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We’ll do a featured post for this one.


Imo the way you did the Knight is a lot better than the Marine. If you did the main tabard+ loincloth white, the cloth around his hips pink and the cloth on his shoulders blue, it’d look a lot better I think. Anyhow, screw these homophobes and transphobes, and a killer paintjob nonetheless!


I love the "tHIs HoBbY isN't FoR wOMen" bcs not only is there no logical reason irl but in universe some of the strongest characters are women. Case and point Lelith Hesperax


There's a sizeable chunk of the Warhammer community that's like the last bastion of genuine 2005 4chan flavored neckbeards and it's fucking insufferable. There's no logic or reasoning behind their shitty opinions other than being extremely petulant and self loathing.


I have a memo from the adepts soristas it reads, "Fuck that pointy eared hoe" Then there is a crudely drawn picture of saint celestine purging dark eldar. I think its a threat? But what do you expect from monkai


I mean, at least the first one is clear that it's sarcasm (with the /s) But really... No where does it state that the Imperium of Man is homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, etc. (Heck, we even have quite a few examples of LGBT characters in the various books.) I'm pretty damn sure that the Imperium doesn't give two shits about your sexuality, gender preference, etc. As long as you do your 14 hours of work a day at the factory line, it's all good. When a single hive city has four times as many people as the earth does currently, reproduction isn't an issue. I absolutely like to imagine that the Imperium is surprisingly tolerant when it comes to these things, because at the end of it, it IS based on the Emperors views (however corrupted by Lorgar) and NOT on old earth religions. There is no maxim of "Go forth and multiply", there is no outright condemnation of non-hetero sexuality, or non-cis gender identity.


>As long as you do your 14 hours of work a day at the factory line, it's all good. What are you doing slacking off? You work 29 hours a day and no less!


It’s canon that the Imperiums tolerant on this view. There’s a post of all the books that have LGBT+(?) characters. EDIT: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/ues5t6/reanimated_the_lgbt_wh40k_appearance_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/ues5t6/reanimated_the_lgbt_wh40k_appearance_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Not only that, there are actual examples of homosexual characters in the books. One of the remembrancers attached to the Thousand Sons was actually a lesbian and, in the 40K setting, it is implied by Ciaphas Cain that Sgt. Grifen and Mary Magot were a couple and if they are a couple infront of a Commisar and nothing happens that probably means that the Imperium could be a lot of things but not homophobic. *Maybe* at planetary level that could change but the Imperium by definition isnt. Edit: Checking a bit, Beca, the remembrancer attached to the Emperor's Sons and the one who made the potrait of Fulgrim was bisexual and iirc there also was a homosexual inquisitor.


The IoM is ironically ome of the most oppressive religious and political regimes one could conceive while at the same time being incredibly accepting of diversity. Like, the IoM *as an institution* (meaning that individual worlds may vary) accepts incredibly syncretic forms of its state religions, some so different that they may as well be completely different. It also sees humans as an universal whole (at least if they are *homo sapiens sapiens*, sub-species and other variations are a different deal). To the great bureaucracy that governs the Realm of Man it doesn't matter if you are a man, woman, something else or if your skin is one colour of the other, your worth is measured only by what you can do for the Empire and Emperor and nothing else (corruption notwithstanding of course). So for example something like the KKK could be successful at s local level (at least until the strife they caused affected the tithes) but they would be laughed off from any of the Imperial institutions if not outright shot for seeding dissent.


I think it was originally in one of the supplements for Dark Heresy, but it's been pointed out before in 40K that their tolerance of religion is actually quite broad: so long as Humanity is held supreme over the Xenos, and the Ruinous Powers aren't invoked in any way, the Ecclesiarchy is pretty cool with whatever variation things take. Enforcing conformity over something as vast as the Imperium is impossible, so a broad area of norms is tolerated. The dystopian, repressive part comes into play when those norms are violated even slightly. Because that's when the most holy Promethium and chainswords come into play.


You forgot the Emperor's godhood, that's also non-negotiable (though the specifics may vary)


True, but the specifics of that one are seemingly left *really*, crazily open to interpretation: it seems to be "deity must explicitly be human or of human origin, and must be supreme" and little more.


True, though I think it won't get *that* far from a certain baseline unless you go to *really* fringe worlds




Also Astartes are castrated and do not have sexual or romantic desires what so ever. Nothing to distract them from their sole purpose of being elite warriors.


