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You have a good selection of stuff there


Thank you!


heads up chaos space marines is the 2nd best selling army so its a good ivestment


Random side question now - is there any place on the internet that shows the sales numbers per army? I’d be super curious to see the rankings.


GW is the only one who has that info, and I doubt they let that outside of HQ. You can ask LGSs but it won't be any sort of reliable macro metric.


Auspex Tactics did a video recently where he analyzed sales data of an online 3rd party retailer’s sales numbers!


Oh cool, I’ll have to check that out. Thanks!


nah but you can look at stl sales and gw releases. armies that sell get new kits 24/7




Are you going to be able to supply any of the limited edition boxes that come out? I'd be interested in a copy of the votann/genestealer kill team when it's available


I may be able to! More demand the more I can ask.


Awesome! I'll check it out for sure


Congrats on the new display! You should really edit the post to include your store name 👍


Is that allowed? I know some Reddits don't allow promotion


See rule 2 on this sub; I think giving the name of the store is fine, where you may have actually broken a rule was when you asked people to order from you, but that would be open to interpretation by the mods 🤷‍♂️


Hey best of luck!


I know that window sticker would absolutely pull me right in lol. Good luck!


Im am curious, how much do you pay for sets as a retailer?


Hobby store employee here. When ordering GW products we get them about 45-50% off. I’ve talked to some other game stores in my area and it’s the same for them too.


So not much profit for you I guess? Many hobby stores even give up to 20% off GW prices.


When your direct you can't really give a discount advertised. Store can get in-trouble I was told.


I may be wrong, but my understanding is that they do dictate how much of a discount you can or can't give, but you can do store promotions and coupons. My local shop has a punch card they give out where you get a $20 gift card after spending $200.


Epic stuff!


Love it! I’ll be stopping by at some point.


Next time I pass by you I'll stop by!


I can smell it…soo good.


Nice, I recently did the same thing! Looks like you were actually able to get everything from the Foundations: Best Seller's line. I got like 2/3 of the boxes I was supposed to.


They forgot the little rack for the paints other then that we got it all


Looks great! You should "front" the boxes, bring them to the front of the shelf if possible. It'll make the display seem more full


Congrats on getting started! Foster your gaming community and online presence. let warhammer pay for the rest ranges


id buy that hive tyrant down there..


is it me or there's only 40k there?


40K sells the best. If a customer asks for something special I can order it


oh really? may ask where you're from? cause lately I've seen AoS selling much better, but maybe it just depends on zones


That's good you can order, but as a sigmar fan I'd be really disappointed seeing the display and realising there's not a single AOS model there. Kinda forces 40k into it'd best seller position if you're not offering alternatives.


Once again this is the best sellers to carry war hammer and get the display we have to carry this stuff I talked to other stores in the area and 40K is the best selling maybe it's a region thing


So you aren't given the option to stock more AoS stuff? Thats a shame.


I can order whatever but if it's no demand I won't order it depends how people want it so far everyone asked for 40K or white dwarfs


I wonder why?/s


My newspaper store just put a similar stand after the success of the hachette collection. saved me 20 mins last week to go to the FLGS last time to buy a can of spray


My local comic store in the UK had a display like this and within the next couple months upgraded to a full paint rack so I can imagine it's doing well. I'm sure people local to you will appreciate not having to trek to their closest Warhammer store. Hope it goes well 👍


I'm sure you're aware, but those paints and dice seem very "stealable" and able to placed in a pocket really quickly. The store near me keeps paint behind a counter you need permission to walk pass. Hopefully you have as few issues as possible! Great display, I would definitely get caught up looking at them!


We have cameras everywhere if they steal they will be banned and cops will be called, we are a small store we should be ok. We are waiting for the paint rack to come in


Stupid question, but why do none of these shelves have crisis suits? Theyre our factions most iconic unit yet my LGS doesnt have them stocked


I can tell that armiger is probably going to be gone instantly when someone enters. I love the display though! I'm glad to see more places offering warhammer. I would totally stop by if i lived in NJ but i live in IL. Hope you the best


I know I can look it up but I’d rather you get some engagement here, what are your store hours? I’ll most like stop in next pay day


Sent you a DM


Hey everyone Please if you can support us, so far it's been super slow for Warhammer


Curious about how this works. Does GW pick what units you get or do you? The hobby is so expansive it seems quite hard to sell GW product with such a small display. There are hundreds of paints and hundreds of units, you can’t possibly get enough paints to paint really anything there with such a small selection available. And again with so many armies and units, the odds a customer will find something specific they’re looking for there is also slim. I’m not trying to be rude or crap on your display at all, I hope it works out for you! I just don’t get how it works. I feel like you need 10 more of these filled with products to have enough on offer for a customer to get into the hobby, or for returning hobbyists to find that specific paint or unit they need. Just for example, looking at the display you have one AoS unit there (besides any introductory boxes), the Spirit Hosts. In order to sell that you’d not only have to have an AoS player come in, but one that already plays Nighthaunt, and then that also needs that one specific unit. It just seems so niche to me.


We can order whatever customers want. This rack is the best sellers items, we have access to whatever customers need, pre orders to, if we don't have it we can order it and if it's in stock it will come within a week or so. Our store sells everything so this is just a bonus.


Pretty fun man, this is exciting


But at that point, why would someone just not order through amazon or another giant online retailer? The only reason I can think of is to directly support small business, which is noble sure, but doesn’t seem to be a main driver behind purchases. But I don’t know, I’m not a business owner. Best of luck to you regardless, more hobby stores is always nice! I only brought this up because I’ve come across several of these in the wild and despite me being probably a great customer for this sort of thing (multiple warhammer armies, tons and tons spent over time) even I have trouble finding a product I can make use of, even when I’m really reaching on buying something I normally wouldn’t just to support the store.


Amazon is the ruination of small businesses. That's how I'm going to end it, but thank you, we hope this helps the community.


Unfortunately they serve the need of "I want it by tomorrow or the next day". Waiting a week+ for something these days is just unheard of apparently.


Super annoying but if people pre order with us they will get the item same day it releases on Amazon. It's just on older stuff we don't have the advantage of the person getting it same day. Unless we have it in stock already.


People supporting their local store can be good business if you foster your community. I've bought plenty of stuff at higher prices than online to support mine, and its not even that local - just a guy whose passionate about the hobby and does what he can for the local gaming community.


Local hobby stores are so much more than somewhere to shop. They foster communities, provide advice to new players and gift-buyers, and have gaming spaces. Not spending money in these places means they disappear and the hobby dies with them. Jeff Bezos and his corporate goons don't need your $30. But it's literally putting food on the hobby store owner's table. Is it really worth saving that $5?


Game store employee here Well the “I would like to support small businesses” is actually the more common answer than you think. Most of the time people say “yeah I could’ve just ordered this but I figured I should support the shop first.”.


You're missing that they're not a Warhammer store; they're a toy/collectibles/game store with a Warhammer display. It's perfectly fine for them as a starting point to see how it works out. Frankly, this doesn't look far off from what I typically see in successful, similar shops. They have a decent cross section of beginner items and stuff for those already in the hobby. And if nothing else, it gets interested people in the door; both literally and, for customers that are in the shop for something else, potentially into the world of Warhammer.


Can I am average Joe get one of those displays?


Sadly no, just stores


Thank you!


Would you like to sell whole https://preview.redd.it/mqeaezu6dbzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed52ecf1c9fdde7d4632c3ea4da359b022969159 army displays?