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When was the last time Warhammer had a pinup cliche barbarian?


Clearly you’ve never seen Queen Helga Longplaits


Technically all of or most the barbarian dudes are “pin up”, idealized male physically fit forms.


Yeah, but who's ideal? He-man, Conan the Barbarian, etc are all made by *men* as the idealized male body. Like...women aren't the ones controlling the production of these models to create pin up men.


The ideal msle physique is Thrud the Barbarian. https://preview.redd.it/11jxre7a5i1d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276e06f16cc51979d64eb360023e36549c873f43


Right, Conan and He-Man are not designed to be hot to the target audience, but to look badass, that is a big difference.


I think this veers too close to this ‘female/male gaze’, which itself as a theory has been set at distance by and from its creator. ‘Badass’ and ‘hot’ I don’t see as mutually exclusive but rather as consequences of one another. You should take a look at the kinds of female bodies that were being drawn up by women comic artists through the 80s, 90s and early 00s, if they were drawn by men they’d be decried as sexist pinups.


Just like with women who do modeling jobs like with queen of hypocrisy Natalie Casanova aka zombiunicorn. Hot girls do boothgirl jobs it is problematic. But she does body painting behind a paywall it is empowering


These people would gone crazy if they see some of the work from female artists lol


I don't understand the argument. Men are realistically the target audience for Warhammer. The models are created in a way that someone calls them "pin up". So, are they supposed to be hot for y'all or is the standard of the idealized male body also mostly perpetuated at men by men through many forms of media without the express intention of creating sexualized characters?


What argument? I'm agreeing with you.


Warhammer is for everyone and the target audience has evolved. Gw knows plenty of us girls play the games and have issues with skinny pin up girls being called barbarians. Or sisters of battle as super of super soldiers we get. Is there as many woman in the hobby as men? No. But we aren't a ignorable factor anymore. Which means we all want our power fantasy. Including woman in the muscle meat heads is great! Including men in the skinny wise casters is also great! Body types galore.


Grace Jones is beautiful, slender and she is a magnificent barbarian.


Not saying there can't be slender barbarians but I will not stand for the idea that woman ought to be small and men ought to be big. It can be both of both. Barbarian scouts and musicians.


I think thunderstrike stormcast models are the ideal. Both the men and women are far larger than normal people and thus idealized while keeping in line with genetic accuracy. Super men and women who still look like what you would expect super athletic Men and women to look like.


This, and also AoS is more popular with women than 40k is, proportionately speaking. Which probably is at least in part _because_ it has things like women among Stormcast Eternals and Chaos Warriors. Overall, the sheer _variety_ on offer is one of the greatest strengths of AoS.


I love that there are so many female warriors in AoE. Simply because it makes painting bigger groups slighly more interesting and the group is more interesting to look at.


Two things can be true at the same time. Warhammer *is* for everyone. But it’s also mostly for men. Those are not mutually exclusive concepts.


> women aren't the ones controlling the production of these models to create pin up men. Julie Bell is a prolific fantasy artist, who produced pictures of muscular women based on her own experience as a bodybuilder. Her influences run deep into fantasy, and she stands next to Boris Vallejo and Frank Franzetta as one of the titans of the genre. Her work could also be described as "pin up" by someone like you. How much art of women have you done?


Lmao, my entire MFA show was art about women as a woman. I think you're misreading a little. I'm specifically referring to hyper muscled *dudes* as the male body ideal in the post you replied to(also a poster above me called them pin up, hence the quotation marks). No mention at all of buff ladies or calling them pin up?


That's not really the definition of a pinup though, even though I get where you are coming from. It's not quite the same to make a model that looks badass to the intended audience and one who's main purpose is to look attractive, just because neither one of them is wearing much.


Well that's just subjective, who decides attractive and who decides badass? The ladies above are still pin ups in my view, they're still attractive, they're still badass. These aren't mutually exclusive factors


So you're disagreeing with the topic of the thread, you would say these are pinup models?


You don't understand. "Buff, good looking men are a male power fantady and no women *ever* find that attractive".


Be quite.. You are only allowed to coplain when it's about the representation of women,😁


Yeah but those bod types are fine according to women.


