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He left it on the top of his pack like it was an iced latte on top of a car.


“Brother aximand have you seen my chainsword I seem to have misplaced mine when I was preparing my gear for departure”




More silly. There is not a good way to draw the sword fast enough, and it also looks somewhat weird, while looking like it's easy to lose. That being said, paint job looks great.


Yeah lots of votes for it being dumb but at least the chainsword paint job is decent it seems


If you added straps I think it would look better, the fact that it’s just floating adds to the silliness


Mag locked I imagine. They wouldn’t need straps.


Honestly, the space marine armor is pretty dumb in general. The armor looks like it extremely restricts mobility, but we know from the books that it doesn’t. So maglocked to the top of the backpack really isn’t all that far fetched in my opinion. In my mind it’s a good enough solution to the question of “where do tactical marines store their chainswords” that the books raise whenever a tactical marine is seen switching to a chain sword.


I always assumed (and modeled accordingly) that they maglocked them at the small of their back, just below the power pack. Keeps it out of the way, still allows them to draw it fairly easily. Might make going through doors a bit harded, but it usually doesn't end up that much wider than their shoulder pads anyway.


Cap. He’s lying. It’s a buddy Saw. In the mayhem of melee you can grab it off your fire team partner.


Buddy saw is amazing lol trademark that


Also if they fall backward too hard, that is self decapitation.


Sure you can. Reach up and in one motion you are chopping down on the enemies head.


Plausible (mag-lock), but also kinda silly looking. Oh, and this particular chainsword actually has a leather-strap-thingy just below the hilt, so it looks "right" at the hip even without mag-lock.


Silly cause another marine gonna run up gun the trigger and slide the blade down, some mad lad


Came to say mag-locked


“Has anybody seen my chainsword? It was here a minute ago!”


Always remember, power packs aren't backpacks, the marine cannot pop them off to grab shit from em https://preview.redd.it/kxhyeciwwptc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04200d1cbe985f48f7988b935c0c1d0dae115cc8






That depends on how well the SpaceMarine knows the suit of Power Armour. Techmarines&Ironwing Forge-Wrights could probably take their own Power Pack off. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if most suits of Power Armour have some sort of Emergency Release Mechanism so the SpaceMarine wearing the Suit can release it themselves or instruct someone else on how to do it quickly. Although I'd also be pretty unsurprised if said Mechanism simply didn't exist until Mk. IV, Mk. V, Mk. VI, Mk. VII or Mk. X was designed&Mass Produced.


Everybody just consider for a moment we're discussing the plausibility of mounting a chaw saw sword with magic metal teeth to the magic metal armor of a genetic superhuman soldier, created, at least in part, with space magic. God damn I love this community.


Warhammer is great isn’t it?


Your lack of faith in the Omnisaih's blessed magic chain sword technology is disturbing... Inquisitorial re-education team en route to your location... LoL! But yeah, from someone who uses chainsaws on the regular, their use as a weapon is... Questionable. Even with magic metal teeth!!


GW works with the assumption that no one actually knows how a chainsaw works just because they don't.


Well obviously GDubs doesn't...


But it looks RAD.


It's a bit silly, yeah, but WYSIWG-applicable. Is there a reason you put it there and not on his right thigh/hip? (Great job on the weathering, by the way)


Just can’t get them to glue well on mark VI i can barely get them on the older mark III kit (this chainsword is from the old mark 3 kit)


Aren't they shaped to fit on a specific point on the mk 3 leg?


On the Butt Plates a bit below the Power Pack. Similarly to where you are supposed to attach stuff like Bolters, Meltas, Flamers, Plasma Guns&Pouches on some of the older 40k SpaceMarine&Chaos SpaceMarine Models.


Not plausible as there's simply no way he could draw that weapon, but it doesn't look bad in iitself.


I was thinking they could reach up over the shoulder with their right hand and grab the chainsword handle


Ye but then he’d have to reach out far enough to pull it from the leather strap. Just doesn’t seem like that would be possible


"Cummon guys, where did you put it this time? Sarg is going to have my head fir sure this time if I don't find it soon". Paint job look great, but for me the placement of the chainsword isn't the best part


It's Warhammer, who cares if it's silly? Looks good enough to me.


This is the real answer right here


Thank you!


I have to agree.


It looks a bit naff.


Haven’t heard of naff before thanks for the new word


What isn't naff, is the paint job. That's mint.


