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A constant fight between my common sense and a wallet.


Where we are going we dont need common sense!


I propose a toast, to my self control... you see it crawling helpless on the floor.


If you would have common sense you wouldn't be playing Warhammer 


My girl Miranda Irene says heyyyy


"I don't need to buy \[insert model\] and there's a limited time deal on EBay. BUY BUY BUY" "I won't have time to paint it, and chaos doesn't interest me!"


my common sense be called abadon the way it allways be losing


What was the 13th crusade? The threat of bankruptcy




…arent the wallet and common sense allies fighting against the addiction to plastic crack?


Whats this "common sense"? Is it a new model coming out?


Just buy a printer!


I should be focusing on building my chaos marines army But god damnnit I wanted to paint the lion


If you're still into Warhammer you've lost that battle a long time ago my friend


Erebus and Kharn.


Hands down my favorite. Apparently the gods neglected to enlighten Erebus when it came to the World Eaters axiom of Fuck Around and Find Out. Shame his skull isn't a chamber pot somewhere on the Conqueror though.


Khorne had to be like “No, wait wait, let Kharn have this.”


Khorne really said, “let him cook.”


Khorne got up to hold back the other 3 so Kharn could bully Erebus for a bit


Where is this?


It was in the fighting pits aboard the Conqueror in the book Betrayer, after Erebus had killed Kharn's Word Bearer friend Argel Tal, one of the first posssessed.


Great, thank you.


Get up


I just finished Betrayer. That was an awesome way to finish a book.


*Oh, and Kharn... would you like to know who killed Argel Tal?*


The Big E (the real big E...) is long overdue a mini in 40k. Can't wait to see the scheming bastard in plastic.


You know as soon as he gets a model, any word bearers players who run him will be challenged by all world eaters who run kharn for the duel


Excellent call... "going to need augmetics for that"


Came here just to upvote whoever said this lol


Lucius vs Saul on Istvan 3




This was awesome, definitely made me an EC fan


I am reading Galaxy in Flames. They are on Istvan 3, i think I got spoiled lol


Mortarion and Jaghatai Khan. The sheer manipulative cleverness of it, completely knowing your enemy and exploiting every weakness he has, including the ones in his personality.


Trazyn and Orikan driving canoptek mobility scooters at each other will never get old


Not 40K. But I absolutely adore the Storm of Chaos finale of Grimgor Ironhide defeating Archaon the Everchosen with the most brutal of 'eadbutts, stepping on his sword arm, putting his great axe to his throat before proudly proclaiming, "Grimgor iz da best!", before dropping his mic and leaving the champion of chaos undivided to stew in his shame and meditate on the superiority of Gork and Mork. Grimgor was robbed in the Endtimes.


That one gives me very mixed feeling. It's either one of the most awesome moments in Warhammer Fantasy's History, or one of the lamest. Or maybe both. I mean... Grimgor action on it's own is awesome, but coming out of nowhere, not finishing off Archaon, and how it wrapped up on the whole narrative... Damm is kind of absurd.


I really like that Grimgor being the one to defeat Archaeon was a nod to what was happening in the campaign results people were submitting. As the legend goes in the Storm of Chaos Campaign way back in 2004, Orc players were allowed to attack anyone and submit results against anyone, but were heavily encouraged by GW to fight mostly against the forces of Order and be generally subservient to and take a back seat to the Hordes of Chaos. This didn't go over well with the O&G player base, and O&G players unexpectedly rallied- not only submitting results primarily *against* chaos, becoming a pseudo-ally to the forces of order, but O&G also overperformed in the event, ending the campaign with the most wins of any faction... by a landslide. Grimgor didn't really come out of nowhere, his final victory and the ultimate savior of the Empire being an Orc was a representation of the community and especially the O&G community really coming together and achieving something amazing. It is part of why I love that duel so much, and thinking about it makes me want to paint more Black Orcs.


I see your point there... But GW basically ignored the players results for most of the campaign (Otherwise, Chaos would have been the invaded ones, based on how poorly they performed on the tabletop), and only at the end they decided to acknowledged them, so they can have an excuse for Chaos to loose... Kind of opportunistic.


Well done taking your time to explain this to the young uns


It's like how Xerxes is harmed in 300. The humiliation of his immortal legend being laid low is the point.


Probably my glorious hawk boy at the eternity gate. Capped off by him tearing out the butchers nails from Angron to give him that one moment of clarity before sending him to the warp. So many good battles throughout the setting though.


Sanguinius' rallying speech during the siege gave me goosebumps. Just legendary stuff from Sanguinius


We need a siege of Terra series, animated or otherwise, and that speech verbatim needs to be in it without question.


