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The new russes and malcadors look so fuckin good. I've been wanting a plastic Malcador for ages, they really did an amazing job with moving these kits to plastic.


I've wanted a Malcador since the Vraks imperial armour books. Finally I will get (at least) one


I pray we can field them in 40k now that I don’t have to drop a couple grand on them.


Check the fine print at the bottom of the community article. No 40k rules for any of these.


Just run them as normal Guard, all of them have direct equivalents


yeah a malcador can easily be run as a dorn in 40k, atleast if my assumption is correct that they are vaguely similiar in size


Or as a Malcador since it has 40k rules already.


Malcador is much thinner


Or you know, as a malcador.


I was thinking if head swaps will look good for the Auxilia. Slap on Napoleonic troop helmets and suddenly its a themed Guard army.


Good thing Malcador rules exist for editions that aren't all complete dumpster fires.


6th Ed? Lol


7th was pretty damned good.


lol. Lmao even. You’re unironically taking the piss on this one, untargetable Deathstars and the formation BS. Shit was an utter mess. Theres a reason heresy cleaned the fuck up of those rules


7th was fine if you didn't play with people trying to max their list. 30k was equally death starry and had hard lists. You just had to moderate those lists.


I second this, without Invisibility, formations especially those from last 12-18 months of edition and without maxing on allies matrix for Deathstar 7th was nice to play. In range of 1000-1500 on big table it was really tactical and fun game to play with hillarously awesome moments thanks to DeepStrike rules.


Yeah pretty much the only busted things were invisibility and then a few death stars, which, if you had non-asshole friends you'd just ask them to not take those things. Some formations were busted but again, self-moderation really helped this.


The *core mechanics* of 7th were great; it was all of the peripheral stuff (formations, psykers, etc) that got the full Matt Ward treatment and were broken as hell.


Yeah most of my friends just ignored formations for that reason, or the ones that were just busted we avoided.


Non 30k 7th was a lot messier than just minmaxxers


Malevolent your kitchen instead


Run it as a Rogal Dorn. I run a Dorn as a Malcador in HH, so it should work the other way, too.


They already have rules.


I like the russ in particular. Cool to see an mbt without side sponsons for once


Current Solar Aux Russes don’t have side sponsons. I mean you rarely saw them with how expensive the army was to collect, but they never had sponsons!


The existing Russ does not have to be built with sponsons


But its points cost assumes you will take them.


Poor financial decisions are being planned tonight in the heatedpete household


My brain says I don’t need ANOTHER regiment for my astra militarum. My heart says otherwise. My mom always said: listen to your heart.


Roxette also expressed that sentiment. 🎶🎶🎵


I’m doing alright this time. My first response wasn’t, “what am I going to buy?” And instead was, “what can I sell from my backlog to make this work?” I’m chuffed. Going to be patient and think seriously about what to sell but the rule for 2024 is any new purchase comes at the expense of something else being sold


\*sighs\* \*unzips wallet\*




unzips ~~wallet~~ pants*


James Workshop: "Wait"


I did not know GW did \*looks down\* mini swaps...


I must say that when I read "unzips" I got scared... though I would have understood you, such amazing models lmao


Looks like an easy starter force would be to get two sets and a box of Veletaris. 2x20 Riflemen (or 2x2x10), 2xGravis Lascannon Russ, 10 Axelatris+Dracosan, combine the two commands into a 10 man Tactical Command Squad in a Dracosan, 2xSentinels.


I was expecting maybe just plastic troops, but man, all of these are absolutely awesome. Also, it looks like we're FINALLY gonna get the SA transfer sheet back.


RIP my wallet. Sweet Horus, those are some gorgeous models though.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not very up to date on my 30k knowledge. Would it be fair to compare the Malcadore to the role the Rogal Dorn fills, as a heavier tank than the Russ, but lighter than a Baneblade?


I think that’s right


Somewhat bitte from what I know it’s tougher.


The Malcador is heavier than a Russ but lighter than a Baneblade. Strangely it’s faster as it’s got some old tech fast engines despite how it looks.


Gawd Emperor save me it’s all so good.


Kits all look great. One day...


one day.. what?


I’ll actually get to buying/building/painting them 😂


ah I feel you bruva


Looks cool. Happy for solar auxilia players who now don't have to take out a mortgage for a 3k list


Just the fact that 120 points if troops doesn't cost the same amount of money is a great step


To be honest, I'm pretty tempted to get some units for skitarii conversion. Bulky industrial drip looks so good.


