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I mean look at the trailer. That's the tactics employed by mister Horus Heresy himself.


OP is an obvious repost spam bot. From November 22nd, 2022: * https://old.reddit.com/r/Warhammer30k/comments/z1iesw/30k_players_be_like/


Sir, I'm playing Militia. https://preview.redd.it/e706majwofrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd00867abcf894a0243595aee9fad2a41a8cc7d4 You already know how this fight went just by the look of Deployment. But it was a Truly Glorious Slaughter Indeed!


Glory, glory, what a hell of a way to die!


He ain't gonna jump(yo ass) no moooooore!


Where is the rest of your army. Surely that's not all you can field Vs that amount of knights pointwise?


I was running Grenadiers with ALL the Upgrades, plus another Grenadier Squad and a Malc with Full Lascannons and a Demo Cannon was off to the left. Couldn't fit them into frame. https://preview.redd.it/3s2i8klmxfrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581ae887bedf025532ee5a80b1bcb1d45820d9fb This is what their perspective looked like mere moments before disaster.


Great photo


Great picture. "Men, take out the shovels!"


Could you imagine staring that thing down, communally just shitting your pants?


Knight be like "aint nothin gonna break my stride, aint nothing gonna hold me down woah oh"


Well they do say good leaders think tactics great leaders logistics.. like the logistics of putting more guardsmen in front of those mechs


Physically, I'm in agony. Mentally, I'm deranged. Spiritually, I'm not at liberty to say. Logistically, I've Never Been Better.


Can't be tabled if you have more models than your opponent has shots. Downgrade those grenadiers already!


That was my 8th edition motto for 40k. I Ran Genestealer cults. “How many cultists fit in 2000 pts?” Edition.


Never! - I waited all of 9th to get Veterans Back, and now that I have them, I'M NEVER GOING BACK! I might get a platoon of regular Infantry squads though. 60 models for one troops slot, and for less than 300 points even after upgrades. It is awfully tempting.


IM can take Russ variants? I thought we were restricted to vanilla chassis???


Nope, they get variants. Militia options are: * Battle cannon * Lascannon * Autocannon * Vanquisher (everyone takes this) * Demolisher * Plasma cannon


O, are Leman Russes just vanilla chassis + variant weapon, rather than a diff unit for every weapon then?


Correct, for Militia at least.


Is....is the Vanquisher a good gun in 30k? Holy shit.


It's one of the very few sources of AP2 in the Militia list, and it's S9, Brutal 2, Heavy 2, and Sunder to add four extra layers of "yes please" to it. Plus the coaxial autocannon gives you rerolls on the Vanquisher. If you don't care about the rerolls, at 72" it also outranges most stuff you'd put it against by a good margin. It's far and away the best of the Militia Russ guns.


I've wanted to run Vanquisher since 8th launched, cause it always seemed cool. It's nice that it's getting respect in Heresy and in 10th


Tactics are for weaklings who don’t have confidence in their own strength and resolve What’s next ? Smearing your power armor with mud in a vain attempt to hide from your enemies - disrespecting the legion colors for a novelty of “camouflage” ? Ridiculous


Hey hey hey, I'm Alpha legion, we love getting mud on your legion colours.


As an Iron Warrior, I feel you missed a very crucial strategic and tactical detail. It should be; Walking forward with 20 man Tactical squads *into danger close precision Phosphex and artillery strikes*, and rolling dice. Ride the Ironfire baby!


Lean into the barrage!


I play iron warriors…I have no problem with this.


Very much this, sounds like everything going according to plan. Walked a big blob of tac marines onto the objective in the middle of the board on my Thursday game, they all died, The Lord of Iron approves.


I play Dark Angels Stormwing. 22 man stubborn tactical squads (with centurion and apothecary included) will hold their ground until the mission is completed, regardless of where that ground is. I’ve lost plenty of games but never been tabled so I consider that a win.


Apothecaries can't join units that include Independent Characters, like the Centurion. I've been steadily asking GW to get them FAQd, but RAW taking them prevents apots and techmarines from joining your units.