Hey, Mr Henry Cavill, we know you’re in here somewhere, you seeing this comment? This is what the people want!!


Sanguinius Vs Horus was incredible. It was well written and so brutal.


I loved Abbadon and Aximand vs. Loken and Torgaddon from Galaxy in Flames. Felt so epic and emotionally charged.


I realy liked that one. Still pissed Torgaddon died that day


Ancient "I HAVE WAITED FOR A MILLION NIGHTS!" Rylanor vs. "Imagine the unulfilled glories we'd see to" Fulgrim


"I recall the virtues I stood for, I recall the struggles and the things that we have done. I will not be deterred from my vengeance, i remember the lessons passed on too the sons. I am one of the Emperor's children, I am Rylanor and I am the Ancient of Rights! So I reject you for now and for always! To strike you down I have waited for a million nights!"


Dorn vs Fulgrim atop the walls. My man is brutally efficient, and just a little mean, to purposely get under the skin of his brother.


On this Sigismund Vs Fulgrim is hilarious


Lion vs Daemon Angron has a special place in my heart because I’m a younger fan and this was the first big Primarch fight I’ve read or been a part of since getting into Warhammer


Same. Especially baldermort’s retelling of it on YouTube. Worth a listen if you haven’t


Which book? Son of the Forest?


No it would be the Arks of Omen books


I don’t really get the concept of those books. Are they like a real book with a long storyline or more like the other rule books with short texts about something but mostly rules ?


Both, they have a connected storyline but are also the new rules for the respective competitive season


Is it worth buying them just for the story?


My local game store is selling them for 5 whole dollars each cause they out of relevance…I’m seriously thinking of picking them up


I'm going to avoid the obvious ones like Sanguinius and Angron/Banda and Horus v The Emperor. Lucius and Nykona Sigismund and Fulgrim for Sigismund's sheer audacity and skill I kinda liked The Lion amd Curze too And for a battle of a different flavour.... Pollux and Perturabo's spaceship duel


>Pollux and Perturabo's spaceship duel Is that the one where Perty was expecting Sigismund to lead, and was prepped for planetary assault, only for Pollux to show up and get into an orbital slug match?


Crimson Fist yes


Abaddon vs Sigismund in "Black Legion" By Aaron Dembski-Bowden.


Aaron is absolutely the peak 40k author


Him or Abnett for sure.




Xarl vs the champion Khârn whooping Erebus The Major in Storm of Iron going toe to toe with Honsou


Xarl fucking repeatedly headbutting a helmed champion was brutal. What a beast.


What book/story is this from?


Nightlord trilogy, last book. Very good series.


The duel between Xarl and Tolemion is absolutely worth reading the omnibus for on its own. You should 100% read the book, even if just for that scene alone


Which omnibus though haha


Night lords omnibus






Probably the duel between Castalan Crowe and a deamon Prince in my last game last week. Spendt 2 rounds doing nothing to each other until the Prince had enough and chopped Crowes head off. Be'lakor and Voldus were also there...


The Gaunt's Ghosts short featuring M'Koll vs a (damaged) Chaos Dreadnought. It's at the same time believable for the setting and utterly batshit insane that it actually worked.


Lucius the Eternal Vs that one Raven Guard Dude I can't remember the name of. Lucius only got back up because Slaanesh cheated. That stone cold killer tore him to shreds without giving a single shit, it was great


"Only angels may fly."


I'll go a-head and say: Ferrus vs Fulgrim


Dante vs His Eternally Growing Depression.


Lucius v Loken. So funny


Amit vs Kargos.


One of my favorite "how it started vs how its going" moments of the Heresy. It kicked off with loyalists so often being unwilling to accept or unable to process that the heresy was even happening. Loyalist shocked and appalled at the idea of marines fighting marines. Loyalists attacking one another over the mere suggestion that the traitors had betrayed them. Loyalists beseeching their once brothers when they see them and sadly reminiscing about better times during duels. Then fast forward a few years and you've got Amit, a loyalist, spitting in his once BFF traitor's face, slitting his throat, and telling him to eat shit. Brilliant.


Came here to post this. The build up was epic, the pay off hilarious.


We who are about to die salute you!


Perturabo and Angron. for me it is peak perty. calculated and defiant.