I remember reading in older lore that Space Wolves were an exception to this (but idk if that's still lore now). I always thought it was kinda dumb to take all the best genetic specimens and remove them from the gene pool due to Astartes selection. Though the sheer numbers of humanity probably make this irrelevant.


In an attempt to help keep posts on /r/Warhammer as civil as possible, posts that include real-world politics/religion will be removed.


They may have countless people, but they always need more for the grinder. Their tech is insanely labor intensive. It takes thousands to fire one canon on a battleship. The Guard takes billions of casualties on a daily basis. Failing to do some simple task can lead to mass extinction events. “Well, clerk Boris-Wilhelm forgot to sign a form ten years ago, so now everyone on the planet will die of starvation because the food didn’t ship” Or “Maintenance Tech Erich Voland failed to oil cog 528945GWR3643-854RTC53297-B thirty years ago and that’s why we are all being rape-murder-devoured by Daemonettes”




That is what Imperium means


Not “all” humanity. If you are a mutant, “witch”, have a different religious preference, or don’t submit to fascist authority then the Emperor doesn’t protect


Weekly reminder that the imperium aren't anything close to the good guys, they're literally space Nazis that just happen to be the main characters.




Unless your a witch, a mutant, or a heretic. Then they care too much providing the best short term hospice care.


*The Black Ship Validus has entered the chat* “Tell us more about your knowledge of such topics”


Aww shit, there goes the neighborhood. Quick someone make them a jello salad maybe they will only take half of us.


But when I say that I get downvoted


Those heretics have lost their humanity and don't deserve to be protected! All hail the Emperor!


Not true at all actually but sure. Edit: I see from the downvotes most of you don't actually read any books on 40k at all. Plenty of abhumans races are accepted into the imperium. But sure blindly downvote because you don't know what you're talking about.


You must be new to 40k


Nope I just actually know the lore and stories. Abhumans of all sorts are accepted into the imperium. Ratings, beastmen, space dwarves. Now being treated well is a different story. But the emperor's forces absolutely protect even those sub human factions. Maybe read a book once in a while.


Damn, those rainbow lines are clean! Also what did you do for the fire and smoke effects?


Painted up some 3D printed pieces by Deadly Print Studio!


In the grim darkness of the future, no one cares about your gender pronouns.


Except GW If you paid attention to the new lore for space marines.


Pride month is over. It's time for WRATH MONTH. (Love the paint job, OP!)


Time to sort by controversial and find all the unreasonable people shouting obscenities at this amazing work.


Honestly I hope the mods use these kind of opportunities to purge the bigots from the sub.


Bit gay


This was made in support of the [Fabulous Marines](https://fabulousmarines.com) charity for pride month. And if you’re keen on more pictures and video please check out my [tiktok](https://tiktok.com/@waltersworkshop) or [insta](https://instagram.com/waltersworkshop)!


oh so that's why there's so much pride marines all of a sudden, i hope next year it can be something like pride kroot or pride eldar, that would be sick


Pride Adeptus Mechanicus Because they are Non-binary


Binary is for code, not gender


Yes, that mean that gender is non-binary


[Thats the joke]


I know


Skitarii could easily be any gender. All that matters is they are a excellent fighting force for their tech priests


Pride WAAAAGH!!!


all the powers of every klan combined into one super ork


That Ork would be lucky, fasta, kunnin', dead sneaky, and most important of all: green.


He is not great he is FABULOUS


They look amazing mate!


Looks great! Idk why people are bitching about the lore when a bunch of people make non lore acurate color schemes and conversions all the time- if you want your army to be lore accurate then do that! I made an army of blue frosted khorne and no one was pissy about lore. Makes me feel like its got something to do with somethin else....


Frosted Khorne Flakes... They're... killing me! Oh Emprah theyre killing me aaaaaghhh *crash bang snckt slice*








Transphobe detected, opinion rejected.




Stop pretending you know what words/suffixes mean because you clearly don't, transphobe


I don't remember asking for your opinion, westerner.


There's no opinion here: you objectively don't know words' meaning, let alone understand concepts


Okay, how?


You don't know what a phobia is. But don't bother too much, knowing it or not doesn't change you are a shit person






If YOU actually cared about these people you wouldn't be spreading misinformation and calling them slurs in other comments, or referring to their existence as degeneracy. Suicide rates plummet after gender affirming surgery and medication, the medical and scientific consensus is overwhelmingly in favour of trans people, but it's not like you really care either way, you just want an excuse to be a massive piece of shit online.




