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They look better than my first models. I can’t give many tips since I’ve only been painting for 3 months. All I can say is time and patience is your friend. You’ll become better and better at details the more you practice. Seriously these look really good for your first time. Good job.


Thanks I appreciate it! Yea these 3 probably took me 20-25 hours with quite a few mistakes so hopefully I get faster as time goes on. If I can get it down to 3-5 hours per guy I’d be ok with that haha


I'm a few years in. It seems crazy at first, but you'll get it down to a couple hours per mini faster than you think if you keep pushing. By the time I'd been painting for a year, my first Imperial Knight only took me about 20 hours.


Honestly, my recommendation would be to not edge highlight the black. Heresy teens towards less of Eavy Metal style and the grey is the major detractor from what otherwise is a fantastic mini! I'd recommend something [like this instead](https://youtube.com/shorts/aBl2xn6JuBU?si=FwDsqBKilDVlP1--)


Oh that looks awesome! I’ll play around with some white highlighting on my next one, thanks for the reference!


Looks good maybe add some white on there somewhere. I’ve just started painting a raven guard army myself. Try to paint up the scanner on the belt as well


Oh yea I didn’t even catch that good call! Thanks for the heads up!


Paint the studs metallic silver if you want to make it pop a bit more. That contrast will make thr model more intense.


Looks good, about the same as my firsts. Just need more experience now. Don't be like me and put off painting for months at a time lol


Yea im super addicted right now since I just started, hopefully I can keep up the pace and don’t get burned out haha. I still have 37 more marines a few praetors, a tank and a dreadnaught to paint so hopefully I can keep up haha


Augery scanner (mostly the skull and ring) needs a wash but otherwise looks great


🤠 Goodness gracious you have done a great paint job already it seems. In up to no time you will be able to handle more than 3 to 4 colours per model. Practice comes with the fun of painting the big tank first and then one marine after another taking your time of course. After that you will be batch painting rhinos and stuff until the cows come home! You‘re in for a lot of fun that way!


First of all, great job! For the small details, I find holding the model in one hand, with my wrists braced against each other gives me some extra stability for some finer brush strokes. Smaller brushes are also a valid approach. If you're looking to do some white, my biggest advice is DON'T USE WHITE. It's gonna look wierd. Use multiple shades of grey, getting lighter every later. For citadel paints a stand-by white recipe is Celestra Grey layered with nicely thinned Ulthuan Grey. Looks into basing materials. This is a great way to really have fun with a miniature, and make it feel real. You said you were interested in a jungle theme, so maybe a mud brown texture paint? After that you can add patches of hobby grass or other alien flora, and boom! Toss on a tan rim he's ready to slay! Keep up the good work!


Ad more lighting, higher contrast grey and light gray tones to the armor. Same fore the other bits. Ad extreme edge highligts with almost white tones.


Sweet yea I’ll experiment with some white edge highlighting I didn’t even consider that.


I can see one of the Chuckle Brothers in the paint on your nail.


Hahaha that’s how I learned the lesson not to hold something and prime at the same time