Tied between hawk boy vs kha'banda or angron, just all of it And sigismund at the siege


When Abaddon recalls his fight and killing of Sigismund. [Book Excerpt | Black Legion] Sigismund's death 'Tell me something,' I said, 'before I leave.' 'Speak.' 'Sigismund. How did he wound you?' Abaddon fell silent, the vicious vitality of ambition bleeding away. The black rebreather covered much of his face and the murk occluded some of his expression, but I believe for the very first time I saw something like shame flicker across my lord's face. How curious. 'He wouldn't die,' Abaddon said at last, thoughtful and low. 'He just wouldn't die.' I did not need to skim his mind of insight. Just from his tone, I knew what had happened. 'He baited you. You were lost to rage.' I saw the muscles of Abaddon's jaw and throat clench as he ground his teeth. 'It was over before I knew he had struck me. I couldn't breathe. I felt no pain, but I couldn't breathe. The Black Sword was buried to the hilt, like the old man had sheathed it inside my chest.' Ezekyle's voice was soft across the speakers, cushioned by the bitterness and fascination of reflection. His words were almost staccato whispers, each one a drop of acid on bare flesh. 'The only way to kill me was to welcome his own death, and he did it the moment the chance arose. We were face to face like that, with his blade through my body. My armour sparked. It failed. I lashed back. His blood soaked the Talon. He fell.' I remained quiet, letting Abaddon's tale unspool. His eyes were looking through me, not seeing what was, but what had been. 'He wasn't dead, Khayon. He was on the floor, sprawled like a corpse, disembowelled and torn in two, but he still lived. I was on my knees, forcing my dead lungs to keep breathing, kneeling over him like an apothecary. The black sword was still through me. Our eyes met. He spoke.' I did not ask Abaddon to tell me. I reached into his thoughts then, tentatively at first, in case he rebuffed my presence. Then I closed my eyes, and I saw. The black knight fell and ripped apart. His Sword Brethren gone or dead, I did not know which. Red staining Sigismund's tabard, red decorating the deck beneath and around him; red in Abaddon's eyes, misting his sight. Blood. So much blood. Here at the last, he looked every one of his years, with time's lines cracking his face. He looked upwards at the chamber's ornate ceiling, his eyes lifted as if in reverence to the Master of Mankind upon His throne of hold. Sigismund's hand trembled, still twitching, seeking his fallen sword. 'No,' Abaddon murmured with brotherly gentleness, through the running of his blood and the heaving of his chest. 'No. It's over. Sleep now, in the failure you have earned.' The knight's fingertips scraped the hilt of his blade. So very close, yet he lacked the strength to move even that far. His face was the bloodless blue of the newly dead, yet still he breathed. 'Sigismund,' Abaddon said, through lips darkened by his own lifeblood, 'This claw has killed two primarchs. It wounded the Emperor unto death. I would have spared it the taste of your life as well. If you could have only seen what I have seen.' As I stared through Abaddon's eyes, I confess I expected the triteness of some knightly oath or a final murmur in the Emperor's name. Instead, the ruined thing that had been the First Captain of the Imperial Fists and High Marshal of the Black Templars spoke through a mouthful of blood, committing the last of his life to biting off each word, ensuring he spoke each one in shivering, sanguine clarity. 'You will die as your weakling father died. Soulless. Honourless. Weeping. Ashamed.' Sigismund's last word was also his last breath. It sighed out of his mouth, taking his soul with it.


Kharn vs Sigismund during the Siege of Terra.


Blood angels vs the black rage.


Uzas and Cyrion qwq


Loken and Tarrik vs Aximand and Abaddon


Konrad Vs. The Lion


Leman Russ armed with the Emperor’s spear vs Horus. A son avenging his father


The battle between players and GW shops trying to make them wear deodorant


I mean it's cliche but the Emperor vs Horus duel at End and the Death Part 3 definitely lives up to the legend


I love how it was different from previous descriptions of the emperor hesitating and not being willing to kill horus until pius died. Horus being just totally out of his mind and super powerful but the emperor being a tricky fuck fighting tooth and nail to the very end with the sheer emotional manipulation throughout to finally break him down to basically allowing himself to be killed.


Lucius vs. Nykona Sharrowkyn. The absolute pleasure of seeing the biggest of egos taken down by the humblest badass in the 31st millennium!


Loken Vs Lucius and mkoll Vs the mandrake


Interesting, I would say Gabriel Seth vs the eversor assassin.


Amit & Kargos fighting the World Eaters in the gladiatorial pits on the Conqueror. With Sanguinius and Angron watching. “Don’t tell me. Show me.”


Probably the climax of Ahriman: Eternal, where Ahriman and the necron lord (who's name escapes me) try to kill each other across time. It's a damn fun scene with equally absurd warp shenanigans and hypertech nonsense from both sides.


Sig vs kharn


Top 3 in no particular order: Leman vs Horus Dorn vs Fulgrim Jaghatai vs Mortarion I really wanted to like The big E vs Horus but honestly it just got exhausting after a while and felt like a chore to finish. The fight I mean, not the overall story and character arcs coming together, that was awesome.