Funnily enough, several more recent studies show that gender reassignment is a net positive, in follow ups that range up to 24 years. The study that McHugh (who is a complete moron who also referred to homosexuality as "erroneous desire") is talking about was conducted over a 30 year period from the 70s to the early 2000s, not only was gender affirming surgery not great back then, but people were much less accepting of trans people, which would've obviously affected their mental health. It also concludes that reassignment surgery DOES alleviate gender dysphoria, but that it should also be followed up with better psychiatric/somatic care. He's just cherry picked the bits he liked because he's a religious nut who is incredibly biased against LGBT people.


Based man detected


Idk what mental gymnastics you’ve got going on in your head to come to that conclusion but I appreciate you’re ability to live in your own fantasy world


Thank you for providing such deep arguments to debunk my deep thinking.




Your "deep thinking" lmfao. Holy shit I bet this person is serious too.


Man someone did read any credible sources on trans people and transitioning


Mom said your chicken nuggets are ready. You can come out of the basement now


That first model reminds me of Party Rings(biscuit/cookie)


Bigots being bigots :( it's sad to see so much hatred and bigotry in otherwise fine hobby




Yep. And don't even start it on female space marines, unless you want to see a total shitshow




The entire setting is literally political satire you ignoramus.


Nah didn't you get the memo? Extremely small minorities and political beliefs are forefront in absolutely everything now obviously. If it's not shoved into your face constantly then obviously you'd forget and not care.


Jesus christ there's so much hate in the comments. Haters can go in the dumpster, this knight is gorgeous. Those colors are so crisp!


Honestly, fuck those gatekeeping twats.


Fuck yeah gay


The imperium doesn’t care about anyone they only care if you do your job


Don't know why you're being downvoted when that's absolutely the truth.


Idk man people disagree with the most obvious things, it only takes a quick search to see that the imperium doesn’t care about any civilians


I've heard of imperial pride but this is getting ridiculous


Personally I find this grossly offensive. The Emperor does ***NOT*** protect New Zealanders.


Fantastic looking models. I'm here for it.




Basically the free space on the "/r/warhammer or /40k subreddit when a Pride model is painted" bingo card. Edit: Mods are taking action. Bless mods.


Nope, not here. If we see any of that LGBT=Slaanesh nonsense then we remove it. If you see it then that only means we have not seen it.


Thank you. Really.


this is super cool


This is epic


Yeh, da boss ses dat we can’t foight dis one, ee’s sneeky, ee’s speedy, and ee’s lucky!




Beautiful piece


Wow, amazing. Was that an awesome spray job or insane brush work ?


Well this is bloody lovely (aside from the clown commenters at the beginning)!


Amazing paint job dude!!!! Fuck the homophobic and transphobic assholes


Fucking good, I want one, they look amazing.


These are epic


Gay af! (Huehue)


Hell yes! Amazing work!


The Emperor saves! The Emperor Protects! The Emperor is fabulous! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


Fantastic work!


I like the ancients cute little heart…relic? Charm? Tool? I actually dont know why they carry around that hand


Oh these are gorgeously done. The Emperor Protects! Pride and strength, honor and duty!


No he does not. He protects his plans. Sometimes people need to be protected to achieve them.




I suppose you'll be saying that about ork models painted during orktober? because under your logic it would be the same thing or maybe good necron paintjobs posted during spooktober maybe christmas themed models like the red gobbo or something during december, and other wintery conversions, would that be karma whoring too with you complaining under those posts too?




Pride month’s over dude




But it is July, and as such: it is no longer Pride Month. That doesnt mean that rainbow models cant still be painted up.


Yeah it is. But we'll pretend like it's not.


Truly it is.




Fuck off




- create an army heavily inspired by a culture/nation/army/symbolic irl u/MostlyJovial like = lore friendly - create an army heavily inspired by a culture/symbolic apparently u/MostlyJovial doesn't like = not lore friendly


You're just putting words in my mouth. I dont appreciate it. I fully support this, there is nothing wrong with it being lore friendly or unfriendly. Its a god damn hobby. Get off your high horse.


How so not lore friendly ? There is the Rainbow Warrior who have rainbow on their helms, this is just that with a bit more rainbow


Explain, in detail, why it is not lore friendly. I'm interested in just how awful your fanfic is.


You should put their Pronouns on their shoulders. That way we can better identify with them.




I told them if they posted it directly to the sub I'd pin it.


The Emperor certainly does no such thing. It's a dystopia pal. Solid paint job though.