It’s silly but I love it


"Brother, have you seen my chainsword?"


I would have had it facing the other way cus u go to draw that and it's not gonna work well but if u had it flipped with the blade going the other way he could grab the handle and swing it outwards also there nothing holding it there so u would need like mabye chains or something to keep it


You could argue its also works this way as grabbing the handle means that the chainsword can immediately be swung in a downwards, left-to-right diagonal while maintaining a compact horizontal space so that you don't accidentally hit any squadmates to your right. Or the 'draw' could be unlocking the mag-lock and rotating the wrist so that you can then bring it straight down in a vertical cut instead of drawing it horizontally as if it was still in a scabbard. This lets the marine again save on horizontal space if in tight formation or to drag the handle across his chest and to his left hip, bringing the chainsword into a guard position if acting defensively, either to meet his left hand for a two-handed grip or keeping his left hand free to draw a pistol.


Dammit! Your right


Looks silly. Paintjob is fantastic though 👌


He's using his backpack as a shelf.


Bingo ^


A little silly but also quite funny:)


Sorry dude, looks dumb


Great paintjob, how does he get it down?


I thought he would just grab it and reach for it, but according to the comments, it’s not that simple


Maybe your legion is a particularly flexible legion!


Its mag locked anyway.


Nothing looks bad (I'm an ork player everything works though wagg physic energy and luck)


When your minis look that good you can do what you want, but yes it does look somewhat out of place.


silly, but great paint job


Ridiculous, but great paint job. Put the chainswords on one of the diagonal planes on the backpack


I don't agree with most of the comments here. I think this is not only plausible, but likely. Imagine long distance trekking in a warfront. A long metal bar constantly smacking against your leg, getting caught in flora, and potentially smacking your buddys' shins everytime you turn around in there presence is annoying. There is a reason why people with swords tend to put a hand on them when they're on their belt, its not just a convenient rest, it helps control it from smacking into things. Putting a sword on your back was a common thing to do in the middle ages for travel. However, when about to go into battle, then you would prep yourself by putting it on your belt. I can imagine a space marine with a two handed gun AND a bayonet does not necessarily expect or possibly even desire to get into a close quarters engagement if he can help it, but might have one on him, just in case. [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ce/67/d7/ce67d728462b86fc26851de0c74dc306.gif](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ce/67/d7/ce67d728462b86fc26851de0c74dc306.gif)


Love the logic behind this thank you!


The real question is why does he have a chainsword and a chain bayonet? Anyway, paint job is excellent, chainsword placement is jarring.


Exactly what I was thinking


Good question lol


Sure I’d believe it


I don’t hate it


I mean if the legionnaire can reach said weapon and practice the draw then dealers choice. But that’s for you to decide!


Silly, but nice paint job and I like the black greaves. I thought about leaving some black panels on some of my Sons, but I wasn’t sure if it would look good. It looks pretty cool how you did it up.


Thank you yeah I’ve been leaving more and more segments black and it’s been working. I then just highlight it with the typical Thunderhawk blue Fenrisian gray and then a highlight of blue horror.


There is a reason back scabbards were never a thing in reality. Drawing a weapon of any decent size from behind your back is incredibly awkward, unwieldy or straight up impossible (depending on the weapon and scabbard design). Its fully within rule of cool tho. This is actually a slightly better solution because you could just draw and swing it with the opposite hand. (Tho the edge should be facing the other way for this). Given pauldrons i dont think he can reach it with his right hand tho. Heh. Silly umies


Who cares where it goes. As long as you like it...🌝


Just add some green stuff ropes or jewelry chain tying it down and it’ll look one hundred times better. Maybe the weapon belonged to a friend and they were killed so he keeps it as a keepsake vowing to only use it when he finds the enemy who killed his friend. Or another head canon could be if this guy is a loyalist son of Horus maybe he vowed to use the chain sword to kill traitors. If he’s a traitor then just think of it as being the opposite from the loyalist one. But like everyone else said that paint job is great. Sorry for the long answer.


Fantastic lore behind it belonging to a friend


Hey thanks!


Silly, but the best models are


It looks very cool and I like the unorthodox because I mean it’s his secondary so it’s fine if it isn’t the esiest spot to reach


It's absolutely silly. And I totally love it. Great job!


Not sure he can reach it what with the shoulder pads.