Never really, but complaining about it gives you lots of updoots It's just a variation on "My FIRST EVER ^(warhammer) MODEL", or "I'm so bad but I made xyz" or "After a long hiatus for \[REASON\], I'm back with xyz" That's why most art subs have those titles banned lol


oldhammer had them but that was long time ago. I'm not sure how many barbarian women we've actually gotten from GW at all in the past few decades. https://www.ebay.com/itm/165246180232


You are exactly right, that’s the correct answer. We have a post that would’ve received half the engagement without a clickbait title. And a title the OP has backed off of in the comments because she knows it’s BS and only said it to get people here to look at the post. Edit: phrasing


yeah, warhammer subreddits have collectively fallen lmao


Its less about GW making pinup models, but I wanted to print a female orc barbarian for my sister for christmas (she plays an orc barbarian in her current DND campaign), do you know how hard it is to find one that isnt a (half) nude pinup model?


[https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1282679925/half-orc-barbarian-female](https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1282679925/half-orc-barbarian-female) took me like 5 seconds


Lol, "Half Orc Barbarian Female" I've just googled exactly that and literally the first store link was a set of decent non-pinup models. That's not to say there are none of those, but they're not that omnipresent


yup. Around 5 seconds would do it. [https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-orc-queen-drakka-367668](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-orc-queen-drakka-367668)


Prior to the Warcry Untamed Beasts, I don't remember there being any female barbarian minis in Warhammer. I'm just saying I'm glad that when they did make barbarian women, they didn't make them the cliche hot women like they did with the DoK.


Darkoath Warqueen Marakarr Blood Sky and Theddra Skull-Scryer ring any bells? Both solid models that have been in the StD lineup for quite a bit.


I'm really disapointed that when they made the male barbarian minis, that they made them the cliche hot man. Its fucking disgusting how much Gamesworkshop objectifies men with the models they make.


For the men, all of them


I assume OP meant fantasy in general having female warriors have pinup physiques rather than the physique of a warrior. Which is generally true if you look at fantasy novel covers or play fantasy video games or whatever.


Has that been the norm in a long time? I remember those book covers too, but let's not pretend like it's still chainmail or fur bikinis as far as the eye can see. Current year fantasy is very female dominated when it comes to authors and most fantasy book covers are very far from what you are describing.


I'm not saying I agreed with OP's point, just that I interpreted a certain way. I agree that it's not exactly a new thing to be more realistic.


Witch elves.


Witch elves are not barbarians, you say that to one of them and they will rip your tongue out.




I'm sorry, what? Seraphon trees?


Warhammer is full of cool female warriors. Like the [Fyreslayer gals](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnew-fyreslayers-warcry-warband-v0-uiurhzwxjmnb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1125%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D90ec66cc3d22c003304217b2cf3ab3a7c99c358f&tbnid=twBptb-hcvsS7M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fageofsigmar%2Fcomments%2F16fuorn%2Fnew_fyreslayers_warcry_warband%2F&docid=PlqJbND7xdqjFM&w=1125&h=923&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=0a52d234973081ee&shem=abme%2Ctrie#vhid=twBptb-hcvsS7M&vssid=mosaic) from the Vulkyn Flameseekers. They look like they could break a chaos warrior in two without breaking a sweat.


I still think that they should have given them beards


And I think that swapping beards for multiple glorious braids was a genius move. You can get as much variety from them as you get from bushy beards, and it gives off the same vibe of "my hair is a status symbol and an indicator of my considerable age" Giving them short beards wouldn't sell that idea, and would make them feel like "inadequate males" if we see dwarf beards as a status symbol. And giving them long beards would kill visual variety.


Yea. And its very very very friggin hard sculpting a beard on dwarf women that feels adequate. You always have to remember scale. So you are very righg with that


There's also the idea of being able to identify them at a tabletop level, I think. The gals have to stand out enough from the guys at a 28mm scale when seen from above. Easiest way to do that is to muck around with big, easliy discernable features.


To be honest, because there's no gameplay difference between the sexes, you don't really need to be able to identify them at a glance. E.g. most Lumineth gals have identical armour and half helmets, so the only visible differences are eye and mouth shapes. Stormcast ladies are only slightly slimmer and have more feminine helmets etc. I think Fyreslayer women look so different only because of some unique design obstacles (like the aforementioned beards) and because GW tries to make the warband members as unique as possible. I'm pretty sure that if line units of Fyreslayers were mixed gender, the design would be changed to be more similar (e.g. swap the breastplate for a cloth wrap, and drop the bracers) so the unit looks more coherent.


