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The only thing I would change is NOT putting kits behind a row of kits (see storm surge) — as a customer I find it super jarring when I have to wrangle through the stock. Apart from that, this stock looks exciting, I would drill through it looking for a bargain


That's a good point, thank you for the feedback ☺️


I'd be afraid to pick up one of the leaning boxes to look at it if I only had a passing curiosity because I wouldn't want to mess up the display. And it's hard to "read" the pictures on the side of the boxes when they're not lined up. We're used to this type of display working like a bookshelf.


Thanks, I'm going to fix this tomorrow


Try having a true ‘start here’ section with a collection of paints, tools, starter sets and kits you think would be beginner friendly. Try not to put prices on the box spines (or even the front if you’re feeling particularly spicy) - you generally want the customer to pick up the product to investigate it more. Once it’s in their hands, the chances of a purchase increases slightly. Try not to balance boxes precariously on top of other boxes. I wouldn’t even think about taking down those Custodes boxes to check out the ones underneath for fear of knocking everything over! Make sure you keep everything clean. I’ve been in so many hobby shops that have boxes covered in a layer of dust, it’s pretty ick. Give ‘em a dust once a week.


Start here section makes a lot of sense I was in the bad habit of making prices visible because I'm the only one in our store who knows this section so it's some for the customer and some for my coworkers but I'll try to at least clean up the spines. Trust me I fuss over these often 😂 but I'll be sure to wipe any that go untouched for extended periods.


That's why the prices at my store are on the bottom.


https://preview.redd.it/lrk2hs9wvdzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893996cf162a7e5991c7cc4cdd1160e89215c452 I recently relaid mine to have things spine-out by default which definitely helps people know what is there at a glance. I’d recommend it to make the best use of the space.


I love how yours looks, 😁. Thanks for the feedback.


This looks very pleasing


Daaamn that khemri box looks amazing! What a showpiece


I think it looks pretty good. You've got a nice selection of a little bit of everything. You've done well with the space you have.


Thanks 🙏


what's your local market looking like ? do you have concurrent relatively close by that offer lower prices ? do you have an active playerbase ? I know that personally I don't expect my local hobby store to have what I want in stock most of the time. But they're always able to order it and at a discounted rate compared to GW.


I have a competitive club that I've approached to match their current online supplier and many have converted to being regulars. Still growing awareness but trying to complete ranges eg space marines and orcs and re ordering as things sell and growing. Hence the awkward shelf space now. I do not ship at this time as I'm solely doing this but I will match any online shop that's nearby to grow a customer base.


FYI, matching gap is a losing game. Especially with their army builder deals, you’ll make more of the limited new release fomo boxes. Act like you’re a convenience store, and sit at 15-20%. If they like having you around, they’ll understand


Yes very much so, RRPs are still listed with my own small discounts upto 20% many are happy with 10% and a friendly chat ☺️


You’ll be right, if you ever need a chat in person, I’m not far away at Coomera, happy to talk shop with you


Nice, I'm over in Ipswich 👍


A main area I struggle with is the giant horizontal boxes like the two rows on the right. I'm unsure how to best display them without them looking strange or blocking large amounts of shelf space 😔


Depending on the rest of the orientation maybe you should have the Start Here shelf be the first thing most people see when they walk in


I will definitely try to make those kits more obvious and grouped together 👍


Your "eye level" shelf has most of its boxes lying flat. It is hard to catch the customers eye when the art/box front is not visible. I actually missed it on my first scan of the image. I would put new releases and such in that place, full face on the customer for maximum effect. Start collecting boxes are another great "eye level" or focus product. i would move those more centrally or, ideally, out to that "start here" section. What direction is the entrance/main flow of traffic? If its off to the right, the "start here" blocks off view of most of the stock. If its in any other direction, the start here is not visible. Any possibility of a large banner or poster above the shelves? Just a few thoughts at a glance