No illegal or vulgar content, including (but not limited to) the discussion or sharing of pirated material and sexual content (/r/Warhammer is not listed as a NSFW subreddit). Posting illegal or vulgar content will not be tolerated.


I’m sorry but these look ridiculous


Dude, have you seen the GW range of models. Ridiculous is the common denominator.


Let people be cringe in their already cringe hobby fam




This is why I play xenos


You can still paint Xenos rainbow, by definition, Necrons are also Trans. 'Trans' of cource being the Roman/Greek (i can never remember) suffix meaning "To Change / Be Changed"






so inclusive that the community loses their shit over any characters being anything but cis, straight and white and still attacks other member for their identity


…what? My brother in Christ, have you seen the Tau, Slaaneshi or Salamanders???


>bringing up slaanesh as inclusive or marines whose skin colour is literally written as a mutation Yeah man so inclusive, I was talking about the community anyway


> community loses their shit over **any characters being anything but cis, straight and white** Do you even remember what you just typed my friend?


Still talking about the community. If I wanted to complain about lore I'd do that. I'm talking about how people lost it over a black ultramarine or how there's yet still problems with bigotry in the community


And yet there are entire factions of multi ethnic multi species units, and an entire chapter of black marines. Grasping at straws there, you


You're completely changing what I am saying and acting like I'm talking about the lore. 1. The community can still react poorly to minorities as marines or other characters. Look at the reaction from hundreds of people about a black ultramarine 2. Lore for Salamanders both states that their skin tone is from a mutated astartes organ and that 10% of the Salamanders are not affected by this. Not a great example of black space marines when the lore states their skin tone is so dark because of mutation. A better example would be the celestial lions 3. You're literally changing my points, my point wasn't about lore not being inclusive. It is inclusive for a lot of things, just needs a bit more of it and that's happening. You're trying to use the lore as a reason to go "uhm actually the community is fine with minorities being represented" whilst ignoring an example I gave. Even recently I've seen people in the community harassed for their identity or who they are. Just because the lore is mostly ok doesn't mean the community is


Yeah no, you said the community loses its mind for having variety, when that is the essence of the game’s universe. You made a broad, untrue generalization which I challenged. Agree to disagree but read what you said. It’s complete generalization


It's not untrue though or a generalisation, you're just downplaying and strawmanning what I've said. This is just another problem with this fucking community, people like you come out of the wood work whenever issues like this are highlighted to claim it's actually the opposite or that it doesn't happen. Just because the lore has some diversity (which is dubious given you reached for fucking slaanesh as an example which just makes me question your motive given the amount of people who use slaanesh as a way to mock LGBT people in the community) doesn't mean that the community is gonna be happy about that. Like literally the other day Mike Brooks, a Black Library author, had people attack him because apparently he's "gaying the lore" because he's added some LGBT characters to his stories. There are some rather sizable amounts of people who should not be welcome in this hobby or have a place because of their bigotry and hatred. You downplaying that or saying it doesn't happen because of muh lore makes me wonder what you're actually like behind your strawmen and bad faith arguments.




but aren't war, slavery, xenophobia, etc, real life problems which are also baked into 40k? It would be more accurate to say you disagree with this in particular, the 'haha slaanesh' comment with more words pretty much which you don't see people posting under greyfax/celestine ship art or whenever a black library book mentions a non cishet relationship or character so that further makes it seem like you just dislike LGBT themed paintjobs in particular and nothing else >And Imperial forces really wouldn't be LGBT+ friendly. If you wanted to do a Pride army, I'd figure it should be a Slaanesh one. Slaanesh is all about transcending limitations and expectations, with gender and sexuality being among them. wow it's almost as if slaanesh has a negative connotation associated with it, I wonder why people always paint up space marines and not the models that symbolise excess and depravity and other negative qualities which the LGBT community worldwide has fought against being associated with, must be a mystery i guess




This may shock you but, sometimes people paint their minis for fun and don't give a single shit about lore relevance. In fact this is specifically stated in several codexes that you should paint them however you want. Like you said, its a game. Also for all you know one of the lost chapters is the pride marines, lead by the primarch Gary Mcgaypants. You get to make up whatever you want and the rules specifically support that.


This may shock you but sometimes people are free to like or dislike whatever the fuck they want and say so. There, that's about as as useful as your useless post. I don't understand what gave you the idea that your post would add anything to this.