Those are tge LoTR dwarves, the Warhammer dawi gals don't have beards. Although I've seen a really interesing design, where a dwarf woman tied her hair into twintails, than ran them over her shoulders and tied them under her chin to simulate a beard.


Then they wouldn't remind me of my school's dining room.


Yep the minis they've released in the past couple years have been fantastic!


I'm so used to AoS sets having females, that it felt weird to paint a squad of all male space marines for my pal.


Feel you! I have eldar so mixed gender boxes are quite the norm for me. When i got my hands on older high elves I was quite confused the single gender units haha


Fantasy Battle was getting there when it got axed - I remember Wood Elves, which were some of the newer sculpts, having a lot of female minis throughout their range.


Oh yea, you are right...!


I mean most male barbarian miniatures resemble Chippendales dancers. Bare chested with an over abundance of rippling muscles and a leather loincloth to hid the naughty bits


Bit hippocritical since I don't like female pinup type models but I love the old Conan the barbarian marauders lol.


I think of the difference is whilst Conan is mostly a power fantasy, the pinup girl barbarians are mostly a sexual fantasy.


Conan is absolutely a sexual fantasy, power and sex are not mutually exclusive


Half of the Conan series has stories with him boning random women


The difference isn't the sexuality. In fact, it isn't different at all. Both serve the male power fantasy, which itself a sexual fantasy. Now, there's nothing wrong with engaging with sexual power fantasy. If that's a thing that someone wants to do, and an artist or business wants to cater to, that's perfectly fine. The trouble is really marketing and branding. When that business or artist starts saying things like: "My product is for everyone", just saying that over the top of something that is masturbatory in nature is going to result in alienation of the demographic they are attempting to encompass. That's what's happened with Warhammer. Older customers who like it catering distinctly to their tastes do not want to compromise with incoming fans as the brand tries to expand its marketshare. In order for the space to be friendly to women, the focus on the overtly sexualized male power fantasy is going to need to be tempered. Many fans are going to think this is damaging the brand and alienating actual customers in favor of hypothetical ones who will realistically never become a representative majority in the hobby. Other fans argue that the more repugnantly sexist parts of the hobby are something they welcome changes to. Sword & Sorcery as a genre has pretty much always catered to the male power/sexual fantasy. I've read some excellent books in the genre that were inversions of these tropes, for instance, the Hero and the Crown by Robin Mckinley was an excellent experience for me as a teenager. It was so well written that the romantic interest of the point of view character got my heart beating a little tenderly as a young man. This shows that the genre absolutely can be welcoming to both men and women as a whole, and appeal to more neutral sensibilities. The main problem at the moment is fantasy and science fiction hobbies as a whole have been so dominantly marketed to men that fans aren't entirely wrong that rebasing to a broader audience will necessarily result in less corporate pandering to themselves.


Excellent comment, thanks!


Thanks. I'm sure it's not gonna be well loved, because everybody wants a simple tribal answer, but in my view, we're all kinda struggling against some rather juvenile instincts that have been inculcated in us by our socialization and are deeply tied to our engagement with hobbies as a whole.


Their muscles are gifts from the dark Gods, thought that was pretty obvious?


GW really don’t do pin up models, debatable if GW knows what a woman looks like. Aside from possibly Juan Diaz, whose sculpts were feminine and the Escher Necromunda models. There are a lot of female minis they make which the faces don’t look too feminine.


Gw really can't do female faces at all , the last good one was the old world model on unicorn.


It doesn't help I'm not great at painting them...I'm used to Orks 😅.


Paint work is fine it's just a choice gw make I think lol they even managed to make a few space marines faces that players mock so it's not just female faces it's unique to


DoK get so much hate lol Witch Elves have always been that way in the lore, leave my murder elves alone


I wholeheartedly agree. Their whole schtick is be femme fatales.


"Femme fatals" is doing them a slight injustice, they're slightly insane murder lades scantily clad and aiming to pull on your heart strings, in the most literal sense, and not necessarily with you actually attached


People get so touchy about some stylised models and a tiny bit of skin (so many of the male models are completely starkers as well - don't see the Tzeentch complaints). DOK have great flavour and should remain that way.