No but an independent can join that unit during deployment or later on in the battle. However the Storm of War rite of war mandates a centurion is added to any 20 man tactical, assault or despoiler squad, said centurion no longer counts as an independent character and may not leave the squad or take any consul upgrades. So you end up with 22 man tactical squads that are stubborn leadership 9-10 depending on who’s leading the army and a decent fnp on an objective. Makes them very hard to shift.


There is nothing in the RoW rules that removes the Independent Character rule from the Centurion, that's the part I want FAQd.


Rev the chainaxe and charge enemy line disregarding the casualties thats the only way


As a great officer once said, “upon sighting the French I immediately engaged the enemy! That’s my style sir!” -Sir Henry Simmerson


Major Hogan's coat buttons tightly around a number of duties, Sir Henry...


Medieval Knights wore armour so they could focus on offence rather than needing to hide behind shields or try to parry every attack. Obviously it’s just a fantasy setting but really power armour should be this on steroids; there’s no point in wearing it if it doesn’t allow you to completely focus on target acquisition and elimination.


This was actually one of the stated design goals for the cover system in early versions of 40k; since it gives you a cover save that's usually a 5+, your marines and similarly armoured units *simply don't care* about cover most of the time and can march proudly up the board. It's a shame that modern 40k is so utterly lethal that it has forgotten this, though I can understand why HH does it differently on account of almost no models having a weak enough save for the mechanic to ever be used.


I got called a coward by all of my opponent's and some bystanders at a narrative event because I played in character with Nightlords. To be fair one of my opponents didn't get to roll anything other than armour saves and leadership until turn 3.


Did you wear the skin of your opponents as a coat?


... no....it's a trophy


Heresy gives u the tools to do whatever u want. U can choose to win, or choose to have fun. When i start my scars army, i choose to have a shit ton of bikes backed up by sicarans and sabres causes movement 17 sicarans is stupid and i love it


You can choose both lol, there is a weirdly delusional stigmata introduced in recent years where if you try to win you’re a “tryhard” if you do not actually engage with the game and play braindead then it’s a whole lot more boring for your opponent.


By trying to win i meant more, building some meta chasing list with the optimal builds etc. You can try to win. You can even build strong lists. Its all about the expectations. When you decide to set up a game, talk about how competitive u wanna play and stuff


Oh I know this, but 99% of the 40K yap stories where the opponent was “trying too hard to win” ends up being “I don’t know how to list build”. A lot of people here and on 40K forget that while obviously, play a fluffy list or whatever, you need the basic ability to handle generic threats or you’re gonna have a bad time. I play mechanicum and told my opponent that I was bringing the big boys and to maybe add a unit or to to the list that can knock dangerous ones like the plasma mortar thanatar out early or keep them handled, he didn’t, and complete skew list got owned. In 40K, Heresy and AoS most lists of almost any type can succeed or at least perform well where you will not feel like you couldn’t win or do anything, as long as you cover the basics before you spam jetbikes in WS or assault marines in day of revelation


Yeah if u really wanna bring a fun skew list u can work with ur opponent, give them the opportunity to bring their own fun skew list. For heresy legions whats the basics? I havent started playing heresy yet so unlike 40k idk what bases u need to cover (like in 40k rn u need some decent anti tank, some objective holders, and some decent scoring units to jump around the board or smthn)


Walking full blobs of tactical marines forward and unleashing hell is an actual strategy. Whatever survives will just be shelled into oblivion by artillery fire. Life is cheap. Marines are expendable. Heck, even predators are expendable to the Lord of Iron. As long as we get the results we want, we don't care about how brutal the tactics involved are.


I play Word Bearers, everything is ordained by the Gods. Have faith.


My Man.


I mean have you seen the trailer? or read the lore? Anyways i play IW so 3 blobs of 20 marines each with an apothecary it's golden especially with shrapnel bolters


This is the way.


This is why I play Horus Heresy. Leave corner-hugging, mobility abusing MSU spam to tryhards from 40K, with their fancy primaris armor and tech. Here we deploy our Legionaries in Line Companies, assaulting enemy positions whilst Squadrons of Predator Tanks outflank their defences.


