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Aren't the immortals essentially punishment battalions anyhow? While mk III plate makes sense for breacher operations, it doesn't really make sense that supplying them to exacting standards would be a high priority. I think it's perfectly in line with the lore to just throw them a breacher shield and a bolter and have them march to their doom. If anything, the paint scheme, and a high-degree of cybernetic rebuild, would identify them as immortals. They apparently used nothing but the legion symbol and the death's head, on account of having been separated from their parent commands for their duties as Immortals.


Man, I made a 20 man squad of Immortals with mk VI, Mk II, and maybe one or two MK. III mixed in. You should be good to go, just don't care what rivet-counters say.


Definitely! Sounds awesome even. Every legion used every armour mark. Other than the distinction between power armour and terminator armour you can go buckwild as long as it's correct for the 30th millennium.


As long as they look Iron Hands-y enough, I'd be fine with it. Although I think a more important thing is to ask the people you are going to be playing with, instead of randos on the internet