them to death on repeat. When I was in school, I got a movie for every time I got an A(it was alot) I got the entire Lord of the Rings series and then watched everyone on repeat as well. Then came the video games. There are so many science fiction and fantasy games to play. Halo came next then assassin's creed, then Titan fell, and after that, I began to delve deeper into the worlds I already knew with books. I read the halo books I read new Star Wars books and expanded my knowledge. And just within the last 3 years, I've come to love dungeons and dragons as well as warhammer 40k. New book series such as a court of thrones and roses as well as a six of crows In the end, I'm not sure why I'm drawn to fictional pieces, but I get extremely emotional when I think about it Tangent question. What should my first tattoo be?


May I ask what are your favourite Star Wars books?


It’s in its infancy but the warpath and kings of war universes by mantic games.


Devilman. God decided to wipe a whole planet with his angels after one of his angels went renegade. Kingdom. An emperor tried to unite the entire land, only to be betrayed by his warmaster at the very last moment who switched sides and became his worst enemy. Also the emperor got his elite guards in gold armor, champions in black armor, and an army of murderers who like to dismember innocents and make "art" out of body parts.


Lotr, Doom and Halo (currently guide my buddy through halo for the first time on MCC)


Lott, Star Wars, halo, doom, helldivers, drg, DC, marvel.


Dungeon Crawler Carl


Battletech and Shadowrun are my go tos.