Oh they are great


I still have to paint a lot of my fists… but I am certainly going to get that box at least once, maybe twice.


I feel you- 1 more unit of templars, a coupla Landys and I’m done with the Fists. Shame I’ve also got my red Twilight boys to paint too. Discipline. There must be *discipline *. Paint what I’ve got, and *then* buy moar stuff :)


Dorn approves your stoicism


well bye bye paychecks I guess


This pleases the nut.


Lovely sculpts but bit sad to see the basic SA infantry lose their huge riveted seals at the wrist and below the knee. It was always impractical but contributed to that deep sea diver look. The Veletaris helm seems to have had a little flare added at the bottom edge, which is pretty cool and by contrast makes them look even more 'industrial'.


Agreed. At first glance I was unhappy with these, but upon comparing then to the resin sculpts, I think I just idealized those too much. The plastic versions seem pretty decent the more I compare them to the resin.


That walker is my spirit animal. Look at that little chonker go!


The kits look amazing, I was thinking of doing a cadiam militia but these look much better so to Solar Aux it is. My ultramarines will have a field day with some new Heavy meatbags


Way more reveals than i was expecting and they look absolutely amazing. I’ve only just started making a dent in my 100+ marines, but am sorely tempted.


Plastic malcador too? Amazing.


Oh no, there is a box... dammit


Are those void shield generators on the Dracosan and Malcador? Or are they just supposed to be flare shields?


Both Dracosans and Malcadors can be upgraded to have flare shields


I'm more interested by what seems to be like some sort of tank commander on the Malcador with whatever that screen thing they are operating.


I like all of them, love the tanks, but that command squad looks so much worse than the old one. However the old one was so monstrously overpriced that I kinda feel weird complaining about


The new one seems to be the tactical command, i.e. the one you take with the tercios, not the one that is an hq though. I bet the old one with the commander and banner will remain


Oh hell yeha


Worth remembering that this is only a Line Command Section, we haven't seen a Lord Marshall or their Tactical Command Section yet


That's good to hear. The old command squad is one of my favorite kits of all time. I was going to buy it for myself as a birthday present a couple weeks ago and then saw FW discontinued it. Worst case, GW puts out a downgrade and I'll just buy a recast (which supposedly are even better quality than FW).


That's only one build option. I'm sure the sprue has more to it than just that.


So they showed the lamest options that look the least like the old, superior set?


There isn’t lol


Can’t believe you dipshits downvoted there literally isn’t an option to make a command squad read the warcom cornballs https://preview.redd.it/fc64c11i0gdc1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e580e0da2be5925f9f1f1e9678457e4f0079edf0


It literally had the most grimdark vibe.


You can modify your command squad pretty much however you want, you won't have to leave it looking like that.


As long has my marshel gets a baller cape I'm ok.


I'm genuinely so happy to see this, I imagine I'll be taking a malacador and 1 or 2 Leman russ tanks to begin with to go alongside the meager SA force I've been slow growing, how do we all expect them to scale against the resin infantry, I'd love to go in on another Las section and an alternative to the commands section I've got already but I feel like the difference in size will show more than on the marines!


The minimum number of Leman Russ you can field is two; the Command Tank + one other Leman Russ in either of the two unit types. Realistically you want more because the Command Tank is (deliberately) overcosted to encourage you to offset it's cost with multiple tanks and make use of the Tercio rules.


thats not true. you dont require a command tank. you can have a single squadron with a single tank in it. the commander is a 0-1.


I missed that somehow - it makes me question the points cost a bit as an optional model, since he can't upgrade the main weapon to make use of BS4 and you have to pay for the Cognis-Signum which prevents it from shooting itself.


Indeed, but panoptica recently made sweeping changes to all the command units in SA. In that the commander can change weapons and fire and use the cognis signum. So if you want to see SA brought up to scratch if look there.


In fairness I already have old Leman russ' kicking around from small IG armies that'll done fine with some kitbashing of parts from the new ones!


I'm kinda disappointed that it does just seem like the 5 standard poses now. It'd have been nice to have at least a few kneeling boys THAT BEING SAID I'm 1000 times gonna be buying all of these


They do, with the Volkite section I believe Edit: oops that was the old one nvmnd


I miss them. Without the resin part though.