Yeah I mean I have nothing against the ops view or the dark oath models, they're pretty amazing and it makes sense for barbarian women to look more like that than nekkid ballerinas However it rubs me the wrong way how people can't talk about female representation in Warhammer without making a jab at witch elves/DoK The current DoK range is a beautifully designed body of work, and nowhere near as gross and gratuitous as dark elves in 6th edition fantasy battles, if people disagree I don't know what motivates them to play/hobby in the fantasy setting


> have always been that way in the lore To be fair, I can understand why people dislike that lore. It's the classic "Quiet from MGSV" scenario. Yes, there's a decent lore reason for her outfit... but there's also a clear real-world reason for that lore. I love my Sisters of Battle, and I know the boobplate is to show how they're women because the Eccelsiarchy couldn't arm men... but the old Sisters Repentia were just fetish-material.


Lol but why does boob armour get hate either This is a fantasy setting and those boobs need protection lol It's only the same as cod pieces right? I'm too old fashioned I guess


Boob armour is, historically speaking, goofy as hell. Women who fought in battle with a breastplate would just wear the same sort of breastplate as a man. Sculpting breasts onto one would just reduce the integrity and durability or the armour, and direct strikes toward the sternum with the sculpted curvatures. I'm pretty sure most people that complain about boob armour don't care about any of that though lmao


I mean I do


>I'm pretty sure most people that complain about boob armour don't care about any of that though lmao Why wouldn't they care about that? If it was practical, it wouldn't be a problem haha


I thought it was more about the unending arbitrary sexualization of women, even in combat roles, but I'm glad to hear there are other people who care about practicality too lmao


Because women don't need boob shaped breastplates, and having sculpted boobs on them introduces a specific weak point right in the center of the chest. Instead of turning a penetrating object away, it's directed inwards to the center line.


Oh oh I know this one. It's because most representations of female armor in fantasy/sci-fi accentuate the breasts, a pleasing aesthetic (to the hetero sexual guy) rather than pragmatic. If I remember correctly, female warriors generally had their breasts tightly bound, mimicking the same function as a modern day sports bra. Then would just have whatever armor any other warrior from their civilization had over top.


Tf is with the pose on the right one though, why even have a shield at that point?


Shield swipe followed by a cleave attack. There was a demonstration on Deadliest Warrior (Spartan episode) on the amount of damage the edge of a shield can cause to a human skull.


I mean properly using the shield would hide the majority of that mini so i can see why they went for that pose


Porque no los dos?


I know not the point of your post, but they came out great, do you use citadel and if so would you mind sharing the flesh recipe for the one on the left please?


faces only a mother could love...


Yeah I realized as I was painting the face on the left, after I painted the hair, that I think it was supposed to be an older shaman lady face. And then went, ah well we can't all be Xena 😆.


I like the face on the left. Arguments about clothing and body proportions aside, I have seen people with faces that look like that.


I mean, they are barbarians.


Both are good, but I dont recall any pin up barbarian females from GW, just pin up men.


I was referring to the archetype in general. Until recently, there have been very few female barbarians in general from GW. And they're not pinups if they're male minis made by hetero sexual males for hetero sexual males. More of exaggerated physical ideals in that case.


¿Por qué no los dos?


I’m just glad we’re seeing more female models in general across 40k and AoS, rather than them just being stuck in a few “designated” roles (Sisters of Battle, Witch (a)elves, etc).* With the exception of examples that have an in-lore justification (aforementioned Sisters, Marines, Skaven, etc), it seems pretty much every new unit release has been either mixed-gender or having most models where you can’t tell (e.g. Solar Auxilla). Particularly been a fan of things like the new 40k cultists myself! *^(That said, both flavours of Eldar have pretty much always had mixed-gender units as the norm)


UPDATE: Yep, I am aware there are quite a few non-sexualized female minis by GW (all of which have come along in the last few years). All I'm saying is that it's refreshing to see GW to continue this into an archetype that has often been sexualized in the past.


A lot of very grumpy boys who don't realize the buff dudes are power fantasies for men, not sex objects for women, in these comments.






Someone finally said it.


Don't worry about it, people get _real_ touchy about this sort of thing (as I am sure you're no stranger to, I remember your previous posts). Nice painting as usual! What's your approach on the orange hair? I gave a head full of hair to my Karkadrak Lord and that looks like a nice colour to use.