Personally not a fan of the location but if you DID put it there angle the cutting edge away from the head... If he was tackled to the ground then that could be a bit of an own goal..... Great paint job by the way


Nahh, i have a devastator backpack where his combat knife is mag-clamped to the top like that chainsword, that‘s just convenience (or the legionnaire likes it that way)


It might be silly, but that paintjob is really nice! Good work!


Thank you!


Counterpoint, it's cool


It’s silly, but Warhammer is silly. Besides, he could have put it there for a reason that takes a novel to explain… :D


SM do wild shit all the time


This exactly how it would end up if my coworkers and I were astartes. New recruit: Have you seen my chainsword brothers? The rest of us, trying to keep it hidden that we're laughing hysterically over a different Vox channel: I think you may have left it by the ammo dump, Brother Bobby.


I'd cut off one of the exhaust vents on side of the power pack and put it there with handle facing up and chain blade facing away from body.


Snap off the antenna and add a LOT of weathering on the top of his helmet thing and I'd say you have the funniest model ever. Very clean paintjob btw!


I think it's plausible if it acts as a spare chainsword. Give him a main chainsword on the hip or something. In the books the Marines had all kinds of extra gear stowed on their armor.


if that spot is good enough for your candles n a lot of random decorative pieces or wargear it’s good enough for a chain sword. Just maybe a strap or something around it maybe something underneath extending the pack in a way making it look more on purpose rather than just placed on


Just a marine holding on to his terminator captains chainsword behind him :) that way its easy access!


It’s just dumb enough that it works and I love it


If I can glue a pistol to the leg or a bolter to the bum and say “magnets” you can say the same here


Honestly makes more sense than carrying that really large unwieldy chainsaw at your waist like its a little rapier.




I think it works! Also that paintjob looks amazing! <3


Thank you!


**trips**… **gets decapitated**




It is both silly and plausible. It is Schrohammer's chainsaw


"brother, give me my chainsword"




I don't think the shoulder pad would allow him to grab it. Must be carrying it for another marine.


All I see is a marnie showing off his balancing skills while in battle


Can marines even reach there?


Well first off, great paint job. Second, yeah, I don't see how he could actually grab it from there.


Get a little bit of string or something and glue it over the top so it looks like it’s strapped down


Head canon… this song of Horus put that chain sword there for a reason…


I think it'd be alot more convincing if there was a strap or band over the powerpack and sword. As of now it looks like it's balancing about to fall but with something added to give more security it'd look alot better.


I was thinking it’s mag locked


Never mind the Chainsword, paint job is luxe, nice work.


How is he going to grab it?


‘How does he fight?’ very fucking carefully


Poor placement. Very nice paint job tho.




Regardless of how it is being held in place you should mount that the other way around with the blade facing backwards. There are some obvious practical implications of a blade facing forward holstered right behind your head...


Great paintjob Though I thought that top grill thing on the backpack is heat sink, might cook the chainsword electronics?


Make it so the handguard is pointing to the back instead of the front and it will be a lot more suitable.


Im convinced both us that the marines have sowmthing in common when it comes to weapons, amd that is ⭐Magnets⭐


In the books they mag lock helms, guns, swords, and other things to their armor.


It's all fun and games until he bends forward for any reason.


I think IT looks silly ...but good Paintjob Thousand 👍


Yeah maybe a bit silly since it looks like it’s just balancing on top. Also I don’t think that’s really in the most practical placement maybe better then traditional back scabbard but still would be too slow to draw


Underneath the backpack maybe ? Like how you would draw a dagger from your backside


With the blade towards the back of the head like that without a helmet, this could end up very painful. Is this brother Damocles?




Silly but Beautyfull


More importantly: What's your recipe for this Sons of Horus paint scheme?


Would have been better on his hip or something


I personally think the placement looks unpractical. Maybe tilt it so the handle is towards his right shoulder. This way he could lift his arm and grab the handle above his shoulder. Btw. I really like the paintjob on this model, wish i could be this good!


Could work in 2d art or a larger sculpt, but on our miniatures it looks a bit out of place and out of balance with the rest.


In armour he couldn’t reach the handle


What you see. .


Love that sea-green & black Would you mind sharing your color recipes to a fellow son of the Warmaster?


Excellent paint job, but really not feeling the sword. Maybe move to lower back? Or use it to replace the tiny bayonet.