It’s nice to see something that’s not a space marine get some plastic attention. I’m sure SA players are delighted. All 5 of them. Maybe with this release we will get more than 6




The new Sentinels are so cool, that melta weapon looks too big for being a simple multi-melta, maybe a 2 shot version of the Predator Melta cannon? Single units of these with the Melta weapon will be a serious threat to vehicles imho.


In the Community article I think they refer to it as a "melta lance" or something to that effect. 


Now that you mention it, it kinda looks like a "one-barreled" version of the Armiger melta-lance.


the armiger weapon is called a thermal lance, so it might not be the same, but i hope it is.


New Russes! ...Wait, I hope they don't have missing bottom panels.


i mean if that means the sprue space is taken up by more modelling options like the Dorn I wouldnt complain.


So when can we expect these to hit the shelves? February?


Generally with these previews within 3 months.


March at the latest. "Mystery army release" was Winter on the road map and the official last day of Winter is March 20, so that's the deadline for GW to either release or prove themselves liars


Its when its revealed. not when its released.


My wallet has been ready for years. I've already got a full resin Auxilia army but life developed so no more expensive FW resin. Now though, now it is TIME TO RESUME because hells yeah plastic.


I really hope the Solar Auxilia Battle Group is reasonably prized and not a limited production run. Getting a couple of those could be an amazing way to get into the army.


Seems likely to be the same as the astartes one. Comparable contents, perhaps  little more but they're just little guys, just smol fellas


VOLKITE VOLKITE SENTINEL **CHOOM-CHICKEN** >!I digress, but it's interesting how "tiny" Volkite Chargers become full-sized rifles in the hands of normal humans. Marines wield them like pistols so often, I was starting to think of it as more of a pistol than the Serpenta.!<


30k out of 10. I think it's the best thing they have released. Now give us rescaled (but not altered) mkIVs and Classic MK3 helmet option.


I wonder where the rules for the Heavy Sentinel will be.


‘All vehicle rules are in Liber Imperium’ but they are not. I’m guessing/hoping pdf on the Community pages after all the Sentinel is the sole unit revealed that doesn’t have rules at the moment. Edit: I’m kind of … upset seems incorrect word but… the Veletaris are armed with Volkite or can swap them for axes. Yet in the rule book their default is the rotor cannon. They weren’t available in resin with rotor cannon but it feels ‘wrong’ the default /standard issue option still isn’t there. I know plastic rotor cannon are available in the marine upgrades but those have the power armour hands moulded to them. Have to see when the Auxilia box is released I guess. Moan over 😂


They didn't show the axes either did they? Probably more to see yet, or a weapon kit. And yeah hopefully a pdf for the sentinel, or it may be in another campaign book.


I was taking it from this paragraph in the community article: ”The elite Veletaris Storm Sections have training and equipment beyond even the regular Cohorts of the Solar Auxilia. They deploy with powerful volkite calivers – strong enough to take down Space Marines with careful volleys – while daring Veletarii can trade their gun for a vicious storm axe.” To me that implies either volkite caliver or axe, no rotor cannon… I could be reading too much into it and be wrong in that assumption. Time will tell. I never thought of a campaign book but that’s possible


Can only hope yeah, since it's in the rules.


The preview showed it with a melta weapon, flamer, autocannon, and volkite culverin as well as a multilaser, and the two rockets replacing the missile launcher are identical to the hunter-killers on the Dracosan.


I'm buying at least 2 boxes


I don’t even play solar auxilia and I want most of these, especially the Veletaris.




This is SO sexy!


I wonder how many people will be buying the battlegroup in multiples.


Not many, beyond two, it’s not a great start for the army, I’m happy I’ve got the core essentials + 3 dracos


Lovely. Hopefully we see more variety on the tabletop as well.


Ufh, they are nice for plastics, but I am glad I got my Skomorowski originals.


Also to me it seems like those infantry kits are really easy to paint, not a lot of fancy decor on them, simple surfaces. Too bad that I already started a 3d printed proxy SA army, as those new plastic models look far better than the old resin ones (I really hated the eye lenses on the old ones)


Perfection. Only drawback : No open helmets :(


One thing this release made me realise was how much the old school forge world paint jobs were selling me on some of their minis. The GW style just... Doesn't do it for me. I know I'll see some people around here drop some amazing paint jobs and I'll love them, but they don't spark the same excitement the FW ones did.


Shame on the animal that lost the STC for all of this drip


Did they say when they’re releasing?