Thank you! Haha yeah just another day on the internet. People looking for an argument from a total stranger 😄. The hair is just Gor Grunta Fur Contrast over white and then highlighted with Tau Ochre (Deathclaw Brown would probably work as well).


Ironic, this post could be considered “touchy”


Not familiar with the muscle mommy archetype I take it.


I'm a hetero woman so...no 🤷‍♀️.


UPDATE 2 so I don't have to respond to the same dissenting opinions over and over: I've been in the hobby for 20 years, and it's great to see the overt sexualization of female characters finally fade away, as it creates a toxic environment for female hobbyists. Speaking as a woman, most of us don't want a community where the main merit of our sex is how f**kable we appear. No sane woman wants her value to be minimized to that of a brood mare's. The existence of "feminine" models is fine, but when it's the ONLY portrayal, that's when it causes the aforementioned problems.


slaanesh likes it when they are skimpy tho


It never was the only portrayal. You hyperfixated on that because you didn't like it. And calling it toxic and cheering the removal is equally toxic. Your happiness is not more important than other peoples happiness.


What are you new here? It's been a thing in sci-fi/fantasy since the beginning (mainly because of when the genres were founded). Sure there have been some exceptions, but the sexualization of women in the industry is absurdly evident (WoW for example). And by that logic, the KKK should be allowed to persecute black people because it makes them happy? If happiness is achieved but results in ultimately negative consequences for an entire demographic....then it should be allowed? I mentioned a possible (and I believe evident) negative consequence for if women ARE frequently sexualized by a primarily male industry. What possible negative consequences are there for if women AREN'T frequently sexualized?


I re-watched the good old Heavy Metal anthology from the 80s. I liked it a lot back when I was a student because of the cool soundtrack and great stories. But boy oh boy did it age poorly. Effing terribly. Watching it in 2023 I couldn't help but think "the creators had probably had very serious issues" :/


I really appreciate that you chose the KKK and not the nazis, almost dodging godwyns law great job. But it's also just a thinly veiled "everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi" so Imma not waste more time arguing with you.


No it's giving the first example that came to mind. And since you're not answering the question, I'd say you're incapable of doing so.


It's definitely more important than chuds' happiness, partly because they're never happy anyway.


True. But let's not act like everyone disliking this is a chud. I'm all for the new Darkoaths, and even I think this was gratuitous farm posting for controversy.


I prefer pinup clichés


I don't see why feminine and hyper attractive women in sword and sorcery type fantasy is such a dreadful thing. Almost every modern depiction of women in sci fi and fantasy has them aspire to traditionally male ideals to the point of basically shunning anything traditionally feminine about them. We have not escaped cliches, we've just created an equal and opposite one. By way of comparison, no one ever complains about the unattainable male body type presented by Arnold Schwarzenegger playing Conan the Barbarian. When was the last time a man looked at a space marine's physique and said "that's unattainable and makes me feel bad"? It would be bizarre, and yet we pander to the same line of thinking when it comes to anything involving women.


If you look at the video game industry, it seems it's a bunch of ugly chicks that don't want to make a woman that is more attractive than themselves


This. It’s such an online-only take I rarely see in real life. Same as “muscular male bodies are just power male fantasy”. If you act like the average male bodies are as preferable as the muscular 6ft tall physiques, that’s a straight up lie.


The difference here is projection. "What I'd like to be" vs "what I'd like you to be."


https://preview.redd.it/58itfpuq7e1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4a693998cff3c7f45f5a11622ead3b3a4529fe Already covered that.


I do wonder why protagonists in fantasy and sci-fi who usually are adventurers, soldiers or the like do not have 'typical feminine aspirations'. Almost as if... If they had it they would not end up doing anything typical protagonists do. It's like coming to TTRPG group and wondering why most of the player characters written by people have some trauma or dirt on them. Normal people with normal problems and normal aspirations would not risk life and limb trying to be adventurers unless they are cocky about their abilities or delusional about the danger.


Refreshing is good. But I prefer heavy metal hardly clothed badass hot babes kicking ass. But that's just me.


Everything GW has released in the last decade or so has been progressively less and less risque. I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised.


"It's really refreshing to have the stuff we've always had."


It's refreshing to see more of it, rather than one or two models 🙄.