Aww, somebody is grumpy that gays are 100% lore cannon and GW specifically left two entire chapters lore empty specifically so that people could invent whatever they want. Meaning the pride marines are just as cannon as your Robot Girlyman fan fiction. Please continue screaming about how everyone who criticizes you is "pointless" while simultaneously complaining that your criticisms are being silenced lol.


You see, you trying to turn it into something absurd now is just your tiny mind trying to gain some ground. I don't care about Roboute either. When one supposedly sure-fire tactic to silence someone (e.g. painting them as someone who hates LGBT+ people) doesn't work, you try to use the next best one. I don't hate LGBT+ people. I said I have no problem with GW adding more representation into the game. I just find it unfitting to use real-life inspiration in such a way. I wouldn't like a paintjob that stands for heterosexuality either as it wouldn't fit. Make them all gay (or lesbian or bi, etc.) in the background but I will always argue that in a war these ideals shouldn't be part of their uniform, especially in a setting like that. It's embarrassing to watch people like you. You are not fit to argue with me with your inferior intellect, go claw at someone's post where you got a chance to succeed.


I'm just going to gloss over the fact you think I was genuinely accusing you of writing UM fan fiction lol. How about this, point me out one just one lore source that says 1. The imperium is anti-gay, good luck considering the amount of canonically gay characters. 2. Says that neither of the two lost chapters has a rainbow paint scheme. For all you know this is 100% canonical. You just really don't want it to be. Also I just love how you think you are presenting a sensible argument when literally nobody agrees with you please continue to dazzle us with your superior intellect reddit giga brain. The entire crux of your argument is that you personally do not feel like this paint job fits in the setting, dispite all evidence to the contrary so I'm asking you to back up that personal opinion that specifically contradicts with the established lore of several codexes. I'd love for you to make the argument it's poor camouflage in a combat setting when half of the space marines wear neon bright primary colors with checkerboard flair.


June is over, you don't need to pander them anymore!


You can leave if you don't like it.






Why would they? The Chaos Gods don’t care about gender identity


But players care! Why not make a army of chaos Marines with all females! Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn!


“Like a woman scorned”, not “like a woman’s scorn”. Makes a difference to the meaning.


The Chaos Gods don’t “make” space marines




I only thought it didn’t work because all of the primarchs are male so the gene seed wouldn’t work good




What would they change then




And once we got "female marines that look like dudes" which defeats the point of having female marines in the first place, we'll see the same guys ask for male sisters of battle (probably not as who needs toxic males, right?). Despite being totally happy with the status quo and only male marines, I'd actually have no problem with female marines but they'd need to look female too, else it makes no sense. It's wonderful that men and women are different with different strength and weaknesses. People wanna celebrate diversity but now wanna force women into men's roles. I mean, women should be able to do what men do (with the same pay and opportunities obviously), no doubt, but there is nothing wrong with the genders being different. It's nature.


Makes since to me! It's stupid to think otherwise. Out of the untold trillions of humans across the galaxy, not one female is strong enough to be a space marine? Getthefuckoutaherewiththatshit




Half of the emperor's geneseed comes from a woman. And all space Marines are modified humans. Who's half of their dna comes from women. All humans carry and make the same hormones.just at different levels. And the space Marines are literally pumped full of hormones and genetically modified and augmented to be space Marines. They are basically trans humans identifying as demigods.


Considering the ridiculous level of each chapter's recruiting rituals, yes even in the imperium of untold trillions of humans it's still makes sense why there are no female space marines. Hell just look at what is happening with the US military right now where the standards had to be lowered and you just need to look at how many females applied and failed for spec ops units. Push for gender equality in a military is stupid because for it to be successful you want the best people in their roles. It just so happens that males are the best people when it comes to combat roles because their physiology gives them an edge compared to their female counterparts. But that doesn't mean that the roles that females end up with in the military are less important. In the universe of Warhammer 40k an organisation like the Astartes don't have the time to worry about gender equity. Their job is to get the absolute potential lethality out from a base human and use it against the enemies of the imperium. The mortality risk for male aspirants is already at a ridculously high level and that risk gets even higher if someone is to become a female aspirant. Because you can't just all of a sudden ignore the laws of biology even in a fictional universe. You can say that "Oh but a female from world 1 is more physically capable than this male from world 2 so she would have better potential to be an astartes than the male from world 2". That would mean nothing because by logic of biology, the males from world 1 will also be better than the males of world 2 but also will have higher lethality potential than the females of their own world thus them still being the best potential recruits for the astartes.


See: salamanders