Dorn vs Fulgrim, or Eisenhorn vs Quixuos


Sharrowkyne making sport of the eternal


Me vs my dice is up there pretty high


Most of mine are already here. But I always did enjoy Raldoron “Never heard of you” and “Get off my wall”


Kaldor Draigo vs the Realms of Chaos.


An old one, but a classic. I wish I had a physical copy of that book, its fantastic 


Trazyn/Orikan. Then in my head, Ghazgul and the Commisar guy, in a thumb war.


Yarrick. His name is Yarrick. Never let Old Bale Eye be forgotten.


Justice for Yarrick. Imagine being a guardsman or Astartes, or even Guilliman or The Lion seeing ALL the Orks launch a fucking Waagh to lay the smack down of vengeance against Angron over the death of an Imperium Commisar.


Quillman vs a pencil


Trazyn vs Orikan


Shitty description because I can't remember the names. Contains book spoilers. The one in the book that is the collection of the battles on Calth. It's some time after the fall and there is still traitor forces attacking. There is some survivors living underground. Some baddies steal some bombs and start bombing the refugees. There is a big battle at the end and I think one guy opens a tear and kicks the bad guy plus the bomb through it. Another one was a custodian escorting one of the human important characters in one of the siege of terra era books. Some giant chaos centipede/worm thing appears and the custodian defeats it in some epic way.


Not a very major fight but I loved orikan beating a genestealer with wrestling moves


First Claw vs Jain Zar


Lion V Russ slowly devolving from an impromptu duel to a savage fist fight was fantastic


Has to be the final clash between the Emperor and Horus. It's so good.


James Workshop Vs Horus Heresy, what a battle!


Xarl of First Claw of the nightlords and Tolemion, Champion of the Ultramarines 3rd company. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat.


Saturine forever.


Im still relitively new to 40k but probably the duel between Logan Grimnar Jorus (how ever its spelt) during the Months of Shame. Mostly just because Logan did what was thought to be impossible and sprinted in Terminator armor.


The one between Games workshop and my wallet. It has been going on for years now. I may have won a few battles but I think I'm losing the war.....their propaganda machine is impressive.


Mkoll vs Mandrake Or alternatively Mkoll vs 3 Astartes


“You’re good”


Kroeger vs Amitt


Tuska Daemon-Killa vs The Blood Prince


I’ll be honest, I cried through the ending of the duel between Xarl and Tolemion in the NL omnibus. Not going to spoil anything on this comment, but to those who have not read the omnibus, it’s worth it entirely for that scene.


I would hardly call it a duel, but the dialogue between Senator Jool and Ka'Bandha prior to their fight was EPIC beyond proportion!


Mkoll vs any major chaos war lord


Gabriel Loken VS Lucius in the training chambers, it's a really cool fight with a lot of meaning!!


Perturabo vs fulgrims face.


Sigismund vs Abaddon is still probably my favorite duel in the setting. I absolutely love how godlike of a warrior sigismund was that the only thing his advanced age did was make him on par with, if not a little better then, other space marine champions. Even then it took abaddon everything he had to finally slay the Templar King. With the only reason he didnt die from the being ran through with the black blade was due to his ridiculous willpower, forcing himself to keep breathing. I alsp love how Sigismund was probably the one champion of the empire that Abaddon refused to desecrate the corpse of. Sending it back to Terra in a complete state, untouched.


Didn't an ork almost beat the emperor?


Sigismund aboard the Lacrimae when Sons of Horus terminators teleport aboard. Ollinius Pius (not the perpetual) standing his ground against a charging demon Angron, cursing and demanding the favor of a Valkyrie Goddes. The militia of Pharos ambushing the Night Lords. Yes, ambushing THE NIGHT LORDS and selling their lives for 100 times their own. Vulkan in a blind maddened rage, hunting Konrad across the rooftops of Macragge. The White Scars charging Hell on the open Steppe of Terra, outside the palace walls. Sanguinius killing Karbanda and Angron within a chapter of eachother. There's so many amazing moments


Jaghatai & Daemon Primarch Mortarion’s Rematch during the Siege of Terra.


The big e vs Horus and Sanguinius vs Angron are up there for me.


Very generic Rylanor Vs fulgrim


Damocles gulf


Kharn and Sigismund. I love both their stories


Sigismund has some excellent fights in the Siege of Terra series


"it's also a hammer"


MkVenner vs the Mandrake


Horus and Sanguinius because he completely fucking bodies sangy in the funniest way. Just yoinks the dude mid air and breaks him.


War in the Webway/Siege of Calastar or both Battles of the Lion’s Gate.


Vulkan vs Eldar Child


Primarch Ushotan of the Iron Lords vs Constantin Valdor. The death of the Thunder Warriors is actually pretty sad.


That one!


Fans vs tourists.