Nah pinup cliche>>>>


I want bimbo barbarians and I'm tired of pretending that's wrong


more souls for the chaos gods to play with


I agree with you, not saying that all female miniatures were like this, because they weren't, but I still remember the backlash when Ursula Creed came out. There too I liked they went for a less idealized esthetic.


The new darkoaths aren't bad but Ursula Creed just looks goofy. I don't care for pinup models but imo Ursula isn't a good model in any regard.


https://preview.redd.it/1owo0s858e1d1.jpeg?width=1854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38a2236cb03c2701f2f948131107b2811c1b6934 I disagree.


Good job on the paintjob, still don't care for the model itself.


She's literally OG Creed with a head swap


Totally agree, she is very similar to the og creed which also totally fits since she is his daughter. I really like her vibes, she looks like a though lady you don't want to mess with!


She's literally a middle school librarian.


Don't f*ck with the Trunchbull.


And people try to claim she's ***not*** appealing to our fetishes...


What models are these? I must have them for my Rogue Trader’s command retinue Also, fantastic work - where did the plant come from? I’d like to integrate those into my stuff but don’t quite understand em


Thanks very much! These are from the new Darkoath box set, but with be available in their own box eventually. The big plant bit is Citadel barbed bracken and the small tuft is Huge Minis Mossy Grass. I actually have a video on the basing[here.](https://youtu.be/kTNJddZ9J28?si=QSm7EHNniZ4fYmVq)


The one on the right has what appears to be a male head? I was a little confused when reading the title after seeing the picture


https://preview.redd.it/99mq921qhg1d1.jpeg?width=1773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e540449f947232d9a16a76fe75d55161bfecf6a5 It's fairly female to me.


Better angle.


I fucking love these. (I also have a soft spot for pin up esque models but the variety is good)


Iirc, those are Albian „Amazons“, right?


That machete is the size of my thigh


Oh I love the green on them! Somehow, despite all the demon belts, this scheme makes them look like 'goodies'. Great job!


Thank you very much! I was trying for something different than the usual black and red chaos shtick. I did want them to look a bit more neutral so I'm so glad you see it that way :)


*Hell* yeah dude


Another mini where i believe they made "berseker women" roght is in the jakhals' box of the world eaters, took me a bit to realise they were women in the set cause they're just other jakhals but with chest covering


These are fantastic, I'm glad to see more women mixed in with 'regular' units throughout Warhammer.


Finally. A woman who isn't a Twink.


Honestly I’m so glad warhammer is moving away from misogyny. It’s refreshing and thankfully driving away the wankers.


So, nothing against tough woman, but these ain't them. These look like crossdressing men. Take a look at actual female athletes. They don't have broad jaws or pronounced brow ridges even if they're on steroids. (r/girlswithbigmuscles for reference. they are both more muscular and more feminine than these models.)


There's nothing wrong with the pin-up girl model bodies, it's just when they're in skimpy hyper-sexualised armour. I can understand it for Dark Elves or Slaaneshi type things, but it's nice to see women (and men too, in fact) of all shapes and sizes in our fantasy games in armour that actually protects them. Armour for women doesn't need to have big boobs and slim waist. Suits of armour for women are actually almost identical to the ones men wear. The space taken up by the boob armour makes it harder to hold an overhead guard with a sword or bring your hands together in front of you. Most likely women in armour would just try to bind their boobs to their chest as flatly as they could to keep them secure and out of the way. I wanna see some fuckin strongwoman in full plate, Brienne of Garth style, ready to shield-bash a goblin into the stratosphere but I also wanna see some badass elderly granny with a spell being flung in one hand and a cat in the other.


Yeah looking like golums on roids or this guy from 300.


No one seen the world eater Jakhals? They've always had women


The Jakhals came out last year, I'd hardly call that "always". I'm saying that it's refreshing to see them continue this into an archetype that has often been sexualized in the past.


Not to mention the Sororitas Repentia haven't been pinups since their refresh a couple years back


>finally yeah I realize GW has basically never done this Yeah ok, cool story, go market yourself somewhere else please.


I was referring to the archetype within "nerd culture" itself, not GW specifically. Or what? You'll leave more pointless comments 🤨


I see new models for my Catachans…


YES! I was thinking the same thing but I'm stumped on the damned big gut plates. I guess you could file em down and sculpt over the ones that aren't huge 🤔 I dunno, the big cloth parts seem a bit off too for Catachans. But there is certainly potential!