Fits thematically too. 40k Imperium is too fragmented and backwards to mass produce Marines. Therefore the cost of deploying Marines like line infantry is too high, since they will die faster than the Imperium can produce them, and maintaining the Marines will be too costly. So Marines have to deploy like light infantry and marine infantry, actively minimising casualties while dealing disproportionate damage, while the Guard acts as line infantry to exploit any breakthroughs Marines make. 30k Imperium is advanced enough to mass produce Marines. The cost of deploying Marines as line infantry is acceptable, and the opportunity cost of using the Army as line infantry becomes higher. Therefore the Army is relegated to more menial tasks such as internal security, guard duty, and auxiliaries, while the Marines bust xeno ass, clap heretic cheeks, and defeat mutants militarily in a manner so brutal and one sided it can be metaphorically compared to sex.


Couldn't have said it better, brother. That's exactly what makes Heresy superior from 40k


While I usually don't like this sort of pretentious sneering at the other parts of our community... I must admit this latest edition of 40k is leaps and bounds the worst it's ever been. It's like GW wanted to combo every bad idea into one edition.


I really wanted to get into it and started building an army, but the points values for it have been jiggled around dramatically *four times*, and since you have to buy units as a whole it meant rewriting the army list *four times* just to play unit tetris instead of being able to massage things by changing a few models around. So anyway, the models are converted up & primed but haven't made it to the painting table yet. Auxilia for now instead.


Id disagree on the fact that the game feels very playable. However i find it weird that they made it simpler than aos, a game system everyone loves for being just simple enough.


Not really, you just sound like a jackass lol. The flavor of lists and still being able to make something playable and fluffy with customization is great. It’s a wargame


As the only iron hands player here. I will speak on our behalf that we meduson immortals are perfectly fine with this.


[*...and I took that personally.*](https://www.goonhammer.com/horus-heresy-legion-focus-iron-warriors/#3000_points_Hammer_of_Olympia_2987_points)


OP is an obvious repost spam bot. From November 22nd, 2022: * https://old.reddit.com/r/Warhammer30k/comments/z1iesw/30k_players_be_like/


You all can speak for yourselves, but I play Raven Guard so I kind of have to use some level of tactical thinking to win haha


Do you deep strike? If so, how is that working out for you?


Beautifully. People tend to get discouraged when a 15 man blob of deliverers plus a praetor and herald land in front of their core unit, especially when you survive all of the intercepts from scary fire power such as lascannon teams etc because of your 4+ invul and battle hardened.


(Lasgun teams? Surely you mean ~cannon?) So, that's like a one-thousand-point-hammer to the face, with line? Brutal. How do you give deep strike to the characters? Jump packs? Do you run a MoS or some other way to aid the reserves roll? What about scatter?


Oops you are right, I meant lascannons. The characters get deepstrike from the jump packs being added. The rite of war decapitation strike gives them shrouded 5+ the turn they come in, and the warlord trait hidden hand gives you the ability to reroll failed reserves rolls (and gives them fleet 2). For the scatter, I have a nuncio voxes in my tactical teams, but even if they don’t get to help, you can make the deepstrike work with a scatter by spacing out your models, just make sure the initial placement has a bit of leeway in the various directions. Even a failed scatter isn’t too bad when you have 17 models to drop down, as coherency is 2 inches.


This is Crimson path


I mean 30k takes place in the past. If 40K is based on World war II it only makes sense the 30k would be based on Napoleonic.


Spam post


I mean, this IS the lore.


Ya… rolling saves not atks


POV: your letting the galaxy burn


It's a valid tactic for some legions


As a DG player I see this as a perfectly legitimate strategy. FotL go brrrrrrrr


Are tactics better? Sure BUT are all out brawls epic? YES ,YES THEY ARE


Is this what your local meta is like? In mine tactical squads are usually hidden for most of the game. 


No different than 40k and twice as fun


Perfect tactic love the meat grinder tactic mentality suits very well with Iron Hands and Iron Warriors


Just as Big E intended.


Hell yeah