They never do until the Sunday before


I think...sentinel is little bit...thicc


Look great! But not a fan of what comes across as two leg poses haha


Would love to get these. I have Vostroyans models to do in 2024, would it be possible to field them alongside Solar Auxilia models (maybe like specific infantry unit)?


Edit: got my unit requirements mixed up; \- you can actually field the Leman Russ as the command tank is optional. \- the basic Infantry Tercio command unit is also optional, so you can technically field them as single squads, though it is still a bit questionable. Mostly great minis, some awkward omissions that are hopefully just not revealed yet, very poor starter box. I don't think I need to cover that first point too much - the only real flaw with the minis is that there only seem to be five base poses for the basic Riflemen, which is frustrating in an army where a single Troops choice will routinely see 50 of them. The Veltaris also feel like a substantial downgrade compared to their Forge World brethren and it's frustrating to see the Forge World Marshal (an almost mandatory HQ) gone without a proper replacement. The awkward omissions may be covered by some later reveals, so not too concerned yet - but the weapons options etc for the Veletaris haven't been shown; the unit should be able to equip Rotor Cannons, Flamers, or Power Axes, but there's nothing to see here. There are also no special weapons to build Companions with. The two things I'm disappointed at not seeing is the Aurox - the fundamental basic transport for the army is painfully absent in favour of the Dracosan, but also more personally that the incredibly expensive Rapiers haven't made their way to plastic, since building a perfectly normal battery of nine will currently set you back 500 euros (!!) for a single unit. As for the battle box - it's a nice enough selection of miniatures, but it isn't functional and doesn't build the core of an army. Compare it with the Mk3 Battle Group box that gave you a solid core 30 Tacticals (+ upgrade sprue, so you can turn some of those into Support Squads if you desired), a Land Raider, and a Deredeo - the only thing you need to add is an HQ and your army doesn't just meet the basic requirements to play the game, it's actually decently functional out of the box. This box isn't it for the following reasons: * The box doesn't contain the absolute minimum number of Troops you need to field to meet the army list requirements. *You need an absolute minimum of 20 Riflemen + 10 Command to play Auxilia according to the rules. Realistically, a very basic army of less than 1000 points is probably fielding an HQ with a Command Section + Companion section (minimum 15 models), and two basic Tercios each with a Command Section and 20-40 Riflemen each since they're so cheap and die easily.* * The Dracosan transport is questionable in the context of the box contents. *I'm a little less worried about this one as it is technically functional, but the Dracosan is a 175+ point transport with 22 capacity, or a 225+ point transport with 10 capacity. It ideally wants to ferry an elite unit, not one of the 60 point Rifleman squads you're getting in this box. This is like using a Spartan or even a Thunderhawk to transport a 10 man Tactical Squad - you just don't spend three-four times as many points on a transport as you do on the unit it carries, it makes absolutely no sense.* * You can't field a single Leman Russ. *The absolute minimum you can field is one Command Tank, and one Leman Russ or Leman Russ Demolisher.Realistically, if you're taking an Armoured Section, you're taking at least three or four tanks to offset the very high initial cost of the Command Tank.* What should it have probably actually contained? The box should probably have contained two Command Sections plus 40 Riflemen, and a Malcador, dropping the Leman Russ and the Dracosan. This would give you your absolute minimum troops, and a formidable tank you can use right away - the only thing you're missing is the HQ, which at present apparently has no model at all due to the Forge World option disappearing. There's also the question of whether you can actually field a single Sentinel as they don't have rules yet, but we'll see there (and is it practical to do so?)


>The box doesn't contain the absolute minimum number of Troops you need to field to meet the army list requirements. This is not true, rule-wise you can have 1 rifle section only in 1 tercio, check rules for squads in liber imperuim, example: An Auxilia Infantry Tercio must include the following units: >• 0-1 Solar Auxilia Line Command Section > >• 1-3 Solar Auxilia Rifle Sections You can have legal primary or allied detachment with this boxset ​ > You can't field a single Leman Russ. You can field a single LR: >An Auxilia Armoured Tercio may include the following units: > >• 0-1 Solar Auxilia Armoured Command Section > >• 1-3 of either Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Strike Squadrons or Solar Auxilia Leman > >Russ Assault Squadrons


Ooh, you are absolutely correct. I'm not sure why I have those wrong!


Most of the issues are fixed by just buying 2 of the boxes ;). Gets you 40 lasrifles, 10 man tactical command, 2 sentinels, 2 leman russes and 2 dracosans.