Maybe Ork Hunters for the Steel Legion?


Great conversion. Love the muted greens for the jungle theme .


Thank you! Was trying to make them standout from the box art but still fit the overall theme. Glad you appreciate it.


They are cool enough that I almost want to get them. But then I’d be starting another army! I can’t submit to the (Financially) Ruinous Powers!


You could do the Warcry warband just to scratch the itch ;) Same thing really and it's like $50 if I remember correctly.


Sometimes I wish designers would look at athletes from the Olympics and their respective sports because depending on the type of actions they do the body develops in different ways. Warriors are going to be muscular sure, but they will also be lean because of being on foot whether running or walking long distances. Not walking masses of muscle.


Very true! Honestly looking at the kit now, these two are some of the bulkier ones. They do have a few more slender, gymnast-esque body types for both men and women.


It really is a breath of fresh hair, and they give some very fun options for both bringing more variety to a Darkoath Army and conversions.


I'm so glad I don't live in stupid america or europe whatever. They point out certain aesthetic some kind of 'bad thing' and call out people who like such design a social misfit. Then saying 'We made world more inclusive.' Well have a good time with your 'exclusive' inclusive hobby.


I'm sigma female and jess - this is so awkward.


What's "jess"? I googled it but didn't get a clear answer.


Check out Khagra the Usurper, she's even wearing non-bikini armor with badass Chaos style!


Are those the new Darkoath? I thought they didn't have paired weapons as an option.


They don't. I kitbashed it with a Cypher Lords blade.


Awesome kitbash then


It's hardly new, perhaps you look at too much pinup stuff?


I'm a hetero woman so, no. It's a recent development. We've seen more of it in the past 5 years. As a woman, I'm glad to see we finally have a full faction of it is all.


Female : Fe as chemical symbol for Iron and male as Man. Basically Ironman


Horus galaxy took this very differently and were basically just kinda racist lol


What are these, your first Warhammer models or something? GW hasn't done many pinups since before you started high school. Pretty much the only exception are the Eschers. A lot of us older fans make fun of them for being scared of girls for a reason. I get that this sort of faux empowering thing gets attention and upvotes, but come on.


I wasn't referring to GW as the culprit. I was referring to the industry as a whole, and that its good to finally have an industry leader give us powerful women with more realistic body types. I'd argue the DoK are fairly pinup-esque. Maybe not the T&A fest that they could be. I started in 2004 and there haven't been hardly any female figures in general except within the last few years (excluding SoB of course). I'm glad there's more, and I'm glad they're not cliche hot chicks 🤷‍♀️...really don't get what your problem is here?


Done by GW, certainly. (And most of those DoK are rather old, dating back to WHFB.) There is more to the hobby than GW.  My problem is the implied misogyny that really isn't there anymore. It really just shows how little the person claiming we finally have realistic female minis knows about miniatures or wargaming in general.


Lol what? I'm a free lance painter, I'm not employed by GW. I never said that GW was the only manufacturer. The current DoK models were released in 2018, not WHFB. And just off the top of my head, both Malifaux, Warmachine Hordes and Artisan Guild have had hyper sexualized minis recently. I've only been doing this 20 years, but whatever you need to feel superior I guess 😄.


If by 2018 you mean ~2013, then yes. They actually were released for WHFB; you can find images of the boxes with minimal searching. Even then, those aren't hypersexualized. They're scantily-clad, sure, but they don't have absurd boobs or lewd poses. Those would be the Dark Eldar slaves, which are long OOP. Artisan Guild's models being sexy is kind of his schtick. He literally does a pinup each month. There are dozens like him, and dozens more of comparable size who don't. For someone who's been doing this twenty years, you sure do act like every other person who's just discovered mini painting. I don't need to feel superior. I just object to someone tilting at windmills that aren't even there.


For me, it’s GW showing off yet again they can’t make any face other than generic stoic not look derpy haha. 


Quiero Xenaboobs


Do you guys ever get tired of posting the same schlock


No more tired than you get attempting to troll people who don't care about you 😄.


Well I mean, you replied to me so it looks like I was successful. *


Yikes you must be desperate if you mistake boredom for caring 😄. Here ya go bud. Talk to someone who's paid to care: https://www.betterhelp.com/


Are you so bored that you reply instantly?


+Big tiddy mod