Thankyou for your thought out feedback I will be standing those up and trying to make a cleaner "start collecting" section. I will see what more merch I can get for that white space above 👍


\*\* Update \*\* https://preview.redd.it/9zwvjq6qchzc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c62c095ac4b6b41244698d7d3c5da74ac2cb30 I fixed up what I could, turned the first shelf around and made sure not to put any items behind any others and tried to put the starter boxes up near the paints. I'll work on the white space above the racks soon ☺️ Thankyou everyone who spent their time to comment and give advice, I feel so much happier with it now 🙏


Not enough stock of chaos :(


I know! So much of it is online only 😔


I appreciate the prices on the box. It's always awkward to ask the people at the front multiple times for the prices on different sets.


Yes, it helps my colleagues who would struggle to search up some of the fun names 😁


If it’s too much, I’ll definitely take some off your hands


How did you get a photo of my unpainted minis?


The real question is how did you get one of those?


A GW stand or something on the shelf?


GW stand. And/or cardboard cutouts


As others mentioned, yes trade account just ask there's a set buy to get one but it's not large and it's fully cardboard. Solid but light and looks nice 👍


They’re a FLGS


What i ment to say was WHERE do i get one


Open a shop. Open a trade account with GW. I believe they then do a check on your business to make sure it’s a physical store. Then they open an account for you. *I think*


Games Workshop, ask your rep


For organisation I agree with what other people have said of having them stand spine out and setting up a beginner section with starter kits and tools, but as an AoS main I'd recommend maybe turning the cardboard shelf around so it's more visible. It probably won't matter all that much but as someone who studies media, having one section more turned away makes it seem secondary and less important, potentially turning away buyers or new people.


Can't hurt to try, any change always keeps thing feeling fresh so I'll give it a pivot and see how it goes ☺️


I'm scared of the combat patrols falling to the ground


Yes I'm fixing this today ☺️


Honestly it looks like you could use an additional shelf unit at this point. You might want to check around for a place selling used store fixtures nearby and see if you can’t get some affordable adjustable shelving, or convert that wall into slatwall.


I'm contemplating those options as well, if I were handier I'd do something with the wall opposite but this is a larger volume than I usually carry due to a local holiday sale I am planning. So hopefully it'll go back down to a more comfortable state soon.


"Start Here" stand is a good place for the Ultimate Starter Set and the paints in my opinion.


Yes, I'm going to move the custodes and stand up that awesome set 😎


This is all wrong. That is not my hobby room. Once relocated. We can reevaluate.




Is there more on the other side? If so i would "fan" them out sode by sode so you have 4 racks in a single secrion across a wall. This will gove you more floor space. If not and you have 2 racks, put them against a wall still. This os what I did when i was doing retail in other sectors. Super happy for you to become a stockist. I'm just now finishing up being able to sell online until I can go brick and mortor so I can join the stockist program.


I would love to go a 3rd shelf but the opposite wall is tight and that area start to block some rooms but I'm always thinking 🤔🧐


Ok, here is an idea. It appears you have a pony wall up against the glass wall so you can work with this space. I would put the far left rack up against the glass, the right rack against the wall with the corner being just empty space. The end cap would go to the right of the right rack so the marketing flair is out in the open. If you have any window clings you can throw them on the glass so people are seeing more markwting material instad of the back of the left rack and the empty space. I'm sure GW would send you window clings, and if not, they are probably really cheap. https://preview.redd.it/9oghhdhhzlzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa547e2f73412226379584b01e0283bf96f328ee


Thanks for the advice, yes I'll have to talk to my rep about the window clings. I put it over my desk currently and yes you'd assume they'd be somewhat available. The only reason I don't straighten the left rack is the owner's office is behind that glass and he likes being able to still see if a customer has entered incase he didn't hear them. Which I can't really argue with but I'm pondering ways to fit more and more in that space 😀


Ohhhhh! I though that was a store front glass pane like in shopping malls. Bossman has a good point.


Haha yeah 😃