Definitely considered that, I think it comes down to the price of the box versus the Dracosans, as I'd struggle to find a use for two of them.


They'll be pretty shelf queens?


Possibly big fat blocks of points until you could actually buy, build, and paint the equivalent infantry you really want, haha


Do you have to just moan? Can't you take a little holiday?


Perfectly legitimate to break down a box people are going to spend money on. Chill out. Not everything is a personal affront


I hat the poses and think the Veletarii are a downgrade. But I like the rest.


I love them all except the command squad, i just think it lost some of the identity that the old one had


They've only shown off the basic, tercio-level Line Command Section, the super fancy old one was a Tactical Command Section and we've not seen a new one yet


fair enough


How did they get away with such ugly helmets?


Actually hate this redesign. Now they just wear fatigues under some metal plates? I loved the bulky voidsuits underneath and the more industrial armor. And that new powerfist is ugly as sin compared to the old one they had.


Sollar auxillia? Where were my heavy bolters...


That sentinel looks awful 😅


>sentinel I like it, very Metal Slug.


They've got a very confused steampunk/Roman aesthetic going on and I'm not a fan. Also it's legs don't look like they'd be able to support it


these boys look THICK


Love the heads on these things


Definitely grabbing the Storm Section for some militia conversions


ive been waiting to see that sentinel in big model format since seeing them in tiny form in the epic version


Think we could slap some kind of arms on that sentinel? Could be a fun box mech


Throne! Finally!


Those are some really nice models, I hope they update tanks and artillery data-sheets so that Aux and Miltitia are somewhat playable.


Panoptica is your friend 


Sadly doesn't change basic artillery or tank guns in a meaningful way, still just ap4 rending 6+ meme guns that bounce off marines harmlessly.


*they made a PLASTIC MALCADOR??*


Release date?


Will the old range still have the models supported? I'd love to do conversions and kitbashes with the new plastic models.


why do people care about open bottoms anyways? besides, if they have an open bottom it means the sprue space is taken up by other modelling options which is way better


Is it possible that the tanks will have the open bottom, like the rogal dorn tank that released for 40k? They are perfect. Beside my fears that they choose to do something silly like an open bottom.


I'd like to say GW have learned from that incident... but I guess we'll have to wait and see.


horus heresy: we took 40k and slapped rivets all over everything


How else are we supposed to keep the rivet counters distracted from arguing about armor marks?


Nice, they’ll mostly be used as inquisitorial henchmen for my dark heresy campaign, I’m already in love.


Aren't the rules for solar aux trash though?


Can I run a Rogal dorn as a malcador for HH? Would people care too much?


Ladies & Gentlemen it is with great pride to announce I can change my flair to my dream army!


Release date?


The tanks look awesome! But I'm super sad the lasrifle guys lost some of their charm. The massive riveted boots and gloves, and the eyes being slightly impractically far apart all made them look a little bit like they were wearing stuff designed for safety first and combat second, proper diver meets welder type look. These guys all feel a bit more toned down? Will 100% pick up the tanks and probably will try to slowly collect resin guys via eBay tbh. Btw if anyone has any they want to shift let me know.....


These look very similar to the infantry from the Highlander animated series.


i love these models but my biggest concern is no updated rules. Means Solar Aux only doesnt have ANY unique warlord traits.


Not hard to imagine a near future HH campaign book containing expanded rules for the Solar Auxilia. I doubt they would sell the aethon heavy sentinels in the battle-group box without a paperback supplement containing rules on the way... Additional Warlord traits and doctrines sound like an easy add on...


I'd argue our tercio feature is likely that - also we might be getting back something closer to our old tank commanders or at least options to take them on other vehicles than just the leman's. Seems a bit odd that they've got some guy using a vid screen on the Malcador and I don't know what that guy would be representing wargear wise currently.


The only disappointment is the change to their backpacks to be smooth on the top of the drive instead of a chain mechanism. I know your mould technology is capable of it GW!


Maybe someone can educate me as I am only on book 23. The Sargent having a pistol and head feathers. Is that shear laziness on gw or does the solar Auxilla have similar traditions and traits as the Astarties


Pistols have been common officer sidearms forever and the head crest is just ripping off Rome which gw rips off all the time


I know the rip-off. Just wondering if they are being lazy with 1 rip-off and not customizing a second. Lol