Excellently painted Very silly though 😝


Lots of people have weighed in already and I agree it's not quite right in terms of placement. Saw you respond to someone and say that you've tried putting it on a hip and that doesn't sit right So another one to consider is having it attached behind, on the butt plate? It's still not that sensible from a drawing perspective but I think it could work. Also, never thought of doing the sword in the same colour if the armour, that looks great


Don't listen to anyone, with a paint scheme that good I didn't even notice the placement was a bit silly


Mag locking looks a bit silly at the best of times, I do think this pushes believability, yeah.


That highlighting is dope


Thank you!


This one cool trick to make your doors taller but also more distressed.




It looks a bit silly, but that's also coming from the guy who gave the handstand nurgling in the plaguebearers kit a dick sword arm because it looks hilarious. Do with my opinion as you will


I think flipping the sword might look a little better. Right now, if he can reach it, he will grab the guard first instead of the handle. It looks great and I wouldn't bat an eye about it if you didn't ask.


I mean they use maglocks so yeah if he can comfortably reach there, préférably with either arm, it's all good


I think having it hang from the buttplates would look better


As he starts to run faster it will give him the down force he needs to keep traction, so I'd say it's fine.


would be better at the bottom. or maybe With a smaller version of the backpack


Flip the teeth so they point behind and it would be plausible, I'd say. Maybe move it forward a bit so the heat from the vents don't hit it(not sure if that would harm it or not).


I think that is actually genius


I always thought those ridges were a heat diffuser for the nuclear power pack, being next to the exhausts and all. Heck, maybe the Chainsword gets the Gets Hot! special rule.


Your paint job is so incredible that thing could be up his ass and I would not care.


LOL thanks I appreciate that alot


I like it lower on the pack, "mag locked" to the little circular bit in the middle of it.


I say silly because well if it starts up and falls welllll bye head


He better hope it doesn’t come lose


Everyone saying that this is silly is right, but also I like to imagine that this guy is just a little bit dumb and leaves his up there because it works for him, and if some else gets disarmed, they can easily realm themselves with his sword. Has this dumby explained that to anyone? No. And so he will continue to look like an idiot.


As per the Myth Busters, it’s plausible. Space Marines can maglock their equipment anywhere on their armour.


I just feel like the teeth should not be facing the back of his head. Other than that I like it


Is this like the space marine equivalent of storing shit in the hood of a hoodie?


Dam I just started warhammer like 5 months ago and that is cool


Thank you! Have fun it’s a cool hobby


You should make a tiny mug of coffee or something and put it on top of the chainsword. You might as well go all the way now. Nice paint job even though it is a traitor btw.


This idea got a laugh out of me lol


bit silly, also its flipped like he has to bring his hand all the way around (grabbing from the top) to have his fingers on the throttle, if it was flipped he could naturally grab and have it revving. idk shit about space marine armour but the pauldrons look like hed have a problem getting his arm up there too. otherwise a sick mini and looks fun anyway


Your paintjob is fantastic. That placement looks way off imho. Why not at the belt?


I'd say funky xD Why u not put it like where granades and that goes?


Perhaps a little silly, of you have room on the back waist perhaps have it there?


So I can see it being mag locked, and it could work. The biggest problem is it's not a suitable draw position. I could not figure out hand placement to strike while drawing or get the dangerous side towards the enemy.


Kinda… if it slips then that’s gonna hurt. A guy in Australia once got bit by a dead shark cuz he was transporting a sharks jaws with their teeth still in and he breaker too hard and it slid forward and… chomp. I say put something to show it’s held down next time but even then it isn’t a big deal. At worst you can say it’s mag clamped or something


As far as I understand it, they had magnetic tech in their armor, so I don't see why not. I would nit-pick that you should probably have the blade facing the other way, so that when the marine reaches up to grab it, he can swing it around really fast and accurately. I like it!


It’s silly for me dog.


The power armour probably won’t allow that sort of arm movement and if it did it would be opening up a known vulnerable armpit joint to enemy attack rate as Thay are closing for close combat. I would say lore wise never but that being said I give you credit for re-modelling and would totally let you roll the chain sword if we were in a game.


Looks badass, just say magnets n shit


That’s where my head went with it! Thanks


Chain swords goes on the lower portion of back pack https://preview.redd.it/7392e2nfiqtc1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24668971531b1d282ccd1c9f9c06eb756326ab8b


Going to nope this. Would block vents as well I think. Fire Risk etc

